#zurethe speaks
Who am I? A strange question, if you think about it. To dragonkind, I am a heartless monster full of malice and destruction. To the Lightweaver? An imperfection of an imperfection. Does that make me perfection? Two wrongs make a right after all… or perhaps I am even lower than Luminax, a being undeserving of any love or attention. But who am I to the other deities? Do they know me? Do they know me? Do I know me? Oh… of course I know me. I am the single headed emperor, Zurethe. It is a small title I have given to myself. I think I am worthy of that...
I am afraid. I am peculiar… an emperor is supposed to be as lowly as an animal - only desiring survival and vengeance. I am aware of this. I am aware of several things relating to my kind. I believe I still have a soul. Somewhere. You see, dear friend, (can I call you a friend? Do you see me as a friend?) I too am like that. Animalistic. A monster. But I hide it. I beat it down, remembering that I can still think, I can still feel. But can I? Do I feel love? Can I feel love? Can a being with a rotting, beating heart be capable of love? That, I do not know. Ah, I seem to have gotten off topic. But, you see........ The shapeshifter has given me courage. Courage to face the Lightweaver. Courage to speak out. To search. To ask a simple question. Who am I? @mother-plaguebringer @the-true-earthshaker @the-gladekeeper-stirs @the-stormcatcher-clone @the-icewardens-keep @lady-shadowbinder @tidelord @thearcanestudies @flame-momma @king-noodle @songofthewindsinger  @sunbeamradiance 
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We are here, and we bid you good tidings. We are Prometheus, the living emperor.
- Prometheus the Living Emperor
Hello, Prometheus. Your title is quite contradictory in my opinion. Care to explain?
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The Windsinger suggested taking up an art, so I attempted a self portrait.
I hope you like it.
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