#ze was ON FIRE during some parts of the pc
Ukrainian Darling Ukrainian Cutie Ze during the "Ukraine. Jahr 2024" press conference
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Moveset #3! (See, I told you I’d get her out!)
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Marisa Kirisame (Your Friendly Neighborhood Witch)
Overview: Perhaps one of the most unsual of all of Gensokyo’s residence, Marisa proudly bears the title of “Ordinary Black Magician” for her incredible ability to work her way up to the top of magical tier lists and keep up with even high-ranking goddesses no sweat. Some call her a rip-off artist, but in actuality she somehow always puts her own Marisa-style spin on the abilities she supposedly plagiarizes. Marisa is a high-speed rocket with more than enough firepower to use her mini-Hakkero to its fullest potential, but if you get carried away, you’ll be brutally humbled.
Alternate Costumes:
-Her pallete swaps from SWR combined with her other outfits from across the series’ history.
-Undefined Fantastic Object outfit.
-PC-98 Design.
Jab: 3-hit combo of a punch, kick, and a use of Meteonic Debris, which has decent range.
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Up Tilt: Marisa spins her broom, and jabs it upwards, a star bursting out.
Down Tilt: Drops an exploding potion on the enemy. Either Ground Stardust, which explodes on contact and has a strong energy, or Devildom Torch, which spreads out the fire but takes longer to explode.
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Side Tilt: Marisa slams her backside into the opponent. Strangely enough, it seems to give her increased resistance to damage of all kinds during the attack’s duration, and it’s impossible to make her flinch during this period. (Bulletproof Bloomers~!)
Dash Attack: Witch Ley Line. Marisa reinforces her broom with magic and rockets forward. Pressing the button again mid-attack causes it to become Radial Strike, slowing down Marisa and firing out a fast bullet.
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Side Smash: Star Sign “Meteonic Shower”. Marisa fires a large number of stars at the opponent from the Hakkero.
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Up Smash: Stellar Missile. Marisa aims the mini-Hakkero straight up, and fires a magic missile up a short distance before it explodes/comes in contact with an enemy.
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Down Smash: Love Sign “Non-Directional Laser”. A spell inspired by Patchouli Knowledge. Attacks in all directions and has nice range, but doesn’t last long.
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Back Aerial: Sweep Aside. Marisa does a sick spin on her broom, damaging enemies caught in its range.
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Front Aerial: Green Spread. Marisa fires off a lot of non-damaging green lasers that converge and form an explosive orb that does a fair amount of damage and knockback.
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Up Aerial: Miasma Sweep. Marisa spins her broom and surrounds herself in a blue energy.
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Down Aerial: Bosky Sweeper. Marisa spins her broom, scattering green stars from the bristles. The green stars spike, while the bristles can do a bit of scratch damage. The best part about this attack has to be its name, however.
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Neutral B: Magic Sign “Earthlight Ray”/Astrologic Sign “Orreries Sun”. Marisa charges up a laser. Charge is obviously stoppable/storable, but Marisa will spawn in orbiting bits (a maximum of six at max charge).  These bits will follow Marisa around and fire on nearby enemies (with plenty of damage to be racked up if used smartly), but they will eventually fizzle out unless Marisa fires the Earthlight Ray.
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Side B: Magic Sign “Stardust Reverie”. Marisa rockets forward into an enemy. Significantly more powerful than Witch Leyline, and has the added bonus of a damaging trail of stars.
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Up B: Star Sign “Escape Velocity”. Marisa blasts off into the air for a fine recovery. As with Miasma Sweep, her broom scatters stars beneath her, but the top of her broom does even more damage.
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Down B: Star Sign “Dragon Meteor”. Marisa fires a powerful rainbow laser towards the ground.  Lifts her into the air, and works great for both recovery and meteors.
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Bomb: Love Sign “Master Spark”. You know it, you love it! It’s the Master Spark! With incredible range and spread combined with great damage, Marisa’s most widely known magical technique is fast, brutal, and most importantly, satisfying.
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Final Smash: Comet “Blazing Star”, and Love Sign “Starlight Typhoon”. Marisa rockets all around the screen into her opponents at an unbelievable speed, similar to Volt Tackle/Super Sonic, firing off the stars/lasers from the Hakkero as she does so.
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Stage Entrance: Flies in on her broom like a hoverboard, tilting her hat upwards as she mounts it properly.
Up: Marisa plucks a mushroom out of the ground, grinning.
Down: Marisa revs up her Hakkero/spins her wand around, sending off tiny sparks/stars.
Side: Marisa does a quick balancing trick on her broom, and flashes a peace sign at the camera.
Victory Poses:
-Marisa laughs as she points her Hakkero/wand at the camera, or says “Tough luck, ze!” or “See you again~!” depending on whether or not she’s in her standard costumes or her PC-98 design.
-Marisa hops onto her broom, does a figure 8, and then flies into the camera with a wink, before stopping and hovering in place with either a “Come back some other time!” or a “Kyahaha!”
-Marisa leans back against her broom, smiling. The camera zooms in and she laughs mirthfully.
Who’s up next? Hmm... maybe someone... non-Touhou!? Scandalous~!
...I hope I don’t accidentally posted cringe...
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