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lostcauses-noregrets · 2 years ago
Hi lost, do you know any ao3 Eruri fics where one of them is a adventurer/explorer of some kind like a tomb raider au with them being lovers or something with them being in a jungle for whatever reason. Sorry that my ask is so vague i had a sudden thought yesterday and searched for it on ao3 but im really bad at it and today i can't quite remember what exactly it was. Thanks in advance and i love your blog and fic recs
Hi Anon, I definitely haven't read anything along these lines, but I did a search of AO3 and came up with this:
Through the Jungle by ackermess
Pixis, a renowned archeologist, goes missing on an expedition in South America. Erwin, Mike and Nile, his former students, make the choice of going after him, bent on bringing their mentor back home. But none of the men has ever been in the jungle, and they need a guide. They find Levi, a ex military man who now does odd jobs here and there to make a living.
Erwin falls in love in the jungle
There's only one chapter so far, but it sounds like it might hit the spot?
ETA Oh wait, I've also just remembered Alive by @zedsdead1001, which is a jungle set military AU.
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methpring · 2 years ago
10 Songs, 10 People
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. 
Thanks for @alabaster-moon for tagging me!
I’ll tag:
@user-needs-new-hyperfixation @satanshellspawn @lordsofcrime @loichte @canonsherliam @zedsdead1001 @frisk21 @sakuplumeria  @twstedhearts @mayst0rm
I’m using the playlist I’m listening at the moment, mainly containing Yuumori + some random songs:
1. Yami no Opera(I) (闇の歌劇(I)lit. Opera in the Dark I) - ただすけ (Moriarty the Patriot Musical OP.2 Soundtrack)
2. [moriarty the patriot] alpha — slowed & reverb ! - etherealtints
3. Muumin Tani Fuyu Soshite~Tooi Akogare - Sumio Shiratori (Moomin music)
4. Whitechapel no Kane no Ne wa (ホワイトチャペルの鐘の音は lit. Whitechapel's Bells Ring) - ただすけ (Moriarty the Patriot Musical OP.3 Soundtrack)
5. Let It Go - Male Vocal Cover (Frozen Soundtrack) - Caleb Hyles
6. I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme) - Johnny Rzeznik (Treasure Planet Soundtrack)
7. William and Holmes - 橘 麻美 (Moriarty the Patriot Anime Soundtrack)
8. Suspicious smell - 橘 麻美 (Moriarty the Patriot Anime Soundtrack)
9. Kowai Kowai na Nazo ga Ippai Kirisaki Jack (こわい こわいな なぞがいっぱい きりさきジャック  lit. Scary, Scary There Are so Many Mysteries Jack the Ripper) - ただすけ (Moriarty the Patriot Musical OP.3 Soundtrack)
10. Saa Shukkou - Sumio Shiratori (Moomin music)
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asklittleleviandkuchel · 6 years ago
Hi! What is Levi's favourite dinner to eat and can he use both a knife and fork? Xx
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"Soup! Because it warm my tummy!"
On another note, who would let their 3 year-old use a knife?!
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laffitine · 6 years ago
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Happy birthday, @zedsdead1001!! I hope you've had a wonderful birthday!
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goddamnchou · 6 years ago
Hb3 sounds interesting if you'd like to share more? X
yep!! that one is the entire file for this fic, don’t let me go,  which is where erwin lives on a houseboat on a tropical island that levi and his family go to visit during the summer. levi is really bored and doesn’t like being there until he meets erwin, and then they flirt a lot and start dating and its rly gross. 
i’ve written way ahead of what i posted but p much they spend the whole summer together but then it gets kind of angsty b/c levi has to leave at the end to go back home but uhh before that they swim naked at night (after erwin helps levi in the water b/c he kind of has a phobia) and have sex in the ocean b/c ofc they do:
This time, he didn’t pull away and Erwin didn’t make anymore jokes, and Levi took great pleasure in seeing, hearing, and feeling Erwin fall apart in front of him, especially after he took his own cock in hand too so that he could stroke them both at the same time. He couldn’t resist, naturally, when they were already in a good position for it and Erwin’s dick was right there, and although the water oddly made things less slippery, he still found that it was possible for him to move his hips enough to increase the friction while he jerked them off.
Either way, it was pretty clear that it wasn’t going to take long for either of them to come, perhaps because the thrill of what they were doing just made it too exhilarating. It certainly felt that way for Levi, he thought, because no sooner had he lost himself and established a good rhythm with his hand, he sensed his release building fast, along with that giddy feeling he’d had earlier and a strong fluttering in his belly that could only be from excitement. It was very stimulating, really, and so he tightened his legs around Erwin and moaned along with him while they kissed and Erwin greedily groped at his ass, finding that the movements of his hand became desperate all too soon and he had to bite down on his lip so that he wouldn’t cry out when he came several moments later.
Shuddering, he tilted his head back while the pleasure rendered him still for a few seconds, managing to catch the tail end of Erwin’s own quiet, deep groan when he finished too and buried his face into Levi’s neck. Like that, they both did not move or say anything for at least half a minute, just enjoying the feel of the water and the afterglow and each other until Erwin suddenly stiffened and spoke up.
“Shit.” He said, an exclamation which made Levi raise an eyebrow because he didn’t commonly curse like that, not like him. “Someone’s coming.”
thank you for asking
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kittyboo8015 · 6 years ago
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Hello! Just a quick note to say I might be a little less active for a couple of days due to school assignments :(
I am also thrilled that my eruri candles crafted by the amazing @zedsdead1001 arrived today!!!! They are so pretty and they smell amazing!!!❤️❤️💕💕💕❤️💕 Definitely check them out if you haven’t already !!!
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erurilicious · 6 years ago
Heya! I think i know some of these so prepare for me to embarrassingly totally get it all wrong... 27 She/her Aghhh gemini? Single? Green Art, collecting, wearing awesome flower crowns Bit of both Autumn
I think 4-5 of 8 is a good score 😊Ofc I don’t say which ones are right in case someone else will give it a try XD
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inkonice · 6 years ago
*hugs you real tight* Would you please send this to the first 10 people on your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! 💝💝💝💝
Awwww thank you, sweetheart!
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thebritishteapot · 7 years ago
✨✨✨Yuriiiiiiii if you receive this, you make someone happy. go on anonymous (or not) and send it to ten of your followers who make you happy. if you get some back, even better! have a lovely day! ✨✨✨
I’M GONNA CRUSH YOU with hugs, be careful i’m on my way
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fig-11 · 7 years ago
In The Deep wood questions 1&4 please sweet xxx
Bless you Zed!
1. So originally I wrote ITDW in 4 parts because I had no idea where I was going with the story. I wanted to try to write a domestic, fluffy tentacle monster fic but I quickly realized once I got the basic idea down I wasn’t sure how that would work. Plus, misty tendril creature!Levi just sort of developed as this mischievous, willful tempting entity that kind of, didn’t seem to fit the fluffy homely mood. I still feel like it’s unfinished but I’m also happy for it to end with a question mark. Is there more to The story? Maybe someday.
4. My favorite line is most definitely Erwin’s embarrassing literary reference,
“I didn’t dream it!” He felt a rush of cold once more but like before he was strangely drawn to his something. “Of course not, Woodsman. Did you really think I was a figment of your mind?”“Or perhaps a bit of undigested beef.” Erwin mused.
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ladymacbethsspot · 7 years ago
@zedsdead1001 sent me a question for the voice meme, so please enjoy nearly 10 minutes of me saying the word tentacles and laughing awkwardly. 
Bonus: if you play a drinking game for the number of times I say ‘tentacles’ you’ll probably be dead by the end of this recording.
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sensitive-eruri · 7 years ago
Happy birthday sweetness!!!!
Thanks Zed I appreciate (๑°ε°๑)
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hallaig · 7 years ago
zed, love, you’re so good. like, fuck. i’m… so far gone from s.n k but your art is incredible and you’ve grown so much ksdfbkjsdfdjs thank you for loving me even though I’m absent af (uh also you’re gorgeous. rude.)
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acrknowyou · 7 years ago
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Hello and thanks for asking! 14 and 15 ft Levi with space-patterned clothing (socks) and suspenders. Its just very messy and sketchy but i had fun doing it even if it doesn't make much sense xD 
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dontworryeruri-blog · 7 years ago
An eruri prompt if you'd like! Watching the fireworks :)
A distinct, sharp whistling pierced the silence of the night, cutting through the thick, humid air like a precise slice through a titan’s skin. Erwin sat hunched over his desk, oblivious to the noise, and the ‘ohhs’ and ‘ahhs’ of humanities elites. Oblivious to the man standing in the doorway, short of stature, but still filling so much space.
“What could those pigs possibly find to celebrate?” The voice, smooth and deep, finally drew his attention from the papers. Levi.
Erwin blinked, wincing when the second fiery display popped into a shower of color. “Who knows. I wouldn’t concern yourself.” He stood to pull the shutters closed, but Levi was so suddenly there. It was hard to remember that things like this were still so new to him. His steely eyes reflected the blues, reds, and greens that shimmered before fading from the world. Like so many souls, burning brightest before being snuffed out in the jaws of the enemy.
“Seems like a waste. Money tossed in the toilet that we could have used. Tch-” Still though, under the bored facade, Levi was transfixed. And Erwin suddenly forgot why finishing his paperwork was so important.
Levi had a habit of distracting him. The other man didn’t seem to realize, or maybe he didn’t care, but the blond’s blue eyed gaze would subtlety follow him on base, drawn to his aura. His heart seemed to pound in his presence, and now Levi was so close, wide eyed as yellows and oranges illuminated the sky.
He pulled the shutters closed with a click, but before he could stop himself, his mouth spoke with a gentle fondness that surprised even him. “It will look better from the roof.”
“What?” Levi blinked up, pulled from his trance, then quickly turned on his heel. But not before Erwin could make out the light dusting of pink spreading over his cheeks. “Fuck off.”
And then he was gone, leaving Erwin alone in his office with thoughts running wild. It was the heat. It was the light from the candle. It couldn’t be…
Hopeless. Erwin Smith was hopeless, seated on the corner of his desk while the explosions continued to crackle. He was deep in thought, gaze boring into the heavy planks under foot. Maybe- What if…?
He made up his mind as quickly as he grabbed his jacket from the chair. It was a long climb, and the heat was gathering as he approached the opening. The roof. And at it’s edge, legs dangling from the side, was Levi.
There was something like relief melting away the edge to his features as Erwin approached. His body was bathed in blue light, then pink, and green before there was another lull in the show. “I hate it when you’re always right.” He huffed, just leaning in Erwin’s direction when the blond took a seat at his side. “It’s a nicer view to watch them piss our funding away.”
Erwin chuckled, an almost rare sound, and was rewarded with a faint smile. Maybe the rumors were true. Maybe there was more to them than ranks and titles. “They would just find something else to spend it on. At least like this, everyone gets to enjoy it.”
“Yeah… I guess so.” Levi shrugged beside him, their shoulders brushing ever so slightly. Neither moved away. They stayed like that, caught on the edge of a perilous line while fire filled the sky; Levi focused on the fireworks. Erwin though, found his gaze shifting, then lingering on the other man’s profile. It was rare he was allowed time to stare at all.
“Creep.” Caught red handed. “What is it?” Levi was rubbing at his nose, like maybe there was something on his face. Erwin just smiled.
“Nothing, Levi.” His eyes turned back to the sky, but his knee knocked gently against his companion’s, grounded there. “I was simply enjoying the view.”
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oricosplay · 7 years ago
You are an inspiration, also with fandom and cosplay aside (which you rule at, btw). But truly, I admire you so much for your strength and fortitude. Be proud of what you do, be happy in your life, don't let the haters bring you down. I've learnt that with time and you have been a part of that learning. Thank you for unashamedly being you.
I’m so happy to see messages so full of love and support, and knowing there are people who learned from me as much as I learned from them.
So thank you for being you, and for being here. You make me proud and happy!
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