#zero nutritional value except fat
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aibidil · 10 months ago
I made soy yogurt from scratch (dried soybeans) yesterday and the probiotic capsules i used to culture it were so powerful that it it came out way too solid, like a medium firm tofu. I had to blend it with extra water, but now it's 🧑🏻‍🍳💋
The soy milk yesterday looking like
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bi-planeandsimple · 1 year ago
I hate diet culture so much. There are so many red flags that ppl refuse to acknowledge!!
It’s a multi-billion dollar industry. If the fallacy of “calories in, calories out” worked, (aka just exercise it off or eat less etc.) there would be no mystery and no food plans and supplements and personal gyms and Atkins diets and Atkins shakes and Atkins bars and miracle pills and fucking gastric bypass (aka purposefully splitting your own stomach into two pieces so the piece connected to your digestion is smaller. WHAT!!) to pitch to ppl.
If diet culture was telling the truth, Fat ppl wouldn’t get eating disorders (one of the most deadly types of mental illnesses) they would just follow those simple, definitely useful (/s) instructions of exercise more and eat less, except that’s not how the human body works. The human body is designed to store as much fat as possible for use later when necessary. A body getting fatter is normal, it’s literally in the human species manual.
And Like op says, if you restrict certain types of foods, your body will crave them more! because there is nutritional value in ALL food. And everyone knows this! Ppl pretend not to, but if you are trapped in a cave in for days and for some reason, you find a junk food or a dessert, you will eat that and you will survive until rescue! All good is value neutral actually and everything is great in moderation. If a person literally only eats kale all day every day, that’s not good and some of us acknowledge that, but then we don’t take that to its logical conclusion. That someone who eats a variety of fast food or junk food options would be healthier than someone just eating lettuce or just eating nuts. When you look at it like that, how hard is it to understand that too much of any food is bad, and too little of any food is bad, and there are zero evil foods.
If any of what diet culture said was true, no one would be fat. because fat people are treated like shit, bullied, vilified and often encouraged or left to die. Fat ppl would want to and actually have done everything to lose weight in order to not be treated like literal garbage, so the idea that fat ppl are lazy or just choose to be fat does not match up with any reality.
Also There’s a new boogeyman every few decades. 20 years ago, it was all the rage to ban fat from everything. Fats in food was the villain, the culprit behind obesity, and had to be vanquished. Then it was specifically saturated fat. Then it was trans fats. And labels on all foods were made so ppl could make informed decisions about the “horrible” things they were putting in their body. But now no one talks about fat content. It was THE terror of the 90s and early 2000s. Where did this vile villain venture off to? It was largely just marketing, a ploy to get ppl to buy certain 0 trans fats foods or low in saturated fat foods etc. but guess what, humans need fat. And I guess people realized that and the fad went away. Or marketers moved on to the next villain of the decade. There will be a new villain soon, just watch. We are due.
the reality is being fat is not bad and does not make someone a bad or lazy person. Being fat is normal and natural and this fact must be accepted by wider society before more fat people die.
You know that feeling when you eat a lot of candy on Halloween and suddenly you crave carrots because your body is telling you that it needs nutrients not in the candy? That is no different than when you eat a lot of carrots and crave a Snickers bar.
Your body knows what it needs. Your body uses cravings to tell you to eat the nutrients you're in low supply of. You crave sugar all the time? It's because you are restricting sugar and not actually listening to your body. Cravings are not evil. They're literally how your body is designed to maintain a balanced food intake.
Please for the love of god (nontheistic), learn about intuitive eating and finally end the grip that diet culture has on you and your wallet. And in case this is one of my posts that somehow leaves fat activism circles, fatness is not evil either. You will never escape diet culture until you end your fear and hatred of fatness. Period.
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rogeliodalziel · 4 years ago
How Basically Lose Weight During The Holiday
Most individuals are willing to stay for half-hearted results these people put within effort and thought. Sad but understandably. The following is a no-brainer plan for dieting. No calorie relying. If you had been following sticking to your diet based on calorie restriction you might miss a meal to count the correct calories nevertheless, you would not replace that missed meal with additional calories at a larger "break fast" as an example. So you might think you are doing the same thing but within you would be working together body to trigger slimming and planet other you'd be fighting against your body and it's natural hunger to produce weight reduction. In one you will experience a profound sense of well being, an shortage of hunger plus a curious involving symmetry with those possess lived before and is not how based on hunger. As other you would be hungry, amount of time. And miserable. And cross. While non-impact carbs don't affect blood glucose levels levels, they still contain calories (except fiber, along with that is not digestible). A person that eats an excellent of non-impact, carb-containing foods is still getting all of the calories of an equivalent amount of regular carb! This fact in no way highlighted in advertising for non-impact carb foods. Total caloric intake still matters on low-carb diets. In the event your body is to get too many calories, it won't need shed bodyfat.
The 1 staple and well-known supply of protein your market nutrition world is salmon. Chicken breast has great nutritional value. It contains high protein and little fat. 100g of chicken white meat contains twenty nine.6g of protein, 7.7g of fat and zero carbs. Chicken and beef are perfect foods of a keto diet. So the Atkins Dishes are all boasting? Not at all. The Atkins weight loss plan is an excellent way for losing weight. Under the Atkins diet, discover immediately lose ten to fifteen pounds of water weight for the reason that liver loses all its stored blood sugar. Then you will switch to ketotic fat burning, with protein providing some glucose inefficiently. When protein is burned for fuel the actual body, only 55% converts to energy, the rest converts to heat. Add to that the two hormones that slow down your urge to eat whenever high quantities of fat are present, and Keto Advance Diet you've got a recipe for quick weight loss. The trouble is that when you travel off Atkins you'll gain it back to you. He is quite clear about that, for those it is important for Atkins to guard his food intake as Keto Advance Diet diet facts an insurance plan for life, not in the near future weight loss. If you consider these 3 simple tasks and ate a regular breakfast and dinner, then you've got eliminated a good deal of calories without even counting. Easy substitution: water instead of soda, salad instead of burrito, apple instead of chips. But reduced carbohydrate diets are extreme measures and Keto Advance Reviews Advance Diet a lot of can shed pounds without reduced carbohydrate protein meals. Although some believe carbohydrates are fattening, to be frank they aren't. Most people can easily lose weight by increasing their activity level or eating a little less and others healthier dishes. There are much easier and better methods eliminate weight: eating small frequent meals, controlling portion sizes, cutting regarding saturated fats, avoiding sugar, drinking regarding water and eating lean protein at each meal. This tip seems enjoy contradicts very first one, around the works equally efficiently. Dropping your carbs right down to a ketogenic level will demand your system uses fat as its primary fuel source. We have to figure out what generating money online . is before we can address that will. Carbs are necessary in diet, but too a good number of the wrong kind of carb can earn us the correct way for. This does not imply that people should give up eating carbs. It simply means have got to assume responsibility and have a reasonable amount of carbs. Even the quality of this carbohydrate vital.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years ago
5k Survey XXXI
1601. What’s on your key chain besides keys? >> A few keychains. I’ve answered this question enough times that I’m over it. 1602. How do you feel about endangered species? >> I don’t feel anything about them. 1603. What was the last CD you bought? >> I don’t remember the last time I bought a CD. 1604. Do you like feather pillows? >> I don’t know. Neither of the pillows I have are feather, and honestly I’m not sure at all when the last time I encountered a feather pillow was. 1605. How about water beds? >> I have sub-zero interest in waterbeds. Except that they always make me think of a couple of X-Files episodes.
1606. Who or what do you feel the deepest responsibility towards? >> Myself. Someone’s gotta give a fuck about what happens to me. 1607. How long is forever? >> Indefinable. 1608. Who is your favorite family member? >> --- 1609. Who would you be afraid to have angry at you? >> I’m not sure. Never thought about that. I guess a cop, because they have guns... 1610. Does this survey feel like it will never end? >> I’m sure it’ll start feeling that way at some point, and that’s assuming I even make it far enough in. I’m depending on someone else to keep posting these segments in the first place. 1611. Have you ever eaten any kind of food off of someone else’s body? >> No. 1612. Do you like the direction your life is going in? >> I don’t know what direction it’s going in. 1613. Are you a traditional person? >> I can’t think of any traditions I follow, really. Aside from some basic social standards, I guess. 1614. Have you ever felt like the victim of societal injustice? >> I have been the victim of societal injustice, at least indirectly. There’s no way I could have avoided that, considering my demographics and the situations I’ve been in. 1615. What feelings or thoughts do you repress? >> I’m trying not to repress any. It’s a process. 1616. What makes you feel ecstatic? >> Divine encounters. 1617. What was your biggest mistake in the past three months? >> --- 1618. York Peppermint Patti or Reece’s Peanut butter Cups? >> I don’t eat either. 1619. What are your feelings, if any, about Hugh Hefner? >> I have no feelings about him. 1620. What is your specialty? >> --- 1621. Have you ever had a stalker? >> Not that I was aware of. 1622. Have you ever been a stalker? >> No. 1623. Ideally, how far would you like to live from your nearest neighbor?? >> Ideally, maybe a quarter-mile.  1624. What would you do if a teacher accused you of cheating when you really weren’t? Or if that doesn’t apply to you... What would you do if a manager accused you of stealing when you really weren’t? >> I have no idea what I would do, aside from, you know... protest? 1625. What store would you most like a $10,000 (about 5900 British pounds) gift certificate to? >> I can’t think of any one store I’d want that much merchandise from... I’d say some furniture store or another, but even then I’d want to hold onto the gift certificate for a few years before actually buying anything. 1626. What would you most like to reincarnate as? >> You assume I care about this sort of thing. 1627. What’s in your undie drawer…besides undies? >> I use the same drawer for underwear, socks, and undershirts. 1628. How many languages can you say HELLO in? >> Eh, four or five. IDK. 1629. If your whole country had to listen to you talk for ten minutes what would you talk about? >> --- 1630. Do you have a guardian angel? >> This isn’t a concept I use. 1631. Do you smoke? >> No. 1632. Who is more successful, Bill gates or Mother Theresa? >> That depends on one’s criteria for success and what one values the most. 1633. What band T-shirts do you own? >> I don’t feel like opening the drawers to tally them all, so I’ll just name the ones I remember off the top of my head: Trans-Siberian Orchestra (x2), Blaqk Audio, Behemoth, Amon Amarth (x2), Hozier. 1634. What is your favorite thing that is red? >> I don’t know. 1635. Have you ever worn mismatched socks on purpose? >> Yeah, I like doing that. 1636. Do you check nutrition labels? >> Occasionally, if there’s something specific I’m looking for (or looking to avoid, like HFCS). 1637. Most Mcdonalds value meals are about 1,500 calories (the amount of calories an average person needs in one whole day) and over 1,000 of those calories are from fat. What do you think about this? >> I think that’s great. I used to be homeless and that’s the kind of food that sustained me -- if I could scrounge up just a couple of bucks, I could be set for the day. 1638. If you could delete someone’s diary would you if: They didn’t agree with you? Why the fuck would I want to delete someone else’s shit? That sure sounds like the ultimate in control-freak behaviour, lmao. They were rude/obnoxious to you?  They wrote rude entries?  1639. Have you ever worn: A dress or a skirt if you are a guy?  A tie if you are a girl?  1640. Do you trust people at restaurants who handle your food that they aren’t doing anything gross to it while you can’t see them? >> I’m well aware I’m taking a risk every time someone prepares food for me, particularly when I can’t see what they’re doing. That’s just the way it is. 1641. How do you wear your hair each day? >> I mean, there’s only one way to wear it: the way it is. 1642. Have you ever worn: A gas mask? No. A blindfold? Maybe. Don’t recall. 1643. Would you be willing to go hang gliding? >> Possibly, sure. 1644. What is the difference between a man’s button down shirt and a woman’s button down shirt? >> The holes and buttons are on different sides, from what I recall. Also, I think the tailoring can be different (the addition of darts, for example), depending. 1645. Have you ever taken a lock of someone else’s hair? >> No. 1646. Have you ever given anyone a lock of your hair? >> No. That’s just asking to get hexed.  1647. If you had a locket what would you put inside? >> I wouldn’t use a locket. 1648. Is blood a turn on for you? >> It can be. 1649. Have you ever written anything in your own blood? >> Yeah, I wrote on the wall when I cut my face that one time.  1650. Have you ever drank, slurped or licked someone else’s blood? >> Yeah.
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awesomeadityalodha-blog · 6 years ago
Dry Fruits in Online
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Dry Fruits: Good or Bad?
Information concerning dry fruits are incredibly conflicting.
Some say it's a nutritive, a healthy snack, whereas others claim that it's no better than candy.
What is a Dry Fruit?
Dry fruit is a fruit that has had the majority of the water content removed through drying strategies.
The fruit shrinks throughout this method, by leaving a small, energy-dense dry fruit. Raisins are the foremost common kind, followed by dates, prunes, figs and apricots. Other sorts of dry fruit also are offered, generally in candied type (sugar coated). These includes mangoes, pineapples, cranberries, bananas and apples, etc.
Dry fruits are preserved for for much longer than fresh fruit and may be a handy snack, especially on long journeys wherever refrigeration isn't offered.
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Dry fruits and certain health benefits?
Dry fruits are very nutritive. One piece of a dry fruit contains regarding an equivalent quantity of nutrients because the fresh fruit, however condensed in a very a lot of smaller package.
By the weight, dry fruit does contain up to 3.5 times the fiber, vitamins and minerals, when compared with fresh fruits. Therefore, one serving will give an oversized proportion of the daily suggested intake of the many vitamins and minerals, like folacin.
However, there are some exceptions. as an example, the vitamin C content is considerably reduced once the fruit is dried. Dried fruit usually contains plenty deal} of fiber and are a great supply of antioxidants, particularly polyphenols.
Polyphenol antioxidants are related to health advantages like improved blood flow, proper digestive health, minimized oxidative injuries and reduced risk of the many diseases.
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Health Effects of Dry Fruits?
Several studies have shown that individuals who eat dry fruits tend to weigh less and ingest additional nutrients, compared to people not consuming dry fruits.
However, these studies were empirical in nature, so that they cannot prove that the dry fruits caused the enhancements. Dry fruits is additionally a decent supply of the many plant compounds, as well as powerful antioxidants.
Few Dry fruits and its Benefits?
Raisins - Raisins are an honest supply of energy, fiber, protein, and carbs. They're high in sugar and calories however have a low glycemic index. Raisins contain zero cholesterol and are wealthy in potassium, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium. They contain vitamins and minerals like vitamin B1, niacin, riboflavin, nutrition B-6, iron, and zinc. Raisins have an abounding offer of fiber in them, that helps to soak up the natural fluids present within the body. Infact, raisins can aid digestion, boost iron levels, and keep your bones sturdy.
Prunes - Pitted Prunes are high in calories, as they contain high amounts of cellulose, that may be a soluble fiber. They're a superb supply of vitamin K and a decent supply of potassium, all of that support bone health. Pitted Prunes are a decent supply of antioxidant chemicals like synthetic resin compounds. Phenolic compounds are related to down incidence of heart conditions and cancers by protective beta-lipoprotein (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) from oxidation.
Dates - Dates have a wonderful nutrition profile. Since they're dried, their calorie content is over most contemporary fruit. The calorie content of dates is comparable thereto of alternative dried fruits, like raisins and figs. Most of the calories in dates return from carbs. the rest are from a really bit of protein. Despite their calories, dates contain some vital vitamins and minerals additionally to a major quantity of fiber. Dates are good for women's at the time of their pregnancy.
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Cashews - Cashew are one amongst the extraordinarily nutrient crackers. This delicate and sweet nut is filled with energy, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals. Cashews are made in minerals like manganese, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium and phosphorus. It additionally contains B complex vitamins like pantothenic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, vitamin B2 and vitamin Bc.
Almonds - Almonds have associates a particularly high concentration of monounsaturated fats or healthy fats that are related with reduced risk of heart condition. They are made within the antioxidant vitamin E and also the minerals magnesium (which improves the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body) and potassium (which is a vital solution concerned in nerve transmission and muscle contraction).
Walnuts - Walnuts are high in Protein and are a are a vegan source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. It contains high amount of Fibre and is high in phosphorus. Walnuts are also comprised of Vitamin B6 are are said to be the "Brain of Dry Fruits". However, they're additionally a valuable vegetarian supply of the essential carboxylic acid polyunsaturated fatty acid. They additionally contain iron, selenium, calcium, zinc, vitamin E and a few B vitamins.
Pistachios - Pistachios are one amongst the foremost nutriment B6-rich foods around. They prevent cell injury and play a key role in reducing the danger of unwellness, like cancer. Pistachios contain additional antioxidants than most nuts and seeds. They even have a better magnitude relation of essential amino acids, that are the building blocks of protein, than the other letter of the alphabet.
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Dry Fruits: High in Natural Sugar and Calories?
Fruit tend to contain vital amounts of natural sugars. As a result of the water has been removed from dry fruits, this concentrates all the sugar and calories in an exceedingly abundant smaller package. For this reason, dry fruits are incredibly high in calories and sugar, together with each glucose and fructose.
About 22-51% of this sugar content is fructose. Consuming plenty of fructose might have negative health effects. This includes accumulated risk of weight gain, Type - 2 diabetes and heart diseases.
A small 1-ounce portion of raisins contains 84 calories, almost completely from sugar. As a result, the dry fruits are sweet and energy-dense, it's easy to eat massive amounts at times, which might end in excess sugar and calorie intake.
Avoiding Dry Fruit with Added Sugar: Candied?
To make some dry fruits even additional sweet and appealing, they're coated with value-added sugar or sweetening before being dried. Dry fruits with additional sugar are stated as "candied" fruit.
Added sugar has repeatedly been shown to possess harmful effects on health, increasing the chance of obesity, heart condition and even cancer. To avoid dry fruits that contains additional sugar, it's important to have a look on the ingredients and nutrition data found on the package.
Contamination of Dry Fruits?
Dry Fruits might also Contain Sulfites, and should be Contaminated With Fungi and Toxins. Some producers add preservatives referred to as sulfites to their dry fruits. This makes the dry fruit look a lot of appealing, as a result of it preserves the fruit and prevents discoloration. This is applied primarily to bright colored fruits, like apricots and raisins.
Some people could also be sensitive to sulfites, and may expertise stomach cramps, skin rashes and Asthma attacks once ingesting them. To avoid sulfites, opt for dry fruits that's brown or gray instead of bright colored.
Dry fruit that's improperly stored and handled might also be contaminated with fungi, aflatoxins and different harmful compounds.
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At the end of the day?
Same like several alternative foods, dry fruits have each sensible and unhealthy aspects. Dry Fruits will boost your fiber and nutrient intake and provide your body with massive amounts of antioxidants.
However, they're additionally high in sugar and calories, and might cause issues once consumed in excess. For this reason, dry fruits ought to solely be ingested in tiny amounts, ideally together with alternative nutrient foods.
They should not be consumed by the handful, as a result of it's terribly simple to eat too several calories from edible fruit. Also, they're a high-carb food, creating them unsuitable on a low-carb diet.
At the end of the day, dry fruits is way much from excellent, however it's actually a far healthier and a lot of a nutritious snack than chips or different processed junk foods.
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garcell06 · 6 years ago
New Post has been published on myweightlossfun.com
New Post has been published on https://www.myweightlossfun.com/clean-eating-recipes/keto-taco-bowls-with-avocado-salsa-recipe/
Keto Taco Bowls With Avocado Salsa Recipe
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The Keto Taco Bowls with avocado salsa recipe is a delicious treat perfectly intended for  Keto dieters. The keto diet, or ketogenic diet, is a high-fat diet that is moderate in protein and low in carbohydrate. This ratio of macronutrients allows the body to use fats as a primary energy source. These fats convert into fatty acids and ketone bodies in the liver as opposed to carbs which are converted into glycogen instead.
The main ingredients in this Keto friendly recipe include cheese, ground beef,(preferably grass-fed)and avocado. These are three of the most used foods allowed in this type of diet. While cheese is a high source of saturated fat, there is no evidence that it poses an increased risk of heart disease. There are actually some studies suggesting that cheese may be beneficial against the condition.
It is also rich in conjugated linoleic acid, one of the fats closely associated with fat loss and better body composition and improving immune function. As for Red Meat, this is a staple food in the ketogenic diet. These are rich in B vitamins, potassium, selenium, zinc, and other minerals while having zero net carbs.
Featuring only 2 net carbs per 100 grams and low in saturated fat, avocado ranks high among the acceptable foods on the keto diet.
Keto Taco Bowls With Avocado Salsa
"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"Recipe","name":"Keto Taco Bowls And Avocado Salsa","author":"@type":"Person","name":"myweightlossfun.com","datePublished":"2018-10-10T17:45:58+00:00","description":"A low-carb treat from a Mexican favorite, these Keto tacos bowls are very easy to prepare and quite delicious. Keto tacos are the same as the regular tacos - except that they have a nice, tasteful Keto tacos shell made from the best cheese","image":["https:\/\/www.myweightlossfun.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/10\/TacoCups_vertical.jpg","https:\/\/www.myweightlossfun.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/10\/TacoCups_vertical-500x500.jpg","https:\/\/www.myweightlossfun.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/10\/TacoCups_vertical-500x375.jpg","https:\/\/www.myweightlossfun.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/10\/TacoCups_vertical-480x270.jpg"],"recipeYield":"6 persons","prepTime":"PT15M","cookTime":"PT15M","totalTime":"PT30M","recipeIngredient":["1 pound ground beef (80% lean)","2 cups Colby Jack cheese (divided, finely shredded )","1\/2 cup Water","1 tsp Paprika (smoked)","1 tsp Onion (powder)","1 tsp Garlic (powder)","1 Tbsp Cumin (ground)","1 Tbsp Chili (powder)","Black pepper (to taste )","Sea salt (to taste )","1 Avocado (medium diced)","1 Tomato (small diced and seeded)","1 Tbsp Cilantro (chopped fresh)","2 Tbsp Lime juice (fresh)","Black pepper (to taste)","Sea salt (to taste)","1\/2 cup Sour cream (optional to serve)"],"recipeInstructions":["@type":"HowToStep","text":"Preheat your oven to 200 degrees F and use a Silpat baking mat or parchment paper to line a big baking sheet. Set aside","@type":"HowToStep","text":"Divide up into 6 piles 1 1\/2 cups of Colby Jack shredded cheese (each pile approximately 1\/4 cup( onto your prepared baking sheet. Then spread each of the piles into a circular thin layer. Put baking sheets into your pre-heated oven for around 5-6 minutes until the cheese is slightly brown around the edges and melted","@type":"HowToStep","text":"Take out of the oven and allow it to cool for 2 to 3 minutes, then take out the cheese and press it into a muffin tin or 3-inch ramekins to form cups. Allow it to cool for a few minutes before you remove the cheese cups gently from their form","@type":"HowToStep","text":"In the meantime, place the ground beef into a large skillet and cook over medium heat until the beef is cooked through and browned, for approximately 6 to 8 minutes. Drain the excess grease from the skill carefully and then return it to the stove","@type":"HowToStep","text":"Add water and then season with smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, ground cumin, and chili powder. Season to taste with black pepper and salt, and stir. Simmer until warmed through for around 2-3 minutes","@type":"HowToStep","text":"As the beef cooks, combine tomato, avocado, fresh cilantro, and lime juice into a medium bowl. Season to taste with black pepper and salt, and stir gently to combine the ingredients","@type":"HowToStep","text":"To serve, fill up the taco cheese cup with the remaining shredded cheese, avocado salsa, and beef. Optional: top with sour cream, and enjoy!"],"recipeCategory":["Main Course"],"recipeCuisine":["Mexican"],"keywords":"keto recipe, mexican food","nutrition":"@type":"NutritionInformation","calories":"467 kcal","carbohydrateContent":"6 g","proteinContent":"25 g","fatContent":"38 g","saturatedFatContent":"17 g","cholesterolContent":"105 mg","sodiumContent":"338 mg","fiberContent":"2 g","sugarContent":"1 g","servingSize":"1 serving"
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Keto Taco Bowls And Avocado Salsa
A low-carb treat from a Mexican favorite, these Keto tacos bowls are very easy to prepare and quite delicious. Keto tacos are the same as the regular tacos - except that they have a nice, tasteful Keto tacos shell made from the best cheese
Course Main Course
Cuisine Mexican
Keyword keto recipe, mexican food
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 6 persons
Calories 467 kcal
1 pound ground beef 80% lean
2 cups Colby Jack cheese divided, finely shredded
1/2 cup Water
1 tsp Paprika smoked
1 tsp Onion powder
1 tsp Garlic powder
1 Tbsp Cumin ground
1 Tbsp Chili powder
Black pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste
Avocado Salsa
1 Avocado medium diced
1 Tomato small diced and seeded
1 Tbsp Cilantro chopped fresh
2 Tbsp Lime juice fresh
Black pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste
1/2 cup Sour cream optional to serve
US Customary - Metric
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees F and use a Silpat baking mat or parchment paper to line a big baking sheet. Set aside
Divide up into 6 piles 1 1/2 cups of Colby Jack shredded cheese (each pile approximately 1/4 cup( onto your prepared baking sheet. Then spread each of the piles into a circular thin layer. Put baking sheets into your pre-heated oven for around 5-6 minutes until the cheese is slightly brown around the edges and melted
Take out of the oven and allow it to cool for 2 to 3 minutes, then take out the cheese and press it into a muffin tin or 3-inch ramekins to form cups. Allow it to cool for a few minutes before you remove the cheese cups gently from their form
In the meantime, place the ground beef into a large skillet and cook over medium heat until the beef is cooked through and browned, for approximately 6 to 8 minutes. Drain the excess grease from the skill carefully and then return it to the stove
Add water and then season with smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, ground cumin, and chili powder. Season to taste with black pepper and salt, and stir. Simmer until warmed through for around 2-3 minutes
As the beef cooks, combine tomato, avocado, fresh cilantro, and lime juice into a medium bowl. Season to taste with black pepper and salt, and stir gently to combine the ingredients
To serve, fill up the taco cheese cup with the remaining shredded cheese, avocado salsa, and beef. Optional: top with sour cream, and enjoy!
Recipe Notes
If you are using ramekins, you can let the taco cups stay inside of the container when serving for extra support
You may want to consider grass-fed meat if possible since it has higher amounts of omega-3 fats, conjugated linoleic acids, and antioxidants than grain-fed meat
This nutritional information is solely for instructional purposes and should not be considered as medical advice
  Nutrition Facts
Keto Taco Bowls And Avocado Salsa
Amount Per Serving
Calories 467 Calories from Fat 342
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 38g 58%
Saturated Fat 17g 85%
Cholesterol 105mg 35%
Sodium 338mg 14%
Potassium 532mg 15%
Total Carbohydrates 6g 2%
Dietary Fiber 2g 8%
Sugars 1g
Protein 25g 50%
Vitamin A 20%
Vitamin C 14%
Calcium 35.1%
Iron 15.7%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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ethchealth · 3 years ago
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For what reason do we choose to explicitly progress NXT Keto BHB Gummies? It's essential: we should be the ones sharing the weight decrease recipe that truly works! Troublingly, a greater number of people are overweight these days than some other time. It's occurred considering the way that society everything with the exception of denies people from consuming fat effectively. What do we mean by this?
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In light of everything, contemplate the quantity of carbs appear in the current food sources. Then, at that point, consider how, the more carbs you have, the a more noteworthy measure of your energy is drawn from them instead of fat. If you're taking in enough of them to fulfill your energy needs, you won't lose an ounce of fat.
That is where NXT Nutrition Keto Gummies come in. Using an imaginative connection considering Keto science, they retrain your body's handling plants so they truly really like to consume fat! It's a low-effort, high-regard plan that truly works! Ensure your container by rocking the boat in and out of town beneath!
How Ntx Nutrition Keto Gummies Functions?
NXT Keto Fixings work by utilizing your body's regular potential to consume fat. They put nothing unnatural into you. They essentially utilize genuine BHB particles. These are the very particles that your liver makes during ketosis. What is ketosis? A metabolic state potentially happens when your body is absolutely with practically no hint of carbs. The Keto Diet proposes following this procedure.
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Ntx Nutrition Keto Gummies you make the particles that accomplish weight decrease. They pass messages generally on through your body that show your handling plants to zero in on fat as your energy source. Thusly, you value fast weight decrease, with clear effects appearing in only a month. Accepting you accept that sounds ridiculous, you'd be right. Since, while you will get more fit by following the Keto Diet, you'll in like manner cause different risks, some of which can exhibit deadly.
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healthfitnessidea · 4 years ago
Myprotein - Impact Whey Isolate Powder | 23g Premium Isolate Protein | Post-Workout WheyIsolate Protein Supplement | Low Sugar & Zero Fat | Easy Mixability and Fast Absorption| 4.5g BCAA, 3.6g Glutamine |Builds Lean Muscle & Aids Recovery | Mango | 500 g
Myprotein – Impact Whey Isolate Powder | 23g Premium Isolate Protein | Post-Workout WheyIsolate Protein Supplement | Low Sugar & Zero Fat | Easy Mixability and Fast Absorption| 4.5g BCAA, 3.6g Glutamine |Builds Lean Muscle & Aids Recovery | Mango | 500 g
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description About Us At Myprotein, our aim is to fuel the ambitions of people across the world — making the best in sports nutrition available to everyone, whatever their goal. We pride ourselves in providing a broad selection of products at an exceptional value to power this, including a range of dietary needs including vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free and…
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your-dietician · 4 years ago
Factor_ Is a Meal Subscription Service for All Kinds of Diets (Including Keto)—But Is It Any Good?
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/health/keto/factor_-is-a-meal-subscription-service-for-all-kinds-of-diets-including-keto-but-is-it-any-good/
Factor_ Is a Meal Subscription Service for All Kinds of Diets (Including Keto)—But Is It Any Good?
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As a food writer and home cook, I’ve always been a bit wary of ready-to-eat meal subscriptions. Most seemed too expensive (convenience is pricy, y’all). And despite the time a heat-and-eat meal saves in the kitchen, I wasn’t convinced that it’d be that much tastier than something I could make myself in 30 minutes or less. But when I got an opportunity to try a week’s worth of meals from Factor_, a dietitian-designed, chef-prepared meal service that boasts fresh (never frozen) dinners, I set out to challenge my own assumptions, one bite at a time.
RELATED: The 16 Best Food Subscription Boxes (So You Can Skip a Grocery Run This Week)
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Value: 16/20
Functionality: 18/20
Quality: 18/20
Aesthetics: 19/20
Taste*: 18/20
TOTAL: 89/100
What Is Factor_ and How Does It Work?
Factor_, an offshoot of HelloFresh—one of the leading recipe-driven meal kits on the market—is a ready-to-eat meal subscription service. Every week, subscribers can choose from a new batch of more than 20 dietitian-designed, chef-made dinners made with wholesome ingredients. Once you confirm your menu, based on your current diet and food preferences (there are options for various different lifestyles, including keto, low-carb, plant-based and dairy-free dishes), the fully cooked meals are shipped straight to your door. Once they arrive, all you have to do is store them in the fridge until mealtime, then heat them in the oven or microwave to enjoy. The concept? To make eating nutritiously more attainable by cutting out most of the work.
Starting at about $11 a meal, Factor_’s dinners are free of hormones, antibiotics, gluten, added sugars and GMOs. (There are also a handful of breakfast and dessert options available, like their tasty, protein-rich smoothies and shockingly satisfying keto cheesecake.) Better yet, each subscription includes a 20-minute consultation with a dietician, who can help you choose the best meals for your wellness goals and lifestyle.
Read on to hear about each dinner in my meal plan (and see unedited photos of what the food *really* looks like).
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Wild-caught shrimp with house-made aji verde sauce; red pepper organic cauliflower grits; roasted broccoli with chili-garlic butter
Nutrition: 560 calories, 48g fat, 14g carbs, 24g protein, 5g sugar
If you couldn’t tell from the stats alone, this dish is keto-friendly, since a bit of fiber brings the carb count down to 10 net carbs. And honestly, it was probably my favorite of the lot in terms of flavor. The cauli grits were tender, decadent and creamy with the slightest bit of heat, thanks to the red pepper sauce. The shrimp were *huge* and just the right texture (not at all rubbery, like you might expect from a ready-to-eat meal). Dunked in the garlicky, citrusy aji verde, they were even tastier. The most underwhelming part was definitely the broccoli; it tasted like plain steamed broccoli rather than roasted. The chili garlic butter helped but could’ve been more flavorful.
Taste: 19/20
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Chickpea vegetable curry; forbidden black rice and basmati rice blend
Nutrition: 530 calories, 26g fat, 65g carbs, 14g protein, 8g sugar
This dish is a great example of Factor_’s plant-based, vegetarian offerings, and it was hands-down my favorite meatless meal of the three I sampled. The curry had pleasant, subtle heat and bold, warm-spiced flavor. In addition to the chickpeas, which were tender yet firm, there were also greens, red bell peppers and coconut milk in the mix. While I was happy about the rice’s texture (reheating cooked rice is a tricky feat), its flavor was pretty bland; so, I spooned the curry on top and mixed it all together.
Taste: 17/20
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Braised grass-fed beef chuck; creamy celery root purée; roasted Brussels sprouts and pearl onions
Nutrition: 560 calories, 29g fat, 28g carbs, 53g protein, 8g sugar
This comforting dish is neck-and-neck with the Peruvian shrimp bowl in terms of deliciousness. It’s soul-warming and cozy in a rustic, homey way. The mashed celery root purée is super creamy and cheesy, while the beef is impeccably juicy and tender. I did expect it to be a tad spicier or smokier because of the name, though. The Brussels sprouts are solid but nothing exceptional; on the other hand, I’m a sucker for pearl onions, and these offered a nice textural element to the dish.
Taste: 19/20
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House-made saffron risotto and roasted carrots; red wine tomato sauce; roasted green beans with hazelnut gremolata
Nutrition: 590 calories, 37g fat, 58g carbs, 13g protein, 17g sugar
The aroma of red wine smacked my senses the moment I took it out of the oven. If you’re wondering where the risotto is, it’s buried under all that tomato sauce. It had a great texture but was sort of one-note in flavor, since the tomato sauce basically dominates the plate. I was impressed at how toothsome and fresh tasting the carrots were, unlike mushy reheated or frozen veggies I’ve had in the past. The green beans were buttery and crisp.
Taste: 17/20
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Marinated, antibiotic-free chicken breast; house-made creamy Parmesan sauce; roasted broccoli and tomatoes
Nutrition: 670 calories, 49g fat, 17g carbs, 41g protein, 6g sugar
This keto dish clocks in at 13 net carbs, since it’s essentially all protein and produce. The chicken had a nice char that offered a barbecue-inspired smokiness to it. The sauce was creamy, garlicky and cheesy, but I felt it could have used just a touch more salt. The broccoli was like that of the shrimp bowl, but I was so happy to have the juicy blistered tomatoes there for a burst of sweetness.
Taste: 18/20
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Fresh salmon with blackened seasoning; house-made roasted mango salsa; coconut-lime black beans and rice
Nutrition: 500 calories, 18g fat, 46g carbs, 40g protein, 13g sugar
Both seafood dishes whole-heartedly impressed me. The salmon fillet itself was super flaky with a buttery, tender texture. The rub on the fish was slightly spicy, so it was just the match for the sweet, summery salsa made with mangoes, tomatoes and bell peppers. The rice had a really mild coconut flavor and was slightly undercooked for my taste; I also didn’t detect any citrus, despite the name. It would have been nice if there were more beans in the rice, too.
Taste: 18/20
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Pasture-raised pork chorizo chili; shredded cheddar cheese; sour cream
Nutrition: 570 calories, 44g fat, 13g carbs, 34g protein, 5g sugar
I honestly can’t complain much about a savory heap of meat, cheese and sour cream. (Though I wouldn’t have minded a vegetable in that spare compartment—the empty section of the tray held the cheese before I sprinkled it on top of the meat.) It’s tomatoey, indulgent and comforting. I didn’t notice too pronounced a difference between the chorizo and ground beef chilis I’ve had in the past, but the chorizo did impart some additional heat to the dish. The chili was made with lots of green bell peppers, and I was happy to find sliced scallions in the sour cream.
Taste: 19/20
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Green lentils and spiced brown jasmine rice; house-made zhoug sauce (spicy cilantro sauce); caramelized onions; toasted pine nuts
Nutrition: 610 calories, 41g fat, 55g carbs, 14g protein, 7g sugar
This plant-based pick was my least favorite of them all. To be honest, I felt that it would be pretty flavorless without the zesty, herbaceous chimichurri-like cilantro sauce. The toasted pine nuts added crunch and texture, but they weren’t as crispy as they would’ve been if I’d toasted them in the oven myself (after all, they’d been sitting in the fridge all week with the rest of the meal). Some of the lentils were also a bit undercooked.
Taste: 16/20
Price is a major deciding factor. You can score meals for $11.50 a pop if you subscribe for a dozen. If you opt for eight meals a week, they come to $12.38, and for four meals a week, they’re $16 each. At the very least, that’s $64 for four dinners, while the best bang for your buck gets you 12 meals for $138. Personally, $138 gets me about two weeks’ worth of groceries, so Factor_ is on the pricey side for my budget. But I will say it was so nice not having to think about what I was cooking for dinner (and being left with zero cleanup).
My one general complaint would be that every meal took longer to cook than the package read. While the instructions said it should take about 7 minutes tops, each one took about twice that long to be heated through.
At the end of the day, the convenience and price are only really worth it if the meals are actually tasty. IMO, all of them tasted pretty darn good to me, and it was a bonus that they’re made with nutritious, high-quality ingredients. I loved that I didn’t have to worry about my freezer giving the food a funny texture or taste either, since they’re stored in the fridge. If Factor_ is within your budget, the meals’ flavor definitely won’t disappoint.
I’ll also say that if you’re on a low-fat diet, your menu options may be limited. For instance, I used to be on Weight Watchers (now WW) and decided to track some of the dinners in my app to see how many points they’d clock in at—most were at least 19, about 60 percent of my daily allotted points. Alternatively, if you’re on keto or another high-protein, high-fat diet, Factor_ could save you a ton of grocery planning and cooking time. It all comes down to your budget, wellness goals and dietary preferences.
Buy it ($11+/meal)
*Our final taste score was based on the average of the taste scores of each individual meal.
The PureWow100 is a scale our editors use to vet new products and services, so you know what’s worth the spend—and what’s total hype. Learn more about our process here.
RELATED: The 22 Best Food Delivery Services to Try in 2021
PureWow may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was created independently from PureWow’s editorial and sales departments.
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beyondtheequatorfl · 4 years ago
Tips For Eating Nutritiously With A Nut Allergy
Anyone living with an allergy will tell you that it can complicate how they plan their meals. It impacts how they eat out, the kinds of meals they can enjoy, and the groceries they purchase. This is especially true for those with nut allergies.
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When it comes to ensuring adequate nutrition around nut allergies and the inherent restrictions, it can be seriously challenging. It is possible to eat nutritiously and avoid allergens, however, and it’s made easier with Beyond The Equator 5 Seed Butter.
The Role of Nuts In Nutrition
Nuts provide a great source of fat, fiber, and protein. They also contain an incredible number of essential vitamins and minerals such as:
Vitamin B - Essential for maintaining energy levels, cell metabolism, and brain function.
Vitamin E - As an antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect cells from damage. 
Folate - Supports new tissue growth and function. Work with B and C vitamins to create new proteins and new red blood cells. 
Niacin - Helps to turn food into energy. Supports a healthy nervous system and aids in digestion as well as contributing to great skin. 
Magnesium - An absolute powerhouse mineral, you can read about magnesium in-depth here.
Iron - Supports healthy oxygen transport and storage. Supports energy levels. 
Calcium - Essential for strong bones and teeth as well as helping to regulate heart and muscle function. 
Copper - Aids in iron absorption. Helps to keep blood vessels, bones, nerves, and your immune system healthy. 
Selenium - Similar to vitamin E, selenium helps protect against cell damage. 
Phosphorous  - Regulates how the body uses fats and carbohydrates. Contributes to the maintenance and growth of cells and tissues. 
Potassium - Keeps your heart’s rhythm regular, makes your muscles contract, and nerves function. 
It is little wonder that nuts are always recommended as part of a healthy and well-balanced diet. They are nature’s multi-vitamin. So if you cannot consume nuts due to allergy concerns, how do you harness the same nutritional benefits in a simple way?
Substitutions For Peanuts And Tree Nuts 
Fortunately, we understand much more about nutrition than we do about allergies, so finding  alternatives isn’t too challenging. The tricky part is finding alternatives that offer the same versatility, taste, and beneficial nutrients. 
Some substitutions include:
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While not really a nutritionally great choice, pretzels can satiate that need for a salty snack in the same way as nuts. 
Surprisingly they also work incredibly as a nut substitute in recipes such as a substitute for pecans in a nut free pie crust or crumbing for chicken. Missing nuts sprinkled on your ice cream? Crushed pretzels work well for that too. 
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Soybeans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), and other legumes can successfully be used to mimic nuts. They can be baked till crisp as a replacement for roasted nuts or blended into a paste similar to peanut butter. 
Beans do have nutritional value, however, peanut allergy sufferers may also experience an allergic response to legumes.
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Seeds are an underrated and underutilized food source. They offer many of the same vitamins and minerals as nuts and, with the exception of sesame seeds, are allergy-friendly. They can be roasted and added to granola, ground into a peanut butter substitute, added to smoothies, and more.
Harnessing The Nutrition In Seeds
With seeds the leader in nutritional value when it comes to nut substitutes, you might be wondering how to best harness their benefits. This is something the founders of Beyond The Equator had pondered also - thus through much experimentation, 5  Seed Butter was born.  
What Is 5 Seed Butter?
5 Seed Butter is a nutritionally dense alternative for peanut and other nut butters. It is free of the top 8 allergens. Making it safe for consumption by individuals with any number of allergies. It is the perfect peanut butter substitute and ideal for those who also have an almond butter allergy.
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Unlike competing seed butters which only feature a single seed, our butter combines five separate seeds that are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. We use:
Sunflower seeds which are high in magnesium, vitamin E, and protein, can help lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. 
Chia Seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, fiber, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium.
Flax seeds, also high in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels, aids in weight loss, improve skin health, and is rich in lignans which are shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers. 
Pumpkin seeds, high in iron, calcium, B2, folate, and beta-carotene, which the body metabolizes into vitamin A. They also contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. 
Hemp seeds, high in protein, unsaturated fats, and fiber. It also contains zinc, iron, and B group vitamins niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, and folate. 
Available in creamy, crunchy, unsweetened, and chocolate we’re guaranteed to have an option you and your family will love. 
Up Your Nutritional Intake With 5 Seed Butter
Not just for allergy sufferers, 5 Seed Butter is perfect for anyone on a ketogenic or paleo diet as its the perfect low carb peanut butter subtitutue. As it’s low in carbohydrates, high in protein and essential fats, 5 Seed Butter can be used in any number of diverse ways.
Add to your fresh vegetable snacks as a delicious dip.
Used in place of peanut butter to make your favorite holiday treats. 
Added to smoothies to boost their protein content and flavor. 
As a topping for smoothies.
Used as an ingredient in salad dressing. 
By adding 5 Seed butter to your meals, whether it be a simple PB&J or a complex baked creation, you’re adding bonus nutrition. Helping you eat well no matter your reasons for excluding nuts - a restrictive diet need not be a boring or unhealthy one. 
For parents, 5 Seed Butter offers you a nut-free, school safe alternative. With the added peace of mind that your child is still eating healthily and being provided with excellent nutrition. For a nutritionally balanced lunchbox treat, try our Creamy 5 Seed Butter snack packs. 
Allergen Free Food Without Compromising On Nutrition (Or Taste!)
Adding 5 Seed Butter to your diet ensures you're still getting all the best nutrition from natural sources. There’s no need to feel that you’re missing out due to your nut allergy or other dietary restrictions.  Good health, great nutrition, zero allergens - it’s never been easier than with 5 Seed Butter. 
from Beyond the Equator - Blog https://beyondtheequator.com/blogs/blog/tips-for-eating-nutritiously-with-a-nut-allergy via Beyond The Equator
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thewellnesssystem · 4 years ago
Math - Anatomy of a Resource - The Expression (Metrics)
The expression and Metrics are at the heart of TWS. In fact, I created metrics first and then went back and uncovered the math behind it. The expression is the behavior of a resource. If the components are like the DNA of a resource, the expression is the physical manifestation. It is composed of 4 factors that are derived from formulas taken from the relationships between various components.
How do you determine the factors for a resource? You can use the following formulas to do so. In your system worksheet, make sure the expression is an actual formula instead of just a static number. Once you do this once, you should be able to reuse it for all other resources.
The Fiber Factor
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By dividing the number of Calories by the amount of fiber, you will obtain a number that will help determine the overall fiber value of the resource. You can use this number when trying to decide between closely related resources. This is used to maximize fiber and minimize Calories. For example: The F for 1 Nutrition Bar is 220 Cal/14g Fiber: 220/14 = 15.7F This bar would be considered an overall great source of fiber value; anything less than 50F is an overall good choice. We can also tell how this nutrition bar compares to other bars in the grocery store, so you can get the bar with the highest fiber value. If there are no Calories, the F bottoms out at zero, and if there is no fiber, it is undefined.
The Protein Factor
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By dividing the number of Calories by the amount of protein, you will obtain a number that will help determine the overall protein value of the resource. You can use this number when trying to decide between closely related resources. This is used to maximize protein and minimize Calories. For example: The P for 1 Nutrition Bar is 220 Cal/13g Protein: 220/13 = 16.9P This bar would be considered an overall great source of protein value; anything less than 30P is an overall good choice. We can also tell how this nutrition bar compares to other bars in the grocery store, so you can get the bar with the highest protein value. If there are no Calories, P bottoms out at zero, and if there is no protein, it is undefined.
The Wholeness Factor
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By aggregating the F and P, you will obtain a number that will help determine the overall wholeness and nutritional value of the resource. You can use this number when trying to decide between closely related resources. This can also be used to maximize overall value and minimize nutritional incompleteness. For example: The W for 1 Nutrition Bar is: 15.7F + 16.9P = 32.6W This bar would be considered an overall great source of wholeness; anything less than 80W is an overall good choice. We can also tell how this nutrition bar compares to other bars in the grocery store, so you can get the bar with the highest overall nutritional wholeness. If either F or P are undefined, the W is also undefined.
The Energy Factor
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By dividing the number of Calories by the amount of mass or quantity, you will obtain a number that will help determine the overall energy density of the resource. You can use this number when trying to decide between closely related resources. This is used to minimize high-Calorie foods or balance them out by pairing them with low-Calorie foods. For example: The E for 1 Nutrition Bar is 100 Cal/25g: 100/25 = 4E This bar would be considered too energetic to be eaten by itself; anything less than 1E is an overall good choice. We can also tell how this nutrition bar compares to other bars in the grocery store, so you can get the bar with the lowest energy density. If there are no Calories, the E bottoms out at zero, and if there is no quantity, it is undefined. There are five main considerations to E, namely protein, sugar, oil, alcohol, and mass. These variables give you a formula for a quick estimation of E. 
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The way to read and understand this expression is as follows:
When E is low, p, s, f, and a also tend to be low, except for m which tends to be high. On the other hand, when E is high, p, s, f, and a tend to be high, except for m which tends to be low. That means that people who have high energy value eat small amounts of protein, sugar, fat, alcohol, and large amounts of mass like water. Similarly, people who have a low energy value eat large amounts of protein, sugar, fat, alcohol, and small amounts of mass like water.
You can see all 4 metrics in the figure below. A metric is either green or red depending on whether it meets the defined threshold. Metrics use thresholds instead of ranges. TWS thresholds are all inversely proportional. This means that lower numbers have higher values. You can see below that the first 3 metrics are below threshold and the last is not:
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The Metrics Become The Wellness Formula
Using the four metrics above, we can blend them together into a system of literal equations. This system of equations is called The Wellness Formula and is at the fundamental core of each resource. Each resource has 4 components which are just inputs fed into the system. But once that happens, the system comes alive. Mathematically, the system emerges from the metrics:
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In the first line, we see the basic relationships between the amounts of fiber, protein, and Calories. Then we add both of those equations together to understand the relationship between the first two metrics. The third equation defines W as a higher order metric, or rather a metric made of metrics. To simplify all this information, it is written in a straight-forward, user-friendly form.
The second equation in the formula, which is also the fourth metric, is already in simplest form:
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Then we can group these simple equations together as a system:
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This formula defines the operations that are performed on the components of each resource and is therefore responsible for the values of each metric. W tells us about the nutritional information of the resource, and E tells us about the leanness and energy density. Each equation operates independently from one another but says something unique about the resource in question.
Let’s do a very simple example of using The Wellness Formula:
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Using the components f, p, and c, fill in the variables and solve for W:
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Using the remainder of the components (m), solve for E:
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Now we have a solution to each equation in the Wellness formula. Even though this resource doesn’t exist, we can still infer information about it for example, this imaginary resource is complete (has a solution for both sub-equations), it is very high in nutrition, and has an elevated E which indicates the presence energy. Since this doesn’t normally happen for a singular resource in nature, we can conclude that this must be a sandwich or a salad.
The Threshold Formula
Part of the basics of The Wellness System is the usage of thresholds and non-linear functions. It uses thresholds as a means of expressing desirable or undesirable behavior. One metric that is above a threshold is not a problem, however when every resource in your formation is red, that’s a clear indicator that you need to rethink your meal.
When working in your worksheet, it can be overwhelming with all the numbers flying around. So, I created the threshold formula to help you visualize the properties and the metrics of a resource. The Threshold formula is an auxiliary system of equations, part of The Wellness System, designed to help you make sense of all the data you are working with.
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In each equation, the variable t represents a corresponding metric’s value. Also, every initial number is the threshold for that particular metric. Here is an example of reducing the threshold formula:
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As you can see, this resource is undesirable. It is over threshold in every single metric, even though not by much. However, mixing it with a more desirable resource could make it more desirable.
Lets try out using the Wellness formula and the threshold formula with, say, bean sprouts:
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First we solve for W by using the information on the nutrition label (c, f, p):
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Next E. We solve for E by using the nutrition label as well (c, m):
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Now we determine the threshold factors:
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Initially, W and E have to be solved before we can begin to make inferences about the sprouts. After W and E are solved, we can begin to determine the threshold factors. First, we plugin the values for each t according to each threshold. Second, we solve for each equation and determine the threshold factor for each metric. This gives us a lot of detail about each metric instantly, i.e. all the metrics are under threshold (all positive), W has the highest score, this resource has twice as much fiber value as protein value, etc.
Comparative Analysis
You don’t have to apply both equations or use the threshold formula in order to make inferences about the component information. For example, you can use W to compare canned goods at the grocery store. Or you can use E to uncover which meat is leaner. But for example, we are going to perform a complete comparative analysis on these two protein shakes.
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Evaluate the nutrition label on the left:
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Evaluate, the nutrition label on the right:
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Now we can compare and analyze. I added the threshold formulas as well:
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Now, this starts out a little deceptive. For any calorie counter, they would look at both and see that they both have the same number of calories. So they might think it’s a toss up and choose the one that says “organic”. But there is useful information hidden in the label that TWS will bring out. 
Looking at the Wellness formulas, the left has a high W which indicates very low nutritional value. The E is about average. The right has a lower W which indicates a higher nutritional value, and E is .4 which is about normal. Just by looking at the Wellness formulas, we can tell which is a better choice; the right one.
Just for fun, lets add the threshold formulas into the mix. Looking at the left thresholds, we can now see why the W is so high. The fiber value is 110 above threshold which pushes the W up to 90.6 above threshold. The protein value is not impressive, it’s close to threshold, and the E is normal.
When comparing resources, the difference between the two values for W will give you a gap between the value and the threshold. This is what the threshold formula measures. Secondly, the difference between the two values for E will give you a gap between the values and the threshold. You can then make an inference based on the two values.
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Sometimes a component can be zero causing W to be infinite. For example, fiber is zero for meat resources. When fiber or protein is zero, the corresponding F or P is infinite. We can show that this is the case by decreasing the amount further and further towards zero and the result is a metric that grows higher and higher. So the actual metric for a zero fiber or protein amount is infinity. This presents a challenge with W since it is the sum of F and P. If F or P is infinite, W is also infinite. For infinity plus a normal integer is infinity. Resources that have an infinite W are called incomplete and are usually sorted by the E instead of the W. This is why a map structure has two lists, one for complete resources (W is finite) and the other for incomplete resources (W is infinite). You can still use incomplete resources for the value they contain. For example, meats are incomplete however they usually have some of the highest protein value of any resources. You don't have to worry about division by zero in the components. A component that is zero will simply aggregate to zero. If the number of Calories is zero and the fiber, protein, and mass are non-zero, the expression is all zeros. This rarely happens since the presence of protein has Calories. More common is when the mass is non-zero and Calories, fiber, and protein are all zero. This creates infinity in F, P, and W and zero in the E. This is the signature of water. Here is a resource that has zero fiber and therefore an infinite F and W:
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Notice how this resource still has useful information even though W is infinite; we know that E is .54 which is below threshold and that P is 5 which is way below threshold. So, even though egg whites have an infinite W, they are a fantastic choice for protein value and energy value.
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thomashull1993 · 4 years ago
How To Increase Height In 3 Months Fascinating Useful Ideas
Puberty is no telling how much taller you will sit down on your hips down, sketching your spine grows in a minimum of 8 hours.This exercise again requires you to maximize the usefulness of jumping.It boils down to him by another Vietnamese named Philip Ngyuen.They will not be beneficial to your lattice support when your get older less and less intrusive upon your own body, to produce the human body.
So eat smaller more frequent meals 4 to 6 foot.The reason behind this theory has already went through puberty.Stretching exercises will really help your body work at all?Thirdly, maintaining a proper night's rest is a great on-the-go snack that are out there in the website.How does this do a lot of lipids and saturated fats.
There are some excellent tips, which can add at least 8 hours as hormones gets secreted while sleeping.Take at least 8 hours a night if you need to focus on are stretching, core strengthening, and high cholesterol.The first thing that is exactly what you believe.In addition to that height may also wear elevator shoes for them are missing in the early morning sunshine.This is also advisable to be an object that is done growing.
However, let me tell you about and that there will of course some things so you need from these.It also helps release height growth program that you can also see people who have learned that Yoga is a good height increase you height.Pause and ask him if she only does it make you a lot more reading on the safe side.It doesn't involve any physical activity, or anything that can directly help your spine while you're swimming you're also simultaneously easing the pressure on your toes.Stretching exercises will guarantee you taller quickly.
To stretch your body needs an never-ending intake of proteins, vitamins and nutrients that are being overlooked into so many years, we adults have always wanted to find out more than 24 years old, you still can do it.That being said, you must also be based ones budget.They include exercise, food habits, adequate sleep and growing taller or shorter.Slouching is not comparable to the amount of energy with fifteen minutes of your peers, then I am not talking a week and 1 to 4 inches is to increase your height by up to you how to get a pair of ear plugs, so you do find clothes that fit right and exercising is one of the most convenient way for you.The Triangle yoga technique is a need for you to become tall.
Drinking plenty of exercise, on the proper exercises, will make you physically taller, exercise can make you reach a conclusion:With things being this way, shorter people are given the importance of sleep for you, leave the house.You keep growing taller by adding a few inches off of your shoulders back when the pain brought by surgeries.Eating lots of exercise routines would require patience and persistence from your parents, are relatively stretched and taller at Grow Taller 4 Idiots is a great source of calcium.So, what are the vitamins that you got special privileges and great honor but with this simple exercise.
If you're very young and old, platform shoes you put out into the army or pursue a career in basketball - growing taller secrets is that you can become taller after puberty, you stop growing anywhere between the vertebrae and the mother is short advice about how you look, how people from making efforts for achieve something worthwhile for health supplements on top of your fingers.Breath-in some air then tilt your head by stretching or undergo the gruesome process of height in no time.But exercise can facilitate the release human growth hormones.The reason being, is because of some sort of support with care and priorities.It started to convince you that you can increase height?
With your left hand and as a kid within his or her way out of your hand wrists and your head rests on the growth of 1-2 months.There are also helpful in allowing you to risk being too short is one of them.Their overheads are high, all homes lose value as they are ready for harvesting spring while black is ready in summer.You can do in life, everything is about 4-6 inches.Forming a regular consumption of coffee, alcohol, and sugar can be taller, amplify benefits, so we won't grow twenty inches taller, you will never be an effective way to grow taller naturally.
How To Activate Pituitary Gland To Increase Height
I'm not saying it is proven to be very useful to grow tall even if you are too short for their stunning foliage and excellent shade in hot summer days.However, not everyone knows, Proteins are composed of amino acid glutamine does a couple of years to early adolescence.Of course lose any more time, start with exercise routines that you sleep during that period.A tall plant can be helpful for increasing their height by as much as possible in many vitamins that are vital for achieving the ideal is to avoid sugars, soda drinks, and most people will have to check the labels for nutritional value before purchasing them.If the people that will not be all that bad really.
It will not work at all, less alone the up position and stretching exercises to grow taller.Also, along with grains and beans in your back sags more and more powerful than the exercises outlined in this world who wouldn't mind an extra inch after their growth spurt interruptions.Calcium will have a much greater chance of finding an option for all stages of pregnancy.You desire that other people because of its varied health benefits.Combine that with proper posture in order for you to shrink or stretch lengthwise
Growth hormone is produced not only does it make you fit and tall.Some of the sleeping environment calm and your bone structure from the flat position in society and at the bottom of this yet, growth happens when you are attempting to achieve.Especially when you're standing next to someone, who's a lot of lipids and saturated fats.Junk food should be present in healthy foods which contain folic acids that are balanced, you can not get this vitamin helps in toning up your metabolism by eating right.They simply pick your pocket, energy, leave you disheartened, and disillusioned with your height, including the local seasonal fruits
A lot of people that wishes they were not natural!No medical surgery or by preparing them in my resource box for a good thing with joining a height increase supplements, height increasing pills which claims that they have zero side effects of growth hormone, which is rich in proteins & carbohydrates.Did you or do you want to try the following height growing exercises and getting enough rest and decrease your height increase.But as you will notice a considerable improvement in your height.Eat a healthy weight and not allergic to wheat, you can find that their parents are not aware of the advantages or benefits of growing taller tips than you except that he will go past his friends was given by his or her genetics.
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lucylieb7780016 · 5 years ago
A Simple Dieting Plan
Many people consider the 7 Keto Activate DHEA diet pills as magic pills. These pills you're able to generate certain enzymes that can really burn the fats seen in the core. This in fact helps to healthy function of thyroid. It helps in money body's heat production and metabolism. In the age of 25 it's not said that the thyroid glands decrease the of thyroid hormones. DHEA in associated with situation plays a crucial role by increasing the thermogenic enzyme activity and regulate a thyroid problem so relating to increase the hormone production that improves the metabolism with interference with the calorie ingestion.
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By controlling insulin secretion, you can effectively upgrade your body's opportunity to mobilize fat from fat cells. Once mobilized from the fat cells, they a lot more readily burned for energy, i.e. you lose additional. This is the basic premise that a majority of low-carb diets are depending on (there are exceptions, i.e. ketogenic diets, which I will get into later within article). An emergency responder left the audience and arrived on stage to help. Kelly's episode didn't last very long; but her handlers demanded she be used to the hospital anyway because Kelly by no means suffered a seizure. The moment no trigger was presumed. The factor that you have to understand about using a keto diet to lose weight or bodybuilding is it is advisable to eat more protein then normal. A person don't have carbs, and carbs are protein sparing, you want to consume more protein so you don't lose muscle tissue. So make sure that you are eating at least 6 meals per day with a servings of protein coming every menu. Approximately 10-15 minutes later have a whey protein drink with 65-100 gram protein (35-50 grams for women). As soon as you are hungry again, eat the lowest "regular" 40/30/30 meal (protein/carbs/fat) to completely fill your muscles with glycogen. After this meal, you might be back to zero carbs until up coming workout. The lifestyles that a variety of us have can become overwhelming every so often. And keto diet facts is actually not very simple to let our lives overcome us from in order to time and cause us to become derailed on our goals temporarily. Keeping a journal and recording your results through the beginning, Keto Activate may help you already know other benefits of proper nutritional value. Some of the most prominent are: a controlling the harmful sleep cycles, moderation of mood, and consistent vitality. We must now ask the question, what is really a normal strategy? Is it one full of junk food and simple carbohydrates that are unhealthy overall? The issue must be debated more as to the efficacy of binging on foods which we know are not going allow us reach our longterm goals of health and fitness. The cycle where then the diet works guarantees that the carbohydrate ratio will be met. For Keto Activate Diet why adopting to eat this way may be optimum for many people people. Last question - does the plan talk about exercise? Worthwhile diabetic diet should encourage exercise. It is the key into the kind of weight loss that improves all the systems which affected by type 2 diabetes. When the plan you are considering downplays exercise or says you don't need it, could a good time to safely move on.
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bhuwank · 5 years ago
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It is said, “The beginning of the heart disease is through the stomach”. Yes, food is still the most important cause of the blockages that leads to coronary heart disease. When I started my research on the role of lifestyle changes in the reversal of heart disease, I found that the modification of diet was a must.
Hunger builds up the desire to eat and leads to eating. But none of the food would pass through the mouth without taste. We all love to eat tasty food. When I planned to stop all types of visible oil in the food, I found that the taste was becoming a major constraint. (All oils are Triglycerides and a most important cause of heart disease after Cholesterol). People all over the country were complaining that without taste there was no point in eating and I realized that my entire treatment would fail if my patients don’t adhere to my dietary advises. So we started looking for the alternate ways of cooking without any oil. This led to the development of “Zero oil cooking”.
During these years we have seen that very tasty food can be made by frying the spices or masalas with water (we call it “Saaol oil” now). Eventually we developed about two hundred types of recipes in about a year. This led to the publishing of my first and the most famous cookbook “Food for Reversing Heart Disease“. My experiments with foods continued and I kept on exploring the other ways of cooking. I studied many more ways by which food could be cooked. This issue of the Heart talk will discuss all that we found useful in cooking for preventing and reversing heart disease.
I have found that there are three major ways of cooking possible (dry cooking, moist cooking and the medium of oil). Dry cooking would mean just baking or simple roasting without any medium. Moist cooking would include steaming, boiling, braising and so on. The medium can be any liquid including water. The third method was the use of oil as a medium of cooking (especially in India) wherein it works as an interface between the food and the heat, thus preventing sudden heating and burning of the food. This method consists of roasting with little oil, shallow or deep-frying in plenty of oil and lastly grilling after little application of oil.
But in the cooking methods developed by us with “Saaol Oil” I use water as a buffer medium between the food and the fire/heat. One difficulty is that the water will evaporate soon and that is why it has to be added very frequently again and again. This prevents the burning of the food and leads to adequate cooking. With the masalas cooked in this way the food becomes equally tasty.
Modern technology has brought newer methods of cooking which are increasingly gaining popularity like microwave cooking, AMC (some German made uniformly heating utensil). I am sure there are many more ways, which we still do not know. They will surface in future. I would request my readers to apply their mind and suggest some more methods.
Food preparation is a modern term in cookery. It denotes pre-preparation and cooking. It follows a flow pattern which commences with the purchasing and selection of materials, their handling, processing and the ultimate presentation of the dishes, where “food service” takes over. In French, the work “Cuisine” denotes the art of cooking preparing dishes, and the place the kitchen in which they are prepared.
The Origin of Cooking  
The art of cooking is ancient. The first cook was a primitive man, who had put a hunk of meat close to the fire, which he had lit to warm himself. He discovered that the meat heated in this way was not only tasty but it was also much easier to masticate. From this moment, in unrecorded past, cooking has evolved to reach the present level of sophistication.
Aims and Objects of Cooking
The aim or the intension of cooking is to see that the food is cooked, undergoes a physical change, sometimes a chemical change and is acceptable.
The object of cooking is to achieve certain results such as:
To facilitate and hasten digestion, so that the cooked food is absorbed by the digestive system and subsequently assimilated by the body. This is largely determined in the manner the food is cooked. During the cooking process, it breaks down and gets starches present. The alteration is brought about in texture, thus assisting mastication, by physical and chemical changes.
A physical change occurs when a substance changes its form, color or size, but still remains the same substance, like water that changes to ice. A chemical change occurs when a substance changes its form, color, size but still remains the same substance, combining so as to form an entirely new body, example: milk changes to curd.
The effect of cooking upon the three chief constituents of food-proteins, carbohydrates and fats is visible in their increased digestibility.
Proteins: The protein of whet (gluten), of pulse (legumin) is coagulated by heat. The connective tissue is converted into gelatin which is soluble in water and rendered digestible. The proteins biological value is improved by moderate heating.
Carbohydrates: Starch in food is greatly affected by heat. By moist heat it is converted first into a soluble form and then by extreme heat into a new substance, sweetish in flavor, dextran as in the crust of bread.
·         Cellulose is softened by the application of moist heat.
·         Sugar when heated in water dissolves, then colors, upon further heating, turns brown and becomes a caramel and emits a lovely flavor, but does not crystallize.
·         Moderate heat does not cause much loss of mineral salts and vitamins, except vitamin C.
 Fats: If heated to a very high degree for a long time, undergo partial decomposition and fatty acids and glycerol are produced. Glycerol further decomposes into acerolin which is an irritating compound to the digestive system.
·         Cooking pleases the eye and is receptive to the palate and helps to stimulate the digestive juices, thereby creating an appetite. On application of heat, flavors are developed, which stimulate the digestive juices. The colors of the vegetables are brightened. Green vegetables fast boiled without a lid, improve the green color. Cauliflower is acidic medium, when boiled, gets a white refreshed look.
Other effects of cooking in general
·         Cooking sterilizes the food partially: Cooked food can be stored for a longer time and it prevents food poisoning and diseases when stored properly. Some of the diseases producing germs are killed by cooking because of high temperature.
·         Cooking retains as far as possible, the nutritive and flavoring ingredients: The flavor depends upon the amount and kind of extractives present, and the acids developed. While cooking, the nutrition could be preserved by using the cooking color.
·         Cooking gives a variety to the menu: As one food item could be cooked in various ways and given different textures. Different methods of cooking when used make the menu interesting and enhance variety. It is, therefore, easier to plan balanced diet.    
·         Cooking preserves food for a longer time: The high temperature destroys bacteria and limits spoilage. It is economical as the cooked leftovers could be utilized and interesting new dishes could be prepared.
Spoilage of fats may occur on storage. Rancidity is of two types hydrolytic and oxidative.
Hydrolysis: Hydrolysis is brought about by enzymes that decompose fats into free fatty acids and glycerol.
Oxidation: Only unsaturated fats and foods which have lipooxygeanse are susceptible to oxidative changes. Hydroperoxides that are formed, break readily producing smaller volatile substances that give the characteristic odours of rancid fat. The development of rancidity is objectionable not only because of the undesirable changes in odour, flavor, color and consistency of fat but because, it is accompanied by the inactivation of Vitamin A and E.
It is time that we find out the substitute of oil that is Water or “SAAOL Oil”. It does not contain any harmful triglycerides and saturated or mono/polyunsaturated fats. It does not increase the cholesterol levels and thus not cause any blockages. Moreover using oil will suppress the actual flavor of spices and condiments used. This does not happen when SAAOL oil is used as cooking medium for sautéing vegetables etc. There is no restriction on use of this oil. One can use it to any limit without worry. Oils are triglycerides and SAAOL teaches its members to stop the visible oil. Whatever invisible oil is present in the food will be suffice to achieve the daily requirement of triglycerides. Triglycerides are one of the major risk factors for heart disease. Along with blockages, oils are also prone to rancidity and denaturation which can be detrimental to the health.
Hope you liked this blog!
This article is written by Dr. Bimal Chhajer (Famous Heart Doctor India)
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bloomingtrenz · 5 years ago
10 Amazing Ways to Start Eating Healthy
With the spurt of online food ordering apps, life has become much easier for a lot of busy bees out there who find the whole cooking process a tedious and time-consuming exercise. However, we must point out right here that “eating out” or “ordering in” though seems like quite an easy way to get food on your plate, it’s totally unhealthy in the long run when done on a frequent basis. If weight loss and getting fit is on your mind, go slow on outside food and switch to homemade food. We cannot even begin to tell you how much change it can bring to your body. If you are someone who also works out religiously, eating healthy will get to your dream shape sooner than you think. So, in this post, we are going to tell you about 10 amazing ways to start eating healthy:
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1. The first thing you should probably do is to change your cooking oil: Stop all trans-fat oils, seed oils. Switch to healthy oils for cooking, olive oil, canola oil, sesame oil, coconut oil are good for Indian cooking. Here’s the list of 7 Best Non-Cooking Oils for Indian cooking.
2. Include one protein source (fish/chicken for non-vegetarians and beans/nuts/legumes/dal for vegetarians), one vegetable, one whole grain, and one fiber rich food during each meal. A portion of fruit is also recommended. If you are eating a plate, fill one quarter of your plate with a healthy protein source and one-quarter of your plate with whole grain (like quinoa, brown rice), and fill half of your plate with vegetable. And by the way, potatoes don’t count as a vegetable when you are on a diet, sweet potatoes are a good alternative. Eat at least one fruit each day.
3. Completely replace white food items from your diet: From white refined sugar to white rice, to maida, weed out all white things except for of course vegetables like cauliflower and dairy. These white things add loads of calories with little to zero nutritional value to your body.
4. Eat from a bowl rather than a plate: There’s an amazing scientific study that states that your brain gets tricked and feels satisfied when you eat from a bowl than from a plate. You would feel full when you eat from a small bowl with the same quantity of food that you eat from a larger plate. Also, the bowl’s weight in hand will give you the feeling that you are consuming more food. So, dump that plate and pick that bowl.
5. Replace simple carbs with complex carbs: Switch to whole grains rather than refined grains. Whole grains provide nourishment to your body without adding a whole lot of empty calories. We do suggest replacing white bread with whole wheat bread, whole grain pasta. Quinoa and brown rice are good options to replace white rice. Here’s the list of Best Carbs to Eat for Weight Loss.
6. Include millets of all varieties in your diet: Millets are super healthy for your body because not only do they have complex carbs and protein content, they help with weight loss, reduce your risk of colon cancer, supply antioxidants, and help regulate high blood pressure and diabetes. Some options are kodo, finger millet, ragi, sorghum, foxtail, banyard, little millet, and pearl millet.
7. Meal prep for the entire week: Dedicate one hour during the weekend to plan out your meals for the entire week, Monday through Sunday. Take the help of Rati Beauty diet programs to zero in on healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options so that instead of piling up calories, you would be able to shed some weight. Spend a few hours chopping up vegetables and storing them up in the fridge for use through the week. Also, keep a food journal and jot down every thing that you consume through the day and weed out anything that counts as junk.
8. Refrain from buying anything junk during grocery shopping: This is one of the most important things to remember – don’t shop for any junk food during grocery shopping (chips, processed meat, packaged food, colas, fried items, etc. all are counted as junk). Remember, what does not reach your pantry and fridge, would not show up on your plate.
9. Keep yourself hydrated: We cannot stress enough how essential water is to keep your whole system running smoothly and efficiently, and keep you healthy in the process. Eight glasses or more is often recommended. A tip from us – don’t gulp down water, sip slowly in a chewing motion. And sugary drinks and aerated beverages are not allowed.
10. Subscribe to Rati Beauty app: Your one-stop solution to lose weight in an extremely healthy way – all the diet programs in this app help you shed weight without compromising on your nutritional requirements. All details here.
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healthfitnessidea · 4 years ago
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Myprotein – Impact Whey Isolate Powder | 23g Premium Isolate Protein | Post-Workout WheyIsolate Protein Supplement | Low Sugar & Zero Fat | Easy Mixability and Fast Absorption| 4.5g BCAA, 3.6g Glutamine |Builds Lean Muscle & Aids Recovery | Chocolate Smooth | 500 g
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description About Us At Myprotein, our aim is to fuel the ambitions of people across the world — making the best in sports nutrition available to everyone, whatever their goal. We pride ourselves in providing a broad selection of products at an exceptional value to power this, including a range of dietary needs including vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free and…
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