elvenchain · 1 year
I need to make my banner something as intimate and pretty as my current zenosahi one but for ags. I need to rep my new blorbos. But I have literally no pose ideas
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sas-brutus · 5 years
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brushing hair
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secretsofthelily · 7 years
I submit this humbly as the ship name for evil samurai boyfriends
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empires-of-athos · 3 years
Attack of the Plot Bunnies
SOOO I woke up this morning with a creative bug in my head and just started word vomit world building in a document and long story short i have this big idea for a story, but I can't decide if I should go with my first idea and write it as a FFXIV AU fanfiction, or do some extra work and use the characters as like, springboards and make it a completely original story, or if i should go really off the rails and make it into a D&D setting.
It started off as (another) Zenosahi fic, but my brain just kept adding more and more characters (the whole of the 12th legion Varis and Emet, maybe Regula, Gaius and his kids, MAYBE Varens that one is a HUGE freakin maybe tho) and fleshing the world out more and more and now i got this whole huge setting and cast. No real plot in mind yet just the world build and some bones to the skelleton so to speak.
I'll put the ideas I have in a Read More cuz its kinda long, and i'll have it with the roles that each XIV character would be playing but if anyone has any ideas they'd want to share or suggest or even a 'this would work better as an original' or like...a title idea cuz i suck at those feel free to message me - I'm always down to talk plot bunnies.
* It’s some kind of world AU- The sun and the moon have for insert reasons here gone dormant. The passage of day and night has ceased and chaos has reigned for blah amount of time. From the Chaos was born powerful monsters that have preyed upon humanity for so long that there is scarcely a time remembered where mankind hasn’t lived in fear of the chaos monsters. Magic exists in this world but its more the ‘studied wizard’ kinda magic than the ‘magic is everywhere and everyone can do it’ kind of magic. The world probably has a lot of zealous religion reigning supreme in these trying times. * Asahi and Yotsuyu are born blessed with the ability to summon forth morning and night respectively, returning the cycle of day and night to the world. No i don’t know why this whole idea started because of their names meaning Morning Sun and Night Dew and I wanted to do something with that- ill figure out the why at a later point if it needs figured out. At first they're treated as borderline gods but then people become very entitled to their gifts and what started as worship devolves quickly into enslavement. Both become cruel and resentful and vindictive but are powerless to really do anything about it. Canon typical horrible family and people around them turning them into their canon typical horrible selves basically. * Zenos is one of the monsters that exists because of the chaos of the timeless world. Because of their influence his power has been waxing and waning back and forth (most powerful on nights of the new moon, but becomes near powerless in the morning light, also this has affected all monsters of chaos, but he doesn’t really care about that). Originally his intention was to kill them and return the world to its chaotic timeless state (something both of them practically welcomed at this point)  but sees how they're being treated and slaughters their captors and takes them in. At first as a laugh because how miserable these little creatures are and it wouldn't be worth killing them until they got some backbone to them so he teaches them how to fight so they’ll be worth killing, but over time he kinda just gets use to having them around. * Fordola is probably from a long line of monster hunters. Something witcher like, - you have to go through a process that would break the average person to ascend to becoming a true hunter. While this process didn't kill her she didn't succeed at it either.  The pedestal she'd been on her whole life ripped out from under her and suddenly the people that once saw her as the next sign of hope came to despise her. Probably goes off to kill zenos on her own to prove she is just a strong a hunter as all those that came before her and winds up getting cornered and caught by the siblings instead who like- as much as they hate humanity at this point is about to kill her (or she manages to fight them both down and is about to kill them can't decide in my head how exactly i'd want that fight to go) point is zenos steps in and stops it from happening. She kinda becomes his ‘soft-WoL’ (no i'm not involving the WoL in any capacity in this story but for comparison sake) for a while- someone who keeps coming back to kill him, ultimately unable to. At one point he gets tired of the song and dance and lets her get the blade to his neck and tells her to kill him if she thinks it'll make her life better and convince those people she's worth anything. She realizes it won't. something something yotsuyu and asahi both get a new grumpy sibling that day * Aulus is one of the chaos monsters, but has been doing magical studies trying to find a way for the monsters to sustain their power in a more stable fashion with the day-night cycle returning. he’s kinda just brushed off by his kind who had the same original mindset of zenos of 'eat the sun and the moon and problem solved' wasn't until zenos decided to take in the problems as his pets that his studies got the time of day from anyone. It could be argued that his research could be used as a means for monster and mankind to coexist but like hell he cares about that- he just wants to aid in the next step of evolution for their kind. * Maxima is a monster as well but like, extremely curious about humanity. He hunts to survive and no more than that which is extremely contrary to their kind that were born from chaos and live to spread it through slaughter and sorrow. Even he isn't sure what's 'wrong' with him or why he doesn't take joy in  the  massacring of people. When zenos starts bringing his 'found family or whatever' around Maxima is ecstatic and is quick to try to make friends with them (with varying results). * Grynewaht was a 'problem' child of the village he came from, deemed 'incompetent' and 'useless' - messing up the most simple of tasks put before him. The one thing he was decent at was being a wall of muscle and brute strength able to fight off small monsters of chaos by sheer brute strength. his cowardice however got many people killed and ultimately his people decided his one use would be as a means to an end. Given over to mages to experiment on to try to find a means to more readily destroy the monsters he was infused with an essence of the chaos that permeates the world itself and is the first mortal-monster hybrid. (nod to the fact that after all his failures he was experimented on and turned into a magitek cyborg) The process left him a broken unstable mess and while they tried to destroy what they created he escaped and by sheer luck found his way to zenos's growing 'family' - at this point the story of the dawn and night bringer's betrayal of humanity has become rather well known so he begs to stay with them, promising he could be of use, he's not smart and he's not good at alot of things but he'll earn his keep some how. Probably gets a crush on yotsuyu at some point. ^ A note regarding this one - I might change the order of things- maybe Gryn was with zenos first out of all of them, it would make more sense that people were at their height of trying to combat the monsters before day and night returned. I picture the monsters as immortal beings (not invincible, just immortal - they do age, they do grow old but they will never DIE of age, they however can be killed or choose to die). Maybe the process gave him a part of that immortality, not true immortality just kinda the green mile kinda deal where his life got extended so damn long that he might as well be considered timeless * Varis, the first monster born of the chaos - NOT happy about his son making nice with humans, even if they are twisted and resentful beings that would turn upon their own. Its unbecoming, its like a butcher befriending its cows.  Is probably going to be the actual antagonist of the story if there is one beyond like sociopolitics. King of the Chaos monsters and a canon-typical freakishly huge beast. 
* Emet- a VERY powerful sorcerer of eld, who's gone into reclusion. It was his magic that went awry and caused the world to fall into chaos in the first place. I dunno what he was trying to do or exactly what happened but the short of it was that he bit off WAY more than he could chew and fucked everything up. Either long dead, or has magically extended his life-span and has been obsessively researching a way to return the world back to how its suppose to be. Not sure which I like better here. GETTING INTO THE MAYBE CHARACTERS NOW * Regula maybe? Varis totally not-boyfriend (I’m mostly kidding about that). probably the more level headed of the two. Is the one to try to calm Varis down when he gets pissed about all these mortals and explains how even they could be useful to them as long as they’re kept on a leash and know their place. Just wants what’s best for their kind. Canon-typical love of music. * Gaius would be a monster who took in a group of humans that were meant to be sacrificed to them as an appeasement to keep a village safe or something but has kept that TIGHTLY under wraps for years now. When zenos starts in on the same shit  of bringing mortals home and Varis gets increasingly pissed about it, he confides in Zenos about the matter. They probably bond and their families become close or something. Would this happen in canon? No. Do I care? Also no.
* Idk if i really want to go this far but like, entertaining the idea of if i include Gaius in the story to put in milk-lore (Valens? I’m almost certain that was his name) as a beta villain. Finds out about Gaius’s children and tells on him to Varis. Probably gets ordered to get rid of the ‘infestation’ of mortals running around their home. Takes way more sickening pleasure in killing them then needed because like, this is THIS guy we’re talking about. Zenos and Gaius are gonna kill the shit out of him before this is over if i do put him in. Gaius gets the final blow because like, he deserves that much at that point. 
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sas-brutus · 5 years
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holding his hands
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sas-brutus · 5 years
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secretsofthelily · 7 years
Callout Post @Myself
Everyone knows I don’t like to get involved in fandom drama and I know a lot of my followers are friends with her but this post had to be made and I’ve finally had enough. This is a callout post for @mateuslads.
Mateuslads, who also goes by @friendlyslowpoke, @pupsandsuch, and Harmony, has been a mainstay in the FFXIV fandom for several years, and during that time has repeatedly shown attraction towards Zenos Yae Galvus, the main villain of Stormblood. Over the course of the story Zenos kills and enslaves thousands of people and is generally just an abusive and gross person, and yet mateuslads thinks its okay to consistently comment on his appearance in a way that clearly indicates she thinks he is good looking.
This is NOT okay, he is a BAD person and bad people can ONLY be thought of ugly, but I’ve seen now she has started doing the same thing with a new villain, Asahi, who participates in much of the same behaviour. Again, she seems to find him attractive and refers to him as “cute” and “a twink”, and has reblogged several fanarts of him depicting him in a flattering light. She also openly admits to shipping Asahi with Galvus, even attempting to coin the shipname “Zenosahi” for them.
I’ve repeatedly tried to call her out on her behaviour in private, but she ignores my advice and overall seems to feel zero guilt for her actions and comments. I can’t be bothered to look through her FFXIV blog for receipts, but if you look through it yourself you’ll easily find evidence of these crimes.
PLEASE signal boost this.
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