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Depending on my work schedule, I might do this tomorrow after work. I still have two days of Breath to finish, and this is a longer practice, and so I know I won’t have morning time to finish.
Anyone interested in starting with me, even if it’s a day or two late?
@ananthanika @nerdy-teddy-diet @maddygoesthemiles
I know @fatmaninalittlesuit is starting today? I don’t know if you started with Day 0, and a few other people too, but feel free to tag me y’all! I wanna celebrate your successes with the journey. Anyone doing YWA should tag me :)
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plussizeadventure · 5 years ago
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YWA Home - Day 2 is finished! Today’s theme was INTEND. My intention with this whole process is to build back habits of taking care of myself. Prioritizing how I physically and mentally feel.
These past two days I’ve been very focused on how BIG I feel, like “Wow I’m at a half arm plank and I’m basically just resting on the ground because that’s how round I am now.” or “I remember being able to do a forward fold, and this is nothing like that.” But I’m making a new intention to focus on how well I’m doing.
I showed up for this process two days in a row, and I’ve been following my new food and water plans, too! That’s pretty awesome, and I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow 👌🏻
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less-flower · 5 years ago
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Who else will do this in January 😃?!
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lucyklopek · 5 years ago
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itsnirmal888 · 4 years ago
Yoga with Adriene (and Pearl)
Yoga with Adriene (and Pearl)
Yoga with Pearl, anyone? 🦜 …. Pearl and I have been doing #yogawithadriene for the last 2 years straight. As Adriene so often reminds us, “yoga works! source
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theabundantyogini · 5 years ago
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Welcome to Black History Month celebrating contributions that Black people have made to humanity. I am highlighting Black Yoga Teachers! We are here and capable. Come share your practice with us! Meet Yogi @dr.eadloxyogi Sharon who is dedicated to inclusion on the mat Posted @withregram • @dr.eadloxyogi Sometimes I crack myself up 🤣.. There was a little dancing 💃🏾 happening prior to these pics ..I do that when I am clueless as to “ what yoga pose should I do !?“ .. finished my morning practice which was #ywaHome 30 day .. did my daily handstand .. had a sip of agua 💦 in my @glassticbottle 💖 and couldn’t come up w/ anything interesting ... maybe tomorrow when I have had some actual wine 🍷 🤣👍🏾😎. In the meantime please join in .. . . #SaturdayWineSipYoga 🥂 . . Any beverage. 🥤☕️🍸🍾🍺... ANY pose is a go ! .and it’s an Open Tag... so join in through Sunday and don’t forget tag me your host 😘..🍾...#winesipcrew . 💥you have through SUNDAY this week to post 🍇 . #saturdaywinesippin #yogafun #winelovingyogi #chillaxwithwine 🍇🍾 🥂#yogislovewine #winelovers #winelover #yogacommunity . #yogaover60 #thisis67 #blackgirlyoga #blackexpat #expat #expatlife #blackexpatinspain #SistersOfYoga #GreyToOmbre #ombreytogreyclub #InclusivityInYogaMatters . 🙌🏾🙌🏽🙌🏻🙌🏿🙌 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8gDPUTANRQ/?igshid=1si88jgy60ykk
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boosongz-blog · 5 years ago
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Day 30!!!! I did it! So proud of myself for this! #ywahome @adrienelouise https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ANbUtjqzz/?igshid=1h88ksoddfupp
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Home Day 1: Recognize
I honestly felt like this was a nice follow up to Breath, with her reminding us to breathe so often.
It moved pretty slowly, and I think overall there weren’t too many challenging poses, for all I think down dog and some planks can be rough for anyone.
This is the longest practice, she says, so I look forward to some quicker ones, but this was nice and grounding. It felt good to me. I look forward to more.
I think the god thing about Adriene is if you can’t hold a pose, or need to take a break, she often reminds you it’s okay. Or to meet me back here in X pose, once things get moving. So it’s nice to know if once we move forward I can’t keep up, that’s okay.
@ananthanika @nerdy-teddy-diet
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lostinalibro · 5 years ago
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Day 30: Journey! I can't believe I did 30 yoga videos. I feel very accomplished. It has helped me physically and mentally. I hope to keep going and doing as many as I can this year. Milo even decided to join me today. @adrienelouise thank you for doing these videos they have helped me so much. @fwfglife #ywahome #yogawithmilo #yogawithadriene #yogi #yogidog https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_XPXeAGT1/?igshid=11k566xlqnrhp
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plussizeadventure · 5 years ago
January Yoga Plans
I have always enjoyed Yoga with Adriene, and since I’m getting back into it... why not get started with her annual 30 day yoga plan she does each January?
This year’s plan is called HOME, and I’m signing up. Anyone else in my tumblr family (old or new) planning on taking part?
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juliejewlzrose · 5 years ago
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Nurturance/Self-Care Notre to live a life of fulfilment and creativity you must learn how to replenish your body, mind, and spirit on a regular basis. Your body can be likened To a garden in which you so the seed thoughts and emotions regularly. The quality of the things that grow in our attracted into your life will depend upon how well you’ve prepared the soil and how rich and nourishing it is. Is your “soil” depleted or nutrient-rich? Do you regularly feed yourself with delicious food, inspiring and humourous company, new goals, and uplifting thoughts and ideas? Your cards will let you know where you need to focus your self-care and shrooms for optimal growth and productivity. Hierarchy vs Partnership Caring for others can be very nurturing. But make sure that you’re not using caring for others is a way to switch your own feelings of unworthiness. Strike a balance between the train others and caring for yourself. This used to be my main struggle and now I feel like I do have a great balance between the two. And practicing every day! Day 25/30 unwind of my 30 day free yoga challenge Namaste 🙏 🧘🏻‍♀️ #yogawithadriene #ywahome #30daysofyoga #freeyoga #yogachallenge #dowhatfeelsgood #findwhatfeelsgood #gowiththeflow #unwind #igniteyourfire #followyourpassion #purposedrivenlife #beobsessedorbeaverage #fitnessrelated #wellnessinfluencer #sweatysuccessfulmoms #mamafitness #momsintofitness #winnerwinner #calmmum #studentforlife #personaldevelopment #lookingforlove #heartshaped #openminded #becomingabetterme #selfcaredaily #dailyritual #teambeachbody #teambeachbodycoach (at London, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zg4K4H2RL/?igshid=115v247a36fwj
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ronijanehernandez · 5 years ago
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Sometimes I find my mind spiraling with thoughts of how sad things are with areas of our world and how some people can experience true turmoil and heartbreak that I can’t even comprehend. ⁣ ⁣ These words sent in an email from my at home yoga instructor @adrienelouise really helped me today. Thank you for this encouragement and reminder.⁣ ⁣ “it is hard to not still recognize the increasing darkness of the outer world. ⁣ ⁣ As the great Emily Dickinson once wrote, ⁣ ⁣ One need not be a chamber to be haunted. ⁣ ⁣ There are times where I read the news or scan my Instagram and I go mad, overwhelmed with worry and grief wondering, ⁣ ⁣ What else can I do?⁣ ⁣ What else?⁣ ⁣ And it’s in times such as these that I remember, it’s okay to not be fulfilled with my answer to that question, but to ultimately learn to trust that I can, and I will, continue to strive to - ⁣ ⁣ Be my best. ⁣ ⁣ If that is what I wake up and choose.”⁣ ⁣ #fwfg #fwfglife #yogawithadriene #ywahome https://www.instagram.com/p/B7PryewBG3r/?igshid=1apkyspfymse4
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lucyklopek · 5 years ago
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itsnirmal888 · 4 years ago
Day 30 #ywahome Yoga with Adriene Jan 2020 | LaLava333_Healing Highway
2 years 1 month of consistent home yoga practice. Celebrating day 30 of Yoga With Adriene Jan 2020 http://lalava333.com Music by Thievery Corporation “The … source
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bellabemore-blog · 5 years ago
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Take a deep breath 🌬 Go through your check list 📝 ◻ Head over heart, heart over pelvis. ◻ Relax the Jaw. ◻ Soften the face. ◻ Tap into the inner smile. ◻ Notice the natural breath, in & out the nostrils. Affirm I'm wide awake 👁 Blessed be wherever you're 🙏🙌 #ywaHOME Day 9 #Vipassana meditation Day 9 Allow the journey to unfold 🌌 Live & Light 💚💜 Namaste 🙏 Bella 🌟 . . . . . . . . . #awaken #awakening #awakened #awakeningisaprocess #awakeningjourney #awakeningjournal #heal #healed #healing #healingjourney #healingjournal #homecoming #healthesoul #innerwork #lightworker #lightwarrior #innerpeace #journeybackhome #truth #mindfulness #zenit #dhamma #yogijourney #trusttheuniverse #spiritualjourney #spiritualladyboss #centred #gowithin via @preview.app https://www.instagram.com/p/B7IpErIhnvA/?igshid=1fpxx8eescdfc
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boosongz-blog · 5 years ago
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Day 29 #ywahome https://www.instagram.com/p/B793k96jjna/?igshid=1ctvzy4syhbld
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