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somerandomdutchfangirl · 7 months ago
Hhh,,, might cave and make a fanfic about Them
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slendermankin · 5 years ago
Still so so so so fuckin sad about the painful Lack of slenderman x zalgo content. Mostly fics but art is also especially hard to come by. I need.... more. Its a ship that deserves to be more fuckin popular god DAMMIT
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slendermanheadcanons · 5 years ago
I feel like Slender would be yandere towards Zalgo. Maybe visa versa
I know the concept of 'yanderes' is considered very problematic these days, so i wont call it that... but Hyper-possessive-intensely-hostile-and-extremely-violent-towards-competition-for-Zalgo's-heart!Slenderman is the fucking
And thats the facts
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mackabnormal · 5 years ago
sir,,, spare zalender, please sir? just a crumb..
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just a little bit as a treat !!!!!!!!
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official-zalgo · 4 years ago
i love me some good zalender art but we all know in our hearts that slender would be the top in that relationship, not zalgo
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hey, uh...I forgot if I've asked before but.... 👀 you got somma them...Zalender // Zalgo/Slender HCs? u know I'm a hoe for any content I can get :)c
GAY DAD ICONS!!!!!!!!!! 
  zalgo tries to be all like, flirty and smooth, and slendy is very romantically-shy and proper, seeing them interact is very funny and cute. zalgo thinks its adorable . slendy tries Very hard to maintain his composure . its unbecoming of a being of his power to become flustered, but sometimes he cant help it
 being who he is, zalgo just thinks he’s sooooo above acting all proper and polite, so slender has to desperately keep reminding him how to act -_- . all powerful god or not please just keep it together for like one minute 
  zalg has never considered being a dad, the whole concept is extremely . weird to him, but slendy is Big Dad so he’ll have to adjust to it. tries to be nice to all of slendys “little workers” (as he calls them) . they all think he’s a weird fuckin dork . they enjoy messing with the both of them and embarrassing slendy LOL
 when theyre alone, theyre very sweet to each other. slender enjoys having someone with him he doesn’t have to be all either business-mindset or dad-mindset around. it takes some adjustment to learn how to act around a “”boyfriend”” (lover? potential husband???????), but he actually finds it very nice.
 zalgo has had many past relationships, but never took them very seriously. more of just a way to pass time . slendy is different though. ! he thinks he’s just...very cute . and greatly enjoys his company . its good to have someone around that is kind of gentle and sweet like that . its different, makes life interesting
 slendy likes to go visit him under the guise of it being ‘business meetings’ but everyone knows the truth >:)
 tries to keep their relationship very very low-key and kinda-secret but yknow. word gets around u//_//u
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slendermanheadcanons · 6 years ago
Give me sum of those mmmm nsfw Zalgo and Slender headcanons pls
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Zalender Headcanons
> Im usually not one for it, but this relationship absolutely switches between who doms and who subs--Zalgo is a demon in power. Sometimes it feels nice to relinquish that power. Also, tentacles.
> Slender is MASSIVELY territorial and jealous--if he sees some hoe tryna get a lil too cozy with Zalgo, he WILL drag Zalgo away for a quicky to remind him that he's his (don't worry, it's consentual--Zalgo thinks its super hot)
> likewise, if someone is creeping on Slender (and for whatever reason, Slender hasn't noticed enough to scare them off himself), Zalgo takes care of them. Perminantly.
> those MAY seem a bit extreme, but you must remember--royal couple. If anyone comes between them or complicates things or god forbid manages to HURT one of them by sneaking in too close, it could end in disaster. It's all a type of self defense as well as it is mere fits of possessiveness
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slendermankin · 5 years ago
Where... are the zalender fics. Where are they
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slendermankin · 7 years ago
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(Some Interactions for your Soul--the size difference for zalgo n slender wasnt supposed to be That Big but honestly??? Im not complaining)
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slendermankin · 7 years ago
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i think ive finally pinned down a design for this au’s zalgo and im fucking  g a y  for it
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