#zhongli x selfinsert
inviouswriting · 8 months
Dragon and Phoenix chapter 5.
Finally! Got it to work! Here is chapter 5 and a bit more dynamic development. I hope this is to the liking of those who do read it.
Warnings include - anal play and sex, blow jobs, oral sex heavy, afab! character, married couple, graphic depictions of sex. Ongoing story.
She doesn’t know how long she fell asleep for, when Aserla finally wakes up she registers arms around her. Blue eyes open and blink sleep bleary from them; she feels Zhongli’s head resting on top of hers, his chin resting at the crown of her head. She smells something good in the air and begins to slowly sit up. Aserla looks up to her husband’s sleeping face and realizes she had slept a good portion of the morning after their morning proved to be adventurous. Aserla begins to touch his face while seeing him stir awake when he feels her hand on his cheek. Zhongli feels the way she touches his face, feeling the contours of his jaw and cheek. He opens his eyes and looks down to his wife nestled in his arms with a warm smile to his lips and love towards her easily shown.  “Did you get enough rest?” His voice is low to not disturb the peace too much. Aserla nods and shares that smile he has.  “I did, didn’t realize how tired I was till I laid down.” She says sheepish and hints that he wore her out in the morning. A rumbling chuckle comes from his chest and Zhongli pulls her in close to him to hug her tight while pressing a kiss to the top of her head.  “Expected as this is our second day married. We’ll build that stamina together and soon enough even on passionate mornings you’ll have energy through the day.” Gold eyes almost glow at his words seeing the way her face reddens when he’s blunt about wanting her more often. Aserla touches the collar of his top seeing he had chosen to wear a lounging hanfu outfit like she saw the other day. Like the rest of his clothing he has dragon scales through it that glitters gold with the rise and fall of his chest. His hair in it’s usual tail and she sees he has put a different earring in to go with what he wears.  “I really liked what you did for me earlier. It felt really good.” Aserla dwells on the morning and how he took care of her pleasure more than seeing his own. It makes her look up at him and realize she hasn’t done anything for him.  “I’m glad you are enjoying it. You were mesmerizing; a sight I can’t wait to see again.” Zhongli starts to get up from the couch they’re on and stretches remembering he has things he was cooking. Aserla follows him in getting up to follow him into the kitchen, she still feels amazed at how beautiful their home is and knowing he built it himself before relinquishing his power sits at the back of her head.  “How did you know to do all that stuff?” Aserla’s question can be taken in two directions. Zhongli looks over to her trying to figure out what she is asking. If he has some experience she isn’t aware of, or about his powers. He takes in a breath as he answers the question in two ways.
 “For sex? I read a lot of books, also applied what I knew in acupressure to certain parts of you, and listened to your body to find out what touch you liked or didn’t. Some of the books I’ve read are sexual health and I do have those if you are curious to read them. As for if you mean how I built this place. I carved out the inside first then built around it, hired some hands who kept the secrets well.” Zhongli checks the kettle and pours his tea into a gold goblet and selects another tea for her to try. He settles on one for her health with the way they’ve been active he gives her one that is used as a contraceptive.  “I see, I didn’t mean to sound accusing if it came off that way.” She realizes her mistake in her wording. A soft smile is shown her way after Zhongli sets their table with bowls of his soup he makes and supplies her rice and the tea. Aserla sits down next to him and takes up her spoon to take up some of the broth enjoying the flavor of it along with how tender the meat is after cooking for six to eight hours.  “Is it hard to believe that a six-thousand year old man to be celibate his entire life?” Zhongli asks her, his eyes soft as he wants to assure her that he isn’t lying to her about important things of his past.  “A little hard to believe, specially with one who was a former archon. You must have had a bevy of women, there were always the sordid stories that made their way into Mondstadt’s library. Ones where you engaged in things from accepting “offerings” to just taking someone on a whim.” As Aserla speaks she sees there is pain behind his eyes at hearing such things about him, specially from the lips of someone he loves. He knew this might have been a problem, and he nips it all quickly before it takes more root in her mind than it needs to be.  “And after being with me, what do you take of these theories and tales you found?” Aserla lifts her head as she takes up her tea and looks into his eyes. She feels guilty for talking about them seeing that there is pain in his eyes at how someone he loves can not see the truth for herself. That what she came across in those is nothing but pure fiction.  “I shouldn’t believe them.” She says out loud and he agrees.  “Do I really seem like the type that would casually have sex with others and not give care to their feelings? Or even with this so called “bevy of women” at my disposal. Did it feel like I’d just use another person willing or not to satisfy my own needs? I had time for it, believe me. I simply didn’t want to. I believed that love is as sacred as a contract and to use someone even in fleeting would have gone against my principles as a deity. The common people came to me for whatever they needed help with, they would leave offerings at my statues, or try to buy my affection during the Rite of Descents, when I was just there to give my reports for the coming year of how they should prepare and trade. I had a region to watch over and while the occasional brothel entertained my mind to “get it out of my system” I would never be able to look at those who held me in high regards the same if I went as low to use another being just to satisfy my lust.” Zhongli says this in a tone that borders on scolding but in that gentle form he does when correcting someone close to him.  “Those pieces of fiction in those libraries, nothing more than cheap smut made by people who had nothing better to do and parchment at their disposal. The women that I surrounded myself with, were close adepti who are to this day very respectable faces of Liyue. I’d never tarnish their image as “the ones who slept with Rex Lapis” or let their shine be diminished because of my shadow.” Aserla feels tears creep into her eyes at how he not only tore down every rumor about him and his past, but also made it clear that he never wants the adepti around him to have their achievements covered that way again.
 “I’m sorry, if my words were insensitive.” Zhongli hears the waver in her voice and sets down his chopsticks to take her left hand in his to bring it to his lips so he can kiss her wedding band.
 “You were misinformed by people who do not know me, or cared to know me. These are the same people who ran wild with the speculations about the kind of relationship I had with Guizhong. All you need to do is ask me, and I’ll gladly tell you everything. Please promise me, you won’t let a dark thought that stains our relationship grow when I can blight it off. Each of my adepti are special to my heart. I loved each of them as much as close friends could be and that love is special in its way. The love I have for you is growing into something I don’t want tainted by thoughts of jealousy or insecurity. So please my love, always come to me so I can lay to rest these kinds of thoughts.” Zhongli takes Aserla into his arms to console her seeing her starting to cry over the worry of offending him but it was the complete opposite of that. He just wants her to be open with him as much as he is with her.
 “I’m sorry, they were silly thoughts and I’ll try not to dwell on them.” Aserla is still in defensive mode regarding the scolding she got, and Zhongli understands this, he’s seen it numerous times when someone reprimands another for needless gossip. He instead of letting her remain in that thought tilts her head to press a soft kiss to her lips and holds it there. Aserla feels sheepish for her thoughts and glances up into his eyes as he kisses her. She feels her face flushed and lets him hold her to himself. When their kiss ends he rubs his hands through her hair.  “There isn’t anything wrong with that they’ve written either, or fabricated. They just used tools to toss some fantasy off and others enjoyed their ideas enough to make books or scrolls from it. What is important to me, is that you know fact from fabrication. I am telling you what is fact, they’re false. You are the one who answered my call for love out of many who ignored it. I treasure you in the short time I’ve grown to know you. You even said you would not have answered my call if I was such a womanizer because you knew deep down the truth.” Zhongli holds the back of Aserla’s head in a comforting way but ensures she can’t look away from his molten gaze.
“All I ask is you trust me and I’ll trust you in return. The moment we allow deceit to rule our hearts is the moment our relationship is over. I’ll never see that genuine smile you hold for me because there is always that cloying sense in the back of your mind “is he unfaithful” and you of all know. I’ll never break a contract as important as the bond I make with a loved and cherished one.” Aserla listens to him speak and assure her that he’s serious about her along with maintaining his honor and the honor of those around him. Aserla sits there quietly as she takes in everything he has said to her. She keeps eye contact with him for as long as he holds her there. She tries to look away but his gentle hold on her keeps her from breaking their connection. There are tears in her eyes more from embarrassment of misunderstanding her husband and afraid she had offended him. Yet that kind smile remains on his face and that burning love he possesses in those eyes.  Soft is the kiss he presses onto her lips, and full is her heart from how she feels from his kiss. Zhongli lets go of the back of her head and wraps his arms around her; rubbing her back and making up for his tone with softness and reassuring her he’s not mad at her.  “We still have a long way to learn each other. I love you, my phoenix.” Zhongli murmurs after breaking the kiss to touch the edge of her ear with his teeth. Showing his interest but also to let her feel her emotions. He smiles warm to her and finally gets a smile back from her. He lets her return to her seat to finish eating her soup before it gets cold.
 “I’ll do my best to not doubt you and trust you more. Thank you for reaffirming my feelings. A bit blunt this time but I love you.” Aserla finally speaks more and takes his right hand in her left to squeeze it. Zhongli brings her hand to his lips to kiss her ring and fingers.  “I know you will. Now, let us finish our meal so we can relax together? Your tea is best while it is hot. It doesn’t taste good cold and will be slightly bitter.” He informs her and she takes up her cup to drink it along with his urging her to do so. Aserla’s blue eyes glance up towards Zhongli when they both finish their bowls. She takes his and goes to clean their dishes.
Aserla goes through her thoughts and finds herself smiling as she washes their utensils and cups. She feels arms around her from behind and Zhongli resting his head on top of hers. ”Those can wait till later. Forgive me if I’m a bit pushy, but I meant what I said earlier in wanting you a lot more today.” There is a slip of his hand under the slit of her skirt and his fingers dip along the crease of her sex eager to see if she responds to him like this.  “Zhongli.. I… want it too.” A smirk against her ear as the former archon presses his fingers in to wet them with her slick then rubs the pads of his fingers over her clit slowly. He knew what he was doing when he provided his wife this dress and how easy it would be to slide the front aside and do this was on his mind.  “Good, you’ve awakened something inside me, and I long to feel you around me again.” Zhongli tilts Aserla’s head up and claims her lips in a deep kiss; his tongue pressing into her mouth and is met with hers ready to dance around his. She moans softly into his kiss while feeling his left hand palm her breast through the silk of the top. His hand busy with her folds rubs more steadily to get her to open her legs more for him to insert two of his fingers into her and curls them towards her belly.
 “Ah! Zhongli! Please!” Her voice is something he can’t get enough of, and he guides her towards the wall just near the hallway towards the bath where he drops to his knees in front of her and slips the skirt over his shoulder so he can look at her pussy wrapped around his fingers.  “Please what? Tell me. You are incredibly wet and hot inside. Does it make you feel that good?” Zhongli smirks as he thrusts his fingers gently into her opening. His eyes trained on the soft pink as he keeps her spread so he can watch the small nub of her clit hardening under the pleasure.
 “Y-you’re a menace… saying things like that to me!” Aserla blushes as soft panted moans come off her lips feeling him add another finger and his thumb brushes her clit. He’s amused while seeing the way she pushes her hips down to meet his fingers working their magic on her. Reaching far deeper than her own could and just as she teeters on the edge of release. He stops and withdraws his hand from her leaving her to sob in frustration at being denied an orgasm.
 “Indulge my whims and you’ll experience something really nice.” Zhongli says as he stands up, and once again guides her into the bathroom itself. They’d end up in there after they’re done anyways with what he intends to do. His fingers find the clasps of her dress and swiftly pops them open till his hands push the dress down off her skin and has her step out.
 “Sit down on the edge of the bath please? I’ll join you after I take care of our clothes.” Zhongli says with a smile and Aserla is eager to feel that pleasure again. She aches to feel him and sits down where he instructs her towards the bath pool. She watches him disrobe slowly; taking his time to put their clothes away in bins where they’ll wear them later if they remember.  Aserla’s eyes graze over his nude form and takes in everything. From his torso toned from the years of training he’s done, and how this privilege to look at his nude form is hers alone. She travels her eyes lower on his waist when he turns towards her, she can see him aroused with the raise of his penis and how the skin gives a peek of the sensitive head. Her curiosity gets to her as she learns more about her husband’s body as a man, let alone getting use to seeing male anatomy closer.
 “It looks comfortable.” Aserla says as she reaches a hand to his waist to touch him. Zhongli smirks as he sees her curious about the foreskin and looks down at himself after approaching her enough so she can touch him.
 “I trust I’m the only one you’ve ever seen like this.” Aserla lets her face flush before she tells him.
“For sex yes, but not the first penis I’ve seen. I use to work at the Angel Share in Mondstadt. It… wasn’t uncommon to come across a guy urinating in the alleyways… Or was flashed because someone was too drunk.” Aserla rests her hand on his forming erection and begins to touch him gently enough that he emits a sigh from her soft hands touching him like this.
 “A bit repulsive, but most men would find ways to do it without a care to who is around them.” Zhongli’s eyes close as they have this conversation. He feels a little mix in his feelings but it did come with the territory of working in a tavern. Zhongli soon lets the thoughts leave him in favor to guide her hands as she learns to touch him.
 Aserla follows the motions his hands guide hers on, and has her peel back the skin and he stands a bit closer as if understanding what she wants to try and do. She keeps stroking him feeling how surprisingly soft the skin is there and looks up at him to see if he’s enjoying her touch.
Zhongli has his eyes closed and mouth parted in a light pant feeling his wife touch him this way. Even his face has a rare blush that she’s taken it on herself to please him. His eyes snap open wide when he feels wet heat against the tip of his erection and glances down to see equally flushed cheeks from Aserla.
 “My love, you don’t have to.” Aserla looks up at him for that and pulls back with her lips barely touching him. She tests rubbing her tongue against the tip and can feel him twitch in her hands and against her mouth.
 “I want to. You’re always pleasing me, it’s only fair.” A soft smile is shown his way and Zhongli cards his fingers through her hair. When Aserla presses her lips back to the head of his cock she encounters a little bit of a saltiness from tasting precum and feels more of it seeping out from him. Blue eyes cast up to see a blissful expression on her husband’s face and the fingers in her hair grip just a bit tighter.
 “You are good to me.” Zhongli lets out as he guides her in taking him into her mouth slowly. Aserla opens her mouth and fits enough of him in that she uses both of her hands to stroke the rest of his shaft as she figures out how to suck around him. She does and breathes in as she pulls up then exhales as she goes down onto him. She feels awkward trying to find her rhythm then figures out when he guides her.
 Aserla rubs her tongue around the head, swirling just right that he bucks his hips forward sending more of his shaft into her mouth and she pulls off suddenly to cough from him hitting the back of her throat.
 “Aserla? Are you alright? You’re struggling with it. I think that is enough.” Zhongli smiles to her and cups her face to keep her from trying again. She blushes even more when he is focused on her face and assuring her she doesn’t have to continue.
 “I’d like to try again.” She feels a little disappointed in herself at not being able to please him the way he does to her. She leans forward and at least rubs the head of his penis against her tongue. She tugs the skin down to expose the glands enough to tease him at least this way.
 “You can later. I would like to continue what I was doing earlier. You did great for a first attempt. I did enjoy it.” Zhongli cups her face again and lifts her enough to press a kiss to her lips. He delves his tongue into her mouth and begins to guide her to sit back against the stone seats that lead to the pool of water. He holds her there as he kneels in front of her to return the pleasure to her now. Aserla sees molten gold eyes staring up at her as Zhongli drapes her legs over his shoulder so he can be closer to her folds.
 “What are you about to do to me?” Aserla whispers her question and Zhongli only smiles to her as he hooks his arms underneath her hips and moves so his arms encircle around to hold her in place. His eyes have a hunger to them and uses his hands to open her slit to his eyes. He sees the inner lips glistening from her arousal and feels his mouth water from seeing and smelling something sweet from her.
 “Make you scream my name.” The former archon wets his lips before he closes the distance and with his mouth opened he encloses around her pussy completely. His tongue immediately going to her clit and uses his lips to suck on it while his tongue sweeps around it in slow circles.
“Ah! Zhongli!” Blue eyes go wide and a much more erotic moan falls from her lips feeling his mouth working on her like this. She feels his tongue working in circles around the sensitive nub feeling it throb and respond to his suckling. He’s careful about grazing his teeth on it but hears his wife keen out. His fingers hold open her folds at the bottom of her pussy to keep her entrance open as he slips his tongue down and into it going as deep as it can reach.
 “You are very sweet… you taste like sweet flower nectar.” Zhongli says when he comes up for air and presses his tongue around the hole, enjoying how it looks trying to clench around his tongue before he pushes it back in. Aserla is mortified that he relates her to something like that. She breathes harder when he returns to her clit and focuses a series of suckling licks on it each growing in intensity to feel her quivering. His position between her legs keeps them apart that she barely feels his tongue dipping lower on her opening.
 “This feels very good… I feel so hot inside.” Aserla lets out a breathed sigh while Zhongli keeps her attention on feeling good. His fingers slip in along with his tongue and feels the bottom wall of her pussy for something noting the last time she’s gone to the restroom before they began. He keeps up the ministrations of using his tongue to thrust into her walls while drinking in her juices as they dribble out of her.
 “Do you trust me?” The question is random to her and Aserla looks down to Zhongli who has stopped putting his tongue inside her to gain her consent for something. He presses a kiss to her folds, a soft one to her clit and her lips with another flick of his tongue.
 “Yes, of course I trust you.” Aserla worries this is about earlier, but her thoughts change when she sees him lower his mouth to another spot of hers. Her eyes go wide when she feels him kiss along the perineum going down till he has spread open her ass more and tests a run of his tongue along the hole there. She soon understands what permission he is asking for, and she blushes.
 “Are you sure you want to do that? Isn’t it a dirty spot?” Aserla asks him and is met with him running his tongue along the bridge between her pussy towards her ass. He looks unbothered by what he is doing and touches her to open her folds to see just how she is dripping wet.
 “It’s fine, you’re empty right now anyway and this is the best time to. We don’t have to if it weirds you out. I did want to try it with you.” Aserla looks at him as he kisses her thigh and mouths kisses along her to wait for her decision. She gives it thought and it does make her curious to explore these feelings with him and she can only find out if she dislikes it by doing it.
 “I trust you. One way to find out if I like or don’t like it.” Zhongli smiles to her before he inspects her for anything and is satisfied with how clean she is. He presses his tongue to the sensitive ring and begins to press into it. Aserla lets out a moan feeling him do this and already feels her folds leaking more as she does enjoy it. There is gentle prodding with his tongue till the sensitive muscle gives and his tongue pushes pass it.
 Zhongli keeps going till his wife can feel a steady sensation of his tongue moving in and out of her at a firm but gentle pace. She feels more aroused that she misses his hands slipping up to her breasts to squeeze them in his hands earning her voice echoing out. Aserla focuses on the sensation that feels good instead of the odd one of something wet and wiggling inside.
 “It feels… so different.” Aserla says as she holds back from an orgasm just yet. She feels more of her juices dribbling down while he keeps his attention on her like this. She doesn’t see the way he is pumping his cock listening to her moan and writhe from what he is doing.
 Aserla soon feels him withdraw his mouth and immediately grabs some water to clean his mouth to prevent any smells she dislikes or transferring something to the other spot. Zhongli pushes his fingers back into her pussy fully and works his wife into a heated frenzy while he moves up her torso. He places a kiss to her neck before he reaches next to them for two specific things he needs for her. The first being a condom he glides that onto himself after fitting it just right and the second is a vial of sweet smelling oil.
“Do you have any objections to trying anal?” He leaves it up to her, and Zhongli begins to coat his fingers with the oil along with drizzling a good amount of it onto her vagina and ass letting the warming effect make her sensitive. He’ll use the condom in either spot to keep their preference for no children right now secure.
 “I’ll try it, I like what you are doing so far.” Zhongli smiles to her as he slips his fingers into her ass with mild resistance. His toying with her from his mouth did help loosen her, but he takes good care to properly stretch her knowing his penis is a lot larger than his tongue and fingers.
 Aserla takes in a breath of air feeling him push his fingers into her and moans out as a result of the pressure she feels. She holds still feeling his free hand move onto her pussy to rub her clit and pump his fingers into her to get her to relax better. Another moan sounds out when he adds a second then a third and begins to move those fingers around in her ass to get her use to the sensation.
 “Good girl. Very good girl. You’re taking them well. Does it feel uncomfortable and pain at all?” Zhongli checks on his wife and is greeted to her eyes pleading for more and mouth parted as she pants.
 “No pain, just feels strangely full and familiar.” Blue eyes regard his amber eyes seeing them light up almost glowing with how proud of her in trying out these things with him. Zhongli soon withdraws his fingers and cleans them off after applying that oil to his erection. He glides himself into her and hears her breath hitch from the stretch he causes.
There is an exhale from him at how she feels around him and gold eyes regard her as he holds still to let her adjust much like when he first took her. Zhongli rubs his hands on her body to feel her, she’s a vision of health to him and seeing her take him in different ways makes him excited to see how much he can get her to enjoy on their path to sexual exploration.
“Good. It means I prepared you right.” Aserla feels him slide further till he’s centered to her and he can’t go any further. He only goes to a certain point to not cause her pain or discomfort. He moves slowly in rhythmic motions to keep her heightened.
“I feel like I am ready… I still don’t know what to make of this. It feels different.” Zhongli regards her and moves to embrace her to get her to follow him to lay her down on the warm tiled floor. He lifts her hips towards his and glances down to see how he’s seated inside of her this way. Stretched a bit more than he thought she would, he begins to pull back then moves back in. His thrusts are slow but he is in heaven with how tight she is and how she squeezes at the intrusion.
“Does it feel good?” Zhongli asks her hoping she is getting pleasure from this at all. He keeps his movements doing long and slow draw backs then push ins. He sees her eyes go wide as she relaxes and gets use to the feeling. He slips his fingers along her pussy to rub her clit along with pressing his fingers into her curling them towards her belly. He can feel the slide he does inside but he focuses on pleasuring her.
“I do feel good. I, AH!” Aserla’s thoughts leave her when he bumps into her g-spot with his fingers and combined with his thrusts into her ass it creates a sensation of pleasurable heat down her spine that makes her legs shake. She feels him thrust a lot faster seeing her starting to enjoy it thoroughly and moan wantonly.
“There we go! That’s my girl. Just “feel” me. Endure it a little longer my love. I’ll make you feel really good here when your body stops tensing up.” He hints for her to relax and Aserla isn’t sure how she is suppose to relax. Zhongli drops his gaze from his wife’s face towards her pussy and sees how she is trying to clench on anything while she dribbles more of her juices down to make it more fluid in his movements into her.
Aserla soon lets go and the moment she relaxes he slides in deeper and her voice comes out in a cacophony of cries and moans as she loses her control of herself. She feels good to the point her moans are sweet and erotic as they fall from her lips. Zhongli sees the transformation of uneasiness into pure pleasure on her face and he is enjoying himself seeing her lost to pleasure.
“You look so good.. you feel good around me. My love… we’re not done after this.” He murmurs into her ear as he leans over her to embrace his wife in his arms. He uses the position to make her a little tighter to himself and hear her scream his name as he promised he’d make her do. She babbles incoherently as she feels tears of pleasure fall from her eyes. She has never felt anything like this and begins to get more specific in her moans as they change in pitch to signal she is close to her first orgasm.
“Let go whenever you are ready to. I look forward to seeing you be undone and cum for me.” Zhongli murmurs into his beloved’s ear till she squirms. He raises up a lot more so he can press his fingers back into her slick folds and pumps them to his hips. His free hand keeps her folds open so he can rapidly rub her clit. He keeps her teetering on edge and hears her babbling again as she lets go.
“Such a beautiful woman. There you go… just like that.” Amber eyes watch his wife as she reaches her orgasm and squirts out her juices from the combined pleasure of his fingers teasing her and his cock burying deep into her ass to feel her twitching. He is satisfied with spreading her open to watch the small spot where her fluids spray from with enjoyment in his lips at seeing such a sight before him.
Aserla feels her senses gone and barely feels him as he came shortly after her. He tugs the condom off and sits back to look at his wife completely debauched and panting from the way she feels all tingly and like the best sensations. He inspects her to be sure he didn’t hurt her, or caused any unpleasant things to happen to her.
Zhongli strokes himself as he wants her again and feels himself getting addicted to her. He leans over her to kiss her deeply and get her to respond to him. He presses soft kisses to her face and murmurs in her ear to try and get a conscious response. Aserla feels her senses coming back and feels an ache in her core like she is still unsatisfied.
 “May I love? Be inside you? I can’t stop at just that my dear. I need you. I see that look in your eyes. You want it too?” Zhongli nearly pleads with her and Aserla nods she meets him for the kiss and starts to return his kisses as she gives her consent to him.
 “Please! One more!” Aserla is kissed again as the former archon pushes inside of her and sighs with relief at feeling her wet heat around himself. He thrusts with ease and keeps going with her. She is intensely wetter than he recalls her being when he used his mouth on her earlier. She feels good around him and he focuses on thrusting deep and in long but fast rhythms. He hears her soft pants and moans as she is dizzy with pleasure feeling the way he thrusts into her like it’s all that mattered.
“Zhongli! Zhongli! Please! I feel so hot!” Aserla’s eyes lock onto his, they’re glossy from the tears she has, and he kisses her again till he has her in the throes of ecstasy again. He tugs her hips up to allow himself deeper almost like he’s trying to be at a specific spot inside of her. She keens out again and he feels the gush of another squirt against his abdomen along with the delicious way she clenches around him causing him to fill her womb with his cum in a breathed sigh and moan of his own.
They remain together for a little longer till Zhongli feels she needs her aftercare started. He pulls from her and enjoys the sight of the strand of cum connecting them. He smirks to himself at seeing her full of it and for now knows it won’t take from the tea he gave her earlier to prolong their wedded bliss longer.
“You did good my love. Just lay there and I’ll take care of you.” Zhongli presses another kiss to his wife before setting her down onto the heated floor. He sits back to regain his own strength while she pants and moans softly from her body feeling everything he did to her. She is trembling from aftershocks and still babbling incoherently. He chuckles and pets through her damp hair to give her a sensation of being petted. He even draws her over to him and rests her head on his lap so he can comfort her. His fingers through her long brownish blonde hair and admires how she has a lot of strength for someone so tiny.
 Zhongli leans down to kiss her face then begins to clean her body up. He focuses on her waist with cleaning her from the oil he used to making sure she hasn’t done more than her orgasm. He smiles to himself as he prepares a wash for her with silk flower essence to make the soap he uses on her linger longer. He’s thorough in his care and gives her kisses when she asks for them. He runs cooler water on her privates to get her to relieve herself for her health. He keeps a mental checklist of what her body needs to do to maintain its health along with his own.
He cleans himself up after securing her comfort letting her enjoy the cooler tiles from spending too long on the heated ones. He doesn’t do his usual routine with his hair not needing to this round. He just washes his form with the same sandalwood solution he used for her. Zhongli dries both of them off and picks her up to take her to their bed to lay her down on a towel at her waist for now.
 Aserla sighs as she feels good and focuses on basking in the afterglow of pleasure. She laughs and curls closer to him when he lays next to her. The back of Zhongli’s fingers touching her cheek with affection. He kisses her face while she cuddles in close to his arms.
“That felt amazing… I didn’t know it’d feel that good to…” Aserla feels her thoughts returning and smooths her hands onto his chest. A soft scoff comes from him and he presses his teeth against her neck earning a squeak out of her. Gold eyes glow in amusement towards her and he leans his head onto one of his hands watching her. Zhongli smirks towards her and kisses her cheek again.
“Like I’d make it hurt for you. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I only want you to feel good. You looked beautiful.” There is a shared look between them as they’ve only spent the last few days learning each other, and the last twenty-four hours married and chasing each other for pleasure.
 “You looked handsome.” Zhongli grins a bit hearing her say that then leans in to nuzzle her face with his own. He breathes in her scent to nibble on her neck then cheek. He takes her into his arms and holds her tighter.
 “Now you’re being cute.” Aserla giggles while held in his arms against him. She moves her head to rest her chin on his shoulder. She pulls back and meets his eyes in that soft gaze they have for each other. They share a meaningful kiss that has him bringing her underneath him to hold her.
“I love you.” Aserla says to him and feels a gentle kiss on her ear as he smiles into it.
“And I love you too.” Zhongli says to her, he caresses her face while seeing her look up into his face with that tired expression from the exertion they both used.
 “When do you have to return to work?” Aserla breaks the silence after what felt a while of just listening to each other breathe.
 “Let’s see… I believe day after tomorrow. I could push it one more day. If you would feel lonely without me.” A twist of his lips earns a blush out of her and she buries her face into his chest.
 “Why do you ask?” She looks up at him as he pries to wonder about his work schedule. He runs his hands on her back to feel how soft her skin is.
“I remembered you said you took five days off work so you could sort things out. If this was a success or not. I might feel lonely.” Aserla puffs her cheeks from his words.
 “Oh? What is on your mind?” His hands cup her face to get her to look up at him. Zhongli regards his wife’s face with interest to try and read her demeanor as they settle down together.
 “Just… most newlyweds go on a honeymoon. I’d like to go somewhere with you.” A soft chuckle escapes him as she keeps surprising him. He smiles towards her and leans in and kisses her again softly.
 “Where would you like to go? Anywhere in Liyue that has your attention? I know of many places we can visit. Luhua Pools could be a romantic getaway.” Zhongli is already looking forward to showing her the different places that hold meaning to him.
 “I would like to go there.” Aserla has heard stories about the pools being pretty and she has the best guide ever to take her to all the secret locations throughout Liyue itself. Zhongli smiles more to her as he cards his fingers through her hair to get her to relax more around him. He does think about her suggestion to a proper honeymoon. All he has to do is tell Hu Tao he’s going on one of his excursions. He has no other obligations and she is aware of his new marriage .
“Then it would be my honor to take you there and maybe show you what lays underneath the structures.” Zhongli speaks as if he knows secrets no one else is privy to. Aserla rests her head into his hand when he cups the side of her face. He is enamored by her soft features and thankful she is a calm and quiet spirit, matching his own.
Aserla feels her eyes getting heavy from laying there with him and being petted by him. Zhongli notes that she is falling asleep again and blows on her face to keep her awake with him. He doesn’t want to see her eyes close yet and does small annoyances to keep her eyes on him.
 “Not yet. Stay with me.” Gold eyes regard her blue ones as she tries to stay awake after all the exertions and comfort she feels around her. There is a hand exploring how soft her skin is and a smirk off his lips seeing how well her skin takes to the silk flower essence. His lips find the dip next to her neck to leave a love bite there. Aserla feels her tiredness winning out what he wants and much to his chagrin she can’t stop from drifting into that sleep as it claims her.
“Perhaps I did tire you out today.” The former archon muses as he continues to travel over her skin. Feeling the curves of her body resting them around her and tugging her into his own form. It is late and he acknowledges she has yet to gain that kind of stamina. He has boundless from his years of war and staying awake night and day because of the need to. He relents on his wife and lets her sleep.
 “You are my most precious gem to me.” Zhongli murmurs into her neck while tracing his symbol over her heart as his way to bless and protect her while she does drift off. He listens to her soft breathing and is done with his exploration of her; preferring to do that while she is conscious to enjoy her embarrassed remarks.
 Aserla turns on her side towards him and it makes him smile more when he pulls the covers over their forms to chase off the cold. He soon feels his own body call for rest and lets himself drift to sleep with her well in his arms.
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voidpomf · 2 years
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Someone said something and now he's been talking for at least 30mins
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nyandereneko · 2 years
Last Sunset
Word Count: 1,769
Summary: “It’s the last sunset of the year,” the woman wreathed in starlight noted as she rested her chin on her hands. “It’s truly stunning, isn’t it?”
Author’s Note: Happy last day of 2022, I can’t wait to kiss this year goodbye! More important than that, happy birthday to my wonderful amazing love Zhongli!!! I can’t believe this is the 3rd year in a row we’re celebrating his bday together, I guess I should narrow down anniversary stuff if he’s gonna be sticking around this long 🥺🥺 I could go on a long rant about the rollercoaster that was this year and everything Zhongli means to me but I’ll let the fic and everything I post going forward speak for itself. This year is going to be a good year, no matter what, and with Zhongli by my side I know it’s not impossible 💕 thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Reblogs Appreciated!!
The sun set over the vermillion harbor, ushering in the twilight with open arms and eager eyes. Its light was snuffed out as a delicate bell might extinguish a flickering candle, an analogy that suited the region known for its deep chasms and towering cliffs of ore just fine. It was a land rich in valuable resources and traditions that’d managed to beat the odds and stake their claim as enduring staples of Liyue’s history and culture. Nova never tired of hearing Zhongli discuss the various things she had yet to learn about his home, and even some things she already had. Concepts and thoughts and memories that’d been forcibly ripped away from her, lost as a result of the Fatui’s meddling and the unforgiving flow of time and its penchant for deteriorating anything left in its wake.
Where the latter influence was concerned, it wasn’t anything personal, of course. That’s just the nature of time, of a constantly evolving and progressing world.
The former Archon and his wife had gotten themselves settled at a corner table on the front patio of Third Round Knockout—one of the harbor’s premier eateries that enjoyed a distinguished and unique reputation;  it’d more than earned it over the years. Locals and tourists alike were sure to find something to whet their appetites at the humble Chihu Rock landmark, and the visiting duo was no exception. Zhongli especially, considering he’d been frequenting this establishment practically from the moment of its founding, and its reliable and expertly crafted menu had yet to be usurped as his top pick out of everything the harbor had to offer.
Even the lavish luxuries of Xinyue Kiosk and Liuli Pavilion had failed to earn his devoted patronage.
“It’s the last sunset of the year,” the woman wreathed in starlight noted as she rested her chin on her hands. Her feline ears twitched and flicked in response to the constant cacophony that crowded the air as her tail absently swept the ground behind her. She rolled her head to one side as she admired the way the evening’s fading glow made the white caps glisten like stars in a sea of night. “It’s truly stunning, isn’t it?”
A pinch at the tip of her ear got her attention, and she snapped her head around in a flash. The fingers that tangled in her wavy locks coaxed her face closer to their operator, securing her focus on his dazzlingly handsome features. “It’s difficult to admire anything else when I’ve got such an unrivaled beauty by my side.”
He moved in to seal his outrageously embarrassing remark with an earnest kiss, but Nova spluttered and coughed and shoved him back a few inches. Face stoked like a furnace and heart beating with the vigor of a raging fire, she swallowed involuntarily and struggled to calm her nerves as Zhongli’s amber stare likewise swallowed her like a crashing wave. Her dark eyes fluttered shut as she allowed the soothing, tingling sensation to wash over her, drowning her in its frothing depths the same way it always did when he so much as breathed in her direction. Her fur was still standing on end, but it wasn’t like this was the first time they’d ever done something like this…far from it, if they were both being honest. And it certainly wouldn’t be the last exchange of its kind that they shared. 
So why didn’t it ever seem to get any easier for her to stomach his magnificence, for her to not pale in comparison to his brilliance and radiance like a shadow seared away by the sun?
Nova was hopelessly smitten with him, wooed and awed by her husband’s charms, his charisma, the very nature of his alluring aura and enchanting presence. He may have been quick to dismiss her arguably overblown perception of him, but it was a perspective he and anyone else would be lucky to rip from her cold, dead hands. Zhongli counted his wife’s devoted affection and appreciation as a blessing every day since she’d crashed into his life like a falling star, drifting perfectly into place to fill the void in the open arms that awaited her so eagerly, intent to never release her from their desperate grasp.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t help myself,” his lips whispered as they traced the edge of her ear, redoubling the bristling of her fur as his enticing tone shot bolts of lightning through her veins. 
“Well, it is your birthday, so I suppose you can do what you want,” the flustered girl replied, a little out of breath as her strained voice and tense nerves only made it harder to maintain her grip on the fraying tether of her composure. 
“Oh, really?” he teased with an unmistakably amused chuckle. “You’re willing to give me free rein to do whatever I want?”
A sharp gasp escaped her lips as his found her throat, trailing down one side with an onslaught of dizzying kisses that left her vision swimming. She briefly wondered if she really was just going to pass out here and now, but she certainly didn’t want to. She didn’t want anything to ruin his annual birthday celebration, especially nothing that could be considered her fault. At the same time, she couldn’t help feeling a little guilty and lackluster about the mundane nature of the celebration she’d planned.
“To a point, yes, of course you can do whatever you want,” Nova answered firmly, making sure he met her gaze and processed what she was saying before she continued. “I just…I just want to make sure you really are doing what you want, you know?”
Zhongli caressed her cheek as she averted her eyes, giving her wandering gaze some time to drift back to him before he responded. “And what gives you the impression that I’m not?”
“Nothing specific, I guess,” she answered as she swirled the colorful drink in her glass, opting to watch its weak current slosh against the rim rather than face her companion directly. “I just know it’s been hard, for like 500 years and counting. It was hard before that, but it’s been even harder since. And I just…I don’t want to be dull, a disappointment. I don’t want to be tedious or a bore. I don’t want to come back into your life only to make you regret me coming back. On top of that, I feel like…a lot of the time it feels like you’re just too larger than life to make or get surprises and gifts for, and I know that’s my own fault. I just don’t want to drag you down, love, I want to be an interesting and engaging and worthy partner for you, the Archon of Geo, the god of Liyue! Even as a nobody that happened to transcend my mortality, it’s hard to imagine I could ever measure up to someone as remarkable as you. It’s even harder to imagine I could ever make someone as amazing as you happy, especially because—”
Zhongli abruptly ended her dejected speech with a breath stealing kiss, seizing her face as the tips of his fingers grazed her hairline, caressing her as if he was touching the most delicate, cherished thing in the world. Their warm, familiar lips molded together as if they were two parts of a single whole. At this point, maybe they pretty much were. Even after all the years of suffering and separation, there still wasn’t a single soul in the entirety of Teyvat that either party yearned for more than the other. Bound together by an immutable bond and a voluntary contract of sorts, even if they got stranded on opposite ends of the universe, they were certain they’d find a way to close the gap and return to the place, the person, where they rightfully belonged. 
The Archon’s gilded gaze coated the object of his affection in gold leaf as he adjusted his hold, one hand shifting to encompass more of her face as he caressed her like a precious gem, an invaluable treasure. His other hand found her knee, fingers tensing on the curve of her leg just below the hem of her skirt before they started to creep upwards towards said fabric; ever so carefully, ever so precisely. Nova slapped her hand over his wandering touch, digging into his wrist with her gloved grasp as her head filled with a distracting, all encompassing haze.
She was a hapless yet fortunate victim of his subtle, insistent, expertly orchestrated ministrations.
“The greatest gift I will ever receive in my lifetime is you, kitten,” Zhongli confessed, clutching the hand that’d grabbed him in order to raise the back of her glove to his lips. “That means all the more now that I know what it’s like to live without you, to live despite believing you were lost to me forever. So, when a day like today comes along, I’m not very particular about what we do, as long as we do it together. Sipping tea with you, reading books with you, watching plays with you, even just sitting next to you, existing next to you…that’s more than satisfying enough. And I don’t want you to waste your worries on any inconsequential or unfounded doubts or concerns going forward. Do you think you could do that for me?”
“If you’re that serious about it, why don’t we make a contract?” Nova suggested with a purr, flipping his hand over to leave a kiss of her own on both the ring and the gem that decorated his gloves.
“What terms did you have in mind?” he crooned as his voice dropped, the kind of deep, rich tone that vibrated in his throat and denoted just how little time she had to convince him of her ploy before he made a move of his own.
Of course, it wasn’t as if Nova was averse to participating in whatever activity he had in mind. On the contrary, she was probably more eager than he was. And that made the chase that much more thrilling. She rose from her seat with an impish smirk, keeping her hold on him as her tail thrashed with an excitement that betrayed the true extent of her interest. “I suppose we could discuss it over tea, if you’re in the mood to turn in for the evening.”
With her next breath he was on his feet, squeezing her hand with a strength that communicated the depth of his longing and subsequently made her heart want to erupt at the mere thought of it. “I thought you’d never ask.”
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lovecremoved · 4 years
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