#zilv & rourke
nibbles-whispers · 7 months
okie so i'm just gonna ramble a bit
in like 2020 ishhhh i came across this glorious couple zilv and rourke and they were like a Big Thing in the gay p0rn community
however like a year ago i check back in and i'm like hold on smthn seems off and it was off bc zilv was FUCKING SOMEONE ELSE
this is important bc he had gotten engaged to rourke, like rourke dropped out of university i think to live with zilv and make content and just be happy together
and the thing was they did look happy together, they were so sweet to each other and it was clear that they loved each other at least that's what i t h o u g h t
and that's like my biggest ig if i got with an older guy (or woman ig but woman don't seem that attracted to me ??????) is that i'd fall in love with them and like share my body with them give up my virginity etc etc and then one day i'll wake up and i'll be too old for them and they'll dump me/divorce me for someone younger :(((((((
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an--errant · 5 years
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cinematic parallels
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bearlostinthewoods · 4 years
Rourke & Zilv
I happened to be on Twitter the other day and noticed that a couple that I followed was having issues with the people that followed them.
I remember Rourke and Zilv from their Tumblr days before the great purge. I followed them cause I thought their content was nice change from what i’ve seen from other gay couples. 
Once the purge happened, I lost sight of them until they popped up on my twitter. I gave them a follow but never was too invested in them. Now I happened to be on vacation scrolling and found out that things blew up. 
I watched it play out like any other person. Like any “social media celeb” (note - I use this term loosely), their followers were wonder what was going on. Someone named Kai, had posted an Instagram story from Zilv’s car and shortly after another story where Kai was on a bed in his underwear and tag Zilv. 
Rourke also posted a story on Instagram that said he was sorry to Zilv. 
From here it exploded. I watched, in with morbid curiosity (hello we’re on the internet, and everyone cyber stalks, lets be realistic here) as Twitter followers, Rourke, Zilv and Kai, kept quiet or made comments. 
And none of it was pretty from any angle. Even how it stands now. 
This all started in about October from what I saw. Basically someone asked Zilv if he and Rourke were breaking up. To which he replied no they weren’t. But shortly after Kai popped up. 
Now, from what was gathered, Kai had been following Zilv for a while on Instagram. Kai had a boyfriend at the time, but Rourke was aware of Kai. 
Kai followed Zilv on new his profiles after Instagram had deleted some of the other ones. So from the looks of it. Kai was a fan of Zilv. and on Zilv’s part, he enjoyed the attention from Kai despite being engaged to Rourke. 
From comments that Kai has made, he was also engaging Rouke in converstation since Kai has made comments about them playing video games. 
Now from what others have said Kai was the only “femm boy” that Zilv followed besides all the Instagram Models that Zilv followed. While Rourke only followed Zilv. It can be infered as mentioned before that Zilv enjoyed the attention that Kai gave. Rourke for his part did let Zilv know that he wasn’t happy about this. 
With all of this its easy to see why so many Twitter users are angry about how things came about. 
And from the looks of it, it doesn’t seem to be dying down. 
From an outsider’s perspective... i think this hits on many people’s buttons, because of the prospect of cheating, even though all three have said there was no cheating. Although in my opinion - cheating comes in many forms - emotion or physical. 
I have more to say about this but I will leave it here for now. 
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utoshi-san · 4 years
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Такие шладкие, приятно на них смотреть 😍 Они очень гармоничные и у них много романтики (помимо того, что на видосах порнхаба 😅) Шуга дэдди и его мальчик. Если бы все гей пары были такими, то я перестал бы быть гомофобом лооол
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starker culture is watching zilv and rourke 
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amnakanna · 6 years
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They are so cute
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Zilv Gudel (@GudelZilv) Tweeted:
Love the fan made clips 😍 thank you! ❤️ https://t.co/8Hfhan8PCa https://twitter.com/GudelZilv/status/1085575112802353152?s=17
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babybatscreationsv2 · 3 years
I feel like Im the last person to hear that Rourke and Zilv broke up but I will fight a man
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grazygardener · 5 years
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Lol no wonder charmies losing their shit since January, have you heard zilv & Rourke went through a super messy breakup? They were the charmie porn role model with skinny super young twink Rourke and Dom daddy zilv. Another painful blow.
I have no idea who this is, anon? But wow, final proof that Charmie is nothing but wank bank material for them all. Fetishising gay sex is abhorrent.
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bearlostinthewoods · 4 years
Rourke, Zilv, and Kai- Retrospective thoughts
I've been watching the drama of Rourke, Zilv and Kai go on for many months now. You would think that people would have moved on by now, but thats not the case. I find it fascinating by all accounts, you can chalk it up to being bored and being at home more because of the pandemic.
I think today's issues with Zilv and Kai have prompted me enough to write another thought log about them.
Looks like this round of drama had to do with Kai posting on his Instagram about how he is not doing well and how Rourke is talking about him in the Discord channel, which a flurry of supporters and defenders have come out of the wood work to comment on all of this. I guess the crux of it was that someone got a hold of the address of Zilv's parents and current home and sent literal shit in those packages (poop fire bag anyone?).
Zilv, Rourke's sisters and Kai's sister have all made statements about what is going on. Rourke for his part has stayed quiet, like much how he always has although he did make a statement on Instagram as well, but mostly directed at Zilv and his supporters. He's offline for the moment due to being sick.
in a nutshell:
Kai is -
Depressed and possibly suicidal?
Angry at Rourke for making a pancake comment on his discord
Angry at Rourke for calling him a cancer and saying that he deserves nothing
Depressed at being body shamed
Making jabs at Rourke
Kai's sister has backed up this claim saying that he is losing his light - I hate terms like this - depressed and not getting money from the Foster system and asking people to stop the hate.
Zilv is -
Blaming Rourke for everything and shifting the focus from himself
Blaming "Rourke's Fans" for everything that is happening
Continues to post questionable porn and images to the time
Closing comments on OF and Twitter
Not giving monetary compensation to Rourke?
And visiting friends and family despite the pandemic
Kick Rourke out of Twitter
Rourke is -
Moving on
Made jabs at Kai
Outright called Zilv out
Not gotten compensated from Zilv on their PH and OF accounts
Started a Discord server
Rourke's family have called Zilv about his behavior and lack of giving the funds that Rouke is entitled to (at least that is what appears to be the case). Also that Zilv has a lack of empathy for his treatment of his ex-fiance and the cruel treatment of other family members.
Now all the above is a a BREIF summary of feels and actions being seen, and there is a WHOLE slew of other things going on with defenders of both sides but I want to get back to the topic of which prompted this.
Both Kai's sister (aunts as well) and Kai have mentioned that he is not doing well mentally. I can be empathic to this and this is not to say that Rourke is not experiencing the same thing.
But what I find odd is the fact that Kai is stating that he is depressed. Now there are different states that people can go through - some chronic, like myself - others situational. Personally (again my opinion only based on what I am seeing) Kai is only going through situational. I say this because Zilv is still posting videos of him and Kai having sex, Zilv is posting Kai in "sexy" outfits, and Kai himself is posting drag content.
This all SCREAMS validation. All of this is seeking validation from the faceless internet.
I don't know who I need to yell this to, but this is a complete NO-NO. When you seek validation for outside sources, they are BOUND to let YOU down. Because with the internet, praise comes with criticism.
A lot of folks on Twitter are angry because mental health is being taken lightly, as society takes it. Kai and Zilv's actions are directly contradictory to HELPING someone get over their "Depression" now can I see Kai using his Drag as helping? yes. But at the same time he is sticking up his middle finger to everyone which is a contradictory move.
And Zilv posting about how "hot and sexy" Kai is, is also very superficial. Which brings me to my next point.
HYPOCRISY - Which I will address when I get a chance. Disclaimer - Thoughts are my own - No one need to agree or hate on.
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utoshi-san · 4 years
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Моя любимая парочка с порнхаб 😏 Zilv and Rourke. Мне кажется они идеальная яойная пара сбежавшая из манги в реальный мир. Я не думала, что увижу нечто подобное не в 2Д ахаха 😆
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thorniest-rose · 5 years
just to be horny for a hot sec: I saw a clip from Zilv and Rourke (gay pornstars) and Zilv (top) compliments Rourke's ass and calls it pretty and Rourke replies with 'well it's not mine' and all I could think about was reddie in the same circumstance and Richie just going feral over Eddie acknowledging that Richie fully owns him ahhhh
ahhh omg people have been recommending these two to me recently! I love that he says “well it’s not mine” about his own butt... this has such reddie energy. I can just see Richie saying something like that to Eddie while they’re fucking. Richie’s behind Eddie, watching his dick sink into Eddie’s tight heat, and he leans over Eddie’s back to growl in his ear, “I can do whatever I like to this, can’t I? Because it belongs to me and fucking no one else.”
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
FAMMMM. I binged zilv and Rourke's videos one night. They have a very interesting dynamic and I higghhly suggest y'all watch their videos. They've been making a lot of paid videos recently so I've been trying to find a couple like them that have a similar dynamic but damn. No one comes close to zilv & Rourke
NO ONE touches them! Honestly, they’re so different than anything else out there! 
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peachbabypie · 5 years
The way you draw peter reminds me of rourke (look up zilv and rourke on pornhub gay, they’re pure)
Well that’s a fucking compliment. Thank you very much. Hella great way to end a year 💖💖💖💖
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starrose17 · 5 years
Very NSFW recommendation ,look up Zilv and Rourke on PH,they give me alot of Geralt/Jaskier vibes.
What's PH?
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