#zaslav-ing tv shows and animated series and movies
isagrimorie · 1 year
I remember when I complained that Star Trek Discovery wasn’t in Netflix Philippines anymore and I should have known at that point.
CW pulled the same thing, pulling their licensed shows from Netflix and then placing them in HBO Max and then CW lost money. Because Netflix was the one that’s really providing CW money! Good money, placing their shows in HBO Max is just moving money around!
And now the CW we all knew barely exist. Zaslav sold CW to a conservative media group.
Netflix co-produced Discovery and from what I’ve read its been a success on Netflix in the international markets and then Paramount has the asinine idea of pulling all Star Trek shows into their own streaming service without securing rights and launching on International markets.
So Paramount + isn’t in the Philippines. So I can’t watch Picard and Disco and SNW in ways that would help Paramount+.
A year after Paramount pulled all Trek into their platform financials revealed Paramount is not doing well, and then the higher-ups think maybe merging with Showtime will help them!
It just added cost on top of cost.
And now shows that shouldn’t have been canceled are now canceled and being removed from the platform.
Also analysts have mentioned Paramount only has 1-2 years left, which for someone hoping for Star Trek: Legacy is not something I wanted to hear.
I also don’t want Netflix to own Paramount, I want Paramount to do the smart thing and start licensing their shows again, syndication, merch, International markets (hello, we exist!).
And I want them to stop pulling a goddamned Zaslav. Stop writing off you’re own content and removing them from your platforms.
Once again corporations acting like headless chickens because drop in stocks are making them panic.
Whoever it is in Sony who decided not to pursue streaming services and just continue licensing shows, give yourself a pat in the back because right now its not imploding like the rest.
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