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Names generated from American and French forenames, including the letter "Z"
Aacherenzo Agnez Albenez Albenzo Aleenez Alenzo Alfrenzo Alizaber Alizabielip Alizandandy Alizandia Alizandy Alizanie Alizanuelle Alleoreenzo Allienzo Allinez Allizachel Allizanne Alvalizac Alémenzo Amenzo Andrenzo Andsephazel Angenzo Annez Aphienzo Arjohazelia Aulesuz Aurenzo
Bapherrynez Benez Benzo Berrenzo Betinez Brobienzo Bynez Caluzabita Carenez Carleinez Carnez Carrenez Cathazelle Celenzo Cenzo Challizan Channez Chazel Chazeline Chazell Chazelle Chazelsa Chelizacha Chelizan Chenzo Chèlenzo Clizaberlah Clizabever Clizabine Clizan Clémenzo Clérômenzo Colesuz Corenzo Crylenzo Curenzo Célizan Dachazel Dandrenzo Debbienzo Delizanon Dellizan Denzo Derthélènez Desuz Dianluz Dienzo Dithazela Dolizacecky Dwinez Dylenzo Eleenzo Elizan Elizandra Ellistinez Ellizacel Ellizack Elmelizandy Erenzo Erlizace Erricenzo Ethenez Eugelphazel Eulizace Eunez Fabinez Faethazel Fellizabie Floreinesuz Franez Franlenzo Frannez Freanez Frednez Frenzo Frémenzo Ganienzo Gelizacelia Genzo Greenez Grenzo Gresuz Grélizacil Guelizan Guellerenzo Guesuzablad Gwenetinez Gwenzo Gwesuz Gwesuzace Halenzo Hazelen Hazelettie Hazelexine Hazelia Hazeliett Hazeline Hazell Hazellana Hazellen Hazelleonya Hazellia Hazelly Hazelonstie Heilenzo Henez Henzo Herenez Hughazel Hugorenzo Idienzo Irginez Irinez Jachazel Janienzo Jantomenzo Javichazel Jeandrenzo Jeanez Jeangenzo Jeanluz Jeannez Jeanninez Jennez Jenthenzo Jenzo Jesabenzo Jesuz Joannez Jodnez Johazel Johazele Johazellia Josannez Joshazelie Joëllizanna Juadenzo Juanez Judenzo Judonnez Julizabra Julizacky Julizanesus Justacenzo Kathilizane Kenzo Krithazel Landalienzo Lenez Lenzo Lethenzo Linez Lizabilie Lizabitam Lizabrah Lizacina Lizack Lizaco Lizacyne Lizan Lizanan Lizanclia Lizanne Llenzo Loinez Lolizan Luzabel Luzabelline Luzaberba Luzaberrek Luzaberry Luzabet Luzabeth Luzabeunon Luzabin Luzabine Luzabrenzo Luzabristin Luzac Luzace Luzacece Luzacel Luzachary Luzachonna Luzacie Luzack Luzacothle Luzacyn Luzacyrom Luzan Luzand Luzanda Luzando Luzandrenzo Luzanie Luzanmat Luzann Luzanne Luzanny Luzantony Luzany Luzanya Luzançois Mabenzo Mabinez Mainevainez Mainez Manez Mannez Mardorenzo Marmagnez Marnez Marrenzo Marrinez Melizacque Mellizanne Menzo Meravenez Michazel Michazelesa Mighazel Mindinez Minez Mohazel Monnez Mélizace Mélizanda Nadenzo Nianez Nienzo Norenzo Oldenzo Olienez Olizane Ollenez Pamillizan Paulifrenez Paurenzo Peathazelle Penzo Phazel Phazelana Phazelly Phenzo Phierreenzo Ranez Rannez Reenzo Renez Rennez Renzo Rientinez Rinez Rodnez Rogendranez Romanez Ronnez Rucilizabie Rélizabene Rémilizace Sadrenez Scorginez Shaluz Sharlizana Shazel Shazelas Shazelia Shazelis Shazell Shazella Shazellanie Shazellarew Shazelle Shazelley Shazelvio Shazelyne Sheillizane Shelizanda Shelleenez Sienzo Suzabeane Suzabel Suzaber Suzabere Suzabery Suzabetsy Suzabetted Suzabeve Suzabie Suzabil Suzabra Suzabrinda Suzabris Suzac Suzace Suzacecelyn Suzachrice Suzaci Suzacine Suzack Suzacque Suzacy Suzan Suzanarcene Suzance Suzandy Suzane Suzange Suzangine Sévesuz Talizana Teranluz Ternez Thazel Thazele Thazelin Theorenzo Thérènez Tinez Topattinez Torenzo Tyrolizace Vadaluz Valdranez Vinez Walizacynne Waymorenzo Waynez Waynnalinez Wenez Wenzo Wesuz Wesuzan Yvenzo Yvonnez Zabeckiren Zabectore Zaben Zaber Zaberen Zabes Zabettie Zabie Zabiennie Zabil Zabildeth Zabilie Zabiliva Zabilla Zabille Zabillia Zabilline Zabine Zablaudy Zabrichrie Zabrick Zabriolader Zabron Zabros Zabruberry Zaceccard Zaceck Zacel Zacessetter Zacha Zachanick Zachanna Zachançois Zachel Zachomenne Zacianda Zackirina Zacobert Zacquelex Zacquell Zacyrtrie Zanallen Zanathan Zance Zancedd Zancellin Zancey Zancia Zancilly Zanda Zandanlough Zandavio Zanden Zandita Zandonn Zandy Zandyssidi Zanellanne Zaney Zangen Zangette Zania Zanianith Zanickie Zanie Zanman Zannie Zanniney Zannique Zannoît Zançoin Élizace Élizacia Élizacy Élizana Élizance Élizandy Élizane Élizantodne
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Ba Bal Be Begṛm Belṛn Bem Bi Bihin Bikpan Biẓe Bonfṛl Bul Bunhi Bw Bwmbu Bṛjw Bṛso Cha Chadem Che Chel Chennal Cheẓim Chi Chiten Chol Chu Chul Chuldjem Chwn Chwṣun Chṛ Chṛkpw Chṛne Da Dam Daẓu De Del Delksṛl Demdṛ Demto Devan Dilmen Dino Ditel Dja Djam Dji Djikpo Djiksṛl Djildjem Djohw Djol Djolfṛ Djolhen Djom Djul Djunti Djw Djwmdw Djwmnu Djṛ Djṛn Dolmum Dontwm Dumvil Dw Dwdja Dwn Dṛ Dṛson Fan Fanpwl Fe Fegbun Fel Femlu Femson Fidwl Fimi Fiṣwl Fo Foksel Folgon Fon Fwbw Fwkṛ Fwn Fṛl Fṛlṣṛl Gba Gbaltim Gbama Gbe Gbelo Gbi Gbim Gbin Gbo Gbu Gbumkul Gbṛ Ge Gimmil Golzu Gu Gul Gum Gunkpṛm Gw Gwngal Gṛ Gṛn Hamgw Hedu Hejem Hemchwn Henfom Henẓi Hi Hifṛ Him Hin Hivu Ho Hol Huhol Hulgel Hulru Hum Hw Hwkpil Hwl Hwvo Hwẓwl Hṛ Hṛnksin Jafal Jam Jamvo Janle Je Jebu Jelu Jentchim Jeẓṛ Ji Jokpu Jolzwn Jomtchṛn Jomvṛm Jonlu Jonṣo Ju Judṛ Julpul Jw Jwkpu Jṛ Jṛbṛ Jṛm Kan Koksu Kotchwm Kpalṣol Kpen Kpidu Kpikwl Kpil Kpimze Kpochun Kpozwn Kpu Kpukpṛn Kpum Kpun Kpuvṛm Kpw Kpwm Kpwn Kpṛ Kpṛl Kpṛlbil Kpṛlzo Kpṛm Kpṛndjam Kpṛnksa Ksa Ksalba Ksan Ksanti Ksanum Kse Ksega Ksemfum Ksetṛm Ksi Ksil Ksim Ksimko Ksintche Ksonnan Ksu Ksum Ksumtchu Kswchwl Kswl Ksṛ Ksṛmbo Ksṛn Ku Kul Kwdjum Kwkpin Kwnda Kwnlṛ Kṛndum La Lal Lan Le Lem Leẓen Limvo Linzṛ Lo Lom Lovam Lu Lulnṛ Lun Lunṣṛm Lutchum Luvo Lw Lwgbo Lṛ Lṛbo Lṛkem Lṛm Lṛnṣu Ma Mal Manbi Merṛ Mi Mil Mo Mollun Mu Mum Mw Mwlṛn Mwnge Mṛmpom Na Nafem Nase Natchil Natin Navw Nazu Ne Neme Nemti Niku Nitchu Nol Noljil Nomsa Nonsi Nu Nulgbun Nunsi Nwm Nwmvwn Nwnta Nṛ Nṛl Nṛlgim Nṛn Nṛtchi Nṛzim Pafi Pan Pilpim Po Polju Pon Pu Pum Puntwn Putcham Pwlum Pṛ Pṛl Pṛldjol Pṛm Pṛzw Ra Ralsul Re Rekw Reltṛ Reṣṛ Rilzel Rintchwl Riẓw Rovw Ru Rullon Rum Rwfṛ Rwndu Rṛjw Sedwm Sim So Solhṛl Soljen Sonṣṛ Sugbe Sul Suvo Swm Swn Sṛ Sṛpṛ Ta Taẓa Tcha Tche Tchekpun Tchem Tchemgwn Tchemram Tchinben Tcho Tcholdjwn Tchom Tchomru Tchon Tchonne Tchuku Tchum Tchun Tchutam Tchuẓu Tchw Tchwfa Tchwgil Tchwmgbo Tchwmksen Tchwnun Tchṛ Tchṛkol Tchṛm Tchṛsum Tehṛl Tem Tenbam Ti Timdjel To Tom Tomlwn Tul Twm Twtchen Twẓan Tṛmgil Tṛnpa Va Vam Vehi Vel Venven Veẓa Vim Virun Vo Vodjin Vol Vom Vovo Vu Vufu Vun Vw Vwkpu Vwntchul Vwtcha Za Zachel Zal Ze Zelchṛ Zem Zeẓam Zinchum Zitchṛ Zo Zolgul Zumkpin Zw Zwl Zwllw Zwlṛ Zwmnṛ Zwpem Zwzun Zṛ Ṣa Ṣalsel Ṣan Ṣaẓu Ṣekswn Ṣem Ṣemva Ṣenli Ṣi Ṣin Ṣoche Ṣom Ṣovel Ṣul Ṣumksa Ṣun Ṣunga Ṣupṛ Ṣw Ṣwdṛm Ṣwlbo Ṣwn Ṣṛl Ẓa Ẓanre Ẓegbun Ẓi Ẓin Ẓisel Ẓisi Ẓo Ẓonṛ Ẓul Ẓun Ẓunbi Ẓw Ẓwre Ẓṛjwm
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Unfriendly reminder that an adult and a minor in a relationship is pedophilia, regardless of any sexual activity happening or not. Even if an adult doesn't want to Sexualize the child they're in a relationship with, they are still taking advantage of the child, and it is still pedophilia.
You romanticize an unhealthy dynamic for the sake of personal enjoyment while ignoring the actual harm that can cause others. Get help.
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'The clown in the box offers you a deal, you can hear zem smiling from behind their mask. The thing that looms seems less amused. Focused.' ----- Zachel (left) and Tulip (right) Designs - Astegoni Jack-in-a-box Design and Art - @sylociraptor
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#zackray#zack x ray#zack x rachel#zachel#zakurei#LJJLHG KJGHDK GI M NOT EVEN MAD THIS IS THE FUNNIEST REPLY IVE EVER RECEICVE KJDHGLKD HGJD#im desensitized to death o3o
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so..this is done :)
#extra scenes#satsuriku no tenshi#angels of slaughter#angels of death#isaac foster#zack foster#rachel gardner#zachel#promise you kill me#stop crying and smile#episode 16#satsuriku no tenshi finale#ending#spoilers#satsuriku no tenshi end
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anti-zackray rant
Okay, so – I understand people have opinions, it’s good to have opinions; necessary even. But forcing your opinions on other people, ahem. That is not good, that is not condoned and that should stop.
I mean the anti-zackray’s, mostly, to be honest, because that’s- That’s ridiculous. Yelling at people for shipping Zack and Ray together ‘because she’s 13 and he’s an adult!!!!’ is like- Do you even know how do people write them together to begin with. Do you even realize why this ship is compelling both platonically and romantically?
It’s like they assume zackray shippers want Rachel to jump the dick right after game ends, or even during and I’m like ???? what the actual fuck???
(Not to mention that a lot of my salt stems from the fact that I see parallels between my own relationships and zackray – like the age gap for example, which is 5 between me and my boyfriend, and we got together when he was an adult already and I wasn’t yet.)
The beauty of zackray lies in fact, that Zack and Ray are both damaged people who got fucked over by the world and somehow forged a strong bond over the course of the game; their dynamic is amazing, the trust between them is too and frankly, most zackray shippers (not all, there are bad apples everywhere) first really expand the platonic side of their relationship – if actual romance happens, it’s really far further down the line, because they have to first realize that positive attachment to someone else is okay.
Also, I hear people scream that it’s bad because Ray is 13 – what about it being bad because Zack is mentally and emotionally severely immature?
Rant over. Ship whatever you want to ship, just don’t make shit unhealthy. The best is when both parties are consenting adults, but it’s just as good when they are of the age of consent.
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Todos alguna vez sentimos miedo ya sea a un monstruo imaginario como el "coco" o a uno real como lo son algunos seres humanos, es algo con lo que nacemos, es parte de nuestra naturaleza pero ¿es acaso malo sentir miedo?la respuesta es no, por que eso nos dice que estamos vivos que amamos y que somos capaces de sentir, algunas personas que no poseen esta emoción son los monstruos de los que hablo, pues ellos no sienten amor solo pretender sentirlo por que se dice que el amor que se siente es real, cuando se tiene miedo a perderlo.
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Ey, could ya help me? I have these OCs, Zachary Preston and Michelle Blaine; Mind helpin’ me with a ship name? Only if ya want, o' course!
Zachelle or Michary ^^
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american and tolkienesque forenames
Adana Adriel Adriet Aeroy Agnessa Aiwenduil Aladriel Aladûn Albard Albergia Alcar Alcarcus Alcardil Alcarmador Aldari Alethen Alfreda Alfreddie Allandy Allisa Alloyd Amant Amantoine Amarë Anatan Anciscil Andarl Andil Andir Andreddie Angbori Angborn Angeleg Annien Annon Antar Antoine Apristir Araglori Arank Aranklinto Arapher Arlimoth Arnoldwine Arthant Arvin Arvinya Arwendy Asfalothy Ausireen Avrance Baldad Balicia Baradaniel Barla Beatridget Becca Belebrita Belemmakil Belendil Belendrew Belephiel Beline Beorl Berek Bethor Betta Bevernance Bille Billi Bombul Bomburiel Branca Brandil Brantonya Bregon Brendi Bretche Breth Brucalimë Byrond Caladra Calexand Calmir Calmo Camirion Cardil Carlotho Carmendil Carolana Carold Caron Cassuil Castindo Castine Cathôr Cecellee Celemmakil Cemer Ceorlie Chadorah Chael Charavis Charl Charla Charry Chell Christal Christindy Cindon Claróf Claudith Claurondir Clydiant Corahael Coreen Cotte Crain Cynthienny Cynthor Daeritta Darlas Darri Davis Dawna Deanne Debonnette Delintony Deloberto Delodh Derin Deórwin Donnie Doren Dorey Dougluin Duila Dward Dwarth Dwayneth Déagon Déagorn Earloth Ebora Edgari Edgarion Edwight Edwingwë Elarenett Elbard Eldarrence Elegolive Elephan Elephien Elfhelmo Elfhil Elleen Ellie Elrohirion Elrosephen Elsean Elvia Eraldanita Eraldil Erindor Erkennett Estella Esteve Estin Ethandomi Ethostor Euniche Evelesten Evernice Eären Eärene Eärnichad Falott Felia Fernarda Feruce Finducalma Findur Franca Franthir Frerichel Frerie Funda Fëanorin Fírie Galachad Galandra Gamily Gamlaith Gayla Geneldarry Geneldir Genet Genettie Genevienny Georn Gilberta Gilraig Ginastred Glena Glenne Gloree Glóred Gormador Gracy Grathlee Gretchelm Gretha Grimboriam Gwendui Hadorendis Halba Halberrena Halda Haldam Hallador Halmo Hanice Hanny Hanto Harië Harole Hatti Hattârik Helly Helsa Helson Hengol Herberly Heres Herin Herma Herumorgel Heryl Hiriam Howardacil Howardo Howarta Ianna Ilmarite Imilkhâd Indur Inzila Ireen Irena Iristin Isilmacil Isilmari Isilmarion Isilvia Isumbara Ivanienor Jacque Jaimelairë Jaimelion Jasminya Jasonjamir Javis Jeanna Jeffer Jeffreca Jeffred Jenne Jennet Jeres Jessa Johan Johand Josepharn Juane Julion Karankline Karetchelm Karlennie Kathony Kathráin Katië Katridget Katrin Kellas Kelle Kenducalma Kerri Kimbold Kimbolger Kimbori Kinglir Kristinar Lagdustine Lagdustir Lalanc Lalance Landy Laude Lavernanc Lennatar Lindace Lloren Lolas Lonna Lorey Lorin Lucil Lugdustir Lydian Mablungon Maedhel Maedhelle Magola Magold Mahtar Mahtaron Malandrea Malvin Mamilkhâd Mamir Margon Mariam Mariel Marin Marshad Marthel Marthur Matti Mattârik Megalad Megander Meghanda Meghannise Melbard Meline Micher Micherry Milleen Mistindsey Mollia Muricia Míriette Nardacil Natan Nichary Olinton Ornen Orond Orophil Oscathelle Ostophia Ostorindo Pamelanca Peren Perin Pervin Primë Prishnákh Racillie Radon Rebecky Regorn Rendarl Renduila Rendy Rhondil Rhondo Rhony Ricia Robel Rodenis Rontoine Rosalvin Rossë Rubenjames Rómen Rúmillia Sadine Sadon Saeroy Saman Samanui Sandrette Sarumorgon Seriel Shelindor Sherunír Shirgio Smauriette Sméagolas Snowman Snowmanel Sopherry Sophil Stana Stelmo Stelperry Stephin Susir Sylvin Súrio Taman Tamandis Tamari Tamil Tamir Terrellena Thell Timothony Tonio Trach Turamonio Tyron Uftha Ufthandra Ulfangborn Urwenda Vaine Vaireen Valancis Valanhír Vanice Vardil Veralph Veres Victoriel Viduman Violas Viole Virgia Wandi Wartha Wendil Wille Windsey Yaval Yavanny Yvonnie Yvonniel Zachad Zachel Éomunda Íriel
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many thinkerly thoughts about the way zachel parallels with that Lucy/Cathy mess from the last three chapters, especially vis-a-via traumabonding and how the inevitable murder is not a betrayal but a culmination
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Zackray shippers when you remind them that a 13 year old and a 20 year old in a romantic relationship is pedophilia
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I think I've calmed down now.
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uhh. sorry but no im not gonna “be quit”
its tru that teens fall in love with older ppl all the time. that doesnt mean their feelings SHOULD be returned by a god damn adult like
idk who stole ur single braincell but i feel kinda bad for you
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