#zim is clearly conscious without it even tho he be dyin so
pichupurin · 6 months
Was zim hormonal while pregnant with the smeets? How did they even find out about them?
I mean, how would you even TELL if someone like him was hormonal? I think he stayed pretty much the same. Aside from the occasional (and initially inexplicable) nest building in randomass places, like behind the computers, inside a hole in the sofa, any place there's a corner... I personally don't think he would act much different lol still scheming, still screaming.
As for how they found out, well, in the comic I wanted to make (and this is a rough summary), Zim was trying to get some maintenance done on the PAK but it refused to dislodge from him. In a normal state they can go without the PAK for a few minutes, but with 8 little monsters eating up resources, the PAK read its host's status as life threatening and initiated an emergency protocol which put it into a hyperstate of preservation... or something or nother, lollll so sorry this sounded so cool when I thought of it like 3 years ago :(
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