#ze:a imagines
bunkyung · 4 years
Paring : Hyungsik X Reader
Summary : Hyungsik is running from Sasaeng and he bumps into you and asks you to help him escape. You help him, just not in the way he imagines.
Warning : There's like so much fluff and a tiny hint of violence.
Requested : Yes.
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"Hyungsik!! Look over here," one of the many fan girls screamed. He looked away, not wanting to make eye contact. His body guard just put his arm out to try and make Hyungsik feel a little better. The girls kept pushing and pushing, it's like he couldn't breath.
             "Try not to get lost kid," the security said. Hyungsik looked at him weirdly. 'What an odd thing to say' he thought. That's when he felt himself get pushed into the crowd. He caught the tiniest glimpse of the security looking away before smirking slightly.
              "Let go of me," he tried saying, pushing past some girls to get back into his mangers field of vision. But no one listened. It was this one group. They kept pulling and dragging him away from his manager and everyone he knew, in a foreign city. Yes he was still in Korea, but he was far away from the security of his home city.        
                   He was struggling all he could, to try and get away from the girls.
               "Hyungsik come with me!"
                      "No with me!"
               "You're all mental. He wants me!"
             He couldn't take it anymore. With as much force as he could muster, he rips away from their grips, and sprints in the first direction he sees. He didn't care if he was running away from his team, he only cared about getting away from the group of sasaengs that were following him. He rushes out of the airport and looks both ways before going right. He turns the first corner of an alley and peaks around to see if the girls knew where he had gone.
            He sees them exit the airport and look both ways. He could hear them, that's how close they still were.
               "Which way do you think he went, Yuri?"
             "I don't know, Eunji. Maybe he went across the street."
                 "Well we all have phones, so we'll split up. Yuri and Jisoo can go across the street. Jangmi and Yuna can go right, and Jinhee and I will go left. Call if you find anything."
                   All the girls nodded, and went their separate ways. Hyungsik moved as close to the wall as he could. He watched the girls walk passed and surprisingly they didn't look down the alley. He let out the breath he was holding and then he heard a scream. Both girls came racing down the street towards the alley he was in. He was quick to rush down the alley and into little pathways.
               Sadly they kept guessing the correct pathway, but he knew it was probably because they knew the city better than he did. They almost cut him off a few times but he was lucky enough to escape. 'I need to loose them' he thought, 'and when did they have enough time to call their friends'. He quickly lost his train of thought as he ran into someone, that someone being you.
             "Hey!" I shouted at a guy. He just ran into me full force and almost knocked me down. I grabbed onto him to try and stop from falling over completely.
                  "I'm... s-sorry.." he said panting. I looked him up and down. He was wearing a black turtle neck with a brown jacket. He had on jeans and boots with it. He was holding a bread case looking bag. I look down at my own outfit a little embarrassed. He looked nice and I was in pajamas.
             "Why are you running?"
                   "I'm being chased."
            "By who?"
            "Why? Are you famous? Am I supposed to know who you are?" I question him. He looks supprized that I asked him that.
                 "So you don't know who I am?" He asks. I shake my head at him. I hear some shouting and look behind him. These alleyways did nothing but intertwine for days.
                "Crap," he whispers. I look back at him and he looks at me.
                "So I know we just met but you have to help me," he says. I give him a questioning look.
                "Why would I help you? I don't know you."
            "Exactly! That's why you gotta help me."
     I could tell those girls were getting closer, as their foot steps were getting louder.
             "What's in it for me?" I question. He gives me a weird look and sighs.
                 "I really hope you don't hate me after this."
            "After what?" This guy was acting so strange. I finish my sentence and am in shock. He pulled me into a kiss that deepened instantly. I don't know what came over me but I wrapped my arms around his neck. He tightened his grip on my waist and pushed me against the wall. The girls run by letting out fake gags and walk to the end of the alley.
               "Get a room losers," one of them yells down to us.
              The man starts kissing down my next and I glance over at the girls. They glare at me and start talking to each other.
               "I think he went this way."
              They start heading down the alley and that's when I realize what position I am in. A strange man that I don't know and have never met in my life, kissed me and is currently kissing my neck and I kissed him back. I shriek and push him away. I don't know what came over me, but I slapped him across the face and kneed him. He groaned and fell over a tiny bit. 
              "What in the name of, why did you knee me?" He puffs out angrily.
                   "I don't know you, and you just made out with me. I don't even know your name?!"
               "Hyungsik. Park Hyungsik. And you kissed back so I don't want to hear it." I roll my eyes at him.
          "You might as well come in Hyungsik Park Hyungsik." He rolls his eyes at my smarty remark, and follows me into the building. I take him up to my apartment and go straight into the bathroom. He looked around my apartment and came to his own conclusion that I didn't like that many colors or people. I come back with a first aide kit, and go over to him. I motion for him to sit on the couch, and he does as told.
             "I'll let you use my phone after to call someone if yours isn't in tact anymore. If it is then you can use yours." He nodded his head and let me clean the scratches on his face. He hissed as some stung way more than others. He scrunched up his nose. We were so close that I could hear the tiny whines he let out.
             "You're being a big baby ya know?" He glared at me, "It's just rubbing alcohol." I shrug and finish cleaning him up. If he wants to be like that, let him.
"I'm sorry I slapped you," I look into his eyes while saying that. He nodded.
"It's fine."
                   "So are you gonna tell me more about yourself, or are you gonna remain that one famous person that I saved, beat up and helped?" He sighed and turned to me.
              "I'm an actor and singer. I was in a group called ZE:A, but now I'm self promoting." I nodded and stood up.
                    "Well, are you hungry mister actor? I'm about to make dinner, and I can make some for you if you want." He nodded at me and I set to work trying to throw something together. I whipped up some ramen with fried eggs and kimchi. I also grabbed a couple of homemade croissants and some milk. I set everything on the table and ushered Hyungsik over.
               "Croissants?" He questioned once he saw them. I gave him a look and he laughed.
                  "You know, you haven't told me your name," he says in a teasing tone. I stick my tongue out and introduce myself.
                "Such a beautiful name," he smiles. I roll my eyes at him.
                   "Eat before I beat you again."
                  In no time he's finished his food and called his manager. He went to the other room so I couldn't hear what they were saying. I cleaned up the kitchen and dinning room until he came back out.
                  "So he'll be coming by later, apparently my hotel is across the city and he can't get out right now."
               He slumped down onto the couch next to me. I sighed and looked over at him. He just looked so perfect. 'His eyes look so soft and they're always shinning while looking at me''. Well of course they were, there was a light behind me. 'And his hair just looks so soft, I just want to lightly toss it'. That would be so weird. I shake my head and Hyungsik looks over at me.
               "What?" I huff out. He shakes his head and I hear a small nothing.
                      "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask.
              "Sure. Then maybe you can see why I'm so famous," he jokes. I shake my head and laugh a little.
                "I'm picking a movie that doesn't have you in it."
               It was about 10:45 and his manager still hadn't come. We were on our second movie, and I could tell he wanted to say something to me. I pause the movie and look over at him.
          "Common spit it out." He looks away and nodded his head. I didn't understand what that meant until he moved me around to face him.
              "I have something to say, and it's gonna sound super weird. I think I've already grown feeling for you. Now I don't want to ask you out, seeing as we just met, but could I get your number. I want to continue talking to you." I nodd my head, and give him my number. We sit there staring at each other for a couple of minutes and he starts leaning in. I do to, and as we're about to kiss, the doorbell goes of. I jump away from him, a loud coming echoing around my apartment. I fix my shirt and open the door.
              "Hello," a man says to me. I nodd and close the door a tiny bit.
          "I'm Hyungsik's manager, and I'm here to pick him up."
                  "Ah okay," I say, turning to look at him.
             "Why don't you come in?"
                  "Thank you." Hyungsik got up and hugged his manager. They did the little dude hug back pat thing. The pulled away and his manager started talking about something. I stopped paying attention and walked away to clean my living room. I just put up blankets and putting the movie back in it's case.
"So I was thinking," Hyungsik started. I look at him from over my shoulder. I didn't even notice that his manager went out to the car, leaving him to say goodbye.
"Maybe we could get coffee when I'm done shooting here?"
"Why, may I ask?"
"Because you're unlike anyone I've ever met. In a good way, that is." I laugh at him and nodd. I could tell he was slightly freaking out, not wanting to make it seem bad.
"Well I mean you have my number. It's a date." I walk him over to the door and as I'm about to close it, he leans in close and kisses my cheek.
"It's a date." I close the door, turn around, and sink to the ground. I smile and bite my lip a tiny bit. I don't know who this guy thinks he is, but he is in a bunch of trouble since he is famous. So am I. My smile drops. I've spent less than 12 hours with this man and am already falling head over heels. I get up off the floor and go over to my couch. 'Well I guess it's either now or never'.
I sigh and turn on the TV, getting ready to do some research. Just then my phone buzzes. I reach over and pick it up off the coffee table. It's from an unknown number.
~ Can't wait to see you when I get done here!!
I smile to myself and know that I'm gonna have to rethink some life decisions. I add his number to my phone and make a mental note to text him back. I'm so glad I decided to take out the trash instead of procrastinate.
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
❝ You’re my first love ❞
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❝ His fingerprints covered my skin and I felt loved for the first time. ❞
Park Hyungsik / “Our first time” 
- For anon, I hope you like it! M. 
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Sickeningly Sweet
Prompt: #48 - “Don’t argue. Just do it.”
Pairing: Park Hyungsik x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: cavities may occur from how cringey and cute this is
A/N: dedicated to the two biggest Hyungsik fans I know, @this-song-thats-only-for-you and @tanithrea. I hope you like this little gift I’ve created! It’s tradition in our house to remember his birthday, so I thought this year I’d write for it!
Word count: 1153
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You glanced up at him, pouting dramatically but he merely shook his head and pointed at the task in front of you.
You didn’t want to do it.
This request, no matter how much you loved Hyungsik, was too unbearable to complete.
You opened your mouth to object but he hissed, wagging his index finger back and forth at you. “Don’t argue. Just do it.”
Heaving a sigh, you glanced down at the outfit you were wearing and then back up at him. “I’m only doing this because it’s your birthday.”
“And because you love me,” he added on happily, his eyes alight with anticipation.
“Not so sure I do after this,” you uttered, avoiding his gaze.
You weren’t one for aegyo. In fact, if you could avoid being cute to anyone, you would. And even though you knew your boyfriend acted a lot of playful characters in various shows, you were still surprised when he admitted to having a major weakness for cute behaviour being acted out dramatically by his girlfriend.
It made you wonder why he had chosen you.
You weren’t the type to act adorable for attention, it seemed like too much effort when you were self-sufficient enough to just grab onto whatever you needed in life. The only time you ever felt remotely cute was when you didn’t mess up your winged eyeliner and your clothes matched perfectly with your lip tint.
And even then you weren’t about to puff up your cheeks and pull a peace sign adorably at your camera app on your phone to document this moment.
Despite not feeling adorable, Hyungsik insisted that you were effortlessly. And whilst you didn’t believe him, there wasn’t anything effortless about your outfit today. You had borrowed from your younger sister all her pastel outfits and a poofy layered skirt, aging yourself back a few years with your hair up in pigtails and pink blush doused over your cheeks. You felt ridiculous but he was loving it.
Was the look within his eyes from pure amusement at how foolish you looked or because he genuinely thought you were adorable in these bubblegum clothes? You couldn’t quite tell and guessed it was probably a bit of both. He was growing impatient with how long you were stalling and sighed heavily. “Y/N!”
“Fine!” you exclaimed, no doubt looking like a petulant child as you stomped your foot in annoyance.
Perhaps you did look cute to him more often than you were aware of.
His eyes creased with delight and you caved completely, completing all the aegyo styled expressions you had researched online for his present, finishing it off with singing him the gwiyomi song and doing Park Jihoon’s jeojang before you collapsed to the ground and hid yourself in the immense layers of the skirt. You shuddered with how sickening you had just been and wished for the ground to have opened and swallowed you whole the day two years ago when Hyungshik had asked you out.
You didn’t know falling in love would make you do things like this.
“Baby, don’t hide!” he cried out, bouncing around beside you and chuckling every so often. You shook your head and refused to come out of hiding. “It was so good though!”
“You’re ridiculous!” you mumbled from within the skirt, and admittedly you were starting to feel a little suffocated. Glancing up at him, you couldn’t help but smile at how happy he looked.
Stupid love making me look like a fool just to see him smile like this, you thought to yourself, slowly getting back up to your feet. He immediately hugged you and you relaxed into his embrace, Hyungsik’s hand running in comforting circles upon your back.
“I love you,” he uttered and you merely grunted in response, wanting to be more affectionate but all the sickening antics you just pulled had exhausted you.
“If you ever ask me to do this again, I–”
“I won’t ever, I promise,” he cut in, and you glanced up at him to make sure he wasn’t exaggerating. His eyes were genuine and you relaxed a little, smacking at the poofy skirt to get it to lay flatter. You knew it was a wasted attempt but you still wanted to try, to distract yourself from questioning him in that moment.
“I’m going to get changed,” you admitted and he gripped you tighter, shaking his head. “What, I did what you asked me to!”
“But it’s my birthday and this was my gift from you,” he reminded, smiling warmly down at you. “My birthday’s not over yet.”
“We have a dinner reservation with our parents tonight,” you said, your eyes widening. “I refuse to turn up looking like a circus clown!”
“But you’re the cutest circus clown I’ve ever seen,” he charmed and you rolled your eyes.
“There’s only so much I’ll do for you, Park Hyungsik.”
He sighed dramatically, nodding sadly. “Fine, go change. I can remember this moment easily over and over.”
You nodded and went to walk off but his words stirred something in your mind, snapping around to stare at him accusingly. “Oh no, you didn’t!”
“I did,” he admitted triumphantly, holding up his phone in his hand and dancing it around. You rushed back to his side but due to your height difference, you struggled to grab it out of his hand. He smirked at you. “And I sent it to a couple of people too. I know you too well. As soon as you had found out I had filmed it you would try to delete it. Now I have backup for my birthday present.”
“I hate you!”
His smile shifted off his face and he held you again, his eyes turning sincere. “No, you love me. Because you did something for me that’s so out of your depth today and I appreciate you for gifting me with it. Truly. I’m so lucky to have you.”
You wanted to curse at him. Throw some cushions off the sofa at his head. Shake him until he was begging you to stop. But he had you hook, line and sinker. That was what got you into this mess in the first place. Hyungsik knew how to word anything to get you to fall into his traps and right now he had diffused the situation again by pointing out why he loved you.
It was unfair and you told him so with a soft slap to his chest. You heaved in a deep breath and looked up at him, all your disgruntled emotions dispersing quickly. “Just wait until it’s my birthday. I’ll make you do something you’ll regret too.”
“You forget I’m down for doing anything for you,” he retorted and you groaned, hugging him all the same and he kissed the top of your head. “Oh, and baby?”
You glanced up warily. “What?”
“Thanks for being cute for me today.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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beautifully-hwarang · 8 years
More than Friends
Title: More Than Friends
Word Count: 1161 words
A/N: Requested :)
"Ya, what are you doing here? Children have no place at the Okta." His voice rang out across the crowded hall as he stalked towards me. His long black hair was carefully pulled back, his red robes of the finest silk brushed the floor as he moved gracefully to my side. Ban Ryu. "Ohh Abeoji, I'm sorry." I mocked him "Do you want me to take you home? The elderly should not be out so late." My beautiful friends giggled behind me nervously, their painted faces glowing whenever Ban Ryu glanced in their direction. They weren't as used to his beauty as I was, having grown up with it. Still, even I had to admire how radiant he was. I first met Ban Ryu when I was 6 years old. He was a tall, strong, 8 year old boy, always surrounded by friends who looked up to him for his power and influence.  Ban Ryu seemed to be more knowledgeable than those his age, but to me, his face seemed to hold sadness, his eyes guarded. I remember running up to him that very first day, my favourite children's book in hand. "Read to me, please!" The boys behind him had snickered and poked Ban Ryu before he sent them a death glare and pushed past me, his eyes meeting mine briefly. I'd felt tears sting my cheeks and walked to the riverbank in humiliation. To my surprise, Ban Ryu followed shortly after, without his followers, wordlessly taking the book from me to begin reading in a clear voice. From that moment on, he looked out for me. We met by the riverbank behind the Okta almost every night in the warm months. He often confided in me the problems he had with his stepfather, or his distaste for a local boy Soo Ho. One uncommonly chilly night, when I was about 14 and he, 16 something changed. We sat slightly closer due to the cold, and I became very aware of how long his eyelashes were, of the endless black pools that were his eyes. The way his whole face seemed to relax when he was next to me, a small smile creeping onto his lips. Every time his arm brushed mine, I felt chills that had nothing to do with the weather. "Ban Ryu," I breathed, leaning towards him. "Don't you think I've grown so much since you first met me?" His eyes widened slightly and he swallowed. "What a question. Are you an idiot? Of course you've changed. Come, I'll take you home, it's too cold for you out here." He roughly pulled me up and walked a few steps ahead on the way back. I frowned a little. Did he not feel anything? We spent time together just the same as always after that, separately, never in front of his friends. But I knew now how I felt. I was in love with Ban Ryu. With the way he made me feel safe, protected and understood. I made him smile and he made my heart glow. "Listen to me!" Ban Ryu's annoyed voice cut through my reminiscing, pulling me back to the Okta. "Go home, this is only a place for the fabulously beautiful" He reached over and tugged on my hair.
"Ouch!" I slapped his arm angrily. "Then why are you here?" I stuck out my tongue, while my friends looked at each other with wide eyes. This was normal though. If we were weren't by the riverbank, Ban Ryu and I bickered and teased worse than siblings. He'd asked me once, to keep our time together secret. He didn't want to show weakness to anyone, except me. Ban Ryu's regular crowd appeared behind him suddenly, their eyes clouded with a little too much to drink. 
"Oh my. If it isn't Ban Ryu's little stalker. Go home ugly duckling, but leave your friends" one of Ban Ryu's least favourite followers stared at the girls behind me, his eyes raking over them like a predator. "Move." He shoved me so hard I lost my balance and tumbled backwards, my skirts flying up. The jerk turned around and laughed, seeing me all dishevelled on the floor. My "friends" giggled as well, their eyes on the awful (but obviously wealthy) guy still trying to get their attention. I sat still for a beat willing myself not to cry but when I finally met Ban Ryu's eyes I burst into sobs and rushed out of the Okta. I know he wants to maintain his image but letting one of his buddies embarrass me - that was too much. I ran straight to the riverbank, furiously wiping my tears. My chest constricted with sobs as I cried out my embarrassment, frustration and heartbreak over the fact that it really didn't seem like Ban Ryu loved me the way I did him. Reputation or not, if you were in love with someone you would protect them, right? 
Heavy footsteps sounded behind me and I hid my tear-swollen face.
"Y/N, look at me. Did you hurt yourself when you fell? Don't cry anymore. Please." I was shocked. Ban Ryu's sweet and concerned voice filled my ears and I got the courage to look at him. His lip was slightly bleeding and he was breathing heavily but his eyes were focused only on me. Suddenly, he pulled me into a tight hug. "That was too far. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry this is my fault." He rubbed small circles on my back, his deep voice softly tickling my ear.
"How could it be your fault?" My voice shook slightly. His whole body tensed. His hands, little fists on my back. "I make them think it's okay to tease you with how I act. Okay to say-" He broke off, "Ya, I'm so angry I can't even say it. What he said to you, how dare he-" the usually so careful and eloquent Ban Ryu choked on his words again. "When he touched you, I just about killed him. If the guys hadn't have pulled me off of him I would've." 
I pulled away, shaking my head.
"Why? You want us to be apart in public. You don't want people to know we're.........friends." I hesitated, not willing to call it what I knew he wanted it to be. I was ready for more, I loved him more. He watched me carefully for a few seconds before seeming to decide something. Slowly he raised his hand to my cheek.
"Friends?" He whispered so low I could barely make out the words. Ban Ryu moved closer while I watched him, anticipation blocking my throat. When his lips gently brushed mine, I felt my body melt into his, my arms going around his neck.  
"You are more than my friend, Y/N. You are my safe haven. My love." He kissed me once more, deeper this time before pulling back to give me a bright genuine smile.
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This was so fun to make! Leave some more requests in our ask box :)
- Admin Hana
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xxkpopoutfitsxx · 7 years
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Picnic with Hyungsik
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oraclekleo · 2 years
List of Idols and Actors I know or follow
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
Requests status:
K-Pop Readings - CLOSED
List of Idols and Actors I included into my ultimate chart and into the Compatibility Calculator:
Black Pink
Block B
Golden Child
Red Velvet
Stray Kids
Super Junior
Teen Top
The Boyz
The King
The Rose
Xdinary Heroes
Actors + Soloists
Ahn Hyo-seop
Ahn Jae Hyun
Byeon Woo Seok
Do Ji Han
Eric Nam
Gao Hanyu
Gong Yoo
Ha Sungwoon
Hirose Tomoki
Hong Jong-hyun
Hyeok Geun Choe
Cha Hyunseung
Ishikawa Plowden Luke
Jasper Liu
Jay Park
Ji Chang Wook
Ji Soo
Ji Sung
Johnny Huang
Jung Il Woo
Jung Won Chang
Kang Daniel
Kang Haneul
Kim Jaewook
Kim Soo Hyun
Kim Woobin
Kinchiku Yuuki
Kwak Dong Yeon
Lai Leon Yi
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Jae-wook
Lee Jehoon
Lee Jong Suk
Lee Joon Gi
Lee Min-Ho
Lee Min-ki
Lee Soo Hyuk
Luo Yunxi
Nam Joo-hyuk
Park Bo-gum
Park Hae Jin
Park Hyung Sik
Park Seo-joon
Sakaguchi Kentaro
Satoh Takeru
Seo In Guk
Simon Dominic
Simon Gong
Song Kang
Song Weilong
Sota Fukushi
Sung Hoon
Takhon Paing
Timmy Xu
Tsao Yu Ning
Vardy Wang
Wang Rui Chang
Wi Ha Joon
Woo Do Hwan
Xiao Zhan
Xu Kaicheng
Yokohama Ryusei
Yoo Seung Ho
Yu Christian
Zhang Zhe Han
Members of the listed groups who went solo
+ You are allowed to request any idol or actor or celebrity you like as long as they are 18 years old or older. Including non-asian ones.
The K-Pop Chart and Compatibility Calculator can be found
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trashlord-007 · 2 years
Music Shuffle
Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks && Rules: list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same [Combining two similar games into one!]
Also thank you so much for the tags!! ~ @gustingirl @canadianwatermelon @umbralhelwolf @dontflailmenow (who went above and beyond to add lyrics and honestly?? mayhaps I will too)
I'm gonna use my weekend playlist since !!! it's the weekend! 🥳
Alcohol-Free by TWICE
You are my champagne, my wine I drink with my eyes. My tequila, margarita. Mojito with lime. Sweet mimosa, piña colada. I'm drunk in you~
2. What I Said by Victon
From now on, follow my rules, take the path of your dreams. The dice has been thrown, say you’ll give it your all. Say you’ll give it your all, I won’t let it be for nothing~
3. Sinosijak by iKON
Every day, watch, i’m gonna do whatever. Watch, i’m gonna do whatever. Watch, i’m gonna do whatever. Do whatever. It’s a new day!
4. Can You Feel It? by Super Junior D&E
My confidence goes through the roof. My condition is so nice, everyone fall back. I’ll do an all kill with just a finger, a crazy presence.
5. Make A Wish (Birthday Song) by NCT U
Never stop keep breaking out. Still working all the time. We have to get out, we gon’ fly away. Open your eyes and dream (~dream~)
6. Holiday by A.C.E
Don't worry. Let's all go together. My heart flutters, oh oh. A colorful glow. To the end of the sky. Let's go on a journey~
7. Weekend by Taeyeon
It’s okay to do whatever I feel like~ I’ll go on a drive, it’s okay to just walk around. I’ll just leave to wherever my feet end up.
8. That That (feat. Suga) by PSY
Do what you wanna! (Ah-yeah-yeah) Say what you wanna! (Ah-yeah-yeah) Do what you wanna! (Say what?) That, that, I like that, babe~
9. Blue Hour by TXT
In that sky, the orange-glowing magic, before it comes to an end... 'Cause imagination~ in that moment can you feel the rush? Can you feel the rush? Freeze this moment~
10. Mazeltov by ZE:A
Break it down, red beat down, knock you down, here we go! Oh uh uh uh uh uh uh, you’re really really making me want to dance~
Tagging The Usual Suspects;;
@sinpiesinpie @kingleedo @vanillakylee @effulgentfireflies @seunghyubtual @mel-loves-all @sunflwryu @creativechaoticloner @biaswreckingfics @naturalogre @kazooms @babycheese-6v6 @myeoning-call @trippy-dejun @drunk-on-hwa @frickyea-guacamole19 @ka-nari @hannahbee12719 @cherryblossomsenpai @lookingforluna @archeryqueen95 @nikipedia07 @minshookie29 @aurorasillusion @1dsoul1 @kpop-choco @animeangsteng @xuxis-pretty-devil-boy @bananapepper420 @macaroonff @your-sophie18 @hwa-luvs @achenlove @sleep-is-4-da-week @yutahoes @erotikkook @theunluckylistenermusician @cherryeoo @pink1mink1ming1 @rai-scutum @zealouspartyheroangel @lukai-m @joontied @jiyonq-ah @sanjoongie @freezedsoul + anyone else who sees this! I'm at the limit for tagging so consider yourself tagged too! ♡
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papercutsmp3 · 3 years
i CAN'T watch a drama w park hyungsik bc every second im like that is PARK HYUNGSIK from ZE:A like can you even IMAGINE
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i-growl-growl-growl · 2 years
what are the admin's favourite kpop (or non-kpop) songs atm :-)
It may not seem like I limited myself but I REALLY DID!
There are MANY more songs that I enjoy listening to at the moment. I'm THAT MUCH of a music fan.
Regular/Foreign (not kpop)
Salam, Let Go, Lamaallem- Saad Lamjarred
Animal, Hysteria, Let's get rocketed, you're so beautiful- Def Leppard
Don't know what you got till it's gone, Shake me, Night Songs, Nobodies Fool- CInderella
Infinity- jaymes Young
Bed are burning- Midnight Oil
Left hand free- Alt-J
Women, Boss bitch- Doja Cat
New divide, Faint, Burn it down, In the end, Crawling, - linkin park
Dancing with a stranger- Sam smith
Uprising, Supermassive blackhole, madness- Muse
South texas deathride- The union underground
Killer- Eminem
heat waves- Glass Animals
Miss you, Hot demon bitches near you, E-girls are ruining my life- Corpse
Dragula- Rob zombie
WAP- Cardi B
Body- megan the stallion
That's what I want, Montero, Sun goes down, Industry baby- Lil nas X
Burn- 2wei
automatic- Brothers conti
Demeanor- Pop smoke
headbang gang- Trampa
Lady marmalade- Christina aguilera
Family Affair- Mary J. blige
Earth song, Thriller, Will you be there- Michael jackson
My type, Tap in- Saweetie
Blackout- Breathe carolina
One of the living- TIna Turner
Drops of jupiter- Train
Applause, Judas, Born this way- Lady gaga
Fast- Sueco
Fed up- Ghostmane
Radioactive- Imagine Dragons
Him & I, Say less, Forbes, I mean it, No limit- G-Eazy
Rebellious, Rainy day- Ling Chao
On call, Excited, Skin to Skin, Catch me when I fall- Luhan
Again, Fly Away- Lenny Kravitz
Sadness, Gravity of Love, Seven lives, Return to innocence- Enigma
Original me- Yungblud
Hold me now- THompson twins
paradise City, November rain, Welcome to the jungle- GUns N Roses
Blue- The birthday massacre
Incubus- Munro
Prayer- Disturbed
Stick to your guns- Sick puppies
man I feel like a woman- Shania Twain
Cowboy casanova- carrie Underwood
Little Lies- Fleetwood Mac
Blinding lights, Starboy- The weeknd
better- Khalid
Cave me in- Gallant
Everything to me- great good fime ok
Up&up, clocks, Paradise- Coldplay
feel invincible- Skillet
Arbor, Chroma- Zmolian
bailamos, Tonight, I like it, Hero- Enrique Iglesias
Teasure, Hala Hala, Pirate King, Say my name, Wonderland, Aurora, Twilight, etc. etc etc etc--- ATEEZ
Victory song, Side Effects, Gods menu, Double knot, Miroh- Stray Kids
Highway to heaven, kick it, Turn back time, Take off, Cherry Bomb, The 7th sense, Whiplash, boos, Go, We young, Paradise, Touch, my page, We go up, etc etc etc--- NCT/Dream/Wayv
Dream in a dream, New heroes- Ten
Look at me now, What U, Don't tease me- Speed
HookGA- High 420
OMGT, Yolo- Madtown
Cider, Sse sse sse, Anck su namum- Yezi
Eoeo- Uniq
Take a shot, Hotshot- Hotshot
Bounce, Witch- Boyfriend
Superfly- 24K
Good luck- Beast
Black or white- Cross Gene
Minimanimo, miss you- Tiny-G
Good bye bye, Face, Action- Nu-est
Love me love me, Really really- Winner
Breathe- ZE:A
Wake me up, Hands up, Warrior, Power, badman, 1004- B.a.p
pretty pretty, Galaxy- ladies' code
Red light, Dracula, Electric shock, milk, butterfly, paper heart- F(x)
Can't help myself- Eric Nam
Catallena- Orange caramel
Very good, Nalina- Block B
Zero for conduct- Bastarz
Gotta gp- Chungha
I am the best- 2ne1
Voodoo doll, On and on- Vixx
A, Aorund the world, Girls girls girls- Got7
number nine- T-ara
Trouble maker- Trouble Maker
Maria- Hwasa
Goblin, Savage,
Criminal, Want, Move, Danger- Taemin
Replay- Shinee
Don't recall- kard
Sleep, Color blind- Maddox
OK, A lie- B1a4
Rocking, Supa Luv- Teen top
Now or never, fanfare, Roar, K.O- SF9
OMG_ Double K
More- K/da
Me like yuh, All I wanna do, Mommae- J park
Cold blooded, Gucci- Jessi
Libido- Onlyoneof
Run devil run, Mr mr, Gee- Girl's generation
Hello bitches- CL
Different- Woodz
Evanesce- Super Junior
Rewind- Zhoumi
Up&down- Exid
The chaser, Bad- Infinite
crazy- 4minute
Roll deep- Hyuna
I- Taeyeon
Tresspass, hero, Who do you love- Monsta X
Doom dada- TOP
Holup!- Bobby
Cure- Taeyong
Swagger time- Map6
This and that- 5dolls
Chewy- D.Holic
She's mine- VAV
Hello- B.I.G
Starry night- mamamoo
Crown, Eternally- txt
palace- D-crunch
Electricity- 2pm
Eat you up- Boa
Stress come on!- Big Byung
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lady-lanthirgil · 7 years
Imagine Wang Won comforting you when you’re afraid of thunderstorms.
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99liners · 6 years
02 | fake king ― phs;
part one | part two (you’re here) | part three | part four
pairing: park hyungsik x female reader.
extra characters: choi minho, park seojoon, do jihan, kim taehyun. sir arthur dayne, oberyn martell, 
genre: angst and fluff.
words: 2.402 words.
reading time: 8 minutes.
warnings for this chapter: mentions of minor character deaths, blood, death.
synopsis: the rebellion against the targaryens did put the parks on the throne but till how long will that last? you were the key but that they failed to assess and it was surely going to cost them the throne and far more other things which they hold dear because when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. there is no middle ground.
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it has been two years or more, hyungsik cannot recall, since you two lay together for the first time but he does recall that your behaviour changed drastically overnight. he really does not know what it was that he did wrong, well for starters you refused to talk to him and only said, “we will talk about it when the time comes.”
and even today when he felt you walk away from the red keep on his coronation day, he really could not make head or tails of it. he stood up suddenly while the prince of dorne, oberyn martell was still speaking and congratulating his grace.
“forgive me, my prince but i feel a bit tired,” hyungsik offered a quick-mouthed smile before walking away and the kingsguard followed.
prince oberyn bowed in the same chivalrous manner that he always carries around with him, his signature smile on his lips as he watched hyungsik walk away, “your grace, you are the king, we do everything as it pleases his grace.”
hyungsik stopped once they walked out of the great hall and looked back, “ser seojoon, ser jihan, and ser taehyung will stay by my side. ser minho and ser boros will accompany my mother and i will see you ser barristan in the small council meetings by my side.”
the moment he was done speaking, the knights dispersed accordingly and hyungsik started walking towards his chambers with ser seojoon, jihan and taehyung following at his heels. hyungsik and his knights noticed you in the corner at the end of the balcony.
ser taehyung brought out his sword but hyungsik raised his hand, “that will not be necessary ser taehyung. she means no harm.”
once hyungsik had you inside his chambers, his doors closed and bolted and his trusted knights keeping vigil outside, he looked at you, a helpless look on his face, “i do not understand this erratic behaviour, my lady. have i done something wrong? you always wanted me to be a king, you believed i would be a good king and today i became one but you do not seem that happy.”
you chuckled at him asking so many questions, he always was a curious bird. sporting a smile, you walked closer to him and pulled him in a kiss.
when you pulled back hyungsik sighed, his eyes still closed and his hands in the air at the same position where he held your face, “do i get another taste at least?”
“you are not safe here” you started.
hyungsik looked at you, “you sure? i have the kingsguard, the city watch and the park army all here to protect me.”
you shook your head sighing, “listen to me, i know something about your father.”
two years ago:
that night when you reached your home, you quietly opened the door to your hut and walked in stealthily but your father was waiting for you by the fire.
“where were you this late?” your father asked not even looking at you, his face to the fire.
“uh, i went to the royal place to watch the tourney held for the celebration for the prince’s twentieth nameday.”
“how many more times do i have to tell you that you should stop talking to the prince?”
“i understand, i am sorry.”
your father just chuckled, “if only you understood, tomorrow again i will find you going to him like his trained dog.”
“i am not his dog, father.”
“you are not? then what are you? his paramour? do you think he will ever marry you?”
you kept quiet.
“i raised you to be better than being a pompous prince’s whore,” he stood up and started walking away when you noticed a small flame at the end of his shawl. without thinking twice you pulled it off him but fire spreads faster through the fabric and by the time you had held on to it, a lot of it was already on fire. you threw it away and your father came to your side immediately and grabbed your palms in a panic to look for any burn marks, but there weren’t any. your palms were clear as the day. surprisingly enough, that did not startle your father cause he calmed down on seeing you safe but it certainly did not make any sense to you.
“i don-don’t understand, i touched that, i felt the fire on my skin but it did not hurt me, it went past me. i do not understand father, why did not i burn?”
“so what they say about your family is true after all,” your father said smiling.
“i don’t know what you are talking about.”
“dear, i guess it is time you know the truth. come with me,” your father stood up and took you to his room. he took out a long knight’s sword from a trunk under his bed and handed it you. curious you took it out of the sheath, it looked old yet so polished that you could clearly see your own reflection on it. staring at the hilt of the sword you remembered the dragon head from the targaryen sigil.
“no.” you stood up before your father even started speaking but he grabbed your wrist before you could walk away.
“yes. you are princess y/n targaryen, daughter of prince rhaegar targaryen, the last living targaryen and the rightful heir to the iron throne.”
you had tears in your eyes and shook your head closing them, “no, no, no, no. you are lying.”
grabbing your face, your caretaker made you look at him, “yes, my child. you are a targaryen, the blood of the dragon, fire cannot kill you, hell it cannot even touch you.”
you were crying by the time he finished, your eyes red and you remembered you were crying after fourteen years, last time you cried was when your mother died. wait, that was not your mother.
“who are you?” you opened your eyes and finally looked at him.
“a loyal bannerman of your father. your noble mother came to me when park haejin crushed prince rhaegar on the trident. she handed me a one month old baby girl, a bag and a blood laced sword. her last words to me were ‘run. keep her safe.’ i immediately got on my horse and rode away, looking back i saw your mother getting dragged away by ser gregor clegane.”
you sensed the uncomfortable tone in his voice, “what did he do to her?”
you caretaker shook your head looking down.
“tell me. what did he do to her?”
he looked up at you, “i was not there to witness but from what i have heard he raped her and split her into two with his sword.”
you stared at him as a single drop of tear made its way from your eye down to your cheek, “and who are you?”
“i already told you, my dear. a loyal bannerma-”
“i am not a fool. you raised me better than that,” you cut him with a bitter chuckle, “so i am going to ask you again. who are you?”
your caretaker stood up and sat on his knee, his head bowed down, “i am ser arthur dayne, kingsguard to your grandfather and your father.”
you stood up and stepped back, “i do not believe that. ser arthur died in the battle of the trident, park haejin killed him. i have heard that story a thousand times.”
ser arthur shook his head, “he thought it was me who he killed but before the siege started, ser gerold and i were stationed to take care of you. ser gerold died trying and i succeeded. while-”
“then what you said to me about my mother giving me to you was a lie?” you cut him off again.
ser arthur nodded, “sometimes you are too clever for your own good. yes, that was a lie. i knew i was outnumbered when the park army was outside the tower of the hand. i wanted to die fighting for my prince but he had given me a far greater task to accomplish. to keep you safe. a month old baby girl in my arm, and a sword in my other hand, i chose your life before my ego and escaped through the secret doors. secured myself a horse and kept you in a sack with enough holes around my back. i passed by the trident and i saw my prince lying there in a pool of his own blood, the prince i was supposed to protect. i picked up his sword and left the capital as soon as i could. came back here when i realized that the prince would have liked to see you on the iron throne someday and not as some farmer’s daughter.”
“and what about my mother? i mean your wife?” you corrected yourself.
“she was not my wife, darling. i am a kingsguard, i took a sacred oath. she was just someone i hired to help me with raising you, you were an infant. you needed a mother’s love.”
you nodded, “and exactly how later were you going to tell me all this?”
“i wanted you to find it out by yourself but you started paying the park prince more attention than you did to yourself. you would have found out sooner, believe me.”
“wow such a wild night,” you sat down feeling lightheaded, “i lost my virginity and my father in the same night.”
“what did you just say?” ser arthur looked at you wide-eyed.
“good night, ser arthur,” you said in a hurry and rushed to your room locking the gate.
“we will talk about it tomorrow princess, you are not escaping from this that easily.”
you chuckled unsure if you wanted him to stay as your father or now as your protector. lying down on your bed, you replayed all the memories from your childhood and remembered how ser arthur would never call you by your name but address you as ‘my princess’ which at the time you thought was just affection of a father for his daughter but now it changed the meaning altogether.
the next morning when you woke up, you were greeted by ser arthur. his legendary sword in one hand your father’s sword in the other hand.
“it is time i teach you,” he said.
“that is real steel, how do you know that i would not end up cutting you?”
“oh princess, don’t think i do not know what you are up to all day and night. i know you have been training with the park kid. let us see how good he taught you.”
“you are telling me that i will be learning how to fight from the greatest swordsman that ever lived in the history of westeros?”
“don’t flatter yourself. freshen up, we start at once.” he threw the sword at you and started walking away. you caught the sword and he smiled to himself, ‘impressive.’
ser arthur trained you like a soldier since that day and you realized how gentle the prince was with you. you never returned with bruises when you practiced with him but practice with ser arthur was different. he did not just teach you how to fight but he also taught you how to live the fight, how to embody the enemy’s moves, how to become the enemy to counter him and win every time without a shadow of doubt. within a night, your diet, sleeping schedule, everything changed and you started focusing more on your practice than meeting the prince and with time, the instances you saw the prince became rare.
until one day when you missed him dearly and left to meet him when ser arthur was gone to sell his crops. you walked in the shadows of the trees in the royal garden when you heard two people whispering.
‘i killed the king for you.’
‘yes because that was needed to be done. he was weak and leading us to destruction. with my son on the throne, i can handle the matters better.’
the queen, you presumed but could not put a face on the male voice.
‘do you really think he will never find out?’
‘i don’t care even if he does. he will know i did it all to protect him.’
‘well, you are the queen.’
you stopped and knew who pronounced ‘queen’ in a similar tone, the knight that day against whom you crashed while escaping from hyungsik’s chambers and he told you to escape.
watching choi minho today swearing in as the kingsguard you immediately recognized him and finally you had a name to the face.
hyungsik was staring at you for an answer, “what do you mean about my father?”
“ser choi minho killed him,” you said grabbing his hand.
he retracted his hand at once, “i don’t believe that. he is my uncle, he is a bastard i know but he is still my father’s brother by law.”
“my king, i swear,” you grabbed his hand again and told him everything that you heard that day in the garden.
“why are you telling me all this now?”
“because now you are the king, you can do something about it.”
hyungsik kept quiet, his lips set in a thin line as he just stared at you, “i will talk to my mother about this, my lady.”
you nodded heading for the door and opened it.
“it is surprising, this is the first time that you did not correct me when i called you ‘my lady’”
you looked back, “maybe i am a highborn lady, who knows” you shrugged before bowing and left.
hyungsik followed you but you were quick and had already left. he did not see you anywhere on either of the balconies and walked back to his room sighing, replaying what you said in his mind.
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
series masterlist | masterlist | park hyungsik masterlist | rules | ask box
- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟣𝟫. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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mizuuziz · 3 years
My Love//Changbin
Tags: Fluff, Strong Language, Slight Angst, Gender Neutral, Mentions of cheating, Mentions of stalking, Mentions of knife
Ft. Bestfriend Jeongin
Ft. Bestfriend Joy (Park Soo Young) (Red Velvet)
Ft. Cousin Park Hyung Sik (ZE:A)(Actor)
©Sleepyxhan All Rights Reserved
No modifications are permitted. No translations are permitted. Only can repost using the repost button. Do NOT post on other sites like Wattpad and claim as your own. Do not screenshot my work.
All the characters are 18.
Smut version here
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(A/N: There will be two versions of this sort of imagine in the future with different plots in each. This is more light-hearted than the one I wanted to post initially, but the other one will need so much time with editing. I have school but didn't want to leave you guys hanging with another one-shot. Btw this gif isn't mine.
You had just broken up with your ex Chan, who is crazier than you imagined. You only had your friends to back you up from your worst nightmare. You only dated Chan to get him off your case and to stop bothering you all the time. You only lasted as a couple for 2 weeks, which says a lot. You noted that whenever your best friend Jeongin was around, he always got quiet whenever Chan would approach you both. On the other hand, Joy always hated Chan when he was around. You understood that Chan was persistent, but you didn't know the extent of the persistence until you broke up with Chan for a very good reason. You found out from Joy that he spent his time hanging around a girl during the night time.
You decided to call your parents and ask them if Joy could stay over. That time was when your parents were overseas with the success of their company that ended up saving your family from bankruptcy. Your family got to live lavishly without worries when your parents started getting investors for their fashion company when you decided to promote the company on social media. Since then they got more deals overseas, often leaving you alone. Everything led to the moment when both you and Joy went to the corner of an alley where Joy first saw Chan. There he was in front of you now, kissing a girl in a secluded alleyway. Despite there not even being any light, you noticed the orange sweatshirt that you gave him.
"I'll approach him first," Joy whispered to you at the time.
There you hiding under a tree when as you could see Joy approaching Chan. He then turned around when Joy tapped him on the shoulder.
"Now who the fuck is here?" Chan said as he angrily looked at Joy.
"Huh, seemed like you were kissing someone other than Y/n."
"Hey, Park Soo Young, why don't you butt out of here?" Chan only got away from the girl he was kissing to try to intimidate Joy by getting close to her.
You got out of your hiding place and approached them both by getting in between them.
"You know what Chan? We're over," You spoke with rigorous rage that was different from what you felt.
You weren't mad but needed to break up with Chan for once and for all.
"Y/n, wait," Chan tried to hold onto you but you took his hand off you and walked back with Joy.
Everything led to where you are now with your friend Joy. On the way back, you were eternally grateful for having a friend like Joy. You met her back in kindergarten around the same time as Jeongin. Joy, Jeongin, and you are all childhood friends. The skies were pitch black and scary, but walking with your best friend only made you feel safer. The atmosphere was silent with Joy, but your silence didn't feel awkward. Finally, you arrived with Joy at your mansion home.
"Wow, I almost forgot you were rich," Joy joked as she got into your house.
"Well, let's spoil ourselves with a sleepover," You smiled at her joke.
The rest of the night consisted of watching movies and gossiping with Jeongin over a video call on Joy's phone.
"Yep, so that happened to Y/n," Joy told the story of what happened.
"Are you both crazy, How can you two go outside without anyone there to make sure you're safe?" Changbin popped into view over Jeongin's shoulder.
You didn't expect to see Changbin at Jeongin's house, you were now nervous. You hadn't even seen him when you started talking to Jeongin with Joy.
Changbin is Jeongin's best guy friend who he's been trusting with his life since he met him in middle school. From what Jeongin told you, he met Changbin in a school club the same year you did. You all met each other during lunch when Jeongin introduced you all. You got along with Changbin since you both met, but you secretly harbor a crush on him since then. Joy was the first to notice while both Jeongin and Changbin still are oblivious.
"Well the crazy one is Chan, but go off,"
"Yeah, what Y/n said," Joy replied to Changbin.
"Uh, but are you both okay?" Jeongin only asked you both after Changbin's speech about safety precautions.
"Yeah, we're both fine, but are you and Changbin having a sleepover?" Joy spoke to both Changbin and Jeongin.
"Not a sleepover precisely, more like I'm staying," Changbin replied.
Then you noticed how different Changbin was dressing from Jeongin. Jeongin was holding the phone but he was dressed in pajamas while Changbin was wearing a sleeveless shirt with joggers. You looked away to make sure Changbin didn't notice.
"Well that's good, but Y/n and I are having a sleepover," Joy spoke happily.
All of a sudden, your phone started ringing nonstop. Joy also looked at the phone to see the caller id at the same time you did.
"That bitch seriously can't take a hint," Joy cursed over Chan as you turned off your phone.
"So it's that dude, huh?" Jeongin worryingly asked you.
"Yup, but I won't respond,"
"Good," Changbin said in response.
Then after a moment of silence, a knock was heard. Both you and Joy jumped while the boys told you to get a baseball bat or baton in hand. You told Joy to stay where she was and you silently walked over to the door in tiptoe mode. You looked into the peephole and were in surprise to see your cousin. Joy changed the camera mode over to your direction towards the door. The boys saw your surprised expression and looked at each other confused. You opened the door to hug your cousin Park Hyung Sik who was dressed in layers of casual clothing. You hadn't even seen him in so long.
"Y/n, I missed you a lot," your cousin spoke so cutesily which was a bit strange to you.
"Y/n, who's that?" Changbin frowned as he interrupted your reunion with your cousin just as you were about to speak.
"Mr, who are you exactly?" Hyung Sik spoke back to Changbin jokingly.
"Omg Y/n, seriously who is he?" Joy asked and decided to go along with the plan she made with Jeongin.
"It's a secret," Hyung Sik said to Joy with a wink.
"Omg, is that you Jeongin?" Your cousin asked as he saw your childhood friend through the video call.
"Yup, I missed you a lot buddy."
You smiled as you saw your cousin and Jeongin reconnect. Changbin on the other hand was pouty. Joy for some reason pretended to know nothing about your cousin.
"He's my-" You were then interrupted by Joy.
"Ohhh, then he's your new boyfriend, huh?" Joy asked you and gave her nod of approval.
"No, he's my-"
"Yep, that's the boyfriend alright," Jeongin said as he was trying to hold a smile.
Changbin looked down and looked sad as he fiddled with his hands.
"No, we're-" Hyung Sik was also interrupted by Joy.
"WOW, I'm so happy for you both," Joy said and quickly ended the video call.
"Dude, why did you pretend to not know me?" Hyung Sik confusingly asked Joy who was smirking.
"Well, Changbin likes Y/n, but will never admit it," Joy explained to Hyung Sik as he was trying to follow.
"Ohh, then that's Changbin, the guy that Y/n likes?" Hyung Sik asks you.
"Yup, that's him,"
"Then why did Jeongin also go along with you? And what do you MEAN Changbin likes ME?" You asked Joy who looked like she was dying of laughter as she sat down on the couch laughing at the situation.
After a while, Joy stayed silent, trying to get the giggles out of her system.
"Well, we made a plan that we would do whatever it takes to get you both together and I told him that when that happens that he should go along with me,"
"Well, how would he know? I'm pretty sure Jeongin was oblivious to my liking for Changbin," You said trying to not stutter over your words as you spoke to your best friend.
"Y/n, he's actually very smart and only pretended to not know of your crush,"
"Woah, you actually have wing people by your side. I would take their offers if I were you," Hyung Sik added into what Joy said.
A moment of silence passed before the doorbell rang. You weren't expecting anyone, yet Hyung Sik turned to you.
"I'll get that for you," Hyung Sik said to you as he walked over to the door.
The door revealed Changbin in his pajamas, just as you saw him in the video call. He looked worried as if he were to lose you now.
"Why are you here, bro?" Hyung Sik asked as he let Changbin in and closed the door. Hyung Sik proceeded to sit down on the couch next to Joy.
"Y/n," Changbin bluntly responded and silence only followed.
"Dude, let's go," Joy whispered to Hyung Sik as she got up from the couch with Hyung Sik and they went up the stairs to the guestrooms in your house.
There Changbin stood only looking at you. His eyes never left yours, as if he wanted to hear anything from you now.
"Tell me, are you really dating him?" Changbin pleaded for an answer.
"Why do you want to know?" You asked, after all, you were curious as to why he never asked you out before.
"Well because you sure move fast, I was thinking that you wanted time to heal from Chan," Changbin only looked at you concerned.
Changbin didn't know why it bothered him so much that you seemed to be dating someone. He was trying to hide his shaking hands, he was afraid that he lost you. He felt dumb about the fact that he didn't ask you out before. He didn't even know if you liked him so never tried to ask you out before since in his mind it seemed that his liking was one-sided.
"Changbin, I never once liked Chan not even a little. It was all for him to stop pursuing me,"
There Changbin stood in awe, he never once asked you why you started dating your douchebag of an ex. He realized that he misjudged you.
You, on the other hand, tried to speak coherently. You were nervous that you might say something wrong and end up losing Changbin. There you both stood in front of each other, not knowing what else to say.
"Now Changbin, why are you asking me all this?" You wanted to hear him speak.
"I-I-" He didn't know how to speak when you wanted an answer from him.
"You can lead yourself out now, I'm off to bed," You turned around and went up the stairs to your bedroom.
You couldn't bring yourself to look at him. Alas, you heard the door close. You knew he left, now you were questioning whether your friends were wrong about Changbin liking you. Maybe they wanted to hype you up, or so you thought. You got ready to sleep, but you couldn't bring yourself to sleep. You only thought of Changbin. Now it was your turn to run out.
You got up quick and headed straight for the door with a pair of sneakers on. You didn't care whether you were going out in your pajamas.
"Changbin," You called out for him, but there was no response.
You walked around for a bit trying to find any trace of Changbin. As you headed to Jeongin's house, the cold wind felt like a punch to the face from its brutal coldness. There were a pair of steps behind you, which only had you ready to protect yourself. You quickly turned on your phone and directed the light towards the tall figure.
"I'm not Changbin, but it's close enough to my name," There Chan stood looking at you with a smirk on his face.
"What do you want, asshole?" You sternly looked over at your ex as you noticed that he was still shamelessly wearing the orange hoodie.
"Wow, I didn't know you were so possessive over me. How fun, this just got interesting," Chan laughed in amusement as he was looking at your angry expression.
"I never wanted you and I never will," The words came out bluntly from your mouth.
"Well ouch, what a feisty one," Chan said trying to taunt you while you stood your ground.
Chan only got closer to your figure, you knew he had an ulterior motive.
"The police are on speed-dial, don't you dare test me," You waved your now turned-on phone in front of his face.
He retreated with his hands up, but not without saying one last thing. You notice that he turned in a particular direction but you ignore his actions.
"So Changbin, did you enjoy the show?" Chan hysterically laughed which scared you.
You turned towards Jeongin's house to see that Changbin was indeed standing there with a pocket knife in hand. Then, Chan left you and Changbin alone. Changbin dropped the pocket knife on Jeongin's lawn and slowly approached you.
"Why did you come back? You know it's unsafe to walk the streets now," Changbin hugged you tightly as soon as he approached you.
"I'm sorry, I wanted to see you and apologize," You responded as you stood there hugging Changbin tightly, never wanting to let go.
"No, don't apologize, I'm sorry for everything," Changbin didn't care if everyone else was seeing you both hug in the middle of Jeongin's neighborhood.
"I wanted to know what you wanted to say before I stormed out," You said as you both release from your long, comforting hug.
There Changbin was looking you in the eye. You knew that whatever he would say would be serious.
"You know, I've never been the overly romantic one. I want to say that I like you a lot, Y/n. I wanted to confess even for once even if you don't like me back. You make me worry for you because I like you so much it hurts. You make me want to be a better person and I realized that only you can make me forget about everything else if you're not okay," He finally spoke and looked at you with longing. He was clinging on to the hope that maybe just maybe you felt the same for him.
"Changbin, I-"
"Please give me a chance, give us a chance. Or are you dating someone else, is that it?" Changbin's voice cracked as tears were falling.
"No baby, how could you think that there's anyone else in my life? There's only you, I promise," You spoke with desperation in your voice as you wiped his tears off with your hands.
There you standing with Changbin, then it hits you that you just confessed to the guy that you've liked for so long. You held Changbin's face with your hands before leaning in for a kiss.
His eyes looked at your lips as he also leaned in. You both then share a long-awaited kiss that makes him pull you close to him. You both pull away from the kiss with a smile. Then, a thought also hits him like a ton of bricks.
"Wait a minute, then who's the guy at your house?" He asked you with pure curiosity.
"That's my cousin Hyung Sik,"
"You never told me you had a cousin. I can't believe that I acted like an idiot," Changbin panicked for a bit before you stopped him.
"Calm down, he already knows that you mean well. I promise you," You give Changbin a smile and lace your fingers in his.
He squeezes your hand in happiness after his thoughts were now cleared.
"So are we dating now?" Changbin boldly asks you with a wide smile.
"O-Of course we are," You respond and start blushing profusely as you hear the words that come out of his mouth.
"In that case, I'm a happy man," He looks at you lovingly with his gaze never leaving you.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You turn and look at your boyfriend.
"Why wouldn't I look at the spectacular person in my life?" Changbin says as he winks at you.
Then you both hear a door shut from the direction of Jeongin's house. There Jeongin got out of his house to meet you both. You were surprised that he was still up.
"Huh, so that's why you came out of my house like a macho man," Jeongin says to Changbin before shrugging his head.
Changbin couldn't respond to Jeongin and you stood there awkwardly.
"Y/n, you made him cry after he got back," Changbin looks away as he hears Jeongin speak.
"I made him cry twice today, I feel bad. I'm sorry," You look at your boyfriend assuringly.
Changbin looks at you assuring you that he's alright and that you shouldn't blame yourself anymore.
"By the way, you both are lucky my parents aren't going to be here in a long time. You guys owe me one," Jeongin says to you both before telling you both that Joy and Hyung Sik are going to also be at his house.
"So it's a sleepover, huh?"
"Yes, a very good one. Now you guys get in, it's very cold outside," Jeongin finally picks up the pocket knife from his lawn and leads you both into his house.
Finally, after a while, everyone arrives. Jeongin starts the movies and snacks as everyone gets comfortable.
"So..." Changbin awkwardly tries making conversation with your cousin.
"So, what?" Hyung Sik carefully examines your boyfriend as he gulps.
"Uh, I don't know," A long silence follows after Changbin spoke.
On the other hand, Joy, Jeongin, and you all look at each other thinking that your cousin won't accept him.
"I approve," Hyung Sik gives a thumbs up and smiles at everyone.
Relieved, Changbin finally starts getting to know your cousin as they speak comfortably. You all let out a sigh of relief after the long waiting.
"By the way, what's up with all of you and doors?" Hyung Sik lets out a chuckle as the night comes to an end.
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waitingforminjae · 3 years
imagine getting dragged like this by dudes from super junior and ze:a children of empire
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dvmni · 3 years
When I see artists leave Star Empire
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I will never get over how they treated Nine Muses and ZE:A. Can’t imagine they treated Imfact much better
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beautifully-hwarang · 8 years
Some Kind of Green
Title: Some Kind of Green
Word Count: 1205
A/N: In celebration of 100 followers I wrote a thing about Hansung:) 
"Wake up!" Light painfully shot through my closed lids, jarring me awake. "It's morning, you need to clean." The head housemaid at Hwarang house, Soojung pulled me roughly out of bed by the arm, not stopping to see if I was in any pain. "Sunbaenim, you’re hurting me," I complained, wrapping my fingers around the mark she left on my wrist. "I will be ready in a few moments." The older woman huffed angrily and stomped out of my tiny quarters. I'd been living in Hwarang House since it first opened. As an orphan with no connection to the True Bones, I had no choice but to get some menial work, and as a woman there were not many other options besides cleaning. Women were not often allowed in Hwarang House but since the Hwarangs were apparently quite rowdy and tended to break/dirty much more than anticipated, Soojung, myself and a few other girls were called in. My friend Jangmi, from the village told me how jealous she was when I got in, but it's not as exciting as it may seem. I've yet to see even one of the Hwarangs, just their didiculously big messes. Sighing, I changed into my simple robes and clipped my long dark hair back. I took a quick look in the mirror before averting my eyes. I hated seeing my reflection- it was yet another reminder of what a freak I was. In Silla, everyone had dark hair and dark eyes. We all looked relatively similar in our colouring- but when I was born there was some genetic defect thay gave me eyes the color of fresh moss.  Light, slightly glowing and greener than green. It was strange, and people often commented on it, calling them the Devil’s eyes, cursed eyes, because they were so different. Many people doubted my mother's fidelity as well, claiming she must have had an affair with a travelling foreigner. Regardless, I hated them. There were nothing good about these eyes. I started my day like normal, greeting my fellow servants and washing the railings in the outdoor courtyard, when suddenly I heard very loud drums. I waited patiently, allowing myself a quick rest for the drums to stop, but they just went ko continuously. I asked one of the Gardners if the Hwarangs were having some sort of festival. "It's some famous musician who came to teach those spoiled Hwarangs how to roll over for the queen, " the Gardner snapped, glaring at me as he left. Alrighty then. I left my cleaning bucket and rags next to the rail and walked carefully over to noisy room. Peering through a little hole in the patterned parchment stretched over the sliding door, I could see two men, dressed in their crisp Hwarang robes. The drumming seemed to increase in tempo and the handsome soldiers started to dance, their companions clapping in excitement. The dance seemed silly but both of the men were more graceful than any other guys I'd ever encountered. The one on the left was breathtaking, his hair so straight and dark it looked like flowing water. His skin was pale and glowed slightly like the moon. I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach at the sight of such a gorgeous boy. "Hansunggie ahh so cute!" one of the Hwarangs watching shouted at the other dancing knight. I pulled my attention away from the mesmerizing male and focused on the shorter. This boy (and I mean boy since he could be no more than a year older than myself); was not nearly as lovely as the former. He was dancing with a bit of smirk, as if he was trying to hold back a laugh. His movements were much less calculated bit so much more amusing to watch. I felt my mouth pulling into a wide grin, a quiet giggle escaping. Hansung, the Hwarang had called him. Hansung spun with flair, shooting a happy look at the rapt audience. The longer the two danced, the larger Hansung smile seemed to get, before he finally abandoned the controlled smirk and openly smiled, his mouth almost rectangular in shape. What a beautiful dance, the pair were well suited. Hansung glowed like the sun, warm and bright while the other man was so like the moon, a quiet beauty. I sat silently, engrossed in Hansung’s every expression, my heart thumping audibly. Suddenly the music stopped. I let out a sigh, before covering my mouth quickly, alarmed at how loud I had been. Not quick enough, unfortunately as I watched Hansung’s head whip around in my direction, his dark eyes wide. He opened his mouth to indicate to me, but I ran. 
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Sweat coursed down my back as I scooped up my cleaning supplies and hustled to the storeroom. Shutting the door behind me I collapsed on the ground in a heap, trying to catch my breath. He saw me! Aish, I could get in so much trouble for watching the Hwarangs in their class. It was meant to be secret! Ahh I was such a fool, I'd only intended to look for a moment or so, just to see the drumming. But watching Hansung was fascinating. He seemed to radiate joy, so unlike any man I've ever known. I felt myself smiling again. Even if I did get punished, knowing someone like Hansung existed made it all worth it. Hansung (a few days later) "Ya hyung I'll meet you at the Hwarang House in an hour!" I shouted to Yeol Wool, skipping away before he had a chance to argue. Yeol Wool was probably my best friend in Hwarang but he could be very serious sometimes and I just wanted to play for a while. It was my break after all. With all the dance training for the festival coming up, I was sleepy all the time. I wanted to see the town again, maybe find a present for my mom. I strolled happily, smiling at people that passed me by. I remembered again, the weird incident that happened a few days earlier, when I saw a girl with the strangest eyes watching us practice our dance. I'd been shocked to see her there since no one was meant to watch and had just been about to call out to her to leave when I noticed her eyes.  They were so different, green but not like the trees. Green that glowed. Aish, I smacked my forehead in frustration. I'd been thinking of her eyes non-stop since I saw them, trying to clearly remember their shape and hue. I passed by one of my favourite stalls, filled with strange artifacts brought over from the west, my eyes were drawn to the decorative piece I'd looked at months ago. It was a flat, gold disc with transparent green glass in the centre. "Ya!" I shouted, running over to the table. I lifted the object carefully, and faced it to the sun as I had before. Looking through the glass I could see the sun shine. A green film filtered the light, making a colour I'd only seen once before...the color of her eyes. "Beautiful.”
I smiled. I would definitely need to find that girl again. 
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-Admin Hana:)
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kpoporacle · 3 years
So, I was watching ONF's MV for Popping, and I was struck by how their "spaceships" reminded me of 80's scifi movies, or the game Space Haven.....
Don't go, I can explain.....
Imagine if you will... ONF are the crew of a deep space science vessel. It's a dark, greebly vessel, with CRT monitors and tactile controls, contrasting with the sleek and brightly lit designs that coexist alongside it. It's probably hot and poorly ventilated because heat management is difficult in space..... and hot sweaty boys....
I could make use of Hyojin's barcode tattoo, the constant surveillance, the meteors, and the utopian dystopia as presented in several of the MVs.... I could pull idols from different groups, especially since BAE173 literally had the Enterprise E in Crush On You, and Ze:a had the Tardis.....
But the real question is, do I write this, or do I write their vampire slaying priest au..... completely based off that time they dressed up as priests for that one stage......
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