#zr s6 spoilers
tazzy-zooming · 1 year
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Continuing the word art trend! This time inspired by S5M8 with some lines from s6 and s7
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justanothercricket · 1 year
I just ran Mission 11 of Season 7 the other day, but I ran a lot of Season 6 in a stressed and overworked haze, and I just realized that I kind of have no memory of what happened since you-know-what in the last episode of Season 5, so...does someone want to give me the SparkNotes version of the entirety of Season 6 and first few episodes of Season 7? Looking at you @scorrigan
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only-mostlydead · 3 years
Spoilers through season 6. 
I saved the best for last. Janine is back in Abel, and her friends have some merry tricks up their sleeves.
She’s done! Thank you to everyone who’s been reading along. This was such a fun challenge (though I am never again committing myself to a chapter a day for 12 days straight). Happy reading to all, and to all a good night.
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vfdcatlady · 6 years
Playing ZR S6M20
Game: Picked up a roll of toilet paper, a first aid kit, and a battery.
Me: Yessss steal EVERYTHING from Sigrid's mansion
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thotmachinebroke · 7 years
Runner Five at some point probably: If I get oNE MORE VOICE in my goDAMN HEAD
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notebooksnshoelaces · 4 years
S6 ZR Spoilers
*Listens to tape, and secret message hurts Moonchild*
Five: "Excuse me sir, that is my emotional distress hippy."
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Fandom: Zombies, Run!
Rating: K+
Word Count: 1K+
Genre: Hirt/Comfort, Friendship
Summary: “Thank God you’re alright, Five,” Sam murmured into her shoulder. “I was so worried…” In the aftermath of the event’s at the Minister’s mansion, members of Abel Township convalesce and recover.
Spoilers for S6.M22
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Running out of London and hopping an early train by the light of the predawn sun, Janine DeLuca and Runner 5 had little to say; each was lost in their own thoughts, listening only to the voice of Sam Yao, Abel’s diligent radio operator, in their ears, and Janine speaking only to signal getting on and off the train before they continued on foot. Miraculously, they met no zombies on the run into the land controlled by Abel, reaching the familiar wooded area near the township by sunset.
As she approached the gates of Abel Township, Five could see Sam waiting at the gate, but he had yet to see her. The young man was nervous; he paced at the gate, wringing his hands and staring at the ground beneath his feet. It was only when the alarm sounded that he looked up, and his worried expression turned into one of sheer joy.
“Five! Oh God… Five!”
He ran to her before she had even made it to the gate, flinging his arms around her in a tight hug; Five reacted with a similar gesture, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She collapsed in his grip, almost taking him to the ground with her. Janine, in an unusual show of comfort, grabbed the two of them to steady them.
“Thank God you’re alright, Five,” Sam murmured into her shoulder. “I was so worried…”
Five gripped him tightly in response, not wanted to let go.
“I’m not ready to lose you yet, do you hear me? You cannot die, or go grey yet, because I still need you.” His eyes flashed, now filled with tears that streaked down his face. “We all need you Five, now more than ever… I was so worried…”
“We all were, Mr. Yao,” Janine replied, and they both turned to see… were those tears?
“Janine, are you crying?” Sam asked, incredulous. No one had ever seen Janine cry, not even when Simon had sacrificed himself back on the ice cream cone tower
“No I am not; there’s some dust in my eyes.” Janine wiped at her eyes.
“That’s what they all say,” Sam replied. “And you’re definitely crying, Janine.”
“It’s dust, Mr. Yao. Now, let’s go in and see Dr. Myers and Dr. Cohen; the sooner the better.”
Maxine checked Five over, finding the place on the side of the runner’s neck where the zombie virus had been injected, and wincing in sympathy with Five as she bandaged the scrapes left from the ropes used to bind the runner to the chair.
Before releasing Five, however, she took a few samples of blood for testing.
“Everything checks out,” she commented, making a few final notes on Five’s chart. “I’d keep an eye on those scrapes to make sure they don’t get infected, and I’ll be monitoring to make sure that… cure is as permanent as it seems. I want you to come in for the next few days so I can take blood samples from you, but you can go back to the barracks, Five. There’s a few people waiting to see you… but you didn’t hear it from me!”
Five nodded and, with a final glance at Janine, left the hospital tent; Sam was already waiting outside, where he took her hand and followed her towards the first stretch of tents and buildings.
Maxine looked solemnly after Five before turning to Janine. “You know, I really thought we could get to those babies before she had the vaccine prepared.”
“So did I,” Janine admitted. “I thought we had more time, more resources, more … everything. A number of our allies now will most likely turn their allegiance toward the Minister and her people. And we, as well as anyone who sides with us, will be hunted.”
“Hiding out as the leader of an organization of female assassins was pretty badass,” Maxine pointed out. “We could get your Pit Viper ladies to come out here and help us out.”
“I began Pit Viper as a neutral organization, and more than likely, they will put their talents with the highest bidder – the Minister, to save their lives as well as continue their business. Acting as their leader was the best way I could devise a neutral cover for myself while also hiding out as Valmont’s chef,” Janine’s response was crisp. “I only wish I had done more.”
“You did what you could,” Maxine insisted.
“I almost got Five killed,” Janine bitterly noted, gesturing towards the distant runner. “We knew she was trying to find the cure, and we knew she had the babies… I thought Veronica would had made greater strides, too. If Sigrid hadn’t had the cure, Five would be…”
“Veronica… Veronica did her best. We couldn’t have expected the Minister to find a cure so quickly – and probably with Van Ark’s notes, now that I stop and think about it.” Maxine sighed. “And we have the plasmapheresis machine; if it had come to that, we would have kept Five alive with that.”
Janine nodded. “But Five does so much for the township… and that wouldn’t have been enough; one day, we would have lost Runner Five.”
“I’m just glad we didn’t lose her today,” Maxine sighed, filing away Five’s medical information and blood samples, and eyeing the vial of gold liquid that now sat on her desk.
“Does Paula know?” Janine asked, standing up to leave.
“Not yet,” Maxine murmured, smiling at the vial. “She’s on a medical supply run, but she should be back this evening. I’ll tell her then. She’ll be… I’m sure she’ll be happy.”
Peter, Jamie and Jody were all waiting for Five in the runner’s barracks when Five and Sam arrived. They fell on the two newcomers immediately, their voices merging into a chorus of concern .
“Five! Oh, thank God!”
“Glad to see you’re not gray and craving brains.”
“Five Still Alive! You did it again.”
“We heard about your daring escape! Wicked stuff there, Five!”
“So it’s true? Sigrid has a cure? I figured she’d get there.”
“That is really bad. Good, but really bad.”
“And you were chased by the Glass Protocol? Did you see it?”
“Now I suppose finding those babies will be more important than ever, but also harder than before.”
“You look pale, Five. Are you alright?”
Sam suddenly realized that Five indeed looked pale. The runner was also swaying where she stood, and a glazed look was in her eye.
“How about we give Five some room, yeah?” Sam asked, quickly interrupting their interrogation. “Maxie wants Five to rest and recuperate tonight.”
Five managed a weak smile, still unable to really speak, but she was grateful to Sam.
Jody muttered something about finding Tom, and scurried off. Peter and Jamie left shortly after to get dinner in the mess hall, leaving Sam and Five alone.
Five hadn’t realized how tired she was until the others had left, and her steps faltered as she staggered toward her bed. Sam swooped in to catch her, laying her down on the mattress and tucking her in.
He turned to go, but Five’s hand reached up to grab his. He looked and saw her lips were moving, but he couldn’t quite hear.
“Five?” He asked, leaning in close.
“Don’t leave me,” Five whispered, her eyes finding Sam’s, her grip on his hand tightening. “I want you to stay. Please.”
Sam nodded, allowing Five to pull him into the bed next to her. “Of course I can stay,” he murmured, curling up next to Five. He wrapped his arm around her waist as she cuddled up next to him; it suddenly felt as though a tension was lifted from Five’s shoulders as she leaned into him.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Nah, don’t be,” Sam soothed. “You did well today, Five. Like you always do.”
“I almost died,” she whispered. “I almost turned. And the thing… The Glass Protocol… It was right there…”
“I know,” Sam sighed. “But the important this is, you’re safe, Five. That thing, the Glass Protocol… It’s not going to get you tonight. I’ll make sure of it – heck, I’ll stay here all night if I have to!”
A tired chuckle rose from Five’s lips as she closed her eyes, her body falling slack as she surrendered to the Sandman.
And as he lay there, with Five drifting off next to him, Sam suddenly realized how tired he was.
Maybe he could close his eyes for just a few minutes…
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goodplace-janet · 3 years
some kinda general zombies run! thoughts. no actual spoilers, only the most vague meta comments on seasons/story arcs over the years.
i'm thinking about stories where the writer has a plan for the end and is able to wrap everything up in a satisfying way (the good place, leverage from what i've heard?) versus stories that get canceled before they can do that (pushing daisies) versus stories that drag on so long that they go WELL past the shark-jump stage (fucking supernatural)
and as much as i love zombies run! and wish it could go on forever... if i'm being completely honest, i feel like it's already fallen into the gone-on-too-long category, for me?
seasons 1-3 were a solid, coherent arc. i LOVED s5 and had problems with s4 and s6, but if i look at them as another arc i can appreciate it as a whole. s7 and beyond... i'm not really enjoying it as much anymore, and i can't pinpoint at this moment exactly what is missing that i feel the story used to have, but yeah. i can see where they could have ended on a good note after s6, instead of carrying on past that.
I'm not a confident writer lmao but i wish i could write a little like, post-s6 series finale that addresses all the characters and settings and how they're doing and how they're moving on after the events of the story, how they're looking towards rebuilding the uk and finally reaching out to other communities around the world. and then i would just hang onto that as my own personal headcanon while we lowkey slog through the rest of whatever the fuck is going on with actualcanon.
[sorry this is so very negative, and truthfully, I still love zr and it would take something extraordinarily egregiously offensive to make me ever quit it.]
another option would be for them to end abel township's story, but tell stories from other communities? like the hebrides season and the tunisia season with the red fungus arc could have been a separate thing that didn't involve abel, because shoehorning these characters into these situations has led to breaks in continuity? (mostly in s9, to be clear.) maybe that doesn't make sense, especially factoring in the listener perspective character, but idk. I'm just thinking out loud at this point in the post.
i do feel like the app is switching focus to the new adventures, which is a shame (for me personally lol) because i don't actually care for those.
I don't know how to end this post... i will end with a disclaimer that i don't hate zr lol. I'm just noticing my feelings about it and how they've changed over time.
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crownleys · 4 years
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And they are done! I finally had a chance to draw Ren’s progressions over the seasons of ZR. Trying to figure out each of their looks was really fun. They’re a very versatile lil gremlin. My next goal for their character refs is gonna be some outfits! Their S4 and S8 haircuts are pretty close to what I draw them in as a default, just for a little consistency. They like the lil-ponytail-and-floppy-bangs look.  Lil flavor text for each haircut under the cut! Not spoiler free
S1: Ren shows up at Abel. Thier hair’s floppy and overgrown after a year or so of living in Mullins, partially to hide behind. They’ve always been a lil self conscious of their heterochromia and that doesn’t fade for a while
S2: Ren get a haircut from @puptart‘s Five. This is the closest look to their pre-apocalypse hairstyle, and it’s something familiar
S3: Things have gone just a lil bit to shit. With their hands so full and with all the heartbreak that’s happened with the end of S2, they haven’t bothered to keep up the more high-maintenance short look. Awkward growing out phase pt. 1
S4: They’re back to a pretty comfortable length, with more attention given to keep their bangs out of their eyes
S5: Getting a haircut is hard when you’re on the run
S5 pt 2: When they get captured by Sigrid she has their head shaved both as a test of loyalty and to make them look a bit more “professional” and intimidating
S6 - 8: The process of growing their hair back out post Season-5
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less-flower · 4 years
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My head was being particularly mean to me today and was trying to convince me that it was way too late to go to the gym. Because you know, what monster gets there shortly before they close when everyone just wants to go home? Like, two hours before they close 🙄?
So I went on a run instead because I can do that in my own time, so my mind better shut up. 5k that felt faster than it actually was but hey, it not only felt fast but also pretty easy, and I really enjoyed it.
I also finished ZR Season 6 Radio. Minor S6 Radio spoilers under the cut (just a character detail):
Hearing Jody come out as asexual meant a lot to me 😭! I know 5 is our avatar but if there is one character I identify with, it’s Jody (the knitting/crocheting, the archery, the “I’m fucking terrified but I’m gonna do it anyway” attitude ...). So that it’s her who is asexual feels extra special to me, and I could identify with her asexuality speech a lot (even if I’m a bit more on the sex-repulsed side of the spectrum). Once again ZR shows how great it is with representation - and I love the idea of an Abel Pride!
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tazzy-zooming · 1 year
ZR S6 Spoilers
I drew dossiers from Sigrid's people for Sam and Five as of S6, mainly as an excuse to peek into the heads of some of the Wakened Land bureaucrats (the random initials signing off the comments)
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Five being confused by revolving doors is a shout out to my fiancée, who cannot get the hang of them. I fear one day she will encounter one without me there and simply become trapped
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pldubrahs · 4 years
zr spoilers to, lets say s6 at Least, and a question under the cut bc i Genuinely dont remember
is cameo still alive? i feel like something happened to her in s5 or s6 but i cant actually recall
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only-mostlydead · 3 years
Tonight’s installment is a short glimpse into the holiday festivities (or lack thereof) of everyone’s favorite complicated lady, Amelia Spens. It was really fun to write, and I hope you enjoy!
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jadeprincess85 · 7 years
s6 spoilers
New character: *exists*
ZR fandom: I bet she's Janine
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notebooksnshoelaces · 4 years
S6M22 is NOT the mission to do when you are mildly lost on some trails alone in the middle of a thick forest.
On the up side, I went FAST.
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goodplace-janet · 7 years
ohmygod okay. speculation for how s2s is going to Raise the Stakes and make us all cry buckets for an entire hiatus:
what if they find out whatever Janine’s been up to this whole time, and they have to go rescue her or whatever
and (it looks like) she’s dead???
(SHE COULDN’T ACTUALLY BE DEAD BC I PERSONALLY WOULD NOT SURVIVE THAT so let’s hope i’m absurdly outrageously wrong about this)
(i’m just trying to imagine what would be the most upsetting thing, and well.)
(damn i made myself sad.)
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