textfromthelookout · 2 years
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball GT 08
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✨GT Stands for Grope Tolerance.✨
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All right, let’s just get this over with.  So they took the Oolong story from Dragon Ball Episode 4 and extended it to two parts. This episode sees the heroes’ plan put into practice.  Zoonama buys into Trunks’ disguise and takes him back to his lair, which is somehow a cave near a volcano that can only be accessed by a lake.  Trunks’ wig falls off, but Zoonama doesn’t care, because he thinks its just a different girl instead.  Trunks plays into this by introducing himself as “Tolerance”.  Why not just use your real name?  Even if “Trunks” was especially masculine, we’re on an alien planet, so how would he know?
So Trunks moves on to the next phase of the plan: getting Zoonama blotto’ed on sake.  Why is is red, though?  Because it’s alien sake, I guess.  The problem is that Zoonama is Straight Edge so he won’t drink it.  So Trunks distracts him and splashes it all over their dinner instead.  Wouldn’t he taste the sake on all the food?  I mean, I don’t drink either but I’m pretty sure if you soaked a dinner roll in whiskey, I would notice something wasn’t right.
While I’m on the topic, there’s this whole elaborate feast laid out on Zoonama’s table, and I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be the food the villagers were cooking up in the previous episode, while Trunks was getting fitted for his bridal gown.  But Zoonama never received the food, and even if he had, he never would have been able to take it home, since he’d have to carry it through the underwater tunnel.   So did he prepare all of this by himself?  No, that’s impossible, because he was shaking down the villagers for free food before this.  I’m pretty sure that was all he ever asked for until he decided he wanted a bride.
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Yeah, here’s a flashback shot from Episode 7.  They’re giving this asshole all kinds of stuff, but how’s he supposed to get it into his house without soaking it through?  Is that a treasure chest?  Why does he need money?  Maybe those are actually scalloped potatoes instead of gold coins.
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Never mind that shit, here’s Goku’s dick!  They’ve followed Trunks and Zunama to the lake connected to the cave, and Goku plans to swim around for clues, but Pan is aghast at him taking off all his clothes in front of her.  Look, Pan, it’s Dragon Ball, Goku’s gonna strut around nude.  You wanted to go along on this mission, so I don’t know what else to tell you. 
I like how she’s threatening to tell Chi-Chi about this, like she can do anything about it.  “Yeah, that’ll happen,” Chi-Chi will say when Pan gets back to Earth. 
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All right, so the final step in Pan’s strategy is to link up with Trunks, then cut off Zunama’s whiskers, which is what he uses to start earthquakes.  They snip off one, but he wakes up before they can do the other, because they take their sweet-ass time about it.  Seriously, this whole series has been one rest-hold after another.  I recommend checking out a YouTube channel I found where this guy had edited every episode of GT down to under two minutes.  I watched them all in about half an hour’s time, and it still felt tedious.
So Zunama wakes up and the first thing he asks is why his bride is wearing that stupid outfit, so Trunks has to explicitly state that he’s a man.  It’d be funny if Zunama said “No, I figured that part out.   What I’m asking is: why are you wearing a beige sportscoat and khaki shorts?  You look like an idiot.”
Zunama finally figures out he’s been tricked, and tries to start an earthquake with his remaining whisker.  This time he threatens to cause the volcano to explode, which... wouldn’t that kill him along with everyone else?   They‘re right next to the damn thing, and just because he can cause earthquakes doesn’t mean he can survive their effects.
It doesn’t matter, because the quake stops even though his whisker is still wiggling.  Pan then deduces the truth: Zunama can’t cause earthquakes and never could.  Instead, he has the ability to predict earthquakes, and he’s been using it to fool people into thinking he could control them.
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Then, as Zunama tearfully admits the truth, another earthquake happens, and the volcano begins to erupt.  See, in the last episode, it was established that Zunama’s visits had been getting more and more frequent, and that was because the seismic activity in the region was getting worse, and he had to put in an appearance each time in order to maintain his scam.  This has all been building up to this damn volcano erupting, which will likely destroy Zunama and the village, so it would have been smarter for Zunama to warn the others about the danger instead of threatening them for free shit. 
Anyway, they all head for the underwater tunnel, and Goku uses a Kamehameha to blast out of the lake, sort of like how he and Vegeta escaped Majin Buu’s head. 
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But that doesn’t end the threat of the volcano itself...
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So Goku fires another Kamehameha...
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And destroys the entire volcano.  Would that stop the eruption, though?  Fuck it, who cares.  The point is Goku could have just done this from the start, or he could have whipped Zoonama’s ass and cut off his whiskers, and then when the earthquakes kept happening anyway, everyone would have realized the truth, and Goku could have taken out the volcano. 
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Anyway, the villagers accept Zunama’s apology and decide to let him live with them, provided that he warns them if he senses anymore earthquakes.   Will his other whisker grow back? 
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The gang receives the Dragon Ball as a reward, but then it floats out of Pan’s hands...
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And over to this guy.
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Who turns into this guy.
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And he flies away. 
✨ “Good” “Ideas”, Poorly Executed✨
Why would an alien infiltrate this planet and steal a Black Star Dragon Ball?  That’s the big question we’re supposed to be left with, but I’m still stuck on the bigger question: How would an alien even know about the Black Star Dragon Balls in the first place?  Every Dragon Ball hunt in the original series involves a rival organization, whether it’s the Pilaf gang, Red Ribbon Army, Frieza Force, or whatever.  So this isn’t a new thing, and it probably makes sense to use it here, except the premise of the Black Star Dragon Balls makes it unworkable. 
Remember, these Dragon Balls were created centuries ago by the Nameless Namekian before he split into Kami and Piccolo.  They became ordinary stones in the meantime, reactivating only when Kami and Piccolo fused together to fight Cell. Since the Earth is still in one piece, it’s safe to assume the Black Star Dragon Balls were never used before Emperor Pilaf made his ill-fated wish in Episode 1.  Then they scattered across the universe. 
So even though the BS Dragon Balls have been around for a long time, they’re also very obscure.  Most beings in the universe don’t know about the regular Dragon Balls, and those actually get used for things.  The BS set has lain hidden in a closet on Earth for hundreds of years.  Even if a rival band of Dragon Ball hunters had a way to track them down, how would they even know to start looking?
Okay, it just occurred to me that it would be kind of neat if this was how Pilaf got tipped off about the BS Dragon Balls in the first place.  A space bad guy knew about them, but didn’t want to risk a trip to Earth, so he manipulated Pilaf into making the wish, because he knew the Balls would scatter and make it easier for him to get.  Except that still doesn’t explain how a space bad guy would know to do all of this.  Maybe an evil Namekian?  I don’t know, and this show damn sure isn’t going to provide any explanations.
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Also, why didn’t any of these idiots do anything to stop this?  Goku just blew up a volcano for Pete’s sake.
✨Positivity Page✨
The one saving grace of this development is that it more or less ends the “Grand Tour” concept dead in its tracks.  The original idea was for Goku, Trunks, and Pan to roam the universe in search of these “ultimate” Dragon Balls that are scattered across seven different planets.  You can read this interview from 2005 with GT producer Kozo Morishita, where he explains more about how the show came to be, but the really telling line here is the following:
“Initially we made about 26 episodes worth of rough plot outlines. But around when the final script for episode 3 was finished, we thought “these travel episodes aren’t going to be interesting no matter how long we keep doing them, are they?” and so we stopped (laughs). That’s why Gill and the spaceship stopped appearing midway through, even though we had sensei go through all the trouble of drawing them for us (laughs).”  --Kozo Morishita
In other words, the people making Dragon Ball GT knew it was a bad idea by the third episode.  Going into the show, they had all these big plans involving spaceships and “the next generation” and a de-aged Goku, and they even got Akira Toriyama to design the ship and some of the characters.  But then they finished the script for Imecka and realized it wasn’t going to work, so they started pumping the brakes. 
I’m guessing Episodes 6, 7, and 8 were finished just to give them time to correct their course, and then Episodes 9-14 deal with the gang chasing after the bad guys who stole the Six-Star Dragon Ball seen in this episode. By episode 24, the story shifts back to Earth, and stays there for the rest of the series.  I suppose Episodes 15-23 pay lip service to the “Grand Tour” concept, but it’s mostly an extended conflict on one planet, so it’s pretty clear that the premise has already been abandoned. 
And that is a good thing, because I don’t think I could take another twenty episodes like the six we’ve just gone over.  That’s not to say GT gets good from here on.  The rest of the show is a garbage dump too, but it’s worth noting that it could have been much, much worse. 
Speaking of worse...
✨Is This Episode Worse than “The Roaming Lake”?✨
Yes, it is. 
Look, I’m sorry for not having more to say here, but... this series really sucks the life out of a person, you know? 
✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
What took you so long, Goku?
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supergeneralgoku · 4 years
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Dragon Ball GT - 08
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Casual reminder that Trunksette predates both Bowsette and Princess Trunks by nearly twenty years
And shes damn prettier too
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randomnameless · 2 years
3Nopes ^2
Apparently those devs have 10 000 years worth of lore in their box, but only managed to pull this?
Like, do they realise what 10 000 years means or???
Is Thales 10 000 years old? Worst Mom is ageless, but she came to Fodlan 10k years ago? Agarthans existed 10k years ago and have a grudge against people of the surface, and nurtured said grudge for 10 000 years ???
We see how Rhea subtly “grew” between her Seiros the Warrior days and Rhea the Archbishop, are they suggesting Nabateans are 10 000 years old? Or Rhea, the last one, is really 10 000 years old? Seteth is even older??
In no other FE we had a “timeline” tracing back to 10 000 years earlier, even in Tellius with Ashunera and Zunama, and here they just shat this?
I don’t even know anymore.
In a way, I prefered when they said they had no continuity guy, because this is just bonkers - especially when said devs don’t even know how to have a “correct” and not riddled with inaccuracies continuity during a period of 30 years.
And I hate it even more that Nabateans and Agarthans and whoever else aren’t more focused on in those games, because damn, if we have people who are still alive or at least knew how Fodlan had been 10 000 years ago, Clout’s “schemes” and gambit legit look like a fly trying to cross a window to get out of a room.
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imaginefe · 4 years
the ancestors of the beorc/laguz the zunama are FURRIES!!!! holy shit
they rly were!
tellius lore is a treat
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dimensionesogno · 3 years
Il vento ulula Il vento piove Il vento vomita pioggia La frasca non nevica Diluvia da sinistra a destra come nel mons Citorium Diluvia da destra a sinistra come nel mons Citorium Il mare si erge Il mare gorgoglia Il mare si erige Il mare spazza Il mare spruzza Il mare vomita Il mare gorgoglia Il mare muggisce Il mare sprizza Il mare zunama Vento pioggia scarpe rotte Malutempu a facci…
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supergeneralgoku · 4 years
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Dragon Ball GT - 07
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randomnameless · 3 years
Hello, I just wanted to ask for your thoughts — It's another Fodlan\Askr forging bonds with the "crest problems" and oh boy why won't they connect any of the Branded from Tellius with crest-kids? Like hey, look, we also have a "super-powers" from a birthmark, but we get bullied and ostracized by everyone, so, maybe you don't have to be so into yours oh-god-my-life-is-so-tough mentality? It's not like anyone on a feh team cares about Tellius spoilers and we have plenty of people to talk about it.
TBF, the branded from Tellius are... really different.
They’re accepted in a footnote land and a footnote colony, and the issue raised through their story is a big “lol” because the Goddess of Chaos doesn’t know why a Laguz parent suddenly loses its power when a branded child is born.
(i know jack shit about genetics, and especially biology of people who can turn in giant animals - but given how Laguz and Beorc descend from the Zunama, who were a mix of both, why the offspring of both Laguz and Beorc shafts the Laguz parent?)
I know the devs didn’t really want to push this narrative, but the Branded issue doesn’t reflect “acceptance” between two races - quite the contrary.
It can be theorised through fanworks what Hatari thinks of Branded (they’re not shunned there?) or how Stefan manages to rule his colony - but it still seems a little bit unfair that the Laguz parent loses/sacrifices their power for their child, when the Beorc parent doesn’t go through a similar backlash.
Of course it’s not Soren’s fault if his birth made Almedha lose her powers, or Miccy’s great great great grandma who made her dad Lehran lose his heron powers - and yet, the way the Tellius verse is written, Laguz and Beorcs aren’t supposed to have babies.
There’s no reason, it’s just, not supposed to be.
But hey, with Marianne winning the Brave Heroes poll, maybe some people will try to learn and read her backstory! Having a crest giving super-powers but also being ostracised? And she hides her crest for that reason?
And she is the living example of what could have been if Seiros’n’pals denounced the descendants of the 10 Elites instead of saying something like “crests are blessings of the goddess”?
Not going to lie, Marianne and Stefan from RD would have fascinating discussions about what it means being shunned from the rest of your verse because of your heritage, even if it grants you super-powers, but at least post VW Marianne lives beyond that and manages to get a fruitful life (she becomes a politician or a diplomat?).
i’d die for rhea and deghinsea talk about the branded/crested people issue and how both tackled it - Deg said they were a crime against the goddess, Rhea said crests are a blessing from the Goddess, and every time it fails even if, in Rhea’s case, crestless people don’t have to make colonies in a desert to escape persecution
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