#zo they would probably haunt Star 4 the rest of her life (aka eternity cause hes a fuckibg god).
blueloverrory · 10 months
I was experiiimentiiing wiith designz n allz n then III made Starflurry !!!1!!1!! Uh. Herez hiiiz dezcriiipziiion I guezz (I'm wriiitiiing normally for it lolz :"] :sad: )
Starflurry is a sadistic and manipulative murderer — A god made by Satan himself. They used to be an asylum patient (no. 162) but later on, she escaped. He doesn't give a single shit about romance. She never really caring about anything but escaping anyways.
After getting out, he managed to find a place nobody would look for her. Eventually, they started getting bored again, and you know what was the best thing she thought of? Kidnapping people from all over the planet they formerly lived on and forcing them to participate in a gameshow that none ever wanted to join.
Oh my fucking god III made her zo fucking edgy.
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