#yuu Nishinoya x reader
corvusphilia · 1 month
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୨ৎ featuring: daichi sawamura, koshi sugawara, asahi azumane, yuu nishinoya, ryunosuke tanaka, tobio kageyama, shoyo hinata, kei tsukishima, tadashi yamaguchi, keishin ukai
୨ৎ notes: first post!! rq are open guys send shit IN (omg haikyuu blog in 2024!!???). also yes i plan on writing crush headcanons for the other teams as well :>
also worth mentioning this is NOT timeskip and reader is implied to be around the same age as the characters (so highschool for most and adult for ukai)
i was gonna write for the girls as well but ive been writing this for the past 4 days and im tired 😭
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He genuinely thinks acting like he's your dad or something is a good way of flirting. Sugawara teases him about it constantly. "Do you want to ask them out on a date or to sign adoption papers?"
And I don't mean it only in the cute way. He will scold you if you forget your jacket or something. But the words quickly catch in his throat when he gives you his and you put it on for the first time. Maybe you should keep forgetting yours, actually. For no reason. No reason at all.
Will bring extra food in case you're still hungry by the end of recess. Even makes mental notes about your favorites. This guy is a GENTLEMAN.
While he does reprimand you, it's nothing like he does to his team or his friends. In fact, he seems to calm down whenever you come into the picture. Nishinoya and Tanaka absolutely take advantage of it.
Suga might be the vice-captain, but the team treats you like the second in command. Doesn't matter if you're not part of the team or even a manager. You're now the second parent by correlation.
Speaking of which, Sugawara and Asahi absolutely play wingmen. Suga will come off a bit too strongly, talking about how Daichi is such a catch and you two would make such a cute couple, while Asahi sounds like he's doing a job interview in Daichi's name, listing all his positive qualities and whatnot. Their hearts are in the right place, at least.
He doesn't hesitate much before asking you out. He doesn't want to risk ruining your friendship, but he doesn't want to live with the regret of what could have been if he gave it a shot, either.
The sun was lazily setting in the horizon, painting the sky pleasant hues of orange and pink. It wasn't unusual for Daichi to walk you home — he insisted on it whenever he had the time, even he meant he would only get to his house past nightfall —, but he was weidly quiet. He smiled calmly when you questioned him on it, giving you a look and a sigh.
He came to a stop, standing in front of you. He took a deep breath before reaching into his bag, grabbing what looked like a note and holding it in both hands before stretching it towards you and bowing politely. His grasp was slightly shaky.
"I've been meaning to ask you this for a while..." He started, his voice soft, keeping his gaze on the ground. Maybe he was just being overly polite, or maybe he was a bit too scared to look you in the eyes. "You make me... incredibly happy, Y/N. I would like to do the same for you. If you'll let me, that is." He finally glanced up, looking at you through his eyelashes and his posture still low, his eyes filled equally with nervousness and hope. "I don't want to leave any doubts, so... I'll just go ahead and say it. Will you be mine?"
This guy is so whipped, it's not even funny. He doesn't even officially ask you out because he makes it so obvious he likes you. Like, c'mon, EVERYONE can tell he wants to marry you already.
The type to run up to you just to give you something he grabbed or bought because it made him think of you. Which happens very often, because he thinks of you all the time.
Very affectionate. Holds your hand whenever you two walk somewhere and hugs you as a greeting and as goodbye. Might even slip in a kiss on your cheek if he's feeling a little silly.
And god forbid some poor bastard mentions your name in a five mile radius of him. This motherfucker will take any chance he can get to yap about how amazing you are and how much he adores you and—
SO supportive. Genuinely, he thinks you're so talented in everything you do. If you have a specific thing you're passionate about, be ready for him to be bragging to everybody about it. More proud of your accomplishments than his own.
Straight up introduces you to people as his significant other after some time. What? He never asked to be your boyfriend? Well, it's not like you were gonna say no anyway, so...
"Y/N!" The cold winter air causes little wisps of smoke to form from his mouth as he runs over to you through the courtyard, an infectious smile on his face. He stops right in front of you, resting his hands on his knees for just a few seconds to catch his breath before holding out a bouquet in your direction. Roses, baby's breath, and cornflowers.
His smile grows even more when you grab it, a snicker escaping him at the slightly flushed look on your face. "So pretty, right? I saw it and thought of you, so obviously I had to get it." He explains, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Don't look at the price tag, I forgot to take it off." He adds.
He waves a hand dismissively at your 'thank you'. "Don't mention it. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't get you something nice every now and then?" He mentions casually, and lets out a thoughtful hum when you mention that you two are, in fact, not officially dating.
"I guess I did never outright say it, huh? That's my mistake." For some reason, he doesn't sound bothered or reluctant at all. Instead, he grabs your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Well, no reason to waste even more time. Come on, let me take you on our first official date."
He doesn't flirt, let's get that out of the way. His idea of hitting on you is looking at you from a distance while praying you have more balls than him and will take initiative.
If you don't really know each other much, he's scared you'll be put off by his appearance and size. If you do, he's scared you think he's too much of a coward and have no interest.
His insecurities play a huge role in his reluctance. He thinks you're so pretty, and smart, and talented, and he's... well, himself. It's almost difficult to tell if he likes you or not, because while he is polite whenever you interact, he acts that way with everyone (who takes the time to actually speak with him, that is), and he actually seems to avoid you whenever possible, too.
Gets desperate enough he asks everyone in the team for advice. Daichi just says to "Be yourself", to which Suga gives him a side eye with a "Yeah, I don't think that'll work" comment, and the two start arguing rather than actually helping the poor guy out.
Nishinoya and Tanaka are... less than helpful, as you might imagine. Kageyama and Hinata don't know the first thing about dating, and he wasn't about to ask Tsukishima, either. Surprisingly (or not), the good advice came from Yagamuchi and Kiyoko.
It basically summed up to the fact that he needs to make his move before someone else does. Nothing too dramatic, but enough to let you know he's serious about it. At the end of the day, they had a 5 steps plan written out.
He had everything set to go, even went as far as to memorize a script he practiced in front of the mirror a few times this morning. However, when he finally stood in front of you, the sun of the afternoon hitting your features just right, his mind went blank.
"Huh..." He was slightly hunched over, absentmindedly fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. He quickly cleared his throat, seemingly remembering he couldn't just stand there looking at you like a creep, and reached inside his bag to pull out a small, heart-shaped chocolate box. He took a deep, shaky breath.
"I-I, huh... I need to tell you something..." He starts nervously, his brown eyes finally meeting yours, filled with fear and sincerity. "I... I've liked you for a while now, and..." That is not the script he planned out. "You're always on my mind. W-when I'm with you, everything just feels right. I don't really know how to say this, I'm probably making a fool out of myself, but... I like you. A lot."
This fucking guy has no shame whatsoever. Quite literally asked you to go out with him before he even told you his name. I firmly believe he's a love-at-first-sight kind of dude.
Now, how things progress depends highly on your reaction. If you're a bit shy, he thinks it's the cutest thing ever, but he will take it down a notch to not make you uncomfortable. Will still flirt, don't get me wrong, but a bit more lowkey. If you just accept or — god forbid — flirt back, he shortcuts. A hot person?? Likes HIM??? WHAT.
Like, all of his previous bravado is out the window if you accept. He flirts with a few people, sure, but he never actually expects to go anywhere. It's just kind of a fact that he's going to get turned down. So when things actually go right he doesn't know what to do anymore.
It doesn't last too long, though. After he takes a few minutes for his mind to process what just happened, he's bouncing off the walls.
SO protective. We've seen it with Kiyoko. Anytime a guy looks at you for just a little too long he's growling and foaming at the mouth. Better keep him from biting anyone's ankles.
"Wow, you're SUPER pretty!" The boy stated enthusiastically, stars in his eyes as he stares at you intently, seemingly trying to commit every detail to memory. You've seen him around, usually near the gym, but it looks like this is the first time he has seen you.
He takes a step closer, determination written all over his face. "Will you go out with me?" He asks a bit loudly and suddenly. When your face flushes, he takes a small step back, chuckling. "Ah— I'm Yuu Nishinoya, by the way! Probably should've said that first."
He nods happily when you introduce yourself as well, his eagerness returning to the surface. "Well, you didn't really answer me, so I'll ask again — wanna go out with me?" He repeats, half cocky half sheepish. However, his entire face falls when you give a positive response.
His eyes are wide and he just stares at you, mouth slightly agape. When you question if he's feeling well, his ears flush red as he seems to have find his voice again. "A-ARE YOU SERIOUS!? You said yes!? Wha— am I dreaming? I'm dreaming, aren't I!?" Despite the disbelief in his voice, he's smiling — a huge, excited, thankful smile. He's not leaving your side anytime soon.
Since I already covered love at first sight with Noya and we've already seen how he's like with Kiyoko, I'm going down a different route: friends to lovers. Also because this specific trope with him makes me SICK /pos.
He's a friendly guy when you get to know him and past his badboy persona, so he has many friends I feel like. He initially treats you like he does the others, being his usual weird ass self we all know and love.
But one time he sees you laugh at one of his shenanigans and he just pauses. Oh. Oh. This is not good.
Have you always been so pretty? I mean, he already knew you were, but this is another level. Now you're like, angelic. Ethereal, even. What just happened.
Immediately runs to Noya because he doesn't know what to do or even think. He just sees you as a friend, right? A close friend. A hot, funny, amazing, kissable friend. Yeah, that doesn't sound right even to him when he says it outloud.
Doesn't take long for him to come to terms with it honestly and the entire team has to hold him back from proposing to you the next time he sees you.
He waits by the classroom's door, an uncharacteristically nervous look in his eyes. He sucks in a sharp breath when the bell rings and you stand from your desk, slinging your bag over your shoulder while making your way to the exit. "Y/N." He calls out to gain your attention, and his face immediately flushes when you look at him.
Your eyes are so beautiful it's unfair. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. "Will you ma—" He pauses, looking at something right behind you. You look back to see Nishinoya half-hiding behind a wall, shaking his head 'No' quickly. Tanaka clears his throat and you look back at him. "... I-I mean, will you... Go out with me? Maybe? Please?"
He sounds almost pleading and a little unsure. He stutters an explanation when he notices your taken aback expression. "I know this came outta nowhere and I know we're like, best buds or whatever, but... God, I really wanna kiss you." His face goes bright red when he realizes what he just said and he starts rambling another flustered excuse. How cute.
A little like Asahi, he just kind of stares at you from a distance and hope you get the hint. Totally unware of the fact he has a major resting bitch face and is looking at you so aggressively it looks like he's thinking about beating your ass after school or something.
Completely oblivious to the fact he likes you. He's never liked anyone before. His entire life has always been volleyball this and volleyball that — he doesn't know the first thing about crushes.
Surprisingly thoughtful, though. The type to get you your favorite drink from the vending machine when he goes to grab his milk box. He doesn't even think much about it, it's just so natural to him.
Also very perceptive. He comes off as an airhead most of the time, but when it comes to volleyball, he's incredibly observant. Now he's the same way with you as well. Always knows what you're feeling before you have to say anything or if you need something.
And that's how everyone else realizes he likes you and tell him about it (because again, he genuinely could not tell that his feelings are romantic on his own. How can someone be so smart and so dumb at the same time).
He's in denial for a good while, but the more he thinks about it, the more sense it makes. Some teammates try to give him advice (because they don't trust him at all to do this by himself), but in the end he ignores all of it and just says what feels right at the time.
"I swear, you'd be helpless without me." He grumbles, dragging you away from the confrontation, his hand firmly but not tightly wrapped around your wrist. Karasuno had a game against another school, and one of the guys from said school apparently thought you were really cute. So much so he was trying everything to get your contact information before Tobio stepped in.
Just thinking about the situation pisses him off. He scoffs, squeezing your wrist slightly, but there's something more than just frustration on his face. Doubt, perhaps? He looks back at you, eyebrows furrowed. "You weren't really thinking about giving him your number, were you?" He asks, his voice almost too soft before it rises in tone again.
"I mean, he's average looking at best, and a shit player, and... And I'm better!" He blurted, cheeks flushing slightly. He averts his gaze, his thumb grazing over your knuckles. "So... Just give me your number, dumbass."
I need to mention, he looks like he's so easy to fall in love with. Like he's so kind and considerate and with a high emotional intelligence. Very much boyfriend material I wish more people would see him like that instead of an uwu baby yk.
Anyway, back on track. I feel like he'd fluctuate between shy and bold a lot. Like, if you flirt or give hints that you might like him back, he's blushing and kicking his feet and shit, but it is very much not uncommon for him to take initiative.
Especially after matches. The adrenaline is still pumping in his veins and he barely even registers that maybe he's being a bit forward.
If you don't know him really well it's a bit difficult to tell that he has feelings because he's just. so nice. to everyone. But if you do, it's hard to miss the tenderness in his eyes everytime he looks at you.
Insists you come to his games. It's simple math in his head: the two things he loves the most (aside from, yknow, his mom and sister and all that) are volleyball and you, so if he can just mix them together, he'll be the happiest guy in the planet.
It was a tough game — Karasuno barely managed to win right during the last set. The winning point was, of course, scored by Shoyo. The crowd was cheering, his teammates screaming loudly and gathering around him, but in the middle of the ruckus, his eyes are fixated on a single someone.
He dodged Nishinoya and Tanaka and, to the team's confusion, ran towards the stands. It wasn't until everyone say you simultaneously running in his direction that they understood what was going on. Shoyo practically pounced on you, wrapping his arms around your torso tightly and doing his best to lift you and give you a little spin, almost knocking both of you to the ground in his attempt.
His smile was bright enough to outshine the sun. He pulled away just a little so he could look you in the eyes, the two of you still intertwined. "Thank you so much for being here!" He exclaimed, like his success was solely due to you — to your presence. The look in his eyes was a little different as he leaned in slightly before hesitating. Daichi called him over so they could formally bid farewell to the other team, and he gave you a final squeeze before reluctantly pulling away. "Wait for me, okay? I'll walk you home today!"
This fucking guy is so in denial. No, I'm serious, he'd rather eat glass than admit that he likes somebody. He's always seen relationships and especially crushes as a waste of time and energy, things he couldn't be bothered to spare.
So he's extra mean when he realizes he likes you. Is it an attempt to push you away? Kind of. Is it because he genuinely kind of hates you for the way you make him feel? A little. Is it because he's secretly an awkward motherfucker that doesn't know a thing about how to be romantic? Mostly.
News flash: it doesn't work, independently of your reaction. If you just ignore him and don't give him a reaction, he's frustrated but grows to respect you even more for dealing with his sassy ass with that much grace. If you get sad, he feels genuinely bad for the first time in his life. If you get angry, turns out you look really damn cute when pissed off and that's not helping his case either. If you sass him back, he might just get on one knee.
So he just... gives up. He still teases and pokes fun at you, obviously, but now it doesn't sound as mean. If anything, it's friendly banter. He can't deny that he enjoys having you around.
It raised some eyebrows when Tsukishima told everyone he was leaving practice early because he was helping you study. Hinata and Kageyama had to practically get on their knees and beg him to tutor them, and even then, he always looked so annoyed doing it. With you, he almost had a little smile on his face. Almost.
He snapped his fingers in front of your face a few times. "Hey, idiot, pay attention." He scolded, pointing back to the open book in front of you. "I'm not explaining it a second time." He added, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms, his long legs stretched out in front of him.
He can't help the small grin that forms on his face when you whine about his 'mean' treatment. "You haven't seen me being mean yet, pipsqueak." He teased, looking down at you through his glasses. He exhales through his nose in an almost-laugh, his voice dropping just barely over a whisper, a tenderness in his tone you're not really familiar with. "You're lucky I kinda like you."
Dude is SO flustered around you, like, constantly. Like can-barely-get-a-sentence-out typa shit. Kei has to verbally smack him and tell him to fucking get it together — he's not gonna win you over by being a wuss (or maybe he will, who knows what you're into).
But that's mostly during the honeymoon stage. After the butterflies in his stomach start to go away, they're replaced by a deep sense of comfort whenever he's around you.
Takeda said that Tadashi would have the least trouble out of everyone when it came to dating and he was RIGHT. This guy is such a sweetie. Always saving you a seat and sharing his lunch with you and just watching out for you in general. He's so considerate :(
You make him not so insecure anymore and that's all he could have asked for. Whenever he messes up or just acts like a dork, he feels his heart drop thinking that he messes up any chance he might have had with you, but when you just smile and reassure him he falls in love all over again.
Tadashi has been profusely apologizing to you for the past fifteen minutes now, no matter how many times you tried to insist that it's fine. He was practicing his serves and you were unfortunate enough to get a ball right to the back of the head, and he rushed you to the nurse's office immediately despite you saying it didn't hurt that much.
"I'm so sorry, I promise it was an accident!" He said for what must have been the third time. There wasn't much that the nurse could do aside from giving you headache medicine and telling you to lie down for a while, and he decided to miss practice so he could stay with you while you rested.
"Does it hurt?" He questioned, his eyes soft and full of worry, and his shoulders tensed a little at your answer of 'kinda'. He grabbed your hand, idly playing with your fingers, either to calm you or himself down. "... I want to make it up to you somehow." He stated gently, not daring to look at you. "... I'll walk you home and buy you a snack from the convenience store, okay? You can ask for whatever you want, no matter the price." He paused, then added with a sheepish smile, "Well... Maybe the price matters a little bit."
Listen. He definitely looks like he has rizz. Does he actually? No. Absolutely not. Like, he has so much negative rizz it does a full spin and actually works out. Absolute man failure.
Deadass the kind to do that yawn and arm around your shoulder thing and think he's nailing it. Like, dude you're not THAT old, c'mon now.
Fluctuates between being a gentleman and just being a scrub a lot. Will open the car door and pull a chair for you only to light up a cigarette and not notice the smoke is going straight in your direction until you start coughing.
He does try, though. Definitely makes an effort to take you on a nice date whenever his money allows it (and sometimes when it doesn't). He's had flings before, sure, but you're special and he doesn't want to mess it up like he always does.
You barely heard the doorbell ringing with the sound of the rain hitting your roof. When you opened it, Keishin stood there, absolutely drenched in a dress shirt and an undone tie around his neck, water dripping down from his hair to his face as he holds out a bouquet in your direction. He sighs deeply.
"I wanted to surprise you, but my car broke down halfway here and then this fuckin' rain hit." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck. You told him to come inside and grabbed him a towel, and he started to dry his hair before sitting on the couch when he was sure he wasn't dripping water all over the place anymore.
He glanced at you, a somewhat guilty look on his face. "... Sorry I messed it up. I wanted to do something nice for once, but..." He trailed off. You sat next to him, a hand on his shoulder as you reassured him it was okay. When you suggested watching a movie since he was already here anyway, he perked up, almost like an invisible tail started wagging behind him. "Really?" He questioned, a bit baffled before trying to hold back a smile as he relaxed next to you, reaching an arm around your shoulders. "... That doesn't sound half bad, doll face."
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© ─ corvusphilia ; do not steal, copy, edit, translate or reupload
thanks for reading!
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mancalledvenus · 5 months
you think i'm pretty?
nishinoya yuu x reader
summary: you and nishinoya are paired together for a class assignment that leads to you asking him for volleyball tips and him asking for your number ^_<
word count: 1.4k
a/n: not proofread and written at 1am so sorry if it's a tough read lmfao i'm trying to clean out my drafts. thank you for reading !
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the school day had dragged on for longer than usual. you sighed as you slumped into your seat for the last class of the day: psychology. the course was probably designed specifically to drain your energy and spoil your mood. that’s what it felt like at least.
your teacher droned on about his weekend for a full ten minutes before announcing to the class he'd be pairing you randomly with one of your peers for the next presentation.
you felt your body start to fill with dread. internally praying you didn't get stuck with someone lazy that made you do all the heavy lifting. you listened carefully for your name as the teacher called them out.
"y/n l/n, you'll be working with nishinoya yuu." he gestured to the boy in the back of the class with his head down on the desk that was clearly not paying attention.
"great." you thought to yourself as you shuffled through the room to the back.
his head snapped up as he heard footsteps coming his way, but relaxed a bit when he realized you weren't the teacher. he sat up fully and leaned back in his chair, giving you a clear view of his face. as you examined his features and sat down in front of him it registered in your head that this was the same boy that played the libero position on your school's volleyball team.
reluctantly you decided to ask him about it. being in volleyball yourself you'd always been curious about his skill and took it as an opportunity.
"are.. are you on the boy's volleyball team?"
his eyes widened and he smiled as he answered your question, "yeah are you a fan?"
you scoffed a little and shook your head, "not exactly, but i've seen you play. i'm the libero for the girls team."
nishinoya had finally seemed to shake off his forced laid-back persona and was noticeably more energetic than before. a side of him that you'd recognized from when you peaked into the boy's gym on more than one occasion while they practiced. even though you told everyone you were there to pick up tips from more 'skilled' players, deep down a part of you kept returning to see the cute boy in the #4 jersey.
"that's awesome! i always see you in here and our chemistry class. had no idea you were into volleyball."
you shrugged and glanced down, "i dunno, i'm kinda new to the team still. i'm not that confident in my skills yet."
nishinoya frowned at your tone and shook his head, "it takes a lot of courage to just step on the court and play. if you're gonna be a good libero you have to make sure you're dependable. you can't be reliable if you're second guessing yourself like that!"
you nodded to yourself silently before looking back up at him. the look on his face was enough to encourage you in of itself. the reassurance from this, well stranger basically, gave you a great feeling of relief and you were starting to feel less burdened with worry.
"that's definitely something to consider," you sighed and rubbed the back of your neck, "still our team is kindaaa... underdeveloped? we're not bad, it's just like we're still figuring everything out, y'know?"
"ohh, yeah i get that." he nodded.
"i wish we had someone with more experience so they could guide me a little or something."
nishinoya nearly jumped out of his seat to lean closer to your face. "i could totally help you!" the volume of his voice caused the pair sitting near you to glare at you both a little irritated, but you didn't notice and neither did he. "i'm so down to help you out- especially if it'll benefit the team too! you guys gotta rep us at the girl's tournaments.. i didn't catch your name also, i'm so sorry."
"it's y/n," you laughed at his enthusiasm. "i wouldn't wanna burden you too much, but that sounds like a lot of fun."
"please, i'd be lucky to get to play with someone as pretty as you. i'm getting sick of my teammate's faces honestly."
you laughed again and bit the inside of your cheek trying to withhold an uncontrollable smile.
"you think i'm pretty?"
nishinoya's face turned red. he had a habit of running his mouth without thinking and even though he'd flirted with girls relentlessly before, something about you made him extremely flustered. maybe it was the way you'd been staring into his eyes? the way you’d been listening to him so attentively as he was talking?
god you’d barley said a few sentences to him and you were already making him sweat. how come he hadn’t noticed how close you were until a few seconds ago? was he really that zoned out talking about volleyball?
"i.. uhm, i mean.." he tensed up with his arms glued to his sides, "you can't really blame me for saying it, you're gorgeous.."
"wow he's forward." you thought quietly, still processing what he'd said. there was nothing but silence from the two of you and all you could focus on was how your heart clenched every time his eyes connected with your's.
unable to talk without stuttering all you could offer him in that moment was a flustered smile which he returned with a quiet laugh. gaining more coincidence he finally broke the silence, "y/n?"
just as you were about to recover from his previous remark, him saying your name was enough to completely knock you back off your feet.
"would you let me take you out sometime?"
"FUUCKKK HE'S SO CUTE." you raved internally. you got swept up in your thoughts again before panic started to settle in at the realization that you needed to actually reply to him.
blushing and astonished at his sudden bold behavior, what was intended to be words came out as a collection of incoherent mumbles, "you- wha.. you? you and me? imeanthatwouldn't- i.. serious.. really?"
"i'll take that as a maybe," he chuckled and grabbed his pen from off his notebook, "if that's too much of a commitment could i at least get your number?"
the stupid shit-eating grin on his face gave the impression he knew exactly what your next actions would be; and he did. you reached across the desk for the pen he held out to you and shyly smiled to yourself as you began to write your number on the back of his other hand he had stretched out to you as well. you gripped it softly and etched the numbers on his skin.
the minute you finished writing he pulled his hand to his face swiftly. his eyes practically twinkling in excitement as he admired your penmanship.
his eagerness as he whipped his phone out of his pocket and began copying the numbers made you giggle, "why didn't you just hand me your phone in the first place, silly?"
"honestlyy," he began and you rolled your eyes realizing he was about to say something annoyingly charming and dumb, "i really only wanted you to hold my hand.. at the end of the day i am a simple man." the threw his hands up as he explained himself.
"you're so stupid." you held his pen in your teeth to chew on the cap. "i'm keeping your pen for that."
"i'll give you every pen i can find if that's all it costs."
you blushed a bright shade of pink and pushed his head down so he's looking downward at the desk, "n-nishinoya. we haven't started the assignment." you brushed his comment off and tried desperately to get him to pay attention to the papers sprawled across his desk.
the remainder of the class was him flirting with you and you trying not to completely lose your shit while also trying to get your work done (you guys didn't even finish reading the instructions).
after school during the boy's practice.
"TANAKA. I DID IT I GOT HER NUMBER!!" noya nearly ran over hinata and yamaguchi running to find his friend.
tanaka's eyes followed the sound of the familiar voice to find noya rushing through the door, "Huh, who's? ..Y/N'S?"
"YEAH!! i played it sooo cool too. i pretended to not know her name and everything! seriously, every time she looked at me i almost died. her smile bro- her smile is sooo pretty-"
"prettier than mine?" tanaka smiled and folded his arms while listening to his rambling.
"don't interrupt me!" noya huffed before continuing, "she plays volleyball! did you know? god i got her number!"
"it was about time my man!" the two shook hands as their giddy shouts echoed throughout the gym.
almost immediately they were shushed by ukai for being too loud then scolded again by daichi then laughed at by yamaguchi and tsukishima, but in that moment nothing anyone could say to him would put a dent in nishinoya's mood.
the end !
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sixosix · 2 years
nishinoya yuu loves his teammates.
he adores shouyou, yamaguchi, and kageyama. (tsukishima is only slowly growing on him.) point is, he loves his junior teammates dearly, and would gladly win and lose every tournament if it means just being with them.
but right now? it almost doesn’t feel that way.
you shift nervously, hoping hinata wouldn’t turn around and see the almost poisonous glare nishinoya is drilling on the back of his head. you can see the smoke coming from his ears.
“um.” you feel sweat trickle down the side of your face on hinata’s behalf. “hinata-kun…”
“huh?” says hinata, so painfully oblivious. he tilts his head, asking, “is that a no? it’s okay if you don’t know how to, i can teach you!”
someone gasps from the sidelines.
an unreadable look passes over nishinoya’s face. you almost laugh at how much he’s resembling a disgruntled kitten.
“i know how to, hinata-kun, it’s just that—”
“shouyou,” says nishinoya sternly, a shadow cast across his face, “please stop flirting with the love of my life.”
hinata’s face drains of color so fast you almost reach out in case he faints right then and there. “nishinoya-senpai!” he cries, horrified, “is it against the—the bro… bro… conduct…? contract?”
“the bro code,” yamaguchi helpfully supplies.
“the bro code!” hinata continues. “is it against the bro code to teach someone’s significant other volleyball?”
“it is very intimate,” tanaka agrees, nodding. “i wouldn’t cross that line even on those damn city boys!”
“since when was there a bro code?” sugawara wonders.
“what’s a bro code?” kageyama looks lost, and a little miffed he’s missing out on what seems to be another rule about volleyball he doesn’t know.
“because!” nishinoya yells, catching the attention of just about everyone in the court. “because i don’t want any of you wooing y/n-chan! only i get to look cool in front of y/n, okay? not even you, shouyou.”
hinata nods, taking his mistake seriously.
“yuu,” you laugh, exasperated and hopelessly fond, “there’s no need for all that. only you look the coolest in my eyes.”
nishinoya freezes, jaw hanging wide open. it is impossible, realistically, but everyone watches in awe as an arrow in the shape of a heart strikes him right on his chest.
“y-y/n…” he sobs, sprinting over to you until you’re tackled. but you’re too used to his antics so you just hold him up awkwardly, unfazed. “i love you! would you really let me teach you volleyball?”
this seems extremely important for nishinoya, so you play along and pretend to consider it. “hmm, i don’t know,” you muse, and nishinoya holds his breath. “are you a good teacher?”
“he is!” tanaka agrees immediately, the number one wingman.
“nishinoya-senpai is the best teacher!” and hinata means it, too. “you’re so lucky, y/n-san!”
“i’m touched to have this honor, then,” you laugh. 
“i love you guys! i’m treating you ice cream tomorrow!” nishinoya continues sobbing and preening from the praise. he turns to you, pointing with a finger. “i’m not going to make you regret choosing me!”
you find it sweet that nishinoya is more than happy to let you in on his favorite sport. he seems overjoyed of the thought of you and volleyball combined. “of course, yuu. i’m looking forward to it.”
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this is so stupid HAHAHA i swear it’s like i forgot how to write anymore. i didnt even want to do my fancy format bc i cant think of a title for this
is this a good time to post? no. am i gonna do it anyway so i can slowly make my way back to the algorithm before posting longer fics even though this’ll flop? absolutely yes.
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guitarstringed-scars · 2 months
the ravens eye diner- yuu nishinoya
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it’s easy to pick favorites. especially working in a diner, where you have a large amount of regulars and only a few who are good. you like plenty of your regulars, but you have a few favorites, and one all-time favorite. that would be nishinoya yuu.
the first time you met him, it was your first year of university. it was his first (and last) year too. he ordered a glass of lemonade, and joked around with you for a while after you brought it to him. you couldn’t bring yourself to leave his table after he started talking to you, telling you stories of how he used to play volleyball, and how he knew tanaka (he supplied you with plenty of embarrassing stories). eventually, he paid his check and left.
but he always came back. every few days, noya would find himself sitting in your section, sometimes bringing his homework (which he never got done, he was always too distracted talking to you), sometimes he brought old photos from high school, but most times, he just brought himself.
noya very quickly became your favorite regular, and you very quickly became his favorite server. anytime he would come in and you’d be off, he’d simply leave (eventually he got your phone number to make sure you’d always be his server).
you knew noya was struggling in school. it had come up a few times, and you noticed his rarely complete homework. you also knew noya wasn’t the kind of person to stay in one place. so you weren’t surprised when he told you his plan.
“i’m dropping out.” he said, tapping his straw on the table, pushing it out of the paper wrapper. you laughed lightly at first, until you looked at him and realized he was serious. you felt your stomach drop.
“you’re serious.” you said, biting the inside of your cheek.
he nodded.
“i leave for italy in two days.”
you try not to let your disappointment show.
“that’s exciting.” you said, forcing a smile. “what are you gonna do there?”
“you’re upset.” he said, seeing through you.
“no, im happy for you.” you said. it was true.
“yeah, but you’re still upset.”
“i’m just gonna miss you.”
“i’ll come back. you know i’ll come back.” he said.
it almost felt like your husband was leaving for war, that you knew he was going to die, but it’s nothing like that. he was simply a customer going to travel.
“i know.” after noya paid his check that day, he stood up from the table and wrapped his arms around you, pressing your head on his shoulder. you almost felt yourself tear up.
“i’ll call you.” he cheered as the door shut behind him, waving wildly through the glass window.
the times where noya was there were like sunshine, bright rays peeking through an overcast sky. the rainbows the reflections on the window made. a glass of iced lemonade.
the times when he was gone were the opposite. gray skies, stale coffee, and nothingness.
every shift felt like it dragged on for eternity. you’d get home from your classes and work, and wait for a call. it always came. noya would excitedly fill you in on what he’d seen in italy, what he was doing, who he had met. you had nothing interesting to fill him in on.
time passed, a month, maybe it was two. and eventually, noya was back sitting in your section, ordering a lemonade.
as you set down the glass, he grins, stands up and wraps you in another hug. you’ve decided you like hugs from noya.
“how long are you back for?” you mumbled into his ear. he pulled apart from the hug, sitting back down.
“only a couple days, then i’m off to iceland. i have something for you.” he said, rummaging in his bag sat next to him. eventually, he pulls out a post card.
“y’know, you’re supposed to send these from the place you’re at.” you say, taking the card as he hands it to you.
you admire the front, a painting of the seaside, before flipping it over.
“yeah, i didn’t know your address.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
you read the card, struggling with noyas messy handwriting.
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“thank you.” you say, laughing slightly at his obvious lie in writing. noya grins.
the rest of the week, noya is at the ravens eye. you learn he’s staying with tanaka before he leaves again. he spends every meal there, talking and laughing with you. the week is perfect. even though you are working, you feel truly happy. but, you know it’s coming to an end.
he hugs you again before he leaves, and the diner is back to being dull.
it stays dull for a month and a half, and then the sunshine begins to peek out from the clouds once again.
noya is back, sipping lemonade at your table. he has another post card with him.
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you hang it up on your wall next to the last one.
“go dancing with me tonight?” he asks as you clear the plates from his table. noya has just finished his third meal in a row at the ravens eye.
“okay.” you say, checking your watch. “i’m off in 20 minutes.”
“i know.” he grins.
noya hangs around until you are off, and you change into your spare clothes. its pretty late already, and the two of you walk down the dimly lit streets.
noya leads you to a door, which leads you to a staircase, which leads you to a small jazz bar. the music is loud, and the room is packed.
“how’d you even find this place?” you ask him, yelling slightly over the music.
“luck!” he says, grinning back at you.
his regularly gelled up hair has fallen slightly, into a more messy look. he looks good. he grabs your hand and drags you to the center of the room. the two of you dance to the music, jumping around, sweat building on your faces. the piano player begins her solo, and you truly feel the music in your soul. finally tapping out, noya and you step out into the cool night air.
“you’re leaving again tomorrow, aren’t you?”
noya looks surprised.
“how’d you know?” ”you wouldn’t have asked me out if you weren’t.” you sit down on the curb. noya sits down next to you. “where are you headed next?” you ask, resting your chin on your knees.
“australia.” he says, looking up at the stars. you hum to yourself.
“i really like you y/n.”
you don’t know what to say at first, thinking for a moment.
“i really like you too noya.”
he walks you home, and hugs you goodbye. neither of you want to let go, but you do.
life is back to dull.
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𖦹₊⊹fun facts⊹₊𖦹
-noya originally came to the ravens eye to visit tanaka but he quickly found a new favorite employee
-noya really wanted to get your address for the second postcard, but he forgot so now he's committed to just bringing them back for you.
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taglist: @wyrcan @nbcvs @froyaoya @mylahrins @wizardhore
@chloiyoomi @causenessus @bubooo @lvtilzs @nishayuro
@diorzs @19calicos @seookki @chososcamgirl @euphorora
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calkills · 3 months
A Midterm Meltdown
a haikyuu college smau ! (btw it's a harem so we got all the favorite boys, dw. there will be a different ending for each boy)
warnings for the whole series / swearing , suggestive at times but nothing explicit , heavy pining , college people being college people , drinking , smoking
chapter I - fumbling the bag
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If you had a quarter for every time you were hit on at the campus vending machine you would have 2 quarters, which is weird that it's getting so common.
standing near the big machine by the exit door of the large campus, you fumble with the small bag of change you keep in your backpack as you pull some out to put in the big box. metal coins clinking against it being the only noise around, spare for the light laughter of friends walking in the back, others sat at the fountain in the middle of campus talking over lunch.
pulled back into reality by a cough from your right side you blinked owlishly before turning your head, being met face to- well, chest as the figure began to speak while you turned your head up to look at the man.
"hi, um. you're really pretty." eyes carding over his features, you barely heard what he said as you took notice of his black and white locks, a slight wave to them as they hung in his face, damp due to the heat though it was barely a few days into May. what really struck you was his bright yellowish eyes seeming like an animal that you couldn't quite place. trying to ignore the way his full cheeks had an almost unnoticeable glow as you piece together words in your mind to respond after realizing you were taking too long to.
"oh, thank you. you too." those were the only words you were able to make sense of in your head before the whirring of the vending machine let you know that your drink had been dispensed. whipping your head back over you reach down to grab the melon flavored Ramune that was surely shaken up from its fall. standing up and facing the eccentric looking guy in front of you, you gave him a respectful and curt bow before walking past him, now taking notice of his friend who stood just a bit behind. looking up from his phone he gave a nod of his head as you did the same, his short black hair shifting on his head and his striking greenish-blue eyes unblinking as he looked back down to his phone, brows furrowed as he stared at the device like it was holding his sister hostage.
as you passed the two men you furrowed your brows and bit your bottom lip in embarrassment, mentally punching yourself in the face as you trailed down the sidewalk, damned drink in hand. finally pulling up to your dorm you jiggled the key through the lock and let out the worlds loudest sigh, slamming the door open.
an orange haired boy jumped slightly as he stayed in his seat and never broke his eyes from the volleyball game that was playing on the small TV near him. he sat on the 2 seater couch placed underneath his bed on his side of the room. he could tell that the girl was in her feelings and was in one of those moods where if he looked over at her and made eye contact she might fold him over three ways to Sunday. so instead of imploring her issues too deeply he simply asked, "what's up with you?"
practically throwing your bag on the ground near your bed and crawling onto it, spread eagle on your back, you groaned and spoke, "a whole grown man came up to me at the vending machine and said I was pretty and I said 'you too' and left. he was so fine too.." rubbing your hands over your face and letting out a whine, you reach for your phone to absentmindedly find something to distract you from the insane fumble just moments earlier.
silently reaching to hand Hinata your Ramune to open the carbonated drink you unlock your phone and scroll Twitter. the boy takes the beverage and pops the marble down into it, slightly fizzing at the pressure. his eyes still focused on the game in front of him as he silently handed it back to you before mumbling, "that shit's tragic, [name].."
"fuck you..." you replied back before your eyes stuck on a post, the person in the profile picture seemingly so familiar as you read it over before you recognize the two as the ones from the vending machine.
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unactive-shroom · 3 months
Haikyuu boys as tiktok pranks
CHARACTERS: Nishinoya & Kenma,
a.n. As always - requests are open! It's been so so long and I feel like I'm in lockdown again but the Haikyuu phase is strong as ever. Enjoy!
"Would you still love me as a worm?"
You shifted in his arms slightly. "Mm, yeah probably. Depends how long though."
You felt him nod, his chest rising and falling in time with his slight laughter. "Well, probably forever. It's kinda a permanent situation-"
"No, Noya, I mean how long the worm is."
A few moments of silence passed before you continued. "Well, I suppose you're on the short side anyways so you probably wont have to worry about it."
He sat up, almost knocking you off the couch. "Probably?! And what do you mean I won't have to worry about it?? I'll be the longest worm ever and you'll hate it."
Frowning, you maneuvered yourself off his legs and onto a more stable part of the couch. "Um, no, you'll be teeny tiny and I'll love you forever and keep you in a little bottle cap."
He mirrored your frown, and pointed at you. "You will not keep me in a bottle cap, you'll have to get a, like..." He faltered, making wild gestures with his hands. "...a jar or a skyscraper or something."
"Dont point at me! You're actually so wrong, you'll only be this size." you loomed toward him, showing him the tiny distance between your thumb and finger. He gasped dramatically and clutched his heart, before retaliating once more.
It was very likely that this quarrel would continue for at the very least, another half hour or so, but likely the worm references would continue for the next few weeks, confusing anyone who tried to understand what you were even arguing about anymore.
(Laughing like spongebob at him)
"So then Kuroo had to spike but completely missed, he slipped and fell just like-"
"blahahahhahahaha" (chat you know what i mean idk how to write spongebobs laugh phonetically)
Absoloute silence. Kenma turns to look at you with literal horror and fear etched across his face.
"....what was that?" he asked incredulously. "Did you just - was that a spongebob laugh? How do you even do that?"
"blahahahaha ! Stop, Kenma, you're so funny I don't know what you're talking about" At this point he was standing, head tilted and a look of pure shock and disbelief. "No. No, I'm not doing this."
You watch him get up and head for the door - "Wait, wait, Ken I'll stop, promise" you gasped between fits of laughter, in some attempt to bring back your terrified boyfriend.
After some coaxing, he sat down on the bed a good distance away from you.
"Promise you won't do that ever again."
"Aww, I promise."
"I'm serious, y/n! That was like, inhumane - no human should make that sound."
He flopped back onto the soft duvet, looking genuinely stressed. "I actually think you triggered my fight or flight response or something, that was messed up."
You sidled up beside him, wrapping a comforting arm aound him. "Don't worry, we're all afraid of something, Kenma."
"I am NOT scared of spongebob! I honestly think I'm scared of you now, though."
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nowoyas · 5 months
darlin' i got your number now - nishinoya yuu/reader
m.list - read on ao3
A/N: I'mma keep it real with you chief it is finals week in my last semester of college and I have a five page paper due saturday I haven't started on but I took the time to bless you with porn instead and advance the noya agenda. you're welcome. my bachelor's degree, at least, will thank me, if no one else will.
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Summary: On your day off, you spend some time cleaning and getting caught up in old memories. Your boyfriend gets home from work and helps you make a new one with your old school uniform.
Warnings: SMUT, noya has a senpai kink, he fucks you in your old school uniform, reader is afab and described as having breasts
Word count: 1700+
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Four months ago, you moved in with your long-term boyfriend, and you couldn’t be happier. Sure, Noya is… an acquired taste, we’ll say, but he’s bright and sweet and always finds little ways to let you know he loves you. It’s hard to be mad at the mess that now permeates your living space when you wake up in the morning to needy kisses and no room for even a shred of doubt that you are wanted.
That being said, on a day like today—him out at his part-time job, you with no classes or shifts at your own job scheduled—you can’t help but try to fight the mess, just a little bit. An early morning, prodding Noya out the door because no, your landlord won’t accept “I wanted to stay in bed with my beautiful girlfriend” from him as a reason why rent is late, leads to restless looks not just at the piles of clothes scattering the floor, but at the overflowing laundry basket, the disorganized closet, the scattered boxes here and there that you still haven’t gotten around to unpacking. By lunchtime, you’ve made your to-do list and started working down the items on the list—throw in laundry first, tidy up, unpack the shit from your move that still needs to be unpacked so you can get the boxes out of the corner.
Of course, you get distracted. Laundry in the washer and not on the floor means, wait a minute, you can clean the floors now without too much trouble, and long story short, by the time Noya’s shift would be ending, you’re panicking a little because you still haven’t started on the boxes you need to unpack. You fly into the room, grab the first box you find—mementos—and are immediately slapped in the face with nostalgia.
To be fair, this is why you saved unpacking boxes for last.
On the top of the box, in pristine condition, staring back up at you, is your old uniform from when you went to Karasuno.
You’d been a year below Noya, gotten roped into managing the volleyball team. Mostly just gone along with it to have something to do after school, and then gone along with it because hey, their libero was kind of cute and they were overall pretty fun to hang out with. On his last day before he graduated, he’d asked you out, and of course you’d said yes, thrilled to not be losing your beloved senpai to the cruelty of time just yet.
Lost in memories, a little delirious from all the cleaning, your first coherent thought is I wonder if it still fits?
But you don’t get distracted again. You’ve got a lot to get done.
So anyways, you hear the front door closing and your boyfriend wandering through the apartment just as you’re remarking on the fact that, apparently, judging by the cries of pain the buttons on your chest seem to be making, your boobs have gotten a bit bigger since you last wore this uniform. No matter—you tug on the vest, slide into the blazer as you hear your boyfriend call out to you.
“Did you clean up a little today, baby?”
His voice is getting closer, and you realize, as he opens the bedroom door the rest of the way, that it probably looks a little weird to be standing in the middle of your room, several years out of high school, staring at your reflection in your full-length mirror to appraise your uniform. “Yeah,” you reply, looking at him reflected in the mirror. He’s stood still in the doorway, eyes suddenly wide. “I had the time and it was getting a little cluttered in here. Thought it’d be nice to actually get some of this shit unpacked. How was work?“
His eyes are burning, raking over your body. You guess the skirt is a little too short now—you’ve filled out over the years, and, well, Noya has never really been able to resist you in a short skirt. You can actually see him swallow. “What are you wearing?”
“My old uniform? I found it in one of these boxes and thought I’d see if it still fit me. Answer: not really.”
The next thing you know, you’re being pressed up against the wall, his mouth against yours, and—oh.
He’s hard.
He pulls away just enough to nearly growl against your lips: “Did one of the guys tell you?”
“…no,” you reply, more confused than innocent. “Tell me what?”
“You’re actually just that perfect?” He laughs, sounding delirious. He captures your lips again, needy as his hands come to rest on your hips. “Amazing.”
“Noya, baby, you’re gonna have to give me a little context for what’s got you so revved up,” you tease. “What’s going on in that empty head of yours?”
He kisses you breathless before he’s willing to answer. “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about fucking you in this uniform.”
You laugh, rest your forehead against his shoulder as your own shake with laughter. “Okay, I’ll bite. How many times?”
“Think every time I saw you in it?” He presses open-mouthed kisses against your exposed neck, urgent as he intersperses little nips here and there. You try not to gasp or wriggle too much at the ministrations—it’s more fun when he thinks he has to work harder to get you as worked up as he is.
Your hand winds into his hair, dropping your head back to let him access you a bit better. “Every time? I was being so innocent, working hard for the volleyball club and looking up to you, and you were thinking about fucking me? You’re such a pervert, senpai.”
The fingers gripping your waist twitch, and then he’s biting you properly with a growl.
“Thought about you calling me that while I did it, too.”
You’re learning so much today, you realize with a swoop in your stomach.
You drag a hand down his chest, find his hard-on with practiced ease. “We can arrange something, I think.”
He hisses at the touch, rolls his hips into your hand. “Fuck.”
Noya grabs your wrist, gentle but unyielding, and pins both against the wall with the one hand. His other slides up, under your vest, searching for the buttons at your chest. He pauses when he finds them—it takes almost no effort to slip his hand in to grope you over your bra. “You didn’t even bother buttoning the top?”
“Doesn’t fit anymore,” you gasp out when he runs a thumb over your nipple. Damn thin t-shirt bras. “It was buttoned, at least.”
“Uh huh.”
He pulls back, releases you just enough to tug the vest off, flinging it somewhere in the room and putting you properly on display for him, buttons undone so he can easily access your tits. He leans down, pulls one out of both bra and half-unbuttoned shirt just so he can tease you with his mouth.
He grows impatient before long—wandering hands snake beneath your skirt, grope your ass hurriedly only to swipe over your panties. Noya groans into your flesh. “You’re so wet already.”
“Well, someone came home and decided to ruin me—“
“Oh, I’ll ruin you, alright,” he declares. In the next moment—he was always too fast—he’s on his knees, pressing his nose against your clothed sex and inhaling.
See, that’s another thing you like about him.
He’s such a pervert.
He takes the chance to mark up your thighs, lathes his tongue over your wet panties instead of taking the time to at least pull them aside.
“You’re so perfect,” he breathes. “So fucking gorgeous. Look at this. Look at you.” This time, he pulls your panties to the side to plant his mouth on your pussy and suck harshly at your clit. You whine, tug at his hair.
“You already know what to call me,” he chides. His head is buried under your skirt—two fingers dip into your sex and begin to frantically pump.
“God, I can’t take it. I’m sorry, you’re too perfect, I—“
And there’s the athleticism rearing its head, because he’s got you underneath him and on the floor in two seconds flat, grinding his cock against you in desperation. “You’re going to have to wear this again for me, beautiful. Need you to. I’ll literally die if you don’t.”
Whatever response you were going to give catches in your throat—it takes him no time at all to get his dick out, pull your panties aside, and slide into you in one sharp thrust.
“You’re so good. Such a sweet little kouhai. Used to feel so bad about it—other girls were pretty, but I couldn’t stop thinking about pulling you into the equipment storage and lifting that short little skirt—“ he grunts as he sets his pace.
You whine. Before long, you can’t help but wrap your legs around his waist, clinging to him any way you can just to stay in your body with the way he’s fucking you breathless.
“—think every time you called me “senpai” it took me at least fifteen minutes to recover—“
“Senpai,” you respond, more a moan than an attempt to say anything coherent, and his hips stutter.
“Yeah, like that,” he laughs. “Exactly like that.”
“Fuck—please, senpai, harder—need you—“
He growls again, arms shaking as he drills into you. It’s all you can do to keep holding on, keep whimpering into his ear while he has his way with you. When he cums, it’s harder than you’ve seen him cum in a long time, pulling out of you just to paint hot ropes across your now fully-askew uniform. He reaches between you, rubs at your clit frantically until you see stars.
When you’re both satisfied, he collapses face-first into your tits, winds his arms around your waist. Mumbles something you cannot begin to comprehend with your head still spinning.
“Love you, senpai,” you mumble back.
The arms around your waist tighten. He lifts his head just enough to be comprehensible. “If you’re going to keep calling me that, I’m going to have to demand a round two.”
“Next time, I’ll try to find your old jersey.”
That comment earns you a few more rounds and the decisive undoing of all the cleaning you’d gotten done today.
Worth it.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
If you'd like to be tagged, let me know via any contact method and let me know what you'd like to be tagged in (eg. character-specific, all works, all smut works, etc.). If your url appears on this list but is not underlined/you didn't get a notification, please ensure your blog is set to appear in search results in your blog settings! If you've got it set not to for some particular reason, consider subscribing on my ao3 for an update notification, as I always crosspost on ao3 simultaneously. After three unsuccessful tagging attempts, you will be removed from the taglist.
As always, thank you for reading!
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
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daddy! nishinoya who heals your inner child and daddy issues .
daddy! nishinoya who messages your back to soothe you. he remembers how much you love physical affection so he makes sure to give you as much affection as he can. "C'mere! Let's cuddle some more!"
daddy! nishinoya who kisses you whenever he sees you. "Y/n! I missed you!"
daddy! nishinoya who gets very jealous when you're speaking to someone, he knows you're very beautiful and you do get the attention of people. "Hmph... I don't like the way he was lookin' at you,"
daddy! nishinoya who listens to you rant, trying his best to cheer you up in any way. "Wanna go get ice cream, sweetheart?"
daddy! nishinoya who cuddles you when you cry, holding you close to him. he doesn't care if you think your crying is ugly, he still finds everything about you attractive.
daddy! nishinoya who can't stop talking about you to everyone, especially his friends. "Hinata! I'm telling you! I'm gonna marry her!"
daddy! nishinoya who babies you (pinches your cheeks, tickles you, and adores you)
daddy! nishinoya who comes home with flowers for you everyday.
daddy! nishinoya who eats you out until you're crying, watching your legs shake. his goal is to make you feel good, nothing more. "Y/n! Sit on my face and tell me about your day!"
daddy! nishinoya who let's you pull his hair and leave marks on him. "A-ah~ O-okay, slow down baby~"
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a/n: gosh! I've been so busy^^ but! I'll post more content soon! i take suggestions ! this was suggested by @sarvednya !
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bubooo · 2 months
↬ rock candy
prev | 3 ↬ miya meetup | next
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✧ rocking facts :
MIYA MEETUP 🗣️🗣️ a sacred weekly tradition between the three miyas since they don’t always have time to see each other (especially since osamu attends a different school, atsumu has volleyball on top of school and yn has school and work to worry about) so usually they’ll make sure they have absolutely no plans every sunday and have a sibling bonding day
noya was only a little jealous,,, only slightly,,,
yn hasn’t really talked much abt guys since high school because she’s kinda in love w noya so when she did start talking abt the guy at the restaurant noya realized just how easily he can lose her
maybe this will finally spark some action on noya’s part,,, maybe he’ll finally make a move,,,
i love angst 😸😸😸 the ladies r fighting
when yn and noya were texting yn had just gotten back to the apartment and noya was at the gym finishing up a solo vball practice
↬ a/n : hey guys!! hello everyone!! how is everyone doing i hope everyone is so well it’s such a lovely day why would you have any reason to be anything but great!! anyways the next chapter is already partially written so it will be out tomorrow or something probably- anyways i hope i wrote the argument between noya and yn okay i wasn’t really sure how to word it to make it seem like they were both in the wrong (noya kinda bossing yn around and coming off as overbearing and yn getting so defensive and not seeing noya had good intentions??)
# taglist : @eujoana89 @loveelylacey @walllflowerrrsss @le000xxgrd @punkhazardlaw @csbnova @jaynawayna @hyenagoated @lvtilzs @nbcvs @nyxlai @kazunish @dawnisatotalqueen (send an ask to be added !! for my sanity LMAO)
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keelsforreals · 2 months
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nishinoya x f!reader
!!! - childhood friends to enemies to lovers, university!au, language, angst, this list will update with the fic
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introductions: coming soon
chapter 1: coming soon
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synopsis: years and years of a "causal" relationship, broken by moving plans and wanting a fresh start. what the two don't know is that they've both been thinking of each other the whole time, through meaningless hookups and new friends. whenever they were alone, their minds always went back to the other.
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solaarbeeam · 2 months
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Walking in public with Nishinoya Yuu is odd to the outside perspective for two reasons.
One, you’re way taller than him. Two, the style of dressing was completely different.
Nishinoya, is clad in a pair of baggy jeans, beat up high tops, a hoodie that reads ‘Guardian Deity’ on the back that the Karasuno First Years (Yachi included) had gotten for his birthday, and black headphones around his neck.
You, on the other hand, completely contrast the outfit he’s wearing, and it’s making people stare. It’s totally uncomfortable.
“Meh, let them stare. They’re just made they saw someone totally awesome wearing better clothes than them and got jealous!” He jumps up and down, which gets a chuckle out of you.
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- If we’re going to be honest here, Noya is totally the kind of person to be peeved about people taller than him. He literally gets pissed when someone gets at him for his height.
- Of course, what he doesn’t have in height, he makes up for it in two ways. One, volleyball, and two, being in a relationship with you.
- The first thing that he said when he saw you for the first time, was “God fucking damn.”
- Now, he’s seen some pretty tall people in his lifetime. His own kouhai being some of them, and Amanai, Tanaka’s childhood friend.
- But you were different.
- He’s seen you in the hallways of Karasuno before. Most people just know you as ‘that one kid who doesn’t really wear the uniform’, and they aren’t wrong in that sentiment, but not completely right either.
- All you did was style the uniform to fit your style more. He was captured by the look.
- And you were tall. Way taller than he was. Somehow, that just drove him further towards you.
- He was worried of coming off as weird, especially with his height. Even if he’s tried his best to have people ignore his height for the person he actually is, it’s not going to stop people from drawing their own conclusions.
- Until you, naturally.
- He got intimidated by your style of choice, to the graphics on your shirt to the chains and clips, shit, he had no idea what to do.
- He didn’t want you to think he was lame or anything, so he actually tried to start dressing like you. Key word being tried.
- He failed miserably. You on the other hand, simply laughed at his antics and decided that you’d give him a try.
- If we’re going to be honest, Noya was indeed a little miffed about having an S/O that was taller than him. He can’t help it! However, he slowly but surely came to terms with it and now he simply doesn’t care.
- His S/O is like a giant model! You stand out from the others with how you dress! You look stunning, amazing, show stopping, and drop dead gorgeous! All Monster High slang intended! (Okay I’m sorry moving on-)
- During post-timeskip, his instagram follows go up by like 10K each day just because of you. Of course, he travels everywhere, and on the trips he takes you on, it’s like two million likes per post.
- All in all, pre and post timeskip Nishinoya Yuu loves his S/O, loves the way your style fits you, love how it contrasts to his, and anybody who wants to say otherwise can fight him.
- Also, please piggyback him places. He likes heights more than solid ground.
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this was a request from kenji <33 i hope its to ur liking, if there’s anything I missed or something you wanna see i’ll make a pt 2
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asena-graywolf · 11 months
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Click here for Part 2 Click here for Part 1 -------------------------------------
Sex Sessions III
Nishinoya encouraged you to lie down on the floor.
"Come on, beauty. Let's get this done"
You lay on your back on the carpet with some excitement and some fear in you. Since your bare back wasn't directly touching the ground, you didn't feel any chills.
Before Nishinoya laid down on top of you, he took off his boxers, which were the only piece of clothing he had left. His boxers fell down his legs, revealing his big, thick cock.
It wasn't the first time you saw your boyfriend's dick, but you were a little scared because that big thing was going to enter you soon. He took his hard cock in his hand and looked at you with a grin.
"I can't wait to put this thing inside you"
You responded to him in the same way to reassure yourself a little.
"I can't wait to feel that thing inside me."
Nishinoya knelt down, sensing your approval. He was about to grab your knees and spread your legs, when you realized the most important thing was missing.
"Noya! Just a second''
While he was going to go on a dizzying pleasure journey with you, he tried to understand why you hesitated at the last moment.
''What happened?''
''Condom. Do you have a condom with you?"
Nishinoya lightly slammed his palm on his forehead
''Of course! How could I forget something like this?"
She stood up again and took a condom from the bedside table drawer. He opened the package and put the condom on his erect and hard dick.
"It's done!" he said as if he had completed the task.
At that time, you played with your wet slit with two fingers. In a way, you were preparing for him to come inside you. After putting on the condom, he came back to you and bent down in front of you. He placed his hands on your closed legs
"Yes baby, you will say goodbye to your virginity soon. "Is there anything you want to say before you lose your virginity?"
''No. I just wanna you to fuck me. But…''
''But what?''
“Your dick is too big. I'm afraid it won't fit inside me and I'll get hurt."
To reassure you, he kissed your kneecaps as he slowly spread your legs.
''Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Besides, you were already wet enough. "So it won't be a painful experience."
"I hope" you said hopefully
He spread your legs and positioned his hips between your legs. He gently pressed his skin against yours before entering you. He could tell that you were nervous by the way you prepared yourself for this moment by closing your eyes tightly.
"Don't be hard on yourself. "Try to relax"
You nodded and you both took a deep breath.
"Are you ready?" he asked in a whisper once again.
You felt a hardness at the entrance of your pussy. Nishinoya slowly pushed himself towards you. Your vaginal walls were stretched and you moaned in pain.
''Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?" he asked you worriedly.
"No, go on. I want your whole dick inside me"
"Are you sure about this?"
"I'm sure Noya, please I don't want to wait any longer. "Fuck me"
“As you wish,” he grinned and pushed his hips a little further towards you to get even more of his cock inside you.
You both moaned at the same time. Your arms were wrapped around Nishinoya's neck. You couldn't open your eyes, but the tears that had accumulated in your eyes started to leak from your eyelids to your cheeks. Nishinoya laid his head next to yours
"Love, calm down. Try to hold on for a while"
In the third stage, he entered you completely. Your cervix and vaginal walls tightened around Nishinoya’s massive cock. The tip of his dick was pressing against your uterus He lifted his head and brought it level with your face.
''Y/N. Look at me''
Even though he wanted to fuck you brutally, he did not spare you mercy because he knew that this was a first for you. He gently caressed your face with his fingers.
"Open your eyes"
You did what he said. You opened your teary eyes and brought them together with his loving brown eyes.
"I'm gonna start moving"
You couldn't talk because of the pain. You felt like a thick needle had been pricked into your body. There was wetness dripping down your leg. It was most likely your virgin blood mixed with your wetness.
Before Nishinoya started moving, he pulled his dick out of you a little bit. The blood was also on his dick
"Oh my God! I hope you don't bleed heavily. Because I'm going to make you cry while I fuck you. "Prepare yourself for this"
"I'm already ready. Make me all yours, Noya
After saying "This is my goal", he suddenly recklessly inserted his entire dick inside you.
Your breath was blocked, it felt like there was a hard object under your abdomen.
"Oh Noya! Please''
He leaned towards you and wrapped his arms tightly around your torso.
"Wrap your legs around my waist, baby"
You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist. Nishinoya buried his face in your neck so he could breathe in your scent and explore the sensitive spots on your neck. At the same time, she was shaking her hips back and forth She started to increase her speed. Your moans were increasing as his huge cock slid in and out of you and rubbed against your walls. Moreover, the moans turned into shouts.
While he was fucking you, he was sucking and biting the sensitive points of your neck, leaving red marks on your skin. His lips moved from your neck to your bubbles and then down to your breasts. You felt goosebumps with every touch. While fucking you mercilessly, he didn't hesitate to leave marks and bites on every corner of your body he found suitable.
He continued to come and go inside you at full speed. When you took his entire cock inside, the entrance to your uterus was aching. However, as this continued for a long time, the pain gradually began to give way to pleasure. Nishinoya really didn't feel sorry for you about sex. He continued to fuck you brutally. You were screaming, moaning and crying. Tears were flowing from your eyes as a result of experiencing both pleasure and pain at the same time.
"So you're crying" he mocked you treacherously.
"I told you that I would make you cry while fucking you. Unfortunately, I will continue to torment you. Because I have no intention of ejaculating quickly.”
Nishinoya was quite determined to keep the sex going for a long time. But you weren't sure if you could continue for long because of the throbbing between your legs.
Your voice shook as you said,
"Oh Noya!"
At that moment, you received a spanking on your pussy. Your clit was red like a red apple
"Do you like it, slut?"
You couldn't answer out of pleasure. You desired him more. You begged him to continue even though every part of your body ached.
''Please! I beg you, Noya, fuck me more. "hurt me more"
"Do you want more? Then look at me with those teary eyes and beg more. "Or I'll move slowly until I drive you crazy."
''Noya…fuck me. Hurt me, don't mercy me. Make me cry, make me crazy!"
"After hearing these moving words, how can I resist the desires of my willing whore?"
He grabbed your hips and pulled you towards him. He gave your pussy another smack before entering you.
He slowly lifted your hips, making you lock your legs tighter around his waist.
You also wrapped your arms around his body. You were so tightly interlocked that even the wind couldn't pass through your skin anymore. Nishinoya started to fuck you without mercy or even the slightest mercy, just like your previous desire. As his cock moved in and out of you, your insatiability was reaching its peak. You wanted even more
Your crying and screaming continued for minutes. Your face and eyes were red. Your throat was dry from screaming. You weren't the only one moaning, Nishinoya was moaning at the same time as you.
''Ah! "Y/n…I think I'm going to cum"
"Arghh! “Me too!” you shouted quite enthusiastically.
Waves of pleasure rushed down to your toes. Your toes curled upwards from the pleasure you were feeling. You dug your nails into your boyfriend's back and started scratching downwards. You wrapped your legs tighter around him and clenched them tightly to make him cum.
This process continued until you both cum. Finally, Nishinoya entered the deepest part of you to cum. The condom in between prevented him from emptying his seeds into your uterus.
When he came inside you, he laid his head next to yours and literally piled his body on top of you.
You were out of breath. Nishinoya's dick was still inside you, even though his dick was back to its previous shape, your vagina was beating like a heart from the orgasm and your walls were aching like an electric shock.
“Noya? "Noya baby?" you nudged him.
Noya got up from you and pulled his cock out of you. There were a few drops of blood on the carpet.
''Christ no! We'll have to clean the carpet."
Even though you tried to sit up, you had difficulty. You were feeling a sharp pain down your waist.
Nishinoya stood up, took the condom off his dick, tied it up and threw it in the trash in his room.
"Are you okay?" he asked, turning to you.
''My legs hurts. I can't stand up"
"I think I went too far."
He leaned over to you and helped you up. Your body was exhausted. You felt tired. I was sleepy
''I am very tired''
“You can use my bed to rest if you want. But we'd better get clean."
"Then we'll clean up. "I want to sleep," you politely declined.
''Well then''
He laid you down on his bed and then he got under the covers and laid down next to you.
He approached you from behind, wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you towards him. He hugged your waist tightly. Your bare back was touching his bare chest. His body was warm. You felt very comfortable and peaceful. Now you can sleep comfortably
Before you fell asleep, he gave you a kiss on your shoulder
"Sleep well, my beautiful. I love you''
''I love you too''
You could barely answer due to exhaustion. You fell into a deep sleep within minutes with the warmth of your boyfriend.
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beanxiv · 1 year
I've been wondering how bf!Noya's reaction would be if you looked at him for too long and when they asked you what's wrong you just said "you're so pretty". You can write?
warnings: i'm sorry this is kind of short bc i'm so tired, that said: this is barely proofread, fluff, petnames, established relationship, nishinoya and reader are in their 3rd year! reader is manager of vb team
wc: 705
notes: i love nishinoya yuu an insane amount
tags: @ilovesillycats (bc ik how much u love nishinoya)
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"yuu, you can't fail this test, you know that." you're currently helping your boyfriend study for an upcoming math test. the test that his chances of going on the trip with his volleyball team depends on.
"yeah, yeah— i know. but we don't have to study for this long! we've been here for soo long, babe!" yuu groans, slumping and laying his head in your lap.
you start running your fingers through his hair like it's second nature. "baby, it hasn't even been an hour yet. and don't you wanna go to the training camp with your teammates? and i'll be there too, it'd be a shame if you made me go all alone, wouldn't it?" as head manager of the team now that kiyoko has graduated, you're also supposed to attend all team related camps and events.
the reminder that you'd be at the camp has nishinoya springing up, "i almost forgot! that means i'll get to see you day and night for an entire week!"
"that's if you study and pass your math exam," you nod to the textbooks laid out on the bed by nishinoya's leg.
"of course i'll pass, babe. are you doubting me?" nishinoya furrows his brows. you giggle and shake your head, "no, f'course not, love. but better to be safe than sorry, yeah?"
"mhm, mhm." nishinoya sighs, "fine. i'll study a bit. just for you, baby. but first, can we get a snack, i'm kinda hungry."
"okay, yuu. we'll get a snack and then you'll study, right baby?"
right," nishinoya nods his affirmation before pulling you off the bed with him to his kitchen.
when he finally picks something to eat he rushes back into his room and onto his bed, with his head rested in your lap again. "see, y/n, that was quick wasn't it? now we can study! i can't wait for the trip, baby, can you?? it'll be so much fun! i'll get to eat your cooking, and play volleyball, and see you often, and sleep with you, and—well, maybe coach won't let us sleep together, but it's okay! we'll find a way to do it anyway!"
it's adorable how excited he became as soon as you mentioned you'd be at the trip. the thought that he loves you this much is heart-warming. you can't help the soft smile that lifts your cheeks.
"tanaka can cover for us, and— oh. hey, what's wrong, babe? do i have something on my face?"
you realize you've zoned out. "sorry, yuu. what did you say?"
"you're staring at me a lot, is there something on me?" nishinoya swipes at his face and tries to look at his own face for any leftovers of the snack he just ate.
"hm? no, it's nothing. you're just really pretty, yuu. y'know that?" you reach down to brush his cheek that was pressed up against your thigh.
the libero blushed up to his ears, "well i wouldn't usually call myself pretty, more likely hot or something, but if you say i'm pretty then i guess 'm pretty.."
"you're hot, and pretty, and handsome, and cute, and all of the above." you tell him.
"and i'm smart."
you nod, "and you're smart."
"and 'm gonna pass this math exam."
"you are. and when you do, you'll get to go on the training camp trip and we'll do all the things you promised, how's that sound?" you lean down and nishinoya leans forward to meet you halfway as you kiss his forehead.
"sounds like i should study," nishinoya straightens up, presses a sweet kiss to your lips and rushes to his desk to pull out more textbooks.
safe to say, the rest of the night was spent full of kisses and a study session, that was really more of a cuddle session. but it's okay, who were you to get mad when it was so clear nishinoya would do his best to pass the exam now?"
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© beanxiv — all rights reserved. copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is not allowed.
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
you know what... I can fathom the idea that-
You’re Haikyuu Bias/Bias’/Favorites/Lovers would NOT love and accept you for any reason. 
You got freckles? That’s cute as fuck. You got tattoos? That’s a bad ass story on your skin. You got scars? Still bad ass stories on your skin. A little overweight? More to love. A lot overweight? EVERYTHING to love! I seriously can not think of any boy that would do you do dirty like that. If you have a good heart, and are a good human they really could care less about the way you look, or what insecurities are on your skin or body. I hope you don’t psyche yourself out darling with that, because they would LOVE IT ALL. 
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. 
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guitarstringed-scars · 2 months
the ravens eye diner- yuu nishinoya
the check
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summer with nishinoya was something you cherished. each day he would greet you after your shifts and you would go off and do something together. although your working hours were long, noya seems to take all of the stress off of you. some days you would go shopping together, visiting different shops. some days you would cat nap in your apartment, both sprawled out on chairs and couches near the windows of your living room. as he dozed off you would admire the way the sunlight bounced off of his hair, the way his eyelashes fluttered shut, yours eventually doing the same. some days you would run errands, picking up mugs from earthern kiln for the diner.
you like these days. you and noya have never brought up your discussion from the night he left. you know he likes you and he knows you like him, but theres not much more to say about it. you don’t care. you are perfectly content just living side by side.
the days seem to be passing quicker and quicker, and you have to be sure to savor each moment with noya. you never know when he’s going to leave again. theres a month left before classes begin again. you only recognize this when noya tells you. he’s laid on one end of your couch, you sit on the other. his legs stretch over the couch and rest over yours.
“i suppose so.” you say.
“are you ready to start classes again?” he asks.
“yeah. do you ever think of coming back?” you ask him, leaning over to him. ”no. i think i was meant to travel.” you hate that he’s right. you wish he would stay at school with you, spending his days with you instead of just the summers.
you imagine the two of you would study together. or you would study and he would watch you. you imagine the two of you chucking snowballs at each other in the winter, red noses and dry air. you wish these would be real, but you know that noya will always travel. so there is no point in imagining.
noya is standing up now, stretching his arms above his head. he sits down on the floor in front of you, facing the tv. it’s playing some shitty movie that neither of you have been paying attention to. noya seems astutely interested now. you braid his strands of hair.
“you know i like you, right?” he muses, staring directly ahead. for the first time in months, this conversation is making another appearance.
“yeah.” you say, now also focusing on the movie, and your task of braiding hair. he leans his head back to look at you.
“do you like me?” he asks.
you nod.
“good!” he says, now turning back to the tv. ”what should we do about it?” you ask him, still looking at him.
“i’m… not really sure.” he says.
you sigh. noya will continue to travel and you will continue to be here. at home. unmoving.
“i know. you’ll keep traveling.”
“i just don’t want to lead you on.” he says. “like, i do like you a ton, but i’m not gonna be here, and you will be.”
“just…” you pause. “stay with me while you are here.”
noya stands up again, facing you.
“okay.” he says quietly. then, he is kissing you. you are a bit surprised, but defientely not upset with the way his lips feel against yours.
“i want you to come with me.” he says, still leaned in close to you. ”where.”
“france.” he says quietly.
you’ve always wanted to go to france. you told this to noya months ago, as you served him at the diner. you sat his glass of lemonade on the table and he asked you where you would travel if you could. he remembered.
“you’ve always wanted to go to france.” he says.
you smile, and lean in again, kissing him once more.
“okay.” you say against his lips.
“really?” he jumps in surprise. ”we have to be back before the semester starts, but i’d go anywhere with you.”
he wraps his arms around you, practically pouncing on the couch to envelop you in a hug. the two of you quickly begin to plan your trip, each and every detail.
“thank you y/n.” he says.
“for what?”
“i dunno. i guess for just being someone to come home to.” he gives to the biggest grin you’ve ever seen, and your heart nearly explodes.
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a/n: last noya chapter, sorry it's so short, i just haven't had very much motivation to write this section!! also earthern kiln is a reference to my bisque beau by @afyrian which is so good and you should all go read immediately
taglist: @wyrcan @nbcvs @froyaoya @mylahrins @wizardhore
@chloiyoomi @causenessus @bubooo @lvtilzs @nishayuro
@diorzs @19calicos @seookki @chososcamgirl @euphorora
@hyenagoated @v1oletfury @mplesyrup @jojo23allegra @cherrypieyourface
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pavo-ocxllus · 2 years
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you can't deny that going to a drive-in theater at the crack of dawn was not the most thrilling of adventures you've went on with NISHINOYA.
the blue staining the world, marking the early hours of the day and the number of blankets insulating the two of you from cruelties of the blistering cold wasn't exactly the go-to moment for people feel the chills of exhilaration. 
rather, a date such as this warranted a different type of chills.
once a gust of wind glided past your face, sending shivers up your spine upon contact, noya was quick to come to your aid, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer. you attempted to hold in a giggle as you watched him edge portions of your shared refuge from the cold towards you, grimacing slightly every so often.
afterward, he would use this as an opportunity to snuggle in closer, brushing the tip of his nose against your neck before turning his face back to the set up projection screen ahead, chomping on the microwave popcorn from your shared bin. (fortunately, a scene didn't appear that would cause him to scatter the few kernels left around the roof of your car and the food abyss of the parking lot below).
a silence such as this was one rivaling a quiet when he's on the volleyball court; the obvious difference being instead of the squeaking of shoes against the wood stained floor, there was the sipping of soda and the faraway voices from the movie.
settling into the comforts of your car roof may not be one of the most stirring of adventures you've been on with nishinoya, but with the dramatic music rising to its crescendo and your boyfriend departing from your body to immerse himself into the action movie glowing on the big screen, you really didn't mind.
and there he was.
still, you indulged in his beckoning for your attention to the big screen, snuggling into his figure just as he has with yours.
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𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝! <𝟑
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