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Name: Wenien Barlow Nickname(s): Winnie Pronouns: he/him Age: 30 Race: Tiefling Origin: Tav (outlander) Class: Druid (circle of the land) Lover: none/sometimes halsin/other tavs mostly Challenge: Winnie is afraid of violence. During his playthrough, I must avoid a fight whenever possible, and permanently keep nonlethal toggled on.
Personality: At the start of the adventure, Wenien is timid and frightened of most of the world. As a child, he was remarkably prone to illness and had to be careful, making him wary of anything he doesn’t know to be safe. Though he gradually grew out of it as an adult and built up a healthy constitution, he found that excessive stress can cause him to relapse into poor health, so his cautious nature remained. He's never left his small village and never wanted to. He likes his simple life there, where he is a farmer and gardener. Although the physical strength he got from the job could allow him to hold his own, he is far too meek to intimidate anyone. While peaceful, his life was small and stagnant. It was just existence, rather than real living. The journey forces him out of his comfort zone and, despite his terror, he begins to see the wonder and beauty the rest of the world can hold. Wenien doesn't change too much, though, and still prefers the peaceful side of life. He hates violence and tries to avoid it whenever possible. Although he somewhat finds his voice, he will always be quiet and shy by nature. He's quick to smile, kind, and always tries to help anyone in pain even if it's unwise.

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Name: Lucienne Boniface Nickname(s): Luci Pronouns: he/him Age: unsure, but estimates somewhere between around 30 Race: Half elf Origin: Dark Urge Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer Lover: Astarion Challenge: A tailor and fashionista, Lucienne is on a mission to collect every single unique item of clothing in the (vanilla) game. He also has a very hard time parting with gemstones and keeps a bag of them in his inventory, not selling them. Luci's hair and eye color/overall color scheme changes from pink to red the closer he gets to Bhaal's influence. Back to pink and tattoos removed after he is free
Personality: Lucienne is a pretty even mix of superiority complex and self hatred. He's petty, catty, and often sarcastic to those he dislikes. But he isn't without his brighter side. Lucienne loves color, beauty, and self-expression. On his better days he finds a rainbow in every cloud and lifts up those around him. He encourages others to live as they are instead of how others wish them to be. He's really a kind person, if an incredibly sassy one. At heart, he wants to be good, and is devastated by what the dark urge compels him to do. His biggest fear is that it's not just an outside force he can't control; that it's a part of him, a big one. He's not the kind of dark urge who believes he is separate from these desires. His fear is that the urges come from himself, that he at his core is simply an evil being that enjoys enacting such horrors. He struggles against it with all that he has, but the fear remains. He'll ultimately have to come to grips and overcome that fear in order to steel a strong enough resolve to free himself of Bhaal.

Background: Before Bhaal called him, Lucienne was purchased at toddler age from his mother by the man who would adopt him. That man is Luthier Boniface, adventuring trader and head of a tailor's guild called Threads of Fate. The guild is a place welcoming to all, half trade hall and half boarding house, which offers anyone who wants it the chance at a new life. Raised in and by this community, Lucienne's childhood was a colorful one in all meanings of the word. Luthier taught him his trade and Lucienne took to tailoring instantly. As he grew, so did the strength of Bhaal's voice in the back of his mind. Lucienne was known to be a gentle and joyful child, so when he began to display abrupt and seemingly random bursts of violence, his father and all his caretakers in the guild were perplexed. At first they thought it might be related to his innate propensity toward magic, which had always been wild and unpredictable. He struggled to control his sorcerous abilities, but was slowly learning. His odd mood swings were clearly something different, though, and much more concerning to Luthier. He sought help fpor his son in every way he could, but the best that could be done was to stifle and control the urges. They only continued to worsen with age. Eventually, Lucienne came to a point that he feared to harm his family. He knew that things didn't show any sign of improvement. The night when he awoke standing in the doorway of his father's room with a knife in his hand was the night he fled. Lucienne was, at this point, almost entirely out of his mind. He was pulled by dreams down a path he didn't know but could only follow, wandering day and night half mad, until he found himself stumbling down the steps to the temple of Bhaal. The events of the game follow: leading the cult for several years until eventually having his memory wiped.
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Name: Virtu Sean Thatcher Nickname(s): Tymora's Lucky Charm (self-imposed) Pronouns: he/him Age: 25 Race: Aasimar Origin: Tav (folk hero) Class: Monk/cleric Lover: Rolan Challenge: Virtu hates getting his feathers wet. Throughout Virtu's run, I have to avoid having him be submerged in water or walk through it. Also, he carries in his inventory a bag full of neat little curios that he collects, such as unique items there are only one of, but exclusively the ones with low sell value. He also can't equip necklaces; they get stuck in his little neck feathers.
Personality: In a word: lucky. In a few more: fun-loving, confident, irritating, impertinent, golden-hearted, and young. Virtu is the most annoying boy in the world and knows you love him anyway. He has a casual and friendly nature and, with a thick skin, doesn't anger easily. He may be self assured and cocky and bask in praise, but at the end of the day his moral priorities are in order. He loves to help people--though he'll tell you it's just because he adores the hero treatment they give him for it. He never sticks in one place for long, though, a free spirit with a flighty nature who gets bored easily. He never wants life to be mundane. Above all, he values the freedom to enjoy an adventurous life. He is secretly terrified of losing that freedom and lifestyle, which he thinks was granted to him by being an Aasimar. Nothing scares him more than the possibility of falling. Sometimes, when he is afraid of committing an evil deed and risking becoming a fallen Aasimar, he will abruptly shift from his easygoing demeanor into one of strict moral lawfulness.

Background: Virtu was born to human parents, and was entirely unexpected. They rejoiced at their good fortune and praised the goddess of luck, Tymora, for blessing them with a divine child. So he was raised in a glowing spotlight, treated like gold just for being born. Spoiled rotten. The village he grew up in was small and had long been a target for criminals--raiders and bandits and the sort. As soon as Virtu was old enough to throw a punch, he was on the job. He trained fighting skills with local retired adventurers, soldiers who passed through, anyone and everyone he could pester into teaching him. His skill for hand to hand combat and his maneuverability with his wings made him an excellent candidate for a monk. Physically. Spiritually though…well. He tried out a few monasteries, but never lasted more than a couple weeks. Virtu was too worldly, too self-centered, too… undisciplined, for most masters to put up with. So, he just continued collecting scraps of tutelage from all sorts of different sources, living his best life without a care. Until he learned that he could fall. When one of his monk tutors became enraged at Virtu's behavior, he cast him out with terrible words: "If you do not become a fallen Aasimar, it will be a miracle borne of all the grace fortune herself can offer!" Since then, Virtu's confidence cracked. Along with his appearance. Fissures would appear along his very skin every time he did something that he feared was black-hearted or unkind. He was terrified of losing his perfect, golden status as a hero and his very freedom. Losing everything being an Aasimar had given him. But Virtu had never served any god, and had no guide to follow. Breaking apart inside and out, he ran home to his parents for help. They taught him of Tymora. Goddess of luck, good fortune, a goddess less strict and more forgiving than most other divinity. The perfect fit for Virtu.
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Name: Tilleleigh (til-LEY-lee) Luckenbuck Nickname(s): Tillie Pronouns: she/her Age: 20 Race: human Origin: Tav (artisan) Class: Artificer Lover: Wyll Challenge: Tillie insists on being the one to disarm traps, even though she isn't that great at it. Throughout Tillie's run, I am not allowed to reroll any failed trap disarm checks she makes. She also collects alchemist/artificer/inventor's tools and such; I have to bring things back to camp to set her up a little workshop.
Personality: Above all, Tillie is a dreamer. She's highly motivated to her goals and never accepts "impossible" as an answer. She will never give up. She's very clumsy, sometimes even ditzy. But highly intelligent. She can recite a complicated instruction manual from memory, then proceed to not implement any of the instructions correctly. It's a mix of performance anxiety and self-doubt that, in moments of truth, makes her blank on everything she knows she can do. Tillie is kind with a big heart that can be too sensitive, something she wants to improve on. The trials she will go through will teach her some hard lessons she has never had to face before, but that indomitable spirit of hers will never fail. She's the best kind of brave: foolishly.
Background: Tilleleigh is the only child of a very eclectic family of artificers. Her father taught her that risks are to be happily greeted as opportunities, and that one should never accept the word "impossible." But this mindset leads the family too close to the sun more often than not. The Luckenbuck name has been cursed far and wide with the terrible reputation for chaos that they've earned. People say their genius is only matched by their ineptitude, and they can only be counted on to blow up half a city block every other Tuesday. Tillie, following this tradition, more often than not has her spells and inventions blow up in her face. She has a strained relationship with her family due to growing up being mocked and outcast for their terrible reputation. But she still believes her family's value lies in the risks they're willing to take to reach new heights and achieve what no one else will dare to even try. She's determined to succeed in the craft so she can flip the Luckenbuck reputation and show everyone her family are the greatest artificers on the Sword Coast!

Background: Tilleleigh is the only child of a very eclectic family of artificers. Her father taught her that risks are to be happily greeted as opportunities, and that one should never accept the word "impossible." But this mindset leads the family too close to the sun more often than not. The Luckenbuck name has been cursed far and wide with the terrible reputation for chaos that they've earned. People say their genius is only matched by their ineptitude, and they can only be counted on to blow up half a city block every other Tuesday. Tillie, following this tradition, more often than not has her spells and inventions blow up in her face. She has a strained relationship with her family due to growing up being mocked and outcast for their terrible reputation. But she still believes her family's value lies in the risks they're willing to take to reach new heights and achieve what no one else will dare to even try. She's determined to succeed in the craft so she can flip the Luckenbuck reputation and show everyone her family are the greatest artificers on the Sword Coast!
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Name: Cadence Aria Nickname(s): Cade Pronouns: they/them Age: 46 Race: Half elf Origin: Tav (Acolyte) Class: Wizard Lover: Gale Challenge: Cadence is afraid of fire magic and casting it is painful for them. Throughout Cade's run, I am not allowed to have them learn or use fire magic.
Personality: Sweet, kind, good-hearted and contemplative. Cadence is quiet and gentle. They're content never to take center stage and have spent their life mostly in solitude. They're intelligent, love to read and learn. They're very spiritual, though not devoted to any one deity. Cade is also a hopeless romantic and aches for the connection to others they never had. At their core, Cadence is painfully alone and has been made to feel inadequate, as though they may never be able to experience real meaningful connections to others. The adventure brings them something they come to cherish beyond all else: family.

Cadence was raised in a monastery dedicated to Lathander for as long as they can remember. If anything is known of their parents, the monks didn't tell them. As a child raised by the monastery, Cadence was instructed in the ways of Lathander's magical domains: light, fire, and holy magic. It didn't take, but not because Cade had no talent for magic. In fact they were remarkably capable in arcane study--just not the kind their monastery valued. Cadence had a natural inclination toward ice and cold spells, darkness, illusion, even a bit of necromancy. The mark on Cade's face as well as the discolored eye is a result of a failed spellcast. As an acolyte of Lathander, Cade was expected to learn fire magic, but has never been able to cast it without harming themself. It isn't in their nature. Once, they pushed themself to cast a strong fire spell, and went too far. Subconscious survival instinct kicked in and triggered an ice spell to counter it. The volatile reaction left them with permanent marks on their face and a discolored eye. Since then they've harbored a fear of fire. Casting it is painful for them, mentally and physically. Over the course of the adventure, they eventually find themselves and where they fit comfortably with magic: as a celestial wizard working with (but not in worship to) Selune.
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