#zedaph x y/n
poetthewriter · 1 year
can you pls write a poly grian and zedaph x reader! maybe like just a cute date night with them?
Of course I can I hope you enjoy<3 feel free to give feed back <3
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐛&𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 🌱🧄🌿
𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐙𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐩𝐡
The sun slowly drifts down the sky and soon it will be out of view, Y/n stands it the kitchen looking down at the vegetables on their cutting board as they precisely cut the potatoes with a big stainless steel knife. the small wooden kitchen is filed with the warm and amazing smell of a beautiful roast covered in herbs, broth, vegetables and a viberent red wine that all lay in a crock pot.
Y/n puts all the food scraps in to a bucket and open the sliding door to the back of their house, the garden is in full bloom and forest is quite accept for the lake across the bumpy dirt road. The mini wooden hatch swings open as Y/n unlocks it, potato peels, celery roots, animal fat and other compostable foods all fall out when Y/ns hands turn the red bucket downwards towards the grass.
Y/n turns around quickly to look at where the sudden sound came from but nothings there accept for a little stick that fell of one of the maple trees snapped half, a small chipmunk makes a clicking sound as it runs up the tree and Y/n laughs at themself for getting so worried about sounds they hear from the forest they live in every day but just as they wind down from laughing two blond boys come up from behind Y/n and..
A loud scream echo's through the forest in reaction from Y/ns lovers scaring them.
giggles turn in to loud laughs as Grian and Zed hear their partners response to there little prank all Y/n can do is look up from them now as now they are sitting on the dirty grass, the warm air hits all of them even though the sun is close to being gone, Y/n gets up and walks to their door locking the two jerks outside. Running up to the door Grian and Zed pound on it begging for their partner to let them in.
"Y/nnnnnn were sorryyyyyyy!"
"We were just trying to surprise you, will let us in for date night already we want to see youuuuu!"
Slowly but surely Y/n slowly opens the door Zed and Gri immediately smother them into a warm, soft, hug. the two lift their heads goofy smiles lay across their faces as the look at their partner and take in the aromatic peppery smell lingering across the cottage. they look down at the beautifully set dinner table, red table cloths spread across the table and Lady of Shallot roses are placed in a transparent red vase.
"it looks lovely, darling" zed says to Y/n as they start to prepare all of their plates.
"it sure does, it smells amazing too" Grian follows up Zeds question, all Y/N does is give a bright smile to them as they walk over to try and help, once again as they rest behind Y/ns shoulder and the smells of the two immediately their smell runs past them. Zed smells like fire and a bit musty from working on him projects and Grian smells earthy and woodlike.
Holding three plates in their hands Y/n place them all down on the table mats, the three sit down to eat the warm meal and talk about their day.
"What did you do today!" Gri say with a smile as he devores his food.
"it was great! I feel like I did so much and now I get to end off with a date! I first dropped off some berries to Ren then I helped Pearl with some of Scars chest monsters and then I ended off by hunting with Tango! it was a fun day, what did you two do?" Y/N says happily putting their hands behind their head.
"I tested Mumbo's Vault today and proud to say it was not Grian proof" Grian quickly chimes in after Y/n.
Zed laughs and talks about his day "I really didn't do much different then a normal day at the lab, Impulse did come visit me though, so that was nice!"
the three continue chatting about their day and the small little details of their work and interactions as they finish up their plates, Zed gets up taking the plates and putting them in the water filled sink. Grian comes up behind the two and swing his arms over their shoulders.
"what do you wanna do now its only 8:00?" he says groaning.
"go put on shorts and a tank top, you two" Zed says looking at Y/n with a sly face, after a few minutes the two come down to see Zed already dressed, he grabs Grian and Y/n pulling them somewhere outside as he tells them to close their eyes.
basically feeling the giddy smile coming off of Zed, Y/n and Grian start to feel a bit nervous, the nerves don't stop until gasps come out of the blind partners cold water engulfs their feet as they step forward.
"HOLY! THATS COLD!" Grian screams, his wings flap up as he feels it, but now as they open their eyes its two late Zed pushes them right into the cold lake, screams and splashing are shared by the two freezing bodies in the lake.
"ZEDAPH!" Y/n yells at him before tackling him into the water with them, now the screams come from him as the two laugh at what he just did to them.
The three partners laughs could be heard miles away from the moon covered lake and no one could do anything to stop them from loving the times the are together cause in the end no matter how much time they have they know they will love each other for every second they breath.
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gimblegamble · 8 months
Ty gim for being one of my favourite Mumbo shippers and Mumbo fans ever. So happy to found u way back when u first started posting storage wars and so happy to see u wlhenevrr u pop up :)
Ur so right literally frfr /pos
Particularly big fan of ur Grumbo n ZIMT takes Grumbo forever has my heart but I see sooo little content for any combination of Mumbo x ZIT that it’s so precious t me!!!!!! I also like ur other Mumbo ships too ofc they’re so!!!!!!!
Uh ig for an ask, do u think ZIT each caught feelings for Mumbo at a diff time or the same time, and how did they react lol?
Bonus points if Mumbo has 0 clue y theyr all being extra affectionate/ flirty/ flustered around him part 3 by the way- /lh
- 🌱 Anon
Oh wow, been a long while eh? Almost four years! I'm honestly surprised my obsession with the man lasted this long lmao, also surprised anyone still remembers storage wars which got us into this whole mess in the first place >.<
Thank you for indulging me in my Mumbo-centric ways, i swear that man deserves more but as far as I've seen he's always just relegated to a love interest or a side character 😔. Been trying to remedy that but I'm also the slowest writer to ever grace this earth so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Grumbo will always be number 1 in my heart, which might surprise some people lmao but ships like ZIMT and the rarepair ones are so fun to think about.
Oh answering the ZIMT prompt under the cut because it got pretty long
Now, regarding the ZIT crew they definitely fell at different times and at different speeds. We're going by the time each of them joined and we all know that Mumbo has had a hand in summoning both Tango and Impulse to the server which got Zed into it in the end.
Tango's summoning was a bit like summoning tech support. Quick and business-like, a little bit impersonal but hey, you don't really get a chance to build rapport with every technician you meet. But then Tango was invited back and it helps that they were already on the right foot.
Tango only started to fall around the civil war. They've been chatting and meeting every now and then, usually about the newest iron farm designs but they really got to talking when Mumbo came back from his short stint as a mole.
Impulse's summoning, however, was a lot more personal, and some would say that it all started since then. Freshly summoned but his eyes were already glued to that quiet, suit wearing redstoner whose name he didn't know despite having a tiny piece of the man's soul resting comfortably with his (and vice versa but that's the perils of the type of summoning they did, Tango and Xisuma's been affected as well)
He was pretty unperturbed about the whole thing though, because he's Impulse, the kind of guy with the patience to rebuild his whole base a block higher just because he didn't like the look of it. (Just... no sudden movements following grand discoveries though, that's enough to destabilize Impulse's finely crafted nonchalance)
And funnily enough, I've written the exact moment Mumbo caught Zedaph's eye. Four years ago as well ^^
Thank you thank you thank you for still waiting on Cinnamon challenge even after all these years, you have no idea how happy this makes me.
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dragon-queen21 · 2 years
hihi ^^ im sneakin in bc i wanna know if u got anymore things to share! (doesnt have to bc mcyt, can b anythin!) heres one of mine!
i think xsumaa n tango sometimes take turns looking after each other in the nether (strider-regressor x n blaze/netherborn tango!) bc they like to spend more time in the nther than the others! tango usually has backup, bc he's tends to be more big brother-y than carer like x can be ^^
Hi hi! I was saving this ask till after the holidays to answer (also so I could give a good thought out response)
Tango sounds like me when I tried to look after one of my friends. “Sure I can watch over you X.” And it all starts out well and good but he ends up regressing half way through his time watching the little.
Currently fixated on dadzuma taking care of like 6 or so kiddo hermits all at once. Trying to get them all to go to bed and just wholesome chaos happening. Maybe like Grian and Zedaph refusing to get back into bed cause there’s a monster in their room. And Iskall wanting cuddles and I don’t know, I just really want to write some soft cg Xisuma fluff.
Also, the headcanon that laurenzside and Scott are siblings has been living in my brain rent free for the past week. Kinda want to write another fic with those two, I’m just not sure what about yet.
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
Hello everyone! This was written as part of the unofficial underrated hermits week project by @boop-ity! Thanks for asking me to be a part of this!
Curiouser and Curiouser
c!Zedaph x gn!Reader
Summary: Your husband is a scientist, and you’re his assistant. One day, he asks you to step into the experiment, and something stranger than either of you expected shows up in the results.
Notes: Established relationship (married), set in Season 8 of HermitCraft, scientific experiments, mentions of loud noises, reader has superpowers (kind of?). 
Ever since you learned of Zed’s plan for the season, you claimed the role as his assistant. Not that there was much competition, as your husband wouldn’t have even considered asking anyone else.
When he decided to start experiments on his fellow hermits, you were happy to help with the proceedings. You set up the test chamber and helped to come up with the various parts to the examination, right beside Zedaph the entire time. When he (inevitably) asked you to be one of the subjects, you were more than happy to oblige. You didn’t expect your results to be anything unusual, especially with how arbitrary the tests were designed to be.
How wrong you were.
It started out the same as any other experiment, and you dropped into the testing chamber without ceremony. Soon, Zed’s voice came through the speaker system you’d helped to set up.
The first test was nothing simple item association, and you came up with suitably reasonable items, certainly nowhere near the strangest of answers. 
The first unusual thing happened when Zed asked you to create an automatic system. With the materials provided, you figured it would be simple to make an automatic bamboo farm, much like those of previous subjects. Once the structure was completed, you began to lay out the redstone dust. Somehow, though, an observer was not in the provided items, despite you being pretty sure that it had been there for the other experimentees. 
“Well, this kind of throws off the plan.” With a slight grumble, you began to painstakingly pull up the strips of redstone dust. Without a power source, you couldn’t even set up a simple loop. 
As you thought power source, something twitched in your fingers. Instinctively, you jerked back from the wiring in time to see a red glow emerge from your hands. The wiring began to spark, and you only watched in shock as the circuit whirred to life under your fingertips. 
Turning to your husband, he looked just as stunned by this development as you were. After a moment, he began scribbling at his clipboard, adjusting the microphone by his mouth before speaking over the intercoms again. “Fascinating! I take it from your reaction that this hasn’t happened before?”
You shot him a small glare, even you couldn’t help but smile at him. “Zed, you know this hasn’t happened, just as well as I do. You’ve been there every time I’ve done redstone. That’s your specialty, not mine.”
Despite that… unusual event, the rest of the tests seemed normal. At least, until Zedaph asked you to make as much noise as possible using only the items in the chamber with you. 
Immediately, you were drawn to the minecart. You’d heard enough people complain about how loud they could get. If only you could get it moving quickly… Kneeling down, you rearranged the track to make a loop rather than a squiggle, then looked around at the other objects. What could you use to power the minecart so it would move on its own?
Again, you felt a trembling in your fingers. Glancing back towards the iron cart, the red glow was back. Sparks flew from your hands to the cart, shooting down into the wheels and the track, and jolting the minecart forward. 
The minecart shot forward at a speed that made you jump back with a yelp. It was certainly loud, and a screeching came from the wheels, which were skidding along the tracks at a speed that was just a bit too fast. 
Clapping your hands to your ears, you stepped back. A pressurised hiss came from somewhere to the side, and you turned to see Zed moving quickly towards you, the glass wall that had been separating you still sliding to the side. Stepping toward the device you’d created, he took his pickaxe and broke a piece of the track, stopping the cart just as swiftly as it started. 
He turned towards you, and the half-panicked look on his face melted into something of reassurance. “Are you alright, darling? You’re shaking.”
You looked down at yourself. He was right. “I hadn’t even realised!” Smiling gently at you, your husband spread out his arms. You practically melted into his grasp, wrapping your own arms around him. “I was not expecting these results when I agreed to be one of your test subjects.”
He let out a chuckle, the vibrations carrying more than the sound as you pressed into his chest. “Well, none of the hermits are exactly normal. I suppose you’re just a bit curiouser than we realised.”
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