#zoras are still hard for me to draw so i though practice would do me good
cassielsunstone · 1 year
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Zora practice sketches Particularly proud of my jellyfish one
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0poole · 4 years
Humor in Writing
    Most of the time I feel like dismissing what might seem like “faults” in writing because I haven’t actually made anything myself, and especially haven’t gotten any attention to what I make, but every once in a while something really ticks me off. Of course, I still try to take it with a grain of salt because of my lack of true experience in writing, but considering I’m hoping to actually become some degree of a writer I feel like it’s worth actually trying to explain what I think is a fault with things and why. 
    There always seems to be one specific thing that bothers me a lot when reading/watching stuff, and it’s the hard switching of tone from comedy to sincerity, or something similar to that, or vice versa.
    Honestly, even though it sounds like the motive of a cartoon villain, I kinda think there’s too much humor in the world. It’s probably just entirely driven by opinion and preferences, but I feel like so many people are striving and looking for comedy that it hinders so many other things. I feel like, both in real life and in writing, having so much humor everywhere creates a pretty big gap between that tone and sincerity, which is pretty much always needed at some point. The big line between comedy and sincerity makes it so much harder, emotionally speaking, to feel good about the switch. I’ll try to explain…
    First of all, this whole line of thought, even though I’ve been thinking it forever, was spawned by me watching Epithet Erased. Took me long enough, because I’ve seen some of the characters around and really loved their designs, but I finally watched it all, and I gotta say… It was interesting. Also, this is probably just going to be very ranty and opinionated but I will (hopefully) have something more valuable to say after. But, anyways, for one, it felt just barely too close to some of the premises for the stories I’ve thought of in various ways, but I guess that’s just bad luck on my part. Second, I feel like its humor really brought it down for me. Some episodes felt so long winded (although not necessarily “boring” I guess) because I felt like I got the joke they were trying to tell relatively quickly after they started it, but carried it so far. It didn’t help that, at least for a few of them, some of the characters felt like archetypes that I’ve seen a lot around the internet, or at least were simple enough that I understood what they were instantly, and when they are carried out through long character-focused moments it felt like nothing was happening. I feel like some of the characters are fine enough, even if I may not like them, but Giovanni and Indus were the two big ones that I thought had a little too much time given to them…
    But more relevant to what I’m trying to say, sometimes the writing jumps way too far from the very comedic tone it’s trying to put out and into it trying to be sincere. The worst case of this was when Sylvie met Mera in the museum storage, and Sylvester tried to out Mera’s nightmares, only to see that her nightmare was the reality she was already in. With the scene change, and Indus becoming more serious with Molly, it felt like a good enough departure from the usual comedic tone to warrant the deeper motive of the character. But, then, of course, they had to trash the whole tone by adding the line about her also being afraid of ducks. There was absolutely no good reason to warrant that line and I will die on that hill. Not only was it just humor, but it was spontaneous “random” humor, and so on… I honestly hope people could just understand where I’m coming from there by how out of place it seems. I feel like the only defense they could use, apart from “just liking it,” would be that it’s comedic relief, but I genuinely feel like since practically the whole thing up until this point was comedy there was absolutely no need for comedic relief. The scene itself is like the opposite of comedic relief, like “Sit down and pay attention” or “Turn your brain back on” or whatever. The climactic point of the scenes before it were reached, meaning the sincere conflict there should be focused on, and apart from that one tiny little line it worked well enough. The fact that it was so tiny and insignificant is basically why I hated it so much. They literally could’ve just scratched it off of the script and only good things would have happened. 
    Something a bit similar happened before when Molly revealed her backstory to Giovanni. It wasn’t quite as bad, but when a scene goes from comedy to “my mom’s dead and my life sucks” you do feel the shift a little too quickly. I feel like it’s not as bad because it could just be Molly’s character, seeing the tragedy of her life as just sort of normal and not really that remarkable, meaning she’s more likely to just randomly bring it up. 
    But I definitely wouldn’t be going off this much about it if there wasn’t at least a little bit more. Zora was literally the reason I wanted to watch the show, because I saw a drawing of her a while back and thought she was just some random OC, but when I heard she was from this show I instantly wanted to watch it a lot more. I think the same thing happened with Molly, but I think I knew she was from the show to begin with. Anyway, Zora was the main character who I loved from the get-go and loved even more the more I learned about her. She’s such a perfect amount of diversion from being a generic cowboy in the little design details, while still being 100% cowboy material. Then, when I saw that her power was “Sundial,” or more generally just time powers, I loved it. The big thing that seems little conceptually is making her key term “sundial” instead of just “time” or whatever, because of how much it relates to her cowboy-ness, with it being associated with the “sun” people often associate with Death Valley and the Wild West and whatnot. Not to mention, it’s just a cool power.
    But that’s kinda the thing, though. She’s so insanely strong. She could literally kill anyone on a whim. I don’t see how anyone could be cracking jokes in her presence. It’s kinda more general of a gripe, but when she aged up Howie it was borderline terrifying, and yet… right after, they’re cracking jokes again. It’s just so jarring. She could have literally reduced him to dust, and they’re so casual about it. I know Percy is supposed to be kinda blind to some obvious things, but I feel like even she could see the horror. That said, though, Percy is also one of my favorites. Her powers feel so natural yet interesting for what she is for some reason. 
Frankly, the visual character designs alone for this show are all really good. Whether or not I’m into the writing, I can’t deny that the show kept me coming back just because it feels so good to just look at it, you know? The minimal animation, vocalized stage directions, and top-down scene view was really interesting to watch, since I’ve never seen it before, and seems like a perfect way to produce more content with less budget. It made everything feel super crisp and tidy, despite being animated so simply. Not to mention that the general lack of animation meant the few scenes where there was traditional-level animation felt really good. The voice acting was also amazing, (again not directly tied to the writing) especially when the voice actors carried their character and emotion from the scene into the stage directions, instead of just reading them out plainly. And, at the very least, the premise of the show is also really interesting (at least to me, mainly because I created 2 stories with a similar idea without even knowing anything about it. Simplified, specific superpowers are just perfect for character designing, you know?) 
But I am kinda acting like the writing was bad, but it really wasn’t all things considered… I’m just not really into comedy, and when the comedy I don’t like is paired with writing and practically everything else I do like it doesn’t sit right with me. Considering this idea and some of the story beats were adopted from a DnD(-esque?) campaign, I feel like it’s much more fine. Frankly, I’m surprised I didn’t realize it sooner. Once I read about that, everything just fell into place. I’m not really into DnD either, though…
So, I feel like there are things to gain from thinking about this. While Epithet Erased is still on the mind, I feel like I’ve realized something about the juxtaposition of comedy and sincerity, that being that comedic characters can exist in sincere surroundings, and vice versa. Zora specifically could be one of these characters, because she’s so powerful that she probably sees everything around her as trivial, while the other characters have more sincere reactions to her obscene power. She could easily crack a sick joke that no one laughs at because she’s the only one who can find humor in whatever’s going on. By contrast, the thing about Mera’s fear of ducks was a product of the scene and not of the character, so it just ruined things. Nothing about it was made to be funny to the characters, it was made to be funny to the audience, even though the audience should be in sincere mode then. 
Another character that I think works like this is Charlie from Hazbin Hotel, who is the sincere personality in a world of complete and total insincerity. She’s basically a more unique kind of straight man (despite being neither straight nor a man), who are always the grounding in comedic casts, like Squidward in Spongebob. I guess in sincere stories there are comedic relief characters, and in comedies there are straight men. You know, these are probably all things other people have figured out already… at least I can feel good knowing I sort of reached them on my own…
    I think a good solution for stuff that’s primarily meant to be a comedy is to make it almost entirely comedic, at least with the inclusion of a straight man if needed. The big name that comes to mind is good ol Monty Python, the backbone of 14 year old boys’ humor style. At some point I realized why I like the humor of The Holy Grail, at least above other comedic movies, is that they don’t hold back at all. At no point whatsoever do they pull back the veil and put in a sincere moment. And, of course, since I can basically recite the entire movie from memory I think it did wonders. I think when it comes to comedies like this, trying to be too sincere at certain points makes it feel even less sincere than if it didn’t have the sincere moment at all. This might be a product of the 00s American family-rated live action comedies who all feel like they fall into that same boat, where the entire movie is hijinks, but then at the very end they pull that all back and have something really impactful happen, with the idea being having some shoehorned message about “family” or whatever. I can group so many movies into that category that it feels almost corporate how many there are like that, and because it’s both overdone and geared towards too generalized of an audience, trying to capture the comedy-lovers and sincere-lovers, it really just fails in both ways. Or, maybe people love them because they’re just barely bad enough to enjoy it in a so-bad-it’s-good sort of way. I dunno. If I wasn’t a little nostalgic for the time those types of movies might be my all-time least favorite.
    But I’m a stick in the mud who hates comedy so I’m not really equipped to tell anyone how to do it right. Instead, I feel like there’s some seriously untapped potential in other forms of “feel-good” tones, like casual lightheartedness and just plain fun. I feel like those two things really work towards creating sincere stories that are still enjoyable, and not just one shot of sadness after another, while still having a dash of impactful emotion in them.
    I feel like this is where Pixar really shines. People say “It’s not a true Pixar movie if you don’t cry at the end” because I think Pixar movies are great at making the audience lower their guard, and when the moment is right, hitting you right in your heart to make you feel the right emotions. For example, what I’d call my favorite movie of all time (for intents and purposes, if not for real), Inside Out, is all about emotional sincerity, where it’s trying to get across how it’s okay to feel sad, even though the world around you tends to say happiness is always what you want. For most of the movie, it’s a pretty casual romp around the inner workings of Riley’s mind, with some jokes thrown in (because it doesn’t have to be completely without jokes). I’m not really sure how to explain it, but the various jokes in Inside out feel like they’re sort of blended with the interesting workings of this fantasy mind-world, like the fact that earworms are just the little blobby workers in our minds sending the memory of the song back up to the control panel for the hell of it, or that our dreams are a product of a Hollywood-like place in our minds. These things definitely are there for humor, but something about them feels much more fun than just any kind of generic comedy. 
    Then, I feel like the most important thing about fun and lightheartedness is that they feel like they blend so much better with the sincere moments. Obviously if it’s too quick it’ll still be bad, but I think it’ll be much less bad than with comedy. Maybe you could think of it like a spectrum with pure comedy at one end and pure tragedy at the other, with fun and lightheartedness just barely crossing the midpoint towards the comedy side. Since there’s less of a gap between it and tragedy compared to pure comedy, it feels less jarring. Plus, it just feels more reasonable logically speaking, since comedy sort of puts up this insincere barrier to sort of suspend the disbelief that the events in question are supposed to be taken seriously, which makes breaking that barrier harder once it’s established. With fun and lightheartedness, there may be an expectation of it sort of maintaining itself but there isn’t as much to say there isn’t something hiding in the background. In Inside Out at least, throughout Joy and Sadness’ journey they are pretty determined to get back to the control panel to save Riley, but they’re for the most part confident they can do it (or, you know, just Joy’s confident), so they sort of interpret the world around them in a more casual light, but with that lower-level need still there. But when Joy falls into the abyss of forgotten memories and the hopelessness sets in, you feel it much more, because it was sort of already there to begin with, and it was just made perfectly clear at that moment. I think Bing Bong’s emotions during the scene also make it pretty emotional, since he’s being casual about his death while also being sincere about his sacrifice for Riley’s sake. Not to mention his inner sadness was outed while talking with Sadness.
    I feel like if I were trying to write an actual essay I could probably phrase all this a lot better. I just think there’s a ton of value to lightheartedness in stories, as opposed to comedy, for the sake of “feeling good.” Pretty much all of my favorite things have that tone to them to some degree, like Wander Over Yonder, my for sure favorite TV show. It definitely feels fun in a way that can elicit laughs, but it’s not a lot like “This is a joke and you should laugh” most of the time (Disregarding the Evil Sandwich, my least favorite character in the show). I also think Steven Universe succeeds very well with that tone, creating an extremely comfy atmosphere when it comes to the less climactic episodes. 
    I also vastly prefer the lighthearted resolutions to the conflicts in lighthearted stories. Frankly, I am infinitely more likely to cry to a comfy and happy resolution than I am to the actual sad parts. I’m not really sure what it is about them, but I guess the characters finally being happy again after emotional turmoil warrants a happy-cry. I swear, if I think too hard about the scene where Riley finally admits her sadness to her parents and just sits in their warm embrace, I tear up. It feels so much better than hijinks-danger-hijink resolution. 
    But yeah, the stories I want to write the most will all inevitably have that sort of lighthearted flair to them, unless of course I choose to go more inherently serious with a story. There’s nothing wrong with that either. 
    With regard to the really big claim I made before about there being too much humor in the world, the themes of Inside Out, and what I said about comedy’s insincere barrier, I really think the world as a whole would benefit from valuing humor a little less. It feels like there are so many situations where people sort of want to maintain their good feelings with humor instead of more directly dealing with issues in a sincere mindset. For example, if people say something disagreeable (but not insane), It feels like too many people resort to making jokes at that person’s expense and not dealing with the issues directly. Obviously if someones saying some insane bullshit it’s fine, but when the more reasonable takes that are just barely put under the same umbrella as the insane shit are made fun of, it really deepens the trench between the people of different opinions. Of course, humor isn’t the only thing deepening that trench, but it really feels like one of them a lot of the time.
    Apart from that, I feel like using humor as a way to distract from general negativity and negative emotions like what Inside Out sort of warns against can be pretty detrimental too. Obviously happiness can still be around, but putting up that kind of barrier between you and the necessary sincerity for emotion with comedy just makes the unpleasantness of the unpleasant stuff that much more unpleasant. I’m saying this one at least out of personal experience, since I have sort of developed to be too subconsciously against super sad and sincere real world scenarios. I haven’t personally felt too many of them myself, but I definitely feel myself blocking off some of my own emotional vulnerability, especially around other people. I can consciously talk against it, like I’m doing now, but I feel like it’s going to take a long time for that barrier to really break. Is humor to blame for that sort of thing? Maybe, with a dash of toxic masculinity and other buzzwords people often avoid for reasons I mentioned in the last paragraph. 
    Even though this one is much more unreasonably generalizable than the last two things, I feel like the popularity of self-deprecating humor across the internet also (probably?) takes a toll on some people. Obviously some people might just use it to their genuine benefit, but since it seems so common surely some people are putting on a self-deprecating face to get along, and eventually maybe even believing what they used to joke about themselves. Either way, it might be a product of an extreme departure from any kind of narcissism, making being self-confident and self-loving just that little bit harder for people.
    But, while I’m not the most equipped to judge writing, I’m even less equipped to actually debate for the existence of all those things, so just know I’m kinda speaking with my heart and not my brain here. People obviously want and need different things, and I’m probably just projecting. Hell, maybe that’s me self-deprecating to not make me seem weird to everyone else. I dunno.
        No matter what, all this reliance on humor really just shows who is and isn’t funny. Sometimes, people really need to get a grip. Frankly, I don’t think I’m that funny either, which is why I’ve kind of had the humor beaten out of me by one too many awkward silences after a weird joke in my elementary/middle school days. I guess that’s my cartoon villain origin story. 
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lord-covfefe · 7 years
White Noise-Chapter 5
Read on Ao3 here
I awoke the next morning alone, rolling over to see some parchment laid on the pillow next to me. Rubbing my eyes, I opened it to see a note in Link’s scratchy but neat handwriting: Here’s to many more rainy nights.
I shifted around in my bed and smiled as the events of the prior night came streaming back into my consciousness. I noted with curiosity that I was slightly sore, my canal drawing a subtle reminder of its recent interactions. I relished in the sensation--though it wasn’t exactly comfortable, there was something secretly titillating about it.
My stomach rolled as I remembered the fullness and thickness of him. The soft, velvety skin of his penis contrasting with the rigidity of its form had never been so vivid as when it first entered me. I was glad that I had a sensation to remember it by in the morning--I wanted his imprint on as much of me as possible.
I laid in bed for quite some time thereafter, drinking in the musk that we had left behind on the sheets and reliving my own deflowering. Looking out the window, I frowned to see a bluebird sky. When can I know him again?
Contentedly, I started to manually explore my own anatomy to learn more about how it fared. Sliding a finger in, I smiled again at the memory of being filled by something much larger.
I then removed it to examine if the consistency of my viscous fluids were the same as they had been before this change. I was shocked to see that there was dried blood on my index!
Sweet Hylia. I suppose I had read something about slight female bleeding the first time…
I pulled back the blankets to see a small spot of blood on my sheets. How mortifying! Hopefully Link had not seen. And, thankfully, I could easily explain it to my chambermaids by saying that my moon’s blood had come in the night.
I was rehearsing that monologue when a knock came at the door. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was well before the usual time Link came to escort me.
“Your highness,” came a woman’s voice from behind the door. “Are you awake?”
Curses. I recognized the voice as belonging to Liesl, my least favorite handmaiden.
“Yes, thank you Liesl,” I answered. “I will be ready to dress in just a moment.”
“Your Father has summoned you, and requests your presence immediately. Today we shall dress you simply, as must needs haste.”
My stomach dropped. There was no way we could have been heard, or seen. Was there? I suppose we left the window open...suppose a guard had strayed close to the walkway outside my room…
I wanted nothing more than to crawl under my covers and never come out. I am quite accustomed to ignoring my own wants, however.
I got up, smoothed the bed as much as possible, and opened the door to let Liesl in.
I cannot know if it was my imagination, or if she peered at my terrific bedhead with suspicious eyes.
I tried to calm my voice and swallowed the lump in my throat. Feigning calm, I chirped, “Do you know what he has summoned me to discuss?”
“He did not say,” she replied, her voice flat and stony. “My orders are simply to bring you to him as quickly as possible.
I took pleasure, for a brief moment, in imagining the terse Liesl running from a flock of cuccos. An incensed flock of cuccos.
Alas, daydreams of loud squawking from both parties would do nothing to stop the wrath of my Father, if he was summoning me for the reason I feared.
Liesl was fastening one of my silk stockings when she stopped, staring at something.
“Your highness, what is this bruise? It looks rather fresh.”
I glanced down, seeing a purpleing mark on my thigh that I knew to be the work of hungry hands. Hands belonging to the wielder of the Master Sword.
I swallowed.
“We rode quite briskly to get inside before the storm yesterday evening. I must have exerted myself a little too hard.”
She took another look at the bruise and continued to fasten the stocking.
“Your highness should be more careful. Perhaps your travel britches allow for too lively a riding style.”
To stop myself from rolling my eyes, I blinked hard.
“I will be sure to be more delicate next time. I do think I can manage that in trousers.”
We remained in silence until at last I was fully dressed in a simple gown fit for every day court life. I practically ran out the door, terrified of the audience with my father but glad to get away from the cantankerous maid.
Walking down the hallway leading to the throne room, I attempted some of the breathing exercises Link had taught me and stared at the scenes on the tapestries to occupy my mind. Each time a menacing what if appeared in my mind I would fixate on some scene, instead mentally reciting the history I knew of each one.
The hero of twilight battling a dragon, high above the ground in a long-lost sky city. A tall sheikah woman atop a horse with the young princess Zelda. Banished...or worse…
I looked down at the crimson carpet below my feet and then back up at the tapestries.
A wild contraption that had been constructed along the ancient sealing grounds that sadly, we no longer know the name for. Another relic lost to obscurity in the harsh sands of time.
Finally, I arrived at the throne room. I did not dally by the door as to not give my worries any more attention than they had already enjoyed. The only way to find out was to find out.
The two guards at the door, seeing my approach, announced me as I walked into the sanctum. The sallow sunlight streaming in from high windows appeared as columns of light thanks to the motes of dust that freely drifted.
I entered quickly, attempting to jostle out my nerves with physical movement.
I saw that Link already stood before my Father and I swallowed, torn between the lurching of my heart at his golden hair and the lead in my stomach at the implications of him being here.
His face was completely blank, not even a drop of anxiety. He rather seemed more resolute than normal, completely prepared to face whatever was coming with honor. He looked at me and crinkled his eyes for just a brief moment, sending me a private message. Sweet Din. How could he be flirting at a time like this?
He was calm and collected, flirting even! Triforce of courage indeed. Meanwhile, I was a quavering bundle of nerves amassing in a being known as Zelda.
The hall finally settled and my Father cleared his throat. The silence fell deeper still.
“Zelda. Link. Young ones,” he boomed. His voice still grated on me with the memory of his dressing down the day before. “These are grave times. The stakes are high, and the price of failure is steep. Omens are everywhere. Just last night the moon seemed to turn a foul shade of crimson and seemed to be casting down an angry look from the sky. Grave times indeed,” he dithered on.
Half of my life had been spent listening to his half-baked proclamations of doom. He churned out several more minutes of self-indulgent catastrophizing when he finally arrived at the point. I tuned back in.
“And so, with all this in mind, I am bitterly disappointed to hear that this Calamity  is not being treated with the gravitas that it so sorely requires.”
My stomach dropped even further. I wished that the floor of the sanctum would split and I could fall down into the ground.
I would take responsibility for it all. I would say that it was all my doing, Link could not refuse me, I was his sovereign, he had nothing to do with it. I opened my mouth to say so--
“I have received information that on your visit to Zora’s Domain, you spent much time tinkering away in Vah Ruta, alone. This is unacceptable. You are not to leave your knight protector’s side, under any circumstances. Your person is the most crucial element in Ganon’s defeat. Sir Link, this is the last time I will say this without consequence--the princess does not leave your sight, no matter how she protests. That is a direct order.”
Link bowed his head.
“Yes, your majesty.”
I felt dizzy and had an urgent need to sit. Thank you Hylia! At least for this!
“Good. It is settled. Now,” my Father continued. “The matter I called you here to discuss. We have received intelligence that several star fragments have fallen in the area surrounding the Spring of Power. I believe this is a divine sign, an indication of the goddess’ presence on those grounds. You two will depart today for the Spring, as soon as you are ready. I expect this task will be treated with respect,” he said, giving both of us the hairy eyeball.
Neither of us said anything, but both offered solemn nods. Well, at least Link was surely solemn. I was still agog and trembling like a deer at our brush with disaster.
We both turned on our heels and left, Link settling into his place three places behind me. I took ten deep breaths, attempting to reclaim some measure of calm.
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chainsawbettyloo · 7 years
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Title: Uncertainty and Shock Can Lead to Great Things 
Pairing: Sidlink 
Rating: Everyone+
Tags: Fluff, Confessions, Kissing, First time kiss, lovey dovey 
Summary: Desperate to get a secret off his chest but unable to tell him directly, Link reveals to Sidon that he can no longer linger on Mipha's feelings for him because there is someone else he wants. Sidon's reaction is unexpected but very much welcomed.
A/N: Sorry for the wait, @cockismybusiness!! I had a lot of fun writing it and hope you like it!!
The first two parts of the comic that this piece was written for can be found here and here! This has been cross posted on my ao3! Comments, kudos, and reblogs are very much appreciated! And, as always, requests are still open! 
As the seconds ticked by with nothing said in response, Link began to fidget restlessly. Staring down at the ground, plucking blades of grass with his fingertips, unable to meet Sidon’s eyes, he waited for the Zora Prince to say anything. 
It didn’t really matter what, he just wanted him to speak, even if it was just a snarl or snap that he shouldn’t disregard Mipha’s feelings. He wanted this oppressive silence to end before it crushed him to the point that he took what he had said back. Despite knowing that nothing would come from telling Sidon that there was someone else he wanted, laced with the subtle hint of just who that someone was, saying those words, finally getting them out, it had made him feel lighter, like he had revealed some big secret that had laid heavy on his chest.
Taking his words back, drawing them back into him so that they would return to the indentation in his heart, meant that they’d remain there until the end of his days. Weighing down his heart like rocks in the pockets of a suicidal man. No, he would not let discomfort and unease force him into such a situation.
“Someone else?” Sidon finally spoke, tone neutrally curious but it sounded...feigned, as though he was forcing himself to speak that way.
Link nodded, letting out a mental sigh of relief - finally, the words were flowing freely once more, “That’s right so I can’t linger anymore on what could have been. She wouldn’t want that. I don’t want to do that.”
“I understand, my friend.” Sidon said kindly, resting his large hand on Link’s shoulder. Warmth seeped through the fabric before soaking pleasantly into his skin, “You are right. Mipha wouldn’t want you to be imprisoned by the past. She would want you to move forward. She would want you to go after the one you love with all your heart.”
There was a couple moments of comfortable silence before Sidon laughed, “Also, I’m pretty sure Mipha already knew about your feelings for Zelda.”
“The someone else, it’s Princess Zelda, is it not?”
Link stared blankly at him for a moment then slowly shook his head, “Zelda is one of my closest friends, I will protect her until the end of my days and will always be there for her but the love I have for her isn’t like that.”
“Then, it isn’t her?” Sidon asked slowly, head cocked.
“No. I love Zelda, I will always love Zelda but not in that kind of way.”
Leaning forward, the Zora Prince placed his elbows on his knees, eyes narrowed, an expression Link couldn’t quite decipher on his handsome face, “Who, then?”
“Who is it? If not Zelda, then who?”
That was a question he hadn’t considered how to answer. In fact, this whole conversation was going in a direction he hadn’t predicted. Not that he had really given himself anytime to think about what actually telling Sidon there was someone else would lead to, which was beginning to look like a very bad idea because he had thoroughly backed himself into a corner.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Despite saying that, Sidon sounded like he didn’t mean it. Link noticed that as he spoke, his eyes shifted away, looking off to the side rather than straight at him, as he had been doing before.
“A Zora.” Link said hesitantly, not wanting to remain quiet but also not wanting to lie.
“A Zora.”
Link nodded, then cleared his throat, “Yeah. A Zora.”
A few moments of uncomfortable silence followed before Sidon prompted, sounding a bit impatient, “That isn’t very definitive, my friend.”
No longer was he backed into a corner. Now, he was practically digging his own grave. Dropping his gaze away, he squirmed underneath Sidon’s piercing stare. Nervously tucking on a lock of hair, mind racing with suggestions of what he could say but all of them being rejected for being too stupid or posing a danger of getting him into even more trouble. He should have bailed when he had the chance, should have taken what he was able to get and ran off. Would have made a coward out of him but at least he wouldn’t have been in this treacherous, dangerous position.
Swallowing hard, he croaked, “He’s, uh…”
He had nothing. The only thing he could think to say was the truth, to come clean and state it without implications, without subtlety, and to just tell Sidon who it was he wanted. However, that was even more dangerous than the situation he already was in. He couldn’t predict how Sidon would react to learning that he was in love with the younger brother of the Zora who loved him to the point that she had created engagement armor for him. If he were to hazard of guess, he would say it probably wouldn’t be a good reaction.
This was bad, and it was getting worse. All he had wanted to do was get it off the chest so that it wouldn’t suffocate him any time he managed to grab hold of a quiet moment. He hadn’t wanted to be trapped like this. Panic began to flutter inside his stomach. Bailing was still an option. That was still something open to him. Problem was, he could already tell that he wasn’t going to do that. His own selfish need had started this whole thing, and he would see it to the end.
“You.” He said flatly, staring down hard at the ground, cheeks and ears burning, “That someone is you.”
Despite the heavy silence, and tension that followed his quiet confession, an instant relief washed over him. Those words, they had slid off his tongue like honey, leaving behind a delectable sweetness that enveloped his taste buds. It was probably wrong for him to say such a thing, it would probably haunt him for a time to come but, at that moment, none of that mattered. He had said it, the words he had wanted to say for so long, they were out, free, heard by the person he did truly love so very much.
“Oh, thank the Goddess!” Sidon cried softly, sounding both immensely relieved and triumphant.
The words registered in his mind but he was only given enough reaction time to inhale sharply, heart jumping up into his throat, nearly expelling itself from his mouth before large, calloused hands were suddenly cupping his face, turning his head so that he was looking up at the Zora Prince. The gaze looking down at him was full of warmth, excitement and desperate, naked want. For a moment, he was so overwhelmed by those intense, burning golden eyes that he failed to notice just how close Sidon was.
He only realized it when Sidon’s face was close enough to his own that he could feel his breath brushing along his skin. Heart fluttering, butterflies battering their wings against the confines of his stomach, breath patchy, heat burning his face to embers, all he could do was silently stare up. Brushing the pad of his thumb over the curve of Link’s cheek, Sidon offered a large smile.
“I’ve been waiting and hoping to hear those words from you for so long, Link.” He whispered before closing the small distance between them.
Link inhaled sharply as smooth lips pressed firmly against his own. The whole world came to a skidding halt. Everything faded away until all that was left was the sensation of Sidon’s lips slipping, sliding, caressing, kissing his. Eyes fluttering closed, he breathed out a long sigh of contentment, wrapped his arms loosely around Sidon’s broad shoulders and didn’t let himself think of anything else than what was going on in the current moment. Instead of anything of that, he pushed back into the kiss, hungry, needing, wanting more.
The action of returning the kiss seemed to break what little self-control Sidon had left. His back was suddenly pressed against the ground. Resting most of his weight on one elbow, Sidon moaned deep in his throat as he thoroughly devoured Link’s mouth. Nipping, sucking, and pushing his tongue deep inside to caress his own, Link could hardly keep up, carried on the waves of heat, haziness and pleasure. Letting Sidon take the lead, he reciprocated as best he could, not content with just being a passive participant. It was obvious that neither of them had any experience in the activity. Every movement was clumsy, rough and unrefined.
“Say it again.” Sidon gasped, “Tell me again who it is you want, please.”
“You.” Link replied, his voice barely a rasp. He was beginning to feel pleasantly dizzy. The edges of his vision were blurred, and all he could focus on was Sidon, “The person I want is you.”
Sidon pressed a hot, messy kiss on his cheek, “Again. Please, tell me again.”
“You, the person I want is you! I love you!” He tightened his hold on Sidon’s shoulders, trying to pull him even closer.
“I love you, too.” Sidon whispered, warm breath puffing against his ear.
A jolt raced through Link’s body. Eyes widening, his gaze followed Sidon as he leaned back, putting just enough distance between them so they could look one another in the eye. Breathing heavily, a pleasant pink dyeing his smooth, white cheeks, eyes heavy lidded and swirling with longing, Sidon smiled gently, tracing the line of Link’s jaw with the tips of his fingers, “I’ve loved you for so long now, Link. Coming to terms with that wasn’t easy but I couldn’t deny how I felt. I love you, I love you so much and decided a long time ago that if the chance to be with you ever presented itself, I would take it without hesitation. I wanted to create that chance for myself but-“
“You thought I loved Zelda.” Link interrupted.
Sidon nodded, “Yes. Regardless of my own feelings, I had made up my mind that I would support you no matter what, no matter who you loved because more than anything else, I want you to be happy. You deserve all the happiness in the world, Link, and while I wished, I hoped that it could be me, as long as you were happy, that was more than enough for me.”
Slipping his hands back so he could cup Sidon’s hot, smooth cheeks, adoring the sensation of his skin gliding across the palms of his hands, Link said, “You’re the one who makes me happy. You’re the one I want to be with. Sidon, you’re the one I love.”
With a choked, happy sigh, Sidon brushed a stray lock of hair away from his forehead then leaned down to kiss the spot where the hair had been, “I love you so much.” Sliding down, he kissed the tip of his nose, “Every single thing about you.” A kiss was placed on his cheek next, “Thank you for telling me how you feel.” The other cheek received a soft kiss, “Thank you for loving me.” A kiss upon his chin. “I promise.” Finally, Sidon’s lips settled against his own, where they lingered for a while before he pulled back just a fraction of an inch, and whispered, “I will love you always. Until the end of days, til time comes to a close, I will love you.”
Feeling a bit drunk with giddiness, nearly unable to believe any of this was actually happening, Link tugged him back into a hungry, wanting kiss, head buzzing, heart throwing itself around in excited circles inside his chest. Sliding, caressing, slipping his hands to wherever they could reach, wanting to memorize every single inch of Sidon’s skin, he moaned softly with Sidon lightly nipped his bottom lip. At that moment, he began acutely aware of the Zora Prince’s sharp teeth and, suddenly, the thing he wanted more than anything else was to be bitten, for Sidon to sink those teeth into him, to mark him as Sidon’s.
The request nearly passed through his wet, swollen lips before he thought better of it. To ask for such a thing right now, it felt too early. That might be something that would have to wait until they could explore each other a little bit more. It was definitely in his future but for now, he was content to just touch and kiss. They had all the time in the world, after all, he thought with a silly, muffled giggle.
“Link.” Sidon gasped, suddenly breaking the kiss and moving back. Pushing himself up onto his hands, he hovered over Link, hard pants tumbling out of his mouth.
“Hm?” Link hummed in response, a little grateful for the reprieve as it gave him time to make sure he didn’t pass out from over-excitement.
“Can we go back to the Domain?”
“Why?” He asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.
Sidon hesitated for a moment then let his head drop and admitted, “If we keep going, I won’t be able to control myself. I would rather not have our first...intimate moment to be spent out in the open, among the wildlife and bugs. That is, if that’s something you’re comfortable with.”
“I want to.” Link replied hurriedly, sitting up abruptly. Trembling with excitement, possible scenarios of just what could happen when they get back to the Domain racing through his mind, he smiled shyly, a little embarrassed by how forward he was being, “I don’t have any experience.”
“That’s alright.” Sidon reassured him, getting to his feet. Holding out his hands, he helped Link up, steadied him after his legs nearly gave out, and continued, “I don’t either so this will be a learning experience for the both of us.”
They fell still and silent for a moment, simply looking each other in the eye, basking in each other’s touch and warmth. Link was the one to move first. Stepping forward, he wrapped his arms around Sidon’s midsection, burying his face into his stomach. Letting out a long, content sigh when the Zora Prince’s muscular arms tightly encased him, he murmured, “I know this whole thing is going to be a learning experience, just given our differences but,” he raised his head so he could smile up at Sidon, “I’m so excited and happy.”
“I am, too, my Pearl.” Sidon returned his smile with a large, warm one of his own. “No matter what is waiting for us in time to come, I am overjoyed that I am able to walk this path with you.”
“My Pearl?” Link breathed, eyes going wide.
“Yes,” Sidon reached up to lovingly stroke Link’s cheek, “my beautiful, amazing, precious gem. My Pearl.”
Leaning into his touch, eyes fluttering closed, Link chuckled, “I never thought I’d ever hear someone call me something like that. I like it.”
Sidon placed a kiss against his forehead, “I’m glad. Now, shall we return to the Domain?”
Nodding, he reluctantly detached himself from Sidon, immediately mourning the loss of his touch and warmth. Wanting to maintain some kind of contact between them, he caught hold of Sidon’s large hand. Wrapping his fingers around the Zora Prince’s, he pressed up against his side. Sidon dropped another kiss on the top of his head, squeezed his hand gently before starting off towards the Domain. Falling easily into step beside him, a big grin plastered across his face, Link sent up a quiet thank to the Goddess that his desperate need to get a secret off his chest had resulted in his greatest wish being granted.
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(I actually had to do a tad bit of research on the sapphire because while I’ve known about it, I never knew the specific details)
A Royal Proposal
Word Count: 1868 Warnings: Fluff, Sappy goodness, Link makes an appearance
Early morning training after a restless night is never a great combination but at least Sidon had someone to keep his head on straight.
“I must thank you for accompanying me this morning,” Sidon said as he opened the door to the training hall, “I’ve been meaning to work off some steam and get a few things off my chest.”
The blonde knight comfortably strides into the room, having been brought here several times before whenever their schedules happened to align like today. He went ahead of the Zora turning to give him a thumbs-up. As silent as ever, Link still prefers to express his words through gestures and facial expressions and Sidon has grown accustom to deciphering them, though the occasional sign also helped.
“This isn’t a bother for you, right? I know that you and Zelda are ever so busy with restoring Hyrule Kingdom to its former glory.” Sidon watches with a sheepish smile as Link begins to remove his Master Sword and shield and hang them upon the weapons rack. He always insists on using Zora weaponry when they have these sessions.
He turns to Sidon and shakes his head making quick signs with his now free hands, “Need break.”
Sidon chuckles, “Zelda has been working you hard?”
The look of exhaustion that crosses the hero’s face tells him all he needs to know but Link still signs, “Never stops,” to emphasize his point.
He nods in understanding and then walks further into the room, putting a hand on Link’s shoulder. “Yes, on occasion she reminds me of Muzu; though I think she is a little more charming than him.”
“Stubborn too.” Link signs which makes both of them laugh.
Sidon has many friends in the Domain but never has he had one like Link before, and it had nothing to do with being a Hylian. It was the way that he felt comfortable around him, a calming sort bond where he didn’t feel he had to keep up his image; he could be as casual as he wanted and confide in Link things that he wouldn’t dare say to anyone else. Like today, for instance, where he had something rather significant to get off his chest.
Sidon retrieves a spear from the weapons rack, holding one out to Link and smiling as he took hold noting how the weapon was slightly taller than the hero but he held it as if it weighed nothing at all. The hero’s adversity in wielding different weapons was admirable but now was no time to admire as Link launched his attack beginning their sparring match. Now it was over clanging metal and their back-and-forth movements that Sidon has to speak, feeling much more comfortably with something to keep him moving.
“I’m sure you are well aware already, but my pearl and I have been-” Link thrust forth his spear forcing Sidon to quickly side step and take his own jab that sent the hero retreating for a brief second “-together for quite some time. It has been marvelous being by their side; waking up every morning to their sleeping face, gazing at them from across the dining table. It already feels like they’re part of the family, like they’re where they belong.’ Sidon let out a dreamy sigh picturing you, but then he realized that he has been rambling and had lowered his weapon as he day-dreamt.
Link doesn’t seem to mind, as usual, in fact he was standing there leaning his weight on the spear now standing upright. He was grinning wide at the Zora, quirking a brow when their eyes met which only made him feel more embarrassed about being caught up in his thoughts.
“Sorry, it’s just that I want them to stay because, well… I love them.” He admits with a fond smile as he also stood his spear and grips it tight. Link playfully puts a hand to his forehead and pretends to swoon at the Zora’s words which prompts a laugh from said man when the hero “collapses” on the floor with his spear still in hand. “If I did not know you could take down beasts ten times your size, I’d say you should pursue a career in theater.”
Link snickers softly then stands on his feet, bowing like an actor after concluding their grand performance, prompting another laugh. The blonde carefully tucks the spear into his elbow to free his hands and sign with an inquisitive look, “Propose?”
Sidon smiled sheepishly as he gave a tentative shrug. “I would love to more than anything, I am just unsure if now is the right time or how I should even go about it. I mean, for them to become my mate, my life partner, it would mean they are to be Royalty and that is a lot of pressure to suddenly thrust upon someone.”
Snapping his fingers, Link pulls Sidon from his nervous rambling saving him from drowning in his worries. The Zora sighs and then casts his gaze down to the floor muttering a quiet apology. “I just want it to be perfect.”
His friend snaps again drawing his attention to Link to see his hands moving in simple signs. “Do you love them?”
Sidon blinks perplexed. “Is that really a question? Of course I do!”
“Do they love you?”
The Zora thought for a moment then smiles and nods his head firmly.
“Then no worries,” Link signs with a casual smile swinging his spear around nonchalantly.
Sighing, Sidon shook his head. “I’m afraid it not that simple, my dear friend. If I am to propose then I will have to do many thing in preparation: receive my father’s blessings, inform my people, pick the perfect opportunity to ask for their hand, not to mention I’d have to acquire the sapphire, I mean, that is tradition after all.” And as much as Sidon had a tendency to break tradition this was one thing he could not tamper with.
The Zora Sapphire was sacred to every person in the Domain after all, a symbol of everlasting promise to love between mates when presented to them in the form of some kind of jewelry. Royal engagements on a very different scale when it came to the proposal jewelry as they would be extraordinarily detailed compared to regular standards and such ornate crafts often took an equally great deal of time to make.
A spear suddenly thrusts forward giving the prince only a moment to react and deflect the head of the weapon with his long forgotten spear; hide-eyed he gazes at Link staring back at him with an amused grin. The hero pulled back then thrust his spear again and again beginning an assault upon the prince while he did his best to block them all. The attack seemed relentless, showing no signs of stopping so Sidon has no choice but to step up; using his weight to push against Link’s weapon sending him stumbling back then knocks the spear from his grasp.
Panting softly Sidon points the tip of his spear at Link’s neck holding it there for a moment before letting it fall with a sigh. “Was that really necessary?”
Link shrugs with a cheeky grin. “Needed focus.”
You certainly have interesting methods of getting people’s attention,” Sidon says with a light chuckle.
“Worth it. Now go.”
“Go where?”
“To propose.”
Sidon smiles and then shakes his head with another soft laugh. “I think Princess Zelda’s stubbornness has rubbed off on you.” Link rolls his eyes then shoots the Zora a look as he tapped his foot impatiently. “Alright, alright. I will go, let us hope that you are right.”
Lowering his spear he hands it over to the hero who takes it with a flamboyant twirl that makes the prince chuckle. He then heads for the exit in disbelief that he was truly going to do this. Looking back at Link, who is staring right back at him and smiling giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up. “Thank you Link.”
The Zora’s heart was racing the moment he departs noticing how oddly quiet which did not help the prince’s anxiety. After spending quite some searching with his bustling nerves, he turns his attention to the throne room figuring that perhaps his father had seen you.
Approaching the grand room Sidon was retrieved to see you standing in the center of the platform that protruded from glistening waters; the crowd of Zora’s in the entrance hall was a surprise. They all went quiet, staring at him with giddy grins as he approached you. His father was also present, sitting upon his throne with Muzu standing on the platform beside him.
“Hi Sidon,” you said with a sheepish smile once his eyes finally fell upon you,
The prince let out a breathy laugh before responding, “Hello… what is all this? Everyone in the kingdom seems to be here.” The crowd laughs but his father quiets them with a wave of his hand.
“Well, I thought they’d all want to hear this.” The Zora quirks a brow glancing from his father, to the crowds, then back to you.
“My pearl, are you…?”
“Please let me speak, I practiced this whole ridiculous speech so let me get this out.” You hold out your hand and he tentatively took hold of it noticing how the other was hiding behind your back. “Sidon, you are my greatest friend and of course my greatest lover. The time that I spent with you has been… magical and for that I’d like to show you a type of Hylian expression of gratitude.”
You kneel down before him, still holding his hand tight which inclines him to bend down a bit, his mouth agape. “Sidon, prince of the Zora, keeper of my heart, friend to all, but lover to me, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?” He gasps softly when he saw the ring you had been holding behind your back. It was breathtaking; shimmering silver band curling into the jewel of the Zora emblem with the sapphires fitting in perfectly.
He knows that his people are watching but hearing those words just made something inside him snap and the tears fell. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, my sweet pearl!” He exclaims and the entire room erupts in applause cheering as Sidon lifts you off the ground and spins around with you in his arms.
“Sidon! You’re gonna make me drop the ring, don’t let Dento’s hard work go to waste!” You laugh and the Zora pulls back noticing how you were also crying now. He chuckles and then raises his hand so you can carefully slide it onto his finger; a perfect fit. “Hope you liked your surprise.”
“Love, you have me in tears loving you even more than I ever have before.”
You chuckle and peck his lips sweetly, “Good.”
Sidon smiles and the cheering from the crowd kicks up again reminding the prince of their audience; however, when he surveys the crowd again - now proudly showing off his ring as they stepped forth to look at it - he notices a certain blonde her standing at the back giving him a big thumbs-up.
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Kinktober 2017 Day 6: Biting
They had talked about it quite a few times, Link assuring Sidon every time that he was happy with it. Even so, Sidon was worried. What if he hurt him too much? What if he lost control? What if..? Link had just laughed and signed ‘what if the sky turns green and your nose falls off?’ which prompted a conversation of how Sidon’s nose was very unlikely to fall off thank you very much but still.
Link knew Sidon wanted to do it. It was instinct, to press his teeth into his partner's skin. To mark and taste and hold while rutting into them. He’d felt the press of teeth a few times, brief pricks of sharp not quite pain that thrilled him before Sidon had pulled away. It wasn’t like Sidon was going to bite hard, he likely would not even fully break the skin! It was the holding with teeth that they both were interested in though for two different reasons. Sidon for instinct and Link? Link for the thrill.
It had felt good and he wanted more of it, wanted it to last as Sidon filled him while practically covering him completely. His favorite position was kneeling at the edge of the bed, then Sidon could stand at the side and lean over him. Arm about his waist and carefully press into him once he was slick and wet and aching. A perfect position for teeth to press against a freckled shoulder.
They were still working on reaching the ‘slick, wet and aching’ part though the wet part was practically accomplished. He made low hums and breathy pants as Sidon kissed between his legs. One of his favorite things was to watch when Sidon did this, you could tell the exact moment the Zora’s sense of smell and taste really got to him because his eyes would expand from the usual slits. Just a little and only really noticeable if you were watching for it but Link loved it anyways.
Sidon often got lost in Link. In his eyes, his smile, his utter joy at the simplist of things. Those were everyday occurrences that he treasured. Getting lost in the taste and smell of his precious Hylian was something entirely. Sometimes, Link would touch himself before coming to see him. Just enough that there was a hint of his scent and since Sidon knew what that scent was, it drove him wild. Forced to stay in public and act as if he was not sniffing the air. A sweet torment.
Link reached to push at his head, squirming and panting. It took a few pushes and a few hits with his heel before Sidon realized what Link was doing and lifted his head to give a wet smile. “Ready?” he asked, voice thick as he pressed one last kiss to Link’s knee.
It was a moment of wriggling and shifting before Link was on his hands and knees, Sidon behind him and stroking his hands over everything he could reach. “You will alert me, yes? Should it be too much?” he asked, knowing he had asked many times previous but still he worried. Link smiled over his shoulder, making a circle with his thumb and pointer finger before miming slapping his own face. It made Sidon laugh, bending to kiss the back of his shoulder. “Yes, just smack me” he agreed, feeling soothed by Link’s eager trust.
Biting was for later however, now was time for the slow and careful push into slickness. A cock sliding inside while the other rubbed up against Link’s nub with each ridge. He could feel each time it happened because Link would shudder down to his toes with a soft hum. Delightful. It was slow going, gentle rocking that seated a little more of himself each time. Tightwethot so very very good.
Snaking his arm around Link’s waist, Sidon held him close, the other bracing his weight on a forearm as he started to mouth at the curve of his neck when Link tilted his head to bare it encouragingly. He wanted to bite, to hold with his teeth while mating his precious Link. It was to keep your partner still while laying the eggs, mind you there were no eggs now but the instinct remained since he had very much choosen Link.
Soon he pressed his mouth there, teeth carefully covered and sucked gently to taste the salt of Link’s sweat. Feel him press up against his mouth with a shuddering sigh. Link was always so quiet in bed, soft hums and panting that Sidon soaked up every little sound that he did get.
Especially when he pressed just a hint of teeth, a quick press before pulling back to make sure he had not pressed to hard. There was not even a mark and Link gave a shaky ‘ok’ sign over his shoulder, cheek pressed into the bedding and rocking back against him eagerly. He had to trust Link, and himself, with this.
With that in mind, he pressed his teeth against the side of his neck harder. Feeling the moan against his tongue and lips. Good, it was so good. Bite and hold, enough to leave little red indents when he checked them before picking another spot a little lower down. Hips picking up their rhythm, he left marks on every patch of skin he could.
Bite. Hold. Thrust into Link just the way he liked it. Long draw out of his clenching heat then a sharp thrust back inside. Enough to wring whines from his red lips. Whines were good, he liked whines. Almost as much as he liked the way Link looked with his pale skin freckled with indents.
The next bite was less careful, Sidon losing a bit of control and he tasted blood. He froze, letting so swiftly with a gasp “Oh! Oh no, Link..forgive me! I..” It was a barely there mark, the blood welling up into a few beads but he still felt guilt coil in his gut until Link twisted to look at him and mouthed ‘again, more’.  “But..but you are bleeding..!” He protested even as he licked his lips. It was good, had tasted good. He wanted to taste him as he came, would Link taste sweeter then?
A hand tugging his fin caught his attention, Link squirming and trying to pull his mouth down to his neck. “Are..you sure?” He asked, even as his mouth watered. Link twisted to look at him a little better and Sidon would be in awe of his flexibility later, he was more focused on the expression of his face. His beautiful face, twisted in need and flushed clear up to his pointed ears. “O..oh my..” Sidon breathed, dicks twitching before he let himself he pulled down to drag his tongue over the pin pricks to both of their delight.
Why had he been so worried about this? He could not recall, bracketing Link with his arms and pressing him down against the bed before finding a new spot to mark with careful presses of teeth.
So wet, Link was so wet that he could hear it over their panting and Link’s whimpers. He muffled himself, swallowing his own sounds so he could hear Link better. That did not last long, he could not resist babbling praises between bites.
“Oh my Darling..you sound so good..so loud for me..keep it up? Your voice drives me to utter ecstatics!”
They would be a right mess by the time they lay spent, Link would need his back and shoulders tended to but it was very very worth it.
Support what I do with a drink!
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startrek-z · 7 years
STZ V: Part 7
There was a quiet knocking at the door. He didn’t open his eyes just yet, still dazed and half asleep. His body felt heavy and relaxed; part of him doubted he was capable of movement. The sound of footsteps told him his roommate was back, and going to answer the door. “Is Link here? I heard about–” “Shh, he’s asleep,” Jeremy muttered in a hushed voice.
Melissa’s voice continued, though in a quieter tone. “I heard about what happened. Is he  alright?” “Think so. I mean, they didn’t keep him, so…” “Well,” Melissa’s voice trailed awkwardly. “It’s just about dinner time; do you suppose we should wake him up?” There was a pause. “…nah; I’d hate to wake him up now. This is probably the most sleep I’ve seen him get all semester.” Link smiled wanly at that–he was probably afraid of getting hit again, too. He heard the door close, and silence enveloped the room. He opened his eyes a little, still feeling groggy, and blinked in shock at the digital clock beside his bed; he’d been asleep for a solid seven hours. After a moment he rolled over onto his back and blinked drowsily up at the ceiling. “I should get my assignments done,” he thought out loud, before forcing himself to sit up and get out of bed. He slipped a baggy sweater on over his bare chest, band sat down to work. His focus started to wander about an hour into his Warp Physics assignment. Eventually he zoned out completely, his mind blank as he doodled on a spare sheet in his notebook. “Wow, you’re good,” said a voice from behind. The Hylian jumped about a foot in the air, his heart beating painfully in his chest through his fright. He felt as though he’d been woken up from a deep sleep; just how long had he been spaced out like that? “Sorry man, didn’t mean to scare you,” Jeremy apologized, though he was grinning with amusement. Link sat back, taking deep breath to calm his racing heart. Meanwhile he glanced down at his notebook, surprised at the detailed sketches littering the page. A rather accurate picture of the Master Sword ran down the center, and on either side of it, randomly placed sketches of Kokiri, Zora, Gorons, and random objects flooded the paper. “I didn’t know you could draw,” Jeremy remarked, staring down at the pictures as well. “Neither did I …” Link murmured in awe. Jeremy filled Link in on what he had missed, before the Hylian settled and finished his work. Link yawned and moved to get back into bed, but hesitated. Should he take another pill? Dr. Tam had said only one–did he mean one at a time, or once a day? After thinking it over, the Hylian decided it would be alright. Being awake meant that the first one should’ve worn off, so taking another for the night shouldn’t hurt. With that in mind, he swallowed the medication and crawled back into bed, looking forward to a full night of sleep. *** Much to the Link’s dismay, the news of his “episode” had spread like fire through the academy. The following day of classes was utter torture, and his better-than-average hearing didn’t help. He heard all sorts of rumors being passed between peers as he walked by. As much as he wanted to explain what had really happened, he kept his mouth shut. Self defense class was the worst. Though he felt more alert and focused, he couldn’t help but notice the weary glances he got from his fellow cadets. He even caught the instructor watching him a bit closer than normal. The class seemed to drag longer than usual, and he was beyond relieved when it finally ended. “No worries, man. Vacation’s in a bit–after that, no one will remember,” Jeremy   reassured him that night at dinner. Link nodded a little, forcing himself to take a deep breath. “Here’s hoping I can last that long,” he muttered, only half serious. Jeremy grinned; it seemed his roommate was finally coming around. “Actually,” Link continued, “When is vacation?”  The human paused to think. “Let me see…this is the seventh week right? So that means our first break is in…” he started to count on his fingers, “Three…No. Four more weeks…I think.”   Link groaned. “That’s forever!” he sighed, “Are they really gonna talk about it for that long?!”     Jeremy laughed. “Probably. But I wouldn’t  freak out over it. I’m sure someone else will do something even more weird or stupid before then, and everyone will forget about your little…episode.” He gave his roommate an encouraging smile.   “I hope your right.” The Hylian murmured softly.  “So what are you gonna  do for break? Got somewhere special to go or see?” Jeremy asked giving him a playful nudge and a wink.   “Er..no,” Link replied a bit confused by his roommate’s weird behavior. “What do you mean ‘go’?” “ Oh, the campus closes for a couple of weeks and all us cadets get to go home for a while. You know to see the folks and all that good stuff.”   Link flinched. He wasn’t like the other cadets, he didn’t have a home left to go back too. ‘What the hell am I supposed to do!?’ he wondered. ‘Where can I go?’   The human watched the Hylian’s face with curiosity and kind of guessed at his thoughts. “Don’t worry about it man, you’ve got plenty of time figure out what you want to do. Hey, worst come worst you can come and stay back in old Dakota with me; my folks won’t care.” He shrugged and game him an evil smile.    “Thanks Jeremy,” the other boy smiled back, “I might have to take you up on that offer…” ‘At least I have someplace to go,’ Link mused, but he really didn’t want to take Jeremy’s offer. He feared becoming a burden and risking the loss of his only 'friend’ at the academy.   Uncannily the human boy grinned again and said, “What are friends for?”   Link only continued to smile at him. ‘I wouldn’t know,’ he thought sullenly, ‘or at least I didn’t until I met you…and I’m still not all that sure about it.’                                 ***    The rest of the week went by quickly, and Link was finding that thanks to the pills and the wonderful sleep they brought him, he was doing better in all his classes and even beginning to enjoy a select few.    Sometimes it still puzzled him why he had to take that class in Astrobotany; it had nothing to do with fighting or security protocols. The hand to hand class and the one on the history of weapons-which he had found most interesting and had written the highest scoring paper in the class- those made sense for him to learn. But plants? That was a Sulu thing and he really wanted nothing to do with it! How it would serve him later on in his career he hadn’t the slightest clue, but when he had complained to Jeremy his roommate had given him a knowing look and only said, “All information can potentially be used to save the lives of your men…or even yourself.” But that just sounded like claptrap the human had heard in some command class and Link felt it was an inadequate answer.    Of course Friday’s last class had to be a self defense class, the second and last one of the week, and as was common now he felt the eyes of the other cadets on him constantly, and those of the Commander as well. It seemed like she would never stop glancing over at him as he and his partner pantomimed their sets. Her expression… well it was hard to tell what exactly  her gaze said, but to Link it seemed like pity there on her normally blank face, and it bothered him more than anything else.       After class he was in a foul mood and he stalked back silently to his room and flopped down on his bed violently. Jeremy looked up from his books, he had been at a special seminar for command candidates and had missed the self defense class. “Was it still that bad?” he asked.   “Yes,” Link muttered. “They all stared at me again…and the Commander won’t stop looking at me weird.”    The human rested his chin on his hand and appraised his friend. “Remember what I said, they’ll all forget about it eventually…”   The Hylian sighed deeply; he was starting to doubt they ever would.     “You know what, lets go out tomorrow,” the human suggested. “…pardon?” the other asked, misinterpreting.   “Oh come on man! Grow up!” Jeremy groaned, “Tomorrows Saturday right?”    “Yeah.”     “So…lets go and bum around the city for the day. I mean San Francisco is a really cool place. There’s China Town and The Hill and I’ve always wanted to see the historic Wharf district…you know down where they still fish in boats like from the 1800’s?”   Link smiled despite himself. ‘you know Jeremy you could have been a decent sales man…you can sell just about anything,’ The humans excitement was infectious. “Alright…It sounds like fun I guess. Sulu did mention that the restaurants in China Town were good.”   “Awesome!”  Jeremy exclaimed. “This will be fun I promise!” He was practically dancing around the room.   “Gee, I had no idea it meant so much to you,” Link laughed watching his antics. He had to admit a day on the town might be good to help him escape from all the stares of class mates and the monotony of day to day Academy living. Besides, how could he not  have fun with Jeremy? Fun was his middle name, or so he claimed. *** “You sure you’re not still hungry?” Jeremy asked for maybe the fourth time that evening. The day had been a success, as far as the human was concerned. As the day had gone on, his friend seemed to have come around a little. He’d even been sure that the boy had truly smiled on several occasions. But come dinner, Link had eaten little more than a measly appetizer before stating that he was full and refusing to eat any more. “Yes, I’m sure…thanks anyway,” Link reassured calmly. Now, as the stars began appearing in the sky, the Hylian had seemed to descend back into his depressingly solemn and quiet behavior. It was starting to worry him. They’d been walking in silence for quarter of an hour, heading for the academy, when Link suddenly stopped, listening. Jeremy paused and gave his friend a questioning look. “What is it?” he asked. The other boy didn’t answer. Sapphire eyes gazed into a darkened alleyway to their right. Jeremy watched perplexed as Link started walking towards it. “Link?” His only reply was a raised hand, a gesture for silence. Jeremy continued to watch uneasily as his friend disappeared into the shadows. After a few moments, he started to take uncertain steps towards the alley. “Hey, c’mon man…this isn’t funny.” “It’s not really supposed to be,” replied a somewhat amused voice. The Hylian came back into the light, a black form cradled in his arms. “Dude, what is that…?” Jeremy asked. The creature turned its head toward him, ears perking forward. “Isn’t she gorgeous?” Link asked, holding out the cat a little for the human to see. “She must be a stray, she’s kind of underweight, and she doesn’t have a collar.” Jeremy eyed it uncertainly. “Yeah, yeah…put it back and let’s go home.” “She’s coming with us,” Link said. “What? Link, are you nuts? You know animals are against the academy regulations!” The Hylian sighed, looking down at the feline. “Captain Kirk didn’t really give a damn about the rules, from my understanding.” Jeremy had no reply for that. He stared, wanting to argue, but his desire to be like his idol prevented him from doing so. The longer he stalled, the more he noticed the light in his roommate’s eyes. Link looked genuinely happy holding the creature close to his chest, gently scratching beneath its chin. The unusual display of affection tipped the scales. “Alright, alright…but if anyone even suspects what’s going on, it goes!” “Agreed,” Link said, smiling as he continued to spoil the filthy feline. Smudges of black had already been smeared on the Hylian’s shirt, but he didn’t seem to mind. Thankfully, the academy was fairly quiet by the time they got back. After making a stop at the local pet store, the pair carefully smuggled in everything they’d brought back that night. They managed to make it into their room without being seen. “Could you set up the litter box, Jeremy? I’m gonna try and get her cleaned up,” Link said quietly. “Um, sure…” About a half hour later, Jeremy had finished setting everything up, from the litter box to the food dish and a scratching post, just in time to watch Link come out from the bathroom holding a very white cat. “Damn, and I thought it was black,” he murmured in surprise. “I know…she was filthy,” Link agreed, still rubbing a dry towel over the feline’s short fur. She was completely white, save for a few scattered black spots and the black tip on her tail. “What are you gonna name it?” the human asked. “Don’t know yet,” Link replied thoughtfully. He couldn’t see to settle on a name for the feline. Most of the names that came to mind were from his past…people from Hyrule, but he was hesitant to create such a lasting reminder. Jeremy watched his roommate curiously. He could almost see the clouds of thought rolling through the boy’s eyes. Why was he being so hesitant? “I’ll just have to sleep on it,” Link announced, setting the cat down as he went to straighten his bed. “It’s getting late, anyways,” he stated quietly, before swallowing one of the pills. In minutes he was passed out under the covers, and Jeremy could only shake his head in fond exasperation as the newest addition to their room curled up against the Hylian’s chest to sleep as well.
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