#zeerce cruorr
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years ago
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More incorrect quotes, this time Purrol and Zeerce!
Their colors look nice together imo... Too bad they rarely interact lmao
quotes from here!
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chaosbound-official · 6 years ago
Belphe 17 :0c
“17. Reaction if you suddenly smelled smoke!” (in your hive)
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Belphe: Svfferer’s sake, that better ^ot be Zeerce i^ ^^y foodblock tryi^g to ‘svrprise’ ^^e vvith so^^ethi^g agai^
Belphe: it's bee^ svveeps si^ce the last ti^^e bvt I vvovld^'t pvt it past her. 
(Thanks for the ask! Prompt from this post)
Quirk free:
Belphe: Sufferer’s sake, that better not be Zeerce in my foodblock trying to ‘surprise’ me with something again
Belphe: it's been sweeps since the last time but I wouldn't put it past her.
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clockwork-dinosaur · 5 years ago
another fic featuring @se7ens-oc-heaven‘s trolls, some really good boys getting to know each other and Relate 
you can find out more about them either on the OC blog above or at @chaosbound-official/on the CB/AT discord uwu
"So you are, or perhaps it's safer to say were the moirail."
His usually bombastic voice is subdued, but not unfriendly. Cautious, perhaps. Belphe doesn't turn to acknowledge him and continues to gaze off into the molasses-soaked horizon, his legs dangling from the flat roof of his hive and crossed arms resting on his knees.
"What're you doing here?" he asks, voice slow and drawling and yet his words just a bit too sharp and his posture too tense to properly convey inebriation.
Rubele, all too much of him, sits a few feet away and lets his booted legs dangle from the sheer drop. "Usually you're tied at the hip with the teal fellow, I've been meaning to catch you for a private conversation is all."
"Wanted to get me all alone, huh?" Belphe says, carefully neutral. Rubele's face goes deep violet and he shakes his head so adamantly his glasses begin slipping.
"Heavens no! I-I just--"
"I'm fucking with you."
"Ah, right! Okay."
Rubele looks off into the distance as well. It is an uncomfortable silence, one that Rubele struggles to find the right words with which to break it. 
In truth, he isn't sure why he decided to track Belphe down now, aside from the opportunity granted by Harris needing some time to themself and Corinn and the other teal being seen elsewhere together. He wanted to say something, to ask questions or express concerns, anything, and yet...
He can't place it, what he feels about Belphe. Only in passing had they ever known of the other's existence, and last he had heard before Sgrub was that Belphe had been culled on his own lawnring. 
He does, however, know exactly how he feels about Zeerce. Part of him wasn't surprised to learn, once he began untangling the threads of knowledge that lead him towards his own alternate past, that the wretched violetblood had done him in.
He swallows thickly, feeling that odd sense of deja vu again. A whip around his windpipe and a mind too groggy to even consider fighting back--
But that wasn't him, not really. Just as the cobalt beside him wasn't the cobalt who had been gunned down by drones without mercy. 
Regardless, he was the same Belphe who was aligned with Curorr's gang for so long. How willing that alignment was remained to be seen, but his guarded posturing was more than telling.
"So are you going to knock me off the roof or something?" Belphe says finally, after minutes of heavy silence passed. "Can't say that'd be particularly Heroic for me but it just damn well might be Just if you're here for vengeance."
"What? No! You… you didn’t do anything to deserve my ire, I assure you."
Belphe finally looks at Rubele, the visible half of his face unreadable. "I wasn't there when she killed you but I heard about it. Every detail. And I congratulated her for offing some highblood scammer. Didn't mean it, but I sure as hell didn't spare you a single goddamn thought after that," Belphe says, his tone carefully flat to hide the underlying challenge in his words.
Rubele resists the urge to rub his neck. Belphe's words stung, but Rubele could tell they weren't thrown from a place of malice. It was a warning shot, a defense mechanism to strike first and make assumptions of Rubele's intentions later.
Rubele merely studied Belphe. "Yes, well… I thought you were an ill-mannered layabout with a cruel streak matched only by Cruorr herself so I suppose we must all suffer underneath the weight of our initial misconceptions, hm?"
Belphe blinks, then bares his teeth in a bitter facsimile of a smile. "Nah, you were right."
He turns away again, slouching further. Rubele groans.
"I swear to you, ol' chum, I didn't come here to deepen your already morose mood."
"Who said I'm morose?"
Rubele laughs. Belphe does not.
"Oh I'm doing a wonderful job of mucking this all up, huh?" Rubele says, pulling his knees to his chest.
"I still don't know what this is so I dunno. Maybe this is exactly how whatever the fuck this is usually goes."
"I still can't rightly say what this is," Rubele says, frustrated. "I just know that I-I have these memories that are not quite mine but too, um, detailed to easily forget. That I've had first hand experience with the cruelty of your thankfully departed ex-moirail, except that I haven't! I hadn't done business with her since before this blasted game was ever unearthed and even then I was never exactly thrilled to work with her lest she said the wrong thing to the wrong buyer and Harris and I found ourselves at the mercy of her masses. And I know I… dealt with her far less than you had to."
Belphe shifts, pulling one knee to his chest in a not so subtle attempt to lean away from Rubele.
"Whatever," Belphe says far too casually. Rubele picks up on the bitterness he hides instantly. "Count yourself lucky. You only got secondhand memories."
"Indeed I do, ah, for the most part," Rubele says sincerely. "I avoided the worst of her. You… didn't. And I think I'm in a unique position to know the full extent of her evil without experiencing the, well, more permanent effects."
Belphe sighs, then looks at Rubele with an expression bordering on gentle.
"Sounds like the effects are still pretty goddamn permanent to me though. Remembering your own poisoning and strangulation is pretty fucking shitty whether the whip was around your neck this time or another. Hell, knowing anything about her is fucking shitty enough on its own. She had her way of leaving her mark on people and never for the better."
Rubele frowns. "Quite. Heh, well… same can be said for you too, huh?"
Belphe looks away, his breath catching. He takes a deep breath and speaks to the horizon. "Like I said, whatever. Listen Excrim, I don't know you. I'm not your moirail and I'm not your friend so don't try this shit, alright?"
"Fair enough, but we are allies at the very least."
Belphe grunts. Rubele rubs his temples and sighs. He has no idea how to talk to Belphe. If he's honest with himself, he is still trying to reconcile his initial assumptions with the scared, guarded troll beside him. Belphe had surely felt Zeerce's whip against him just as he had, if not physically then mentally. Likely both. Rubele looks back over at Belphe's hunched form, his angular limbs and tired eye, the ill-fitting clothes and hidden face. Everything about him seems to stem from a desire to escape or distract from his own existence.
Rubele isn't one to let things fade from memory if he can help it.
"I… am far from the only poor sap who has faced her wrath and wiles. I merely want to extend understanding. You don't need to take the option now or ever but rest assured I am on your side, my friend."
Belphe seems frozen, his nervous shifting stopped as he stares intently away from Rubele.
"Still not your friend," he manages eventually. "But. Thanks, I guess."
As acerbic as his words are, Rubele catches the barest hint of a weak smile on Belphe's face, subdued quickly but there nonetheless.
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years ago
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Return of both my fantrolls and incorrect quote comics! From here
(Harris is not a mage, but is likely the only troll to have a lab between the two sessions lmao)
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 4 years ago
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I don’t think? I ever posted this- dumb doodle I did of Anxies and Zeerce on a sales tag at work. It was based on a conversation on discord but that was so long ago now it’s probably been lost to the sands of time lmao
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 4 years ago
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Oh look it's a B I T C H I've been having fun doing sprite redraws with my fantrolls, so I took one of Ardata's sprites and drew Zeerce with it! It was fun to draw her so agitated >B3c
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 4 years ago
Question: if your fantrolls were mythical/fantasy/fairytale creatures what would they be :0c
AH SHIT....... this is a tough question ngl, my knowledge of such creatures is spotty at best and while many of the lusii ARE mythological creatures or were in the early drafts, it's hard to say if I'd assign their wards the same species for such a parallel.
Best guesses off of the top of my head for now are:
Zahyit: would be a ghoul in one of my stories where I sort of did a rehaul of the hierarchy of undead. Otherwise idk
Amygda: griffin
Quokka: satyr
Lailla: elf?
Purrol: gorgon
Maerum: ....succubus???
Makkea: centaur
Belphe: gargoyle maybe
Anxies: werewolf
Cilone: sphynx
Zeerce: Mermaid but like, the flesh-eating kind.
Hiraeh: sea nymph
I skipped doing AT trolls because this was hard enough lmao. Feel free to ask for reasoning or anything! Although half of them are just based on vibes lol
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 5 years ago
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So my partner @shyyren made a meme based on how they feel whenever I talk to them about Belphe’s backstory™,
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 5 years ago
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ok so I WAS gonna wait until I did more designs and then I had five hundred delays with my tablet so I’m just gonna post these as is! (besides I think maybe two or three people max would be interested in this including me so yanno)
but Chaos-swap AU!!! I wanted to swap Belphe and Makkea who are my polar opposite boys and then just kept swapping from there, I don’t have everyone planned out rolewise but it actually seems… more intriguing than its canon counterpart…….. so I figured why not share what I’ve got on them all! Swap list is as follows: 
Amygda Geiste Zahyit Feliss Hiraeh Frarer Zeerce Kausmi Cilone Yaluli Anxies Huntor Belphe Uvishe Makkea Guille Maerum Calyps Purrol Hednis Lailla Cruorr Quokka Xexies
character details + bonus blindfold-less Makkea Guille ideally under cut!
BELPHE UVISHE Heir of Mind / Derse -Goes to Legislacerator school, unlike Canon Makkea who drops out, partially out of pressure from various expectations, partially because he’s on a track to seek out what went wrong with the society and see if it can be dismantled in any way. -Can read people without any special powers with relative ease, and often is able to stay out of trouble as a result -Saved by an indigoblood when a local cult tried to burn his hive down for his snooping, and finds someone who is willing to listen to his theories, even if they don’t seem to put a lot of weight into matters at times. MAKKEA GUILLE Bard of Light / Prospit -hoo boy -hooooooo boy -has been enticed into a highblood-established cult and served as an acolyte for a time -however, he eventually rises through their hierarchy, being hailed as The All-Seeing Prophet of Sunaj -He is a false prophet, a mouthpiece being used to control lowbloods through fear -His ability to actively control people is weak, but his ability to read minds and emotions is nearly unparalleled, and used when he provides his ‘prophecies’ to the cult’s advantage. -Was blinded by the Cult Leader as a 'rite of passage’. -The line is a little blurry on what he says that he believes and doesn’t believe. He does however put all of his faith and trust into the Cult Leader and her own words on the world’s True Apocalypse
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ZEERCE KAUSMI Prince of Rage / Derse -A Limeblood being provided sanctuary in The Brooding Caverns. -Provides assistance to the cloister by keeping the lusii in check, rules over them with her aggression. -Also may or may not take on drones - At the stage of destroying WITH her aspect rather than destroying it properly. Aggressive and hard to approach -However, not entirely disloyal, and will do whatever she believes will be for the good of the cloister. ….Even if that means killing things or trolls for it.
LAILLA CRUORR Thief of Time / Derse -The Leader of an Apocalypse-heralding Cult. -Uses her ill-gotten knowledge of the apocalypse to manipulate the trolls under her into believing in her as some sort of higher power -runs a tightly running ship, those sworn into the cult must live for it and die for it, and abandon any life they had before that. -Makes bone jewelry out of deserters or any who dare oppose her cult, as a warning. -Dodging the Facsimlaen Law, creating scapegoat after scapegoat. The False Prophet is the latest of many such poor trolls slated to take the rap should things go south.
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 5 years ago
Well since I already shared one of these short stories here's another: a fantroll story
Alternatively titled: What Happens When Rubele Decides To Ignore His Moirail's Advice.
Consider this an alternate timeline of sorts to the previous one, but if both events were placed on a calendar this one would take place immediately after the first.
Look it's a spiritual successor to this just take it and good luck understanding anything ok.
Content warning for active drinking this time (it's a recurring theme for reasons, sorry); also for semi-descriptive death via choking.
"Whoooeee! That sure is the stuff!!" Rubele exclaimed, giving the glass he had just quaffed from a swish. The reddish fluid splashed inside the cup, and it took everything Zeerce had not to twitch as a stray droplet or two escaped, staining the white rug below.
"I must admit, Ms. Cruorr, I've never been one to drink anything as fine as this, but you have wonderful tastes. A troll like me could get used to this sort of thing," Rubele laughed as he imbibed from his glass once more, leaning back in his seat.
"I'm glad you can still appreciate the finer things in life, Rubele... By now I had all but given up on there being any hopes for you, given the company you choose to keep."
Rubele frowned over his wine glass, eyes meeting Zeerce's from under tinted shades.
"Now, Ms. Cruorr... Don'chyou... Don't you think that's a mite harsh? After all, I'm not the only seadweller here with a cerulean moirail," he pointed out, taking another sip of that sweet soda. Zeerce gave a ghost of a smile, faint and unreadable.
"True. But you and I both know very well that that's not what I was referring to. Nor is your social life the reason I let you into my hive.
"As much as I enjoy your company, I'm a very busy woman, so I'll keep it brief - I procured the materials you asked for, and have upheld my end of the bargain. It is your turn to return the favor, don't you think?" Zeerce cocked an eyebrow at Rubele, tapping a sharpened claw on the armrest of her chair. Rubele gave her a lopsided smile in return, setting his glass down on the side table next to him as he leaned forward in his chair.
"Ahh, yes, of course, of course... I would hardly be a businessman of my repute if I didn't have it ready, huh?" He paused as he purposefully made eye contact with Zeerce, clasping his hands in front of him.
"But, I've been doin' some research of my own while assembling this, this thing, if you will... And have found the results significantly affect the price you'll have to pay for it. I have one more condition I'd like you to fulfill, before I let you have this program."
"That was not part of the--"
"I would like you," Rubele interrupted, holding a finger up to her, "to include my moirail and I when you play this 'game'. In fact - I want ya to let us be the first to start the program, so that we know you won't skip over us."
Zeerce narrowed her eyes into a withering glare at the troll across from her.
"And if I refuse, as a customer who already paid her dues?"
Rubele scoffed.
"Then no deal. I keep the program and use it for myself, while you remain stuck here.
"I mean, s'not fleet science, Zee. If my sources are to believed, then this program will destroy this world and everything on it. Why would any troll just willingly give you such a device after hearing that, without at least ensuring that their own carapaces were saved?"
Zeerce scowled, tapping her claws thoughtfully as she let her gaze roam around the room.
"And where did you even hear such an... outlandish rumor, about this program, hm?"
Rubele leaned back into his seat, a knowing smirk on his face as he watched Zeerce.
"What, you think you're the only one with sources? Or rather that you're the only one who can contact yours?"
"...I see. The horrorterrors, hm," Zeerce said shortly.
"Bingo-rooney!!" Rubele snickered, crossing his legs and shooting fingerguns at Zeerce. He barely noticed the toe of his boot kick against the side table until it was too late, jostling his glass off the edge and spilling Faygo all over the rug.
"Ah, whoops... Lemme get that for you, Zee," Rubele stood from his seat, pausing for a second as the world seemed to reel around him. Zeerce smirked.
"You're not looking too good, Rubele. Are you sure you don't want to let me handle it?"
Rubele shook his head obstinately, even as he reached out for the arm of the chair to steady himself.
" 'mfine just, uhhh... not used t' the vintage I guess," Rubele slurred, holding his head in his hand as he tried to pull himself together. Instead, he slowly sank down on one knee, his limbs feeling so tired... his eyelids so heavy....
Zeerce chuckled lightly as she rose from her seat.
"I suppose it was a... little strong for such unrefined tastes as yours, wasn't it?" She sneered down at him, stepping closer. Zeerce bent closer to Rubele, putting a finger to his chin and lifting his head upwards to face her.
"Would you like me to call your moirail to come get you? Do they know you're here?"
Rubele stared up at Zeerce, eyes unfocused. He hesitated, thinkpan so foggy he could barely formulate the answer. He felt so tired....
"No... no, they.. they barely know 'bout any of this..." he managed, struggling with every word.
Zeerce smirked.
She'd heard what she needed to know.
"And here I thought you were smart, Rubele."
Within the blink of an eye, a whip lashed out, encircling around Rubele's neck. Rubele gagged, eyes widening behind his glasses as he stared at Zeerce in shock.
"A word to the wise - never show your hand, if you want to live, hm?" Zeerce smiled down at him, giving the whip a jerk. Rubele fell forward, still choking silently. He couldn't fight back. He could barely stay awake, let alone muster the energy to resist. His bleary gaze strained itself upwards towards Zeerce, silently pleading.
"You may not have relinquished the Program to me... but I'm quite sure it will be no trouble at all for me to find it," Zeerce sneered, keeping the whip taut as he slowly sank more and more to the floor.
"Especially if I... enlist... the help of your dear Moirail," she hissed into his finned ear, her grin broadening as she felt his struggles grow frantic.... then stillness.
Zeerce gave it a few moments - waited to make sure the body was truly dead - before she finally allowed the whip to slacken. One figure crumpled to the floor as the other stood up tall, winding her whip up to tuck back onto her belt. She stood for a moment, contemplating her blood brother's cowardice. And here she thought that spiking his drink might cause her more problems than help... She'd had a feeling he'd turn on her somehow, but didn't have a clue that he had found out about the program. It paid to be prepared, after all.
Zeerce stepped around the body, stiletto heeled shoe crunching the discarded glass beneath her in her efforts to avoid... the rest of the mess. No matter. She could always procure more glasses if need be. Like everything else in her life, they were expendable, after all.
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 5 years ago
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Even uppity seadwellers are forced to haggle sometimes, it seems. :3c This is an old sketch, so the quirks are off. It was after I drew this I gave Zeerce the E quirk, and Rubele ended up with something entirely different. Consider this sketch a bit of an explanatory thing for my fantrolls story re: matters such as 'why does Zeerce need people to run errands and get shit for her', 'how does SBURB come about for them?' 'Why is Zeerce such a tool'.... ok maybe not that last one but you get me. Quirk free dialogue: Rubele: Program a game for you? Sure thing! Rubele: Though I COULD use some incentive... and my systems DO need an update.... Zeerce: Ugh, fine, so long as you get it done. ok? B/
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 6 years ago
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even Zeerce was cute once.... ;3c
I just like drawing grubs tbh
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 6 years ago
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More quotes from @classpectingquotes!! This time with my terrible thief Zeerce. uwu
Quote from here: https://se7ens-oc-heaven.tumblr.com/post/183522360031/thief-if-im-not-the-best-by-now-then-what-pray
Quirk Free:
Zeerce: If I’m not the best by NOW, then what, pray tell, is the point?? 
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chaosbound-official · 6 years ago
what do the other trolls here think of belphe?
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Quokka: My moirail recently told me 5he had a bad run in with a really 5loppy looking cobalt… If he’5 the 5ame one, he really 5cared the crap out of  her, 5o I’m probably gonna throw hand5. 8>:/
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Purrol: Belphe– Ohh, the uhh… the cobaltbloodd…. Himm…. rightt. He'ss… ratherr differentt fromm the impressionn I gott off himm onn Dersse. A lott morre…. Intimidatingg.
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Makkea: Well, he’s uh… ra7her quick 7-o anger. 7ha7, -or I seem 7-o really push all 7he wr-ong bu77-ons wi7h him. Which w-ouldn’7 be any7hing new. Al7h-ough I’ve n-o7iced since we all g-o7 here, he jus7 keeps 7-o himself when he’s n-o7 answering ques7i-ons. Which is be77er 7han… A l-o7 -of 7hings -o7her 7r-olls s-ome7imes ch-o-ose 7-o d-o wi7h 7heir 7ime. S-o… A7 leas7 he’s n-o7 ru7hlessly vi-olen7? Bu7 s7ill really irri7able.
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Hiraeh: I don'x xrusx him. I’ve seen him hanging around wixh an unscrupulous violexblood xhax lives near me. I’m prexxy sure he works for her. Xhey’re boxh bad news.
Mod: So all in all… Nobody really likes him. He’s pretty unpopular.
Quirk free under cut:
Quokka: My moirail recently told me she had a bad run in with a really sloppy looking cobalt… If he’s the same one, he really scared the crap out of  her, so I’m probably gonna throw hands. >:/
Purrol: Belphe– Oh, the uh… the cobaltblood…. Him…. Right. He's… rather different from the impression I got off him on Derse. A lot more…. Intimidating.
Makkea: Well, he’s uh… rather quick to anger. That, or I seem to really push all the wrong buttons with him. Which wouldn’t be anything new. Although I’ve noticed since we all got here, he just keeps to himself when he’s not answering questions. Which is better than… A lot of things other trolls sometimes choose to do with their time. So… At least he’s not ruthlessly violent? But still really irritable.
Hiraeh: I don’t trust him. I’ve seen him hanging around with an unscrupulous violetblood that lives near me. I’m pretty sure he works for her. They’re both bad news.
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 6 years ago
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Dialogue quirk free (going left to right here):
Belphe: Ugh, shut the fuck up, Zeerce, what I do is none of your business.
Belphe: H-Hewwo??
Zeerce: AAAUGH!!!
Zeerce: Belphe you KNOW I hate that voice!!! >:/
Belphe: Well, duh, why else would I do it. 
ok, so HERE’S a terrible au idea I have no business making but here we are anyways - Chaosstuck bloodswap!! Taking the characters and swapping them with canon characters and the like.
Tbh, I really only did this because if you swap Belphe with Eridan, his quirk proceeds to become one of the worst ones on the planet. You can thank my lovely friend @shyyren for providing some quality concepts based on this uwu:
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And then, well, if I’m gonna have Belphe swapped with Eridan, I might as well swap some more people! So we have a brief cameo of the worst Fuchsia ever, Zeerce Peixes. Mostly done based on her dynamic with Belphe and how that’d play out. 
I maaaay or may not have also assigned roles and considered classpects for everyone else while I was at it. But I’m not sure if I’ll get into it for now since I’m too busy worldbuilding for Chaosbound canon to start building Chaosbound aus lmao. If anyone’s curious though feel free to ask!
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 6 years ago
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Day 6 of fantroll drawtober - caste swap (examples were aristocrat to beggar)
I can't say I'm happy with this one much. I didn't have any idea whatsoever of what I was doing with this, at any stage - not the prompt, the concept or the execution of the picture. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
The idea for this one was in an au setting where the level of importance on the hemospectrum is reversed - so Zeerce is still a seadweller violetblood, but she's almost the lowest of the low. In this context, that makes her usual pawn Zahyit the rustblood a pretty big deal... and not afraid to show it.
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