paexie · 10 months
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Swordtember Day 1: Witch
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birdblues · 7 months
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Mourning Dove
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itsdetachable · 2 years
A Short List of Doves In The USA That You May Confuse With Each Other
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Mourning Dove Zenaida Macroura
Year-round native across most of the USA, with breeding populations up into Canada, and non-breeding populations extending into Mexico. Least Concern, plentiful, and often hunted for meat though hunting does little to lessen it's numbers. There is often a whistling sound heard when the mourning doves land and take off - it is not a call but rather a sound made by the feathers of the wings themselves.
Distinguishing features: Distinctive mournful woo-OOO-wooo, wooo, wooo call, occasionally, clean pale coloring of head and neck, darker wings with dark spots. Click here to hear!
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Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto
European and Asian native, was introduced to North America, Japan and the Carribean. It is invasive in USA.
Distinguishing features: A quick, rolling sort of goo-GOO-goo call, similar to a rock dove coo. Also, they make a loud HAH sound when taking off or landing. Click here to hear!
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White-Winged Dove Zenaida asiatica
White winged doves are native to the very southern parts of the USA and to Mexico and the Carribean.
Distinguishing features: Bright red eye surrounded by blue skin, brownish feathering with a dark stripe below the cheek on each side of the nect, the bold white stripe along the leading edge of the wings.
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Common Ground Dove Columbina Passerina
Small dove species native to the southernmost parts of the following: California, Southern Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida in the USA, most of Mexco and Central America, and the northern parts of South America including Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, small parts of Peru and Ecuador and parts of northern Brazil.
Distinguishing features: Small size, overall brownish coloring with dark mahagony primaries and dark spots that glisten blue on the wings. Similar in some ways to the Mourning Dove but has a much shorter tail and is smaller.
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Inca Dove Columbina Inca
Native to southern parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, Mexico, and parts of Central America.
Distinguishing Features: Pale coloring overall with a distinctive "scale' like edge on the feathers of the body. Noticeably smaller than the well known Rock Dove/Pigeon, and shorter overall than the mourning dove.
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crescent-dreams · 10 months
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Creator's Corner - Zenaida
How did you become a fan of the Inuyasha fandom?
I was on an anime message board in the early 2000s and there was a lot of conversation around it. I decided to check out what the buzz was about. That started my downward spiral into the world of Inuyasha.
What are your favourite fanfic tropes as a writer?
The tropes I enjoy writing the most are pining and overcoming personal adversity. 
And as a reader?
As a reader, I would say that soulmates, courtship, BAMF, enemies to lovers, and marriage of convenience tropes are my favorites.
Which work of yours is your personal favourite? The one you are most proud of?
“Therefore I Am” is probably my favorite so far. 
Which SessKag fanfiction written by another author is your go-to choice for a great read?
The Unworthy One by Vyncent.
What do you think makes a good story?
I enjoy great character development. Even if there isn't much by way of plot or drama, if the characters are developed well and they mesh together, I'm hooked.
Is there anything you need while writing? Snacks? Music? A comfy blanket?
Definitely my fluffy blanket and a drink of some sort.
How do you get your ideas? In your dreams? Under the shower?
I have a commute of a little more than 1.5 hrs round trip for work, so that's plenty of time for me to brainstorm, theory-craft, and plot my next moves!
If you could meet an Inuyasha character, what would you tell them?
I would ask Kagewaki Hitomi if I could have his castle since he doesn't need it anymore.
As a writer, what would your spirit animal be?
My spirit animal has always been a bear.
What is your kryptonite as a writer?
My kryptonite is the need to minutely describe how my main characters are feeling. Oh, and research. It is imperative that I do research before I include something in my writings.
What advice would you give someone who wants to start writing?
Just put the pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and let your words flow. Don't try to force it and don't give in to pressure. The more you do write, the easier the ideas will come and you'll find your flow and your writing style.
You can find Zenaida on Tumblr, Ao3, and Dokuga! And please check out our Creator’s Corner Masterlist for all our past creators!
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awnrii · 1 year
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this is how episode 17 went
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Meet the updated OCs. The Neapolitan Sisters: Vanni, Zenaida, and Jazmin
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[ID: Four photographs of a mourning dove sitting on a telephone wire, with a cloudless blue sky behind it, shown from four different angles. The mourning dove has a tan breast and grey wings, with bright orange feet. Its tail is long and pointed, its beak is flat, and its black eyes are large and round. End ID.]
Observation by nonbinary-naturalist (aka me!)
Finally found a mourning dove that didn't immdiately fly away once I started trying to take pictures! :)
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divyasinha · 2 years
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occasionallybirds · 1 year
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Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)
May 3, 2023
Southeastern Pennsylvania
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birdblues · 11 months
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Mourning Dove
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fatchance · 1 month
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Mourning dove / huilota común (Zenaida macroura), nesting in an ornamental cherry tree, Sierra Vista, Arizona.
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idrellegames · 6 months
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“I’ll speak plainly then, Wayfarer. The Council of Mages is corrupt. A schism has formed, splitting the Guild into factions. Though outwardly we pretend to be united, internally we are divided, and those divisions grow more desperate by the day. Archsages, savants, Guild masters… it doesn’t matter the rank, sworn loyalties and long-standing allegiances are abandoned and raked through the mud. “The Guild is at war with itself and Velantis is the battleground. Those who seek dominion over the Guild will stop at nothing in their pursuit of power, foraying into the depths of forbidden magic, caring nothing for the lives they destroy. If this hidden war is not stopped, Velantis will meet a desperate and bloody end.”
Zenaida Anaxas is the only child of Sophia Anaxas, the Archon of Velantis, and her consort, Sandro. Born to a life of privilege, Zenaida had the world at her fingertips. As she has no siblings, she was her mother’s sole heir and she began training to inherit her duties at a young age. However, she had no interest in politics and quickly began to resent the pressure placed on her by her mother and her House.
Her powerful capacity for Preservation magic made her a desirable recruit for the Guild of Mages. Seeking an alternative to the life she was born into, Zenaida accepted an offer to train and study at Diradan Tower, much to her mother’s horror. She excelled in her studies and rapidly climbed through the ranks, eventually obtaining the position of savant.
Zenaida maintains a close bond with the Markal twins, Nova (a fellow savant) and Malsara (her bodyguard and lover). She has never supported Sabien Quirinus’s ideologies. Her fears of where he could lead the Guild eventually led her to join the Order of Lethalis.
Artwork by @harumeau
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rjalker · 2 years
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[ID: Four photos of a mourning dove sitting on a wire, with a blue cloudly sky behind it. In the first two photos, the mourning dove is a dark silhoette, with its long tail and its feathers slightly ruffled. In the third and fourth pictues, the camera has changed angles so that the sunlight is now shining on the dove, showing its light grey-tan feathers, and large eye. End ID.]
psa: these photos are public domain because I hate capitalism :) feel free to use for icons, field guides, art, or anything else you'd like!
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 24 days
If you can't handle Bucky Barnes at his "Hey bestie, let's go see a science fair and read the Hobbit!!!!" then you don't deserve him at his *patented sex gaze + low bedroom voice* "But you're keeping the outfit right?"
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antiqueanimals · 4 months
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Zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita)
Part of a collection of watercolor images by "M. Rabié" for St. Domingue Oiseaux. Dated 1766.
Internet Archive
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lesyoussoupoff · 1 year
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Princess Zenaida Youssoupoff in her famous salon. As you can see from photographs, aside from personal touches, the room has survived largely intact.
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