#zekes alaskan adventure au
meaniezuchinni · 4 months
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Tina from @theangrypomeranian ‘s latest chapter of Long Way Home <3
(I think I like the line-art of this one more than the coloured version. Thus i have included both. What do you think?)
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theangrypomeranian · 19 days
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Chapter 13: Found
“They all think you’re dead.”   “Oh my god,” he wheezed, the edges of his vision starting to darken. In all of his time trying to get down the mountain and back home, he had never once considered the possibility that he might not have a home to go back to…because his loved ones thought he was dead. But logically, it made sense. He’d been missing for well over a month now and no one had heard from him in that time, no one had seen him. So why wouldn’t they think that…that he was– “They think I’m dead,” he whispered, struggling to breathe. “My friends, my family, my–”   Tina.   Tina thought that he was dead. His sweet girl, the one who always worried about her loved ones and panicked when she thought that they were in trouble, believed that he was dead. His love…
Read the rest of chapter 13 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 1 month
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Chapter 12: Acceptance
“I never got to tell him,” she whimpered, her hands going up to clutch her dad’s shirt tight. “I never got to tell him that I loved him.” “Oh, baby.” Bob pulled her back into his chest, his arms wrapped tight around her. “I’m so sorry, Tina. I am so, so sorry.” His words pierced deep in her heart and Tina couldn’t hold back any longer. “I loved him, Dad,” she sobbed, clinging on to him. “I loved him so much! I told him that I didn’t want him to go, I told him that I hated it!” Despair washed over her in violent waves and she didn’t have the strength to fight against it. “I should have told him, I should’ve begged him not to go, I should’ve–” A wail left her and she went limp, her legs unable to hold her up any longer. Bob managed to get her over to her bed and pulled her into his lap, rocking her gently back and forth. “I’m here,” he murmured to her, his voice breaking with sorrow. “I’m here. I’ve got you.” As he pressed his cheek to hers, Tina swore she could feel tears that were not her own.
Read the rest of chapter 12 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 2 months
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Chapter 11: BEAR
“Don’t make me do this,” Zeke said sharply as his body tensed, getting ready for what was coming. “Don’t make me kill you. Please. Just walk away.” There was no reasoning with a wild animal, he knew that, but if there was even the slightest chance that he could keep this from happening… But there wasn’t. The bear was standing at its full height as it opened its mouth and roared, making the forest around them tremble with fear. Zeke was not afraid, though. In fact, all he felt was fury as he screamed back at the creature with his whole chest. And when the bear lunged, so did he.
Read the rest of chapter 11 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 2 months
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Chapter 10: Depression
“Go.” “Come with me,” she pleaded, trying to grab on to him. But he just shook his head, a melancholy smile lifting one side of his lips. “I can’t. There ain’t nowhere for me to go. But you.” His hand lifted to cup her cheek as he stared down at her with so much longing that it made her heart throb. “You have so much to do. You gotta go. Okay?” He leaned down to press his lips to her forehead and her eyes fluttered closed. Home. It felt like home. Then his warmth was gone and she was toppling out the door, landing on her hands and knees as her head whirled. Had…had any of that been real? Had she really seen him, felt him? Or was she completely insane now?
Read the rest of chapter 10 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 5 days
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Chapter 14: Miracle
Her phone started to ring and she fished it out of the pocket of Zeke’s hoodie to see who it was. It wasn’t a number she had saved, but it told her that it was from Alaska. Figuring it was Michael, Tina answered and held it up to her ear. “Hello?” For a moment all she heard was some stuttered breathing and she frowned. Okay, that was kind of creepy. Trying again, she repeated, “Hello? Is someone there?” “Tina.” Her eyes went wide and her blood felt like ice. That voice…no, it couldn’t be…there was just no way… “Tina? Can ya hear me?” The phone fell out of her hands and her stomach twisted into tight knots, and for a moment she forgot how to breathe. The edges of her vision started to darken and she locked her knees to keep from keeling over. “Tina!” Jimmy Pesto was at her side then, his brow furrowed. “What’s going on?” “There’s a ghost on the phone,” she whispered, her whole body trembling. “What?” She blinked a few times and turned her head to stare up at him. “There’s a ghost on the phone,” she repeated, having to swallow past the lump that had formed in her throat. “It…it sounds like Zeke.”
Read the rest of chapter 14 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 3 months
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Chapter 9: Shot
The two exchanged a look that he couldn’t read before their eyes went back to him. “Tell you what,” the man started, sitting up in his chair. “We’re gonna be heading back down the mountain in a couple of days. How about you stay here with us until then?” “And we can take you with us when we go,” the woman said with a smile that once again didn’t quite reach her eyes. But he didn’t focus on that, his mind instead latching onto their words. They…they were going to help him? They could take him to an airport so that he could finally get home! Was his time here on the mountain really over? “You’d really do that?” he asked, his eyes darting between them. They both nodded. Relief washed over him in strong waves and Zeke thought he might weep for joy. He could go home! Back to Ma, and Dad, and J-Ju! And Tina. He would get to see her again and finally, finally, tell her that he loved her.
Read the rest of chapter 9 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 6 months
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“No matter who you are or where you are, instinct tells you to go home.” - Laura Marney   After Zeke leaves for three months to work for a logging company in Alaska, Tina receives a call telling her that he passed away in an avalanche. Devastated but determined to stay strong for her loved ones, she must learn how to live without the one that got away. ...or does she? Because unknown to all, Zeke survived - and he is fighting with the Last Frontier to get back home.
Chapter 1: Avalanche
“Soon.” He cupped her face again, tenderly stroking along her cheekbones with his thumbs as he gazed down at her with such warmth he was surprised she didn’t melt. “I’ll be home soon, baby. And I’ll be all yours. Promise.”
“And I’ll be yours, too?” she asked, peering up at him shyly from under her long lashes.
Lord give him strength, he wanted to ravish her right then and there. But he had to do right by her, it’s what she deserved.
“You already are, Tina,” he assured her lowly before capturing her lips again, murmuring into her mouth, “You always were.”
“Come home,” she moaned into the kiss, clinging to him.
A sudden chill made him feel icy cold and he held her closer, his heart pounding in his chest with a fear he couldn’t explain. What was this? Why did he feel like this? But he did his best to push it away as he kissed her harder, mumbling against her lips, “I’m tryin’, baby. I’m tryin’.”
read the rest on AO3 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 3 months
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The sound of the door flying open made Tina’s head snap up, her eyes opening as she stared in confusion at the bathroom. Because…this wasn’t the bathroom she was used to. Gone was the white tile and beige walls, replaced instead with dark wood paneling everywhere. It was dark except for the faint light coming from a hanging lightbulb above her, which was now swinging back and forth, making her blink to try to focus.
Especially when he stumbled in, falling onto his hands and knees as he panted and heaved for breath. He was bundled up in his coat and hat, his backpack strapped to his back and chest again. His face was thin and gaunt, his beard bushier than she had ever seen it, and he was bleeding profusely from his left bicep.
But when his head lifted and his hazel hues met hers, there was no mistaking who this was. He blinked, his eyes going wide as he stared back at her. “Tina?” His voice was hoarse but oh so familiar and it made her heart ache .
“Zeke,” she whispered, feeling warm again for the first time in weeks.
As if drawn by magnets, their hands lifted at the same time and they reached out to each other.
From chapter 8 of Long Way Home on AO3. Thank you to @meaniezuchinni for taking my comm of this scene! You're the best!! 💖💖💖
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theangrypomeranian · 3 months
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Chapter 8: Bargaining
The sound of the door flying open made Tina’s head snap up, her eyes opening as she stared in confusion at the bathroom. Because…this wasn’t the bathroom she was used to. Gone was the white tile and beige walls, replaced instead with dark wood paneling everywhere. It was dark except for the faint light coming from a hanging light bulb above her, which was now swinging back and forth, making her blink to try to focus. Especially when he stumbled in, falling onto his hands and knees as he panted and heaved for breath. He was bundled up in his coat and hat, his backpack strapped to his back and chest again. His face was thin and gaunt, his beard bushier than she had ever seen it, and he was bleeding profusely from his left bicep. But when his head lifted and his hazel hues met hers, there was no mistaking who this was. He blinked, his eyes going wide as he stared back at her. “Tina?” His voice was hoarse but oh so familiar and it made her heart ache. “Zeke,” she whispered, feeling warm again for the first time in weeks.
Read the rest of chapter 8 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 3 months
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Chapter 7: Drowning
“You promised!” His eyes opened and he was sure that he’d finally lost it because he swore he saw her in front of him. Dressed in his hoodie and leggings, her sapphire blues wide with terror, her arms reaching out to him as she opened her mouth and screamed. “You can’t give up! You promised that you would come home! So please!” Tears fell down her beautiful face as she tried to swim closer to him. “Fight it! Please! I need you!” Tina… Right. That’s why he was fighting. To get home. To get back to everyone who needed him. Ma. Dad. J-Ju. Tina.
Read the rest of chapter 7 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 4 months
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Chapter 6: Anger
“That’s enough!” Declan stepped between the two, giving them both warning looks. “Don’t make me physically restrain you, ya know I will.” He waited until they both backed down before continuing, “Now one of you explain what the hell you’re doin’ at my house unannounced like this.” “I told you, I couldn’t stand to stay in the same house as him,” Holly said, pointing a shaking finger at Roger. “Why?” Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks and she turned on her husband, eyes filled with agony. “Because he helped kill our son!” The chill in Tina’s bones worsened in that moment and its intensity nearly bowled her over. Her hands shot out to grip the gate in an attempt to keep from crumpling to the ground. What had Holly just said??
Read the rest of chapter 6 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 2 months
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“Come with me,” she pleaded, trying to grab on to him.
But he just shook his head, a melancholy smile lifting one side of his lips. “I can’t. There ain’t nowhere for me to go. But you.” His hand lifted to cup her cheek as he stared down at her with so much longing that it made her heart throb. “You have so much to do. You gotta go. Okay?” He leaned down to press his lips to her forehead and her eyes fluttered closed.
Home. It felt like home.
My comm from @meaniezuchinni for this scene from chapter 10 of my fic Long Way Home. 💖💖💖 Thank you so much Bee! I love it!!! 😭💜😭💜
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theangrypomeranian · 4 months
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Chapter 5: Lost
“Come home.” I’m tryin’, Tina girl. I’m tryin’. As he passed another pine he paused, looking at the bark then at his knife. After a moment of deliberation, he went over and got to work. When he was done, he observed his work for a moment before giving it a satisfied nod and walking away, trudging through the snow. On the trunk of the tree was a carved heart with a name in the middle of it: TINA
Read the rest of chapter 5 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 5 months
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Chapter 4: Denial
“And you! All of you!” His narrowed eyes scanned over all the people. “When were you ever around before? Hm? You never showed up for him before. You just came to ease your consciences. Don’t you dare say you care about him.” His chin raised as he looked down his nose at all of them. “My boy is not dead. He’s still out there and no one is doing a damn thing about it. Shame on you. All of you.” Then his eyes landed on Tina and she wanted to curl into herself. For the most part, she and Declan had a pretty good rapport. At least, she thought they did, she’d always gotten along with him. But now… “Especially you,” he said, his voice low. “Shame on you.” Another shiver wracked Tina’s body, though it wasn’t from cold this time.
Read the rest of chapter 4 here.
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theangrypomeranian · 5 months
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Chapter 3: Alone
The way he saw it, he had two options. One, he stayed here until his food ran out and eventually either starved or froze to death. Two, he got out of there and tried to find his own way home. Really, there was only one option. He wasn’t going to just sit there and wait to die. He had people he needed to get back to, people who needed him to come back home. Ma. Dad. J-Ju. Tina. Now, contrary to popular belief, Zeke wasn’t a total idiot. He was well aware that what he was considering was very, very risky. He weren’t no survivalist, he knew very little about what exactly it took to make it out here. But if there was one thing he was , it was stubborn. Especially when it came to being there for those he loved. And he’d be damned if he died out here and left them alone.
Read the rest of chapter 3 here.
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