#zion aliciakeyes
kikiavci · 1 year
Inspired by another post I am now thinking about the Aliciakeyes family. Because like, man, it's weird to think Zion and Curry spent years and years and years separated, pretty forcefully, by blaseball. Sure they could interact some but I think they probably really grew apart during that time.
But I think without that wedge they'd, naturally, move back together somehow. Not sure where or when, though.
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necromancer-mango · 7 months
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[Start image description: Three digital drawings. The first two are the same image of Anastasia Isarobot, a wiry bronze robot with a yellow eye and legs that look like chunky boots posing with one hand in the pocket of a jacket and the other flashing a peace sign. The difference between the first and second images is that in the first Anastasia is wearing a tan colored Chicago Firefighters team jacket, while in the second one it is an orange CDMX one. The third and final image is of Zion and Curry Aliciakeyes who are traveling somewhere in a subway. The two of them are demons with short horns and tails, although Zion's is not visible. Curry is looking at a brochure while leaning against Zion, who is gripping at the handles attached to the bars near the ceilings of subway cars with one hand and her phone in another. She is watching for their stop. There are indistinct people filling the car in the background, making it feel crowded. Everyone is dressed casually for warmth, and the picture is colored in warm purples and orange-yellow colors. / end image description.]
Drew Staj and the Aliciakeyes siblings for Acacia as part of the Winter Blaseball Exchange. Little bit of an extra thing, I made the Staj one so that if u wanted to, you could make a sticker or charm out of it. Files should be accessible below.
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ninthprime · 2 years
list of players who should fall onto the houston spies during fall ball (according to me)
rigby friedrich: i'm very amused by this "sporgias phenomenon" we're seeing, where two of our three falls so far have been former georgias. so i'd like to propose rigby, a player whose primary espionage skill is "oh fuck he's approaching me, oh god, oh fuck"
kaz fiasco: during the late expansion era some of the spies joked that it was inevitable we would someday receive kaz, as his pgr is "spying." perhaps now is the time.
sexton wheeler and/or mcdowell mason: look, i love sad horse man and the sasquatch captain as much as anyone, but can you imagine them learning spy skills? hysterical. i would like to see at least one of them, preferably both, in trenchcoats
phineas wormthrice: i need to see phinny interacting with nanci grackle's muppets. more importantly, it would be funny.
peanut bong: it would be funny.
lowe forbes: this might be even funnier
sutton bishop: also extremely funny
jessica telephone: though somewhat controversial, here's my reasoning: it would be, in the end, pretty funny
niq nyong'o: this one's just inevitable- now that nanci's on the team the sim is obviously going to curse niq with having to put up with hir again. the sporgias phenomenon continues. also, i like her.
mohammed picklestein: this one's cheating because mohammed was already a spies player, but 1. they're one of my favorites and 2. can you imagine noted blaseball safety expert mohammed picklestein on the same team as notoriously unethical nanci grackle?
at least one other blaseball scientist: niq and mo are the scientists i'd like the most, but really i just need at least 3 or 4 scientists/inventors/etc on this team. unfortunately the sim has already taken haruta byrd and mooney doctor from me as options but we've got a lot more. how about zion aliciakeyes? pedro davids? felix garbage? mint shupe? mullen peterson? maybe jomgy rolsenthal moves back to houston? maybe eve mcblase moves back?? whatever makes the vibes a little funky around here.
knight triumphant: last time knight was a spy they saw multiple people die and seemingly got cursed to wander the league. this time, they're going to have to put up with nanci grackle. and frankly: it's what they deserve
harriet gildehaus: i rest my case
isaac johnson: spies unionize! that's my argument. that and we need someone with defense on this team please i'm begging
tad seeth: i believe the spies always need a "spynosaurus" present somewhere on our roster
axel cardenas: imagine you were one of the worst blaseball players ever. and you've been jumping between the shadows of various teams. and you decide the best way to get a fresh start is to get onto the same team as your daughter and your younger siblings. and then you get to houston, and none of them are there, and the stadium is filled with necromanced muppets, and now you gotta learn how to read ciphers. hideous. anyway i love this guy and i'd like to see him
richmond harrison: i think richmond should be on every team, to improve the vibes of the league as a whole
commissioner vapor: this is a spy we just had again but one of the very first things i saw someone say when fall ball was announced was "it's just gonna wimdy us CV again." and frankly? yeah, probably
various other players i don't really have an argument for but it would be fun: ok here's a shortlist: miguel james. wyatt pothos. rafael davids. guy gulp. jaxon buckley. jayden wright. ronan jaylee. gerund pantheocide. mindy salad. coolname galvanic. nagomi nava. beck whitney. thomas dracaena. sandford garner. literally any crab. "crop, are you just listing random players you like now?" look if i keep listing them i'll predict at least one correctly, that's how blaseball works,
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glassgob · 2 years
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sketch dump. hi
[ID: Black and grey digital illustrations of various Blaseball players including Flattery Mckinley, Bauer Zimmerman, Mags Banananana, Adalberto Tosser, Zion Aliciakeyes, Nanci Grackle, Forrest Best, Hiroto Wilcox, Margarito Nava, and Moses Mason. The poses are simple and drawn from the chest upwards. End ID.] 
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majestic-salad · 2 years
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Zion Aliciakeyes and Lottie Ceilingfan aquarium date we love to see it
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exxmachiinaa · 2 years
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[id: digital drawing of zion aliciakeyes from blaseball. zion is an humanoid imp with pale orange-pink skin, magenta hair, and gold horns. she is wearing a neon pink and orange cropped racing jacket with the words “老虎” on it, a purple shirt, black shorts, and white/purple shoes. she is standing, one hand in a peace sign and the other holding a tool box. the outlines of wings and a tail are sketched behind her in neon green. to the side of the figure are three stickers: a heart, the word “zion”, and a tiger’s head. end id]
my solstice art exchange gift, for @/knavelike on twitter 
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jirnkirks · 2 years
hiii sparrow hiii!! 39 with ayanna & dealer’s choice?
39. leaning into the other’s side + ayanna
"Whatcha doing?"
Ayanna knows enough about how Zion works, if not the exact logistics of it all. So she doesn't wait for Zion to stop the CNC machine before she leans against Zion.
She's a touch taller than Zion, but Ayanna's got the hang of tucking herself into the crook of Zion's neck, her arms curling around Zion's. There's not much time during the onseason- Ayanna's days are spent playing, training or travelling between countries while Zion is stuck in Umbra on most days. The CNC continues to whirl, sparks flying as it starts to take shape. The warm glow of Ayanna's fire burns brighter, more warmly, than the sparks flying off the metal.
"I'm working on a tennis extension for Iron Lion," Zion says, grinning as her hand reaches up where Ayanna's is tucked into the crook of her elbow. The laughter bubbles out of Ayanna like magma from a volcano, popping and multilayered and it makes Zion feel just as warm inside. It had been a long time since anyone had visited her in the workshop, an old scarred over hurt.
Zion tugs at Ayanna. "This is going to take a few more hours baobei, let's go to Ren's?"
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queen-eevee · 3 years
Blasetober Day Fifteen: Favorite Team | Drifting Down to the Other Side (AKA Season 10 election results and the events leading up to the invention of the Styx Wiggler)
The River Styx churns a syrupy onyx beneath their feet as the Tigers peer over the edge, into the waves. Mummy’s tail swishes anxiously around her legs. 
“Why would the League give us a blessing and then not tell us how to use it?” 
“That’s Blaseball,” Famous and Zion grumble in a deadpanned unison. 
Aldon shakes vis head, unconvinced. “I don’t get it,” ve says. “You’re saying something in the water can make us fireproof?”
“And blooddrain-proof,” Ren adds. 
“It’s just one theory,” Randy quickly amends with a wave of his hand. “That’s what Hiroto thought, anyway.”
Hiroto isn’t listening. She’s doing what she always does: sitting on the bank of the River, listening for the sound of ghosts across the shoreline and waiting for any flickers of light. The mist is thicker today—an indication of the changing seasons. Spring’s on its way to the Overworld.
“Can’t the water of the Styx kill you?” Dunlap chirps in a voice that tries to be brave but gives away their nerves. Aldon goes pale. Paula Mason mutters something disapproving about safety hazards under her breath.
Famous, however, scoffs loudly. “I am not throwing myself headfirst into a River that might kill me.”
“Even if it saves you from umpires?”
A few heads turn towards Hiroto when she speaks up. Famous just rolls their eyes.
“No point in doing their job for them.”
“No,” she agrees with a slow nod, “but you said it yourself: The gods of this splort aren’t done with us—even if their ranks are one fewer now. They wouldn’t allow a little bit of river water to kill us.”
It takes a second, but Famous’s eyebrows shoot to their forehead once they realize what she’s implying. A curious but impish look overtakes their face. “So what, you think we’re invincible now?”
“Not invincible.” She grins, feeling her canines brush against her lower lip. “I just think these gods might know the story of Achilles.”
From off to the side, Zion lets out a breathy huff of laughter. “Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“The story of who?” Paula presses.
Hiroto doesn’t answer. “Zion, take my hand.”
In an instant, all the humor disappears from Zion’s face. “Hiroto, you’re insane.”
“Take it!” Hiroto holds out a hand to a bewildered Zion as her blood begins to spark with exhilaration. She realizes that she may as well have announced that she’s going to lay herself down at the feet of the Shelled One, but right or wrong, she’ll at least do one of two things: Die in Hades, in the River Styx, and never have to learn what the Hall looks like; or finally, finally learn how to protect her team from incinerations. 
Or maybe she’ll find a way to swim clean across to the other shore and race to Elysium herself.
Zion’s brows furrow and she pauses for a long, pensive moment, before eventually giving in and grabbing Hiroto’s hand. Mummy gasps, lunging forward. Famous tells her this is a stupid fucking idea with the most concern she’s ever seen on their face. And then Hiroto’s falling backwards.
The River splashes up around her with a sound like crashing lightning and suddenly Hiroto is surrounded by nothing but pitch blackness, a sense of utter darkness and solitude. If it weren’t for Zion’s iron grasp around her wrist, she could easily be convinced she was alone. 
She knows the story of Achilles well—better than Blaseball’s gods, she would imagine—so she makes sure every inch of her person is submerged before she pries Zion’s fingers from her left hand and trades it to her right, making sure no patch of skin remains untouched by the water. The River sings around her head, the current’s hum like a distant melody. Zion’s grip starts to loosen.
It’s strange. A part of Hiroto doesn’t want to leave, now that she’s here. She finds herself somewhat comforted by the warmth of the River. There’s a feeling not unlike an embrace that it provides to her weary body. A gentle familiarity. A homecoming.
Until she realizes the tightness in her lungs and the dizziness in her head aren’t just tricks of the water. The fingers still clinging to Zion are losing feeling. The River wants her, dead or alive. Hiroto snaps back to attention with a jolt and, using her remaining strength, sharply tugs on Zion’s hand.
It takes the effort of Zion, Usurper, Richmond, and Hiroto’s poor attempt at assistance to drag her out of the stream. The River doesn’t seem to be fond of losing its bodies. 
She collapses onto the riverbank with a haggard cough, black droplets trailing down the sides of her face and dripping onto her arms. Somewhere in the distance, she can hear Famous calling her name, but she covers the noise with a delighted laugh.
“Gods, she’s fully lost it, now,” she hears Ren murmur, though her laugh must be contagious because he starts laughing, too.
“How are you feeling?” Aldon asks, wiping away the bangs that have clung to her forehead. Hiroto opens her eyes to see a huddle of her teammates surrounding her shivering form. Despite the cold and the dampness and the burning desire to change into dry socks, she hasn’t felt this good in a long time. It’s as if she’s been plugged into Hades’ Electric City. Her body buzzes with a deep warmth, a newfound strength, and a violent hunger for the game.
“I’m feeling like I was right,” she replies, smug as a cat, “but I’m thinking we’ll need to find an easier way to do this.”
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shadowofmoths · 3 years
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miss zion aliciakeyes for my beloved cola @queen-eevee !!
[id: a marker drawing of zion aliciakeyes, a red-skinned imp woman. she is sitting on some stylized, 2 dimensional grey rectangles green ugh her knees bent. she is wearing light blue and grey overalls layered over an oversized orange t-shirt and a skin tight grey turtleneck. she wears chunky mismatched sneakers. she has turquoise hair in a messy braid. her wings are open behind her, and she holds a wrench in one hand. her eyes are fully black, with small turquoise irises. her free hand is resting on her cheek, and her tongue is poking out of her mouth. the background is stylized flames in varying shades of blue.]
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waveridden · 3 years
Zion deals with instability again.  Written for Blasetober, day eight: The Shadows.
When the instability comes, it feels the same as it did before. Zion had wondered if it weren’t inflated by nightmares and paranoia and grief, a pain made worse by what came after, a pain made worse by surviving it. She had decades to convince herself that she was imagining the frostbitten cold, the tremor caused not by shaking muscles but by reality shaking around her.
But when Parker Macmillan leaves — can’t help but leave, and Zion does her best to stand steady with the rest of the team and tell him it’s not his fault even though she’s filled with dread — the instability seizes her, and it feels the same.
Zion recovers first, and Archie’s soon after. She meets their eyes, and they grimace, sticking their tongue out. She knows exactly what they mean.
The rest of the Tigers stand up slower, wide-eyed and cautious. At last Lottie says, “Is there more?”
“No,” Zion says, and she nearly laughs at how Lottie’s shoulders sag in relief. She would laugh if there were anything funny about this. “No, this is all there is.”
The first time it took six days for the instability to wear off. For everyone on the actual roster, it’ll be nine days of permanent pins-and-needles and a little bit of gasping for air, and then they’ll be back to normal. But UV called her the night after Parker left the Pies to deliver the bad news: it doesn’t go away in the shadows. This is Zion’s future until the powers that be see fit to stabilize her.
“Right,” she says briskly. She’s not captain anymore, but Famous’s hands are shaking, a tremor so fine that Zion’s probably the only one that sees it, and technically she was in charge for long enough that people still listen to her. “Ren, Nagomi, is the hotel ready?”
Zion had given them a list — not a perfect list, but one made from her own memories and suggestions from the other teams. Things to keep them warm. Things to distract them. The Garages sent over a playlist that they swear made them feel better; Zion doesn’t know if she believes it, but the placebo might be more important than the pseudoscience.
“Ready,” Nagomi says, and they wave a flickering hand. “We’ve got the lobby set up, let’s go.”
Archie’s the only one who hangs back, wandering up to Zion’s side. The two of them have talked about instability before, a common thread between strangers, another horror tying them together. They nudge her gently. “What are you thinking?”
She already misses being warm. She wants to call Curry, well on her way to the desert; they might’ve already seen each other for the last time, but she can’t think about that. It all reminds her of Ruby Tuesday, every second that passed by and feeling sick with gratitude and guilt when she survived. She’ll survive this, too, unless something changes.
But the last grand siesta had been decades when they’d expected half a dozen years. She doesn’t know what to expect. She doesn’t know how long it’ll be like this.
“I think… that I hope I’m doing enough,” Zion says at last, and she starts towards the hotel.
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lukore · 4 years
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never look back was always more aspirational advice than a hardline rule
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paradoxgavel · 4 years
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my take on the hades tigers lineup! obligatory reminder that the commissioner is doing a great job and we are all love blaseball. 🩸⚾
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necromancer-mango · 3 years
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[image description: A digital drawing of Zion Aliciakeyes and Matteo Triumphant from the game Blaseball. Zion is holding a tiger cub in her arms while another one is walking between Matteo's legs. /end image description]
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under-snow-vixen · 4 years
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have you ever seen these two in the same room?
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zionaliciakeyes · 3 years
Zion would work on the iron lion all siesta, locked inside the smithy if hiroto didn’t also live out in left field and periodically bonk Zion
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i miss zion aliciakeyes ):
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