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bunniesbearsandadventures · 2 months ago
Reblog of you fell in Love with these two Environmental Fellas
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*Because boy I sure did* :333
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pokemonvillainadventures · 2 months ago
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Maxie x Insomniac Reader
No Rest for the Wicked
Pokemon: Baltoy
Gender Neutral Reader
*Tap Tap Tap*
*Click Click Click*
*Tap. Click. Tap. Click. Tap*
A long sigh drew from Maxie's mouth as his left hand went to rest upon his temple in concerning frustration.
Maxie: "(Y/N). . Do you know why I've called you in today."
(Y/N): *Trying to maintain what little good appearance you had left, a long yawn escaped your lips while your body craddled stacks of notepads, journals, and papers* ". . . I thought I did . . but something tells me that I might have gotten the wrong impression"
As the clock ticked on in the background Maxie was sitting at his desk. Sharp, neat, and not a pencil out of place. He was staring daggers into you. Normally grunts would bring about the same level of spick and span attitude when called to have a personal meeting with Leader Maxie. There was order that couldn't be shaken that was until you started showing up. At least in recent times. At some point you were like the other grunts. You were collected and attentive and respected this order. But as time went on that grasp was starting to lose grip.
As Maxie observed what was sitting in front of him he was growing ever more agitated at the growing pile of mess you brought to his desk. Papers on papers with no care to how they were organized. Your handwriting was that of Torchic Scratch, and nothing had a conclusive start nor end. The worst offender was yourself. With an energy drink in hand, no doubt the cause of your shaking body, you looked awful . . .no . .not awful, tired. Maxie was staring at the embodyment of tired. Hair that probably hasn't been properly cared for in days as it frizzes from all sides. Your skin has become washed out and your eyes were souless. When he used to look into them he saw a grunt who was capable and determined. Now those colorful eyes, that he used to love to stare into, have been overshadowed by the litteral shadows underneath them.
Maxie: *coughing to grab attention* . . ."Excuse me. What . is . this?"
(Y/N): *Your brain was still trying to process Maxies Previous question. Your fingers mindlessly flipping through each paper.* . .  . "Oh . Uh . . well *Yawn* I was under the impression you'd tell me . . sir . . *Yawn* ."
With a hint of annoyance in your own voice you wanted to scream at your leader for calling you in today. Though you were well beyond too tired to do so, and you much preferred keeping this job with a bed to return to. Well a bed you wish you could return too. How long has it been since you actually slept in the thing? Thinking about it longer, picking a fight with Maxie wouldn't even begin to solve your problem. Admittedly Maxie was responsible in keeping work loads light and schedlues orderly for grunts. No your problem was that of your own, rather it was more of a mental condition than anything else. A lifelong battle of insomnia and a attention disorder made for a pretty rough combo on your sleep schedule.
Now normally you'd find no issues with this. Back when you were a kid the disorder seemed more fun as you spent hours underneath the covers watching cartoons on your tablet. As you entered your preteen years this ment you had more time to sneak snacks from the kitchen and talk with your friends over the phone. As a teen you'd find it relaxing to lay in your bed staring at your ceiling listening to music until the sun came up. But Alas you are no longer a kid, you are no longer a preteen, and you were no longer just a teen. Now you're an adult, with adult responsibilities and that ment feeling tired after a hard day of work. As most adults would have it, they'd be able to fall asleep in their soft covers, on their soft bed sheets, with a mattress that cradled them off to dream land. But you weren't most adults and you'd spend the night with your face nose deep into your laptop typing away til the blue light blended with the morning sun.
To you this lifestyle was normal and it's something you've long since forgotten wasn't supposed to be. Though you thought you've done a good job at maintaining appearances. Sure you drank a gallons worth of energy drinks every day and your hair wasn't the most kept thing but surely you weren't raising any alarm bells right? Right???? Well maybe to your fellow grunts baggy eyes, frizzed hair and flushed skin was normal but not to Maxie. When you were just starting out as a Magma Member you held your own pretty well but as the months crept along he saw your facade fall and it was really starting to worry him. And it wasn't just your appearance either. How you stumbled into the meeting room with papers falling out of your grasp collapsing into the plastic chair as if it was the most comfortable chair in the whole universe. The way your feet dragged and shuffled across each hallway with coffee spilling out of your mug. The few times he found you sleeping on break room sofas and closet boxes was the last straw for him. No, Maxie wasn't upset he was more troubled and quiet frankly more guilty of himself for seeing one of his subordinates in such a state.
Maxie: "(Y/N) I am going to need you to answer me honestly."
(Y/N): *a mix of tired and annoyance in your voice* "and when have I ever not have . . ."
Maxie: *his eyebrows furrow in frustration though he tries his best not to show it. He understands that this is probably just nothing more than you being out of it.* "please don't start anything. . . Look as your leader I only have the best interest for all members of this team.
(Y/N): *Not feeling up to dealing with a lecture you decide to get up in an attempt to leave* "Well let me save you from wasting your time. Look I appreciate whatever concerns you may have but there isn't anything that you or anybody else can do so if you'll excuse me, unless we are here to talk about job related stuff, let me go."
Maxie: *He only slightly bangs his hands against his desk as frustrated concern slips his mouth* "Don't be stubborn (Y/N)! I'm no doctor in medicine but I am smart enough to see that this has gone on for far too long.'
(Y/N): "Exactly! and seeing that things haven't changed let me go!"
Maxie: *he stands up from his seat and makes his way towards you.* "How am I to know you won't collapse at any given moment while you're working? Case and point need I show you the horrendous email that appeared to me this morning. The one you sent in the dead of night that has more spelling mistakes than a school kids book report? *Maxie restrains himself a bit as he calmly approaches your side. Grabbing your hand in an attempt to usher you away from the door.* "Listen to me (Y/N) I may be hard to approach but of there is anything that I have done to worsen your condition you have all means to discuss this with me."
(Y/N): *as the afternoon turned to night, you felt your body worsen and yet you still had enough bark in your bite as you blew off Maxies concern* "what . . so you can just . . Idk . baby me around or something? I'm capable of myself. . .'
Maxie: "And nobody is saying that you aren't" *Maxie in an attempt to comfort you awkwardly pulled you closer towards him and helped to move you towards the couch. But awkward that he may be you could feel a sense of warmth and care in his actions.*
Settling on the couch Maxie stood before you. Your body swaying ever so slightly as you tried to hold your body up. Though in a strange phenomenon the red leathered couch felt like a cloud. At least in the sense that it was 10 times better than the brick of a mattress you've been subjected to in your dorm room. Looking up at your boss through thin strands of hair you see a side to Maxie you've never seen before. His face a stern as ever but eyes full of worry.
The light of your phone screen illuminates the room as you glance at the clock. 10:32. Seeing gow late it was there wasn't a snowballs chance in Mt. Chimney that you'd be able to leave now. If it wasn't already tough as is. Besides the couch wasn't that uncomfortable.
(Y/N): *shaking your head slightly you let out a sigh of defeat*. "Fine . . I guess I'm staying here tonight . . .*your body practically collapses onto the leather cushions as Maxie turns to walk towards his own sleeping quarters*
As the minutes turned to hours, Maxie became ever so slightly more aware of just how bad your insomnia was. Though sleep did come to you, your body was fighting tooth and nail to try and get you back to your "routine" habits. Your phone being a tough instigator. Many alarm bells would wake you up to remind you to do Arceus knows what. Since staying up was the typical norm your phone was taken up by the endless list of chores and assignments that you'd set out to do just to make the night go by quicker.
As a fourth alarm rang outside his door Maxie took it upon himself to try and rid of the alarms for the sake of his sleep and your own. What he wasn't expecting to see was your tired body floped over in a mangled state on the couch. You appeared to still be sleeping, as your hand tried to make contact with your phone in an attempt to cease the ringing. However in the corner of his eyes a small shadow nearly caused Maxie to stumble back into his room. As the shadow approached his field of view, his glasses left on his nightstand, the shadow revealed itself to be none other than your Baltoy. Apparently they weren't used to you sleeping either having been fully accustomed to staying up at night and doing whatever keeps them busy.
With the Alarm still blaring Maxie approached your sleeping form and grabbed the phone that has found a new home on the cold linoleum floor. Your Baltoy silently hovering by his side Maxie went a head a dismissed the current alarm. Only to realize that without a way to get into your phone there were sure to be more alarms to come. With a tired sigh and the pinch of his temple, Maxie with all the tired smarts he could muster, looked at your Baltoy with a face that read "Help me".
With Psychic powers, you have no idea were they picked up how to do this, they unlocked the phone. Not wanting to pry more than he already was, Maxie quickly turned off each alarm you had set and boy were there a ton. The list seemed to stretch on with some Alarms being set mere minutes after the other. With tiles such as "Turn in X assignment by X date", "Make sure to write an email to Xxxx" "Don't forget to file X form" and so on and so forth. A twinge of guilt overcame Maxie at how his authority might have been a main cause as to why your insomnia persists. How many more of his grunts go through the same turmoils that he's been blind too? He prays it isn't too many. Even still, knowing just one might be hurt by his actions, it doesn't sit well with him long after Maxie returned to his bed.
5:10. a.m. the blue light that shrouded your face, you lay still on the couch. It was almost weird how much better you slept. Sure it wasn't perfect but last night felt like miracle compared to how little your normally sleep. Your Baltoy was still very much awake as they silently stayed by your side waiting for you to wake up. Having starred at the screen long enough you found the strength to sit up and it was here when your panic spread to each nerve in your body. Checking the amount of missed alarms you had combined with the fact that nearly half of them were mysteriously shut off you lept from the couch like a zubat out of hell and frantically paced around the room.
No time. No time whatsoever you thought as you didn't even bother trying to make yourself look presentable. Grabbing the papers left on Maxie's desk, the short sleep you felt was almost all for naught. Stumbling around the room you didn't even notice Maxie was already by your side onec more. Noting how panicked your breathing became, he brought you back to the couch were he sat beside you. A shaking body soon enveloped by Maxie's coat.
Maxie: "(Y/N)  . . whatever you needed to get done today can be arranged to be completed another day."
(Y/N): "No . no"
Maxie: "It's not an emergency I can assure you. ."
(Y/N): "No! . .No . no. If I had just started them sooner . . I'm sorry. I would have been able to complete them last night. ."
Maxie: "(Y/N)! *He calls to you stern yet with care in his voice. The kind of tone a mother would give while lecturing their children* Here me . . please. No work, no matter what, is more important than your health.
(Y/N): "well yeah . . but"
Maxie: "Nope. Repeat after me "No work, no matter what, is more important than your health."
(Y/N): ". . okay . *with a tired yawn you repeat back Maixe's mantra* 'No work . . .no matter what. . .*yawn* is more important than your health'"
Gently rubbing your shoulders Maxie gets up only after he feels as if you've fully considered his words. While you sit idle on the couch silently observing Maxie finish his mourning routine, he speaks to you once more before he leaves.
Maxie: "In addition to your assignments being arranged to help you rest easier. . . you know my office is always open . . . feel free to rest here if need be and please *he turns to face you* . . please don't stay up to complete anything for me. There is always the morning to do work and never hesitate to ask for help too."
And with that he left to start his day, leaving you to comfortably fall back asleep, his coat wrapped around your body. A warm blanket and a reminder that you have people who care about you within these walls.
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bunniesbearsandadventures · 3 months ago
Oh my god. The love of my life. Lava man . . .
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khickuwa · 4 months ago
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at your feet.
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bunniesbearsandadventures · 3 months ago
Not tagged but I felt compelled to participate! :3
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We are all good. Yeah!!! Magma husband!!!
@arya-eats-chips @coyfsh @urlocalweirdperson1232 @justalittlerandomartist @a-l1st3n3r-w1th-fur-x3
You’re stuck in a room with the last character in your gallery. How safe are you?
Thanks for tagging me @artsy-girl-76 @schnarfer @oonajaeadira @jeewrites (I’m so sorry if I missed anyone!)
Does this guy count?
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YOU GUYS. It told me the gif was “too big”…. I’m not safe AT ALL 😅
Tagging @burntheedges @grogusmum @perfectly-imperfect-me23 @ishabull @davnittbraes
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overwatchfanskinarchive · 2 years ago
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Sukeban (Japanese Delinquent Girl Gang) Ashe by zexi guo
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leadendeath · 7 months ago
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when ppl don't say if it's real or fake leather in their listing
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bunniesbearsandadventures · 1 month ago
*dreamy sigh* . . .ahh broken men
Oops sorry did you come across my post about these two broken crazy men that I love with all my heart.
Look at these silly crazy husbands.
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pokemonvillainadventures · 1 month ago
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Of course you have a matching pair as well!
Although there weren't that many verbal "thank yous" on his end, you can see him wearing them every day after he's done from work.
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catphantoms · 8 months ago
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art fight revenge for @nootsuit !!
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leakedexperience · 8 months ago
Today, we talk about the Atelier series' most unabashedly problematic character, whose modus operandi of making everyone in-universe get the wrong idea about her ended up making most people in real life get the wrong idea about her too. (Featuring a compilation of series-wide info, including details about extra material that has yet to be translated!)
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ask-twitchpkmn6 · 2 years ago
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When one concept changes to many. The world will shift to better pastures or disarray. It's been 4 years, but the main story continues... Sort of. There are 5 comics set to be posted here, during the week. After that, it's back to my artist den to draw out the next set. These comics are served as big openers before the big prophet clash. Until then, thanks for sticking around, and I'll catch you again in tomorrow's upload.~ [Series 1 Recap] [Archive Page] [Comments]
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princemick · 2 years ago
lewis instantly got himself to p2 very cleanly!
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theevent-horizon · 5 days ago
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome >:3 💌
awww thank you Vol!!
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bunniesbearsandadventures · 2 months ago
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The poses and dialogue alone are enough to bring me back.
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ignesfatuii · 10 days ago
|| you guys ever think about how the darkness took a hold of zexion long before he lost his heart?? how ienzo was the one to push ansem tw to keep experimenting with darkness?? how zexion is literally only a TEENAGER when the organization goes into flames and he gets unalived by his coworker's class project??
hahaha me neither
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