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shionanies · 1 year ago
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I have stolen more outfits!
Owners of the outfits i borrowed are (from left to right)
@justeclotilde @/karasuman @followthechick @gumdumblollypop @/tokkiWakfu
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digitalesleben · 8 days ago
Steuererklärung leicht gemacht?
Steuererklärungen sollen mit Apps kinderleicht sein. So wird es uns in den Social Media verkauft. Durchschnittlich 1000€ soll man als Steuerrückerstattung bekommen. Diese Art Werbung zieht bei vielen jungen Leuten. Aber Steuererklärung ist noch viel mehr. Viel Spass beim Lesen.
Jedes Jahr dasselbe. Ich tue mich wahnsinnig schwer damit meine Steuererklärung für das Vorjahr zu erstellen. Meistens vergesse ich es doch um mehr als ein Jahr, bis ich vom Finanzamt daran erinnert werde, dass ich bitte meine Steuererklärung machen soll. Und dies unter Androhung eines sogenannten Verspätungszuschlags. Steuererklärungs-Apps versprechen die Steuererklärung schnell und einfach zu…
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sharky857 · 4 days ago
Ten + Ten More Drifter Questions
All questions graciously borrowed from @thefreefencer's posts here and here!
As per my usual, adding a "read more" to spare the dashboard from a potentially lengthy post.
What is that one party trick that the Drifter would show the Hex and who do you think would be the most impressed with?
Idk, fghdsjlkfshgdljk! Maybe the bottle flipping one? As for who might be more impressed, that might be Amir (watch him flip several bottles in the following days, trying to get the thing right at least once).
Would the Drifter spend more time in 1999 or 50-50 back in their own time?
Drifter Damienne instantly ended up lovestruck with 1999, so she's been spending most of her time in that timeline. She's been still visiting Operator Damienne, when "big sis" knows that "lil sis" isn't busy.
There's no missions, so what would the Drifter be doing on their free time with the Hex? Or are they loners and/or stays in their current time until they're summoned?
She would totally spend her free time gaming, with or without Amir (all depends on whether Amir's currently deployed in some mission), and also videocalling "lil sis" to chitchat and keep up with the latest news from the future/the past.
They have free time but they have an S/O, what would they be up to?
See the answer above? Yeah, that's it. Probably add a Marathon of "Warrior Queen Zasta" sprinkled with intense cuddling sessions.
Are you gonna show off your most broken Warframe builds to the Hex? (Be real, cause I would.)
Oh, Damienne totally would. She would also show the build for "Zappy", just in case some other "Zappy" techie might feel like getting a harmless, further upgrade someday.
How much of the future is Drifter gonna divulge to their new friends? Or are they straight up gonna just mention something here and there with no context whatsoever?
The timeline is probably and already royally screwed thanks to Entrati's actions, so Damienne has no qualms with divulging all she may be asked about. Unless it's something personal that might make her uncomfortable (in which case, she would make it very clear to the other part).
Well, the Hex live in a mall, so where would Drifter hunker down during their rest periods?
Uh… In the Backroom? 🤔 (She would literally know no other place)
What souvenir they're gonna abscond from 1999 and take it back to the future?
Multiple recipes for the different types of Big Bytes Pizza, the Countessa comic series, On-Lyne CD, and, in the grim probability that it's gonna be a farewell, a group picture with the Hex + the glasses on the Backroom's mannequin (they are the same worn by Amir).
There's a lot of scattered trash, drink cups, etc in the Mall, would the state the Hex live in annoy your Drifter?
Nah, but she would diplomatically try to suggest them to get a "space Roomba" to clean the place up.
If there was a choice to romance Major Rusalka, would you romance her?
Damienne would never. But Magda would totally give it a shot. 😏
What is the one food item from 1999 that you know your Drifter would like? (Also if it's country specific, add that in if you want, I'm not from the US either) Damienne ain't a picky eater. If any Hex approached her with a personal dish (be it something from their own country of origin or simply a dish/drink they really love and want to share), she'll gladly chow/chug it down. Squared jelly spaghetti NOT included.
2. Did your Drifter finish Caliber Chicks and got the secret ending?
She did finish it, complete with secret ending, and then, like any good gamer, she set off to try and beat her own high score.
3. If you could pick any tarot card from the Major Arcana, which would your Drifter be?
*scrambles to look those cards up because has virtually zero knowledge on tarots*
I guess it is safe to say that it would be either "The Chariot" or "Strength". 🤔
4. Is your Drifter 90s fashionable or just doesn't give a damn? Explain their fashion if you want!
She loves to bits her new attire, so she's definitely 90s fashionable.
5. So, here's a hard one. The Reset happened. The Hex don't remember you. Would the Drifter do it all again or mope?
"Damienne" and "moping" are not meant to get along. Ya bet she will redo everything from scratch.
6. If two of the Hex (who and who) get into a massive squabble is your Drifter gonna:
watch it unfold with popcorn in hand
stop them and try to diplomatically try to get them to settle
join in the violence
Would depend entirely on who the Hexes are and what the squabble is about. 🤔 Like, if it's Lettie chewing anyone else's head off for whatever reason, Damienne might grab the popcorn (and watch from a safe distance).
Kaithe or Atomicycle?
Atomicycle all the way. Yes, Damienne would be capable of smugging it into Duviri.
"You thought being trampled by a speeding Depreshun Honse would hurt? Watch this, mothermuckers~ :)" (Damienne @ some Thrax soldiers as she revs Tommy's engine)
What are your Drifter's favourite 1999 trinkets?
In no particular order:
Countessa Comic (a nice alternative to "Waverider")
Big Bytes Pizza
Argon Burger Meal
Cheddar Crowns Cereal (she can simply fish them out of the box and shove a handful in her mouth, making them the perfect Gaming Snacc™️)
9. How does your Drifter celebrate Star Days with the Hex and their significant other?
In whatever way Amir would like to. All Damienne's grown to know about Star Days celebration is to just… Go into Orb Vallis, wreck some stuff to grab some debt bonds, then head back to Auntie Ticker and trade bonds for whatever goods she has in store for the event. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
How do the civilians see the Drifter? As a friendly face, a weirdo, a mystery figure that helps them out from time to time?
She would get mixed reactions, from people secretly judging her for the way she looks, to younger folks being fascinated by her hairstyle, or the "visage ink", her piercings… Not to mentioned her bubbly demeanour. Some may try and ask her some advices on how to beat a certain cabinet game, the bolder ones would even try and ask her about the future and how she can do "all those freaky things".
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hushravengoobertown · 1 month ago
-----In the Dark and Blue-----
February 14th, 1999: 04.00: Cycle 2
The indifference strikes again, the Ocean of Höllvania drowns anyone and everyone who can't keep their head above the waves.
(sorry this took so long, work+EEPY = unproductive)
On a damp and cold morning, clouds looming above. Amir and Kintsugi coiled up in a big, fuzzy blanket. Nuzzling each other as they binged some ‘Warrior Queen Zasta.’ Neither could sleep last night as the adrenaline from their previous mission kept them up. Amir snuck some kisses on Kintsugi’s cheek. Her flushed face was hidden by the light from the TV. “I got a mission with Arthur today, my dear.” Amir’s eyebrow raised but then a big giddy smile revealed itself. “Ooh that's alright Sugarcube! I have to prepare your gift anyway~” her light laughter soothed any anxiety he held. “We're going down to the Harbor this time. Scaldra are getting desperate and are asking for supplies from other nations.”
Amir’s eyes widened, tightening his grip around her a little bit. “That's new… we're really driving them in a corner now huh?” She chuckles, pecking his forehead. “We'll get it done before you're finished with your plan~ I'll make sure of it!” Amir’s eyes met with hers as soft laughter filled the room. “I'll hold you to that Babycakes, just be careful okay? That place is… funny, I know! Very close to the ocean, the waves can be dangerous on days like these.” He gazes out the window, frowning, it was already raining pretty hard, no sign of stopping. She cups his cheek, facing him towards her, their lips softly pressing against each other. “I'll be okay, Zoomy, I promise.” leaning her head against the crook of his neck, she reassures him softly, gently caressing his arm. Both relax in each other's embrace as the next episode of Warrior Queen Zasta plays.
They were half asleep when Quincy and his band woke everyone up. Not even the backroom was safe from his shenanigans as the loud banging on the wall shot them up. “Nnuuuugh, sometimes I really wanna deck his stupid face-” Kintsugi nuzzles his arm as he haphazardly rubs his right eye with the palm of his hand. “Mmm time to get ready for the day!” He jumps up giddy, stretching as Kintsugi follows shortly after. “Don’t peek in Aoi’s corner for a bit- it's where the surprise is okaaaay?” He quickly pecks her cheek, sprinting away soon after. Her gentle laughter fuelled his desire to make this the best day ever.
Kintsugi still had some time before needing to show up so she cleaned up in the bathroom, got some fresh (waterproof) clothing on and fed her kavats. She prepared her arsenal for the day, nothing like the good ol’ reliable Boltor, Sicarus, and Glaive to get the job done. All the small chores were finished for now so she went to boot up the POM-2 PC. Holding a groggy sigh, she'd type to greet Arthur.
“Hey, Arthur I'm pretty much ready whenever you are. What's the plan?”
“Gotta wait for the morning fog to roll in. Should provide us enough cover around the place to make it quick and painless…. For us at least. Heh.”
“Sounds good to me, let's make sure their dates cry tonight.”
“...I should not have laughed at that as much as I did.”
“lol I'll get you a beer when we're done.”
“Cheers. I'll text you when the fog is thick enough.”
Broadsword has logged off.
She leaned back on her council chair she brought from Duviri, hands on the back of her head as her gaze diverted to the floof of Amir on her bed, then up outside, rain tapping the window. The ominous winds outside felt like some kind of warning, spiking her nerves. “The Ocean… dangerous when stormy and yet this will be the first time I'll see it. Perhaps I'll be a lil extra careful for Amir… What do you think, Kalymos?” her quiet purrs approached, nuzzling her leg as Kintsugi scratched behind her ears. Her anxiety was broken by Kalymos’s presence.
The silence was cut by Amir’s sudden appearance, his figure at the door frame of the loft. “Hey hey hey! My Void Kitten~ Arthur told me that we'll be heading to the Harbor together!!” Kintsugi cocked her head in confusion. “Really..? Arthur seemed pretty excited to actually go on a mission with me for once… why the sudden change?” Amir nodded and approached Kintsugi “Would it be so surprising that he forgot that it was Valentine's day and panicked! You should have SEEN the look on his face when he approached me and told me he learned it only after texting you hahaha!” Kintsugi wheezed, slamming her palm on the table. “What about what you're planning…?” He nodded “Aoi and Eleanor are helping Arthur finish what I started, it's only fair since he's sending us out in the rain haha!” Amir held his hand out and she softly chuckled, taking it. “So will this be like… a beach date?” she'd chuckle sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Amir would take her hand to kiss it. “Of course, Mon Cheri~” Kintsugi was happily bounding down the stairs ahead of him, whistling old Duviri tunes while retrieving her arsenal. What she didn't see was the inky eyes and horrible creeping smile that plastered his face behind her.
Amir and Aoi began setting up a couple of chairs and a fancy table. Amir realized he never actually had that ‘Fancy romantic date, wine and schmoozing included.’ with his love, he wanted to show her what a real one was. Aoi agreed with him too, helping him get it set up for Valentine's day. They'd place some privacy walls around the room to keep the place hidden from prying eyes. Aoi held a small radio in hand, flipping between frequencies to find the old timey stations. A knock was heard behind the walls. “Oi fam, got your lux and tie.” Quincy chuckled, as Amir parted the walls with a big dumb smile on his face. “Ohmysolthisisperfect!!! I owe you at least 2 favors for this.” Quincy laughed, patting the speedster on his shoulder. “Nah brother, for som’in like this? All I want is you being your best self, slay that tux, please yo girl… and one favor.” Amir rolling his eyes, punches Quincy’s collar bone playfully, before pushing him out of the room. “Thanks man… means a lot.”
Aoi and Eleanor sat doing each other's make-up, Amir huffed, his gear scattered on the floor, he'd start fixing his collar, staring at himself in a cracked mirror. He admired a black velvet tuxedo covering his shoulders. Black slacks wrapped around his thighs and legs beautifully, a maroon tie with a little lightning bolt pin by the knot covering a white undershirt trying desperately to contain his chest. Nice buttoned cuffs enhanced the details around his wrists. He carefully fixed any creases or wrinkles around his arms and his neck. Quincy did an amazing job finding one that was tailored, let alone fit him.
“She'll like this… yea, she will, I know she will…” his heart was racing nervously, the suit tight around his Warframe body, this was definitely not as easy let alone comfortable as portrayed in those cheesy rom coms he used to binge. “Welp, no going back now.” He took a solid moment to breathe, walking around the corner towards Aoi and Eleanor. Their gazes quickly met his visage. “Oh my Sol…” Eleanor dropped her jaw a little in astonishment. “AMIR YOUR SO HANDSOME WHAAAA-” Aoi jolted from her position, a giddy smile on her face. “Sugi is absolutely going to lose her mind when she witnesses you darling.” Eleanor happily replied. “Y-you really think so?” Aoi jogged over to pat his back, “We know so. Amir.” her smile widened, a nervous but content chuckle escaped Amir, admiring himself.
A sudden knock on the privacy walls, Arthur inviting himself in, he'd notice two scornful gazes and an embarrassed Amir. “Oh… sorry… you… look great, Amir.” Arthur smiled lightly, trying not to pay much mind to his rather upset sister and former girlfriend. “What brings you here brother, we're in the middle of something quite under wraps you know…” Eleanor scoffed. “...I know I'm sorry, but I cannot get a hold of Drifter, she wasn't in the backroom. I assumed she was here with you lot?” Amir’s heart dropped. “S-she isn't here…” Amir somberly responded, Aoi frowned slightly. “Eleanor, are you able to get a poke on her whereabouts?” Arthur crossed his arms, his tone a bit more serious now. “Hmmm… Let me see…” her focus shifted, for a moment closing her eyes. Her eyes widened terrified. Cold gasps escaping her.
“She's… heading for the docks-” she gasped again “There's… another guiding her, it looks like… Amir” everyone's eyes widened in shock. Aoi’s expression soured, Arthur's eyebrow raised, Amir started anxiously pacing. “Howisthatpossibleimrighthere-” his breathing unsteady. “Its… it's the Indifference!- That THING is with OUR Drifter!?” Eleanor's desperate voice shifted the mood aggressively, completely overwhelming emotions washed over Amir, tears started streaming down his face. He held his heart as another panic attack took over every nerve in his body, a cold dread completely strangled his mind. All he could hear was his heart racing. “NOTAGAINNOTAGAINNOTAGAIN…” His knees buckled as his hands grasped his hair, desperately trying to breathe.
Aoi rushed out to prepare the Atomicycles. Eleanor held Amir's shoulder’s trying to calm him down. Arthur’s expression was stoic, he calls for Quincy over the radio, telling Lettie to remain to keep the civilians safe. “We need to leave. Now. That thing is with her, if we don't stop it, we might as well be dead.”
Kintsugi crouched with her Glaive in hand, signalling to Àmir, he dove into the fog, Scaldra screams faded, she approached the docks, waves splashing against the concrete. “I don't see anymore Scaldra, seems like we got them all…” no response. “Amir? You okay?! Are you hurt?” A horrible laugh echoed in the mist, the waves seemed to crash louder.
“Ỵ̸̡̛̐̎́͝o̸̝̐ų̵͊̓̿̕r̵̛̪͂̒̈́̈́̕ ̶̡̟̬͖̋́͐͒͝d̸͙̠̉̏̓͑̈́̇a̵̖͔͚̤͛͛͛̄́ḿ̸̘̏̔͊̔̈́ń̷̠͚̘͇̳e̸̝̭̦̯͐d̷̳̬́͒̃ ̴̺̟̖̓͂̑̓̀̍m̴̫̝͌a̸̡͈̜̎̉̒͗́͝ͅṇ̷̘̭̎͋̐̐́ ̴̪̦̞̀̈́̚ͅg̸̙͔̃o̷͔̊͘t̷̳̬̗̫͍̣͌͑̌ ̷̫̈́͂̃̈́̉̕i̸̠̗̐̆̎̕ň̸̠̇͘ ̸̘̭̘́̈͋͋̇̕m̷̰̽̌̒͊ͅy̷̢̞̽̽̇̕ ̵̗̺͓̼̒̉͒̇w̷̬͇̅̓͗̀͘͠a̷̛̤̪̝͌́͘ẙ̸̠̀.̵̹̦́̓͆̉͠ ̶̥̹̱͔͋S̴̨͍̈t̴̻͕̙̬̾̿͝͝e̸͎̿̏̈́a̸̬̖͛̂̀͝l̴̦̰̹͙̗̟̍͗̈́̃͝ỉ̵̼̓̒̇̈́̚ñ̶̯͙̫̈̀̚ģ̵̙͒̓̉̾̕ ̴͍̱̘́͛y̷̲̭̦̖̘̐̓ͅȯ̶̘̤̬̫̞͋̌̊̓û̷̢̩͉͜ ̴̤̓̓f̵̢̰̥͈̃̆͂̕r̴̜̳̫̰̓́̾ơ̶̡̡̞̪̺̓͋͝ͅm̴̨̨͈̫͕̆͘ ̵̭̱́̽̿̂̂̚y̵̨̱̣̤̔ö̷͓͈̦́̈́̌͘u̴̡͍̥͍̝̾̓͊r̷̗̥̬̣̮̈́͆ ̴̢͈͕̞̌̈́͛͐͌͝b̴̲̝̈́e̵͈̱͇͂̀̂l̴̡͔̮̈͌́̿̐a̶̮̿͂͊ͅţ̸̮̙́́̆͌e̴͖̰̞̎̈́͐͝͠d̶̗͚̙̝͚̱̾́̿͠ ̴̡͎̮̗̦̗̅̿̀͘f̷̠́̍̚͠á̵̞̻͈̙̜̱͋t̷͕̟̤̰̖͝ę̸̢͕̍̒͌͒.”
“YOU- I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM-” the Indifference cackled, revealing itself, a horribly twisted visage of Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝ mocked her. Kintsugi shot at the mirage, it faded, void tongue clawed at her mind getting louder and louder. She grasped her head in agony.
“Í̵̻̺͎̣̲̺̖̻̈́͒̎͑̾'̸̢̠̠͐̒͂̓̆̓͘͝ͅl̴̟͇͊̍̐̐l̷̝͕͇̍̆̌̿̐̅ ̷͕̻͋̑̎s̷̛̖͔̩̱̒ḧ̵̙̻͍̼̭́̆̎̅̎͒͊͜ơ̴̩͍͕̿͑͋̆̓͘͝w̵̧̱̙̳̰̙̘͚̑̿ ̵̧̛̯͓͍̠́́̓͒͠y̵͍͙̭̱̙͑̾͜͠ő̴̧̭̦̐̂ư̸̢̨̬̭͙͎̘̰ ̷͚̮̣̳͙̚ͅa̴̠͆͛͝͝n̶̟̍̆͐̀͘̕͠ ̶̣͂̓̋͆O̸̱̜͓͇͓̮͒͊̎̃̃̓̚͝c̷͔͓͌̾͐͛ͅe̸̪̐ḁ̴͔̮͠n̷̝͎͈̥͖̪̆̈̚͝,̷̲̓̐̊̐̈́̅ ̷̹̗̍̈̀̚̚͝ṱ̷̡̝̠͌͐̈́̇͑̌͐͝ḩ̸̢̢̱͚͇̑ĭ̴̛̻͚̫̱̣̳̯̂̚ş̸͔͕̰̦̔͗̂ͅ ̴̲̬̝̅̿̚ẗ̷̫́̒̐̓̚͝i̷̙͈͙̘̱̮͊̍̃̃́͊͛̕͜m̷̢̯̗͉͙̙̟̑̓̿̿̒̎̚͘͜ḙ̷̼̲̻͖̝̔͌͆̐.̸̫̪̎͝.̴͈̣̤͙̪̥̰͇̌̏.̶̝̮̌ ̴̡̧̢̱̖̄ͅ”
Her screams attempted to drown out the murmur. To no avail, while struggling to keep herself sane, the pain crumbled her strength. Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝ coiled his void-touched hands around her neck, her face, her eyes. It suffocates her. “Amir… h-help… me-” An inky black gaze and cursed smile is all she witnesses before her consciousness failed her.
The Atomicycles roared in the storm, Amir's feet pounded against the wet roads. Everything was a blur, not even Eleanor’s brain hugs could soothe his terror. “What is it doing to her? I thought… Why today?… P-please…” his words spilled, was it tears, or the rain streaking his face. The others were barely able to keep up with his increased speed. “Am- slo- -wn” Arthur's voice was barely legible, the radio’s signal disrupted by his speed and the storm around him. He couldn't stop, he wouldn't stop. He needed to save her. That thing had her again. “Please don't be too late pleasepleasepleaseplease-” the docks soon came into sight, Amir was way ahead of the others, the Atomicycles still roared in the distance. He prayed to Sol for once, that she wasn't a corpse by the time he arrived.
The fog was thick, frantically searching around, it was quiet, too quiet. The fog suddenly parted a bit in front of him, Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝ revealed itself. Fury boiled in Amir's body. Tasting iron in his mouth he tensed himself for a charge.
“A̸̯̟̽h̷̜̾͗,̸̰̒̓ ̸̗̇ͅa̷̢̿ḧ̶̼͙́͆ ̴̯̅a̸̮̠͋̐h̶̠̏!̶̼̾͋ ̴̙̉̈́Y̷̛̘̭ọ̷̃̇ũ̷͍͓ ̴̻̂c̵͉̙̈a̵͓͎͒̀n̵̞͊̂'̶̫̽ṯ̵́ ̶̰͆͠d̸͖͈͛͘ò̷̘ ̶͚̂̎t̸̢̋ḧ̶̜̣͌a̵͎͌t̷͕͑͐.̴͓̰̍̕.̴̢̯͝.̴̯̽̂”
The fog parted further revealing Kintsugi hooked loosely on an old crane, chained, rocks dangling below her. Waves crashing fiercely below like maws that want to consume every aspect of her.
“Y̵̛̬̱͛͐̀̑͛o̶̧͓̖͔͔̔͐̈́͛u̶̝̘͂͊ ̶̖͑̕ͅḣ̸̠͍̭̕â̸̙̘̞͗̈́̋̊̇ͅṽ̷̜͉̟̳̹̇e̴͎̓ ̴̧̞͎̩͍̀̉͠͠m̸̨̧̛̪̯ŏ̵̤̟͋r̶̗͓͇̺̺͋͜ę̴̤̫̮̈́��̗ ̷̨̡̱̞͕͔͝͝p̵͚̥̗̫͑̈r̶̭̤̣̬̂̓ë̷̻̺͔̳́s̸̨̢̮̘͉̉͂̆s̷͚͇̳̜̐̃̌̀́ì̵̛̖̠̭̯̽͋̆͝n̵̥̫̝͂͛g̴̜͇̈́͝͠ ̸̺̙̪̓̄͌ͅm̸̡̡̟͑a̷̖͓͇̠̺͋͑̃̅ͅt̷̨̧̛̝̫̙͒̽͠t̸͇͖̟̞̺͑e̷͙̲̍̒r̶̝̺͊s̷̘̤̦͒̃̀͜ ̴̨̙̤̭͛̈́͒͝t̶͓̩̣̋͌͗͋̏̕ȍ̷͓̜̋̾̎ ̵̞̽a̸̢͓̻̳̪̯̓̋́̇̚t̶̛̝̣͗̉͒́́t̵̢̻͈͐̒̚͝ë̴̤́n̴̡͎̘̦͍̑͒́̉̏d̶̙̘͛̑͌ ̴̝̈̄͛̄͂͘t̴̛̼̔̌̆͝o̴̡̾̌͒��̬̗̮.̶̡̈́͊.̸̛͉̻̊̈́̈́̃̈.̸͍̻͉̟̾̆̀”
Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝ bellowed again, it's wicked smile coiled around its face once more, snapping its fingers. The hook screeched, unlatching, Kintsugi was free falling towards the murky depths.
“H̸̭͉͙͉̍̈́͘͝a̵͚̬̮͒͂͝p̵̼̱̿͜͝͝p̵̥̪͐̇͘ͅy̶̗̯͔̪̏̀ ̸͕̠̋̽̊̓V̷̡̿͐̍̾a̵̧̱͙̍̃ĺ̶̺̮ͅè̴̘̏͊̆ṇ̷̡̞̭̇t̸̮̪͕͍̏͑̔̓i̸͕̋͒̒n̸̬̭̜͆e̴͎͙̳͐̃'̴͉͒̔͑̾s̴̡̬͕̜̍͑ ̴̻̝̓d̶̘̘̒̋̎͝ā̷͓̙̄̎y̶̮̬͚̼̆̄̔͠.̶̙̂́ ̵̦͔̩̿̓͒̕.̵̝͝”
Time slowed around Amir, he charged, not at the Indifference, but the ocean, diving in he saw her faint light sinking fast. He frantically swam down, every muscle in his body screaming, the currents making it seem like he was getting nowhere, air bubbles from her fading image the only thing guiding him further.
“Amir, AMIR- DAMNIT! signals dropped…” Arthur and the others quickly leaped off their Atomicycles, Aoi and Eleanor quietly conversed, readying their weapons. “Quincy, go far, covering us from a distance, the last thing we need is all of us to be trapped here with that thing without backup.” Quincy nodded, slight concern crept over his face. “You sure ‘bout this, your maj? Gonn’ have to post pretty far to getta half decent shot.” Arthur nodded. “Those are your orders, Quincy, now go.” Quincy sighed, getting back on his Atomicyle, riding off. “Aoi, make sure the Scaldra aren't making a surprise tour of the place, Eleanor, on me, can you get a read on Amir or Drifter…?” Eleanor's focus tightened, her head throbbed at the Indifferences presence. “I can't see or hear anything from them. The Indifference must be close by… lurking like a predator stalking its prey brother… it's waiting for us…” Arthur shuddered, grasping his Skana tightly, muttering to himself. “Sol damnit…”
The docks were completely coated in fog, the waves crashing against the concrete and metal of the abandoned sailboats. Arthur took a deep breath, the air heavy with some kind of miasma, Eleanor choked, a horrible presence rapidly approaching, like a tiger lunging on its prey, “ARTHUR-” a silver set of claws slashed at his chest throwing him back into some rusted crates, Eleanor hissed as Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝ turned it's attention towards her, black inky eyes meeting her feral purple ones. Sense seemed to have disappeared from her as she viscously growled. “STAY AWAY, DEMON, YOU WEAR HIS FACE BUT I KNOW YOU AREN'T HIM-.” Arthur's stance recovered, quickly launching himself forward with his exalted blade, Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝ mocked them as feral screams and animalistic retaliations coated the fog in miasma and blood.
Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝ bellowed once more, staring down at Arthur and Eleanor's wounded body.
“W̶̧̜͔̬̿ô̴̞̝̤̹̔ǘ̶̜̫̣͑l̶̻̽͝͝d̴̬̪̼̍͊͊ṉ̷͔̽͝'̸̩̣̥̀̈́̉̚t̵͚̐̅̀ ̵͚͒̄́i̶͙̩͇̠̓͑t̷͕́ ̶̞̦̂͘b̸̖́è̴̘͍̙̙̑̒̕ ̶͍̦̺̬̂a̵̼͆̓̈́ ̵̢̀̅̇s̴͖̐͒h̴̨̓̓̀a̸̢͓͔̳͋̽m̴̡͍̊̃̆͠ȩ̸̡̙̟̏͘,̵͓͚̈́́̓ ̵̯̓̓̓͛i̵̧̎̄͝͝f̷̨̰̹̅̆̈́ ̴̪̣̤̅͠ÿ̴͇̩ǫ̴̨̦̉̎̎͝u̷̽̏͘ͅ ̷̝̹͈̔l̶͖̯̏̉͆͘o̸̎̀̽ͅs̷̛̲̹̘͕̄͊t̷̺͈͒ ̷̡͑ŷ̸̬̥̍̑o̵̟̒u̸̝͉̗̞͝r̸͚̲̳̗̓͌̾ ̵̘̿͛̈́͆͜a̴͙͍̹̔́̏̂b̶̰̤̮̒i̷̭̺͒̍͌̌l̵͎͔̹̲̀͗̀î̶͎͉̟̔̅͝t̵̨͇̖͙̄̿̓y̸͖̺͌̃ ̷̫͒t̶̢̮͍̺̾͐o̴̭̜̽̾͌͝ ̴͓͈́̕̚d̸̢͇̦͔̓̉̌͒e̵̱͍͠f̷̡͓͇͂͒̽̕e̶̗̪̊̔̆n̵̗̽ͅd̷̯̥͇̈ ̷̨̡̙͈̾̋ý̸̨̟̄o̴̧̥͑̆̀ủ̴̩̬̏r̵̗̐̌s̷͉̈̈e̸̯͝l̸͕̂́̒v̶̮̥̺̰̑̽ě̷̗̣̠͒s̶̡͚͗?̵͖͂̿̕”
Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝ snapped his ethereal fingers, Eleanor screamed as her body went limp, Arthur forced to kneel, his body no longer able to stand. His voice croaked. They were both bleeding out and their healing factor was gone. Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝’s smile, wicked and all powerful, the demon had their souls poised before it.
“Ḱ̶͜ḭ̸̱͠l̵̺̺̐͝l̵̰̣̆i̸͑��͔ṇ̵̔g̷͇̃͜ ̶͚͘4̶̹̀ ̵̯͒̏b̵̦́͜i̶̩̕r̷̖͠d̵̛̤s̷͇͇̈́ ̸̠́w̷͇͕̓i̶͍̓̚ṯ̸̝̃h̶̡̗͆̊ ̸̩̺̓ó̵̭̮̽n̷̮̄e̷̝͆ ̶͙̥͝l̴̤̼̈i̸͕͔͑e̸͓̾͒.̴̡͒̊.̴̭̋̒.̶̖͂͗ ̶̼̿C̵̳̖͌̀ọ̷͔͒u̵͈̗̽l̷̛̤̼̑d̷̗̔͝ ̷͚̹̓t̶̹͐̓h̶̗͂̈́i̸̠͘s̸̘̩̾̕ ̸̢͐͌d̴̻͒á̶̧̙̆y̶̹̏͐ ̸͔̿g̴̺̦̍ḙ̸̅̂ṱ̶̱̈́ ̶̩̤̇̎ā̴̤̳̊n̸̩̲͂y̸̝̌ ̷̧̑͐b̴̘̟̕è̷̳̭t̴̞̚t̸͔̏ȩ̸͕̽r̴͎͌͐~̴͓̱͆”
It cooed, mocking, wheezing, the murmur laughed with it, like a horrible comedy becoming so right. It didn't know that a scope had its head in sight.
Amir's lungs were already burning, he desperately ignored his need for air, he was so close to her body, he could almost reach the chains, he had to break them with what little strength he had left. “No.” All too familiar voices echoed in his mind. All his horrible emotions, grasped at his nerves. “You can't live with yourself if you let her die” anxiety whispered, he grasped the rusted chains holding her down. “You NEED to BREATHE!!” fear screamed. His muscles burning, attempting to pull the chains apart that were bounding her to the depths. “LOOK AT HER, SHE IS GONE AND ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS DROWN US!?” Anger hissed. This pushed Amir over the edge, snapping the chains with ease.
“Give up. You won't make it to the surface with her…” depression sobbed. He grasped her limp body, clawing the horrible currents upward. He felt his body weakening, not just from a lack of oxygen, yet his energy levels dropped drastically and suddenly. He felt the Void trying to pull him down. “NO” all the voices in his head yelled in unison. “SAVE US SAVE HER SAVE US, SAVE HER.” The surface was visible. Yet his vision dimmed, hallucinations started taking hold. His pace weakened. His fading consciousness glanced down at Kintsugi, her warm body pressed against his chest. The only warmth he felt in this entire ocean. Golden threads appeared around and above him. Spiraling upwards, showing him memories of them. Safe, warm, peaceful, the voices in his head quieted. “just a little further…” Kintsugi's voice soothed his mind. His vision darkens, letting the light of the threads pull him upwards.
Quincy poised himself, he was considerably far from the Harbor. An old office building he decided to make a nest in. He sighed, the fog still covering the docks. He positioned his sights towards a miasmic cloud by a crane structure. “fuk… haven't had a shot like tis’ in years… not the good kind either.” he muttered to himself. The miasma parted slightly, revealing the Indifference, hovering over Eleanor and Arthur's body. “Maj?! Why ain't movin’ cuz!?” His scope revealed the Indifference stepping closer, grinning at the now bleeding Arthur. “Fuk, fuk, okay… this shot finna be a nat 20 roll it has to be-” Quincy found himself sweating for the first time in years, if he didn't land this shot they'd be dead down there. “Steady… steady… damit steady-” he felt his heart panic a bit, his sights shaking a bit. “this- … I owe the speedster a lot of apologies.” Quincy took another deep breath, remembering Kintsugi comforting Amir, remembering the breathing exercises she taught him. “I owe him another round of F&F, Maj another beer, Eleanor an apology.” he stabilized his scope on the fading figure of the Indifference. “I owe Aoi 7 favors… Lettie a lot of silence.” He scoped in as far as he could. His shot couldn't be any clearer and yet, it truly was one in a million if he landed it or not. “I owe Drifter…” he poised, and let the shot ring out all around him he witnessed as the bullet blew the head right off the indifference, its skull wispy and sprawling in the air around it, like stained glass and light. “I owe 'em nothing, they's forgiven me, betta be alive is all I want.”
Ȑ̵̩̂̐̌̇ì̶̛͇̖̘̼̞̈m̷̨͉͇̙͋̔̇͐͑a̶͓͎͓̣̔͝͠͝'s body fell flat, the fog and miasma fading, the clouds parting slightly. Aoi rushed up to Arthur and Eleanor breathing labored. Lifting Arthur against a crate and tending to what little wounds remained on Eleanor “I couldn't move at all… what happened to you here!?” Arthur grunted. “mnng, explain later, find Amir and Drifter…” Aoi frowned, “How..?” Eleanor piped up somberly, “They're beneath the waves…” Arthur slumped, Aoi gasped, utilizing her returned strength she'd mold the metal around her. Scanning the waves for any signs of life.
Was this some horrible nightmare? Tricks his mind conjured? Just this morning they were binging his favorite season of Warrior Queen Zasta. It all happened so fast, golden light swirled, he felt his arm being pulled. Breaching the ocean's surface, Amir gasped finally, his lungs burning from the water and fresh air clashing, pulling Kintsugi's body up over his shoulders; he struggled to keep both their heads above the surface. The waves crashing over him like wolves pouncing on meek prey, he couldn't see where they were, but one thing’s for certain, the currents pulled them both far from shore. “H-HELP-” another wave stifled his cries for help, he paddled fruitlessly towards some land, the distance was furthered with each kick, with each stroke, he couldn't keep up much longer. He felt sudden jolts, his powers came back. He screamed as he threw a bolt of electricity in the sky, begging for someone to see them. Another wave sent them both beneath the surface, his strength was waning, another bolt casted upwards.
“-mir-” his name echoed in the distance. Was he hallucinating again? “AMIR-” louder now, it sounded like Aoi with no other options he screamed. “OVER HERE- GUUHG.” surfing on a makeshift metal board, Aoi formed a metal rope. “GRAB ON GOT IT!?” she launched the metal rope, Amir reached for it, the metal coated his wrist and solidified, he was being pulled to shore. His exhaustion setting in he whimpered. “Sugi… isn't… breathing.” He croaked out between gasps. “We're almost there, stay with me Amir got it? We still have that fables and frontiers game to play!” her humorous trill encouraged a laugh from him, yet it was weak. He wasn't worried about that right now.
It felt like an eternity, but they arrived back on shore. Aoi gently let Amir down, his knees unable to lift himself, he softly placed Kintsugi on the cold concrete. Her face was ice cold, her body completely still, no breathing, Arthur and Eleanor recovered most wounds they endured all they could do was circle Amir and a lifeless Drifter.. “H-Hey Sugarcube… p-please wake up…” Amir's voice trembled, tears pricking his face. He'd caress her cheek gently. Nothing. “N-no… please…” he pulled her close to his chest, begging her to breathe, nothing. “I… I can't… lose you…” he started rocking slightly, hot tears drenching his face. “Amir… there's… nothing we can do now…” Arthur sounded like he was going to cry himself. It wasn't the first time yet, it's been a while. “I.. I can't accept this, no. I WON'T-” His sudden electric lashings startled the group. Eleanor patted her brother’s shoulder and they'd back off. Aoi kneeled beside Amir, he'd shove his face on Kintsugi's chest, sobbing, turning into wailing, and then suddenly, silence. He noticed her hand twitch from his electricity. “I… can save her-” a somber croak.
Amir shifts his body, lying her flat on the ground, rubbing his hands together rapidly. Placing his hands on her chest he’d huff.
her body recoiled harshly, before going limp again. He'd witness her legs twitching.
a little longer this time, her body violently reacting, limp again. He could have sworn he saw her arms move.
“AMIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Arthur screamed trying to reason with Amir. He'd rush over, yet Aoi gasped his arm and shook her head.
Nothing, her chest was… burning. It was time to stop now. “I… I'm…. Sorry….” He gently caresses her body, coiling her in an embrace.
“W-we were just enjoying Warrior Queen Zasta th-this morning…” he pressed his forehead against hers, his heart heavy with grief and sorrow. “I couldn't s-save you in time, why did it all have to go wrong?… i-” a hand cupped his cheek, his eyes shot open, meeting Kintsugi's gaze. “...i'm right here my love…” tears were streaming down her cheeks. Amir wailed in relief, pressing his head into the crook of her neck aggressively, her embrace wrapping around his soggy head. “I'm here. I'm right here. Shhh….” The storm let up above, golden sun rays peeking through the clouds.
The group arrived back home. Lettie immediately demanded what took them so long. One look at Amir and Kintsugi told her everything. “Xipe Totec and a dance with La Flaca…” she'd tend to Arthur's wounds as Quincy, Aoi and Eleanor discussed what happened. “Amir…” Kintsugi limped towards him, tugging him towards the backroom. “Rest..?” Amir nodded somberly. The mall fell silent unfortunately Valentine's day ended in dread and sorrow.
The backroom was quiet, Amir and Kintsugi unclothed, cradled in each other's embrace, neither wanting to let go of each other in fear they'd be taken again. “Rima was… terrifying.” Amir finally broke the silence. “It… laughed at me, before I dove in the ocean…” Kintsugi shuddered. “I'm not sure what it did to me… but it was incredibly painful-” Amir tightened his grasp. “I won't let Rima ever, EVER touch you again.” A small whimper left Kintsugi. “Oh- are you okay!? where does it hurt!?” Amir's posture immediately jolted when he traced the scars around her chest. He immediately knew why she was hurting… “fuck… that's… that's really bad, god I'm so sorry…” she frantically shook her head, cupping both his cheeks, kissing him. “No… you saved me, they're just a bit tender, I'll heal, love.” Another moment of silence filled the room. They shifted themselves again under the covers this time, exhaustion finally settling in. “I'm scared.” Kintsugi whispered. Amir held her face close to his, a soft kiss planted on her lips, his gaze met with hers. “I am too, but... we can fight this... together.” she'd relax in his embrace, their breathing synchronizing, golden threads danced above their minds, falling asleep peacefully.
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poeticlicense12345 · 1 year ago
1200 molitvi i jedna... Nedovršena...
O silni snjegovi kruševačkih planina
Smrznite zemlju, sačuvajte korake svog najvećeg sina
I pozovite oktobarske kiše
Da saperu suze
Natrag ne ide, a naprijed ne može više.
Plače majka, otac nijem
Osta prazan sprat, i sin koji nikako da pređe kućni trijem
Zanijemiše slavuji, zasta svijet, pamti se dan, osjećaj, trenutak
O tako velik, tako dobar, a sudbine samo je lutak.
Crne kose, tople oči i srce od Rusije veće
Pamti Jugoslavijo, takvog Balkan više imat neće!
Sklopite ruke, u molitvu, za nadu
Sedmo nebo; Đole, Oliver, Toše i svi oni koji slavujima slavu kradu
Zaboravimo malo, na trenutak jedan cio
Ono: mlad je, dobar je, talentovan, s prefiksom " BIO"
Nek povjetarac od proljeća blaži, zaigra
Nek muzika vječnost silinom traži
Pa u glas, kao jedno, svjetlom ljubavi okupani
Zaboravimo oktobar šesnaesti, i jedan auto slupani
Nek zaigra, nek zapjeva, nek ori Balkanom jedne priče nikad dovršena stranica
"Jer moj je život igra bez granica"
A onda, trgnuti od melahonlije i prošlosti spomenja
Njega ostaviti pod bijelim mermerom Gomenja
Među oblacima kruševačkih planina
Dvije ruke, silna ljubav, 1200 molitvi i jedna nedovršena za njihovog najvećeg sina.
1200 milja, jedna molitva, a jedna surova zbilja
I upaljena vječna vatra obećanja
Zaborav Toše, nije poput smrti, jedno od tvojih stanja.
text author: Medina Jašarević
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trojerucica-blr · 1 month ago
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Muzej vojne i ratne povijesti / Military and War History Museum
January 13 at 9:27 am  · 
Pogled u muzej; foto by Goran Dukić. Dio muzeja koji je posvećen logoru Bučje, uređen je u suradnji s Hrvatskim društvom logoraša srpskih koncentracijskih logora, podružnica Splitsko - dalmatinske županije. Uz predmete logoraša s Bučja, u muzeju možete vidjeti i sačuvane originalne predmete zatočenika iz logora Stara Gradiška i Manjača.
Vojna i Ratna Povijest
Logor Bučje
Početkom kolovoza 1991. godine, pripadnici srpskih vojnih, paravojnih i policijskih postrojbi počinju sa hapšenjima hrvatskih civila i pripadnika MUP-a i ZNG-a na području zapadne Slavonije. Ispitivanja i mučenja provode na više lokacija u okolici Bučja. Prve zatočenike sprovode u Grđevicu i u Branešce, no na kraju sve dovode u Bučje, gdje se 17. kolovoza 1991. godine formira logor. Zatočenike smještaju u zgrade Veterinarske stanice, Šumarije, Osnovne škole i Stare općine. Pretpostavlja se da je kroz logor prošlo 200-tinjak osoba koje su bile izložene tjelesnim i psihičkim torturama, hladnoći, gladi, žeđi, silovanjima i drugim monstruoznim mučenjima. Točan broj ubijenih nije utvrđen, tri tijela su pronađena i identificirana dok se za još 21 osobom traga. Logor je zatvoren 13. prosinca 1991. godine, nakon razmjena zatočenika u kolovozu i listopadu, dok je preostalih 70 zatočenika odvedeno u logor u Staroj Gradišci, gdje su nakon razmjene u siječnju 1992. godine vraćeni kući.
Na fotografiji vidimo dio Muzej vojne i ratne povijesti / Military and War History Museum posvećen žrtvama logora Bučje.
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Za nezaborav!!!Takodjer sam logoraska zrtva okupacije Srbijanskog cetnicko-radikalskog rezima,a pokusala sam im bit prijatelj,a njIhova mrznja je jaca od tudje dobronamjernosti,moja sucut kopreni svijesti bolesnih umova!!! #genocide #serbianprogressiveparty
Naime svoj sustav oni odbace da se koprcaju u zivom blatu njihovih svinjarija.Toj obitelji sam unaprijedila zivotni standard i uvjete zivota,dosli su iz rupe sa Zvezdare u soc.stan i covjek mi se prijeko mog prozora obratio za pomoc,o tome sam vec javno pisala,ali se na istinu nitko neobazire,samo na NEISTINE I LAZI!!!JER TAKO SRBIJA FUNKCIONIRA UTEMELJENA NA LAZIMA I NEISTINAMA. Dakle,svatko drugi se ne bi osvrnuo da ode u posjet obitelji u kojoj domacica vrsi veliku nuzdu u serpama i tiganjima,ja sam nastavila svoj humanitarni rad nesebicnog pomaganja,a sta sam zauzvrat dobila-osudu,kompromitaciju,sabotazu,klevete,optuzbe GRUBIM NEISTINAMA. ali neki ljudi neumeju da se zastide pred sobom poput KRVNIKA VUCICA I SESELJA ODMJETNIKA.
Ljudi su bili u krajnje zapustenom stanju i na sav moj uzas kad sam u vise navrata nesretnoj zeni oprala kosu ulepljenu od prljavstine i masnoce,shvatila sam da su to grozdovi namnozenih usi i sutradan poslala njenog supruznika da kupi sredstva protiv usi i podvrgla ih tretmanu dezinsekcije,ali preventivno i same sebe octom i invazivnim hemijskim sredstvima,kao i podsisavanju i zene na kratku duzinu kose i njegog covjeka.Zapusteni ljudi "brigom i njegom"RADIKALA SRS su mojim rukama Dobre vile dobili ljudsko oblicje dostojno Covjeka. Ova ispovjest je utoliko znacajnija da se uspostavi kamen spoticanja,a to su svakako RADIKALI KRVOZEDNI CETNICI SRS ODMJETNIKA CETNICKOG VOJVODE SESELJA,KOJI SAGLEDAVAM KRISTALNO NIKAD NIJE TREBAO BIT PUSTEN IZ HAGA. Ja sam jasno definirana osoba naklonjena PRAVDI i HUMANOSTI!!! A NEPRAVDA JE BOLNA USLIJED ZALAGANJA NESEBICNE POMOCI I RUKU POMIRENJA KRVOZEDNOM NEPRIJATELJU KOJI SEJE MRZNJU,LAZI I NEPRAVDU.
Obitelji sam pomogla da ostvare sva socijalna prava,a nesretnoj zeni da na bijednu mirovinu u iznosu 5,000rsd,jel to uopce postoji igdje)ostvari onu dodatnu jednokratnog bijednog iznosa!!!Te je izvijela isprijed IK da ostvari TNP.Takodjer joj ostvarila mirovinu u Hrvatskoj-Sisak. Uljepsala sam im zivot ugodnim trenucima priprema slatkisa i muzickim radijskim izvodbama,jer i sam njen muz je bio textopisac i menager,no nijedna estradna zvijezda nije mu se nasla u teskoj bijedi na pomoci,od silnih kontakata debele knjizurine sa imenima poznitih i slavnih Srbijanske estrade. On je bolovao od paranoidne sizofrenije,ona od anksioznosti,depresije i demencije.Nije me zvala imenom,jer nije ni mogla da zapamti,zvala me je SRECICE. No njezin muz je imao groznu narav i krvolocnu cud,o cem necu komentirati!!! Samo je bitno da nakon smrti svoje druzbenice je imao namjere da nastavi da zloupotrijebljava njezinu mirovinu koju sam ja ostvarila za njezina zivota,ali sam to ja osujetila poslavsi e-mail odsijeka za mirovinu opcine Sisak sa smrtnim listom doticne.
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thousandsights · 2 months ago
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atplblog · 4 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] A2D 8 Inch LED SMD Flexible Led Strip Tail Light Bike Brake Light With Turn Indicator Signals Red-Royal Enfield Electra Twinspark A2D 8 Inch LED SMD Flexible Led Strip Tail Light Bike Brake Light With Turn Indicator Signals-Red Authentic A2D product only by Zasta About Product: Minimal power consumption No extra relay required use this auxiliary light Light weight flexible casing helps in instant installation to the vehicle Ultra reliable and durable frame just the fitment has to be correct It has wide angle and long throw of light on the road assisting rider or driver behind which helps the rider with this light to be at complete ease in all weather riding condition no matter it is in night or bad weather conditions like fog Waterproof and dustproof overall casing with 3M adhesive take for distortion free light on all types of terrains Helps you be safe with its bright wide angle and long throw of light in any weather conditions Tech Spec : Light throw Color: Red for brake and amber for turn signal High intensity LED Package: A2D 8 Inch LED SMD Flexible Led Strip Tail Light Bike Brake Light With Turn Indicator Signals-Red Authentic A2D product only by Zasta Authentic A2D Products By Zasta Super bright Ultimate brake Light beam Special Neon Red and Amber colors Night Light Street Glow Lights Waterproof light weight casing Brake LED Fog Lamp Light Brake Lights Cree LED Lights Off Roading High Intensity Brake Beam LED Lights Note LED Light Displacement May Vary As Per Stock [ad_2]
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mrjoseph129 · 1 year ago
Sun Screen Cream Gel SPF 50
In the world of skincare, protection from the sun’s harsh rays is paramount, and Inveda Sunscreen
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Infused with the goodness of Zasta and Cucumber, it doesn’t just protect your skin; it nourishes it,
leaving you with a luminous glow that radiates health and beauty.
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Inveda Sunscreen Cream Gel is not just an ordinary sun protection formula; it’s your daily defense
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Try Today!
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hriminal · 2 years ago
Sva sreća pa imamo drakonske kazne za širenje "lažnih" vijesti, pa možemo očekivati da će član zločinačke organizacije biti adekvatno sankcioniran.
Kao i njegovi parazitski kolege branitelji, Medved brani nešto što je odavno okaljano korupcijom i kriminalnom članove njegove mafije.
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handsome-lukas · 1 year ago
I tauk to da zasta likea Horce… I’ll be sayin “Woh! Slo dahn gurl!” an “Whateva ya caul it, Yahoo ur som’n”
Me turning down the heat as my pot boils over: woah boy, woah
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shionanies · 1 year ago
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I have done a thing!
I got a few more suggestions/requests for this, so I'm gonna make multiple parts, probably!
The og owners of the outfits (from left to right) are
@wawoyal @aureliaadhara @jinxedeyes @dj-m0th
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kneipe · 3 years ago
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weimar 2022
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wishingstarinajar · 6 years ago
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Two little birthday gifts for @kittehcatswag and @shionshetrr​ of their gals! Happy (now belated) birthdays!
The gals © their creators Art © WishingStarInAJar Wakfu related elements and characters © Ankama
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avidoro · 6 years ago
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A few raffle prizes for friends.
See more of my art here
Dream creature belongs to altairx
Rekim belongs to @xwhenthefirediesx
Mirari belongs to @followthechick
Zasta and Devias belong to @shionshetrr
Masqueraider, Eliatrope Dragon, Feca, and Shushu belong to Ankama
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spielfritte · 5 years ago
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Oh Du geliebtes Dominion. Oh Du viel und oft gemischtes Spiel. Wie sehr mag ich Deine Vielfalt. Und jetzt Aktion, Karten ziehen, Altion, Aktion, Kaufen, Kaufen, Kaufen ... F* #dominion #karten #deckbuilding #markt #zasta #angriff #anwesen https://www.instagram.com/p/B-488mtqSQ-/?igshid=9l2qlz1arure
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