#zeta doesn't count it's not had a gender awakening and doesn't want one. it's happy the way it is.
kantraels · 4 months
i think the various gender awakenings here are really funny
kal, pulling a fish out of an algae-caked trough with his bare hands, parting the murky green for long enough to see his own face outgrowing the gawkiness of early adolescence into something that might be recognized as feminine, without the dirt: i think i'm a man
kenna, after weeks of torture and delusion, retreating into safe and comfortable introspection and dreamlike fearless repose: i think i might be nonbinary
isi, fifteen years old and beating the shit out of some guy in a hive for stealing his lunch: i could do this forever. also this face i'm deconstructing looks like what i wish i looked like. i think i'm a man.
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