#zend avesta
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frankwaxman · 5 months ago
Zend Avesta, Untitled (bonus track from Organique / Blackstrobe, 2019 RSD reissue)
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dj-bouto · 1 year ago
X-pensive... "Stronger and Faster" Zend Avesta vs Extralucid..."Let There Be Rock" Lemon'D..."Fungle Junk" Sean Deason..."Science Fiction" C.J.Bolland..."Zenith" Ken Ishii..."Stretch" Recuts..."Beautiful Bass" Leomoon..."Frequency" Kondo, Bernoshi, Laswell..."Tokyo" Amon Tobin..."Night Life"
Mixed by Dj Bouto, long ago... #jungle #drumandbass #liquid
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dipnotski · 1 year ago
Töre Sivrioğlu – Zerdüşt ve Avesta’nın İzinde (2023)
Zerdüşt kimdi? Avesta ne zaman derlendi? Persler, Parthlar ve Sasaniler Zerdüşti miydi? Avesta hangi dilde yazılmıştı? Bu dilin yaşayan akrabaları var mı? Zerdüştilik, Mecusilik, Mazdaizm gibi terimler ne anlama geliyor? Aralarındaki farklar nelerdir? İslam dini ile Zerdüştlük arasında nasıl bir bağ var? Mazda dininin kutsal simgeleri, nesneleri nelerdir? Bu kitapta bu sorulara cevap…
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kittyit · 11 months ago
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If you missed the Lesbian Heritages show, you can still see it stream on demand til April 15. Just register and Max Dashu will send you the link.
Regular $20: https://py.pl/1zNJJD
Supporter $25: https://py.pl/1H2wsh
Low-Income: $15: https://py.pl/wkOhd
Lesbian Heritages
International view of woman-loving women, from archaeological finds of paired and embracing women, up to recent history. Khotylevo, Çatal Hüyük, Mycenae, Nayarit, Etruria, Nok, and the Begram ivories. Lesbian love in Hellenistic art, Thai murals, Indian temple carvings, and Japanese erotic books. Some called us mati, zami, hwame, sakhiyani, bofe or sapatão. Lesbians as female rebels: the Amazons, Izumo no Okuni, Juana Asbaje, Louise Michel, Stormé DeLarverie. Women who passed as men in order to practice medicine and roam the world. Punishing the lesbian: in the Bible, Zend Avesta, Laws of Manu; and demonological fantasies. Lesbian musicians (Sotiria Bellou, Chavela Vargas, Ethyl Waters), artists (Edmonia Lewis, Romaine Brooks, Yan María Castro), writers (Emily Dickinson), and actors (Garbo!) Lesbian clubs and scenes in Paris, Berlin, and New York. Lesbian feminists, and Arab, South African, Australian lesbians. And more…
"I am a lesbian, I am reality; I insist on living in freedom: --Rebeldí­as Lesbicas, Peru
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makesolidreason · 4 months ago
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The review about the Prophecy in Zend Avesta, Zamyad Yasht, Chapter XVI, Verse 95.
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getadvanceinfo · 3 months ago
The mystical knowledge imparted by divine texts such as the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Zend-Avesta, to name a few, are imbued with spiritual wisdom that can transcend time and space. This article will delve deeper into the literary significance of vintage religious books, exploring their narrative styles, literary techniques, and their impact on society and culture from a historical perspective.
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rhianna · 1 year ago
India and the Myth
—In India, the typical early literature is the myth. There is no national epic in the Greek use of the term, in which are described the doings of heroic men. The literary productions are the work of poets whose imagination has been impressed with[44] the immensity and with the mystery of the universe, and whose poetic fancies take the form of visions. These fancies or visions are concerned with the doings of the gods, while man plays but a small part in the narrative.
Sanscrit literature is said to date back to the fifteenth century b.c. The written characters have an origin common with that of the Greek letters. The oldest existing monuments of Indian script are the edicts of the King Açoka, cut into the stone at Girnar and elsewhere “so that they might endure for ever”. They date back to the third century b.c.
The first literary period of India presents the poetry of the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of the Sanscrit peoples. The hymns and invocations comprising the Vedas are supposed to have been collected about 1000 b.c. This is the date that has by many authorities been accepted for the collecting of the Homeric poems, and corresponds nearly with the time fixed for the writing of the Chinese Book of the Metamorphoses. It also tallies with the period to which is ascribed the production of the Persian Zend-Avesta.
The term Veda means knowledge, or sacred knowledge. The collection of the Vedas comprises four divisions. The Rig-Veda, or Veda of Praises or[45] Hymns; the Sama-Veda, or Veda of Chants or Tunes; the Yajur-Veda, or Veda of Prayers; and the Atharva-Veda, or Brahma-Veda.
Authors and their public in ancient times by George Haven Putnam http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/72922
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philosophystudentorg · 1 year ago
What Is Zend Avesta? Key Concepts Of Zoroastrian Scriptures | PhilosophyStudent.org #shorts
Join us in uncovering the fundamentals of Zend Avesta, the cornerstone of Zoroastrian scripture. Perfect for beginners eager to learn about ancient spiritual texts. Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://ift.tt/evhBd3j #zendavesta #learnzoroastrianism #sacredtexts #spiritualeducation #religiousstudies #shorts from Philosophy Student https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzgyezZqDZo
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philippequeau · 1 year ago
Oreilles incirconcises
“La circoncision” Bartolomeo Veneto (Musée du Louvre) Pour des esprits matérialistes, rationalistes, comme il en est beaucoup, les Textes des Pyramides, le Livre des morts, le Véda, les Upaniṣad, le Zend Avesta, le Tao Te King, le Bardo Thödol, et pour faire bonne mesure, le Tanakhi et les Évangiles, peuvent être étiquetés comme autant de rêveries vaines, compilées par des rêveurs, des…
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frankwaxman · 5 months ago
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Zend Avesta - Organique (Artefact, 2000 / Blackstrobe, 2019 Reissue)
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teampsinco5 · 1 year ago
El librito de la vida después de la muerte (1836), animada por un soplo poético y religioso, sigue siendo una destacada expresión del misticismo alemán, tal y como se fue formulando después del Romanticismo. En ella Fechner examina el destino del alma humana, en sus pasos sucesivos a los grados superiores de la existencia. La muerte, liberando al hombre de su cuerpo, al igual que su nacimiento le había liberado de las tinieblas del vientre materno.
Zend-Avesta, obra publicada en Leipzig en 1851 y que se parece al texto de Zoroastro por cierta afinidad de concepción, Gustav Fechner expone su concepción poético-filosófica del mundo, una metafísica fundamentada con bases empiricocientíficas, afín por sus directrices a la de Lotze, y más tarde a la de Wilhelm Wundt. Fechner sabe que tal metafísica es una simple hipótesis, pero una hipótesis racional fundada sobre bases científicas, y la formula de acuerdo con las exigencias ideales del espíritu.
La visión del día frente a la de la noche (1879). La "visión de la noche" es la idea materialista-mecánica del universo: todo principio de distinción cualitativa, de individualización y de libre actividad desaparece para dejar lugar a la necesidad indiferente y oscura. La "visión del día" es la idea de la animación del mundo, los astros, la tierra, el hombre, los animales, las plantas y los mismos minerales. Todo vive con una vida individual, múltiple y diferenciada. Y las infinitas vidas individuales se armonizan en el alma suprema del universo, en Dios, que es la fuente de su ser y de su proceso, a la vez que resultado del uno y del otro.
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The stupid desire to buy the Zend-Avesta just cause your favorite card game has references to it.
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abyrondeans · 1 year ago
Quote I'll Use To Promote "God 101"
I'm going to use the following quote from Autobiography of a Yogi to promote my song "God 101": '"May the good and heroic souls of the saints come here (so reads 'A Prayer for a Dwelling," from the Zend-Avesta, that hangs on one of the hermitage doors) and may they go hand in hand with us, giving the healing virtues of their blessed gifts that are as ample as the earth, as high-reaching as the heavens!"'
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butteredchai · 2 years ago
Any idea where to find a text (in Persian) of the Avesta? One that’s actually legible.
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pathofregeneration · 4 years ago
20 Gathas of Zoroaster
“1. Offer Praise and Prayer to God 2. Be Pure in Thought, Word and Deed 3. Send Forth the Light 4. Speak not to the wilfully deaf 5. Dedicate all gifts, rewards and praise to God, not yourself 6. Pray to God for Wisdom 7. Concentrate your Thoughts on Beauty and Perfection 8. Neither love nor hate your enemy—learn to be Indifferent 9. Have Patience and Perseverance 10. Do not judge others 11. Do not do evil, thinking that good day come of it 12. Evade inanities and seek Solitude 13. Be multi-talented and not one-talented 14. Trust in Peace, not chance 15. Avoid the double-edged sword of revenge 16. Be clean of body and mind 17. Rejoice with the laughter of Wisdom (sadness is for the shadows) 18. Treat Work as a blessing—and perform it now! 19. Overcome lower temptations 20. Be silent of speech and ‘keep thou the door of thy lips’“
— 20 Gathas of Zoroaster’s Zend Avesta
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Zoroaster speaking with Goshtasb, the King of Persia Painting from a Zoroastrian temple in Isfahan, Iran
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Books invested in the notion that man can sit on a hillside, gaze at his navel and accurately intuit the nature of the universe.
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