#yuto deserves better than what he got in the anime
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patkinmon · 4 years ago
Hi.....If you don't mind me asking who are your top 10 fav anime couple (don't have to be canon)? And why you like them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
I just saw this ask and i nearly forgot about it, so sorry for the very late replay.
My top 10 couples switches a lot, but if I had to pic 10 current ones I would go with these:
1. Ash x Eiji (Banana fish)
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They are just perfection. I know they are soulmates, but the way they healed each other in a way no one else would have been able to, is just so precious to me. They came from different worlds, but they fell in love despite it. Nothing will ever top the love I have for these two.
2. Yusei x Aki (Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds)
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This is my favorite couple from any Yu-Gi-Oh series. I just love that Aki was such a powerful female lead and had a very good arc the first 2 seasons. They helped each other grow - Yusei taught Aki that not all people are afraid of her and that she could have friends who would have her back no matter what and Aki taught Yusei that he didn’t have to shoulder things on his own and that she believed in his decisions.
The next ones are under the cut.
3. Erza x Jellal (Fairy tail)
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If i could pick any fairy tail couple that I love, it would be jerza. They’ve been through so much together and apart for so long, but clearly pining the whole time, that there was no way that I wouldn’t ship them. I’m glad they seem to be heading in a couple direction in the manga now.
4. Reki x Langa (Sk8 the infinity)
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These two are just the red x blue couple that actually came true. I really think those two were a couple at the end of the anime or at least had feelings for each other. Also it’s the first sport anime with a red x blue couple that went canon, so they will always have a special place in my heart.
5. Naruto x Hinata (Naruto)
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Honestly I liked Naruhina from the beginning, probably because I relate to Hinata so much. I’m quite shy and blush when I take to a person that I like, so I was thrilled to see that she got the guy she loved for so long in the end. 
6. Dabi x Hawks (MHA)
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Okay I know I will get some shit, because of this ship and before anyone comes screaming to me: Yes I know in the canon universe they would be toxic and never work out, but LISTEN the potential they would have if a small factor was different is insane!! If Dabi would be a hero they would be no doubt working together for a lot of cases and if Hawks would be a villian they could join forces to take down hero society. Just so many possibilities, because in the core they have nearly the same trauma about having parents who neglected them and used them for their own goals instead of letting their children thrive. Also Enemies to lovers is an amazing trope.
7. Buck x Eddie (9-1-1)
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No clue when buddie started to grow on me, but I just love their dynamic from Enemies (on Buck’s side) to friends to best friends to co-parents to maybe lovers? I like how they built a litte family unit together with Eddie’s son Christopher and they are just so good for each other. Buck is what Eddie needs and the other way around. I could write a meta on this two and their dynamic and I really hope the show will make them canon eventually.
8. Julie x Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)
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What is better than the relationship between a ghost and a girl that bound through music? I can’t think of a lot, but honestly I love that Julie and Luke aren’t immediately drawn to each other, but have to figure out the others past first. Them having similar taste in music and killer voices is just a plus.
9. Yuto x Keigo (Dream festival)
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Okay this is such a niche ship, that no one knows about I feel like and I don’t know why. Their interaction in the anime is amazing. They grow together and learn slowly about the others personality and pasts. Even through there are almost no fanfics or anything, I rewatch dream festival almost only for them.
10. Ciara x Ben (Days of our lives) and Korra x Asami (Legend of Korra)
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I had such a hard time picking No. 10 that I choose two ships that I think deserve that spot. I love Korrasami because it was subtil until the very end of season 4, but it was clearly there and I was so excited when the creaters confirmed it to be canon. I just love how badass these ladys are together and apart, but they are clearly very important to the other and they show that all through season 3 and 4.
Ben and Ciara on the other hand are a classic good girl x bad boy couple, but it was so perfect, because the way they got to know each other for the first time was so dramatic, but genuine at the same time and I know they are the classic soap couple and have a lot of ups and downs, but I know they will always come back to each other because of the foundation they built together.
A few honorable mentions would be: Judai x Johan (Yu-Gi-Oh Gx), Klance (Voltron), Tai x Sora (Digimon), Clarke x Lexa (the 100), Aomine x Kise (KnB), Merlin x Arthur (Merlin) and Serena x Ash (Pokemon)
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firetextskpop · 5 years ago
Could you do a poly!pentagon fluff or smut(or both, whatever you feel works lol) where the female reader is a tall(179cm) girl who's low key insecure about her height?? Thank and I love your stuff!♡♡
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A/N: OMG YES! I'm 5'10 myself so I know the feeling 🤧 Also thank you so much 😭💞💞I’ll make this one a fluff one and make a smut one later.
Tw: Body Image Insecurity, cursing, Negative comments, mentions of a fight.
The boys had decided to take you to a local fair for your 3rd anniversary. It was tradition since you all had became friends as well as where everything began. As always, there were a lot of couples there, riding rides and playing games. Jinho had just won you a big stuffed animal and you were so happy. Putting the stuffed animal under your arm, you bent down a bit to kiss your boyfriend. A few snickers were heard from a couple nearby. You were very upset by this. For years you’d been bullied for being significantly taller than most girls (and boys). Especially since you’re now in a relationship with men ranging from 6′3 to 5′5. Too often people will see you with your smaller boyfriends and even the 2 that are eye level, and have a rude comment regarding the height difference. To bring you out of your trance, Jinho kisses you again. “Please don’t let them ruin our great day. Not wanting to upset him, you nodded and smiled. As you both proceeded to the next ride, Hui and Shinwon met you guys at a concession stand. The ride was the one that spins in a circle and presses you against the walls. Once all four of you were off the ride, you were dizzy and laughing. “That was too fun” You giggled and held onto Hui. His arm wrapped around your waist as he spoke on his favorite moments on the ride. “He can’t feel like a man with a girlfriend bigger than him.” A guy jokes to his fellow guy friends as they walk by and stare at the 2 of you. Hwitaek’s anger got the best of him as he responded. “And you must feel like a bitch worrying about other people’s relationship!” He said now taking after the man. Luckily Jinho and Shinwon were fast enough to grab him and stop him. “I’m not about to fight some short ass guy, especially not when his girl is as big as me.” The guy said and walked away, his friends turning back every 5 seconds. “PUSSY!” Hui yelled at the guy. Earning a few odd looks from parents with their kids and other couples. “Hwitaek love, just leave them to their ignorance.” Jinho whispered, attempting to calm down your angry boyfriend. “Y-yeah, We’re okay love.” You said and hugged him. He hugs you back and mumbled “I better not see him around here again or that’s his ass.” Shinwon recommended going to another ride/game and Jinho denied, deciding to take Hui somewhere to comfort him better. Shinwon understood and called Wooseok, Kino and Yeoone. You all met up at the fright house and had so much fun. You could hear Kino and Shinwon’s screams as they went through, making you, Changgu and Wooseok laugh. When you went through the swirl tunnel you lost your balance and fell on top of Wooseok. Both of you giggled and the couple behind you told you how cute of a couple you both were. You thanked them and proceeded to the end, where your other boyfriends waited. Kino gushed about his favorite parts while holding hands with Yeoone and you guys laughed and listened. Wooseok explained the situation you guys had in he spinning tunnel and you nudged him “It wasn’t my fault.” You pouted. “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.” He messed with you. You rolled your eyes and looked at a nearby concession stand. “Shinwon, will you go with me to the get some funnel cake?” You ask. He agreed and you both went to get the funnel cake and a drink. As you waited for your food, you looked over to see a group of girls talking to the 3 boys you just were by. Shinwon reassured you everything was okay. Nervousness ran through your body as you received your food and began walking back. “So you guys are in a relationship?” One of the girls asked confused to the boys. “Yes, this is our girlfriend Y/N and boyfriend Shinwon.” Changgu states and gestures towards the two of you mentioned. The girls faces now turned up a bit. Wooseok takes a piece of funnel cake. “She’s your girlfriend too?” Another asks Hyunggu looking back and forth between the both of you. He let out a sigh, knowing where it was going. “Yes, 3 years now. My beautiful girlfriend and 3 out of 8 of my boyfriends.” He said then took a sip from the straw in his drink. “You must have a type for tall people..” The last girl said. “Not that it would be any of your business.” He retorts. Just as the girls were about to respond again, Yuto ran up to you all. The girls eyed him as well. “We have to go. Hui found the guy and they fought.” Immediately Kino and Wooseok made their way to the van and Yuto followed closely. As you, Yeoone and Shinwon began walking towards the van, the first girl said “I can’t believe that monster managed to bag so many attractive guys.” This, of course hurt your feelings. Apparently Shinwon heard the comment and stopped you. “Do you want a piggyback ride?” You nodded and got onto his back. The whole walk, you cried silently onto his shoulder. He rubbed your legs until you got to the car. Then you were sitting on Hongseok’s lap. Judging by the situations at hand, the boys were well aware of the reasoning behind your tears. “Y/N, love. I’m sorry they treated you like this today. “ Hongseok mumbled against the top of your head. You held onto him tighter and cried a little harder. “I just hate it so much. I don’t say anything to them and I’m always hurt unprovoked.” Hong’s hand ran up and down your back. “Look, they only make comments for a few reasons.” Yanan began. “Either they’re insecure about something in their life, which is likely their height, and they’re jealous, they love creating chaos in this world, or they’re confused.” He finishes and grabs your hand to calm you down a bit. “The people that were laughing at us, I’d say they were insecure.” Jinho said. “We seen the example of wanting to cause chaos.” Changgu said holding Hwitaek, stroking his hair. “And he learned what chaos really was.” Hui said now more relaxed. (Yes, he won). “Those girls were both confused and jealous.” Wooseok said taking a bit more funnel cake. Hongseok wiped more tears away. “No, you don’t deserve it at all. And that’s why we’re here. We’ll do every and anything we can to make you feel better and love yourself.” He said and placed a kiss on your lips. “Thank you my loves. I’m sorry that they make comments about you guys as well.” You said. “You never need to apologize for someone else’s behavior. It’s not your fault they’re stupid.” Hyunggu said holding Yuto’s hand now. A smile now spread across your face. “I love you guys so much.” You say loud enough for them all to hear. “We love you too.” They say. Hongseok holds you and rubs your back while littering kisses on top of your head. They always know how to make you feel just as important as you are!
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asterism343 · 4 years ago
4Kids Names in Google Translate Special Episode: Ghost Friends
“Huh? What do you mean by ‘ghost friend’?”, you may be wondering. 
Well, the main character absorbs someone’s soul or some such, and now they have a ghost friend that haunts them! May or may not be an actual dead person. Either they stay forever or tragically leave at the end of the series.
This happens surprisingly often in Yu-Gi-Oh!, huh.
This is another case where 4Kids didn’t change any names, but Google Translate still has a chance to mess it up.
The OG ghost friend, Yami Yugi. Sometimes considered the protagonist because he did basically all of the protagonisty things.
(Orignal: Yami Yugi | 4Kids: Yami)
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Okay, nothing there...but what if we use his true��name?
(Original: Atem | 4Kids: Atem)
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Oh right, Atem is a lesser-used reading of “king”, huh?
Next is Yubel. Judai used a fusion card to fuse his soul with that of a card spirit...sounds legit!  Fun fact: Every character who used Super Polymerization in the anime eventually either got their soul absorbed (Yubel), absorbed someone else’s soul (Judai), or both (Yuuri).
Okay, on to the translation...nothing happens here, really (Original: Yubel | 4Kids: Yubel)
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Up next is everyone’s favorite floating naked glowing dude, Astral! (Original: Astral | 4Kids: Astral)
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Nothing much has happened so far...but the fun starts now! 
The thing about these three is that their names have the technically correct romanization that sucks, and then the names practically everyone uses.
4Kids didn’t change the names, they just romanized them in a way that actually corresponds to how they’re pronounced. 
 I would have expected for Google Translate to go for the weird technically correct ones, but instead something much more...entertaining...happened.
(Original: Ute [ugh] | 4Kids: Yuto)
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I mean...better than “Ute”, but you’re not quite there, Google Translate.
(Original: Fusion Hugo | 4Kids: Yugo)
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Wait, what?? That’s not...how did Google Translate even get that???
Yuuri’s the only one of the three that was evil enough to actually deserve that sorta mangling of his name, but I think he might have scared Google Translate into getting it right.
(Original: Joeri | 4Kids: Yuri)
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That’s it for the special episode! Next is more villians! These last two, while being interesting, haven’t actually showcased the true point of this series, so I suggest you check out some of the earlier parts to see what this can really do.
Part 5 Part 6
Oh hey look, a Special Episode Update/Bonus! be sure to check that one out.
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babywhereyougone · 6 years ago
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[Translation] The Television 2019-01 - Wild Sexy (Part 2 - 20 Questions) (original scans: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
1. When’s your birthday? Ryo: October 30, 2000 Mizuki: October 31, 2000 Yuto: November 15, 1999 Soya: September 20, 2002 Ryuto: September 30, 2002
2. Where’s your hometown? Ryo: Kangawa Prefecture Mizuki: Kanagawa Prefecture Yuto: Kanagawa Prefecture Soya: Tokyo Ryuto: Kanagawa Prefecture
3. What’s your blood type? Ryo: O Mizuki: AB Yuto: A Soya: A Ryuto: O 4.What’s your hobby/special skill? Ryo: My hobby is billiards. I have been playing it for about a year and have gotten pretty good. My special skill is talking with people I’ve never met before. Zero shyness. Mizuki: My hobby is shopping. My special skill is eliminating my presence. No matter the circumstance, I can disappear with ease and have people wondering where I went (laughs). Yuto: Baseball. I played it from second grade to my first year of high school. I also love watching it. Soya: To debate and talk about the world news and topics. Ryuto: Playing the ukulele is a recent hobby. I bought it when I was abroad, and I got really into it after I played it as a break from the test studying period. My special skills is turning things I hate into things I like. Such an example is acrobatics! 5. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get a night? Ryo: 6 hours. I sleep at midnight and wake up at 6 in the morning. Mizuki: About 7 hours. Today was 6 hours. Yuto: 8 hours. Today was about 8 hours, but the ideal is 24 hours. I can sleep all day! Soya: 6 hours. I got 11 hours today so I’m super content. Ryuto: 7.5 hours. It was about 6 hours today. 6. What’s your favorite thing to eat lately? Ryo: Beef tongue. I buy a block of beef tongue, cook it in sesame oil, and mix it with some spring onions. Eating it like that is the best. Mizuki: The smell of truffle. (Iwahashi) Genki went to this place and had truffle french fries that were super good and now obsessed with, but I haven’t had the chance to try yet (laughs). Yuto: Convenience store oden. I must have daikon and sometimes I’ll also buy egg and kon’nyaku, too. Soya: Cream croquette. Crispy on the outside and soft, melty center inside. Ryuto: Convenience store kalbi bento. 7. What did you eat today? Ryo: For breakfast, I had yesterday’s leftover yakiniku. For lunch, I had curry. Mizuki: Bacon cheeseburger. Yuto: Kimchi. I wasn’t feeling too well this morning, but I felt better after eating kimchi. Soya: For breakfast ad lunch, I had beef tongue rice my mother made. Ryuto: For breakfast I had cereal. I was studying for tests during lunch so I didn’t get a chance to eat… When I’m immersed in something, my appetite takes a break. 8. How many texts do you send in a day? Ryo: About 50. I have about 10 people I talk with regularly. I call in my downtime, so I don’t text much. Mizuki: Almost zero. I immediately reply when I get something, but I rarely send anything myself. Yuto: About 50. Soya: I don’t answer my phone when I’m busy so zero. I usually only text my family, the group members, senpais, and some other people, so maybe about 4 a day. Ryuto: About 3. I call more than text. 9. Who in Johnny’s did you message most recently? Ryo: Shime-chan (Shimekake Ryuya) texted me, “Why didn’t you come to the stage show,?” and I replied, “Because of work and tests.” I want to go if I could~ Mizuki: Nishimura Takuya of Kansai Johnny’s Jr. When I have time, I’d ask him how he is and he sends back a nice reply. Yuto: 7MEN Samurai’s Sasaki Taiko and I entered the company at the same time, so he’s always being cheeky with me. For instance, he saw the TV show I appeared on recently, “Everyone looked amazing …except for Yuto” (laughs). Soya: Tanaka Juri-kun. He gave me advice on the rap I did for “The Shounen Club.” Ryuto: (Sasaki) Taiko. He wants to get something simple across but can’t find the right words for it so the text comes off as angry (laughs). 10. What’s your favorite emoji? Ryo: Cute, funny faces emojis. Mizuki: LINE stamp of the white, round character with his thumbs up. Yuto: Stamps of my favorite anime character. I use the “OK” and “Thank You” ones a lot. Soya: Surreal character stamp of a slim kid. The one where he’s bowing going, “G’mornnnnn!!” is convenient so I use it a lot. Ryuto: Grinning and laughing white bear. I like the relaxed, half-baked ones. 11. What’s on your homescreen? Ryo: A picture taken at Disneyland of JUNIOR 5, including Saku-chan. Mizuki: It’s completely white. I can see the icons easier this way. Yuto: A picture of Mount Fuji I took outside of the hotel window on a family trip. Soya: It’s a photo of a single red rose I purchased. The photo quality on my phone is really good so the red is so vivid and beautiful. Ryuto: The view of the ocean at sunset. Around the summer, it was of Yuto’s expression upon taking a photo with Matsumoto Jun-kun in the dressing room. 12. What’s the most recent photo you took? Ryo: Of my own hair. Just dyed it black. Mizuki: Choreo video. Yuto: A picture of Matsumoto Jun-kun during his concert. The pose he was during while wearing pink gloves was really cool so I took a picture of it without thinking about it when I saw it in a magazine or something. Soya: A picture with friends taken in front of the emergency stairwell on the day of the school culture festival. But we took it with the light the wrong direction so it was a big fail (laughs). Ryuto: Taiko holding a ukulele. 13. What sort of pictures do you have the most in your camera roll? Ryo: Pictures with friends. When we go out, we ask people nearby to take photos for us. Mizuki: I don’t really take photos, they’re pretty much all choreography videos. Yuto: Photos of the members’ selfies when they steal my phone. I dunno what kind of faces Hashimoto-kun makes, Saku-chan’s photos are of eyes wide open, etc. (laughs). Soya: Family. My older sister loves photos so there’s a lot of everyone. I’m like cut off to the side. Ryuto: Of the members. I turn my camera towards the members in between rehearsals. I have a lot of good faces from Yuto. 14. What do you always have in your bag? Ryo: Breath mints. Mizuki: Mask and tissues. And a train character chewing gum. I loved that gum since I was kid so I always have it. Yuto: Perfume. I’m into scents, and I’ve been into jasmine lately. Soya: Hand wipes. I use it when there isn’t any hand soap when I’m out. Ryuto: A ballpoint ben. It’s the kind with both black and red ink together and it fits into my wallet. 15. What’s your most recent purchase? Ryo: Hawaiian jewelry. I bought something that has “strength” associated with it. Mizuki: A red smartphone case. (Takahashi) Kaito gave me a case that has a built-in battery that I’ve been using, but the color faded… so I went and bought the same color and style! Yuto: Hawaiian ring. Soya: Five rings from Hawaii. My fingers look pretty when I put them on. Ryuto: Mobile battery. 16. What do you want the most right now? Ryo: Motorcycle. I want to ride one during a concert! I have to get a license first, though. Mizuki: I want to try living on my own so I want a one bedroom apartment (laughs). Yuto: White sneakers or boots. I surprisingly like white, even the wristwatch I’m wearing now is white. Soya: A super amazing massage chair for when I’m tense. I never experienced it before, but I want to experience the first class cabin of an airplane. Ryuto: Macro lens for an SLR camera. 17. What type of girls do you like? Ryo: A girl who looks good with short, brown hair. Mizuki: A girl who supports and doesn’t reject my opinions. Yuto: Someone who isn’t clingy, a girl who is a bit of a tomboy. Soya: A bit of a dreamer who says funny, innocent things at times. Ryuto: Someone who talks for me. I don’t hate conversation, but I’m bad at bringing up topics… 18. If you were a girl, which member do you want to go out with? Ryo: None! I know too much about them all so it would be bad (laughs). If it’s any other group, then (Yoshizawa) Shizuya-kun. He’s so nice. Mizuki: Sakuma! Since he wouldn’t be disagreeable with me (laughs). Yuto: None (laughs). But, if Saku-chan was my boyfriend, it would be pleasantly fun. Soya: Hard pass on all (laughs). But if I had to choose someone, the person that fits the answer to the last question the most would be Sakuma. Ryuto: I guess Mizuki-kun. If I were his girlfriend, I’d probably fuss a bit over if he’s sleepy. 19. When do you feel the most happy? Ryo: When I’m talking with my friends at school about how we’re graduating soon. It’s a bit sad though—that only have a little bit of time left together with my classmates. Mizuki: When I hit the snooze button. And, when I eat yummy foods! Yuto: That feeling when I realize that so many different people love me now than ever before. Soya: Shampoo (hair wash) at the beauty salon. Ryuto: When I can relate to a book I’m reading. 20. What’s one thing you want to say to yourself about this past year? Ryo: You’ve grown up a lot! You now like black costumes more than the sparkly ones, you now have an interest in cars and motorcycles, your tone suddenly changed. Mizuki: Blossom. It’s your final year of high school, and it feels like it was spent brilliantly blossoming. Yuto: It was an incredible, spectacular year! Soya: You worked hard! Deserving of praise! Ryuto: You worked hard! You gave everything you had in all the work opportunities given this year.
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sujus-girl · 7 years ago
Disclaimer: This is just for fun, so please don’t take it too seriously. This is not an official profile or anything like that!
I actually had a lot of fun making my guide to JBJ, so I was like?? What other group do I love that doesn’t get the attention they deserve? …. PENTAGON
Are y’all ready to cringe? To sigh? To question what is going on with these children? Then, without further ado, I present to you: Pentagon: My Shitty Guide to 10 Toddlers
Group Name: Pentagon
First appeared on a show called Pentagon Maker, which was called a survival show, but SPOILER ALERT: Cube decided to do the right thing and debuted all 10 members together
If I’m going to be 100% honest, I still dk where to find the full episodes, but there are a ton of clips on youtube, and, honestly, I was satisfied with just watching those
Beware because they’re very. Very. very. Loud
The fandom name is universe and i just think that’s so cute OKAY?
Ofiicial Music Videos: Gorilla, Can You Feel It, Critical Beauty, Pretty Pretty, Run Away, Like This, Violet
Personal Favorite Non-Title Tracks: Thank You, Beautiful, You Are, Spectacular, and Lose yourself
Aight, we have ten members to go through this time, so BUCKLE UP, MY FRIENDS
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Jo Jinho
The oldest member of pentagon
Vvv smol baby. Is only 5’6”
Is scared very easily lmfao
May be smol but has A HELLA SET OF LUNGS
High note king that leaves almost everyone shook
Used to be in SM the Ballad, but left and became a trainee again under cube entertainment
I guess he gave vocal lessons to cube trainees like Yoo Seonho (someone pls KINDLY let me know if i’m wrong)
Drops a bunch of covers and spoils Universe with his voice, thx boo
Usually gets paired with hongseok for stuff?? Idk
Has a room by himself in the dorms, lucky boi
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Lee HwiTaek (Hui)
The leader of this mess
Got pretty popular after the song Never was released, then continue to leave people quaking after Energetic was released
Is an A+ Singer and Producer, we love a talented man
Is vvvv scared of everything and also has a lot of tears (we love a man in touch with his emotions)
A former JYP trainee
Got7’s JB said that one time, Got7’s Mark got into a fight with him, Hui, and B.A.P.’s Youngjae and Day6’s Brian had to translate the argument LOL
Also in a subunit called Triple H that consists of him, E’Dawn and Hyuna
Also has a room to himself
Has a fanboy named Yoo Seonho that loves him vvv much, and they even went to vietnam together
also appeared on this variety show called hyena’s on the keys and flaunted his composing SKILZ
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yang Hongseok
A former YG trainee
Was on the show that created iKon, and it was…. Oof
He was new at the time, so it was kinda awkward and tense, but it got better
Is obsessed with working out, and has the abs of a greek god as a result
Reads books in his free time, and enjoys studying foreign languages
He moved around when he was younger, so he can speak Mandarin and English (we love an intelligent man)
Apparently the mom?? Cooks and cleans for the babies in the dorm
Shares a room with E’Dawn
Also really likes Iron Man… and Jinho
The members say he’s the worst at dancing in the group LOL
It’s okay though, cause he’s vvv talented in other aspects
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kim HyoJung (E’Dawn)
“I have no fear” not even two seconds later *HIGH PITCH SCREAMING*
Can reach an octave i didn’t think human possible
A little weird, but that’s okay!
Is also in Triple H with Hui and Hyuna
Hongseok’s roommate
Is really good at dancing, wow
Kinda looks tired 24/7, but we’re pretty sure that’s just his face. Like you know how some people have resting bitch face? E’Dawn has resting tired face.
Sry, i just really like tattoos, lol
But yeah! E’Dawn has multiple tattoos! Since it’s like 1 in the morning and I’m kinda tired, I’m not gonna try and think of all of them, but they should all show up if you just google e’dawn tattoos lol sorry
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Go Shinwon
Has trouble keeping his clothes on apparently
Like for real, just casually pulled his pants down and took his shirt off multiple times in pentagon maker
Is scared of animals because one time because… um…. let’s just say that there was an unfortunate incident with his pet hamster when he was in like middle school... yeah
Was eliminated during Pentagon maker, but four remaining members broke into cube late at night and put up posters saying they wanted pentagon to debut as ten
Gets mad real easily
Has broad shoulders… Like real broad. Edawn and yanan fell asleep on his shoulders and they were comfortable
Shares a room with Kino
Also really likes Mcdonalds?? Like, this boy put on a burger hat and ate a mcdonalds burger.
Really hates bugs LOL
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yeo Changgu (Yeo One)
Has a visual that a lot of foreigners seem to really like? That’s just something I noticed, I know it’s not the general consensus
Is also an actor, he appeared in a webdrama called Spark and was the main actor for a historical drama not too long ago
Shares a room with yanan
Is yanan’s biggest fan
Has a laugh that can revive wilting flowers tbh
Talks a lot too
Sucks at table tennis
He and hui put ducktape on their legs and ripped it off
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yan An
“Annyeong chingudel”
He’s from Shanghai
Hella model vibes, amirite or amirite
He injured himself when preparing for the Ceremony album, and he had to sit out and everyone was vvv sad and vvv worried
Got better and is back, and more random than ever
Sometimes says things that are real funny, even if he doesn’t intend for it to be
“What are you talking about, this is plastic”
“You… You’re in big trouble!”
“Korean name is Yanan. Chinese name is Yanan. English Name? Yanan.”
Also once called Jinho a foreigner, even tho Jinho is Korean and they were in Korea?
May be tol and handsome, but he’s really just a big toddler
Scared of roller coasters
Roommates with yeo one who loves him v much (yeo one has the right idea, y’all)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Adachi Yuto
A japanese prince
AN ATHLETE! Played baseball and used to do soccer
A former JYP trainee
Good friends with Yuto (U) from ONF because they both used to be JYP trainees and also NCT’s Yuta
Shares a room with Wooseok and will laugh at anything he says
Milk couple
Can’t eat spicy food for shit
Hella tall
Also appeared predebut at ISAC 2015 for futsall
A bby that is afraid of many things. Especially the dark. On pentagon maker, the crew turned off the lights and he real cutely went “pd-nim~” and i almost cried it was so cute
“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” “Ice cream.”
Says he can’t do aegyo, but he hella cute already, so it’s okay
Also once danced shirtless and i almost sued, you a child Boi (i say as I am younger than him)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kang Hyunggu (Kino)
A whole cutie
I legit that he was my age or younger cause he was just so adorable
Only 4 days younger than yuto and 4 days older than wooseok, but he a whole baby
They did a vlive for wooseok, yuto, and kino’s birthdays and when they were getting into teams, hongseok was chosen to be in kino’s team but he said it so emotionlessly that kino got all pouty LOL
A dancing king
“I was going to go easy on you, but you called me Hyunggu”
Has a lot of friends in k-pop, he vvv popular
Shares a room with shinwon
A laugh that motivates me to be a better person
Saved the entire world by eating watermelon in front of cameras BLESS
“Get it Kino Beauty”
Proceeded to destroy yanan’s face with makeup RIP
Makes funny faces that i sometimes screenshot and send to my friends at 2 in the morning
ALSOALSOALSO, he had this little dance solo in Critical Beauty and I was LIVING for it
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Jung Wooseok
The baby of the group
He was sleeping backstage once and yuto put a chocopie in front of his mouth and he sleepily tried to eat it and i was :((((( he was so cute
Really likes yuto, they’re usually paired together for stuff. Like dorms
Really likes anime, legend has it that if you play samurai heart at exactly 1:23 AM, wooseok will appear behind you and sing along
Imitates an opera singer and achieves an octave that i would imagine isn’t humanly possible for someone with a voice as deep as his
Has a fanboy names Lai Guanlin from wanna one, and he will not let anyone forget about his precious Wooseok
Once did an eating broadcast with super spicy food and accidentally got some in his eye and the rest of pentagon thought it was the funniest thing ever RIP
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
That was a journey! We’re almost done, though!
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Videos Of Pentagon to Watch! Weekly Idol with Victon and Momoland! (X) This crack (?) series that I live for (X) The VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Triple H Weekly Idol (only Hui and E’Dawn) (X) This clip from Pentagon Maker that was all sorts of mess, even with only 4 members (X) Hui, Wooseok, and E’Dawn trying to cook (X) This other VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Pentagon Heyo TV (Mafia Game Cut) (X)
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! A VERY SHORT, SHITTY GUIDE TO PENTAGON! I hope this helps anyone wanting to get into Pentagon, or even just makes an Universe smile! Now go and bask in the glory that is Pentagon’s craziness! Bye!
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lovepaintt · 7 years ago
Bigger Kpop Tag!!
I was tagged by the absolutely lovely @curledlife!! Thank you soso much I am sorry it’s so later :( <3
1. 5 favorite groups? Nu’est, BTS, Pentagon, NCT, SNSD
2. Top 5 on your bias list? Jonghyun (Nu’est), Yoongi (BTS), Yuto (Pentagon), Lucas (NCT), Jeup (Imfact)
3. Ult bias group and why you love them? I think Nu’est would have to be my ult group tbh I just love their music and the members I just think they deserve all the love in the world idk how to explain my feelings about them but they just hold a special place in my heart <3
4.Ult bias and why you love them? OKAY I am awful at putting what I feel into words, like complete shit at it (excuse my wording) but lemme just say something about Jonghyun I wasn’t a proper stan of Nu’est before pd101 but, while watching that show I really fell for Jonghyun, he was so genuine on that show always putting others before himself (don’t even get me started on how much he helped Hyunbin that one time I s2g I’ll cry) overcoming his fears, things like that and even after the show was over he still showed how big of a heart he has he is such a strong person and still stays so genuine to himself so yeah that’s all I have to say I don’t really know where I was going with that I just really love him ok
5. Favorite kpop meme? The most iconic meme there is.. ugh he is such a meme I love him
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6. Favorite picture of your ult? (I dare you to only pick one) Like this is a possible task
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LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS :(( ugh my heart
7. 5 favorite kpop MVs? Skydive (B.A.P), Like This (Pentagon), Love Paint (Nu’est), Rain (KNK), Tiamo (T-ARA)
8. 10 favorite kpop songs? Hello (Nu’est), Platonic Love (Snuper), Decalcomanie (Mamamoo), Just One Day (BTS), Married to the Music (SHINEE), I Got a Boy (SNSD), Highlight (Seventeen), O Sole Mio (SF9), 1,2,3,4,5 (VIXX), All In (Monsta X)
9. Favorite kpop crack video?  I haven’t really watched a universal kpop crack video in such a long time BUT I absolutely love this video series about BTOB which I would consider a type of crack video it’s so funny
10. Favorite content creator within the fandom? I don’t really know anyone off the top of my head I am sorry ;-; 
11. What fandoms would you say you’re an active member of? I guess any group I like, which is way too many to list lol
12. Take your top 3 biases- fmk F- Yoongi M- Jonghyun Imma assume K means… Kindly hug? - Yuto (: 
13. If you could be best friends with any idol, who would you choose? Any idol… probably Minhyuk from Monsta X, he is just a ray of sunshine I feel like he would be an amazing friend
14. If you could date any idol, who? Ugh I never know how to answer this question, any of my biases probably tbh
15. What’s one Kpop album you think everyone should have listened to? Made by BIGBANG they are like legends so ofc you should listen to their album
16. Are you a soft or a hard stan? Soft, like the softest.. unless you bring in Lucas because damn that boy flirts
17. An idol that makes you go into soft mode? I know he is my ult so I might sound super biased but Jonghyun, I swear anything that boy does makes me soft
18. An idol that makes you want to smash the empire state building with one single punch? Okay I would say any of my biases, but Lucas really tops the cake when it comes to this feeling
19. Favorite vocalist? Imma choose more than one sue me: Hui (Pentagon), Woosung (The Rose), DK  (Seventeen), Solar (Mamamoo), Kihyun (Monsta X), Baekho (Nu’est), Jinyoung (B1A4), Jeup (Imfact) and more tbh
20. Favorite Rapper? okay, again imma choose more than one because rappers make me weak: Jonghyun (Nu’est), Yoongi (BTS), Yuto (Pentagon), Hyuna, Zico, CL, Kyungil (History), Chungha, Bobby (iKon) and a lot more lol
21. Favorite dancer? J-Hope (BTS), Ten (NCT), Rocky (Astro), Taemin (Shinee), Hoshi (Seventeen), Taeyong (SF9), Irene (Red Velvet) and so many more ofcccc
22. Things you have in common with your ult? Yo I’ve never really thought about this, we are both pretty introverted and prefer to be at home lol and we are both pretty giggly, like he giggles at everything it’s so cute he also likes anime and I mean like.. same
23. The most beautiful trait any idol can have? Being genuine and kind, willing to better themselves as people 
24. Songs that will always make you jam along? This is a super long list lol so imma choose like 5: Feel So Good (B.A.P), Critical Beauty (Pentagon), Mansae (Seventeen), Dope (BTS), Sober (BIGBANG), Shake It (SISTAR), Roly Poly (T-ARA), I Got a Boy (SNSD), It’s Raining (Snuper), Sleep Talking (Nu’est)
25. Your worst wrecker? Is this ult wrecker? Because if so it’s Lucas, that boy is out for blood
26. Any kpop concerts you’ve been to? I’ve been to BTS and that’s all so far but I am really hoping to grow that list soon <3
27. Favorite choreo? Aifbsdf these fave questions are killer man: Rain (KNK), Like This (Pentagon), Black Widow (Pristin), Me Gustas Tu (Gfriend), Don’t Wanna Cry (Seventeen), It’s Raining (Snuper), Blackout (VIXX), Five (APink), Might Just Die (History) and a lot more ofc
28. Favorite live performance? Crazy In Love (Seventeen)
29. Favorite debut mv? Shall We Dance (Snuper)
30. Recommend a rookie group! Okay I have more than 1 butttt whatever N.Tic, Noir, G(I)-dle and Loona! There are a lot more but those are the ones that come to mind 
31. A kpop song you could listen to every day for the rest of your life? Love Paint (Nu’est) I love it so much wow
32. Tag some cute mutuals you’d like to get to know better (and to do this challenge)! @thedeeplyaffected @lncomparable @sunmoon-star @jungwooflirt
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skittymon · 8 years ago
@clockworkspider told me to give Asuka a worthy death after Parasite Monster SO HERE WE ARE.
Some slight differences from clock’s work. Going off my version of this au where Serena got captured by Yuto, and Yuri and Sora are the ones to go to standard. 
Fusion xyz swap au
Asuka goes on an important mission and in the end she’s happy.
When Asuka accepts to do the solo mission Edo and many of the resistance members are surprised to say the least.
 “Don’t act like that.” Asuka frowns at them, “I’ve taught almost everybody in this room I can take care of myself!”
Grace shakes her head, “We know that Teacher! It’s just that….” she trails off.
“We’ve already lost so many,” Gloria finishes for her sister, her eyes filled with sadness and her squeezed fist filled with anger. 
We can’t lose you too…. goes unspoken but its message hangs in the air. Asuka can’t deny the fact that of late they’ve lost many comrades. Serena who disappeared mysteriously in the battlefield, still unknown whether or not she was turned into a card. Dennis who somehow managed to gain the trust of the Number Hunters and who now has to card his fellow fusioners to keep said trust. Yuri and Sora who are following the lead on Akaba Leo’s son, Reiji, in the Standard dimension. And countless other students of her’s who she can’t help feel like she let down.
Asuka let’s out a deep breath, to be honest she’s afraid of being carded but the fear of letting down her students is much greater so, “Don’t worry you two, I’ll be just fine. We all know there’s no soldier in the Number Hunters that can defeat me.”
Gloria let’s out a light chuckle, “Of course Teacher.”
Asuka nods and proceeds to leave the resistance base, but then she feels a hand on her shoulder and Edo is looking at her dead in the eyes, “Be careful.”
“I will.”
She runs as fast as her worn out body should, but - she takes a second to turn her head and there are at least eleven Hunters behind her - she can’t stop now. Her mission is a success and she peers down at her duel disk to see how much longer it will take for her message to be delivered to the resistance. 
35% complete… Asuka reads as she jumps off the building, leaving the several Number Hunters behind her. Asuka then takes a moment to catch her breath and she goes to her duel disk’s menu and before she can click Fusion Dimension she hears: 
“The resistance’s commander?”
Asuka turns to see a Number Hunter approaching her and she activates her duel disk. “This must be my lucky day. You gotta be worth fifty points at least!”
Upon closer inspection Asuka recognizes the Number Hunter before her. He’s the one who has one of the highest scores out of all the Numbers, he’s the who gave Sora nightmares for weeks.
Falcon Master
With a smile that causes Asuka to shiver the Falcon Master states, “Let’s see if you’re as good as they say Commander.”
Asuka narrows her eyes, “I can say the same to you Falcon Master.”
There’s no soldier in the Number Hunters that can defeat me.
42% complete… 
“Wanna give up now, Falcon Master?” Asuka asks as the Number Hunter slowly rises from ground. The Falcon Master only has 500 life points left while she has only has lost 800 so far.
The Number Hunter lets out a laugh, “I can see why you’re the commander, you’re good. But I can’t lose now, not when if I card you I’ll finally be above Kaito in points.”
Asuka grits her teeth and she honestly hates this kid. 
“Late arrival penalty. 2000 points.” Asuka hears her duel disk say. Both her and the Falcon Master look over and there is a duelist walking up beside Falcon Master. Asuka knows that duelist’s face all to well and she’s starting to think this is not her day…..
“Need some help Shun?” Onionhead asks Falcon Master, almost laughing. “Doesn’t look like things are going your way.”
“Shut up Kaito,” Falcon Master growls at Onionhead. “You already joined the duel so my opinion doesn’t matter now does it?”
Onionhead lets out a heartfelt laugh, “You’re right, but c’mon the Professor would be upset if we let the Commander get away!” He helps Falcon Master up and the two smile at Asuka. “My turn, I draw.”
There’s no soldier in the Number Hunters that can defeat me.
65% complete….
Asuka feels like she can barely breath anymore. Her life points are now at a mere 1600 but she has managed to eliminate Falcon Master from the battle and Onionhead’s life points are now at 700. 
Onionhead is shaking from anger and with the glare he’s giving her, Asuka actually feels like the prey the Number Hunter’s refer to them as. “To think I would be pushed into a corner by fusion scum.”
Asuka laughs, “I can say the same about you Numbers. But you must have realized by now that you’re not winning this duel.”
“Late arrival penalty. 2000 points.”
“Not if I can do anything about it.”
And suddenly swooping down is another duelist, another Number Hunter, but Asuka does not recognize this one. Logically her brain tells her that it’s most likely an ordinary Number Hunter but the way he holds himself says otherwise. The mysterious duelist turns to her and:
He’s wearing an outfit that Yuri would never wear and he’s a Number Hunter but his face…..All she can see is Yuri. Maybe it’s the stress from this goddamn war or maybe she’s exhausted from this duel but words begin to slip out of her mouth, “What are you doing Yuri?”
The boy just walks toward Onionhead.
She knows it’s not Yuri, it can’t be. But she can’t stop herself. “Why are you helping them? After everything they did…”
“They took Dennis…”
The boy grabs a card from his deck.
“They’ve scarred Sora…”
He places all his cards face down.
“They carded Serena….”
His eyes widened for a moment before he says, “I end my turn.”
There’s no soldier in the Number Hunters that can defeat me.
88% complete….
“……I end my turn.” Asuka says nearly emotionless. She can’t do this anymore, not when she’s facing this boy who looks like one of her beloved students.
“My turn,” Not-Yuri states as he grabs a card from his deck. He summons a dragon that’s almost like Yuri’s (the irony of its name does not escape Asuka) and he activates his monster’s ability - doubling it’s attack points while cutting her monster’s in half - and Asuka knows this is the end.
“….You mentioned the name Serena. Are you referring to the one with blue hair and wears a bracelet?” He asks her.
Asuka feels her blood boil and she yells, “Are you the one that carded her?!”
“I took her yes,” Not-Yuri responds, “but she was not carded. She’s currently at Heartland Tower under the Professor’s protection.”
Suddenly all her anger vanishes and Asuka almost feels numb - not numb, relieved, a feeling she hasn’t felt in a long time - and she finally looks at the boy’s eyes, “Why would you tell me that?”
“Because it would be wrong if in the end you didn’t know the truth.” He answers with such earnestly that is catches Asuka off guard. She realizes then that she’s not facing a soldier but a young boy.
“Treason Discharge!”  
And like that Asuka’s life points fall to zero. She should feel disappointed or afraid but there’s another feeling inside of her that’s blocking out every negative emotion.
Her head feels clear for the first time in weeks and she can think is:
Dennis is learning the Number Hunter’s secrets for us.
Sora and Yuri are going to find Akaba Leo’s son.
Serena would never let anyone keep her locked up for long.
Gloria and Grace are almost done clearing all the docks from the Hunters.
100% complete. Message sent.
Her role as teacher has come to the end. She’s done her job and has given her students all the knowledge and skill to succeed and win this war.
Maybe it’s the light of the Number Hunter’s duel disk shining at her, but the future sure looks bright.
Kaito picks up the card of the resistance’s Commander since Yuto left to get Shun medical help. He looks at the card with slight confusion and amusement, “Well this is a first.”
The Commander, with her eyes closed, is smiling peacefully.
Kaito hears footsteps and he turns to see two females with tears falling down their faces press on their duel disk and return to their own dimension. He should chase them, but the Commander is enough for today.
“Commander Edo, we just received a transmission from Commander Asuka!”
 Edo smiles, “She completed the mission just fine then, great! Please bring up the information she gather right away please.”
“Yes, Commander Edo!”
Arc-Area Project
Man I feel like I kinda made clock’s work sadder cause now Edo thinks Asuka is alive but nope haha.
So Asuka’s solo mission was to go to xyz dimension, hack their computer and see what they are doing or why they are attacking fusion. It was a solo cause having more than one person would attract attention which wouldn’t be good. Gloria and Grace eventually decide to go help their teacher but they were too late opps. I was going to add more with them but it’s really late (early?) so I just wanted to finish this quick.
Asuka deserved better than what she got in the anime but I kinda get it cause they’re pressed for time, and needed to show Yuri is ~invincible~ but like they could have at least made her lose to his real deck… 
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