#zach is probably the one whose social media presence im the least certain about but i dont really want to do research on edgy online forums
pineviewhighschool ยท 7 months
the kids + social media
chloe would have sort of like, a vent/diary tumblr blog where she likes to reblog aesthetic photography as well as literary quotes & poems. she would definitely also post about music & shares her songwriting from time to time. she has some mutuals but doesn't really talk to anyone, her blog is just like her own personal space. she also has an instagram, but she doesn't use it as frequently as she uses tumblr & doesn't share much about her real life & feelings on it. she only really uses it for the sake of her cheerleader friends.
ethan is one of the few teens in the world who still uses facebook. he doesn't post on there at all but that's usually what app he scrolls through if he wants to look at social media. i think when he & chloe become closer, he gets introduced to tumblr & makes his own blog where he mostly just reblogs nature related posts & photography. i can imagine him posting about what he finds while foraging & pictures of his insect taxidermy, but other than that i don't think he'd really make his own posts.
alicia doesn't have a tumblr, but she has more popular social medias like twitter, instagram, & tiktok, though she likely uses twitter & instagram a lot more. she's mostly just on social media to be more informed about current events & keep up with people she knows. she'd probably also post about projects she's a part of or working on. she'd never post about her personal life or feelings like chloe, i think she maintains like a pretty positive or "professional" persona on the internet.
zach doesn't use social media apps that often, but spends a lot of time on online forums & less tasteful corners of the internet. probably a 4chan user to be honest, though he wouldn't be on like, the nazi threads at least. he used to like reddit in middle school but got tired of it at some point. i can also imagine him streaming on twitch or something ocassionally. he has tiktok on his phone but he's barely on it & thinks tiktokers are stupid. he makes fun of tumblr & twitter users, but would probably move here if all the forums he's on suddenly got shut down. the most online one on this list.
tyler doesn't touch the internet with a 50 foot pole other than to look things up or whatever. he has a facebook account susan made for him when he was a little kid but he's never used it. the closest thing he gets to online interaction is when he ocassionally plays a video game & it's one of those multiplayer shooters with voice chats/lobbies, though he doesn't talk to anyone unless he has to.
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