#zyanya mondragon x reader
froggy-with-a-knife · 2 years
pairing: reyna x reader
prompt: inspired by that post about your oto going lasertagging (i've seen it on my timeline at some point but i'm to lazy to look for it)
word count: ~1300
warning: not proofread, sry
A/N: i've never played lasertag so think of the game they're playing as less of a lasertag game and more of a vp training session with fake guns
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You quickly slung the weapon over your back, barely dodging the fire coming your way as you ran for cover behind the next wall, sliding the last meters to safety on your knees.
You looked for any sign that you had been hit, but luckily came up empty. Taking your rifle, you peeked out into the open, scanning your surroundings for your opponent. Darkness enveloped the room, making it hard to see clearly. Only a faint movement of shadows on the other side gave away your enemy's position.
Taking aim, you waited for a clear shot, finger hovering over the trigger. You hit Phoenix square in the chest, bullseye. The Brit scowled, as the light on his vest turned red and bells rang out, signaling his 'death'. You couldn't surpress the satisfied smile as your friend stomped away in anger, muttering under his breath.
You took cover again, finger moving to your earpiece.
"KJ, how does it look on your end?", you asked, aware that with Phoenix out of the game, there was only one enemy player left.
But having a two versus one advantage meant nothing when the one you were up against was Reyna.
"I lost sight of her, but she was somewhere around-"
The comms cut off suddenly and you sighed when the death chime sounded once more. At least you had a vague idea where Killjoy had been before she was eliminated. That should help you track down the Mexican.
With everything on the line, you kept your weapon ready, not daring to sling it over your back for more mobility. You knew Reyna's combat style well. She was quick, merciless, and precise. Your only hope was to find her first and take her by surprise.
As silently as you could, you walked through the maze of the lasertag arena, retracing the route that KJ had taken, your eyes peeled for any movement in the shadows, ears listening for any sound that could give your opposition away.
However, the thing with Reyna was, she was not only quick and accurate but could also be silent if she wanted to be. You didnt even realize she was approaching, until you felt the barrel of her weapon press into your back, freezing you in place.
"Hello, darling", she whispered smugly into your ear followed by a throaty chuckle that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Your grip on your gun slackened until it hang loosely at your side. She already had you at gunpoint, the game was over.
"Reyna", you acknowledged quietly, heart beating out of your chest. Slowly, you turned around to face her, hands raised in surrender. The end of her gun came to rest on the marker on your chest. All, she would have to do was pull the trigger.
Her magenta eyes were glowing, making you wonder, like so many times before, whether she could actually see in the dark. Kind of like a cat or an owl. It wouldnt surprise you. Pretty much everything about her has been adapted for battle, why not her sight?
Even in the dim light of the arena you could see her raise an eyebrow at your quick surrender.
"Giving up so easily? You could at least attempt to fight me."
You offered her as genuine a smile as you could manage, given the disappointment of your imminent defeat.
"I know when I'm beaten. Im just glad it's you and not Phoenix. I couldn't take all the gloating."
"Oh, I plan to gloat alright, dont you worry", Reyna informed you, pursing her lips in thought, "But I dont think I'll let you off so quickly."
You frowned as she pressed the barrel more firmly to your chest with an almost predatory smile, prompting you to take a couple of steps backwards.
"What, why-"
Reyna shushed you, clicking her tongue in disapproval, eyes flashing with mischief.
"No questions. Just do what I say."
Hard to argue with that when you are at gunpoint. Besides, you were, admittedly, curious about what she had planned. Slowly she forced you backwards into a secluded corner, hidden from prying eyes by tall walls. She nodded to your gun next.
"Put that away. I dont want you to try anything."
Slowly but purposefully you took your gun and put it on the floor, sending it skitting to the other side with a firm and well-placed kick. Reyna's stance relaxed slightly, weapon lowering for the first time. It's not like she needed it now. You posed no threat at all, unarmed and backed into a corner as you were.
Weirdly enough the absence of the gun barrel made you more nervous. Without something separating you, the closeness of the other woman became all too apparent to you. There was no denying the attraction you felt for her under normal circumstances. But while you were usually able to ignore the butterflies in your stomach or the way your pulse quickened, there was no dismissing them this time, nothing to distract yourself with, nowhere to escape.
You swallowed agains the lump in your throat, failing to keep your eyes from staring at her lips as she came even closer, caging you in by placing her hands on the wall behind your head.
"What now?" , you asked, sounding almost out of breath. You forced your eyes to meet hers and she smirked, leaning close.
"Now, I think I deserve a reward for winning, don't I?"
Obviously, you agreed. You eagerly met her halfway, lips crashing together with raw passion, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. Reyna pushed against you until your bodies were pressed flushed against one another, your back hitting the wall with a soft thud. Her hands were in your hair in an instant, making you let out a moan that you'd be embarassed about later. You move your hands to rest on her hips, needing an anchoring point.
Reyna dominated the kiss and you had absolutely no objections to that. After the first frantic moments had passed, she angled your head in a way that allowed her to ease you into a slower, surprisingly tender kiss. One of her hands moved to cup your face, thumb caressing your cheek in a gesture that made your heart skip a beat.
Once the need for air became impossible to ignore, she pulled away, resting her forehead against yours. Your eyes were still closed, breath mingling with hers as you tried to savour the moment, lips tingling pleasantly.
Reyna used your distractedness and turned her attention to your neck, lips tracing a path all the way down to your pulse point. Your grip on her hips tightened, pulling her body even more into yours. You could feel the way her lips pulled into a smirk, satisfied with your reaction.
"I hate to cut this short, cariño", she murmured in between kisses, pulling away from your neck, much to your chagrin. If possible, her eyes were shining even more brightly than before, and even the tattos on her arms were shimmering magenta. She looked mesmerising and the sight of her was a little too distracting, you almost missed her next words completely.
"But sadly, the other's are waiting."
Her gun fired and the bell signaled your defeat to your teammates waiting outside, but you were still too lightheaded from the makeout session to care. Seeing, the state you were in, Reyna smiled more softly, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips before detantljng herself from you.
"We can continue this later, if you like", she offered picking up your gun and holding it out to you. You take it slowly, clearing your throat.
"I would- I'd like that a lot."
"Good", she grinned, matching the one on your face, "Now come, it's time to gloat."
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 / 𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚏!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
i feel bad for not writing the hc requests but my inspiration is so low so i chugged this out as an apology. enjoy!
prompt: during a routine checkup, things go a little more south than you were ever expecting it to. now isn't the time to forget the sharpness in reyna's mouth. words: 1400 warnings: mommy reyna vampire blood sucking. that's it.
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“You’re all set. Thanks for coming in, hothead,” you say, patting Phoenix on the back as you escort him out of the private infirmary room. He gives you a warm grin and a two-fingered salute before walking away. As he does, he pops the collar of his jacket, a spark flashing off. Ah, I love that kid, you think to yourself. 
“Is this really necessary, cariño?” The voice of none other than Reyna comes into your ear, a soft crooning lilt that does more to tell you that she’s right next to you. You turn your head to meet her gaze. 
“Yes, it is, for the sake of our records. It won’t take more than ten minutes, so quit your whining while you’re ahead,” you say, tapping Reyna on the noise before turning to step inside the infirmary. Routine checkups on the Agents— more specifically, the Radiants— helps you keep track of their Radianite levels to see if there’s anything amiss. 
Usually, there isn’t, but the checkups are ordered from the higher ups. Not much anyone can do about it. 
Reyna gives a slight tsk as she follows you inside, dressed in her usual fatigues of a sleeveless tank tucked into some cargo pants. You close the door behind you for privacy, wash your hands, then snap on a pair of latex gloves. 
“We are getting some blood. Shouldn’t be a problem for you,” you say, pulling out the necessary equipment. “Don’t look at me like that.” 
“You’re lucky I tolerate you, cariño,” Reyna says, extending her arm. She doesn’t even blink when you press the needle into her arm, drawing just enough for you to analyze later at the lab. After labeling the tube, you place it into the rack next to Phoenix’s. You’re about to offer Reyna a bandage when the wound seals over on its own, just like that. 
You run some more tests; checking the eardrums, flashing the eyes for responsiveness, so on and so forth. It comes back all good— for how bloody and violent Reyna gets, her body is made for it. Her power is consolidated into the perfect machine for fighting. 
Which brings you to the last bit of the checkup. 
“Open up.” You tap Reyna’s cheek. 
Her brows furrow together. “No.” 
“Don’t fight it. I just need to check your teeth and the glands,” you say, having memorized Reyna’s unique anatomy. Begrudgingly, Reyna shifts closer, leaning her body and opening her mouth. At the same time, you see the naturally sharp canines in her shiny white teeth begin to elongate into their fullest form. 
The extent to how much Reyna actually would be considered a vampire is… questionable, but the fangs are a reminder of how deadly she is. Doesn’t mean you can’t do your job. 
You grasp her jaw with one hand, using the other to run your fingers over her molars, the back of her lower teeth, before skimming over the fangs. The edges are sharp, and you curl your finger to press a spot behind her front row teeth. As expected, the bloody red liquid of her own potent blood slips out from her fangs. 
Reyna’s blood might as well be its own class of toxin. 
“Seems like everything is working fine,” you say, withdrawing your fingers only to notice the somewhat faraway gaze in Reyna’s eyes, paired with the shade of paleness on her face. “Reyna? Are you feeling well?” 
The woman wipes her mouth with the back of her palm. “Brimstone and Sage have seen fit to punish me for my…” Reyna rolls her eyes. “Mistake I made on a mission a week ago. I haven’t been on any since then.” 
You nod. “So you haven’t fed.” 
The Empress merely nods. 
“I hate to sound clinical, but we do have blood bags in the back for transfusions. I can sign one off for you,” you say, writing some notes down on the clipboard for filing purposes. 
Reyna scoffs. “You mistake me for a beggar, cariño. If it isn’t fresh, I don’t want it.” 
Frankly, you should’ve expected that retort. With a sigh, you pull off the gloves and deposit them into the trash. After that, you double check the door— locked— and you pull off the white coat you wear as a doctor, putting it to the side. 
“Wrist or jugular?” You ask. Reyna’s eyebrow cocks up. 
She stands. You’re reminded both of her height and her immense presence, an eerie feeling crowding the room and sending warmth up your spine. Your heart kicks up, beating quicker than it was two seconds ago. You’re a respected doctor, sure, but you’re left with little room to argue when Reyna grips your hip and spins you around. 
You fall onto the examination table, being pushed to the side until you’re laying flat on your back. Reyna quickly straddles your hips. 
“Last chance.” Reyna’s voice is both a reminder and a warning. 
“I’d be a horrible doctor if I didn’t help my patients,” you say. Light glows in Reyna’s irises, and you see the sharp fangs glint in the harsh lighting before she grabs your head and descends onto your neck. 
There’s a pinch, followed by what some would call a sigh and others would call a moan out of Reyna.
Reyna drinks from your neck, the pressure of her jaw causing your head to go fuzzy. You flex your fingers, trying to activate every part of your body to stay afloat in a sea of muddled… pleasure? Heat sears in your body like a furnace, only to be quickly swept out by a tidal wave of cold that comes in the form of Reyna’s palm on your forehead. 
Your entire body feels as though it’s being dragged through the sea, emotions rushing over you at a speed that leaves them incomprehensible. The only anchor you have is her, the woman on top of you. Weakly, you grab onto her, fingers curling into her belt. There’s a chuckle against your neck that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. 
Horrifyingly, you realize you’re craving her whilst she devours you. 
The fangs unlatch, and you feel the warmth swath of Reyna’s tongue licking over the wounds. Briefly, you wonder if her saliva acts like a cauterizer, but there’s little time to test your hypothesis because you’re being pulled upward, and the rush of what blood you have left to your head makes you dizzy. 
“Easy, cariño,” Reyna says, cradling your head in her hands. There are lines of blood in the corners of her mouth— your blood— that makes her look far more attractive than you ever want her to be. You’re her doctor, for fucks sake. Reyna grins. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re delicious?”
“Not… not recently, no,” you say, holding onto her waist. You blink through the blurriness; interesting feelings you’re experiencing. You’ll have to write these down later. “Feeling better?” 
“Much.” Reyna laughs. “And I suppose I must say thank you for offering. You’re delectable. How much do you charge for repeats?” 
“Consider this a one-time favor. It isn’t going to happen again.” Even as you say it, it feels like a lie. Reyna gives you a wry smile. 
“Don’t be so sure. I can be—” Reyna leans down to your ear, and you jerk at the sensation of her tongue sliding over your lobe before her teeth bites down not-so-gently. Despite it, you get a burst of tingles in your stomach. Reyna chuckles. “Very persuasive. Besides, your blood is far too delicious to let go of.” 
The woman strokes her hands over your neck, raking her nails over the fabric of your shirt before slinking away and off your lap. Before you realize it, Reyna has slipped out of the door, the tension within the room defusing faster than you can handle it. The come down makes you feel jittery. You raise your hand to your neck, finding nothing but two small pockmarks where her teeth once were. 
Slowly, you get off the examination table. 
Suddenly, you’re thankful Reyna was the last one you had for the day, because shit, you’re unsteady. 
And against your own conscience, you find yourself wishing Reyna had taken more.  
~~~~~ A/N: thanks for reading!
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froggy-with-a-knife · 2 years
pairing: Reyna x fem!reader
promps: reader gets jealous because she thinks reyna and sage are hooking up (it’s just a misunderstanding), happy end, fluff
words: ~1900 words
warning: none that I could think of, besides some spelling mistakes (probably) none of this is proofread
A/N: no one asked for this, but someone should have 
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You poked your head through thr door of the training room, eyes carefully scanning the perimeter for a glimpse of magenta hair, only to come up empty. Your shoulders sagged in disappointment. Already you had searched the sleeping quarters, the common rooms, the shooting range and everything in between for the Mexican. But strangely your favorite agent seemed nowhere to be found.  
"Looking for someone?"
Your head swiveled in the direction of the voice, smiling as your eyes found Fade sitting in a dimly lit corner, feet up on the metal table, meticulously cleaning a gun.
You stepped fully into the room, eyes sweeping around once more.
"Have you seen Reyna? She's late for Las Pasiones del Amor... ", you said, more flustered about the fact that you had (apparently) been stood up than the ridiculous name of the show that you were meaning to watch.  
In all honesty, you didn`t care much for it. Reyna, however, was a big fan of the telenovela so you had learned to accept it. After all, you liked spending time with her too much to let bad writing and overdramatic acting get in the way of your watch parties. Besides, whenever the show became too boring or the dialogue too fast-paced for you too comprehend with your limited Spanish skills, you could always pass time watching Reyna’s reaction instead: the way her face lit up in delight, her brows drew together in confusion or her mouth dropped open in shock.  
Fade chuckled, a dry sound that seemed to make the shadows shake and ripped you from your musings.
"I wouldn't wait up for her if I were you. She's having one of her late night sessions with Sage. It'll probably take a while. You know how those two are."
Your brows furrowed in a frown, cocking your head to the side.
"I didn't know Sage and Reyna hung out a lot."
A smirk came to the bounty hunter's face, teeth flashing almost menacingly in the dark.
"Oh, loads of time."
She picked up her gun, spinning it around in her hand with nifty fingers before slipping it into the holster at her hip. The chair scraped across the floor.
"I would stay away from the East Wing if I were you", Fade told you as she passed by, eyes gleaming sardonically,"I heard they can be quite... loud."
Your frown only deepened at her words and the suggestive way they had been uttered as the Turkish woman left the room with a cackle. You stayed for another moment, mulling over Fade's words.
So what if Reyna had stood me up for Sage? She's free to do as she pleased. It's not like we are dating, you reasoned with yourself.
Still, you couldnt help the sour mood the whole thing put you in, nor the way your chest tightened at the idea of the Mexican and the healer together.
"Didn't want to wait for me, huh?"
The couch dipped as Reyna plopped down next to you. A couple of days had passed since your talk with Fade. You hadn't seen Reyna at all since then, both of your schedules keeping you so busy you didn’t even have to try to avoid her. Not that you necessarily wanted to avoid her. Quite the opposite, you always longed to be near her and talk to her. Even now you had to resist the urge to look her way, instead staring blankly ahead at the TV that played the latest episode of Las Pasiones. The one Reyna had been supposed to watch with you days ago.
You shrugged in answer to her question, choosing your own words carefully.
"I just assumed you'd hang out with Sage tonight again."
It was perhaps a petty, childish thing to say, but you couldnt help yourself. Ever since Fade’s revelation, you had felt weirdly upset about the fact that Sage and Reyna seem to have a fling? Relationship? Whatever it was, it filled you with a new white hot feeling that you weren’t used to dealing with. It was aggravating and she had caused it, so it was only fair (at least in your eyes) to redirect your frustration at her.
Reyna for her part, seemed to take the cheap shot in stride.
"Ay, cariño, I'm sorry. I should have told you that I'd be busy," she scooted a little closer to you, trying to catch you attention, but you kept your eyes glued to the screen. Undeterred, Reyna went on.
"I honestly didnt expect we'd take all night, but Sage is very thorough. And enduring. I swear half-way through, I was so tired out, I thought I’d fall right asleep."
The words were said in jest, hoping to free you from your obviously glum mood. But if anything your frown deepened, face scrunching up displeased.
"I don't really want or need to know all the details", you muttered, pulling your knees up to your chest, "You can do whatever you want in your freetime. It’s none of my business."
You had hoped that would end the conversation, that Reyna would turn her attention to the television. But still, her eyes were boring into the side of your face.
"You are upset."
"I'm fine," you insisted, with a hard edge to your voice. You reached for the remote fumbling a little, "Here, I'll rewind the episode for you."
Reyna ignored your attempt at changing the topic, easily plucking the remote from your hands before you could even try to press any buttons.
"You dont sound fine", she observed, "You know, next time you could just come along."
You blinked, looking at her for the first time since she entered the room. Your mouth dropped open and it took you a couple of seconds before you could form words.
"You mean you, me and Sage? Together?"
"Yes?", Reyna said confused at the incredulity in your voice. Still she went on to reassure you,
"I know that I would be happy to have you and I’m sure Sage wouldnt protest either."
Again your only answer were a few owlish blinks as you tried to formulate an appropriate response. Never had you been propositioned with something like this before. Flustered, you tried to move past your tongue-tiedness.
"I'm, uh, flattered, I suppose? But that really isn’t my kind of thing", you admitted, face hot. Reyna looked mildly disappointed.
"Shame. Having you there would certainly make things more interesting. It's gotten incredibly dull lately. All this talking and fighting... I'm sure your input would be useful."
"About the training program for new agents?", she clarified, continuing with a disapproving shake of her head, "Brimstone thought it would be best if Sage and I collaborate on it, instead of handing the task to just one of us. Secretly I iust think he was too cowardly to make a decision."
You freeze, a weird mix of embarassment and relief washing over you.  
The Mexican cocked her head to the side, looking at your puzzled, slightly flustered expression with a bit of confusion. Clearly, there must have been some sort of misunderstanding here. She raised an eyebrow at you, turning on the couch to face you fully, tv forgotten.
"What did you think I was talking about?", she asked curious, watching your eyes widen in panic.
"Nothing", you said too quickly to be true, snatching the remote from her grasp, "Lets just watch the show."
You pressed the button to rewind the episode, all too aware of Reyna's eyes on you. Mentally, the Mexican went over your conversation once more, quickly working out what your puzzling reactions were really about. She chuckled throatily, and you closed your eyes in embarassment.
"Oh my, my. I must say, mi corazon, you have a dirty mind."
You hid your face in your hands, leaning your head back against the couch, with a groan. How dearly you wished that a hole would open up and swallow you whole. When you spoke next, your voice sounded muffled.
"Fade said you guys were hooking up. Or she at least heavily implied that you are."
"Fade likes to meddle in other people's affaires", Reyna pulled your hands away from your face, teasing smirk adorning her face, "She tricked you."
Yes, you had come to that conclusion yourself. Mentally you cursed the Turkish bounty hunter and her manipualtive tactics that had gotten you into this mess. Or maybe it was your own fault for jumping to conclusions?, a more reasonable part of your mind objected. You decided you don’t want to listen to reason.  
Creepingly, you became aware of the fact that Reyna still held your hands in hers, which did weird things to your stomach. You met her eyes finally, and she flashed you a brief, kind smile before her expression turned smug.
"I cant believe you were jealous of Sage."
Abruptly you pulled your hands away from hers, crossing them over your chest with a scoff as you scooted to the side, trying to get some distance between you two.
"I wasn't jealous", you protested petulantly, sounding almost offended. Reyna laughed, moving to sit closer to you again, one arm resting on the back of the couch, hands caressing the back of your neck, causing goosebumps to rise on your arms.
"Oh you were. You were practically green from jealousy", she said gleefully, magenta eyes shining, "I never knew you felt that strongly about poor old me."
"Shut up."
"No need to be embarassed", Reyna told you, one finger trailing up your arm, "Its understandable to be in love with me. Im irresistable."
"You're irritable", you corrected stubbornly. Reyna cupped your face in her hands, forcing you to turn your head towards her, eyes meeting.
"But you love me."
She said it like she was teasing you, but in her eyes you could see that she was actually waiting for you to confirm or deny it. Why she needed verbal confirmation was beyond you. With her powers, you were sure she could feel the way your heart raced and your breath caught in your throat at her closeness. Still, you couldnt deny her what she wanted.
"I do", you confessed, looking into her eyes for any sign of ridicule. After months of silently pining for her, you had given up hope that the empress could ever feel the same way about you. But now here she was, holding your face in her hands, her own lighting up at your admission.
"Te amo también, mi querida."
You had learned enough Spanish by watching telenovelas to understand that. Your pulse quickened, an involuntary smile coming to your face.
Reyna leaned forward slowly, giving you time to protest. Your breath caught in your throat and you closed your eyes in anticipation. Her soft lips pressed against yours, sending a tingling sensation through your whole body. You returned the kiss eagerly, moving even closer to her, one hand coming to rest on her waist to steady yourself.
Needless to say, you rewatched the episode the next morning.
"Looks like someone lost a bet", Fade chuckled, he prowler moving around her legs like a contend cat as she smiled victoriously at Yoru.
"Not fair, you meddled with the result."
The Turk rolled her eyes, "And if you were any good at matchmaking, you could as well."
She stretched out her hand.
"Now, pay up."
Grumbling, the Japanese pushed the credits into her hands, storming off immediatley after.
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗'𝚜 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 / 𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚏!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
this is the first thing i've managed to write in a week i hate university live laugh love die cry hate etc etc ANYWAY i missed you guys!! have some food <3
prompt: reyna takes you home to her city for a celebration and a night you'll never forget.
words: 1600
warnings: fluff <3
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You can’t even begin to describe the thrill that runs through you as Reyna floors the pedal of the Protocol issued buggy that runs across the road. The sun is setting low in the sky, and you glance over at your girlfriend, taking in the focus on her face, the silvery sunglasses sitting on her nose. Reyna glances at you, the corner of her mouth turning up into a smile. 
“Almost there, mi vida. Keep the steering wheel straight for me, yes?” Reyna doesn’t give you any time to answer before rolling the window down and sticking her entire upper half out of it, rapidly approaching a walled off community. “¡Abre las puertas, idiotas!” 
You lean over and yank the steering wheel back into alignment, keeping it centered with the road. Distantly, you hear some shouting, and you watch as a massive gate begins to be pushed to the side. Reyna slumps back into her seat, taking control of the car once more, slowing to a respectable speed. 
This is the first time you’ve ever been to Reyna’s community. The place she built from the ground up to protect people from Kingdom. It’s huge— there’s an entire lot for vehicles, and you watch as a group of armed militia men walk toward the car, their guns raised and smiles on their faces. 
Reyna looks at herself in the review view mirror, then sighs, a slight smile on her face. With a grin, you lean over and nudge her with your shoulder, prompting her attention to focus on you. You say, “Welcome home, my love.” 
She snorts. “Just wait until the party starts.” 
You two step out of the car, greeted by a cacophony of people all clearly elated to see their leader returning home. You’re content to linger in the background, watching Reyna speak to her people in her language. Being her girlfriend for many years, you’ve picked up the language fairly well, able to keep up, but you’ve neglected to remember that this is definitely not your area. You’re unfamiliar with slang terms, and some sentences pass over your head entirely.
Reyna turns and extends her hand to you, speaking to her compatriots, “Este es mi amor. Respétala, es su primera vez con nosotros.” 
You get the gist that she’s introducing you as someone very important to her, because the look on everyone’s faces as they glance at you becomes… almost reverent. They sang Reyna’s praises, but now they’re gawking at you like you’re a goddess in the flesh. You think you might be; you’re the one who won Reyna’s heart and her soul completely. The devotion of the Empress is unwavering, and these people recognize it very clearly. 
One of the militia men shouts a command to the others, prompting some cheers and groups of them to flank off in every direction. There’s a city wide call for celebration, one you hear so clearly spreading throughout. 
“I feel like I’m in for one hell of a time,” you say, and Reyna chuckles. 
“Oh, just you wait, mi amor. Just you wait.” 
The party starts almost instantaneously— people come outside of their homes, dressed in their best to say hello. Reyna guides you along with a firm (and possessive) hand draped around your waist, but nonetheless greets every man and woman and person in between with a nod. She says hello to the children that stare up at her with wide eyes, and you realize just how much in love you are with this woman. 
As you move closer to the heart of the small city, looking at the decorations hung up. Was this pre-planned? It had to be— there are already bands of musicians playing tunes for people to dance to, food being cooked in the streets over fires and grills. From your left, a woman comes over, kindly extending to you a necklace made of flowers that feel soft to the touch. You bow your head, allowing her to drape the necklace over you. 
As she backs away, she says with the utmost respect, “Para ti, flor de la reina.” 
You smile. “Gracias.” 
More and more necklaces are given to you until you’re practically overflowing. Only when you feel like you’re drowning in them  (an over-exaggeration, really), someone else comes over to Reyna and presents what appears to be a crown of flowers too. Reyna takes it and places it on your head. 
“They’re calling me the Queen’s Flower,” you say, glancing at the people. Reyna smiles, pulling you into her arms in the center of the plaza, right in the middle of the festivities. People dance and sing around you, faces covered with joy and happiness. It’s mirrored on Reyna’s expression, no matter how hard she tries to hide it. 
“Because you are,” Reyna replies. She places her hands on your hips, slowly pushing you to the beat of the music. Pulling you close, she whispers into your ear, “Care to dance?” 
A cheesy grin spreads on your face. “Thought you’d never ask.” 
The celebrations last long into the night— wherever you go, Reyna is by your side. You’re endlessly doted upon by the citizens of Reyna’s city, all of them treating you with the same amount of respect as they do her. In their eyes, you may as well be the second Queen alongside your girlfriend. It’s overwhelming, but you understand. You understand why Reyna cares so much about this place, the people inside of it. All of them have a purpose and a reason to be here, something to be thankful for. 
Reyna created this place out of the goodness of her own heart, despite how vicious she may be now. 
You sway along the beat of soft music, resting your forehead against Reyna’s. The night, though long, has not yet stopped. The tunes have taken a turn to one more romantic and sweet, prompting couples to flock to the plaza to dance with each other. Of course, Reyna took the opportunity with both hands and is holding in her arms now, draped in necklaces and jewelry and all the things that make her so beyond beautiful. 
Reyna is humming softly in tune with the music, holding you close to her chest with your hand resting in hers. It’s a traditional dance, you sense, but far more lax. You can feel the tension evaporating in her body, the way her shoulders are looser and she isn’t so alert at every single second. Her people are there for her in more ways than one. 
“When we’re done with the Protocol,” you start, piquing Reyna’s attention. You glance at her, then gesture with her head to your surroundings, “I hope we come back here. That you’ll let me stay with you.” 
“Oh, mi vida,” Reyna croons sweetly. “You have no choice in the matter. They’ve already accepted you. That was evident the moment you got this.” She taps the flower crown that has stayed firmly in place the entire night. Reyna takes a step back. “But if I need to make it that more obvious—” 
Reyna reaches into her pocket, sliding her hand into yours as she lowers herself down onto one knee. 
“No, you’re fucking kidding me.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you truly get a sense of what’s happening. Reyna is grinning like a fool, cracking open a velvet box with a finger to reveal a beautiful ring in the center. 
With music serenading the scene, Reyna begins speaking. 
“Mi corazón, the time that I’ve spent with you the past years have been… a lesson. When we first met, I was selfish, I was awful, I was rude, I was everything you should’ve hated. I still am a few of those things, but you, my love… you taught me to be better,” Reyna says, the words seeping into your heart like the warm touch of fire. She rubs her thumb over your fingers, swallowing thickly. Her eyes are so brilliant. “For you, I would burn the world to pieces, and yet you would tell me that there is life yet to live. The simple truth is, mi amor, my life means so very little to me if I don’t have you for the rest of it. Will you marry me?” 
Of course, Reyna would propose here. In her home, her heart, her city. Tears spring to the corners of your eyes, and you kneel down in front of Reyna, squeezing her hand. 
“Me encantaría casarme contigo. Yes, a thousand times yes, Zyanya,” you say, holding back your tears. Reyna all but throws the box aside in favor of sliding the ring onto your finger before wrapping you up in a tight hug. Cheers erupt from the crowd, and just like that, the festivities start once anew. The music strikes up, and Reyna places you back down on your feet. 
“Te amo, soon-to-be Mrs. Mondragón,” Reyna says, peppering your face with an obscene amount of kisses. Your heart flutters in your chest. She exhales, and you hear the nerves in the air. “I’m so glad you said yes, cariño. That would’ve been embarrassing.” 
“You know I’ve been head over heels since day one. Did you really think I was going to say no?” 
Reyna laughs. “There might’ve been a chance. You know how I am.” 
“I love you just the way you are, Zyanya,” you reply, resting your hands on her cheeks. “Now, are we going to keep partying, or is there somewhere else we can go to have a more private celebration?” 
Her eyes sparkle with radiance. “I thought you’d never ask.” 
~~~~~ A/N: hope you enjoyed! just a reminder, my prompts are still closed, do not send any. thank you!
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divinegrey · 2 years
bottom reyna when???
oh honey, bottom reyna is my GOSPEL lets fucking GO
words: 1000 warnings: explicit 18+ content, minors dni. domme bottom reyna, mentions of implicit servitude, read at your own discretion.
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The statement "Reyna is a top" might be one of the most frequent statements you've heard being bandied around in the lounge room when everyone is too drunk to care about politeness. What else is there to talk about except the sex lives of your coworkers?
But you, being one of Reyna's frequent hookups... you know the full truth of it.
In the bedroom, Reyna is the pure definition of topping from the bottom. The woman is obsessed with chasing the feelings of pleasure and pain, both in her work and in the bedroom. Most would assume she's too controlling to allow herself to be touched.
In reality, it's quite the opposite. You're nothing more than a tool for Reyna's pleasure, to be used exactly how she wants it and when she wants it.
You're more than happy to do it. Reyna doesn't fuck just anyone in the Protocol. In fact, she's exceedingly picky about who gets to see her full beauty and greatness with their own two eyes. Lucky you!
Within the Protocol, you're the only person who's set foot into her room and into her bed. Let's just say you get the reward of a lifetime whenever you do your job in taking care of her.
There have been some moments with Reyna that you'll always remember, with a few in particular that never fail to make you hot in the cheeks.
One such instance was the first time you and Reyna hooked up. It was after a mission and the adrenaline surge was running high in your blood. Reyna looked near manic and feral with the amount of souls and energy she had consumed, and it seemed that she wanted something more out of it.
And so you became her willing victim. How are you going to say no to one of the prettiest (and most terrifying) women you've ever met in your life?
The moment you reached Reyna's room, you were being stripped of your armor and clothes, and you were moving to undo the straps of Reyna's protective gear before she shoved you back onto her bed.
"Listen closely, cariño," Reyna's voice was raspy with her whisper, her hand gripping your face. Your heart was pounding, and you knew she could hear it. Reyna's eyes were glowing, almost to an extreme, and you could feel a faint tingling from her hands pressing into your skin. "I gave you the honor of being in this room with me. You will not abuse that honor. You will do as you are told. Understood?"
All you could say in reply was a very soft "Yes, ma'am."
Lucky for you, Reyna was delighted by your obedience, and went on to make a show of removing her clothes. You didn't dare move an inch from your spot on your bed, and while Reyna moved, showing more and more of her skin, you felt your brain slipping somewhere else. Somewhere more... light.
You felt fuzzy all over. Whether this was an effect of Reyna or not, you didn't care. There was an overwhelming need to serve her, filling your bones with blistering hot arousal.
Finally, finally, Reyna took her seat on your face, her hand gripping your hair with her nails in your scalp, and the truth became realized.
You're nothing but a toy for Reyna's pleasure. Reyna takes, and she takes, and she takes until she is limp and shaking with pleasure. Your face is covered with her slick and though you can hardly breathe, you continue devouring her with the intent of a starving man on his knees at the altar of a god.
Reyna is a goddess, you find yourself thinking. I want to serve her. I want to be hers.
Reyna rode your face until she orgasmed, hot and heavy on your face with a full-body shudder that was followed by a profound release of energy.
It was only until after Reyna was fully satiated that you discovered the first night was your indoctrination.
Afterward, Reyna would summon you to her room at the dark hours of the night, and every single time, you would go. Pleasing Reyna became an addiction, one that you never wanted to let go of because seeing Reyna in the throes of pleasure was far too beautiful a sight to rid yourself of.
Some nights she would mount your face. Others, she would have you kneel at the foot of the bed with your hands behind your back, like a true supplicant, and make you beg to pleasure her.
You always would.
Why wouldn't you, after all?
She's the Empress, and you're her mere subject.
But nobody knows.
Nobody will know the things that you do in the dark for Reyna. The things you have done for her. The things you will continue to do.
Friday nights in the lounge room are always a fun time. Jett, Phoenix, and a few others are playing a nasty game of monopoly that seems to have been running on for weeks, with you as the appointed referee to keep things calm.
In the corner of your eye, you notice the door to the lounge room crack open. A whisper of something that only reaches your ears, followed by a crackling sensation that races up your spine.
Pink eyes stare at you from the dark for a mere moment in time, before disappearing.
Letting out a yawn, you stretch on the couch before standing up. "I'm going to bed, losers. Don't kill each other."
Nobody gives pause to your exit. Phoenix bids you goodnight with a wave of his hands, and Jett steals some paper money from Neon while the latter isn't looking.
You move through the halls until you arrive to the door of Reyna's room. You knock. You enter. You close the door, twist the lock, then fall to your knees.
Footsteps follow, and a warm hand cups your jaw, tilting it upward.
"I've trained you so well, pet." Reyna murmurs. She cocks her head to the side. "Mommy wants to come on your face. Get on the bed."
Without question, you move to the bed.
Reyna flashes you a sharp grin, and you fall prey to her once again.
~~~~~ A/N: can you tell that im a little obsessed with bottom!reyna
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 - 𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐧𝐚
welcome to the first installment of the nsfw alphabet for the valorant ladies! if you guys like this and want me to do more, let me know! I could do most of the valo ladies (and some of the men, if I have to). this was really fun, but please remember, these are just my headcanons!
words: 1800 warnings: explicit 18+ content, minors dni. kinks are explored heavily in this prompt due to reyna's nature. read at your own discretion.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Depending on what you mean to Reyna, she can either be a world-class bitch or the sweetest person ever. Lucky for you, though, you’re the latter on that, being her partner. If you were anyone else, Reyna would leave you high and dry after getting what she wants. 
But most of the time, Reyna is awfully caring after sex. If it’s rough, then she always turns on a shower to clean off. She ensures there is ample food and water available. A Radiant like her burns through energy faster than an engine, so she needs it around. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Reyna’s favorite body part on her would probably be her tongue. Not only can she make women and men alike fall to their knees with just her voice, but she’s also incredibly talented at making you fall apart when she’s fucking you with her mouth. 
On you, Reyna adores your hips. She has a bad habit of biting them with her teeth and marking them. They’re also fantastic to hold onto whenever she’s fucking the life out of you, or you’re fucking the life out of her. Either or. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
If you do it right, you can make Reyna squirt fairly easily. All you have to do is get her all wound up, tease the shit out of her, then rail her into the mattress (or the wall, wherever you’re having sex). It’s one of the few things Reyna cannot control, and having her at your mercy is both arousing and exciting. 
Also, it’s fucking hot to see Reyna release around your mouth or your fingers. It’s accompanied by loud moans and body shudders that show how much tension she was holding before. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Reyna enjoys watching you when you don’t know she’s there. You don’t have the same keen senses that Radiants do. You’re merely a mortal, and with Reyna able to become semi-translucent, it’s easy for her to watch you and go entirely unnoticed. 
Secretly, she entertains the idea of fucking you while in her Empress form. She’d be at her most powerful, but Reyna is unsure if you’d be able to handle it. After all, Reyna doesn’t stop once she gets started. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Reyna absolutely knows what she’s doing. Her confidence and charm is derived from her experience in bed, in knowing what she wants done to her and what she wants done to you. You’re more eager to learn than anything, and Reyna does enjoy having an obedient pet who wants to please her. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Reyna loves piledriving you. There’s something about how you have to surrender all of your control to maintain that position that gets Reyna’s rocks off. Plus, using her strap on you is always a bonus and sometimes she adores doing. The eye contact when she’s piledriving you is unmatched, and the blood rush you get to your head makes the arousal spike in your body tenfold. 
Reyna is even kind enough to let you rest on a pillow when she does it. How sweet of her. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Reyna is usually pretty serious. She can slip very quickly into a domme headspace, being the champion top of the relationship. However, if Reyna is tipsy, then she can be slightly more goofy during sex. But since it takes a while for Reyna to get buzzed, it’s usually more serious all around. Sex is a gateway for her to a pleasurable world. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Reyna keeps herself pretty groomed and manicured. She cares about her appearance, even if you’re the only other person who’s going to see her. You have no preference for how she grooms herself, but Reyna likes to be very bare and naked. She’s clean shaven when she has the time to maintain it between missions. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Despite being a stone-cold bitch most of the time, the romance is turned up to a thousand. The first time you and Reyna had sex, she brought everything out— candles, flower petals, soothing lights and music, the whole thing. Reyna cares deeply about you and shows it, even when she’s being dominating. She checks on you regularly if you’re receiving, reminding you that you have a safeword if you need to use it. 
There’s only ever been a few times where you did have to use it, and Reyna expressed being proud of you for doing so (and a little smug; not everyone can handle the Empress at full capacity). 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
It’s disappointing if you’re not there, but Reyna has needs and is more than capable of getting herself off. If she does, it’s usually with the addition of toys to crank up the intensity. Reyna needs it hard and fast, and it sucks having to do the work herself, but duty calls, and you’re away on missions sometimes. 
That doesn’t stop her from sending you videos and pictures of her fucking herself. She’s a tease like that.  
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
For you, Reyna enjoys knifeplay, but not in the sense you’d think. She doesn’t use a knife— she uses her nails, which she files down to an incredibly sharp point. Tracing them across your skin is a threat in itself, and adding just a hint of pressure would be enough to draw blood. The idea of it alone sends heat up your spine. 
For her, Reyna likes fighting to be put into submission. If you win (rarely), you get to muzzle her and treat her like a dog, which is something that turns her on, even if she won’t ever admit it out loud. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bedroom, the shower, the locker room— doesn’t matter. If Reyna wants you, then she’ll have you. She does have a preference for her bedroom, though. That’s where Reyna keeps all her goodies. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The sight of you alone can get Reyna going. However, when you’re at your most confident is when Reyna really starts drooling. She’s attracted to people who are assured of themself, and though no one can beat her in being self-absorbed, Reyna loves seeing you when you feel good about yourself. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Frankly? Reyna would try everything once, but she has boundaries. Definitely not into anything that makes her feel gross or dirty, like piss play or scat play. Hard no-nos for her. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Here’s the truth of it— Reyna is a huge power bottom, but she’s the top all the way through. Even if you’re the one fucking her, Reyna maintains every ounce of control she has and uses it to her advantage. Reyna loves receiving; it makes her feel cherished and adored, and she knows how much you enjoy touching her and feeling her body.
However, Reyna does give to you the same way you give to her. You’re never left unsatisfied. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on her mood. If Reyna is pissed off from something, she’s hard and rough, biting you and marking you on your neck and your chest until your entire body is bruised up. 
When Reyna is in a loving mood, she’s awfully tender and slow. Those nights are your personal favorites, because it goes to show how much she loves you, even if she acts like a bitch to everyone else. Reyna doesn’t let her walls down easily, and you’re honored to be with her. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If quickies are the only way Reyna can have you at a certain moment in time, then so be it. You’ve had quickies in the gym (almost got caught by Skye, poor woman), in your room, in hers….
Once, during a mission together, Reyna fucked you while holding a loaded gun against you. That was a thrill unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Reyna doesn’t give a shit about who hears and who sees. It’s an honor for anyone to see the Empress in her full glory. That being said, Reyna is a risky person. She once convinced you to have sex in Viper’s lab out of pure spite for the chemist.
Reyna is willing to experiment! There isn’t much she hasn’t tried, but she’s always game for new ideas. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Okay. Come on. Is this even a question?
Reyna will go all night if she wants to. And she has. She takes pride in her stamina and how long she lasts in bed, so a romp with her is usually something that takes up a lot of time. Not that you mind, of course. 
Her radiance fuels her. Reyna is more likely to last longer if she’s just fed. If she hasn’t, she might tap out, but Reyna is stubborn to a fault It’s either you tap out first or she does, and she doesn’t like giving up. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
There’s a bin under Reyna’s bed that contains all her toys. Dildos, vibrators, a strap on, the works. Reyna can either use them or have them be used on her. She isn’t picky like that. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Reyna is such a goddamn tease that it drives you up the wall. She knows how to rile you up in seconds, whether it be flashing you a look with her glowing eyes, or bending over a certain way to show off her ass. No matter what, Reyna will make you crack. It’s all part of the game to her. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Reyna is loud. Period. 
There’s soundproofing in her room for a reason. She’s also been put at the end of the hall near the empty rooms for the sake of everyone else being able to get some goddamn sleep. Reyna makes her pleasure known through her moans. It’s nothing forced— Reyna is simply a noisy woman when it comes to being fucked. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She drinks your blood for sure. Blood has soul essence in it, and when done correctly, it gives you an adrenaline rush and feeds Reyna too. Reyna can be almost a bit of a succubus in that aspect— having sex with you nourishes her in a way that devouring souls doesn’t. It’s for the good of the Protocol that she has sex with you. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Lean muscle complimented by curves that are godly. Reyna’s arms are incredibly strong (her bicep veins are visible), and her leg muscles are to die for. Her ass? It’s on point. Everything about this woman seems to have been made in the image of perfection, but you’re biased. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Optimally, she orgasms once a day. Reyna’s sex drive is through the roof. You have a hard time keeping up with it some days, but if you’re not around to get the job done, then so be it. Reyna will do it herself. 
She actually gets irritable if she hasn’t been fucked in a while. The other agents know to be extremely careful around her when you’re away on long missions. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Reyna doesn’t tend to fall asleep very quickly. More often than not, she waits until your heart rate has leveled out and your breathing has deepened. She’s a protector at heart, and knowing that you’re safe and sound asleep helps her sleep easier. 
~~~~~ A/N: Hope you enjoyed. If you want me to do another agent, leave a message in my inbox!
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 / 𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚏!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
prompt: could i request a nsfw sequel where reader does accept reynas offer to fuck i’m so horny for her LMAO [requested by ice anon, this one is for u bb]
words: 1400
warnings: explicit 18+ content, minors dni. content includes minor blood mentions, graphic depictions of sex
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Even if God themself had told you that Reyna would be offering to fuck you in the infirmary, you would’ve laughed. 
Yet, here you are, pressed against the wall with Reyna’s arm over you and her hand holding your chin. The simmering pink of her irises bore into your own, and if she hadn’t told you in a very firm voice to keep your hands off, cariño, earlier, then you would be all over her. But knowing better than to tempt the ire of the Empress, you keep your hands firmly by your side. 
“Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?” Reyna whispers, her hand trailing down until she can squeeze her fingers snugly around your neck. “How long I’ve watched, how long I’ve noticed you glancing at me when you thought I wasn’t looking?” 
Your throat bobs under her hand. “How long?” 
Reyna is all too keen to answer. “Months.” 
“Well, you have me. What’s stopping you from taking it?” You’ve never known the Empress to have restraint, especially with things she wants. You know she wants you, with the way that she’s staring at you like a predator sizing up their prey, waiting for the perfect moment to strike despite already having you caged against the wall. 
“Patience, cariño.”
You roll your eyes. “You’re one to talk. You came in here covered in blood because you didn’t have patience.” 
Reyna’s eyes twinkle. “Do as I say, not as I do.” 
Fine, if she wants to play hard ball, then I’ll play hard ball. When you try and push off the wall, you get your desired result of Reyna slamming you back. Your breath shoots out of your lungs, paired with the sensation of Reyna pushing your head back and with her tongue, licks a hot stripe up your neck. The air is cool against your burning skin, a hitch in your throat when Reyna nips her teeth along your carotid artery. 
“If you’re going to fuck me on the wall, at least let me lock the door first,” you say, grunting when Reyna sinks her teeth into the skin above your collarbone. She chuckles darkly. 
“But where’s the fun in that?” Mirth dances in Reyna’s eyes. “Why not ravish you where you stand?”
You’d be a liar if you didn’t admit that Reyna’s words affected you. It’s like an aphrodisiac, making your body warm from head to toe. Glaring at her, you snap your hands around her neck and pull her into a kiss. It’s bruising, it’s violent, there’s nothing nice about it whatsoever. You can taste some blood on her mouth, coppery and metallic, and the thought that the blood belongs to you crosses your mind temporarily. Your brain is cut off from that train of thought, however, as Reyna pushes you against the wall with her body, sliding her leg between yours. 
The pressure is delicious, and a shaking moan escapes your mouth and is swallowed by Reyna’s hunger. Her skin is so, so warm and you sink into her touch, running your hands through her hair and tugging her closer. She kisses like she’s out for blood, and you make the easy decision then that you would let her devour you whole if it felt this good. 
You shift your hips against the lean muscle of her thigh. Pleasure sparks up your body, squeezing another whimper out of your mouth. You reach down between you, pulling your belt free.
Reyna pulls your hand away, holding it above you on the wall. “What’s the rush, cariño?” 
Glaring, you whisper, “Gonna make me beg, Reyna?” 
“If you want it that badly,” Reyna purrs into your ear. Her hand slides over your pants, cupping your crotch. Her head cocks to the side in a silent question. 
Answering it without your words, you put your hand on top of hers and push it up. 
Grinding now into her palm, you go back to feverishly making out, holding onto whatever part of her you can reach. Reyna uses her leg as leverage, and the heat that burns from your core fills your head with potent lust. It’s oozing from every pore in your body, and you feel yourself start to sweat under the heat of Reyna’s gaze. 
“Taking your sweet time,” you hiss. 
And all too smugly, Reyna replies, “Good things come to those who wait.”
You know you’re essentially powerless in her hands. You’re at the mercy of the Empress, and you’re about ready to beg for her to raw you into oblivion. Seeing no other option, you whisper those very words into the shell of her ear. 
Something about it causes Reyna to go feral, growling into the wall. She shoves her hand into your pants, bypassing your underwear, but still does not touch you. It leaves you in agony, waiting. 
“Last chance to bow out,” Reyna says, and it’s a warning. 
You level your gaze with hers. “Fuck me, Reyna.” 
Two of her fingers sink into your core and you groan, slumping into her arms. In and out, Reyna thrusts her fingers, curling them against the inside of your walls. You can feel the roughness of her fingers from years of handling a gun, and you grind your clit against her palm. A shudder racks your body, a rather loud sound that prompts Reyna to slide her other hand over your mouth.
With pleasure turning your body into a crackling ball of energy, you grab onto her arm for stability, grateful that your moans are muffled. It enables you to hear the soft but extremely wet sounds coming from between the two of you, from where she’s using her leg to help her thrust into you, harder and rougher with every go. 
“Feels good, doesn’t it? Submitting to me?” Reyna whispers, the sharpness of her teeth glinting in the light of the infirmary. “Don’t you want to scream my name?” You want to bite back, be cocky, but Reyna chooses that moment to rub your clit in circles with her thumb, promptly wiping out anything you could’ve even said. You merely sag into the wall, helpless. Reyna grins. 
“I can feel how tight you are around my fingers, cariño. You’re dripping everywhere, I can’t wait to make you lick my hand clean.” The dirty talk only serves to further ignite the fuse in your body, bringing you closer to the edge of your orgasm. You try to communicate this to Reyna, but your whimpers are barely coherent. And yet, Reyna understands perfectly. “You’re close? Oh, poor thing, I can see how badly you need it. How badly do you need it?”
She releases her hand from your mouth and the words fall out of your mouth. “Fuck, please, I need to come, please let me come—” 
Reyna bites your neck, teeth clamping down firmly into the skin. Even if you tried, you wouldn’t be able to hold it back; your orgasm slams into you like a freight train. Reyna carries you through it, continuing a brutal pace inside of you until you’re unable to take anymore. 
“That’s good— fuck— that’s good,” you say, gripping Reyna’s wrist to slow her hand. Gently, she removes it from your pants, and you guide her fingers into your mouth. Licking between the crevices and the knuckles, the tangy taste of your own release lies heavy on your tongue. 
“Good girl,” Reyna purrs, forcing her fingers deeper. Regardless of whether or not you have a gag reflex, you choke around her fingers, your throat spasming until she withdraws. “Now wasn’t that fun?” 
“I feel like—” you swallow a breath. “I feel like I just got steamrolled.” 
“There’s more where that came from,” Reyna says, pulling up your pants and putting it all back into place. She swipes her finger against your neck; you catch the coppery glint of blood before she sticks her thumb into her mouth and sucks it clean. With a wink, Reyna turns and leaves the infirmary. 
You push yourself off the wall. Holy shit, that just happened. 
~~~~~~ A/N: reader doesn't have legs after that *sips tea*
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divinegrey · 2 years
first and foremost, drink water as soon as you read this ask, second, I can't get enough of the fluff you write, so how about a prompt where the reader has just been overworking herself at the gym, at the firing range, or doing some work at the protocol, and the val women take it upon themselves to ensure that the reader, as stubborn as she is, is taking care of herself. thank you in advance, you're awesome!
ok this took a while but mostly bc i had to hold myself back from writing like ten thousand words. hope you enjoy! i picked my ot4 ;)
words: 2300 warnings: enough sexual tension to choke a donkey, cursing, fluff, reader being taken care of bc she deserves it
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Yet another mission comes and goes. With a tired sigh, you walk off the Vulture, your gun slung behind your back. Every step aches in your body, and you rub the sleeplessness away in your eyes. It had been a quick mission, but vicious nonetheless. Brimstone needed someone to make contact with a notoriously tricky informant, so off you went on a goose chase that ended with more blood spilled than necessary. 
Doesn’t matter. You completed the mission and the informant is now secured on the base. Glancing at your watch, you see that it’s still early morning. The time zone difference is fucking up your internal clock, but as far as you’re concerned, there’s still an entire day of things for you to do. You have a training session you need to lead— maybe you could squeeze in some time at the firing range? The gym will be empty during dinner, so you can get a workout in then. 
You put a smile on your face and go about your day. 
Training turns out to be rough— between not sleeping overnight because of the mission and your body rumbling with hunger, the soldiers you’re in charge of begin to notice your lethargy, even as you run through hand to hand combat drills. During demonstrations, you’re more sluggish than you want to be. 
Push it aside. Focus. 
After managing to get through training, you tear through a ration bar on your way to the shooting range. You’re moving so fast on your feet you hardly notice the eyes peering at you in the shadows of the hallway. 
The firing range is peaceful. Yoru is there along with Phoenix, practicing their shots with a Sheriff. The two of them pay you little mind as you pick up a Guardian and get to work, utilizing the simulation bots. 
The rest of the day goes by smoothly. 
Or, as smoothly as it can be when your exhaustion is starting to catch up midway through a workout session. The preworkout is helping, but there’s only so much you, a human, can do to ward off basic bodily functions. 
You put the barbell back onto the rack, sitting up from the bench. You put your hands on your eyes, trying to rub away the sparkles you’d seen while trying to rep out a heavy set of bench presses. The gym is quiet— odd, but you’re glad because you’re struggling a little bit and you’d rather have no one see it. 
“Damn it,” you whisper, rubbing your hands on your neck. “C’mon, this is easy weight. Why can’t I fucking do this?” 
“Because you haven’t slept in over twenty four hours, cariño.” 
Aw, shit. 
You turn your head to Reyna, the woman having just entered the gym in a rather plain attire; sleeveless tank top and black pants that do wonders to complement the shape of her legs. Naturally, you straighten up. 
“Not all of us can devour souls and keep moving like machines,” you remark, standing up from the bench to unload the metal plates on the bar. You’re not really in the mood for Reyna’s friendly needling of your human status. You’re on par with her when it comes to your skills, so it’s more a jest than anything. Still, though. Reyna can be harsh with her words. 
“Yes, because we all require sleep to function,” Reyna says, walking over to where you are. “You and I are no different when it comes to that. Put the weights down. Rest.” 
“I’ll do that once I finish my session,” you answer, sliding the weights onto the rack. When you turn, Reyna is standing right there with what you’d call a glower. You’re unphased by it. “Reyna, please.” 
“Queen Bitch is right.” 
You turn your head at the sound of another voice. From the shadows, Fade steps out, garbed in a long sleeve with a wide collar that shows the animal print that claws across her shoulder. Beside you, Reyna rolls her eyes. 
“You’re not gonna do yourself any good if you keep running yourself ragged,” Fade says, stepping up onto the bench before kneeling down into a squat to get eye level with you. She tilts her head to the side. “You left for a mission over twenty four hours ago. Judging by the way I can feel your exhaustion brimming off of your body, you’re about to fall over flat in the next three hours if you don’t get your ass into a bed.” 
With a sigh, you hold up your hands. “Look, I appreciate it, but I’m fine. Honestly. I just want to finish my workout and then get some dinner.” 
“Not happening.” Fade slaps her hands on her thighs before standing up. She drops down from the bench, throwing her arm around your shoulder and pushing you out of the rack. Putting her hand on your shoulder, “As you have been officially put on bed rest for the next two days.” 
“Wait, what?” You turn to Fade. “No, I have a mission I need to do, I was put on it by—” 
“By who?” 
Walking into your vision from through the doorway are two figures that cause your heart rate to shoot right through the roof. The person who spoke, Viper, and the resident healer, Sage. Behind you, Reyna slips her hand onto your shoulder, idly rubbing her hand across your collarbone. 
“By… by you, Sage,” you say, glancing sideward at Reyna’s hand. 
“Yes, well, that was before you decided to go on that mission Brimstone sent you on. Why he assigned you, I have no idea, but I’ve taken you off the schedule for the next two days,” Sage says in a voice that says you can’t fight back, even if you tried. Beside her, Viper crosses her arms, leveling you with a glare that makes your blood run cold. Sage continues, “I heard from our resident informant that you haven’t been resting. At all.”
“I— I had things to do, you know, training to run,” you say as a reply, feeling yourself shrink backward at Viper’s stare. 
Fade leans toward you, whispering. “This was our backup in case you wouldn’t cooperate.” 
“Oh my god— you got backup?” You say, eyes wide with shock. “Seriously?” 
“We had to get you to rest one way or another, and it seems you wouldn’t go down unless it was by force, cariño,” Reyna drawls into your ear, sliding her hand down to your waist. “Now, are you going to let us take care of you, or am I going to have to do it myself?” 
Looking around at the four women flanking you from all sides in the doorway, you feel crowded. It’s hard to function, but honestly, that might be because the exhaustion is really starting to hit you now. With a sigh, you just nod your head. 
Sage steps forward, grabbing your hand. “C’mon. Let’s go wash up, okay?” 
“Yes, let’s go wash up,” Reyna purrs from behind. 
And that’s how you end up with not one, not two, not three, but four women back to your room. This feels like some sort of strange fever dream, only amplified tenfold when Reyna makes a spur of the moment decision to literally pick you up in her arms. If you weren’t so fucking exhausted, you would tell her to put you down, but honestly…
It feels kinda nice. 
After all, this wouldn’t be the first time they’ve all ganged up on you. Honestly, they’ve never been this bold yet; doing it in the base gym, of all places? Despite the weird tension that Reyna, Fade, and Viper all seem to have with each other, they’re strangely amicable when they’re with you. 
You swear Fade and Viper have too much sexual tension for them to not being doing something. And then there’s the matter of Reyna’s incessant flirting with Sage, and then Sage being all sweet and caring to Viper (who willingly takes it). You’re somehow smack-dab in the middle of it all, finding yourself at the receiving end of their affections. 
Fade had been the one to warm up to you first. She’d seen everything of you, and you’d seen everything of her. Nightmares are strange like that. 
Back at your room, you’re pushed into the shower by Sage. After you’re done, Viper and Sage, being the two medical experts, double check your work and make sure all of the bandages and scratches on your body were done properly.
“They all look really well taken care of,” Sage says, tilting your arm in your hand. She runs her thumb along the length of your forearm, pushing knots out. Behind you, Viper yanks off a bandaid. 
“Not on this one,” Viper comments as you mutter a small ouch. “Sage?” 
“On it.” The healer brings up a small orb, pressing it into your skin. Your back straightens at the touch, a coolness filling your body to easily contradict the warmth of the shower you’d just taken earlier. You’re keenly aware of Viper’s hand on your shoulder, and you glance back at her. 
Viper looks at you, and you swallow the knot in your throat. 
“That’s everything,” Sage says, patting your shoulder gently. You get up from your seat on the toilet, heading back into your room with Sage’s hand looped through your arm. To your surprise, Reyna is sitting at your desk, her legs thrown up on the edge. Fade is lounging on your bed, one of her prowler’s in her lap in the form of a cat, snuggled against her. 
Up until the prowler notices you, and scampers right over. 
The prowler crawls up your leg— it’s a weird cold and icy sensation, but you reach down and take the cat into your arms. It’s odd, holding the manifestation of Fade’s powers in your arms, but you know how her abilities can leak out of her like a faulty battery. It just so happens that cats are how it chooses to represent itself. 
“Come here,” Fade says, and with a guiding hand by Sage, you’re pushed to the bed. You sit down, feeling Fade adjust herself behind you until her hands touch your shoulders. Then, she starts massaging the tension out of them. Her hands are surprisingly strong, and it’s a relief to have some of the tension bleed out. 
“So, cariño,” Reyna says, folding her arms behind her head in an entirely unfair way that shows off the lean muscle of her arms. “How can we serve you?” 
The way her voice drops an octave not only catches your attention (along with everyone else's), but causes your entire face to flush. 
“As if you’d do any serving,” Viper says dryly. Affronted, Reyna turns her gaze to the doctor. 
“Many could say the same for you, Callas.” 
“They’re not going to stop unless you intervene,” Fade murmurs into your ear, driving her knuckle into a particularly harsh knot. You melt against her back, resting your head on her shoulder. 
“Would it be wrong of me to say that this is slightly entertaining?” You whisper in reply, prompting Fade to chuckle. The sound is throaty and deep, warm in your bones. She murmurs something that sounds close to you’re not wrong. Her hands slide from her shoulders until she’s wrapping you into a tight hug, an odd amount of affection for her to show. 
You take it in stride. God knows you need it. 
Sage, luckily, steps in the middle before it gets too bad with her hands on Viper and Reyna’s chests, pushing them apart with a terrifying force of power in her eyes. She points to both of them with silent eyes, and they ease off. The result is their attention turning to you— Reyna flocks to your side, pulling your leg into her lap before digging her knuckles into the tense muscles along your thigh. 
You find it’s a little hard to breathe when you have Reyna leering at you and Fade purring into your neck. But you have to admit, you do feel a little better. 
“Thank you,” you say out loud. Any conversation that might’ve been happening is cut off posthaste. With a smile, Sage comes to the bed and kneels before it, grabbing your hand. 
“We see how hard you work, taking on far more than you should. But we also see how you need to take care of yourself better,” Sage says, running her thumb over your knuckles before kissing them softly. 
Viper tacks on, “You’re one of our finest, but that means little when you wear yourself out. If not for your own sake then… please, for our sake.” 
Fade rests her arms over your shoulders, holding your chin and turning it until you can see her out of your peripherals. “We do care for you. That is the truth— I’ve seen it in all of you.” Her eyes scan around the room, lingering for perhaps a few seconds too long on Viper before turning back to you. “And in you too. All we want is for you to be okay.” 
Reyna leans over, pressing her lips to your forehead. “Look after yourself, cariño. I can’t stand watching a brilliant star like you burn out into darkness.” 
With a quiet sigh, you nod. “Okay. I’ll do better. Promise.” 
“Thank you,” Sage says, squeezing your fingers. She stands up. “Sabine, come with me to get some dinner for all of us.” 
“We’ll take good care of our darling while you do that,” Reyna says, waving her fingers at Sage with a wink. Your eyes widen ever so slightly. 
Viper’s eyes smolder. “Leave some energy left for me.” 
“No promises,” Fade remarks, kissing the back of your neck the same time Reyna grins toothily at you, like she’s a shark in the water about to feast. 
“Nothing too strenuous, please!” Sage chides, holding Viper’s hand before walking out of your room. 
The moment the door shuts, you’re pushed back onto the bed, laying flat on your back. Fade and Reyna loom over you. Deciding that you’re better off going with it, you raise your arms behind your head, and you wink at them. 
This is a much better way to end the night than whatever you had planned before. 
~~~~~ A/N: fun fact i actually have a one shot with my valo oc with these four <3 doesnt mean u guys will ever see it LMAO
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝚜𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝚝𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑 / 𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚏!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
some soft reyna for you all <3
prompt: begging for reyna comfort. in need of more soft stuff for my wife 🙏🏽🙏🏽
words: 1250
warnings: pure fluff
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Your muscles are sore and you can’t wait to crawl into the shower and wash off the day’s work. It’d been a tough mission, one that earned you more cuts than bruises, but all in all, it was a success. You’re thankful for it, and thankful that everyone who was assigned under your command made it out safe and sound. You don’t know what you’d do if someone had gotten grievously injured. 
Really, it just helps you understand what Sage and Brimstone go through daily. 
You walk down the hallway of the residence hall, rolling a knot out of your shoulder. You reek of sweat and there’s sand in mighty uncomfortable places. Figures they’d go after Bind again. You hate sand. 
Pushing open the door to the suite, you notice the darkness of the room and the lump in the bed. Cautious, you shut the door softly and move quietly on your feet, putting your belongings on the dresser. 
The lump in the bed turns over, and in the dim lightning you see radiant eyes staring at you sleepily. “Cariño?”
“Hi, my love,” you say, a grin passing to your face. “Don’t worry about me. Just going to hop in the shower and I’ll be right there.” 
Reyna sits up on the bed, the bare skin of her back rippling as she raises her hand over her head. There’s an exhaustion in her eyes that gives you worry; usually, Reyna never expresses exhaustion. She simply doesn’t, being a Radiant fueled with abilities. It leaves you only with a few guesses as to why. 
“Rough day in the lab?” You ask. Reyna nods, and you purse your lips together. You know little of what Reyna and Sabine do in the latter’s lab, but every time Reyna comes back from it, she looks drained of her energy and her own lifeblood. It’s something you don’t like, but also something you’ve never been able to discuss because… well, it’s personal. Reyna will tell you if you need to know. 
It all but encourages you to be quick. You walk into the conjoined bathroom attached to the large suite (it only made sense to have a bigger space if you’re dating the Empress herself) and strip off your clothes, leaving them in a pile in the corner. You turn the water to a cool temperature. Stepping under the spray, you wash out the day’s work. 
Really, though, you shouldn’t be surprised when a tattooed arm reaches over your shoulder and turns the water to a warmer setting. Said arm then slides around your shoulders, pulling you in. 
You lean your head against Reyna’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to her jaw. “I missed you.” 
“Missed you too, mi amor,” Reyna murmurs. Her other hand slides possessively over your stomach, holding you tightly. You sink into her touch with a grateful hum. You lace your fingers together over your stomach before turning around to face her. Reyna gives you a tired smile. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You ask, bringing Reyna’s hand up to your lips for a kiss across her knuckles. Reyna considers it, her eyebrow furrowing together, before she shakes her head in the negative. In kind, you give her a smile before sliding into a hug, resting your head on her skin and guiding her into the spray of the shower. 
Reyna’s shoulders drop, untensing, and you reach to the side, grabbing her favorite shampoo and squeezing a healthy amount in your hand. You rub your palms together, then reach up, working the soap into her hair. 
And to your surprise, Reyna lowers herself onto her knees, adjusting for her taller height. You don’t question it; tonight is one of those nights, it seems, where Reyna needs a gentle hand and a soft touch to make everything feel better. You’re more than happy to give it to her, and more than happy to let her hold onto your ass while you run the shampoo through her hair. 
You guide the water to her hair, washing it all out before starting the process once more with the conditioner. Reyna draws circles on your hip, the sharpness of her nail a grounding presence that anyone would take a threat, but to you? Reyna would never hurt you. She’d rather let the world burn before doing that. 
Never doubt the depths in which the Empress loves. 
“Stand up, my love,” you say, and she follows your instructions to the letter. You take a wide tooth comb and brush it through her hair, getting all the soap out until the water runs clear. You cup your hands on Reyna’s face, staring into her dazzling eyes. “Better?” 
“Much better. Thank you,” Reyna says. She pulls in under the water for a kiss, and if it wasn’t so cheesy and adorable, you’d slap her on the shoulder. Gladly, you sink into her embrace, relishing the feeling of Reyna’s lips gliding over your own. After some time, Reyna pulls away, whispering, “Your turn.” 
Reyna returns the favor, taking the time to wash every nook and cranny of your body, getting rid of any lingering patches of dirt and sand. It gives her the opportunity to kiss you up and down, starting at your thigh. No inch of you is left unkissed, and your heart fills with warmth at the care Reyna takes. 
No one but you sees Reyna like this. No one. 
“My Zyanya,” you murmur, cupping her cheek as she rises to her full height. “I love you.” 
“I love you endlessly, mi amante,” Reyna replies. “Let's get out before we prune. I want snuggles.” 
You can’t argue with that logic. You towel each other dry, and when Reyna asks you to braid her hair, you do it happily. The idea of pajamas are all but abandoned in favor of much needed skin-on-skin contact. It’s a craving you both have for different reasons; Reyna is a space heater (you love it), and you know how Reyna needs to feel your skin and your life thrumming beneath it. She’s attuned to you in a way that’s beyond your understanding, but you take it as a sign of her love. 
There’s no one else in the world you would rather have by your side than the woman snuggling up to you right now. She’s in a particularly soft headspace tonight, and you accept her touch with open arms, shifting until you find something comfortable for the both of you. Reyna ends up pressing her ear to your sternum, and you hope she feels the kick in your heartbeat that always happens whenever you’re around her. 
You trace your fingers over the muscles of her back, down her spine and up again until soft sounds that almost sound like purrs come from Reyna’s mouth. The dark lines on her arms flare with a slow, pulsing light. She burrows into you, as if she was trying to dig inside your skin. You laugh quietly, pressing your lips to the crown of her head. 
“You’re adorable,” you whisper. “I love you.” 
“Te amo, mi corazón.” 
The love that is shared between you and Reyna is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced in your life. You never thought you’d find something like this when you joined the Protocol. You thought the Protocol would be a way for you to escape your past. 
Instead, it became a new beginning.
Closing your eyes, you drift into a pleasant sleep with the woman you love in your arms. 
~~~~~ A/N: violently crying into my hands rn when will i get this
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divinegrey · 2 years
hi grey, hope all is well! i know you’ve gotten a ton of requests lately, i hope you know how much we all appreciate you <33 i can’t stop thinking ab reyna using a strap on f! reader, would you happen to have any headcanons on that?
sure thing i can!!! thank you for the compliments, it means a lot &lt;3
words: 1400 warnings: explicit 18+ content, minors dni
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Slightly Spicy Headcanons
Reyna was the one who broached the topic of using a strap in the bedroom. You’d only been dating for a short period of time, but Reyna is Reyna, and she likes to get her hands on you whenever it’s humanly possible. You’ve all but moved into her room on base, and many of the nights you sleep together are complimented by either hot make out sessions or extremely raunchy sex. Either or. 
You were receptive to the idea, curious about what Reyna could possibly do to make sex better. After all, she’s a god in bed (something she takes very much to heart) and it’s hard for you to imagine how Reyna could make it better with the introduction of toys. Her fingers and tongue are already perfect on their own. 
When you agree to trying it out, it doesn’t happen straight away. Reyna teases, and by god she teases you so much. 
One night when you’re making some food (extremely late, it’s a bad habit), Reyna finds you in the kitchen and walks up behind you, sliding her hands onto your waist and hugging you. You delight in having your girlfriend behind you, but you soon realize that something is poking your ass. 
That leads to Reyna grinding against you in the kitchen, bending you over the counter and teasing you with the strap tucked in her pants until your mind is fuzzy and melting. 
Over and over again, situations like these happen. They drive you wild, because you can never do anything about it without risking being caught. Reyna wouldn’t mind, you know that very well, but you’d like to keep your dignity (or what you have left of it). It happens in the kitchen, in the break room, the gun range, and for fucks sake, Reyna does it on a goddamn mission (you think Brimstone had an inkling of an idea, but elected to save his own life rather than ask Reyna to quit it). 
So, you take matters into your own hands, and the next time Reyna does it (the locker room, grinding the bulge in her pants against your front at four in the morning), you grab her shirt and whisper into her ear how much you want her to fuck you with it. 
You’ve never seen Reyna go so feral so fast. 
It happens in the bedroom, obviously. You’re not going to risk the pounding of your life getting interrupted halfway through. 
The thought never really occurred to you until now, but Reyna packing the strap in her pants is a very attractive sight; you can see the heavy duty straps of the harness peeking out from her pants, and you make the decision then to suck her off. 
Thank god for no gag reflex, right?
The strap is pink with purple swirling throughout with the faintest bit of glittery shine to it, with a leather black harness to compliment it perfectly. It suits Reyna down to a tee, and you’re eager to get your hands on her. You get on your knees, lick around the head of the toy before sliding it down your throat. 
Reyna groans, and you swear you’ve never heard something so goddamn pretty in your life. Reyna slides her hands into your hair, taking back control and thrusting into your mouth while whispering the dirtiest things. 
“You have such a pretty mouth, mi corazón.” “Don’t you look wonderful taking every inch of me in those beautiful lips, cariño?”
The strap almost becomes an extension of her in your brain and you do everything you can to please her to the point of insanity. 
By the time Reyna pulls your head back, the toy is covered in your spit and you’ve all but entered a state of delirium, needing so much more. You need to be fucked and filled by every inch of this strap on. 
Reyna seems to understand, picking you up off the floor and putting you on the bed while working your pants off. Usually, she likes to tease and have her way with you before fucking you into submission, but it seems this time around, she needs this just as badly as you do. You pull off your shirt and your bra while Reyna takes your bottoms off. You’re left naked on the bed. 
Reyna takes off her clothes too, and god, you wish you could take a picture with your brain because the mere image of Reyna with only a strap on is something you’re going to think about many times in the future. 
But right now, you need Reyna inside you and you need it bad. You’re begging for her, and the words from your mouth only serve to rile her up more. Her claws dig into the skin of your thighs, hard enough you think it’s going to leave a bruise behind. 
“You need me that badly, hm? You sound so pathetic when you beg, it’s adorable.” 
At that point, you’re so goddamn wet you just need her to fuck you already. 
But Reyna is a tease and always will be, fucking you with her fingers until you’re on the brink of madness. Only then does she use the spit covered strap on you. 
Despite her outwardly bitchy and hard exterior, Reyna is very gentle when she guides the strap inside of you. This is bigger than anything you’ve ever taken, and it definitely hurts while Reyna is pushing it in. Yet, the sight of Reyna gripping your hips and the focus in her eyes is enough to numb that slight pain until it comes rearing back in a force of full pleasure. 
You lay there on the bed, gripping the pillow underneath your head. When you try to rock against the girthy strap, Reyna stops the motions with a chuckle. 
“Trying to do my job, cariño?” 
She takes that as her cue to get moving, shifting her hips back and forth to slide the toy out before pushing it back in. It’s a slow pace at first, one that scrambles your brains and turns your insides to mush. 
Reyna’s strap game is godly. When you beg for her to speed up, she does so gladly, lifting your hips up off the bed and putting a pillow beneath. You’d ask why, but when she starts thrusting so hard her hips snap against yours with a wet sound, you’re ascending out of your body. 
Her rough pace paired your finger working on your clit brings you rapidly to your peak; yet, Reyna is snatching your hand away from your body and holding it over your head. 
“No cumming yet, cariño, I’m not nearly done with you.” 
Reyna’s words send thrills down your spine. 
She’s a vision— her hair spilling over her shoulders, the slight sheen of sweat from the force of her body moving, the way her muscles look as though they were carved from the gods themselves. Reyna’s eyes are brighter than you’ve ever seen them, and now you understand why. 
She’s hungry. 
You tilt your head back, straining your neck for her, and she snaps to it like a magnet. Her teeth mouth at your artery, licking the skin and biting playfully. You wrap your arms around her back, moans and whimpers spilling from your mouth at the pace she keeps. 
“Fucking bite me, please, take what you want, please, I need you so bad!” 
Reyna does love it when you beg. 
She bites down on your neck, her teeth sinking and splitting your skin. There’s a familiar warmth dribbling onto your skin, but you can hardly think about it when your orgasm rises through your body and crashes down on you all at once. 
Your body tenses and arches up into her, needing to feel the heat of her skin. Reyna snaps her hips into you one last time before keeping herself buried at the hilt, and you’re descending into waves upon waves of pleasure. There’s the pinch of a tiniest bit of your soul being siphoned off into Reyna, and you smile at the shudder that goes through her body, the silent signal of her own orgasm. 
Reyna licks over the bite mark before collapsing on top of you, breathing harshly. 
Needless to say, it was a very good night, all in all. 
~~~~~ A/N: i.... did not mean to write this much. oops?
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