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Using locally grown seasonal organic vegetables is at the very heart of what we do here at Dash Garden Cafe and what could be more local than our own cafe doorstep and courtyard?! We have herbs planted up for us by @amcgardens in upcycled @honest_toil cans, nasturtiums in upcycled @sumawholefoods cans and salad leaves in a beautiful old container owned by @thinkin_ng A sustainable zero waste garden cafe in action! ♡ . . . #zerowastelifestyle #zerowasteshop #zerowastenottingham #nottinghamplasticfree #nottinghamzerowaste #zeowastecafe #vegancafe #sustainable #growyourown #gardencafe #vegannottingham #nottinghamvegans #lovelycontainers #upcycled #recycled #livingsustainably #zerowastelife #zerowasteliving #growveg #growherbs #eatlocal #notforprofitscafe #whatsoninnottingham #potd (at Dash Garden Cafe & Zero Waste Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5ArmLJ4Bh/?igshid=1wtcnyjz1fer6
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