#zksmut week
words4bloghere · 7 years
Scars that Define Us
I missed the proper Day 3 because I am sick. So Day 3 is a day late. Day 4 will also be late. This is a continuation of Days 1 & 2 so I recommend reading them. Once again, I am obsessed with story telling so that plot to smut ratio is disproportionate. My apologies.
On the balcony, Katara could see the stars. She traced the vague lines of the constellations with her eyes. They were unfamiliar stars, and Katara felt a little lost when looking up at what should be the same sky.
 It made her think that she had crossed into another world. One in which she did not completely belong.
 “Hey.” Katara cringed and then let her head fall forward.
 “What do you want Aang.” She said, more of a resigned statement than a question.
 “Geeze, I just wanted to say hi.” Aang came forward till he was standing beside her, his hands clasped behind his back. He was starting to grow a beard as his face lengthened and thinned out. Adulthood looked better on him than she had expected.
“I think you wanted to say much more than that.” Katara said as she lifted her head to glare at him. Aang raised a brow and looked back at her.
“What does that mean?”
“Why did you bring Pema?”
“She’s, well, she’s my girlfriend now Katara.”
“But why did you did you bring her here?”
“Katara, it’s been like two years. I’m allowed to bring my girlfriend.”
“I just don’t appreciate you bringing the woman you cheated on me with to a dinner you knew I’d attend.”
“I didn’t-.” Aang sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. When he lowered his hands, he looked at her evenly. “It’s been two years.”
“It’s still a scar Aang.”
“Then I’m sorry it hurt you. I didn’t intend on doing such a thing.” He held out his hand and Katara hesitantly put her own out. “You still mean a lot to me and I would never intentionally hurt you.”
Against her better judgement, a slight hiss escaped her mouth. Aang sighed again but squeezed her hand.
“I am done being sorry Katara. It’s up to you now whether you hold onto this scar or let it heal.” Aang let go of her hand and walked back into the hotel ballroom. Katara’s hand curled into a fist and she let it fall to her side.
“Well that was fun.” Katara whirled around and nearly jumped. Zuko was climbing over the railing of the balcony and Katara watched in amusement as his pant leg got caught on one of the pegs dotting the top. Zuko scowled as he tried to maneuver his leg high enough to get it uncaught. Katara, chuckling slightly, walked over and pulled the fabric up and over the peg.
“How long were you watching?” She asked genially as Zuko brushed off his pants.
“Oh, man, the whole time. What a train wreck.” He said and Katara laughed.
“Well, first, what were you doing crawling over the railing?”
“I obviously had to sneak around the long way so that no one saw me joining you. Next?”
“Why did you call it a train wreck?”
“Because Aang is an idiot. Scars don’t heal, they define you.”
“Yours doesn’t define you.” Zuko grabbed her hand and placed it on the center of his chest.
“You’re not thinking of the right scar.” Katara felt her face flush and she stayed quiet. She remembered the winding branch-like shape of scars that radiated out from a spot on his chest.
“So how does my scar define me?” She asked, her voice unexpectedly soft. Zuko kept her hand on his chest but used his other to pull her closer. Having his hand resting on her hip, so casually, caused her pulse to race.
“Right now, it makes you defensive and untrusting.”
“I trust you.” She whispered and Zuko lowered his face to hers.
“Because you know I would give my life for yours.” He whispered back and kissed her, softly. Katara felt herself melt a little, and his hand went from her hip to her back, holding her a little more firmly.
“I love you Katara.” He murmured when he broke the kiss. Katara’s eyes fluttered open and she found his golden eyes searching hers.
“I love you Zuko.” She moved her hand away from his chest and threw both arms around his neck. He responded by wrapping his around her middle and they clung to each other as they kissed again. Now, when they broke away, each seemed to be breathing a little faster.
“Where’s your room?” He asked.
“Second floor. Room 218.”
“You head up. I’ll wait thirty minutes and meet you.” A quick kiss and Katara stepped away.
“See you soon.”
Katara found herself almost giddy as she walked up the stairs from the lobby. It wasn’t until she had gotten to her door and pulled her key out that she paused to think.
She had worried for weeks about whether or not Zuko had been faithful while she was away. Yet the first moment they’re alone, she could only think about getting into bed with him. Katara scowled as she slid her dress up and over her shoulders. Standing with only a pair of panties - a bold new fashion accessory that didn’t feel totally comfortable to her yet - Katara regarded the bed.
Surely, she thought to herself, if he had found someone else then he wouldn’t have kissed her.
Unless, she countered, he had only decided to have someone to keep him company during her absence.
Katara scowled and shook her head, trying to dispel the thoughts. She trusted him. She loved him. And he loved her.
Muttering wordlessly, Katara went to the adjacent bathroom to wash her face.
When Zuko made his way into her room, Katara was sitting on the bed, her legs drawn up to her chest. Zuko took one look at her, raised his eyebrow, and started to take off his shirt.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked after he removed the piece of clothing. Katara pulled a pillow from beside her and clutched it to her chest.
“I don’t want to ask.” She said.
“You’re bothered by something though.” He stated as he sat on the bed and began to untie his shoes. Katara, staring at his back, nodded.
“It’s something you don’t want to talk about because….” Zuko paused and pulled off a shoe. Katara stayed silent knowing that he was thinking, not pressing her to say anything. “Because you think I might get mad?” Katara huffed out a breath and put her face into the pillow. She kept her eyes up to watch him.
“Okay, not mad. But, you think I might get upset with you somehow?” He asked as he pulled off the other shoe. Katara let out a small grunt.
“It’s something that bothers you because it exists and it might upset me.” Zuko said and stood. He turned and found that Katara had buried her whole face into the pillow. “Are you feeling jealous that Aang brought Pema?” Katara’s head snapped back up.
“No!” She felt her face flush again and she clutched the pillow tightly.
“I just, was worried…” She drifted and looked away.
“What were you worried about beloved?” Katara’s eyes watered and she leaned her cheek on the pillow.
“I was worried that you would have, found someone else. While I was away.”
“What.” Katara looked quickly back at him and found his face blank.
“I don’t want to think like that, but I do.” She muttered. Zuko sighed and his shoulders fell. But then he gave her a small smile and her tears threatened to spill over.
“Katara, mistrust isn’t a good thing. Especially in a relationship like ours that has to rely so heavily upon it. But look,” Katara had buried her face in the pillow again as he spoke. “Look at me.” Katara raised her gaze up and found Zuko sitting on the edge of the bed again. “I love you. But more importantly, I respect you. And I wouldn’t betray anybody like that who I respected.”
“I know that Zuko. But the thoughts still come.” Katara said and began to cry. Zuko crawled up the bed toward her and reached out a hand. He wiped away her tears before sitting cross legged in front of her.
“That’s because the scars you hold are defining you wrong.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Your mother died and she left you. Your father went to war and left you. Your brother went chasing love and left you. Aang couldn’t love you the way you needed and you felt like he left you. These are all scars. One day you will learn that they didn’t make you afraid, they made you stronger. That you understand what bonds are important. That you understand loyalty. And that when someone leaves you, it doesn’t mean all or nothing. But right now, you’re just frightened about being left again.” She had begun crying harder now and Zuko put a hand on the pillow. “You felt like you had left me, and you know how bad that feels, so you think I did something to make myself feel better. And that you deserved it for leaving me.” Katara pushed the pillow away and fell into Zuko, sobbing against him.
“I’m sorry.” She choked out and Zuko pulled her into his lap. He stroked her hair and kissed her hot wet cheek.
“There is nothing to apologize for. You can’t help the way you feel Katara, only how you act upon those feelings.” He held her, one arm over her legs to keep her close, and one hand still stroking her hair. Katara had her arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder.
“I love you Katara. And there isn’t another woman on earth that I would rather be with.”
“I don’t know why you want me.” She muttered into his neck. “I’m a mess.”
“Oh, there are a few things.” He stopped stroking her hair and instead began to stroke the side of her breast. Katara shivered and smiled.
“You only want me for my body.”
“Okay, one, no one would blame me if that were true. And two,” Zuko lifted her as he rose to his knees. “I actually only want you to get closer to your brother.” He tossed her to the head of the bed and Katara squealed.
“Please do not seduce me and talk about your strange man love for my brother at the same time.” She said and tossed the remaining pillow at him. Zuko deftly swatted it aside and looked down at her.
“Fine. I’ll just have to occupy myself.” He bent over and ran a finger over the front of her panties, lightly touching her clit and the lips of her pussy. He then tucked the finger under one edge and pulled the fabric off to the side. “There’s better conversation here anyway.”
Only half of her was exposed but Zuko slid his tongue between her and the fabric, gently touching the inner pair. His tongue moved upward and flicked her clit, which caused Katara to gasp and twitch. He then pulled her panties completely to the side and thrust his tongue into her.
He moved deftly. He would probe into her, part her lips with a flattened tongue, suck on her, tease her clit with the barest touch of his teeth. When he thrust his tongue into her, it was like he was trying to consume her. In and out, up and down, his mouth worked her till she came, her hands clutching fistfuls of his hair.
Then he moved, putting his head next to hers. As he kissed her, his tongue was moving again. She tasted herself just as his fingers slipped past her panties and went inside of her. She groaned into Zuko’s mouth and he grabbed her, two fingers in her, and his thumb on her clit. Katara gasped and he rolled his thumb. He lifted his head to watch her, his fingers moving in and out of her in a circular motion as he rotated his thumb over her clit. Now she came and clutched the sheets.
Without a word, Zuko stopped and slid off the bed. As Katara watched him undid his pants, taking a moment to shimmy out of her panties. Just as silent, Zuko returned to her and knelt between her legs. His hands, slightly calloused but warm and gentle, ran up her sides, across her chest, and then down her front, resting on her stomach.
His hands moved up again and as his palms brushed over her breasts, her nipples hardened, and Zuko smiled. He had hardened already and the length of his cock rested on her swollen lower lips.
“I would say that no other woman could compare, but that would mean that I was looking. You are the only one I want Katara.” He said as he slid his hand up, up her neck and around to the back of her head. He massaged her scalp and she closed her eyes, happy.
“I have the love of the Fire Lord.” She chuckled and Zuko’s hands moved down the back of her neck, his fingers pressing firmly into her skin.
“And I have the love of the most powerful Water Bender in the world.” He murmured. His hands now went across the back of her shoulders, around, and to her front. He rested them on her breasts.
“Don’t you know what happens when water meets fire?” Katara asked, her voice tinged with sadness as she thought of it.
Zuko had no time for melancholy.
“Let’s find out.” He said and pushed into her. Katara gasped, her back arched, and Zuko squeezed her breasts.
“Looks like,” He said as he pulled out a little. “It makes steam.” He thrust back into her and Katara gasped again.
Putting both legs over his shoulders and both of his hands on either side of her chest, Zuko braced himself over her. His cock, when he thrust, was buried completely in her. She could feel the head bumping into the end, and she moaned each time.
“It’s been a long time Katara.” Zuko said and kissed the inside of her thighs. “I don’t think I can last long.”
“We have more time. Just fuck me hard.”
Zuko sat back up, her legs still over his shoulders, and he hammered into her. As her breathing became more shallow, Zuko began twisting and rolling her clit. Biting her lip and clawing at the sheets, Katara could feel a need coiling between her legs. Every time he rolled her clit, he rolled the need tighter. Every time he thrust into her, it added more pressure.
When it snapped, Katara arched her back and cried out. A moment later, Zuko pulled himself as deep as he could go and spent himself inside of her. She could feel him pulse, feel her insides warm.
Then he collapsed on her, burying his face in her neck and pressing his lips to her skin.
“I cannot hold out when it’s been so long.” He said. Katara smiled as she moved her legs off of him and back onto the bed.
“It’s a lot like our first time.” She replied.
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