#zelda spellman x mambo marie
caossource · 2 years
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italymystery-swanqueen · 10 months
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danisnotmyname · 8 months
Hi! I thought I another prompt if you want! Zelda doesn't turn Lilith away when she asks for help. Lilith gets jealous of Marie getting Zelda's attention and affection and starts acting out and causing scenes to pull any of Zelda's attention on herself. Zelda and Lilith are clueless about their real feelings, why Lilith doing it, why Zelda's quick to fix whatever happened even when she's not needed. It's obvious to everyone else and finally someone snaps they can't take it anymore and they need to go on a date already. Mortification, blushing, denial, angst, acceptance, locked room, whatever you want! 😁
Here you go anon. I'm sorry that it turned out to be SO different.
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candescentclitoria · 4 years
What About You? What About Me?
Pairing: Zelda Spellman x Reader, Other Character x Reader.
Warnings: Does unrequited love count? Cause that shit hurts.
Co-Writer/Editor: @empatheticroses​
A/N: This took a long while mainly because my friend and I had classes up our asses.
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You had been pining after her for years. Two, to be exact, but it felt like an eternity with how your attempts to let her know had been disregarded. Specifically, when you would do little things to help her work as the Unholy Choir’s director—bringing her cups of crisp cold water, sometimes cups of hot tea when she had a sore throat. When you would visit the Spellman residence, just to see more of her and to say ‘hi’ to the family, you would help her tidy up, make her drinks, tiny snacks; even helping to clean up after dinner. Your help didn’t go unnoticed by the other residence members, who thanked you with either a hug, specifically a Hilda hug, those were the best or a kind tone of voice. 
Whenever Zelda did notice, she would nod and gently pat you on the head. Saying a quiet ‘thank you.’ Perhaps you were petty for wanting more gratitude from the redhead.
Months go by, Zelda was with Marie now, and for a while, you thought you could handle it; and you did for the most part. You were holding it well, all the way up till Hilda and Cee’s wedding reception. After Sabrina had saved the coven from “The Uninvited,” the evening’s festivities continued. Sipping on wine, you innocently looked over, you saw Zelda and Marie kiss, after that, it was over, you had to leave. Tears in your eyes and walking, you accidentally bumped into Hilda. “Darling, what’s wrong?” The blonde asked, her hand gently grasping your forearm. You shook your head, “No, I am fine; I don’t want to ruin your night. I just have to go.” You said, not without looking away at Zelda one last time. Hilda looked at you after you turned your head to her; an understanding look from the blonde was all you needed from her before you left.
Everyone had noticed how you craved the attention and acceptance from the redhead, even her sister. When it came to it, Hilda was your shoulder to lean on when Zelda was seemingly prospering, and you were shriveling, dejection, and hurt filling your soul. When Zelda had married Faustus, you tried your best to support her. Being her friend, you felt you needed it; however, Hilda told you that feeling the way you were, betrayed and hurt, was perfectly fine. 
When Zelda had come back from her Honeymoon under the effects of the Caligari Spell, you tried your best to reach her, yet she pushed you away, saying she had always been that way. When she had the spell broken, you were right by her side, placing a hot cup of tea in front of her. You had pushed yourself to dig your happiness’ grave just to please her, your mental and emotional health pushed to the side to prioritize her’s. To say that you were breaking was an understatement. You were already far gone, broken,  yet you chose to stay, pampering Zelda as she walked off with another. Hilda held you as you sobbed that night, wailing at the heartbreak that consumed you once more. 
Your legs push you to the main foyer of Dorian’s, a quiet ‘lanuae magicae’ leaving your lips as you walk. Your surroundings turn from those of the nightclub to your bedroom; quickly, you move to gather your things, using your magic to finish quicker. Your suitcase, full of your clothes, was ready to be put in your car. Any type of electronic you own is packed separately and carefully. Your bed is stripped of its dark grey sheets and comforter, packed in another suitcase. You were doing it. You were leaving. Finally, after years of pining after Zelda, pampering her every need and want, and your suffering, you were putting yourself first. You decided then and there; you would never let yourself get hurt just to please someone ever again, mainly when they chose not to acknowledge you and your attempts to please them.
Changing your clothes, you place your dress in the suitcase with your clothes, zipping it up and teleporting it to the trunk of your car, your other bags following as well. By now, your trunk and backseat were bound to be full, perhaps even your passenger seat. Walking downstairs, you grab your spare money jar. It was meant for paying bills, but you wouldn’t need to pay them for a while, not until you settled down somewhere else. 
Ten thousand dollars in cash, you had ten thousand dollars. That itself was more than enough combined with your current amount in the bank.
With a small sigh, you turn off all the lights with a wave of your hand, and staring back into the darkness of your living room, you shut the door and leave. Your first stop was the Spellman residence. No one would be home, so it was perfect for you to get in, get out, and leave a note for Hilda. An apology. You apologized for so many things in the letter you had no clue what it was about anymore, just an apology, you supposed.
 Admitting it hadn’t been hard, but you would miss your chaotic adoptive niece, always causing something to happen in Greendale. Ambrose, still having to help her fix the mistakes. Your little, yet highly elder, nephew. His small spouts of wisdom from all his years of living.  Hilda and her kind heart, her ability to calm you down just by existing. And Zelda,  there was so much to miss about her, the snooty remarks, the ways she’d reel you in hook, line, and sinker. She was leaving you deft and dim, leaving you to crack and pour. 
The letter was addressed to Hilda, and you had hoped that she wouldn’t tell Zelda with the begging inside the note. You hoped she would tell Ambrose and Sabrina and tell them not to let Zelda know. You were moving on. That was that. 
What you hadn’t expected when you left and arrived in Scarsdale, a small quaint town outside of Greendale, was to meet a woman. A beautiful, kind, and acknowledging woman. When you had bumped into each other, her coffee spilling all over her, you repeatedly apologized, saying you’d buy her another coffee and pay for her dirty clothes to be cleaned. She nodded and let you guide her to the coffee shop, buying her a replacement drink and a pastry. And then, she asked you on a date. Her name was Edalyn, Eda for short. She was in her thirties, much younger than Zelda, and very foxy. She had bright ginger hair, wild like a lion's mane, yet well kept. Her eyes were very light brown, and in the sun, they were golden. 
Eventually, one date turned into two and two into three. Soon enough, five months of seeing each other passed, and you decide to move in together. Eda herself turned out to be a witch. 
Yes, it did remind you of Zelda, but you had Eda now. You didn’t need Zelda, and you didn’t crave her affections anymore. You desired Eda’s, and she gave it freely. Whenever you would bring her little snacks or drinks, she would kiss your cheek, take your hand and say ‘Thank you.’
When you would bring her lunch for work- dinner if she stayed later than usual- she would pull you into her lap and nuzzle into your neck, mumbling tiny ‘Thank you’s. Fixing her a bath before bed rewarded you with kisses all over your face, tiny ‘I love you’s leaving her throat. Even if you didn’t do anything for her, she would kiss you, whether it was on your cheek, neck, lips.
 This is the affection you always deserved. You reminded yourself.
 Eda fixed you, and she said that you set her as well. 
This is the affection you deserve.
 At night you would cuddle into her arms and fall asleep to the sound of her heartbeat, her chin resting on the top of your head. 
You deserve to heal.
Some days, Hilda would apparate to you, checking in on you. She would kiss your cheek and hug you, telling you that when she finished apparating, she would teleport a basket of pastries to you. She would ask you how you were doing if you had met anyone. You told her you had. You told her how happy Eda made you, how well she treated you. Hilda would smile and place her hands on top of yours, “You deserve every bit of affection she gives to you! So long as you return it!” And you did, you told her. Every time Eda would be affectionate, you would be affectionate back. A smile would cross her face, and she would tear up, “May I say something?” You’d nod. “Zelda is… she’s going nuts dear. She hasn’t heard from you, and she thinks you're just ignoring her. Just be careful alright? You know Zelda, she always does something bizarre when she needs an answer.” You had nodded and Hilda frowned slightly, “I have to go now. Sabrina and Ambrose miss you dearly; we all do. And don’t worry, we haven’t told Zelda what happened.” A small ‘thank you’ left your lips, and you smiled at Hilda. “Bring Sabrina next time, okay? Maybe Ambrose if possible.” She would nod, and then, she would be gone.
The next time she visited you, Sabrina was with her, and Eda was home. Hilda approved of Eda quickly and telling you she, as Sabrina would be right back, they disappeared and reappeared, this time there. Hilda’s warm arms welcomed you, and you teared up as you laid your head against her shoulder. Sabrina moved to wrap her arms around you, and she nuzzled into your shoulder. 
Tears freely flowed down her face, her brown eyes almost shining. “I missed you, Auntie (Y/N).” A shaky, “I missed you too, kid,” escaped your lips, and you kissed her forehead. You turned your head to look at Eda. “Eda, this is Sabrina and Hilda, Hilda, Sabrina, meet Eda.” Hilda had moved to hug her immediately, thanking her for taking care of you. Sabrina shook her head gently, little chuckles escaping her mouth.  After Hilda had finished her ‘thank you’s, she had set out to your kitchen, with yours and Eda’s permission, to cook some dinner.
Sabrina gently put her hand out, “It’s nice to meet you. Auntie (Y/N) talks about you to Aunt Hilda all the time!” Eda chuckled, moving her hand to grips Sabrina’s, “And have I made a good impression?” 
“The best.” Sabrina glanced at you. Your hands were busy making the broth for the soup. “Anyone who makes my Aunts happy has my full approval.” A smile graced Eda’s face, and she looked at you. “I make her that happy?” Sabrina Nodded. “Yeah, My other Aunt, Zelda- the one (Y/N) is in hiding from- held (Y/N)’s affection for a long time. One day she had enough and left, finally choosing her happiness and mental health over someone’s Auntie’s. My Aunt Zelda was foolish not to realize what was in front of her all this time, but it’s too late. (Y/N)’s moved on, she’s happy now, and I can’t thank you enough for helping her fix herself, Ms. Eda.” 
“Thanks, Sabrina; I’m glad I make her that happy.” Sabrina nodded and walked off to the kitchen, leaving Eda to her thoughts. She never knew how happy she made you and the fact that she knew now? She wanted to give you the best life possible, so she promised herself she would.
Eda’s eyes glanced to look at you as you worked beside Hilda. A smile was plastered on your face, and Eda couldn’t help but smile as well. She walked over behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing your cheek. She was whipped for you, no doubt. 
Another thing you hadn’t expected, after being told that Zelda had no clue you had indeed left, was for her to turn up on your doorstep. She looked paler than usual, her hair was the slightest bit frazzled, and her makeup was much more minimal than usual.
“Thank Hecate. I’ve finally found you.” Blinking rapidly, you open your mouth to speak, “How the hell? How did you find me? Who told you where I was?” Shaking her head, she steps past you into the living room. “No one, but that fact that others knew and I didn’t hurt. Let me guess, and you told Hilda, Sabrina, and Ambrose to hide it from me that you left? Am I right?” A small nod is all you can muster up, eyes glancing up into hers. “Well then, it’s time for you to come home. I’ve realized I made many mistakes when it came to you. You’ve been by my side through everything, and I want you as mine.” 
You raise your brows in shock. Is she serious?
 “You’re- You’re joking, right?” You say quietly, fists clenched at your side. “No, I’m not. I realized that I’ve been horrible to you. I didn’t even consider your feelings or your mental health; I’m sorry (Y/N).”
A raspy voice calls out to you, “(Y/N), what’s going on, babe?” 
She rounds the corner and moves to you but stops as she lands her eyes on the redhead. “Who is this?” Closing your eyes tightly, you gently take Eda’s hand. “This is Zelda, Eda. Zelda, this is Eda, my girlfriend.” Zelda’s eyes widen, her hands raise slightly, but she puts them back at her sides. “So you’ve… you’ve taken a lover.” You nod, hand tightening on Eda’s. “Yes, I have.” 
A growl escapes Eda’s lips, and she glares at Zelda, “What the hell are you doing here? After everything you’ve done to her, you have some nerve.” Zelda throws her hands up, stepping back slightly, “Trust me, I have no harmful intentions; I just wish to talk to (Y/N).” You place your hand on Eda's shoulder, shaking your head when she looks at you. Now wasn’t the time for Eda to lash out. Truthfully, Eda always had a temper, letting her anger sometimes get the best of her. She was never abusive in any way, instead she tended just to cry or punch a pillow. Her rage was never brought out on you. 
“What do you want, Zelda? Why’d you come looking for me?” Zelda gently grabs your hand and moves with you to sit down on the couch. “As I said earlier, I’ve realized how I’ve made you feel. Forgotten, unloved, disregarded: like you don’t matter, but you do, I promise. It took me a while to realize that I’m sorry (Y/N). Please, come back with me, give me another chance, and I promise I will make it up to you. I miss you, darling” A scoff leaves your throat, anger slowly taking over your calm mood.
“You’re joking, right? You’ve got to be. Zelda, why do you think I left? I left because you pushed me to the side and treated me like I didn’t matter. You don’t get to make me feel like shit; you don’t get to parade around my house and throw a pity party for yourself. You had every chance to miss me before, miss me when I was at the wedding, miss me when I left early, but you chose to miss me when I moved to Scarsdale and finally found someone that cherished me! Someone that showed me the love and affection I deserved when you wouldn’t do any of that! You have no right to claim that you’re upset when you didn’t notice how much I craved your attention; how much I cried over you! When you married Faustus, when you fell in love with Marie, Hilda held me while I cried because I felt like you didn’t love me. Hilda held me every time I was hurting because of you- and I chose to stay because even though I was in so much emotional pain, I cared about you more than I cared about myself!” Tears come to Zelda’s eyes; her hands clench against her chest. 
“So if anything, fuck you, Zelda Spellman, fuck you for thinking you get to march into my life and confess your love. Go back to Marie; maybe she’ll kiss your ass and make love to you.”
Small sobs fall from Zelda’s lips, her form starts to shake, and she wraps her arms around herself. Your eyes widen, and you glance at Eda. “Marie is gone (Y/N).” You look at the broken ginger before you, sighing, “I’m sorry, but this allows you to grow yourself.” You say, looking at her with compassion despite the storm of anger raging inside you. Zelda looks at you and nods timidly, “I...I will let myself out. I hope you have a good life here, thrive the way you deserve, darling.” Zelda says before walking towards the door, and then she leaves. Eda’s hands gently land on your shoulder and you move your hand on top of hers, “It’s over (Y/N), you don’t have to worry about her hurting you like that anymore.” A nod is all you can muster and you turn around, placing your head against Eda’s chest. Small sobs leave your throat, hands gently holding Eda close by her waist.  That was it; you had finally put your foot down, finalizing the burned bridges between you and Zelda- and as much as it hurt, you felt better than before.
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v1llanell3 · 4 years
Can someone *please* make a fanfic where Mambo Marie and Zelda Spellman live happily ever after?
I just cannot accept this ending on the first day of 2021.........
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edwaverley · 4 years
Zelda: Marie, can you do me a favor?
Mambo Marie: I would literally die for you but go on
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Her Maman Brigitte
This fic is dedicated to @singofsolace and all the Zarie shippers. @singofsolace could make a better fic than this I know but... yeah... I just want to make someone smile
PS please excuse my english, I am not a native speaker.. soo.. yeah.. Hope you like it
She could sense the danger hanging in the air as the wayward witches slowly closed in to the weakening witches before them. She could feel her, her wife's soul - calling out to her - Baron Samedi, her husband from another life - and though she wore a different body, she knows her wife could still recognize her. For though their faces may change in each lifetime, their soul -  better yet - Maman Brigitte's soul will always remain the same. Calling out to her Baron, singing her love for him.
She must find her, could she be one of these wayward witches?
No. There's too much hate within their magic, bubling within the surface, waiting to be unleashed.
Maman Brigitte's magic is calm and was overflowing of love and kindness. Never one to destroy but rather one who protects and nurture. Much like....
Her eyes scanned around the room and although the darkness made it difficult for her to see, she found her.
In her new form.
Her new body.
She watched as the witch with feiry locks remained infront of the younglings while the rest of the other witches retreats, and though her eyes were filled with worry and well concealed fear, she stood strong and ready to protect the young ones. She never did changed.
"Stop!" Marie yelled, taking a step forward to block the wayward witch with malicious intent from hurting them.  From hurting her. "We dont have to fight each other," she reasoned, "that is what men's do, but we are women! Nespa? Witch women, we can do more than fight, Can we not?"
"Yes." She heard a voice said not far from where she stood, it was familiar and strange at the same time, like a song she had heard a long time ago and yet had forgotten, "quite." the voice added. She turn her head to find the source of that voice. The voice that calls for her being, her soul. 
And there she is, standing at the center of the room, Maman Brigitte in her new form. Skin as pale as the silver moon in which they swore their love with, hair as red as the spiced rum that they both enjoy together, she stood tall and powerful, like a Gede Loa that she is.
"We face a common enenmy and our choice is simple unite of die." Marie could not help but smirk as she took a step away from the wayward witches, it seems to her that her wife was still dramatic as ever, "You know me Gryla, you know what I stand for. So please would you listen to what I have to say?"
It has been ages since his soul had last seen her. And though she may have worn a different face, owned a new body, identity and spirituality, he could not deny it was her.
Maman Brigitte
It was ages since he has been separated to her. When the cruel gods of other realms decided it was better for them to be apart instead of being together. It broke their heart but they understood, their duty to protect the living and the dead will always comes first. He do not understood why they have to part. The other Gods did not give any explanation and they obliged. For the greater good. But now. She found her.
At long last she found her.
And though she knows that it is close to impossible that this woman will remember who she truly was, one thing is for sure.
She found her. After an eternity of waiting, she finally found her in the form of Zelda Spellman.
And she hopes that her soul would remember her too. 
Even just once. Even just a little. She hopes
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church-of-lilith · 5 years
“Zelda and Mambo Marie have no development”
I’d like to address this because it’s one of the main things I’ve seen people argue and I don’t agree at all. Welcome to my TEDTalk.
When they first meet, tensions are high. Marie doesn’t know Zelda, (anything she might’ve heard about her would be from Ambrose or Prudence) but she still goes out on a limb to stop the other witches from taking her out. She rallies them all together, saving Zelda. That’s the first scene they have together. They have stolen glances, both showing clear interest in each other, and that’s about it.
Then comes the scene where Marie is teaching the coven Haitian dance/rituals and Zelda is confused and apprehensive about it. I’ve seen people calling Zelda racist because of this and I ask you to consider the following. Everything around Zelda is falling apart, (her coven her family), she feels abandoned by everything and everyone that’s ever been familiar to her, her abusive ex husband is on the loose. Of course she’s going to be apprehensive about a strange witch coming in and trying to influence the small population of her coven she has left. She’s an unknown, another variable in all of this, and seeing as they haven’t yet had a conversation to our knowledge, it’s perfectly normal for her to have her guard up. This has nothing to do with race, and that becomes clear in the scene just seconds later with she and Prudence.
This leads to the next scene Marie and Zelda have together. Marie sees that apprehension in Zelda before she even takes her hand. She sees that Zelda has been through a lot and understands her fear. She’s patient with her, she takes her hand and reassures her that her mét tét is strong and constantly protecting her. And then she makes a connection between the two of them and she eases all of Zelda’s worry, at least concerning her. If there was no development she wouldn’t have taken the time, there wouldn’t have been this scene at all, it would’ve been dropped and left at that.
And then there’s the fact that Marie never left Zelda’s side as she tried to guide her soul back to their realm. She stood by her and protected her, once again showing patience and waiting for her. So far the entire season Marie has been her rock whether it’s explicitly stated or not. And Zelda realizes this, the role Marie is playing to help her and the coven is not lost on her, she just has a lot going on. Marie is there, the development is there, it’s just not at the forefront of the story because there’s so much going on in Zelda’s story arc this season.
And then it all finally comes to a head in the last episode and they finally get a chance to sit and talk. Even then there is no pressure from Marie, she sits back and talks with Zelda about war strategy, trying to give her the best advice she can. Once again she is patient, and understanding, asking if she’s welcome instead of assuming, and waiting for Zelda to make the move rather than imposing.
Marie understands Zelda in a way that I don’t think anyone has before. It makes me think of what she said during the mét tét scene. ‘You and I are more alike than you know’. This could mean a variety of things, they’re both strong gay women, but how much more alike could they be? Perhaps Marie has been abused in the past and so when she looks into Zelda she recognizes those signs and that’s why she’s so understanding. In my opinion there has to be some further connection because of how strong and deeply rooted Marie’s support is of her the entire season.
People aren’t seeing the ‘development’ because they’re looking at these scenes and seeing blind sexual tension and not looking into the deeper meaning of things. This couple had appropriate development considering everything that was happening concurrently this season. Of course I would’ve liked to see more scenes of them together, but the scenes they did give us were purposely chosen and handcrafted to have meaning. I firmly believe that we’ll get even deeper into their connection in part 4 and I’d love to get a look into Marie’s backstory.
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sapphic-sedai · 4 years
“Letting the Sun In”
It’s been a while since I’ve written Prose, but we’re on “Stay at Home” and I’m avoiding everything I’m supposed to be doing, so here’s a short little unedited Zarie fic!!! 
Zelda watched quietly with a steaming cup of black tea, as Mambo Marie and Hilda interrogated the garden, literally. Hilda taking small portions of dirt and shoving them into vials to hand to the mambo, who took her long beautiful fingers and capped off the vials to test before setting them into a basket she carried. Hilda’s turnips hadn’t come up this year and although Zelda detested the taste of the vile vegetables, she could acknowledge the magical uses of turnips and understood the need for their arrival. 
The sun was bright and glinted off of the shimmer of Marie’s skin as the woman lifted her face to greet it, her teeth a perfect offering of joy to the sun, while her hand held the large sunhat she’d borrowed from Hilda to her head.
“What’s got you smiling in the morning, Auntie Zee?” Ambrose questioned coyly, journal and pencil in hand, leaning against the door. 
Zelda quickly snapped her usual tension back into her shoulders as she turned to face him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Did you find anything we might be able to use to locate Faustus, or even better - find a way to get rid of that blasted Mark of Cain?” 
“I’m still working on it, but I have a few leads. I’m going to be headed out to Egypt tomorrow. There’s an enchanted amulet that might prove to be useful, if I can manage to find it,” He replied, setting down the journal to fill a mug with coffee.
Zelda nodded and took another sip of her tea as she turned back to the window, “Good.” Once Faustus was eradicated, things would be able to stay calm without the fear of her ex-husband crashing through the door to ruin it all by killing them....hopefully.  
She narrowed her eyes to see Hilda and Mambo Marie were no longer out in the garden, fear hitching her breath as she instinctively opened the window to peer out. 
“Ma cherie!” Marie’s voice rang with a giggle as the sudden breeze whisked the borrowed hat off of her head  and into Hilda. 
“OH! Hat attack!” Hilda exclaimed, catching the flown artifact. 
Zelda spun around to the scene and visibly relaxed, before moving to re-close the window, “I’m sorry, Marie.”
“No! Wait,” the high priestess protested, quickly rushing to Zelda’s side, taking her hands, before opening the window and curtains wider, “We should let the sun dance. It’s good to keep fresh air in the home, non?” She concluded, turning back to Zelda, catching rainbows on her face from the glass sun that hung from the top of the window as the sun’s rays shown through it.
Zelda stood shocked at the beauty of it all for a moment, before Ambrose’s loud coffee sipping snapped her back into place enough to speak. 
“Yes. Yes. I think you’re quite right. The sun will do us some good, shant it?” She asked her family, unable to turn her gaze away from the woman in front of her. 
“Yes! It will certainly provide some vitamin D! That’s for sure!” Hilda agreed, sharing grin with Ambrose. 
“Yes, although I’m not sure Aunt Zee’s really interested in Vitamin D, hm?” Ambrose replied coyly as Hilda blushed and giggled.
“AMBROSE,” Zelda snapped, her face a bright red as she pointed to the stairs. 
“I’m going! I’m going!” He snickered, snatching his journal to scamper up the stairs.
“I think I’ll just be heading out too! These soil samples wont test themselves!” Hilda injected with a bounce in her step, as she took the samples from Mambo Marie to scurry off to the basement. 
“Vitamin D, eh?” Marie inquired, her pointer finger, tracing a gentle pattern over Zelda’s hand.
“Please. Ignore his insolence. He-” 
“Don’t worry, High Priestess Spellman… I’m sure we’ll find other vitamin’s to supplement,” the woman coyly interrupted, leaving Zelda speechless, caught in the double entrendre and the rainbow mirrored in Marie’s dark eyes. 
Perhaps they should let the sun in more often.
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caossource · 1 year
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High res promotional stills from Hilda and Dr Cee's wedding (s4 ep2)
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ravenforce · 5 years
Also, I'd like to announce that I'll be writing a fic for Zelda Spellman. Not sure if it'll be just Zelda x Reader or Zelda x Reader x Mambo Marie, because why the heck not. I love those two together.
Stay tuned.
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sandyluv3 · 5 years
Mambo Spellman>Madam Spellman
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Here is my opinion on why Mambo Spellman makes more sense than Madam Spellman. I am going to use Once Upon A Time as an example. I ship SwanQueen and not Captain Swan, however both of them still makes sense on why they should be together. Between Emma and the two other characters, she has emotional,physical (like touching or what not) and mental interaction. All what it takes for a healthy relationship. There are so many examples by itself on why they should be shipped for Captain Swan and Swan Queen. You can sense the tension and you get sucked it. Same thing with Madam Spellman and Mambo Spellman. Madam Spellman wouldn't work, regardless of the situation. For Part 1 and Part 2 there was no real emotional, Mental, or Physical interaction between the two characters. It was rare that Lilith put a finger on Zelda netherless opened up to her. It was always about business and Sabrina fucking up. Also you know it wouldn't work if there is more proof outside of the show between the "Actresses" than the actual characters in the show. It's not the same. It wouldn't work so I agree with the directors for not making Madam spellman happen. It wouldn't make sense. All of a sudden now Lilith is inlove with Zelda, Lilith have always been about her own achievements. No partnership just her succeeding on her own after getting fucked over. For the whole part 3 all she wanted was the throne and get praised because she deserved it. Zelda is done being fucked over so ofc your going to have that scene between her and Lilith. Cause in all honestly after they prayed to her, did things get better no, it did not. So she had every right not to take her in. Don't get me wrong I love Lilith but she works solo. Now, for the whole Part 3 there has been countless of interaction between Marie and Zelda. Hand holding, pulling her in close, emotional connection, intense eye contact, caressing her hand. From that one scene, I already know it was going to be a ship. Then Marie guarding Zelda's body with her life. Not leaving her side for anything. Caressing her hand, fingers through her hair and so forth. MARIE EVEN DIED TO PROTECT ZELDA FROM BLACKWOOD. SHE WAS ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO HER TRYING TO PROTECT HER. You telling me that doesn't scream loyalty. Lastly this scene asking her permission if she should stay because, she is giving her the respect she deserves. Ending it off with a kiss. I just summed up an actual relationship build up than Lilith and Zelda being in the same room and that's it. Case closed, have a good day.
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troublemaker-witch · 5 years
caos thoughts with spoilers
yes I ship mambo spellman but it does not mean that I dont ship madam spellman anymore, I have years of ms fanfic on my back and nothing can take this away from me
I'm just very happy that my gaydar was right and Zelda is probably bi or pan
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Me, after seeing Mambo Marie and Zelda’s kiss in the CAOS season 3 finale:
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petition to call the Zelda Spellman X Mambo Marie ship "zeldamarie"?
Just a suggestion since I haven't seen any names so far
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princessbethoc · 5 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hilda Spellman & Zelda Spellman, Edward Spellman & Hilda Spellman & Zelda Spellman, Ambrose Spellman & Hilda Spellman & Sabrina Spellman & Zelda Spellman, Spellman Family - Relationship, Zelda Spellman/Mambo Marie, Zelda Spellman/Mambo Marie LaFleur Characters: Zelda Spellman, Hilda Spellman, Sabrina Spellman, Ambrose Spellman, Edward Spellman, Prudence Night, Theo Putnam, Mambo Marie, Mambo Marie LaFleur Additional Tags: The Old Country, Young Spellmans, Backstory, kind of?, 18th Century scenes, more characters will appear - Freeform, Young Zelda - Freeform, Young Hilda Summary:
Three centuries is a long time to hold a grudge. Unless, of course, it's against a Spellman. Perhaps that's the true price of a long life.
Chapter 6: Come What May The moonlight bounced on the calm sea from where it lurked between the hills opposite Zelda. The chances of a seven-year-old child surviving her ordeal followed by exposure to February nights was negligible, but did they not say it was the hope that killed? Every sensible fibre of Zelda’s being told her that the remains of a child lay on the bed of this sea, but the hope told her she might be wrong. The hope tormented her. It tried to drown out common sense. Maybe if she had been faster. Maybe if she had not hesitated. Maybe if she were braver. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe…
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