#zaena world
freshmantour · 6 years
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Boise State University!
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mimurus · 7 years
Is Devin's wife dead?
She was dead, yes, for couple hundred years or so. But now she’s been alive and kicking for uhh.... About a year? Two years maybe, can’t remember. 
In Other World when a demon dies, their soul is scattered all around across the OW, and the demon has to find all of the soul pieces before they can revive and come back to life. Zaena had difficulties finding the last piece of her soul, so that’s why it took her so long to come back.
On the other hand, if the demon’s soul gets trapped before their death, they can never start finding their soul fragments, as the soul literally is out of their reach. The demon’s soul is then forced to “exist but not live”, being stuck between life and death. This is what’s usually done to e.g. prisoners who get sentenced to death (like Joseph). This way they’re dead for good, and nothing can bring them back (unless the soul is freed from the trap).
If a demon dies, but their soul remains in one piece, they’re instead sent to White Lands, a place where everything looks like it’s covered in thick white snow, and the sky is lit but there’s no Sun or Moon to be seen. The demon is stuck in this place, until they find the reason why they died. 
In Other World a demon can die three times, before they finally get sent back to Hell to a cell. They’re then usually killed for good, and get reincarnated as something else somewhere else. But if the high-demons consider the demon being worth much more, and think they’d still be useful, the high-demons let them get back on the surface, usually after an upgrade (getting more powerful spells/replacing colors or look etc).
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alliesdelimma · 8 years
Allie stared across the pond within Stormwind’s walls.  It had been a rather trying few days with lots of adjustments.  One such adjustment huffed that her hand had ceased it’s motions.  Gazing down the teen smiled and resumed rubbing the large wolf hound behind the ears.  Smokey was an almost constant companion now to the girls travels.  A promise made to her boyfriend saw too it that she tried taking him with her.  It was only when she planned on running about the rooftops that she neglected to bring him.  But she was more careful than she had ever been before.
Getting attacked on the streets did that.  A shudder ran down her spine as the attack itself so vividly came to her mind.  So often she heard people complain that they forgot something, but so few understood the equal parts blessing and curse it was to remember everything.  Traumatic events never went away, pain could be remembered, and times that hurt the heart most never lost their edge.
It was with a shaky breath that the Little Sparrow banished the traumatic attack.  But it’s effect still lingered.  She remembered the feeling of pins and needles.  Of being tackled to the cobblestones.  Of being unable to move any part of her body.  Again she shuddered and closed her eyes in quiet meditation.  The event had shown her how weak she was, how helpless.  She no longer had the protection she once did.  The unsavory people in the world no longer looked to the little teen as companion and friend.  But so too she never had those who stood in the light looking out for her either.
All was not lost though, two people especially stood out in her mind.  Ki her sister had taken injuries and bled to save her.  Protecting her from the physical threat.  And after when she was left alone to her thoughts it was Alastar who protected and tended to her emotional and mental well being by chasing away the nightmares.
Allie knew that she couldn’t rely upon them all the time.  She was very much alone now, Lucia was gone though her heart still rebelled at the very idea.  Her family was scattered, her friends had moved on with their lives.  She would need new connections, new people to befriend and stick with.  A list began to form in her head.  People she could reach out too, old friends and family to check up on.
There was the mysterious Madam Muerte, a woman the girl suspected that her ‘sister’ knew.  They were going to speak of maps, and the teen knew she had been neglectful of responding.
Admiral Winters was another who came to mind, the crimson smoke still a wonderful trick she’d never seen before.  Though getting in contact would prove an interesting endeavor as there was no courier to relay a response too.  She would have to ask around.
She could also try to find Zaena.  Though their meeting had been brief, and something seemed rather strange about the woman, Allie had enjoyed the encounter.
A smile curved the Little Sparrows lips and she giggled in delight.  Perhaps things were not so bad as she suspected.  There were plenty of people she could try talking too again.  Family like Zaderick, and the lady who had called her aunt.  So too could she contact those who had helped her through her trauma.  She knew Address but Rask was someone to thank now that she had her wits about her.  A friend like Selise as well, though admitting getting into more trouble was an unpleasant thought.
The future was scary, but Allie felt safer with a plan.  She just had to know where to begin.   Allie would work on getting stronger as she could.  But just connecting to people built it’s own strength.
“Come on Smokey, we’d better get going...I have a lot of work to do.”
(( Mentions, a whole lot of them!  @alastar-wyatt @kierianne @rarivsha @wolf-queen @addressroleplays @thedesertsmaw @zaderick @selisegraves  ))
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melintheatl · 7 years
Atlanta Pride 2017
This year was my fourth Atlanta Pride weekend.  While I always find it to be two days full of love, acceptance and positivity, this year felt different to me.  It felt like all of that but heightened.  Maybe it was because this year in particular has been difficult and heart-wrenching on so many levels (do I even need to mention them??), and because of the insanity in our country and around the world right now and for the past 9 months, the light and kindness and great feelings that come from Pride weekend just seemed like a giant hug in the middle of chaos. A breath of fresh air during this time of uncertainty. It was a needed weekend of goodness and happiness.
Saturday began my Pride experience this year with the concerts in Piedmont Park.  They do such a good job of bringing fun musical acts to Pride each and every year, and this Pride didn’t disappoint.  From the iheart Media sponsored artists Madison Beer, MAX, Rita Ora and Dej Loaf to the artists Hero the Band, Jason Maek & Zaena, Arrested Development and The Pointer Sisters, a wonderful concert experience was had by all. In particular, MAX put on quite the high-energy show, and as a teenager of the 90′s, I was fan-girling out over Arrested Development!  I mean, come on!  I was able to give Speech a big hug and thank him for his music which was a huge highlight of mine.  It was a great night of music and dancing and fun.
Sunday was, of course, the parade. My husband’s company has floats in the parade every year, and we usually arrive early to help decorate the floats before the parade starts. We did that again this year, but I was also able to walk in the parade and take photographs of the crowd.  It. Was. Amazing. The positive vibes of the bystanders combined with the energy of the parade participants equaled a special moment.  It was impossible not to smile the entire time.  
I look forward to next year, and until then and as always, Happy Pride!
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freshmantour · 6 years
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Be sure to Pledge To Vote at our Pop Up Shop with Tumblr on the Freshman Tour! (X)
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freshmantour · 6 years
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Make sure to Pledge to Vote with Tumblr on your campus! 
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freshmantour · 6 years
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Catch us on the Freshman Tour featuring Zaena x Jason Maek!
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freshmantour · 6 years
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Performers at Ohio State University for the Freshman Tour! 
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freshmantour · 6 years
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Zaena x Jason Maek at Ohio State University with Her Campus
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