#zeek astron
melsie-sims2 · 2 months
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Zeek stood there for a moment after Corinne headed into the kitchen, feeling something strange in the pit of his stomach.
Why did it take him so long to realize it?
As the sun rose, signaling the start of a new day, Zeek realized he'd fallen in love.
What was he gonna do now? Did she feel the same? Was this going to completely change their vibe?
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melsie-sims2 · 14 days
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Still very much in the process of letting the news sink in, Zeek headed into his daughter's bedroom. She was already awake in her crib, waiting to get started on her day.
He picked her up and gave her the biggest hug.
"Good morning!" he said in Sixamese. He didn't speak it often nowadays but he did want Xora and the new baby to learn.
Watcher, he just couldn't wait! A dad of two! Him!
He just needed to grow a thick mustache and learn how to operate a grill, then he'd be the ultimate family man. Who would've thought?
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melsie-sims2 · 15 days
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Corinne woke up just before dawn feeling something very familiar.
The last time she'd felt it in the pit of her stomach, she was getting out of a taxi after a date with a certain Sim with green skin and big, curly hair.
She did suspect she might be pregnant the night before, but this confirmed it. She was going to have two under three.
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melsie-sims2 · 1 month
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"Congrats!" some of the guests could be heard saying as they clapped.
"Cheers to the happy couple!" Boone said from way in the back.
Ever the hopeless romantic, Mei wiped a tear that was slowly sliding down her cheek.
Zeek's voice boomed over everyone else's. "Alright, great job, now let's go get drunk and eat too much turkey!"
Corinne rolled her eyes. "You're being so rude! This is a wedding!"
"Oh please, you like me the way I am," Zeek batted his dark eyes at her.
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melsie-sims2 · 3 months
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"We're gonna do happy birthday for you and your mommy, okay?" Zeek said and immediately began to play the song, adding a few improvised riffs along the way to show off.
Xora accompanied him on her toy xylophone. Although Music and Dance wasn't her preferred hobby, she was definitely going to grow up listening to her dad play a lot.
(Also having guests over and playing for tips is a great way to make quick simoleons when you're broke! Especially if you're actually a talented musician!)
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melsie-sims2 · 1 month
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And just like that, Jamar and Krinn got re-dressed in their formal attires and returned to the party like nothing had happened.
"Do you think anyone missed us?" she whispered to her husband.
"Probably, we're the main attraction," Jamar replied with a smirk.
Nobody said a word about their absence though, or asked why Krinn's makeup was a little bit smudged.
Did they actually get away with it, or was everyone just too polite to talk about their respected mayor's woohoo life openly? Krinn was pretty sure it was the latter.
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melsie-sims2 · 1 month
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Will Corinne and Zeek be welcoming Baby #2 in Year 8? Will Zeek tell Corinne how he feels about her, and more importantly, will she reciprocate those feelings?
We'll have to wait an entire rotation to find out.
See you next year!
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melsie-sims2 · 1 month
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"You know it's 7PM, right?" Of course she didn't, but Zeek said it anyway. "What are you doing with so much energy? You should be getting ready for bed, not just waking up!"
Xora giggled.
He got her out of her crib and, after a quick bottle and a diaper change, the two went on to practice walking for a few hours.
Xora was just so happy to spend time with her dad! She was such a bubbly ray of sunshine, even after her bedtime.
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melsie-sims2 · 1 month
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One thing led to another...
"Watcher, that was amazing," Corinne sighed happily. "You're amazing..."
Zeek looked at her for a long moment. He really wanted to tell her something important that'd been on his mind, but instead he decided to go with something less serious.
"You need to get out more," he told her.
"I know," Corinne groaned. "When's your next day off?"
"Tuesday. Just one more shift," he assured her. "I'll watch Xora and you can do whatever you want."
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melsie-sims2 · 2 months
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"Hey, guess who got promo—"
"Oh my Watcher, finally!" Corinne cut him off, launching herself at him.
Zeek wasn't about to say "no" to an unexpected make out session, was he? He could tell her about his promotion later.
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melsie-sims2 · 2 months
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Zeek was off to work again, which meant it'd be another day of just Corinne and Xora hanging out.
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melsie-sims2 · 2 months
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Zeek was surprised to see Corinne up so early. It wasn't even dawn yet.
"What are you doing up so early?" she asked exactly what he was thinking about her.
"Xora woke up. I went and got her... and then I decided to make breakfast," he shrugged, still looking a bit defeated.
"Oh! Yum! I could eat," Corinne grinned.
"Don't look too thrilled. I burnt it," Zeek admitted.
"Eh, I've probably eaten worse," Corinne was quick to shrug it off as no big deal. "It's the thought that counts, right?"
Zeek chuckled. "Wait until you taste it before you say that."
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melsie-sims2 · 2 months
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Well, the day wasn't off to the best start for Zeek.
He woke up early to make breakfast for himself and his sort-of-not-really girlfriend, only to burn everything.
"Plum!" he swore, adding a few Sixamese expletives for good measure. "No! Argh!"
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melsie-sims2 · 3 months
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Boone and Eloise are no longer my favorite father/daughter duo.
Just look at them! And look at how big Xora's ears look on her tiny head! I'm kind of obsessed!
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melsie-sims2 · 3 months
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It was Zeek's first day of work in his dream job and he was beyond excited!
Of course, part of him definitely felt a little guilty for leaving Corinne alone at home with their newborn daughter. He really hoped they were going to be okay by themselves.
Still, his guilt didn't stop him from grinning ear to ear as he got into the car. He was going to be a professional musician! How woohooing awesome was that?!
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melsie-sims2 · 3 months
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Welcome to Zeek and Corinne's trailer!
They barely had any simoleons left after moving into their new place and buying the essentials. It was going to be a grind to get back to the more comfortable lifestyle they were used to in their previous places.
Fortunately Zeek had a job to go to in a few minutes!
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