#zena florine
fiannalover · 7 months
“Brrrrr, it’s really cold! Somehow, I didn’t think Coumarine would be this cold this time of the year!”
“We are on the northern side of Kalos. If anything, it should be expected.”
“See, I do understand that. But, having only been here when it is all summer and lively, it is still something hard to accept.”
With that, Zena and Danua walked onwards, some groceries Ramos requested from them in hand, the former’s Furfrou elegantly marching onwards without a care in the world. It was not too long after lunch, but the cloudy weather made the location much darker than what the time would make one expect, and it certainly didn't make the weather any easier to bear.
“Someone is dealing with this better than you.” Danua pointed out.
“Haha, yeah. I'm glad I haven't given him any trims lately. It's best to let him keep his natural coat this time of the year. I'm still a bit jealous, though.” Zena said.
Danua thought that over a bit, kept safe from the bite of winter by trusty jacket alongside the rest of her seasonal gear. She didn't really have fluffy Pokémon. Maybe Trevenant would count? 
“Oh! Look, that lady is selling some hot chocolate on her stand! Let's get some!” Zena suggested.
“I don't think I want any. But sure, we can stop there.” The local conceded.
The shopkeeper carefully poured a cup of the beverage for Zena, hands warming up just by holding it… which, in turn, warned her she'd likely burn her tongue if she drank it immediately. 
Well, she'd just have to wait for a bit. “Thank you! Have a nice day!” The blonde said, as she returned to their previous plan.
Calmly, the two girls and the little squire made their way to the monorail, exchanging conversation as they did so. Upon boarding, they found out their means of transportation was pleasantly near empty, letting Furfrou comfortably sit next to them.
Eventually, Zena’s drink cooled off enough for consumption to be a realistic endeavor, a wave of warmth and happiness coming to her face as she did so. Just by seeing that, Danua could feel herself undergo that rush of red as well.
“Do you want some?”
“Not really. I don't think I'm thirsty or too cold or anything.”
“Don't be shy! I noticed you were staring, we can share!”
Ah. Whoops.
Well, she had to drink it now.
Thanking her, Danua grabbed the cup and took a small sip. Sweet, thick, comfiness in beverage form. Everything chocolate should be.
… Wait. Wasn't this an in-
“So? It's good, isn't it?” She asked.
Returning the drink to her, Danua said. “Yes. Yes, it is.”
It was nice, spending time with one another like this.
Somewhere in Lumiose, two men walked under the same dark, cloudy afternoon sky. The taller one, a professor, rambled and ranted about something or another, while the other one, a musician, occasionally cut in with some snark or another short remark.
Two friends, nothing more, nothing less. Mushiness was never their style, but companionship was still appreciated, even if they seemed to bicker every other day they spent together.
“Myldrid.” Tempo interrupted, instincts saying this was as good a time as any to do so.
There, Tempo pulled the taller man down by his collar, planting a kiss on Myldrid’s lips. They stood there for a second, before he broke them apart as if saying ‘that’s it’.
“What are we~?” The professor asked with some fake overkill drama.
“Nothing.” The musician smirked in return, both of them laughing from this comfortable back-and-forth they were well used to.
It was nice, spending time with one another like this.
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florinsaveliu2 · 4 years
26-05-2020 Val di Zena a tutta - STRAVA: https://www.strava.com/activities/3515045751
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replicaonline.ro : Numire şoc la Neptun Olimp SA !
 Ce fost deputat a ajuns administrator la compania de stat
Neptun Olimp SA are de luni, 12 iunie, un nou Consiliu de Administraţie (CA), după ce vechea structură a fost revocată de către Adunarea Generală a Acţionarilor (AGA). Dacă despre demisiile foştilor administratori am anunţat deja, trebuie să spunem că noua componenţă a CA-ului este cât se poate de suprinzătoare. Şi nu ne referim doar la şefa Juridicului din Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale în perioada Elena Udrea, ci la un fost deputat instalat acum administrator la Neptun Olimp.
AGA de la Neptun Olimp SA a aprobat în şedinţa de pe 12 iunie raportul de gestiune al administratorilor pentru anul 2016, raportul auditorului financiar, situaţiile financiare pe anul trecut ale societăţii, precum şi bugetul pe anul 2017. De asemenea, AGA l-a revocat pe administratorul Mihail Voicu, întrucât acesta nu a fost reales pentru un nou mandat şi a luat cunoştinţă de demisiile administratorilor Eugen Butnariu, Măriuca Oana Pistol şi Gabriela Cristea. În fine, AGA a decis numirea în funcţiile de administratori provizorii ai Neptun Olimp SA a următorilor: Dragoş Călin (din Braşov, şeful Direcţiei Juridice din SIF Transilvania, acţionar al Neptun Olimp SA), Ionel Damian (constănţean, fost administrator la Agenţia Naşională de Cadastru, alături de Sevil Shhaideh, actualul vicepremier), Ramona Zena Petcu (şefa de cabinet a lui Horia Ţuţuianu, preşedintele Consiliului Judeţean Constanţa), Ionela Stoian (secretar general în Ministerul Dezvoltării, minister în conducerea căruia se afla şi în mandatul Elenei Udrea, martoră în procesul de corupţie „Gala Bute”) şi Florin Gheorghe.
Un mandat, patru partide
Florin Gheorghe este nimeni altul decât fostul deputat constănţean care a bifat nu mai puţin de patru partide politice în cei patru ani de mandat. Fostul lider PDL Constanţa a fost ales deputat în 2012 pe listele acestei formaţiuni, pentru ca, un an mai târziu, să părăsească partidul condus atunci de Vasile Blaga şi să treacă la PMP-ul lui Traian Băsescu. Nu a rezistat nici aici prea mult, pentru că, în 2014, avea să plece din cauza perpetuului război cu Claudiu Palaz, liderul judeţean al partidului. Noua destinaţie a fost UNPR-ul lui Gabriel Oprea, pe care l-a părăsit însă în 2016 pentru a se transfera la PSD, sub motivaţia că face acest lucru pentru a-l ajuta pe prietenul său, Decebal Făgădău, să ajungă primarul Constanţei.
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fiannalover · 4 months
give me 5 fun facts about your kalos OCs, just 5 random facts, can even be about the world
love u
Okay yippie! yay!
1. Serena has been marketing the fuck out of her image. You can find a Lot of officially licensed "Hero of Kalos" merch. She's kind of a ruthless little capitalist (she used the money mostly to keep the Berry Fields and Emma afloat tho)
2. A representative of the Aether Foundation has set up office in Lumiose and is trying to establish proper ground there. Myldrid. Doesn't have a very good opinion of them
3. Wulfric's wife is a Fire Type specialist! She was a full OC for a bit before I found a Canon image in Wulfric's concept art
4. Zena's favorite fairytale is "The Ugly Duckling"... sort of.
5. Huon's family has a pet Rolycoly, Zena's has a Buizel and Durandal's has a Swablu.
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fiannalover · 10 months
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Using EnStars' picrew for (non EnStars) OCs
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fiannalover · 10 months
Sun moon stars. All of them, got it
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Zena Florine, Durandal Genji, Huon Carbon, Pokemon OCs.
Moon - Sun - Stars
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Ruby, Melieu, Bia, which I blatantly stole to make DnD Charas.
Sun - Moon - Stars
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John Arc, Lancelot ua Duibhne, Medeia Camille, Original Setting OCs. They're actually from different settings, even, but I like to group them together because they fit well (and Medeia has universal crossover rights)
Sun - Moon - Stars (Medeia has Dualities)
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fiannalover · 4 days
I couldn't fit every girl I wanted to talk about in the poll so let's have some more random Fian girls here!
- Edna Pontellier (The Awakening): I read it for my Masters entrance exam. It's a damn good book.
- Cagalli Yula Athha (Gundam SEED): nothing but respect for MY representative. Girl so powerful the writers spent 20 years figuring out what the fuck to do with her. Queen.
- Amane & Juliet: My CyGames girlies... MVPs of Light Teams past. Amane was my very first Dragalia Chara, Juliet was a SSR I got super early on the GBF Rupee Gacha. They're here for the real ones to recognize.
- Shiki Ryougi: Was cut from the poll since Jeanne was already representing the wider Nasuverse. Kara no Kyoukai remains my favorite movie and anime tho, she's a great girl and I hope she and Mikiya are having a great marriage.
- Anzu (Ensemble Stars) : I won't be stopped from grabbing self-insert protagonists like they're squeaky toys just because this one is a girl.
- Hope Alanzi: back in the day, she was my fav XCX girl, but when I made the poll, I picked Elma instead... Exposure bias, maybe?
- Krile Mayer Baldieson (FF V) I loved her since she blew up a wall and tasered the big bad.
- Zena Florine/Medeia Camille: OC Girlies! Heya!
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fiannalover · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Tagged by @mountainashfae! Sending it ahead to @marquesspm, @tlozypaka-tina and @misecinn
Favorite OC: Medeia Camille, my little overcompetent Potion Maker.
Newest OC: uuuuuuh, I think Viana Asclepias, pokémon game verse therapist, specialist in poison antidotes and the like. Pastoria native from a family used to the Great Marsh mons.
Oldest OC: Medeia again! My oldest girl, she's from my The Sims 3 high school phases. Which is also why she gets crossover privileges dibs.
Meanest OC: I'm too much of a softie normie to properly write non villain mean people /half-j. Gonna go with Faris, my fair youth. The sadism drips from him with ease if he doesn't like you enough.
Also, my b for the fact you're lucky if you so much as saw him being namedropped once before.
Softest OC: Conversely, this is tough competition, but gonna go with Zena Florine... winning a close race with like at least 2 others because she does not physically fight people.
Most aloof/standoffish OC: Tempo Reis. He's still learning how to Not Accidentally Be Rude to people who aren't, like, hiring him, so generally keeps to himself most of the time.
Melieu has been dragged Out of this against his will. it is being painful.
Dumbest (affectionate) OC: They are all dumb and smart in different ways, is what I feel like saying... think I'm gonna go with Ruby, out of you know, The Religious/Paladin-ness.
Smartest OC: Oh, Myldrid. He's a pokémon professor. So much multidisciplinarity.
Horniest OC: shrug
OC you'd be best friends with irl: ... Medeia. Friendly, outspoken, will speak to you in an equal level, no major trauma issues, fun hobbies, writer. She has it all!
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