#zhang huiwen
storge · 4 months
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Marvelous Women (2021) 1.15
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devdas5z · 2 years
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Zhang Huiwen
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chineseredcarpet · 1 year
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Zhang Huiwen takes the cover of Chic Magazine
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etherealvoidechoes · 5 months
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Mobile post. Taking a crack at drawing Zhao Huiwen. Giving him some grays because who wouldn’t be stressed post-earth being conquered and post-getting spliced with a Chryssalid.
And toying with ideas as I edit his XCOM Legends shudder design.
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: Love a Lifetime (2020)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “Love a Lifetime”
【FULL】 Love a Lifetime EP01 | 暮白首 | Allen Ren Jialun 任嘉伦, Zhang Huiwen 张慧雯 | iQiyi
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJeRPCYm7bg
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angelariasdominguez · 10 months
§ 3.210. Regreso a casa (Zhang Yimou, 2014)
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Me gustó mucho la Casa de las dagas voladoras (2004), me pareció ingeniosa, muy colorida y con una historia detrás llena de fuerza y emotividad. Esta es otra cosa. Es claramente una historia de la China moderna, de amores en tiempos de revolución cultural, de la dureza de la vida en los años más salvajes de la intensidad represiva. 
Es sensible y delicada, tiene fuerza y expresividad, y cuenta una historia pequeña pero importante. La amnesia sirve de metáfora para apreciar cómo ha evolucionado la China revolucionaria hasta convertirse en modelo de capitalismo centralizado que es ahora mismo. Una amnesia autoimpuesta, forzada, para no reconocer las bestialidades del sistema y para poder pasar página de manera colectiva de la manera más eficiente y rápida. 
Como toda forma de imposición forzada la revolución cultural no sirvió para nada. Para imponer una forma de dominación de las personas y una forma de opresión política, social, personal, y cultural que tenía un solo propósito: domeñar cualquier forma de disidencia y cualquier atisbo de contestación.
La otras perspectiva es la historia amorosa, delicada y sensible, entre dos seres humanos que por encima de todo se quieren y aprecian. Y también de cómo la enfermedad del olvido hace estragos en dicha relación. 
Me ha gustado mucho el papel que hace la actriz Gong Li como Feng Wanyu, la esposa de Lu Yanshi. El profesor Lu Yanshi es interpretado por Chen Daoming. La hija es interpretada por Zhang Huiwen. La actriz es delicada y sabe apreciar los matices, el profesor es más plúmbeo, más plano, menos colorido y tonal.
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nohu334533 · 10 months
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nohu366646 · 10 months
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Chen Daoming in Coming Home (Zhang Yimou, 2014)
Cast: Chen Daoming, Gong Li, Zhang Huiwen, Guo Tao, Liu Peiqi, Zu Feng, Yan Ni, Xin Baiqing, Zhang Jaiyi, Chen Xiaoyi, Ding Jiali. Screenplay: Zou Jingxi, Zho Xiaofeng, based on a novel by Yan Geling. Cinematography: Zhou Xiaoding. Production design: Lin Chaoxiang, Liu Jiang. Film editing: Meng Peicong, Zhang Mo. Music: Qi Gang Chen. 
Coming Home is a story of post-traumatic stress, in which the PTSD is not just manifest in particular people but in a whole society. The immense trauma of the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and '70s was shared by an entire people, though it's embodied in Zhang Yimou's film in a single family: Lu Yanshi (Chen Daoming), his wife, Feng Wanyu (Gong Li), and their daughter, Dandan (Zhang Huiwen). Like many intellectuals, Lu, a professor, is sent during the Cultural Revolution to the countryside to work as a laborer, but he escapes and returns to his family, which has been warned by the authorities to turn him in. When he shows up at their home, Feng wants to hide him, but Dandan, an ambitious young ballet student, betrays him on the promise that she will get the lead role in a production of The Red Detachment of Women. When Lu is finally released and returns home, he finds that Dandan has given up her ballet career -- the promised lead role was denied her anyway -- and is estranged from her mother, who has never forgiven her. But Feng has suffered another trauma, which affects her memory: Not only does she forget mundane daily tasks, she also fails to recognize Lu when he appears. Because she has been told that he will be returning on the fifth of the month, she goes to the train station once every month to wait for him, returning in disappointment. Lu tries everything he can to restore his wife's memory: He pretends to be a piano tuner so he can play a song they once shared, and when a cache of letters he wrote to her on scraps of paper while in prison shows up, he reads them to her, becoming a familiar figure in her life and engineering a rapprochement between her and Dandan, but never quite breaking through the block in her memory. It's a somewhat conventional and sentimental story, but Zhang makes it work, with the special help of three exceptional actors. Gong Li gives one of her finest performances as the deeply damaged Feng Wanyu, her face revealing the exact moment when her flickering hopes of reunion with her husband are extinguished by doubt or disappointment or fear. Chen Daoming makes Lu's patient, dogged attempts to cope with his wife's disorder credible, even when the script by Zou Jingzhi sags occasionally into predictability. And Zhang Huiwen, discovered by Zhang Yimou at the Beijing Dance Academy, is both a fine dancer and an actress capable of evoking Dandan's adolescent petulance.   
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lunesalsol · 2 years
Retrato de uma família chinesa no período da revolução cultural, que devido ao comportamento do pai que estava detido, a ascenção da filha bailarina era adiada, e sempre preterida por outra, independentemente do mérito. Certo dia, o pai foge da prisão e dirige-se para casa. A filha para ser valorizada na academia, acaba por denunciar ao regime o local onde o pai estava escondido, apesar do sofrimento causado a sua mãe. Na segunda parte do filme, a revolução cultural terminou, o pai está de regresso a casa, mas a mãe que agora sofre de Alzheimer não o reconhece. A filha que já não vive com ela, esforça-se com o pai reavivar a memória.
O bailado da filha tem ecos do Hérois ou os Punhais Voadores.
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movielosophy · 3 years
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baifengxis · 3 years
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reasons to watch legend of fei  ♡ 1/∞
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chineseredcarpet · 2 months
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Zhang Huiwen takes the cover of Share Magazine
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etherealvoidechoes · 11 months
Hmm, I think I may have fun with Zhao ‘Hyperion’ Huiwen. Already coming up with an idea for the Vampire AU. Zhang could always use another messed up buddy, right?
Also may toss him into the Wandering Souls fic :) The group is open to more joining them and a face from the past(some what. I’m treating Legends as “i pick and chose the canon”) should be fun for Zhang and others.
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ohsehuns · 4 years
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Legend of Fei | Xie Yun’s identities & getting exposed
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pangzi · 3 years
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