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petals2u · 6 years ago
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#Repost @zahirahmacwilson.fc (@get_repost) ・・・ . . MEET AND GREET WITH ZAHIRAH MACWILSON | 1ST ANNIVERSARY ZMFC. . Tarikh : 27 Oktober 2018 . . Sponsor by : 👑 📸 : @projectpixel.co 👑 📹 : @sarahzaide 👑 Emcee : @acuisdeboom 👑 Backdrop : @inuyin 👑 Cool blog : @coolblogmalaysia 👑 Flowers : @petals2u 👑 Decoration balloon : @decoration_ballon 👑 Popcorn : @sweetheartcreationresources . . .#petals2u #petals2uflorist #petals2usunwayputramall #petals2usungaibuloh #kedaibungasegar #freshflower #bungacoklat #zmfcevent #zmfc #zmsquad #zahirahmacwilson #meetandgreetwithzahirahmacwilson #zahirahmacwilsonfc (at Petals2U Sunway Putra Mall) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpe2IZUAccv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3mv0u81zuvsi
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thezmfcgameroom · 2 years ago
The Game Room: Quakesgiving Special
Quake review part 1: The first step into fully 3D shooters
When talking about the start of the FPS genre people always point to DOOM. The game had revolutionary screen scrolling tech, fast paced gameplay in both a single player campaign and multiplayer deathmatch, was easily moddable using developer made tools, had multiple expansions, sequels, and an official partnership with Microsoft; what was not to love? While DOOM did contribute to the start of FPS popularity, its lesser known successor, Quake, was what really solidified the genre and made it what it is today.
Many people only know Quake due to its sequels and online arena shooter spin-offs which does the original game a huge disservice. For a short summary of what the original Quake is like, you need not look further than its official overview provided by Id software, “Rage through 32 single player levels and 6 deathmatch levels of sheer terror and fully immersive sound and lighting. Arm yourself against the cannibalistic Ogre, fiendish Vore and indestructible Shambler using lethal nails, fierce Thunderbolts and abominable Rocket and Grenade Launchers.” Quake is an evolution of what DOOM started; however, despite that, it wasn’t received well upon release. This review aims to give an overview of Quake’s mechanics, level design, certain mods, its many weapons and monsters as well as give insight to the troubled development of the game and show what could have been.
New engine, New you
Quake, being an evolution of the DOOM formula, is entirely badass. Your nameless character, equipped with a large array of weapons, gets to rip through a mash of futuristic army complexes full of possessed enforcers, ancient castles full of the fierce Death Knights, the dark and barren Netherworld, and the lovecraftian Elder World. Thanks to a new engine, unlike DOOM this game is in full 3D, meaning as well as the environments being fully modeled, all monsters now are fully 3D modeled as well. This was the first step to making sprite based objects a thing of the past. Taking use of this new engine, Quake allowed for much more freedom in movement and aiming. In Quake the player can freely Jump, move the camera up and down, and control their aim with the computer’s mouse. This new freedom of mobility led to the development of many new pieces of movement tech that became a staple of this game’s deathmatch gamemode but we’ll get to that later. With this new engine, however, comes new limitations. Due to all the enemies being fully 3D this significantly limited the amount of enemies that could be used at one time. This led to a change in combat flow from DOOM, instead of large encounters consisting of being attacked by room after room filled to the brim with demons you now are pitted against a small group of high power demons paired with a handful of whatever that stage of the game considers fodder; however, don’t be mislead to think this means combat is more boring, while it is a tad bit more slow paced, combat is now more challenging due to even the fodder of the pack being a mild threat and the high power demons being able to gib you in seconds if you aren't careful. Encounters in later levels of the game, which are dubbed episodes, are sure to raise your heart rate and get your adrenaline pumping. 
Make or Break Monsters
While on the topic of combat, there is no better time to talk about the monsters that can make, or break, your enjoyment of the game.
First up is the shotgun wielding grunts, these guys are the most common “Fodder class” enemy in the game, although they can easily be dispatched with a few blasts from any weapon in the game, don’t ever count them out of fights, especially on higher difficulties. Even though they are weak health wise, a blast from their hitscan shotgun deals 16 damage. In large groups or when paired with stronger enemies they can be quite the threat.
 Next up in the line of possessed fodder is the rotting Rottweiler. This fast monster is a Grunt’s best friend. This demonic dog can lunge at you doing upwards of 24 damage; however, this hell hound is exclusive to idBase levels, making it the rarest normal enemy in the campaign.
“What's worse than a cannibal monster that's 8 feet tall? One with a chainsaw and a stack of grenades.” The Ogre is one of your first threats in the quake campaign, with a powerful 12 damage chainsaw attack at close range and a long range grenade attack that does a whopping 40 damage, this enemy can be a real threat on its own or when paired with enemies. While they may seem intimidating at first you can easily defeat them with a few simple tricks. One way to take care of them is to bait their melee attack, the slow swing of their chainsaw leaves them open for attack. Another, less reliable, strategy is to use the super shotgun’s strong blast to try and stagger the Ogre as a strong enough burst of damage can cause enemies to stagger for a short time.
“Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee. Ugly as hell.” The Scrag is a floating otherworldly wizard that resembles a white floating snake. Alone or with other Scrag they aren't a threat as their spit attack only does 9 damage. When in these situations you can easily dispatch them with the nailgun variants or the normal shotgun; however, when paired with other types of enemies the Scrag can be a deadly annoyance. In groups paired with other monsters the Scrag will usually pop in front of you at the worst possible time, blocking rockets and grenades making you deal self damage, pestering you with pot-shots while you try to deal with bigger threats, and overall just slowly damaging you in large fights. The best way to dispatch these flying menaces is to get close to them, they turn slowly and getting up in their face prevents them from attacking for a short amount of time.
“Canned meat. Open ‘er up to see if it's still fresh.” The Knight is a formidable foe that can deal up to 45 damage with its charge attack. Lucky for you, these ones are stuck to using swords. You can open these cans of meat easily by circle strafing around them and blasting them with your super shotgun and nail gun. If you are at a range from them use the rocket or grenade launcher as these will generally be one shot kills as far as knights are concerned. You should be more worried about their big brother.
“Living Buzzsaws, rife with pummeling power!” The Fiend is a terrifying sharp clawed beast that can rip you to shreds in seconds. Dealing a whopping 50 damage with its jump attack these monsters are to be feared, especially when paired with groups of other monsters. These monsters are incredibly quick and even attempt to hide when not engaged with the player by curling into a ball. Due to the monster's incredible heft and meat shredding ability, if it manages to land on your head you will gib in seconds, with this monster being able to kill Shamblers in seconds if they are able to land on them. When in close quarter combat with this foe use the super shotgun as it can cause the Fiend to stumble due to the impact of the blow. At long range use explosives to keep it at bay as grenades and rockets high damage near guarantees that this foe will stumble when hit; however, still be careful, as it takes at least 3 direct hits from rockets to kill them.
“Thou canst not kill what doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles.” The Zombie is not a very threatening enemy on its own, where it really shines is in large spread out groups. Zombies can only be killed by being gibbed with explosions or quad damage shots from the super shotgun. Due to this when they are spread out they force you to waste your explosives while pestering them with their ranged attacks that do 10 damage per shot.
“Even the other monsters fear him, expect a clobbering.” The sight of this large Yeti-like beast strikes fear into the heart of any Quake player. With a whopping 600 health and being able to insta kill you if your health is under 120 with its close range smash attack, this is the first truly boss like enemy you will face on your journey. When alone the best strategy to kill this beast is to keep it at range and to use cover to your advantage, its ranged lighting attack deals 10 damage and can be difficult to dodge when cover isn’t available. Running from this beast won’t work either, as despite its large frame, it is surprisingly fast, only stopping when you enter a space too small for it. When in groups of enemies you need to focus the Shambler and try to cause demons in fighting to help reduce its health to nothing. No matter what the scenario, if there is a Shambler, it should be your center of attention.
“Grunt, Mark 2. Recruits who are surlier and beefier than the rest get outfitted with combat armor and built-in blasters.” Enforcers are Grunts but stronger. Their lazer shots can deal 15 damage and they can take more damage due to their combat armor. Nothing much to say about them.
“This particular canned meat tends to open you instead.” The death knight is the normal knight's bigger brother. Bigger, Stronger, and with a new ranged attack, this enemy can be a threat when paired with other enemies, its sword can deal up to 36 damage and the fireballs it throws deals 9. When alone, however, Death Knights can be easy pickings. The easiest way to take care of one is the super shotgun, it takes around 5 blasts from it to kill the Death Knight and the blast often causes the Death knight to stumble.
“A spideresque hybrid horror. Watch out for its energy balls.” These fierce 3 legged abominations are something to be feared. First appearing as a boss, these monsters have 400 health and their energy balls will target and follow its prey until it impacts a surface. The spiked balls deal 40 damage upon impact and are a good way to start demons in fighting due to their slow moving nature. When you're fighting this enemy, use sharp corners to your advantage. Once the energy ball has been destroyed, use the super nailgun or the super shotgun to take the Vore out.
”A Merrily bouncing blob as dangerous to kill as it is to ignore. Blech.” This Bouncing blob of tar is a Spawn, a small little explosive entity that likes to go fast. Exclusive to the Elder Worlds these creatures do 20 damage when jumping towards you, the real danger; however, comes from these creatures' explosive deaths. When the Spawn dies it explodes, dealing a whopping 120 damage. In tight corridors these can pose a massive threat.
Magnificent multiplayer
One of the many reasons why Quake became extremely popular is because of its massive multiplayer presence. Quake was the first FPS game to allow you to play online using IP addresses, this meant you no longer had to be in the same room as those you were playing. This led to the game having an even larger deathmatch community than DOOM. The new form of online play allowed for it to be played even more competitively than DOOM, and as with all competitive scenes in gaming, movement and weapon tech was developed. People discovered a trick called Rocket-jumping, a trick  that allows you to give yourself a large hight boost when jumping as long as you shoot a rocket at your feet as you jump. Another trick called Bunny-Hopping, B-Hopping for short, was discovered. This trick allowed you to gain and maintain massive speed by repeatedly jumping the second you touched the ground when moving in one direction. These methods of movement only added another layer to the already complex and fast paced multiplayer for Quake. Quake’s large array of weapons make the deathmatch mode extremely hectic, from the hitscan shotguns to the projectile nail guns and explosive launchers to the death laser that is the Thunderbolt there are many strategies to employ. The nail guns and base shotgun can be used for dealing chip damage from across open maps and firing the Thunderbolt underwater with the pentagram of protection will send off a deadly discharge killing anyone else touching the water.
Romero’s Mistake
Quake is most commonly remembered for its intense multiplayer, this is mostly because the campaign was, for the latter parts, half baked due to internal issues. During Quake's development John Romero wanted to leave Id Software and develop different projects. He didn’t really want to work on Quake anymore and this caused many ideas to be scrapped and many parts of the game to be redone. The fatality of this turbulent time at Id ranges from an entire Aztek themed level, enemies a Minotuar and Dragons, the Chain Thunderbolt, and the original function of the player's ax. Originally The player’s ax was going to be something more akin to thor’s hammer, a power weapon able to harness lightning to strike down foes with ease. Some of these ideas would be recycled into the many expansions Quake received. The original purpose for the player's ax was used when they added Mjölnir in an expansion pack and dragons were added in the Dissolution of Eternity expansion. Another casualty of this time was level 2 and level 3’s boss monsters. The original ideas for these monsters were larger versions of the Vore and Zombie where you would have had to scale the level to find vulnerable spots to attack.
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anneslegacy · 5 years ago
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With the recent drought and crop failure in southern Africa, ZMFC supports efforts to feed needy children and families in Siabalumbi, Namwianga and other communities of southern Zambia.
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infyish-blog · 6 years ago
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Zmfc All sizes avl Rs.1650/-. . . #infyish #zmfcii #kurtishararaset #kurtisets #kurtiset #kurtiwithsharara #kurtisharara #kurtipalazzo #kurtipalazzoset #kurtipalazo #kurtipalazzosets #kurtipalazooset #kurtipalazzos #kurtiwholesale #kurtiwholesaler #kurtimanufacturer https://www.instagram.com/p/B0I41NOFN5p/?igshid=l6npb1i1skzq
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gwlarson2002 · 6 years ago
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tradingup4x · 6 years ago
Free Email Marketing Tutorial For Beginners in Hindi 2018. Welcome to the Free Email Marketing Course in Hindi using Free Tools, Resources and Tips. Seekhiye Free me Email Marketing Kaise Karte Hai using MailChimp Website Kaise Banate Hai — https://youtu.be/gI4w4d-Zmfc Facebook aur Twitter Jaisi Website Kaise Banaye — https://youtu.be/tR9ErOlYsv4 Time Frame 00:00:00 Introduction to Email … Continue reading "Free Email Marketing Tutorial For Beginners in Hindi – MailChimp & WordPress Tutorial 2018"
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oferteproprietari · 8 years ago
Aparat de gatit multifunctional Zass ZMFC01 la numai 199.0 lei
Aparat de gatit multifunctional Zass ZMFC01 la numai 199.0 lei
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MarketOnline.ro este unicul magazine online de 7 stele din Romania care comercializeaza produse Electonice si Electrocasnice online. MarketOnline ofera transport gratuit la peste 20.000 de produse,…
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petals2u · 7 years ago
Happy and Smile Always❤❤❤ #Repost @zahirahmacwilson.fc (@get_repost) @zahirahmacwilson💖💖💖 ・・・ . Live Update MEET AND GREET WITH ZAHIRAH MACWILSON . . Official 📸 : @carakita.co . Venue : @meteoracafe subang. Tarikh : 7.10.2017 . . Sponsor by : . . ➡ bouquet flowers : @petals2u . . #petals2u #petals2usungaibuloh #kedaibungasungaibuloh #kedaibungapetals2u #zmfcevent #zmfc #zmsquad #zahirahmacwilson #meetandgreetwithzahirahmacwilson
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petals2u · 7 years ago
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#Repost @zahirahmacwilson.fc (@get_repost) ・・・ . . Live Update MEET AND GREET WITH ZAHIRAH MACWILSON . . Official 📸 : @carakita.co . Venue : @meteoracafe subang. Tarikh : 7.10.2017 . . Sponsor by : . . ➡ Banner : @carakita.co . ➡ Button badge,postcards : @carakita.co . ➡ popcorn : @sweetheartcreationresources . ➡ bouquet flowers : @petal2u . ➡ kek 1 : @l.a.delight . .➡ kek 2 : @moon_housecake . .➡ cookies tart : @fahanidelight . .➡ Beg goodies : @admin_pemalu.com.my . .➡ Deco vip table : @surprise_4u . .➡ mineral water : @nurainnasuha07 . .➡ brownies : @Qaqallittlebakery . . . #zmfcevent #zmfc #zmsquad #zahirahmacwilson #meetandgreetwithzahirahmacwilson (at Petals2U Florist)
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petals2u · 7 years ago
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Happy and Smile Always💖💖💖 #Repost @zahirahmacwilson.fc (@get_repost) @zahirahmacwilson❤❤❤ ・・・ . . Live Update MEET AND GREET WITH ZAHIRAH MACWILSON . . Official 📸 : @carakita.co . Venue : @meteoracafe subang. Tarikh : 7.10.2017 . . Sponsor by : . . ➡ bouquet flowers : @petals2u . . #petals2u #petals2usungaibuloh #petals2ulovers #kedaibungasungaibuloh #kedaibungapetals2u #sungaibulohflorist #sungaibuloh #zmfcevent #zmfc #zmsquad #zahirahmacwilson #meetandgreetwithzahirahmacwilson (at Petals2U Florist)
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infyish-blog · 6 years ago
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Zmfc Rs.1875/- All sizes avl . . #infyish #zmfcii #kurtisets #kurtiset #kurtipalazzo #kurtipalazzoset #kurtipalazo #kurtipalazzosets #kurtipalazooset #kurtipalazzos #kurtipalazzodupattaset #kurtishararaset #kurtiwithsharara https://www.instagram.com/p/B0I4VFjFQbq/?igshid=4lakipr8sy7e
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infyish-blog · 6 years ago
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Zmfc Rs.1625/- Size 38, 40, 42 . . #infyish #zmfcii #anarkali #anarkalikurti #anarkaligown #anarkalidress #gown https://www.instagram.com/p/B0I4DMDFkji/?igshid=1ivroz6ndo3p2
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infyish-blog · 6 years ago
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Zmfc All sizes avl 1725/- . . #infyish #zmfcii #chiffongowns #chiffongown #anarkali #fullgown #floralgown #floralgowns https://www.instagram.com/p/B0I37VtlOWf/?igshid=7zwc80z9kuzn
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anneslegacy · 5 years ago
Letter from Zambia Mission Fund
Greetings, everyone. 
Below is a letter that Joan Mann (director of ZMFC, lives in Victoria) wrote recently regarding the challenges of life in Zambia, which is affecting many of our sponsor students and their families. When we sponsor them to go to high school, we support them not only with the tuition to go to school, but also with room & board for their lodging and daily meals. With the recent drought and crop failure in southern Africa, life has become much more challenging for these families. I will add some photos as well to illustrate the challenges, and what ZMFC (also in partnership with Anne’s Legacy Fund) is doing to support them. Thank you for your role in blessing and supporting these young people and their families. 
November 15, 2019
Dear friends,
While our Canadian news headlines are focused on political issues, climate change and wild fires, another “unmentioned” story is unfolding in Africa: drought, followed by crop failure, followed by hunger.   
The staple crop in southern Africa is maize (corn)….planted in November and harvested in April.   It is eaten at every meal beginning with porridge in the morning thru to n’sima in the evening.    Unfortunately, maize is a thirsty crop and rain dependent.   If rain is not sufficient the crop does not mature.   Our staff in Zambia are encouraging people to plant other crops in addition to maize (sorghum and sunflower) and providing seeds for same.  Meanwhile, there is hunger.
Our amazing and fearless Ruhtt (director of Zambia Mission Fund Program in southern Zambia) has been busy purchasing mealie meal (ground corn) at 400 bags per order.   For these she pays the going rate of K150 per bag (CDN $15.00).   As well, she has been visiting the nearest office of the Food Relief Agency (FRA) to appeal for maize (unground corn) at a reduced rate for distribution to hungry people.   
There is a photo of our faithful “Canter” truck loaded with numerous 25 kg bags of mealie meal. Another photo is one of the many students identified by staff as part of a particularly vulnerable family and selected to receive mealie meal to take home, while another was taken at a mother’s shelter attached to one of the local hospitals.   (In rural Zambia expectant mothers are encouraged to spend their final month of pregnancy at a shelter so that she is close to the hospital when she gives birth.)   
Meantime, earlier this week, a new rainy season began in earnest.   Hallelujah!   Seeds have been distributed for another (we pray!) plowing/planting season.   Hope has returned.  
If you are sponsoring a pupil at Namwianga high school, their meals are provided as part of their boarding.   This is covered within your sponsorship.    If you are helping with the seed and fertilizer program….seeds are going into the ground as I type.   If you have provided funds for the lunch program at the schools, the pupils are receiving a meal each weekday.  If you are helping to support teachers at the schools, they are joining pupils for the daily meal provided by ZMF-C and are helping to identify those who are especially needy.   If you are supporting the baby formula program your funds are ensuring some little ones are getting the nutrition they need.  
Assuming the rainy season now underway provides consistent rain, we expect the need for food assistance to continue until March when fresh maize is ready.   We are earnestly praying for this to be the case.  
Many, many thanks to each of you for supporting these avenues to show the love of Jesus to vulnerable children in southern Zambia.
Blessings, Joan Mann
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