#zelensky government in exile in poland
mitchipedia · 2 years
The exiled chief rabbi of Moscow says Jews should get out while they can. [The Guardian/Stephen Burgen]
Pinchas Goldschmidt says that, historically in Russia and the USSR, when things go bad, the government scapegoats Jews.
Jews have been fleeing Russia for a century. In 1926, there were 2.7 million Jews in the USSR, 59% of whom were in Ukraine. “Today only about 165,000 Jews remain in the Russian Federation out of a total population of 145 million.”
My own grandparents bugged out of Eastern Europe around 1900. Poland on my father’s side, Lithuania on my mother’s.
Ukraine has a long history of antisemitism from pogroms at the end of the 19th century to facilitating Nazi massacres during the second world war. The most notorious of these was the murder of 33,000 Jews at Babi Yar in Kyiv in 1941.
Given this history, Goldschmidt said it was remarkable that Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who made no secret of his Jewishness, was elected Ukraine’s president with more 70% of the vote.
That fact made a nonsense of Vladimir Putin’s claim that Ukraine was being governed by neo-Nazis, the rabbi said. “Show me another country that is in the grip of Nazis where the Jewish community is thriving.
“However, I don’t know how Jewish the president [Zelenskiy] feels. He plays the Jewish card to ask Israel for help.”
I imagine Zelensky’s Jewishness is much the same as my own. I am not observant, nor do I have a religious preference in my associations. But am I Jewish? Hell, yeah.
Goldschmidt also noted that while Russia’s Jews faced an uncertain future, antisemitism was on the rise in what had long been seen as a Jewish sanctuary, the US.
In 2018, a gunman killed 11 worshippers in a Pittsburgh synagogue. Last year the Anti-Defamation League recorded a record 2,717 antisemitic incidents in the US, ranging from assault and harassment to vandalism.
“For many years, Jews in the US believed that it was an exception, that whatever happened in Europe and other countries could never happen there,” Goldschmidt said. “But over the past three years there have been more attacks on Jews there than in Europe.
I have not been alarmed by the rise of anti-Semitism in the US. It still seems like a lunatic fringe. But perhaps I should be alarmed.
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
News Roundup 6/26/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 6/26/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
On Thursday, a group of Republicans introduced a bill in the House and Senate that would reaffirm NATO’s Article 5 does not override congressional war powers. The effort was led by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Reps. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Warren Davidson (R-OH). AWC
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Thursday told the House Armed Services Committee that he wants to give President Biden the authority to intervene militarily in Cuba to “take out” Chinese assets that are allegedly on the island. AWC
Russia’s Wagner Group has called off its march on Moscow and agreed to stand down after launching a two-day mutiny and seizing a military base in the city of Rostov-on-Don. AWC
The House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday passed a resolution to pressure President Biden to escalate US involvement in the Ukraine war by supplying Kyiv with longer-range missiles. AWC
President Biden warned Monday that the threat of Russian President Vladimir Putin using tactical nuclear weapons is “real.” AWC
The Pentagon on Tuesday claimed that an “accounting error” has freed up an additional $6.2 billion to spend on military aid for Ukraine. AWC
Ukrainian officials are still pushing for a commitment on Kyiv’s potential NATO membership at the alliance’s upcoming July summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. AWC
The US weapons maker Lockheed Martin says it is “standing by” to help Ukrainians fly and maintain F-16 fighter jets once NATO countries finalize their plans to provide Kyiv with the aircraft. AWC
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Tuesday that the Russian military has information that shows Ukraine is plotting to attack Crimea with US-provided HIMARS rocket systems and British-provided Storm Shadow cruise missiles. AWC
A group of Belarusian exiles is receiving training in Poland to prepare for a day when they return to Belarus to take on the government of President Alexander Lukashenko, The Times reported on Sunday. AWC
The New York Times reported Monday that the US and its Western allies have shipped weapons to Ukraine that were broken and needed repair or were only useful for spare parts. AWC
A Pentagon official has told Congress that controversial cluster munitions Ukraine has been seeking from the US would be “useful” to Ukrainian forces on the battlefield. AWC
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will travel to Denmark this weekend for a meeting organized by Ukraine that is expected to be attended by officials from several countries that have remained neutral on the war, including India, China, South Africa, and Brazil. AWC
Russian officials said Thursday that a bridge in northern Crimea that connects to Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine’s Kherson Oblast was damaged by a Ukrainian missile strike. AWC
Western officials told CNN that Ukraine’s bloody counteroffensive is “not meeting expectations on any front” as Ukrainian forces are struggling to break through Russia’s defenses. AWC
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that Ukraine’s counteroffensive is going “slower than desired” as Ukrainian forces have made little progress and are taking heavy losses. AWC
Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced $1.3 billion in new economic aid for Kyiv at a meeting on Ukraine’s reconstruction held in London, known as the Ukraine Recovery Conference. AWC
Two US B-1B Lancer bombers arrived in Sweden this week as Stockholm is awaiting entry into NATO. According to the US military, it marks the first time US bombers landed in the Nordic nation. AWC
Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said Saturday that training for Ukrainian pilots on US-made F-16 fighter jets should begin next month. AWC
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a bill last week banning the import of books produced in Russia or printed in the Russian language. The new law is Kiev’s latest escalation in its extensive effort to eliminate Russian culture in Ukraine. The Insitute
Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive has been underway for over two weeks, and Kiev has little to show for the loss of life and military equipment expended the in the operations. The Institute
Several US media outlets have reported that US intelligence was aware Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was planning to take military action against Russia’s defense establishment before his short-lived uprising began on Friday. AWC
Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggested on Sunday that the US was expecting more unrest in Russia following Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin’s two-day uprising. AWC
President Biden on Tuesday called Chinese President Xi Jinping a “dictator” just one day after Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with the Chinese leader in Beijing. AWC
The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that Beijing and Havana are negotiating to establish a joint military training facility in Cuba, something the report acknowledged China would be exploring as a response to further US military entrenchment in Taiwan. AWC
 Taiwanese military experts will join US and Japanese analysts in conducting war game simulations for a potential conflict with China in the Taiwan Strait, The South China Morning Post reported Monday. AWC
The Taiwanese Defense Ministry said that eight Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) warplanes came close to Taiwan’s contiguous zone, which extends 24 nautical miles off the island’s coast. AWC
The Chinese government summoned the US ambassador in Beijing to lodge a formal complaint over President Biden calling Chinese President Xi Jinping a “dictator,” The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. AWC
The commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz said Chinese vessels and planes that he encountered during a seven-month deployment in the western Pacific were “very polite and very professional.” AWC
A US Coast Guard cutter made a rare solo transit through the Taiwan Strait on June 20, which came a day after Secretary of State Antony Blinken concluded his two-day visit to Beijing. AWC
Two US B-52 bombers arrived in Indonesia on Monday, marking the first time the nuclear-capable aircraft landed in the Southeast Asian nation as the US is looking to beef up its military presence in the region to prepare for a future war with China. AWC
The Taiwanese Defense Ministry said that eight Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) warplanes came close to Taiwan’s contiguous zone, which extends 24 nautical miles off the island’s coast. AWC
The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan docked in Da Nang, Vietnam, on Sunday for a six-day visit to the country amid rising tensions between the US and China in the region. AWC
The arrival of a large US nuclear-powered submarine in South Korea was a “dress rehearsal” for the docking of a nuclear-armed submarine, Nikkei Asia reported Monday. AWC
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan met with his Iranian counterpart in Tehran on Saturday and signaled Riyadh is open to a naval alliance with Tehran, an idea recently put forward by Iran’s navy chief. AWC
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December 30, 2022
DEC 31
Just a year ago, we were focusing on Russian troops massing on the border with Ukraine, which the U.S. government and allies recognized as an attempt both to keep Ukraine from joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a longstanding military alliance resisting Russian expansion, and to test the unity of the democratic nations that made up NATO itself. Former president Donald Trump had weakened NATO and vowed to pull the U.S. out of it if he won a second term, demoralizing our allies, but Democratic president Joe Biden and his secretary of state, Antony Blinken, had worked hard to pull the alliance back together.
Biden worked the phones and Blinken flew around the world, talking to allies not only to warn them but also to get pledges to pressure Russia, help Ukraine defend itself, and accept refugees if necessary. On one day alone, Biden spoke with leaders from the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Poland, and Romania; the secretary general of NATO; and the presidents of the European Union.
Biden and Blinken anticipated Putin’s pretenses for an invasion of Ukraine and publicized them, taking away from the Russian president a key propaganda lever. Along with their allies, they warned they would respond to any invasion of Ukraine with heavy economic sanctions that would crush the Russian economy. This was a threat many observers met with skepticism, since sanctions imposed after Russia’s 2014 invasion and subsequent occupation of Ukraine had not been strong enough to force Putin to a reckoning.
On February 4, Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping met in Beijing and pledged mutual support and cooperation, issuing a statement saying their authoritarian regimes were actually a form of democracy. On the same day, the Republican National Committee (RNC), meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, censured Representatives Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) for joining the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol. That attack was an attempt to overturn our democratic form of government by installing a candidate rejected by voters, but the RNC defended the events surrounding January 6 as “ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse” and attacked the investigation as “persecution.”
It appeared that a global authoritarian movement was coalescing for an attack on liberal democracy and that the leaders of the Republican Party were on the side of the authoritarians. The United Nations was formed after World War II to protect the idea of a rules-based international order so that countries would not unilaterally attack each other for their own advantage and start wars. If Russia, a member of the U.N. were allowed to violate the fundamental principle that had preserved relative peace in Europe since World War II, there was no telling what might come next.
And then, on February 24, 2022, Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, a country that had fought Russian invaders since 2014 but was clearly—everyone knew—no match for Russia’s powerful military. Recent reports show that Russian leaders expected the assault to take ten days. Ukraine’s best hope was to get President Volodymyr Zelensky to safety to preserve the Ukrainian government-in-exile.
But then, something surprising happened.
When the U.S. offered to evacuate Zelensky, he said: “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.” Within days, he and his cabinet had recorded a video from Kyiv, demonstrating that the Ukrainian government was still in Kyiv and would fight to protect their country. Ukrainians defied the invaders as the U.S., NATO, the European Union, and allies around the globe rushed in money, armaments, and humanitarian aid. In Brussels, London, Paris, Munich, Dublin, and Geneva, and across the globe, people took to the streets to protest the invasion and show their support for the resisters.
In their fight for their right to self-determination, the Ukrainians and their defenders reminded the United States what cherishing democracy actually looks like.
Meanwhile, at home, the administration and Congress showed Americans that the government could, indeed, help ordinary people. In his first year in office, Biden and the Democrats had passed the American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion package to jump-start the economy after the lockdowns of the coronavirus pandemic. Together with Republicans, they had also passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, more popularly known as the bipartisan infrastructure law, which invested in long-overdue repairs and extensions to the country’s road, bridges, broadband, and other hard infrastructure.
But with just 50 votes in the Senate, Democrats had to get all their senators on board for more legislation, and it appeared that they would not be able to do that in 2022. As global post-lockdown inflation hit the U.S., it both made lawmakers cautious about more spending and seemed to give Republicans a ready-made tool to attack Biden and the Democrats before the upcoming midterm election.
It was at this juncture that the hard work of knowing how to negotiate, something we had become unused to seeing in Washington, paid off. Over the spring and summer, Democrats worked with Republicans when possible to build the economy not through the supply-side theories of the Republicans, which say that freeing capital at the top of the economy by cutting taxes will spur wealthy investors to create jobs, but by creating jobs and easing costs for wage workers.
They shepherded through Congress the PACT Act, expanding healthcare and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits; the CHIPs and Science Act, to bolster U.S. scientific research and manufacturing, especially of silicone chips; and the Inflation Reduction Act, which makes historic investments in clean energy and finally lets Medicare negotiate drug prices (which will cap insulin for Medicare participants at $35). They passed an expansion of the Affordable Care Act that has dropped the rate of those without health insurance to a new low of 8 percent.
They passed the Respect for Marriage Act, requiring states to recognize marriages performed in other states, and reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act, which had languished since 2018. It passed the most significant gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years. The administration also announced debt relief of up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants.
Finally, just yesterday, Biden signed into law an omnibus funding bill that includes a reform of the Electoral Count Act, making it harder for a Trumplike president to use the terms of the law to overturn an election. There were key measures left undone—neither voting rights protections nor the childcare, eldercare, and education infrastructure package Biden wanted passed—but the list of accomplishments for this Congress rivaled that of the 1960s’ Great Society and the 1930s’ New Deal.
Meanwhile, the reactionary Republicans illustrated exactly what their rule would mean for the country, and it was not popular. On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health decision overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized reproductive healthcare as a constitutional right. Immediately, stories of raped children unable to obtain abortions and women unable to obtain healthcare during miscarriages horrified the 62% of Americans who supported Roe v. Wade and even many of those who did not support Roe but had never really thought that the U.S. government would cease to recognize a constitutional right that had been on the books for almost 50 years.
The justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, including the three Trump added to the court, had publicly assured senators they would not challenge settled law—a key principle of jurisprudence—and their willingness to do so indicated they intended for their ideology to replace legal precedent. Just days after the Dobbs decision, in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, the court decided that the EPA does not have the authority to regulate greenhouse gases because Congress cannot delegate “major questions” to be decided by the executive branch. This doctrine threatens to undermine government regulation.
The court went on to fulfill a right-wing wish list, deciding a number of cases that slashed at the separation of church and state, expanded gun rights, and so on.
At the same time the court’s decisions were making the right wing’s plans for the country clear, the January 6th committee’s public hearings exposed the deliberate plan to overthrow our democracy. Led by chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and vice chair Liz Cheney, the committee used shocking videos and powerful testimony primarily from Trump’s own relatives and appointees and other Republican officials to show how Trump and his cronies planned even before the election to claim that Democrats had stolen victory, and then had used that Big Lie to inflame supporters to keep him in office.
Inflation, though starting to ease, was still high enough in November that political pundits expected the Republicans would sweep back into control of Congress. Instead, despite gerrymandering and the new voting restrictions many Republican-dominated states had imposed in response to the Big Lie, voters put Republicans in control of the House by only four seats. For the first time since 1934, the president’s party did not lose a seat in the Senate in a midterm election; instead, the Democrats picked one up.
At the end of 2022, more than 300 days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, what seemed a year ago to be the growing power of authoritarianism appears to have been checked. Finland and Sweden took steps to join NATO, while the Biden administration expanded its work with Europe and traditional allies by pointedly nurturing partnerships in the Indo-Pacific and Africa, investing in those regions as both Russia and China have had to pull back.
At least so far, the rules-based international order is holding. Putin’s military, which a number of right-wing Republicans had championed as more powerful than that of the democratic U.S., turns out to have been poorly trained and ill equipped as Putin’s cronies siphoned money from military contracts to funnel into expensive homes and yachts in other countries. And the Ukrainians turned out to have trained heavily and well, especially in logistics, and to be determined to fight on to victory.
The Russian economy is reeling from global sanctions, and in its troubles, Russia has turned to Iran, which is also suffering under sanctions and which has provided drones for the war in Ukraine. But Iran, too, is facing protests at home from women and girls no longer willing to obey the country’s discriminatory laws.
China’s economy is also weaker than it seemed, owing to changing supply chains, a real-estate bust, and increasing dislocations first from a zero-Covid policy that prompted extreme lockdowns, and now from the easing of those restrictions that has turned the virus loose to ravage the country.
The crisis of democracy in the United States is not over, not by a long shot. Anti-semitism and anti-LGBTQ violence rose this year, along with white supremacist violence and gun violence, while a right-wing theocratic movement continues to try to garner power. Wealth and its benefits remain badly distributed in this country, and the ravages of climate change are getting worse. Those things– and others– are real and dangerous.
But the country looks very different today than it did a year ago. I ended last year’s wrap-up letter by saying: “It looks like 2022 is going to be a choppy ride, but its outcome is in our hands. As Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), who was beaten almost to death in his quest to protect the right to vote, wrote to us when he passed: ‘Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part.’”
The story of 2022 turned out to be how many folks both abroad and at home stepped up to the plate.
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opedguy · 2 years
Lavrov Sets Conditions for Peace Talks
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Dec. 26, 2022.--Russia’s 72-year-old Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said today that Ukraine knows Russia’s conditions for peace talks, something 70-year-old Russian President said in March.  Putin told Ukraine’s 44-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky that accept Donetsk and Luhansk as independent, recognize the Crimean Peninsula as sovereign part of Russia.  Zelensky rejected Putin’s offer, making clear he would work with the U.S. to vanquish the Russian military and topple Putin’s regime.  One month after the Russian invasion March 26, President Joe Biden, 80, told an audience in Warsaw, Poland that Putin should no longer remain Russian president. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, 69, followed up April 26 in Ramstein, Germany saying that the aim of the U.S. war in Ukraine was to degrade the Russian military to the point it could no longer wage war.  Austin’s words confirmed U.S. intent.
Once the U.S. threw its lot in Ukraine’s war against the Kremlin, the military response to Moscow was no longer defensive in nature but a blatant offensive strategy to topple the Putin government.  Kremlin officials recognized while Ukrainian troops fought with U.S. weapons, the U.S. role was one of a proxy war to use Ukrainian troops to fight a proxy war in Ukraine.  “Our proposals for the demilitarization and denazification of the territories controlled by the regime, the elimination of threats to Russia’s security emanating from there, including our new lands, are well known to the enemy,” Lavrov said.  Zelensky rejects the “denazification” of Ukraine as because he happens to be of Jewish ancestry.  When it comes to “demilitarization,” Lavrov makes a good point about Kiev given unlimited cash-and-arms by the U.S. to fight a determined proxy war against the Kremlin.
U.N. Secretary-General Anthony Guterres, 73, said the Ukraine War presents a real risk of WW III or nuclear war on the European Continent.  All EU countries should be concerned that the longer the Ukraine War goes, the greater the chance of miscalculation, mishap or error that could trigger a nuclear exchange.  Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, 57, now head of Russia’s Security Council, said that the only thing that stops an all-out NATO assault is Russian nuclear deterrence.  Whether that’s true or not, the EU and NATO should tell Biden that the Ukraine War has gone on for too long, especially promising to give Kiev more lethal weapons.  Biden agreed to supply Kiev with Patriot Missiles, something designed to escalate the conflict, not lead to ceasefire and peace talks.  EU and NATO officials need to tell Biden that things have gone far enough.
Lavrov made a point to Kiev that if Zelensky wants peace, he needs to take the peace process seriously, not set rigid conditions that would prolong the war indefinitely. Zelensky, with Biden’s cash-and-arms, still thinks he can break the Russian military, something not seen by any military expert. “The point is simple.  Fulfill them for your own good.  Othersise, the issue will be decided by the Russian military.”  Lavrov wants Kiev to know that if they want the bombing to stop destroying Ukraine’s infrastructure and driving it population into exile, then the peace process is the way out.  “The ball is in the regime’s court and Washington behind it,” Lavrov said, putting Kiev on notice that they can’t dictate the terms of any ceasefire and peace talks. Putin has said on more than one occasion that he’s ready to negotiate, just not accept Zelensky’s 10-point peace plan requiring Russian troops to leave Ukraine.
Putin serves notice that the Kremlin is reevaluating it “no first use” strategy when it comes to using nuclear weapons.  Putin noted that the U.S. used a preemptive strategy when it went to war in Iraq.  So, when it comes to using nuclear weapons, Putin said he’s considering a new first-use strategy to protect Russia’s homeland.  Putin sees the Russian homeland as under siege by the U.S. and NATO and wants security guarantees in any peace talks with Ukraine.  Kiev demands that Russia pay for all the damage done to Ukraine over the last 11 months, something Moscow rejects.  Putin told Zelensky in March that he could avoid a drawn out war by accepting Donetsk and Luhanak as indpendent and Crimea as Russian sovereign territory.  Zelensky wants Russia out of Ukraine or it will continue fighting until the last Russian soldier has been expelled from Ukraine.
Putin said the U.S. must modify its “preemptive strike” strategy or Russia will follow suit, whether it involves nukes or not.  “They [the U.S.] have it in their strategy, in the documents spelled out—a preemptive blow, Putin said a press conference in Krygyzstan.  “We don’t.  We on the other hand, have formulate a retaliatory strike in our strategy,” Putin said, currently under review.  “So, if we’re talking about this disarming strike, then maybe think about adopting the best practices of our American partners and ther ideas for ensuring their security,” Putin said.  “We’re just thinking about it.” Guterres has heard enough from Putin and Biden, continuing to saber-rattle at the expense of European security.  Guterres wants Biden to reconsider his proxy war against the Russian Federation and find a way to move the conflict from the battlefield to the peace table for the good of humanity.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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granddreamerkingdom · 3 years
यूक्रेन में गिरी जेलेंस्‍की सरकार तो अमेरिका तैयार कर रहा प्‍लान बी, रूस से गुरिल्‍ला जंग की तैयारी
यूक्रेन में गिरी जेलेंस्‍की सरकार तो अमेरिका तैयार कर रहा प्‍लान बी, रूस से गुरिल्‍ला जंग की तैयारी
कीव यूक्रेन में रूसी सेना के जोरदार हमलों के बीच अब अमेरिका ने वोलोदमयर जेलेंस्‍की की सरकार को बचाए रखने के लिए प्‍लान बी पर काम करना शुरू कर दिया है। अमेरिका एक प्‍लान तैयार कर रहा है जिसके तहत रूसी सेना के कब्‍जा होने के बाद भी यूक्रेन की जेलेंस्‍की सरकार पोलैंड से चलती रहेगी। अमेरिका ने यह प्‍लान बी ऐसे समय पर तैयार किया है जब रूसी सेना यूक्रेन पर तेजी से बढ़त बना रही है।अमेरिकी अखबार वॉशिंगटन…
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kayla1993-world · 2 years
Aside from his well-publicized gaffe on Russian President Vladimir Putin's power, President Biden's speech in Poland this weekend followed the same song sheet that his administration and NATO have been singing from for the duration of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It was a national embarrassment before the invasion when the U.S. government offered to facilitate Zelensky's leadership in exile, and he responded to the global media, I need ammunition, not a ride.
Our strategic approach to appease Putin has been similarly weak and unwise. It is no secret that Putin only speaks the language of strength. So when Biden stated before the invasion that he would not even consider troop deployments to Ukraine, he lost all strategic leverage.
Additionally, Ukraine is winning. Russia recently announced a halt to its advance on Kyiv, claiming that the Donbass region was its only aim all along. It is clear to many that Russia's staggering losses are giving it pauses.
Exceeding the expectations of our best intelligence estimates, the brave Ukrainian nation is making a stand against Putin--who may be the worst war criminal and threat to world peace since Adolph Hitler.
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cleardeersong · 3 years
US and Europe weigh plans for Ukrainian government in exile
(CNN)US and European officials have been discussing how the West would support a government in exile helmed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky should he have to flee Kyiv, Western officials told CNN.
The discussions have ranged from supporting Zelensky and top Ukrainian officials in a potential move to Lviv in western Ukraine, to the possibility that Zelensky and his aides are forced to flee Ukraine altogether and establish a new government in Poland, the officials said.
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don-lichterman · 3 years
US and Europe weigh plans for Ukrainian government in exile
US and Europe weigh plans for Ukrainian government in exile
The discussions have ranged from supporting Zelensky and top Ukrainian officials in a potential move to Lviv in western Ukraine, to the possibility that Zelensky and his aides are forced to flee Ukraine altogether and establish a new government in Poland, the officials said. The discussions are only preliminary and no decisions have been made, the sources said. Western officials have also been…
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zellanews · 3 years
US and Europe weigh plans for Ukrainian government in exile - ZellaNews
US and Europe weigh plans for Ukrainian government in exile – ZellaNews
The discussions have ranged from supporting Zelensky and top Ukrainian officials in a potential move to Lviv in western Ukraine, to the possibility that Zelensky and his aides are forced to flee Ukraine altogether and establish a new government in Poland, the officials said. The discussions are only preliminary and no decisions have been made, the sources said. Western officials have also been…
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opedguy · 2 years
Russia Captures City of Lysychansk
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), July 3, 2022.--Capturing the strategic Donbas city of Lysychansk today, the Russian Federation gets closer to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim to the peoples republics of Donetsk and Luhansk.  Ukraine’s 45-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky continues to make excuses while his sovereign state has been partitioned, land-locking Kiev, taking the entire Black Sea coast and all its ports.  President Joe Biden, 79, made a colossal political calculation believing his own nonsense that he, with Ukraine’s help, could vanquish the Russian army.  Well, since Biden told  the world in Warsaw, Poland March 26 that Putin should not remain in power, Biden pushed Zelensky to take on the Russian Federation.  When Putin offered to end the conflict March 16, he said he had only a few conditions, including Kiev recognizing the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk and Russia sovereignty over Crimea.
Zelensky, flush with billions in U.S. cash and unlimited weapons, grossly miscalculated, telling Putin March 16 that Ukraine would fight for every inch of Ukrainian territory.  Well, before the Feb. 24 invasion, Zelensky had no control of Donetsk and Luhansk, certainly not Crimea.  So, under Biden’s orders, Zelensky has cost Ukraine over 25% of Ukraine’s sovereign territory, but, more importantly, letting Putin destroy Ukraine’s infrastructure, driving some 15 million residents into exile.  When you look back at it, what cosmic temerity of Biden and Zelensky taking on the Russian Federation. It didn’t take long for the Kremlin to figure out, the Ukraine War morphed into a U.S. proxy war, using Ukrainian troops, against the Russian Federation.  Biden said July 1 in Madrid, that the American public must sacrifice more, get used to high gas prices for the foreseeable future.
Biden’s asinine plan was outlined April 26 in Ramstein, Germany by 69-year-old Defense Secretary Lloyd Austion, telling the world—and the Kremlin—that the aim of the war was to degrade the Russian army to the point it could no longer wage war.  Well, if that’s not a declaration of war against Moscow, then what is?  Zelensky lost Sievierdonetsk last week, a city Zelensky said Ukraine must hold. But in a week’s time, Zelensky has lost more sovereign territory, it what’s turned into Kremlin rout.  Once Biden let the Kremlin know he aimed at getting rid of Putin, the war started in earnest, with the Russian Army focusing on completing the takeover of the Black Sea coast and all Ukraine’s ports.  Zelensky and Biden never talk about Ukraine’s losses, worried that the European Union [EU] and NATO would push Ukraine to the peace table, knowing the undeniable losses.
Members of the U.S.. Congress, on both sides of the aisle, oddly agree with Biden’s suicide mission in Ukraine.  Like Syria, the last proxy war Biden and his boss former President Barack Obama attempted at a cost of billions and 500,000 lives in Syria, the Ukraine War is another total failure for the U.S.  But worst than the loss of prestige for the Pentagon, the war wreaked untold misery to Ukraine for no reason.  Biden didn’t have to supply Ukraine with unlimited lethal weapons and cash with which to battle the Russian Federation.  Biden’s now painted himself in a corner for the remainder of his term, pouring endless amounts of cash into Ukraine, including paying all government salaries, including Zelensky’s.  You’d think watching Lysychansk fall today, members of the EU and U.S. should tell Biden that the conflict must move to the peace table.  There’s no saving face for Ukraine or the U.S.
Putin isn’t going to give back the lost territory anytime soon.  Zelensky would be forced into the realization that he has zero leverage in any peace talks, realizing that he’s lost the war badly.  Zelensky make excuse-after-excuse about why the Russian army has seized so much strategic Ukraine territory.  Zelensky’s 40-year-old Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba keeps harping on Putin’s alleged terminal illness or the fact that all Ukraine needs is more deadly weapons to defend its territory.  In reality, Putin has an answer for every new weapon or missile defense system provided by Norway or the Pentagon. ”We cannot give you the final judgment.  Lysychansk is still being fought for,” Zelensky said July 2.  Zelensky never admits when Ukraine loses territory, worried that world powers, including the U.S. and EU, would pressure him to quit fighting and negotiate and end at the peace table in Istanbul.
Zelensky knows that his head is on the chopping block for losing so much sovereign territory to the Russian Federation.  Instead of using some common sense, Zelensky listened to Biden, whose Defense and Statement have much to loose heading into the November Midterm elections.  Biden’s approval ratings can’t get much worse, but day-to-day they continue to plunge, now at 38.4% aggregate.  U.S. and EU leaders are starting to figure out that Biden’s Ukraine war has driven the worst inflation in 40 years, all because of boycotting Russia oil and expect the Western Alliance to suffer with U.S. consumers.  Biden thought he could slap Putin with crippling economic sanctions but found out that the BRICS economic bloc, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have no problem buying discounted Russian oil. Putin survived Biden’s crippling sanctions and now sells more oil and natural gas than ever.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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survivalplan1 · 3 years
Ukrainian President Blames Russia for Attack on Holocaust Memorial
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Ukrainian President Blames Russia for Attack on Holocaust Memorial
The country of Ukraine is located in Eastern Europe. The country borders Russia on the north and east and Poland to the west. It is one of the largest in terms of area in Europe. It has a population of more than 48 million and is the second most populous after the United States. It has numerous historical landmarks, such as the former Soviet Union’s Minsk nuclear reactor. It is a place of great contrasts, with varying ethnicities, religions, and economic conditions.
Women in Ukraine face severe restrictions and oppression, from suffocation to political exile. Many are mothers of conscripts or followers of the Ukrainian nationalist leader Alexei Navalny, who is rotting in jail and most likely being tortured. The sanctions have been devastating for the Ukrainian economy, and women will be paying the price for years to come. Fortunately, there are many hopeful signs that the government of Ukraine is making the right decision.
The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is a Jew, and his family was killed in the Holocaust. The Ukrainian military is currently bombing the Babi Yar memorial complex in Kyiv, a city where more than 33,000 Jews were massacred in 1941 by SS forces. A tweet from the Ukrainian president slammed Russia for the attack, and called for the creation of a UN body that would hold Russia accountable for the invasion of Ukraine.
The Ukraine has a multi-level, multi-party system. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people and the parliament is composed of 450 seats. The parliament, or Sejm, has the authority to appoint the head of the Security Service. While the parliament has jurisdiction over the executive branch, the President retains authority over the nomination of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers. The government has also been working to address other issues, such as the terrorism of Russian émigrés in Ukraine.
The Ukrainian president is a Russian speaker with no prior political experience. His election was a sham because he promised to resolve the conflict with separatists in the east of the country. In addition, he also promised to end the war with Russia, which has taken the lives of more than 14,000 people. In fact, many Ukrainians are now preparing for a war with Russia. This is why Putin is threatening to invade the Ukraine.
The Ukraine has rich natural resources. The country exports sunflower oil and sunflower seeds. It is also one of the biggest suppliers of agricultural products. The country has a seaport and an international airport. There is also a national railway. The international airport is located in Kiev. The seaport has a passenger terminal, grain terminal, container loading quays, and more. With these infrastructures, Ukrainians can transport goods to and from the rest of the world.
Ukraine is a large country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest European nation after Russia. It is 603,628 square kilometres in size and has a 2,782 km coastline. The capital Kiev is located in the east. The country is divided into three regions. The region includes Crimea and Odessa. The two regions are connected by the railways. During the Orange Revolution, Ukrainians were able to vote for a new leader.
The country has a unique landscape. The country is mostly flat, with few soaring mountains. The only mountains in Ukraine are the Carpathian Mountains in the west. These mountains are the highest point in the country. The area is home to the Ukrainian stork. The soaring bird is the national bird of the Crimea. The only frogs native to the area are blackbirds and owls. They nest in the forest and are common and often found in large numbers.
The country’s economy is a major factor in its struggle. Despite its military prowess, Ukraine is also home to untapped rare earth elements and a vast reserve of gas. However, the situation is still not a clear cut for the country’s economy. The EU should support its citizens to achieve their goals and avoid any unnecessarily censored content. This article outlines some of the main factors that affect the country’s economic climate.
The post Ukrainian President Blames Russia for Attack on Holocaust Memorial appeared first on Survival-Plan.com.
source http://survival-plan.com/ukrainian-president-blames-russia-for-attack-on-holocaust-memorial/
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