#zapp x leo
vulnonapix1234 · 4 months
I think that I am funny take 2!
(Original under the cut)
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karume-selfshipper · 3 months
Me: I only watch Kekkai Sensen for the plot.
The plot:
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chibivesicle · 1 year
You just can’t win; how K.K. is a great example of a professional woman in the 21st century
This is the second in my character analysis for Kekkai Sensen, focusing on the senior female member of the team, K.K.  I absolutely love her character; she is incredibly well written and I find her to be an excellent example of the situation that many working women find themselves in as their careers advance.
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K. K.’s character design is obviously inspired/derived/variation of that of Vash the Stampede with a gender swap and the willingness to kill.  I find her unique as she is a taller than normal female character, much like Milly Thompson from Trigun but with the tall and skinny versus tall and stocky (Klaus).  She has a blonde bob haircut and striking blue eye while she wears an eye patch over her right eye at all times, even at home with her family.  We don’t know when she lost/injured her eye but very much like Steven, she has a visible sign of her job as a fang hunter since they are both over thirty.  I really appreciate that Nightow visibly shows us the toll that their job takes on their physical body as well as their minds.
K.K. was first introduced when Klaus went to go play prosfair against the Beyondian mob boss who absorbs the brains of his defeated opponents.  We find her in a parking garage surrounded by a literal pile of foes defeated by her single handedly, and we also learn that her vehicle of choice is a motorcycle.  Which makes her even more cool.  Zapp has his moped, Leo has an e-bike/motorized bike, Zed a skateboard and Steven drives a standard sedan car for the most part.
Nightow makes is quite clear that according to Klaus, she is one of the strongest people he knows but of course he’ll defend her because she’s a lady.  But at the same time, she’s the person he brought with him and Gilbert.  Which in a way puts her on the same level as Steven one of the two senior Libra members whom he really does trust.
We learn that she smokes clove cigarettes when stressed out and is one of the more emotional though mature members of the team.  What I mean is that she’ll make a statement or observation that is emotional, but she isn’t overreacting, she’s instead expressing her feelings on the usually sub-optimal setting.
Our next introduction to her is with the Libra social event, where we get her first observation on the workplace.  She runs into Zapp on their way into the after work/after hours social gathering.  It seems there is some sort of power dynamic between the two of them were K. K. has the advantage over Zapp.  However, it is clear that she is in part reacting to the male dominated cabal.
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By holding Zapp physically back, she is preventing him from joining the inner circle of Klaus and Steven.  Her observation is 100% for many workplace environments where men will form groups, frequently not even aware of it and create smaller groups where key decisions are made and women are absent from them.  A sort of backroom deal situation but without a backroom but maybe X activity at Y location.
Steven laughs it off (in the Darkhorse translation) calling her pugnacious which only annoys her more, but it is a losing battle.  Of course, Steven laughing at her doesn’t make it work and she drops his common nickname of scarface and notes that he’s not just a scheming bastard - but the most scheming.
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Interestingly, the entire time Steven seems nervous with little sweat drops and she states that she’s the bad guy today after noticing Chain’s crush on Steven.  These entire two pages are so honest and realistic - even though this is a fictitious vampire hunter organization.
However, the party comes to an abrupt end when Leo confirms that he saw a Blood Breed and Lucky Abrams comes calling.  Hilariously, since both of them avoid him, the end up together at the 23rd Street Station.  Of course, K.K. voices her annoyance about being teamed up with ‘this’ schemer.  The anime uses ‘black-hearted’ instead and I am too lazy to determine which is the more accurate translation.  It is clear that K.K. has reservations about Steven and he is always replies with a level headed and logical reason to work together.
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It is clear that K.K. has some sort of revenge/rationale waiting for the return of the Blood Breeds while Steven would rather not even have to do these sorts of things.  However, each time you go back and read or listen to their dialogue the more and more it sounds like old friends bickering and not two people who hate or dislike each other.  This is further emphasized, and will continue to be depicted this way where the two of them move completely naturally with each other as a team.
This is our first two page spread in all of Kekkai Sensen with them. Just - ah.  So good.
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Two professionals at work, completely serious.  Notice how they went from their standard bickering to non-verbal actions.  Time and time again, we will see this with the two of them.  When the Blood Breed from the India Gate comes to HL, it is K. K. who first spots the possible vampire and Steven is the first one to the scene by car.  K. K. saves the girl and her mother and Steven is able to freeze everything in the last second.  He remarks he was cutting it too close while she snarks back he was looking to make a dramatic entrance.  His reply that it wasn’t like her praise dripping with abuse.  These two have a long history of working together.
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She’s annoyed that they ended up together again (this has to be super common outside of the story on the pages) and we get the standard Steven line of “Now, now/ まあ,  まあ” trying to deescalate/console someone.   Yet, after their short bickering, they are down to business.  Can we just state that this entire dynamic is just awesome?  K.K. goes by the information Steven relayed to them via phone as they nervously decide how to proceed.  And even though K.K. is incorrect in her assumption, Steven isn’t a jerk about it.  They both pull out their mirrors without actually discussing it.
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Teamwork.  I like good teamwork.
What is interesting is the first time that K.K. doesn’t end up with Steven.  When Leo and Chain are looking for the arms dealer who stole Zed’s special breathing apparatus, the rest of the team had to fight villains.  In that instance, K.K. is teamed up with Zapp.
At first she is thrilled to be working with Zapp.  He does an excellent job (but we all know that Zapp is 100% on the job when he’s on the job) and she praises him for a job well done and that she feels lucky to work with him.
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Since this is a great way to transition to speak to him as a parent, she has concerned about his recklessness.  She’s being very honest and contemplative about this positive interaction with Zapp, when Zapp totally bales on her!  Zapp literally sprints off and thanks for taking charge and working with others to continue the clean up and she’s pissed!
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What does this tell us?  That despite all of her verbal complaints and bickering, there is no way Mr. Anal-retentive would leave.  Instead, Steven would be there giving exact directions to them for the clean up while she could leisurely hang out of even take off to see her family.  This short two page spread shows us that she likely appreciates working with Steven more than she’d verbally admit.
Since after this chapter, I can’t think of another time where K.K. was paired up with anyone besides Steven in fights.  Though I can’t be 100% sure since I haven’t done a full re-read of the series yet.  But all of the big scenes in the Calamity Auction arc, they are teamed up together.  We don’t know what would have happened win the Noctova Smile arc b/c K.K. wasn’t present for the entire incident.
Another interesting short page that gives us more insight into her character is from the “Lunch” chapter where Leo, Zapp, and Zed struggle to decide where to eat.  While they are bouncing around the city failing to agree on a place to eat, Steven and Klaus are in a back alley meeting up with Inspector Daniel Law.
Law makes a dumbass mistake (again going back to her workplace gender dynamics observations) of commenting on K.K.’s physical appearance and her age.  He makes it clear that the HLPD is actively trying to snipe K.K. and he gives her a terrible misogynistic backhanded compliment that she’s got no boobs but a great shot.  Which immediately causes K.K. to fire a warning shot next to Daniel’s head.
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You can’t cover that up by stating it was a compliment as Steven simply smiles and that K.K. still was able to keep it to a warning shot.  Funny how Steven is using her skills as a way to press their own advantage implying that K.K. could have simply shot him and there wouldn’t have been any recourse - since the HLPD can’t track her.
What this also shows us, is that K.K. is playing a critical support role for Klaus and Steven.  Yes, they are very powerful together, but they didn’t go into that location alone and without backup.  Since K.K. is providing it for them.  The level of trust between these three characters is amazing.  Klaus wouldn’t go to play prosfair without her nor would he meet up with the HLPD without her in a sniping position.
An important part of K.K.’s character is that she is slowly revealed to be a mother, but that it is not the key aspect of her as a character.  When writing decides that a woman needs to be primarily framed as a mother it makes me cringe since that woman should not be defined by if she has children or not.  She should be defined by her whole self and different aspects combine into this.
The first major instance of this is towards the end of volume four of the manga.  The last one shot chapter is about K.K. trying to find a birthday card for one of her sons.
Leo has been roped into trying to help her find this super obscure and random card with a character who is very popular in the K.K. household but apparently no place else.
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She adorably sings the theme song for the obscure series and Leo, the most ‘normal’ of the Libra crew has absolutely no idea what she is talking about.  Even though this is a joke on her that her kid has weird taste, it also demonstrates that K.K. knows what her kids are into, showing that despite her taxing job, she gets them.
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The convenience store instead becomes a set up for an awesome shoot out between K.K. and a bunch of nefarious gunmen while she smooshes Leo out of the way.
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The two page spread of her flying through the air above the aisles is just great as she deadpan makes her marks.  Looking to use the mirror to see where all her opponents are etc etc. 
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I just love K.K.  We also have her getting emotional and even though Leo is trying to console her, again, he isn’t judging her as she expresses her frustration.  She still needs to maintain that straight calm face but and is already concerned at how he’s growing up and wants to give her moments of childhood joy.
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I really like how she regains her composure as she puts everything in context.  She knows she’s missing part of his childhood and society already puts enough pressure on her to somehow be a mom and a fang hunter and DO ALL THE THINGS.  Which, obviously, she can’t.  This single chapter is laying the groundwork for the last chapter in volume 9, Bratatat Mom, where we get a slice of her life outside of Libra.
The chapter starts with a meeting of the in house SWAT/tactical team with Libra led by Steven.  K.K. looks awkwardly nervous as she slowly admits that she can’t support the tactical team that day.  Stating personal business to not get into the specifics.
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The team is annoyed since it is clear that they rely upon her and highly value her skills. She comes clean admitting that it is for parents’ day at her younger son’s school and due to work, she’s never made it to any of their open houses!  She’s upset about this and also afraid that it will impact her role in their family as being a mother.  Think about this if it were a male character.  There is no way he’d be under the this type of pressure - furthermore, there is the judgement of parents upon their peers at those who are involved in the PTA and who is too busy etc etc etc.  The parent-school dynamics haven’t changed as much they should have; with the transition of women to the North American workplace in the 1970s.  And it isn’t even that, it is also the fact that she’d like to do something for her children since they are her kids.
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Steven then steps in to diffuse the situation as we’ve grown to expect from him by this point in the manga.  He looks disappointed and admits that it isn’t ideal but she can go.  She cheerfully turns to excuse herself from the meeting when Steven then turns his personal manipulation to the max and guilts her that the other men may not make it and not see their children as well.  It is amazing that the most well known bachelor of Libra is able to achieve this so well.
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It works and K.K. snaps threatening to kill Steven herself.  This is his ‘black-hearted’ nature at its finest.  Thus, K.K. comes up with a compromise - she pulls out all of the stops to coordinate with Patrick to get her all the weapons possible that she could remotely operate.  We get a scene of K. K. with her loving and adorable husband who is comforting her when she told her son that she’d be at parents’ day.  I love how this entire scene shows us that despite all that she does, he chose her, and also wanted to build a family with her.  K.K. knows how to choose them!  Win for healthy relationship!
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He’s the best support spouse, and one of the best examples of a female led family/household.  That man is the house husband doing support and it is little elements like this that I love how Nightow writes female characters and their close relationships.  Despite the chaos of remotely supporting Steven and his tactical team, she gets to have hard hitting emotional moments watching her son with his classmates.  He may not understand it at that time, but it means the world to her.
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This also sets up another mission that is a K.K.and Steven partnership.  Yes, she’s only doing remote support until she isn’t.  She realizes that one of the other parents is a Blood Breed standing right next to her.  Just like Steven does in Day In Day Out as he looks out into the night, K.K. berates herself for trying to enjoy herself in the moment.  Living her life like a normal person.  This shows that the two of them have much more in common than they don’t - both wanting normal lives, and not allowing themselves a break or the ability to forgive themselves for turning their fang hunter brains off for a second.
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Yet, she returns to her senses and gets down to business.  Her original motivation is to protect the children.  She was able to inform Steven and his team of the Blood Breed at their location but then had to deal with the one she was chatting with . . . however, this is the only time that we’ve seen Steven fighting a Blood Breed solo and he’s getting his ass slowly handed to him.  The man knows he’s at a disadvantage and so does his opponent.  Steven is always either with Klaus or K.K.
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And that is where the writing for this chapter is amazing as K.K. makes her move on the Blood Breed.  She is confused when he refers to her as ‘also’ being a fang hunter giving us the clue that he’s currently fighting Steven at the moment.  Right before he’s about to engage with her, his daughter finds him wanting to bring him down for lunch with her in the cafeteria.  This lapse in his concentration gives Steven the advantage he needed to break the head off of his remote robot.  There is a nice touch of the ice on his neck where it broke it as he collapses unable to fight back in front of the children.
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Thus, even though they were not aware of it, the K.K.-Steven team succeeds in the most unlikely way possible!  I really wished that the two of them would have later been shooting the shit, bickering about something, like Steven being to relaxed and K.K. ready to go and this pops up.  And then the two of them realize it was their teamwork that allowed the mission to succeed.
I think it also goes to show how much Steven relies on/appreciates/needs K.K.’s talents for him to help complete Libra’s mission in HL.  K.K. may complain about his requests but ultimately knows that he’s a solid organizer and makes good, well thought out plans for the entire team to execute.  They also know how to both annoy and motivate each other which is another asset to them as partners in missions.
I already mentioned it in my previous post about Steven and the woes of running a secret organization, it is K.K. who gets him to stop his course of action with the escaped human-nonhuman fused being from the evil pot.  No one else is able to make him pause as he lets the team argue it out until K.K. calls him out.  That look on his face - he knows she’s right and K.K. is, I think, the only other member of Libra who can get Steven to change his mind.  That speaks volumes for how much he actually respects her.  This than comes back full circle to her shooting that warning shot at Daniel Law and Steven can only laugh at Law, rubbing salt in the wound since he’s one of the few people who understands her besides her amazing husband and Klaus.
So where does all of this leave us in regards to K.K.?
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K.K. is a character who fills several different roles in the series but they do not define her or make her one dimensional.
K.K. as a fang hunter - she was first introduced as clearly powerful when she was chosen to be Klaus’ escort.  One of the few members of the team who has long range strikes and therefore, support she fills a niche that no one else can do with her 954 Blood Bullet Arts.  She frequently snipes able to disable enemies and does a great job as a distraction in Get the Lock Out! Though she did almost cause Steven to lose it when she was ready and willing to break into the main office. 
With the birthday card in the convenience store shoot out, we see first hand that she’s incredibly talented. 
I’ve also pointed out that other than acting as a support sniper, the rest of the time, she’s almost always working with Steven as her teammate and it again leverages the best of their abilities.
K.K. as a professional mother - much of the anxiety and drama around her has to do with her role as a professional and a mother.  How she’s worried that she isn’t there enough for her family; that she can’t do the same things that other parents can do.  The stress of likely being judged when she does meet other parents.  Yet, we know that one of her major motivations to do her job is to protect her immediate family and the future and all other families.  And that she has a husband who feels blessed that she chose him is top tier mature adult relationships and communication as a couple.
This even comes out when Leo thinks back to all the advice the team gave him if he were in danger and alone.  She joked that she’d snipe a barista if he threatened Leo at the local coffee shop, meaning that she isn’t just a mother to her own children but that the younger team members could use a little maternal love in the absence of their own parents.
K.K. as a female professional - this is slightly different than her as a mother, though the two are intertwined.  There are different aspects of the workplace that women have to navigate and they are never easy.  If a woman is single than she pays the tax of “Oh, since you don’t have a family you can do overtime.”  if she has a family than she gets the loss of skin in the game “Oh, since you have a family, you won’t be as committed to the organization’s success.”  As you can tell there is no way to win, it is more dammed if you are or dammed if you aren’t. When she shows up for the work party, she immediately realizes that she’ll be cast as the bad guy, noting the boys club which Zapp immediately tries to join where Steven and Klaus already are.  And as intelligent and gentlemanly as Klaus and Steven are, both are completely oblivious to this dynamic that leaves her on the outside.  Thankfully, this isn’t a frequent issue within Libra itself and I will continue to state that the ability of K.K. and Steven to work as a pair only improves as the manga progresses.  That speaks volumes as to their mutual respect of each other. 
Interestingly, we don’t see a lot of her interactions with Chain - I think this is a reflections of both their age differences with Chain being in her early twenties and K.K. being in her thirties but also the fact that Chain has a female friend group in the Werewolf Bureau.  In contrast, K.K. has her family outside of Libra.  Additionally, both women have different ways of expressing their emotions as Chain likes to keep hers a bit more distant (or so she thinks) while K.K. is more likely to let them out.  It may also feed into that bit of strong women workplace dynamics where it is sometimes best to leave each other a wide birth to avoid conflict.
Lastly, K.K. as an older female character who isn’t uwu-cute - Yep, there are no uwu-cutesie-waifu women in Kekkai Sensen.  And I as a reader like it that way.  She’s an honest character, living an interesting life, contributing to protecting the balance and has all these different unique aspects to her life.  All of this comes together to make a very human character in a series where totally zany shit happens all the time.
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dark9896 · 11 months
Flufftober 2023
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Day 19 Extra: Tender slow kiss [x Leo]
Requested by Anonymous (Soft Anon)
How and why Leo was currently here with you was beyond him. This whole party seemed a little too much, a little over the top for a simple Halloween party. Not helping the matter was how elegant the party was, a masquerade probably wasn't the most subtle type of party. Despite Leo having been told that this was supposed to be very lowkey.
This would, sadly not, be the last time the poor boy listened to Zapp about a party.
All the people at the party had you clinging to Leo more than normal, not that he minded in the slightest. It was just a little embarrassing for you given how it felt like a child. There wasn't enough shaking into reality to get out of this mindset, especially given the awkward way you two were standing on the side of the room.
"Maybe we shouldn't have tried coming to this." Leo's attempt at a joke fell flat in its awkward sarcasm, "Just standing on the side seems a little shady, don't cha think?"
"Yeah, a little." You mumbled back, "But how are we gonna sneak out of here?"
Leo groaned softly, "I... I wasn't being serious. It was supposed to be a joke."
Tapping his side, Leo tried thinking up something to say. This wasn't how he wanted to spend his first real day off. Most of the time he got the late evening, maybe a few hours at a time because he'd been called in so often. But if you weren't having any fun, then there wasn't any point in staying regardless. Though Leo was a bit worried about getting home safely, his little scooter was in the shop due to his front wheel being loose... nearly broken completely off. And Leo was waiting for a quick text from Patrick telling him the scooter was fixed.
"W-w-would you like to sit outside maybe?" Leo scratched his head, "At least get away from everyone?"
"Yeah, sounds like a plan."
You followed Leo without hesitation, glad for him taking your hand as you walked. Though you wiggled your fingers between Leo's, squeezing his hand in your own. Even if it meant Leo was blushing his face off, finding a quiet spot to sit and... Leo hadn't actually thought that far ahead, he was just trying to help ease both of your minds after pulling you into such a large party.
Sitting by the fountain, you couldn't help but stare at the cloudy, misty sky. There wasn't any kind of clear space to see the stars. Sure, it was more your thing than his, but star gazing was one of your favorite activities.
However, Leo had a much more promiscuous thought pattern. At least, it was a little bold for him, especially since the two of you were still technically in public. But Leo so very badly wanted to kiss you right now.
Toying with your fingers, having dropped your hand when you two sat down, Leo debated his approach. Should he try to just lean in and do it? Should he ask first? Maybe he should be a little coy about it? What was the best thing for him to do?
Looping your fingers around Leo's nervous toying, you didn't want to push Leo. But it was a nicely calm evening, one that practically screamed romance. The problem was still being in public and risking being 'caught'.
Not being able to take the tension, Leo cupped your face with both hands suddenly. Being bold and brash as he leaned in, you were half-blindsided as Leo kissed you.
But it was so soft, despite the suddenness. None of Leo's usual clumsiness was present, just a gentle tenderness. You scooted closer, leaning into Leo's embrace. Deeply enjoying the way his arms were wrapping around you, one arm slipping up your back while the other tightened behind your back.
There was nothing else happening, just yourself and Leo. Slowly kissing each other; soft, open-mouthed kisses while the rest of the world melted away. You couldn't help but try to pull Leo closer as well, holding onto his shoulders as he was the only real thing to you.
Slowly pulling away, just for air, you couldn't help grinning at him. Leo was so flushed it wasn't funny. What didn't help in the slightest was someone whooping. Causing both of you to jump clean away from each other. Though thankfully it was far from where you two were. Somewhere outside yes, but a decent way off... just extremely loud.
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theanimekid · 2 years
The Blood that binds us and the blood that destroys us
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Klaus Von Reinherz x Blood Mage Reader
synopsis: being a blood mage in Hellsalem's Lot is a difficult life, trying to keep your identity a secret is even more complicated when joining a group of supernatural beings protecting humanity.
Warnings: Blood, Angst, kidnapping, murder, but it gets fluffy til the end
There are days you wish you could forget forever, days that can haunt you for the end of days. Your life was peaceful, hanging with your closest friends, the sun shining bright in the sky, the sky a perfect light blue, clouds streaked across the day. It was all perfect. That was... til the world turned red. The sounds of laughter were replaced with the sounds of death's silence. A monster appeared before you, Horns blazing with rage, eyes of hunger for flesh, and the features a half-human half-ram. He stood above your withering corpse. And offered you a deal you won't forget. He spoke in his perilous; and inhumane voice, " I ask of you, human. Thee shall bear witness to the reality that seats her. Shall you live with unspeakable power or die a meaningless death, not avenging the lives of those thee shall be close to you?" He asked with an offering claw hand to you. Carrying the cross in hand with the eye of a devil. With the once of your life, you reached your hand to the devil's cross. " And shall yee bond is offered, and a new mage is chosen, Yee shall by the anchor, and yee shall be your side till death rings."
And that's how your new and unspeakable life of a blood mage began, whispered among folklore and myth yet walks this very world in secret. Or at least try to. You arrived in Hellsalem's Lot, where monsters and humans coexist, and the closest to the alter world. You held your coat tight as you and your two associates trekked through the busy and loud streets, with a little boy with glasses and a tall skinny man with white clothing and a cocky attitude. " Are you sure you don't have a boyfriend? I mean, I can do a lot better-" Zapp said with a flirtatious smile; on his face. Leonardo stepped on his foot, making Zapp scream in anger and pain. " Would you stop trying to get your way with her?! It's obvious enough she's not interested in a pervert." Leo defended. It's adorable how Leo always defended you against Zappp whenever he has seen the chance to. Libra has been like family to you. They're kind and welcoming. Especially Klaus, your boss, the sweetest out of all.
You stopped walking for a second and turned to Zapp. " Tell me, Zapp, how long are you gonna keep this up? Cuz I'm bout inches away from slamming your head down into the concrete while Leo stands and laughs at your sorry ass." You lightly threatened. Your hand proceeded up into a deadly fist. Zapp quickly raised his hands up high in defeat. "Alright, alright, I give!". Your hand returned to its natural state. Sighing as you continue to your destination. The boys followed you side by side. Having a casual, not destroying the first thing they saw, a day off. The three of you were having to converse through the street. Till Leo came to a stop. His body stood still, vibrating off his body. He was shaking. What could he possibly be looking at? You and Zapp stopped and turned to Leo with questioning eyes. You spoke out foremost with concern, " Leo, is everything ok-" "Y/n, behind you!" He shouted in fear, pointing at a shadowy figure behind you. Before you could respond, the threat snatched you in its arms, you fought back, but it was too strong. He knocked you out unconscious. Zapp tried to use his Blood Dipper Style, but he threw him across the street. He ran off with our body on his shoulder. Leo stood there in shock, he was too fast to him to notice. Zapp got up from the group turning his head rapidly to find the monster, then he turned to see Leo still standing. " Leo, go, and inform the others! Tell them Y/n got kidnapped, and the monster's in pursuit." He nodded and pulled out his phone.
" Wait, Y/n's been what?!" Steven got up from his seat with his eyes open. " Y/n got kidnapped by some monster, and Zapp is in pursuit of chasing it," Leo said behind the phone. " Alright, we'll meet up with you soon just hang on." Steven quickly hung up and ran into the office. Klaus and Gilbert were both in there at the time. "Klaus, there's been a situation!"
Your eyes felt heavy, suddenly but slowly waking up to your new surroundings. Everything around you was red, the sounds of chains clinging from both sides, blood spread across the floor like paint splattering on a wall. Your body was chained against the ceiling, dangling you in the air, and the bruised pain; still remained on your cheek. Your eyes focus on what's in front of you, a black door open with a very unpleasant screeching noise. You cringe at the sound echoing to your ears. Two figures approached you, one with one big eye and dressed like a ninja, and the other was big in size, with veins in every muscle.
"Could this be the one?" the one-eyed ninja asked while his sharp blade honing at your throat. " Of course it is! when she walked past, the aura around her kept changing… like something dangerous was living inside; of her." The giant, muscular monster explained. The one-eyed ninja sighed, pinching his nose. " It better be. Otherwise, it's gonna be our heads." He turned his attention towards you, approaching you slowly while the blade was still at your neck. " Me and my… Associate have some inquiries for you, amongst the emergence of a devil that happened a long; time ago." He said, " Now you answer honestly; you'll get to walk out of here with your limbs attached; don't we will have to resort to more…" He grazed the blade at your stomach, and with one sharp strike, you screamed in pain, blood dripping from the thin, sharp cut.
" At this point, if I were you in this situation, I'd answer honestly." The other monster replied. " You're locked up here with us, and no one to come and save you." He finished with a crooked smile on his face. You had your head down, and hopelessly, you quietly laughed. " Oh? Something funny?" The one-eyed ninja asked, leaning his ear closer. " I'm not locked in here with you… you're locked in here with me…" Your voice became a menacingly frightening voice, and the air around you shifted in a small tornado. The one-eyed ninja took a step back, repeatedly diverting back, and his body began to tremble. Something terrible is happening, and they both know it. " Hurry up, and sound-" The sound of flesh splattered on the floor. The one-eyed ninja lay dead with his body parts separated. The muscular monster started to quiver. He looked around to see you freed from your restraints, your body covered in blood and metal sharpenings, Horns poking out the side of your head, blazing a dark pink hue flame. You have ascended from the bottom and stared deathly daggers at the muscular anomaly, your cold, vampiric eyes fired at him. "Let the massacre begin…"
Klaus and the rest of the Libra team have found the coordinates where your kidnapper had taken you. Klaus wasted no time when he got the green light. Before this, Klaus was deeply concerned about you when Steven told him about the situation, not only because you were his partner. It was because he started to have feelings for you. Since the two of you locked eyes, he could've sworn that his heart was doing backflips. But as usual, he didn't show it. Ever since then, there were times; when he wanted to get close to you. To learn more about you, your favorites and dislikes, the type of music you listen to, anything about you fascinated him. When you're not working or on your day off. Klaus always invited you to have tea with him. Or to go out and have lunch with him. He'll hardly pay attention to your story cause your voice existed just… immaculately. But till now, his heart is hurting, aching for your safety. And he's not alone. The rest of the team is also worried about you. Leo looked up like a mother. And now, he'll do anything to get you back safely.
The car stopped at the location, and everyone got out, ready to take on what was inside. But, the explosion took everyone aback, seeing the injured monster crawling out of the wreckage. The fire cleared as you walked out unfazed, and your arm blade flashed a sharp glow reflecting the injured monster. Instinctively your sword plunged into his chest, crashing into the dirt. The team stilled, eyes filled with dread and shock. The side that no one should see was out in the open. Everything told in myth was true, that you are a blood mage. Body covered with the markings of your enemies, your mind went fuzzy, slowly collapsing to the floor.
You open your eyes yet again, except surrounded by four white walls. I'm in a hospital... You got up from your bed. Sitting you against the pillows. You sighed remembering the actions that occurred. You wrapped your legs laying your head on the top of your knees. Damnit... it happened again... why of all times... The attention changed when the knock on the door was heard. You straightened yourself up and dried off the remaining tears on your cheek. "Come in."
The door opened quietly, and the bouquet of flowers was the first to see, waving it in front of you. "May I come in?" The man behind the door asked. You smile warmly, you know that voice, " Yes, you can." Klaus opened the door completely, walked in, and closed it behind him. He approached with his bouquet in hand. Sitting next to the bed, he gave you the flowers and sat in the chair. His hands folded in place. You knew right then it was about that. " How long was I out?" You asked.
"Three weeks straight, the doctor said you need to be bedridden for a while before returning to work," Klaus answered. You sighed and laid back on the pillow, staring at the white ceiling. "Y/n... Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, turning his gaze to you, Here comes..." I.. didn't want anyone to worry about me, let alone... to get wrapped up.. in my damnation" You started to break down, and Klaus consoled you, rubbing your back gently. " Shh, it's okay-" " No, Klaus, it's not." You sniffled," You all saw what I'm capable of, the type of disaster I'll do if I'm not in control... or worse..." He hugged you tighter but not crushing you." No, you are in control, and I trust you to be." He said warmly. Damnit, why does he know when to use the proper words... You shakily soughed, burying your head into his chest. " I just don't want anyone to be frightened of me," You admitted. Klaus took your face and took it to his gaze, staring deep into his green emerald eyes. " I'm not. Yes, we were shocked at first. Despite that, not enough to be afraid. If you had forgotten," He lightly chuckled, " This is Hellsalem's Lot. Every abnormal being, myth, and monster is normal to us. It's nothing that we haven't seen before." He finished. You gave him a small smile.
" You're right, I guess..." Klaus leaned his head in closer. Closing the gap between you, and gave a long, small kiss. You were shocked at first but gave in. welcoming his loving embrace. A loud cough drew your attention to the skinny figure standing at the door. Steven stood there with his cigarette in his mouth and leaned against the door frame. Klaus stopped the kiss and turned towards the window, too embarrassed to even look at you because Steven also knew that his boss had feelings for you. " Well, forgive me for interrupting, but the others won't stop nagging about when the time to come in. Zapp and Zed are also arguing, so it's best to wrap it now." You chuckled nervously, a pink tint flowing on your face. " Uhh, yea, can you... give us a second?" Steven sighed. It was already hard enough to deal with the others since you had been in a coma for weeks. You turned to Klaus, " Dinner and a movie?" He smiled back, his face feeling red. " Til you get out of the hospital."
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danielsarmand · 8 years
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tfw your boyfriend isn't there to welcome you with one of his antics when you get home and it feels weird and wrong and off
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moodyglitchmoon · 5 years
Leo and Zed having lunch without Zapp because either with Xochitl or is injured
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sinful-huntress · 2 years
Sin Counter 1 (Directory)
Little Rough (Klaus x fem)
Birthday Spice (Steven & Zed x fem)
Uno Reverse Card (Klaus x fem)
First Night with Klaus (Klaus x fem & m)
Leo x Lingerie (Leo x soft fem)
Feral Demon (Demon Klaus x fem)
Stubborn Steven (Steven x GN)
Klaus loses control (Klaus x fem)
Wild Gentlemen (Klaus & Steven x fem)
Leo's first time (Leo x soft fem)
Love Potion Number 9 (Klaus x fem)
Spicy Reassurance (Zed x fem)
Post Hours (Chain x fem)
Steven's Foreplay (Steven x GN?)
Leo's Confident (Leo x GN?)
Dom Steven (Steven x GN?)
Big Dipper Bed Destroyer (Zapp & Zed x fem)
Pecs (Klaus x ??? GN?)
Fish Food (Zed x fem)
First Head (Klaus x GN)
One Night Stand (Zapp x GN)
Conundrum (Klaus x GN)
Good Dream (Klaus x GN)
Shifted (Klaus x GN?)
Bubbly (Zapp x fem)
Shower Time (Klaus x GN)
Dynamic Change (Steven x GN?)
An Attempt (Zed x fem/GN? feat. Steven)
Spicy Call (Klaus x GN)
Doggy Style (Steven x fem)
Horny Button (Klaus & Steven head cannon)
Fish Food 2 (Zed x fem)
Dom Leo (Leo x fem)
Shaky Ground (Leo x shy fem)
Transmasc (Zapp x TM)
Horn Dog (Zapp x GN)
Needy (Klaus x GN)
Quick Head Cannon
Breeding Kink (Klaus x fem)
Embarrassing Moan (Klaus x GN)
Horny + Spank (Klaus x GN)
Breeding Kink 1 (Steven x fem/ GN?)
Breeding Kink 2 (Steven x fem/GN?)
Laying Eggs (Zed x fem)
Get Lucky (Lucky HC)
Overstim (Klaus x GN?)
Horny Man (Klaus x GN?)
Corrupt (Klaus & Steven HC)
Lingerie (Head Cannon)
Christmas Presents (Head Cannon)
Papi (Steven HC)
Fun with Potions (Raju x fem)
Coldplay (Steven x GN)
Love Potion 76 (Klaus x fem/GN?)
Klaus x Cuffs (Klaus x fem/GN?)
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ardorwritesfanfic · 4 years
I Love You~ || Leonardo Watch x Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Summary: You finally get the nerve to tell Leo you love him.
Word Count: 661 words
A/N: This is the first thing I’ve written in a while, so if it seems a little off, squint pls lolol.
Night had just fallen in Hellsalem’s Lot, though it was difficult to tell with all the bright city lights that decorated the high rises. You quickened your pace as you made your way to Libra’s headquarters. You remembered Klaus telling you earlier this morning that he, and the rest of the agents that went with him, would be back by nightfall.
Your heartbeat quickened as you got closer and closer to headquarters. You had hoped to be able to get Leo put and about before he decided to crash after his assignment. You needed to tell him something, and you needed the perfect way to do it: You needed to tell him that you loved him.
You and Leo had been together for about two years now, and when the idea that you loved him first popped into your head, you thought you were going crazy. You had only been together for a short amount of time, no one could fall in love that fast! Or at least, that’s what you thought.
You pulled yourself from your thoughts when you finally reached the entrance of Headquarters, making your way over to the couch when you saw that the other members weren’t back yet. Your heart thumped in your chest, nervous to actually admit your strong feelings, not knowing what Leo would say. Would he say anything? Or would he short circuit?
You heard the familiar clack of footsteps on the hard floors, sighs of content released at the sight of the office. In the back of the group, you spotted Leo, looking absolutely exhausted. You perked up immediately, standing to greet your tired lover. You gave a quick side eye to Zapp, who was snickering about you two, before gently cupping Leo’s cheeks.
“Hi baby~” you cooed, soothingly rubbing the pads of your thumbs across his cheeks. Leo smiled, and silently leaned his forehead against yours, too tired to respond. You felt a pant in your chest, you know from the look on his face that he was just too tired to go out in the city tonight. He needed sleep, and you would be damned if you kept him from it.
“Can we go home, m’tired...” Leo grumbled, his hands traveling to your hips and pulling you closer. You chuckled, nuzzling your nose against his before nodding.
You had finally made your way back to your shared apartment, and Leo had immediately plopped down onto the bed. You hummed happily, opting to change first before joining him. Once you brushed your teeth and changed into one of your (Leo’s) old t-shirts, you crawled into the bed with him. You lifted the covers as Leo adjusted his position in bed, taking the chance to wrap his arms around you. He sighed gently as he nuzzled your neck, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder.
It was at this moment where you felt your happiest, and it was now that you felt it was the perfect time to tell him. You took in a breath, before kissing the shell of his ear. “I love you” you whispered.
Leo hummed in response, before freezing completely after realizing just what you had said. He was dead silent, and you felt his heart beating in his chest as a dark blush scattered across his face.
“Y-You what?” He asked nervously.
“I love you” You smiled softly, tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear. Leo sat for a minute, before gently pressing a kiss to your lips. You could tell through his kiss that he reciprocated your feelings. He nuzzled you as he broke away, humming an “I love you too” into the skin of your neck.
You giggled lightly, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. You slowly closed your eyes, snuggling into his body. “Goodnight, my love~” you mumbled, feeling yourself begin to drift. Leo rubbed circles into your back absentmindedly, as he too began to succumb to sleep.
“Goodnight, Y/N”
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vulnonapix1234 · 2 months
Steven: we are going undercover.
Steven: one of you guys has to pose as a woman
(Zapp: well. I should make sure he gets to go out with a hot woman at least once in his pittyfull life)
(Leo: there is no way that someone like him would crossdress)
Steven: I didn't know what to except, but it wasn't this.
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karume-selfshipper · 20 days
Blood Blockade Battlefront OCs
A list... ish of all my OCs in BBB/KKSS. Some plot relevancy and reasons these OCs exist. >;) Also their fic titles/tags.
Most are American/English blondes with blue eyes cause... self-insert OCs. There are 7 in total, between the ages 20-35. Yay!
Elizabeth Louise Belmont
Two of a Kind (Klaus x Elizabeth)
Absolute main OC. Made to be Klaus' foil/dark mirror counterpart. While she initially wanted to avoid becoming a fanghunter, it became impossible. Her impatience shot her in the foot and now she's a ruthless huntress. While she is still technically engaged to Klaus, they both mutually, silently agree to go through an adjustment period which is the bulk of the story.
Isabelle "Izzy" Takoni
Tiny but Mighty (Leo x Izzy)
An adorable fashion designer who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Helping Klaus and Steven with a blood breed years ago, she is the only fighter in Libra who doesn't have a blood blade. She has a crush on Leo (who is mutually interested but stuck in his own head as usual). Still on the fence on who approaches who first, but Izzy is definitely the more confident Leo (something Zapp torments Leo about consistently). The serious hurdle for Leo is that he whole-heartedly believes Izzy is with Klaus or Steven (or possibly one of their relatives).
Nevah "Nebi" Markov
The Danger You Pose (Steven x Nebi)
A tragic figure who is dangerously protective over Leo, who is like her younger brother. While it isn't easy being part demon in an organization that was actually designed to put such creatures down, but Klaus couldn't sentence someone to death after they actively defended himself and others. Steven isn't nearly as forgiving or accepting and keeps a constant eye on Nevah. This backfires spectacularly as Steven can only find positive things about her, even if it takes forever for him to admit how he feels.
Rosalind "Rosy" Baker
Shy Diva (Klaus & Leo x Rosy)
A shy, sweet girl with a naughty (spicy) secret job to put herself through college and jump-start her dream career. After meeting both Klaus and Leo separately, she admitted to liking both of them and not wanting to be any kind of weird problem; she suggested dating them at the same time in a courting sort of way. Unfortunately this backfired and despite Leo wanting to surrender the "contest" to Klaus, after a heavy discussion the three eventually decided to continue the polycule dating system they have going already.
Cassandra "Cassie" Jenkins
Frozen Heaven (Steven & Zapp x Cassie)
Between K.K.'s meddling and Zapp's uninterest in a cute barista (they went on a single date and it didn't go the way Zapp wanted), Steven ended up on a half-blind date with Cassie. His attempt to keep their instant romantic connection secret lasted for all of five months before Zapp overheard him making plans after a particularly nasty mission. Zapp's innate FOMO and pride didn't allow him to leave the happy couple be, showing up at Diane's with Zed and Leo, and foolishly starting a scene by flirting with Cassie in front of Steven (who couldn't do much due to social situation and wanting to keep his strangeness under wraps with Cassie). While Cassie didn't want to cave and date Zapp, he still weaseled his way into the relationship and under Steven's watchful eye, managed to clean up his act... mostly.
Phoebe Hall
Toxic Truth (Klaus & Zapp x Phoebe)
K.K.'s meddling lands Klaus a blind date with a stray ex of Zapp's, who actually sees Klaus and Phoebe walking around the day after and has a weird sense of entitlement. Made worse by the fact that Zapp's idea of dating is much more intimate than how Klaus does. Which incentives Zapp to worm his way into the relationship despite Klaus and Phoebe's objections. They lowkey pity Zapp and expect this situation to not last... it goes on longer than they thought it could have.
Gabriella "Gabby" Warren
Unexpected Romance (Klaus x Steven x Gabby)
A weirdly competent fighter who doesn't have a blood blade (has fought blood breeds but never bitten), she carries an arsenal in a pocket dimension. While both Klaus and Steven are good friends with Gabby, they also harbor unexplored romantic feelings that Gabby brings up after an awkward confrontation and a silent treatment for three days. None of them knew how to go forward, except as a small polycule. Klaus and Steven didn't know they felt similarly toward each other and eventually became the relationship of the office.
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vocalist2d · 3 years
Shipping info
Takes a deep breath... (Content warning: -all fictional- incest, underaged character x adult character and possibly abusive relationship mentions. If those make you uncomfortable, the cut is underneath for a reason. Don’t interact with the post if they do. Thank you.)
The World Ends With You: Joshua x Neku, Joshua x Hanekoma, Nagi x Minamimoto, Fret x Rindo, Beat x Rhyme, Uzuki x Kariya
One Piece: Sanji x Zoro, Luffy x Ace 
Sk8: Langa x Reki, Tadashi x Adam, Tadashi x Reki
HypMic: Saburo x Jiro, Jiro x Ichiro, Jakurai x Ramuda, Dice x Ramuda, Samatoki x Ichiro, Ramuda x almost every HypMic character honestly, Doppo x Hifumi, Sasara x Rosho, Rei x Ichijiku, Rei x Otome, Kanaria x Nemu
Kingdom Hearts: Axel x Kairi, Sora x Donald Duck
The Gray Garden: Kcalb x Etihw, Adauchi x Emalf, Yosafire x Froze
Wadanohara AtGBS: Samekichi x Wadanohara
Other Okegom ships: Gris x Idate
Enstars: Rei x Ritsu, Ritsu x Mao
A3!: Misumi x Tenma, Itaru x Citron, Juza x Banri, Muku x Yuki
Pokémon: Ash/Satoshi x Goh/Gou, N x Hilbert
Persona 5: Akira x Akechi, Ryuji x Ann
Magi: Ja’far x Sinbad, Judal x Hakuryuu, Ja’far x Judal, Ja’far x Alibaba, Kougyoku x Sinbad, Alibaba x Aladdin, Alibaba x Morgiana, Vittel x Mahad, Drakon x Sinbad
Hamatora: Ratio x Birthday
Final Fantasy 15: Noctis x Prompto
Banana Fish: Eiji x Ash
Arcana Famiglia: Liberta x Nova, Felicita x Luca
As Miss Beelzebub Likes: Beelzebub x Mullin, Belphegor x Azazel, Astaroth x Sargatanas, Eurynome x Dantalion
Resident Evil: Ada x Leon, Claire x Steve
Pretty Boy Detective Club: Mayumi x Lai, Hyouta x Rei
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai x Atsushi, Akutagawa x Higuchi, Kyouka x Atsushi, Junichirou x Naomi, Edogawa Ranpo x Edgar Allan Poe
Danganronpa: Togami x Touko, Kirigiri x Makoto
Dramatical Murder: Aoba x Noiz, Aoba x Clear
Fate: Rin Tohsaka x Archer
Hitorijime My Hero: Kousuke x Setagawa
Horimiya: Miyamura x Hori
Ikebukuro West Gate Park (more focused on the live action version, anime form of the ship is good too): Makoto x King
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun: Hanako x Nene, Minamoto x Mitsuba
Junjou Romantica: Misaki x Usagi, Shinobu x Miyagi
Blood Blockade Battlefront: Zapp x Leo, Chain x Steven, William x Leo, William x Mary
Talentless Nana: Nana x Michiru
Nanbaka: Juugo x Uno, Momoko x Hajime
Osomatsu-San: Todomatsu x Karamatsu, Ichimatsu x Jyushimatsu, Ichimatsu x Karamatsu, Osomatsu x Choromatsu
Pandora Hearts: Gilbert x Oz
Yuri On Ice!!!: Yuri x Victor, Otabek x Yurio, Phicit x Yuri
Yarichin Bitch-bu: Yuri x Tooru
Haikyuu: Kageyama x Hinata, Kuro x Kenma
Thor movies: Thor x Loki
Genshin Impact: Lumine x Childe, Lumine x Kaeya, Lumine x Venti
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dark9896 · 1 year
Flufftober 2023
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Day 8: Reading a tender letter [x Zed]
This was really starting to bother Zed.
Zapp's idiotic prank was just too much. What even was the point of leaving a bottle in the top of his tank? Other than just blatantly aggravating the half-fish.
Letting out a deep sigh after getting dressed, Zed retrieved the bottle from within his tank. The only thing that gave him pause was what looked like your handwriting on the paper stuck inside. He had always just assumed it was Zapp...
But he was too hasty in trying to remove the page, nearly tearing it to shreds. Using Windweaver for this hadn't been his smartest move.
Though with him wandering mindlessly, a handwritten letter in hand, Zed fell down the stairs...
"Zed!" Leo rushed over, "Are you alright?"
Ignoring Zapp laughing his *ss off in the background, Zed dusted himself off.
"How did you f&^king miss the stairs Fishstick?" Zapp wheezed, "I didn't think you'd be the kind to f&^king fall for a dumb*ss trick like that!"
"You didn't even do anything to the stairs Zapp." Leo deadpanned, "Are you okay Zed?"
"Yes, I'm okay." He checked to make sure he still had your letter, "I was simply distracted."
"No sh*t."
"No one asked for your two cents."
"Oh yeah!"
Zed walked away from the budding fight, focusing once more on your letter. Marveling at how well-spoken you seemed to be. He hadn't truly thought much about you being this interested in him, though he did have an embarrassing crush on you. It was nice knowing it was mutual, even if it had to be disguised as one of Zapp's attempts to annoy him.
Knowing the nearly silent, cute, reliable coworker was just as interested in him was exhilarating. Especially once he spotted you in the office, shyly waving with the letter in hand. The only way he knew how to make sure you knew he got your message...
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student-yuki · 4 years
Obey Me! x Blood Blockade Battlefront: Introduction
Three years ago, New York City was turned into Hellsalem’s Lot when a gate to the Alterworld suddenly opened up beneath it. Monsters, non-humans, and general Beyondians soon began to mingle with the humans and turned the norm on its head. Most citizens of the blocked-off city now live together in a strange sense of messed up harmony. It is here that a normal human, known as MC, decides to move with personal reasons undisclosed, searching for the rumored group of super-humans who specializes in the strange and unknown.
Aries, also known under the acronym R.A.D. with an unknown meaning, is the exact secret organization that vows to build and uphold the peace between the realms. Little information is known about the group outside of hushed whispers of the curious.
“If a man can acknowledge the adversity of the path before him, and yet he still struggles toward the light, then his spirit can’t be broken.”
so uh yeah i guess i’m doing this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the OM cast won’t be replacing the exact spots of the BBB cast, but the general outline and plot will be the same in this au, just with the twist that comes with the characters of Obey Me. MC in this might get a bit of a fleshed out personality, so things can work out, right now all i’ve got is that they go by the nickname “MC,” they’re nonbinary (probably they/he), have a younger sibling, and have the same “All Seeing Eyes” that Leo has in BBB because i don’t know how else to fit things in and screw it this is my au. the demons in this au will still go by their original names, but in this those names will actually be aliases while their real names will remain unknown.
Confused on what Blood Blockade Battlefront is? It’s a fantasy/sci-fi manga/anime that takes place in the setting I set up before. Leonardo Watch, the protagonist, is the Everyman protagonist who doesn’t really fit in the world he’s in, but finds a place regardless amongst a cast of superpowered humans and monsters. I would rate it with an M rating, something I wouldn’t watch around my parents/most family members but something I’d watch with my friends/family members who are cool with anime. It can be graphic at times, it’s not like bloodsoaked horror gore, but there is a good amount of blood and bodies being ripped apart (though those are mostly the non-humans being torn up on screen), and a few shots of scantily censored nudity and referenced sex (thanks Zapp).
If you’re a fan of animes like Bungo Stray Dogs, Durarara!!, Gangsta, or Baccano! you might enjoy it. I recommend the english dub, it’s really good. The best voices in it are Aaron Dismuke, Ian Sinclair (honestly one of my favorite voice actors), Trina Nishiumura, Mike McFarland, and Micah Solusod among others, who are all experienced voice actors and who all do a genuinely great job. But if you prefer subs, the japanese dub also has a pretty good cast that includes Mitsuru Miyamoto, Mamoru Miyano, Nana Mizuki (though her speaking role is only in the second season which is a shame, but is almost made up by...), and Rie Kugimiya.
I can hook anyone who’s interested up with a link to a place to watch the english dub, and i’m sure the sub is on crunchyroll. Sorry not sorry for the sudden rambling, this was a hyperfocus a few years ago and rotation spoke that it should return ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, the opening and ending songs of the first season are pretty much ones of the few that I would consider blasphemy to skip, they are not only great songs but the ending became a bit of a meme when it was airing:
Hello, world! by Bump of Chicken
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zachtlcw · 5 years
One body, two souls - for leo!! maybe??
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The fusion is probably a big worrywart tbh
Also extremely stubborn and expressive
Big friendly bean!!!!
Pretty damn insecure
Makes jokes when stressed and nervous
Also makes jokes because making people laugh is fun
Like??? this nerd is seriously funny
Hyperfocusses on things like no tomorrow
Does tasks with one pair of hands, stims with the other two
Perfectionist without a doubt
Parent friend?? Parent friend
Leo and Marcus rarely fuse because Libra needs Leo and the HLPD needs Marc. but tbh the fusion does happen whenever like??? BIG BIG BIG big problems happen because??? good combo!!! 
though from time to time they also fuse just to beat Zapp at a game
Definitely reckless because how can you expect this nerd not to be
Tends to quote both musicals and games
is Leo’s height + Marc’s height so 348 cms
This and his speed allows the fusion to easily catch and restrain criminals
Without harming them of course
Tends to get intimidated by people but of course his will to help and protect always wins within seconds
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