#yuto adachi imagine
adachicuto · 2 years
happy birthday yuto
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warning(s): food mentions
even though it’s still winter, it would be nice to go on a small hike. after the stress of settling into the new year, this would be something really nice for both of you - being able to enjoy nature and the peace and quiet, nothing could be that
so, you initially wanted it to be a surprise, it would be best for both of you to plan it together which would make the whole process a lot more fun and the two of you would be even more excited afterward
the morning of your hike, which would be the day before yuto’s birthday, he would be so excited that he’d basically be running around your shared place with a huge smile on his face
on the drive to your destination, the two of you would listen to your favorite songs but then you’d put on a playlist, you made for him as an early birthday gift filled with all of his favorite songs and he’d try to hide the blush on his face and it would be one of the cutest things ever
the hike would be exactly what the two of you would need. being out in the fresh air and  away from the constant bustle of the city would be kind of centering for both of you
of course, the two of you wouldn’t miss the chance to take a bunch of goofy pictures together that yuto would send to the rest of ptg on the drive back to the city and he’d probably fall asleep while you’d drive and he’d wake up when you’d be halfway home to apologize but you’d reassure him that it’s okay
so, it’d be pretty late when you’d make it back to your place and the two of you would wash up and cuddle in bed until one of you would doze off but you’d end up falling asleep together
the next morning, the two of you would be in the middle of making brunch (because there would be no way either of you would wake up at a decent time) when you’d hear loud talking near the door and then you’d both realize that it was the members because hui’s laugh gave them away lol
yuto would let them in and they’d all give him a hug before going into the living room but not before they’d give yuto his favorite coffee order from that one cafe he really liked. then you’d start making more food to be kind
there would be a lot of loud talking and even more laughing and joking around before they’d give yuto his gifts and he’d be so excited about the really nice jacket and watch you thrifted for him
after that, the members would leave but you’d all meet up at a nice japanese restaurant that would serve a lot of yuto’s favorite foods from his childhood and he’d thank all of you for the really nice surprise
the smile that you’d see on yuto’s face as he’d get to eat some of his favorite foods and spend time with his second family would be so sweet. to be surrounded by people who love and care for him so much would make yuto’s birthday even more special
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blu-joons · 2 years
He Asks You To Go On Tour With Him ~ Yuto Adachi
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Your smile was weak as you looked up from your phone once again to see Yuto still packing for tour. You hoped that it would just be a bad dream as item after item was thrown into his case as he prepared himself for just over a month on the world, the other side of it to be precise.
He could feel your eyes on him as he walked around the bedroom, knowing just how hard it was for you to watch him. The thought of leaving you terrified him, knowing that you would be left alone for so much time.
As his case got fuller, the reality began to sink in more and more for you, leaving you a stuttering mess once Yuto had finished packing up the first of his three cases.
With the zipper shut, he finally looked across to you, catching you sniffing as you held back the tears. “Are you alright?” He asked as he moved around the room to sit down on the bed beside you.
“I’m good.” Your head nodded as you tried to brighten the smile that was on your face.
Yuto’s arm wrapped around you, being able to see through your lie straight away, shaking his head at how stubborn you were. “The sooner I get packed, the sooner we can do something to try and take your mind off of what’s going on,” he suggested.
You nodded once again in agreement with him, glancing across to the two open, and empty, cases that were waiting to be filled up with Yuto’s belongings.
“Do you want some help?” You asked him, wanting to get the job of packing over and done with just as much as Yuto did, “I don’t mind doing some of it.”
Yuto nodded in reply to you as he stood up and pulled the two cases over, placing them on the bed beside you, looking between them both as he tried to figure out what to put in each one.
“Do you want to pass me stuff, and I’ll back it?” You suggested.
“That won’t work,” he immediately shut you down, helping you off of the bed as you began to walk across to his wardrobe to get stuff out.
You didn’t get very far though as Yuto pulled you back, standing you in front of one of the cases, and leaving himself in front of the other. Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he paused for a moment, making sure that what he had done was right.
“Maybe you could pack that one and I can pack this one,” he proposed, tapping on the top of the case that he had saved for himself, “I think that’s a goo idea for us to do.”
Your head shook as you looked at the empty case that Yuto had given you, without a clue as to what to put in it in order to make sure that he had everything that he needed.
“You just get what you want to put in that case,” Yuto encouraged, trying to get you to move, but you stayed right where you were.
“How am I supposed to know what you want in here?”
His head shook back at you, watching as you folded your arms across your chest. “It’s not what I want that’s going in there, it’s what you want to put in there.”
“I can’t pack a case for you, I don’t know a thing about tour.”
“But you’re not packing it for me.”
Each time that Yuto opened his mouth, he seemed to puzzle you more and more. He never wanted to spell it out for you, but he hoped you’d pick up on things a little bit.
He picked up his case yet again, leaving your one with you. “This one needs to be filled with your things, that’s why I’ve left it with you. You can’t come on tour with nothing Y/N.”
“But I don’t know what you want…wait, I can’t come on tour with nothing? What are you talking about? I’m staying here.”
Yuto’s head shook as the bemusement in your expression reached a maximum, unable to make sense of anything that was going on around you anymore.
“I spoke to the team, they said that you can come with me,” Yuto simply smiled.
Your head shook in disbelief back at him, after being told for months that tour and you weren’t going to go together, you couldn’t figure why they’d had a change of heart.
“I sat down and spoke to management, and the boys came too, assuring them that it would be good for all of us,” Yuto told you, walking towards you and taking a hold of your hand, “they couldn’t ignore all nine of us Y/N.”
“This is real, right?” You quizzed, still a little apprehensive, “you’re not winding me up to make me feel better?”
“I couldn’t be more serious.”
At last, it finally sunk in for you as you jumped up into Yuto’s hold and wrapped your legs around his frame, burying down to rest into the crook of his neck.
“Do I really get to travel the world with you?” You asked Yuto, pulling away from him momentarily to be able to ask him if he was really sure.
His head nodded straight away back to you, heart racing himself. Bringing you on tour was all that he had ever wanted, he was just relieved more than anything that the people at work had finally decided to listen to what he wanted.
“Are you still as annoyed about helping me pack now?” He joked with you.
Your eyes went wide at his question, shaking your head. “I can’t wait to pack now, there’s so many things to take to the other side of the world.”
“I thought you might say that which is why this case is for us to share, it’s not just for me, I just needed to say that to tease you.”
Your eyes rolled as Yuto placed you back down, walking you around to drop you in front of your wardrobe so that you could start packing. You had so many things that you wanted to pack, but nowhere near enough time to do it.
Your heart was beating faster than it ever had done before as you tried to figure how quickly things had changed for you. A few minutes ago, you were terrified of seeing Yuto say goodbye to your home, but now you were saying goodbye to it together.
No matter how hard you tried to get it to sink in, you just couldn’t, it would take a long time for you to really realise where your next adventure was taking you.
“What do you pack for a tour?” You asked Yuto.
His smile was wide as you looked to him for a little bit of help. “You can pack whatever you want, they’ll be plenty of places around the cities that we’re stopping off at for you to get something if you leave something at home.”
“Will you get some time off?”
“Of course,” he smiled, “it’s not always loads of time, but I’ll make sure that at as many stops as possible, we can go and do some exploring together in between our rehearsals.”
Your head nodded as you pulled your first shirt out of your wardrobe, “there’s so many things that I’m thinking about right now, my mind is going into overdrive.”
You couldn’t wait to see what lied ahead for you both as you joined the boys on tour, but even now you couldn’t decide what it was that you wanted to pack, having never packed a suitcase for such a long time before.
“You might have to help me do this,” you called out to Yuto, “I’m a newbie at tour packing.”
“Give me a moment, I’ll come help you out.”
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key201303 · 3 years
I need your help
So, while I was on my semi-hiatus, I didn't stop thinking about stuff and plotting some new ideas that have been popping on my mind. And here's one of them
Have been thinking about this plot for quite a long time and have been feeling like writing with Pentagon for sometime as well so here I come.
The basic plot is reader witnessing a crime and now, a handsome boy (Yuto) from the undercover department on your dad's police station is now your bodyguard.
Now is when you get into action. I need you to help me choose between these two titles. I've been struggling with this decision for a week already and my only solution is asking your opinion.
Click here to vote.
Thank you to everyone that votes and help me out❤️ This story has still a lot to plot and figure out and it'll take me some time to post it but let me know if you would like to read it so I add you to the taglist and you can read it as soon as I post it❤️❤️
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jinkoh · 2 years
Pentagon - When they're jealous
>Maknae Line | Middle Line | Hyung Line
SFW; Warnings: mentions of alcohol/drinking; gender-neutral reader
@bunnybunnykino requested: Hey! I love your blog! Someone that writes for Pentagon have my whole heart! Can i request a scenario where Pentagon get jealous over their s/o? Pleeease 🥺❤️
a/n: Thank you sm for requesting. I had a lot of fun writing these scenarios and I hope you'll enjoy them. Since they ended up getting a little lengthy I decided to split them into three posts~
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“I think I drank too much,” you’d said. “I’m feeling sick.”
And yet, now Yuto was seeing you from across the room, a new drink in your hand and seemingly chatting away with some random dude.
His grip tightened around the glass of water he’d gotten for you from the kitchen. He wasn’t the type to lose his temper, but he’d had to admit that this made him feel a little frustrated. How could you take a drink from some stranger, even though you knew he was on his way to get something to drink for you?
His lips in a slight pout, Yuto made his way over to you, trying to swallow his disappointment.
When he got closer, he noticed your body language, how you were wrapping your free hand around your body, your shoulders raised. How you seemed to lean as faw away from the guy as possible, the drink resting in your hand untouched, without purpose.
His disappointment subsided in the blink of an eye, replaced by worry.
As you saw him approaching you, a relieved smile appeared on your lips.
Returning the smile warmly, he took the drink from your hand and replaced it with the glass of water he’d gotten for you.He set the drink no one had asked for down on a table behind you, not minding the other guy for even a second. What was important now was you and that you were feeling okay.
“Yeah, thank you.” You rested your head against his chest, and he put an arm around you and started caressing your back in slow movements.
“We head home if you want,” he whispered into your hair, squeezing you a little tighter, careful not to make you spill the water.
“Mhm, sounds good.”
“Let’s leave after you’re done drinking then.”
For a moment, Yuto watched fondly, as you sipped on your glass of water.
Only then did he remember the guy, who was still standing in front of you.
“Can I help you somehow?” Yuto asked, and it was amazing, really, because he managed to make it sound very polite and genuine.
“Ah, no, we were just having a little chat.”
“That’s nice.”
“Uh, yeah.”
“We’re about to leave though, so you may want to look for a different company. Maybe someone who’s a little less drunk.”
“I guess so.” The guy laughed awkwardly and turned to leave.
“Your drink.”
Yuto smiled, holding out the glass he had taken from your hands earlier. “You forgot your drink.”
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Hyunggu wasn't a jealous person per se. He didn't have a reason to be, he knew you were into him, and that other's weren't a real threat.
But from time to time he just wanted to brag about how you're all his, showing everyone that they didn't stand a chance with you.
Tonight was one of these times; your conversation with that random guy dragging on way too long. Hyunggu didn't like the way he leaned in close to you, using the loud music as an excuse to speak directly into your ear. You weren't pushing away either. Maybe you wanted to be polite or maybe you were genuinely interested in what that guy was saying—either way, Hyunggu didn't like this.
He'd been sitting by watching idly from afar for a while but when that dude brushed your arm with his hand casually, as if there wasn't anything special about it, he decided it was time to put him in his place.
Hyunggu excused himself from the friends he'd been talking to with a nod and the promise to meet up sometime and made his way through the crowd over to you.
Without warning, he sneaked his arms around your waist from behind and left a chaste kiss on your temple. He felt you startle under his sudden touch before you relaxed into his embrace.
"Are you having a fun conversation, baby?" He asked, giving your waist a little squeeze.
You nodded, moving your hands to rest over his. "Yeah it's been fine."
The guy across from you seemed a little thrown off. Hyunggu could see in his expression that he'd hoped for the night to end differently, with your number in his phone or maybe even you in his bed.
Of course, you would have never let any of that happen and Hyunggu knew—but still, it didn't hurt to show him just how taken you were.
Hyunggu threw the guy a self-sufficient smile as you snuggled a bit into his arms.
The guy seemed to be unsure what to do, intimidated by the expression in Hyunggu's eyes but too prideful to just leave, so he opted to introduce himself.
"I didn't know they had a boyfriend," he said then, chuckling awkwardly. It was clear he was trying to say this casually, as if you being taken hadn't just destroyed his plans for the evening, but he didn't quite succeed.
"So they do." Hyunggu didn't bother introducing himself, since he was sure the conversation wouldn't drag on much longer either way. "I didn't want to interrupt you two though, feel free to continue your conversation." His voice sounded sweet and genuine, but his eyes betrayed him.
"Ah, no worries," another awkward laugh, "I was about to get myself another drink anyway. Anything for the two of you?"
"Thanks, we're good," you replied, knowing full well that your conversation partner wouldn't be coming back.
As he scurried away, you turned around in Hyunggu's arms, facing him.
"Are you being jealous, my love?"
A playful pout appeared on his face. "What would I be jealous for?"
You smiled before leaning in and pecking his lips.
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Wooseok liked your sister and her family, really. And he was as excited as you to finally meet their baby who’d just been born a few weeks ago. So, when you’d asked him if he’d be okay with her family coming over for coffee one of these days, he’d happily given an okay.
He couldn’t wait for them to come and was eager to hold the baby for the first time (though he’d been really nervous about it too, not wanting to hurt the little thing, that looked so tiny in his arms).
But now that your visitors had been around for a few hours, the initial excitement slowly faded, making space for a different, unpleasant feeling. The five of you were sitting in the living room, sipping on coffee and tea as your sister and her husband told you about the stress and happiness of the last few weeks.
All the while, your nephew was laying in your arms, looking at you with his big baby eyes and completely enchanting you. Whenever he so much as lifted a finger, you started to coo over him. “Awww, aren’t you so cute?” you’d say, and “Our little baby has the prettiest eyes, hm?”
Obviously Wooseok had to agree, your nephew was undeniably cute with his tiny hands and big brown eyes. But you didn’t have to fuss over him that much, did you? He wasn’t even your child.
When the time finally came and your sister announced they’d have to leave, Wooseok almost wanted to sigh in relief. He said goodbye to the three of them, a loose, friendly hug for the parents and a small wave for their son, before you accompanied them to the door, saying your goodbyes as well.
Wooseok stayed in the living room, waiting for the telltale sound of the front door closing and you coming back.
As soon as you did, he frowned at you from his place on the couch. Confused, you walked over to him, and he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, his grumpy expression not disappearing.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“Yeah,” he said. “I’m your baby.”
“He’s not your baby. Because I am.”
“Wooseok, are you jealous of a literal infant right now?”
“I’m not jealous.” He pouted. “But I’m your favorite, right?”
You couldn’t contain the fond laughter slipping past your lips. “You’re my favorite,” you said, bending down a little to cup his face.
He leaned into your touch, resting his head against your stomach as you moved your hands to brush through his hair.
“Okay, you’re forgiven.”
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sunflowersoonyoung · 3 years
curse words | yuto
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w.c ↠ 1.1k
pairing/s ↠ yuto x fem!reader
genre/s ↠ established relationship au!, pwp, smut, dom!yuto, punishing, multiple orgasms (fem!receiving), needy!reader
description ↠ a curse word you don’t recognise escapes his lips the moment he finally slips inside of you.
warning/s ↠ suggestive themes, curse words (including one in japanese)
a/n ↠ idk why but the idea of yuto swearing in Japanese is rlly hot to me. 
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“You’re home!”
Yuto was still in the loose hoodie he had left the dormitory wearing, but his hair had lost its fluff and volume. As you buried your nose in his chest, you inhaled the scent of his sweat - a smell that pooled arousal in the pit of your belly.
You had been craving him for the past few hours in his absence, and Yuto could sense it as you took fistfuls of his jumper.
“Oh?” He cupped your cheeks with his large hands and tilted your face towards him, “you’re being clingy. It’s cute.”
You emitted a slow, shuddering sigh upon meeting his gaze. This was all Yuto needed as confirmation, leaning forward to kiss you gently.
At that moment, your need for him tipped and overflowed, and your lips were far more eager in comparison to his. Yuto’s deep voice rumbled up from his chest, a low purr.
“Mm, not so fast,” he ducked away from you, “be patient.”
You whined, your grip on his hoodie tightening, and he grinned - in contrast to his usual courteous nature, Yuto often teased you in bed. His favourite thing was seeing desperation layered thick on your expression.
Abruptly, he ducked down and wrapped his arms around your legs, throwing you over his shoulder. You yelped, clawing at his shoulders for purchase, gasping, “Yuto-kun!”
“Shh,” he hushed - although you could not see his face, you could hear the amusement in his tone.
Yuto padded through the dormitory, passing into his bedroom and closing the door behind him. He draped you over the bed, looming over you as he tugged his jumper over his head.
In the dim lighting of his room, you admired his beautiful, well-sculpted tan skin. You reached up and ran your fingers down the ridges of his abs. His skin was soft but firm, and his stomach rose and fell beneath your fingertips.
He chuckled softly, lowering himself over you and kissing you once more. This time, Yuto took control, pressing himself against you in a deep, dizzying kiss. His large hands slid beneath your shirt, discovering your braless chest and squeezing the pliant flesh.
As he kissed you, his fingers pinched at your nipples, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger.
“Yuto,” you pleaded, burying your nails in his shoulders, “skip the foreplay.”
“No,” he raised his eyebrows, his deep voice sending waves of goosebumps down your body, “you’re being impatient. Do I need to teach you how to wait?”
You pouted, “I-I’ve waited all day for this already.”
“I know.”
Although he spoke soothingly, you did not feel comforted in the slightest.
Rather, you did not know what to anticipate. You never did with him. One day he would be soft and sweet in bed. The next, he would stretch out an impending orgasm for as long as he could. You hoped for the former.
Yuto shifted back onto his feet, revealing the hefty outline of his cock straining against his sweatpants. You swallowed, shrinking back against his mattress, suddenly flustered and shy.
He tucked his hand beneath the waistband, and although you could not see exactly what he was doing, you knew he was touching himself. Eventually, he pulled his cock out of his pants, jerking it directly in front of you.
“Yuto,” you breathed, your interest solely fixed on the veiny thickness of his cock swollen in his fist. Once again, he responded with a low purr of a chuckle.
“Soon,” he replied, “but I do have to remind you to be patient.”
Your throat was thick with saliva as he continued to pump his cock with his hand, deftly flicking his wrist. He groaned, his muscles flexing as pleasure coursed through his body.
You could hear the squelching of his precum, the coarseness of his breathing, watching the way his hips rose to meet his hand - but you knew you could not touch him.
Observing made you feel crazed with desire.
“My God,” you cried, rolling your head back against the duvet, “at least let me touch myself.”
“That wouldn’t teach you anything, would it?” Yuto hummed, pressing his thumb against the tip of his girthy cock. Your thoughts bled together into one: ‘please, just fuck me.’
It felt as if Yuto masturbated in front of you for an impossibly long amount of time. Although knowing how horny you were, it probably was not that bad.
Eventually, Yuto was either satisfied that you had learned your lesson or was simply after more than his hand. He dragged you out of your shorts and your underpants, sliding three fingers through your sensitive folds.
You gasped and clawed at the sheets, “s-stop teasing me!”
Yuto did exactly as you asked, pushing first the tip of his cock inside of you and then the rest of him.
Both of you emitted a breathy moan, and Yuto growled, “kuso!”
His head was lolled back out of pleasure as his hips began to work, beginning without mercy at a forceful, relentless pace. His face was relaxed, his eyes closed, sweat beading on his temples.
“Ah,” you puffed, “Yuto, it feels so-so good!”
With each thrust, you grew wetter, more sensitive; each time, a collision of pleasure crashed against your body, making your head spin.
Yuto’s head fell forwards, and he grinned down at you before pressing a thumb against your swollen clit and dragging you into an orgasm. Stars speckled your vision - for a moment, you ascended straight into the ceiling, your ears ringing loudly, no longer able to register much outside of the constricting orgasm that was wreaking havoc on you.
By the time you recovered, Yuto’s cock was fucking you in deep, slower thrusts. He wrapped his hands around your thighs and pulled you closer, a position that allowed him to find that particular spot that made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“F-Fuck!” You slurred, your whole body quivering uncontrollably. Jagged shards of pleasure were biting the pit of your belly, so overwhelming that you had to grasp the sheets.
And then you came again, and this time your vision drowned jet black. You could vaguely hear Yuto’s groaning, barely feeling him settle his cock inside of you.
Your vision was blurred with tears as you finally looked up at Yuto, who was staring down at you with half-lidded eyes, his chest rising and falling.
“Are you okay?” He asked, reverting to his soft nature.
“Of course, but, wh-what was that word you said earlier?” You asked, reflecting upon the moment.
Yuto’s smile was crooked and sheepish as he responded, “I guess some Japanese slipped out.”
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kyswoo · 3 years
Pentagon reaction
having a kid with them
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pairing: yandere!pentagon x reader
genre: yandere au, fluff(?), some angst idk???
request: "can you do a yandere pentagon reaction to having a kid with their s/o?"
masterlist 🌸
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the kid is like the physical representation of your love, so he will cherish them as much as he cherish you, the kid basically shows everyone that you are his
usually he treats your child really well and gives them everything they want, so they might become a little spoiled
but if the kid do something that annoys him he might yell and ground them
you have to tell him to not be so harsh on them since they're just a kid
since he doesn't want the kid to be afraid of him or something, he will give them something to make them happy
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you know he can get violent sometimes so you are afraid he might do something to your kid, so you are always around them
he gets jealous you give your child so much attention so he just ignores the kid whenever they come to him
your child might ask you something like "does dad hates me?", hearing it makes you feel so bad, so you try to make Hui pay more attention to them, he might give them some gifts from time to time but that's it
your kid ends up getting scared everytime you two argue because he can be really loud, so eventually they get afraid of bothering him and try to stay away from him
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he doesn't hates neither loves your child,
if they ask him something, like if they want to eat something or buy something he will gladly do it
but if they try to make a fuss he will just say something to scare them making your kid run to you crying
when you tell him to not say such things to your child he will just say he didn't said anything like that and tell you to control your kid better
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just like Jinho, he thinks the child is like a extension of you
so he will actually take good care of your kid, showering them with love
he would be like a very overproctive dad, not letting them out very often and controlling everything they do and every step they make
he will do everything he can to make them happy as well, because he knows you care about them a lot so if they are happy you will also be happy
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°•Yeo One
he will try to take good care of your kid, but he does get jealous whenever you give more attention to your child than him
he would get all pouty and you have to give him a lot of attention later
or else he would think it's all your kids fault and ignore or say something mean to them
besides that he would spoil your kid a lot so you think he is a good dad, but if you are not around he would just ignore them as well
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he won't pay a lot of attention to your kid too, if he is in a good humor he might buy them a gift or something
but he doesn't likes seeing you give them so much attention and leaving him aside
so if the kid does anything that annoys him he would take it out on you
"if you didn't spoil them so much I wouldn't have to do this" your kid starts being afraid of him doing something to you, so they are always quiet when he is around
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he is always taking care of your kid so you wouldn't give them too much attention and forget about him
so this way he can get more your attention than your child
if your child misbehave is all your fault because he treats them well, so you are the one that have to be punished
but he still tries to make you stay away from them as much as he can
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he actually likes the idea because it's one more excuse for you to stay with him
"I mean it's our kid, they need both their parents right?" he keeps saying this so you won't even think of leaving him
he is always close to your kid because that makes you stay close to him too
he tells your kid about how everything changed once he met you, so they might think it's a normal behavior to do what he does
(I wouldn't be surprised if your child became a yandere too)
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he doesn't really know how to take care of them so he usually just do what you ask him to do
he knows you would be upset if he didn't treat them well so he tries to spoil them as much as he can
if the kid throws a tantrum or something he will just ignore them and leave it for you
but whenever the kid needs something he will do everything he can to satisfy them
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cyncialwoo · 2 years
Rain A. Yuto
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-pairing: yuto x gn! reader -genre: really fluffy friends to lovers -words: 743 -A/n: Just a really fluffy drabble where the reader is all in their mind about their crush on Yuto plus comforting rain!
Rain. Good background noise and something you never really minded to hear. It was a soothing sound that could rock you to sleep, but for others.. Well it could bring them horror. Maybe for some it brings thoughts. There are many things rain could be tied to, but for you it was a sense of comfort. The only part was that you were alone and missing a person by your side. A person with you inside while the rain pounded would make a full scene. Just you and that one person who you could just sit with in comfortable silence. Your hand hovered over the call button for Yuto. A friend who you had missed dearly and when talking about being someone in while the rain poured he’s the only person who comes to mind. Maybe it’s how long you were staring at your screen, but your eyes began to sting. Blinking a few times to get rid of the sting– or your hesitancy. Your finger finally pressed down on the call button putting the phone up to your ear while biting your lip.
 One… Two… “Hello?” His voice was soft on the line. You sucked in a breath to take in this moment. Time moves so slow while your heart beats so fast. 
Your lips turned to a smile, “Do you want to come over?” His voice gave reassurance as he hummed like he was thinking about whether he was going to accept the offer. Your smile grew even bigger knowing it was his way of teasing you. “Of course. I’ll be on my way.” 
The line hung up with a smile still plastered on your face. Okay maybe Yuto was a bit more than a friend to you in your mind, but what did that matter? He never said anything to move the relationship forward and neither did you. Sure he had other friends who he flirted with so what was the difference with you? Was it how he smiled at you everytime he saw you or when he raised his eyebrows? Was it the way he teased you on certain things? Maybe it was that. Those were the things that made your heart flutter and question so many things, but at the same time make you fear the loss of his friendship. 
~ It seemed like your mind went in circles along with the popcorn in the microwave. Your mind was fried as you tried not to get too giddy– to act “normal” in front of Yuto. What did that matter anyway when he was your friend? The microwave beeped as you were lost in your own thoughts. From the side of your view a hand reached out to open the door of the microwave and take out the bag of popcorn for you. Your eyes watched the hand and you turned around to face Yuto.
He looked concerned. You stared blankly at him. He blinked a few times before saying, “Got something on your mind? This isn’t the first timer you’ve blanked out.. First on the phone, then answering the door, or getting blankets from your room. What’s going on?” Your eyes failed to meet his- a bit ashamed of the way you were acting.
Your eyes were still on the ground, taking in slow deep breaths. Should your feelings for him really be shared? It felt right at the moment as if everything led up to this even if it was a rocky road. What other excuse could you give him, but the truth? “I think I have a crush on you. It might sound a bit weird, but I’m most comfortable with you. I feel safe with you and I enjoy every moment we spend together.” You pressed your lips together and your eyes slowly looked up at his.
He smiled so brightly with his eyes closed and his teeth showing and moved you to smile too. Youtube pulled you into a hug wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight. He didn’t say anything, but it was a yes in the way he separated the two of you and laid a kiss on your forehead. So sweet and loving he was the rest of the night as you two lay together in each other’s comfort with the rain. Now the scene was complete with you and Yuto in each other’s embrace. So sweet and silent as the night passed like how the next night would pass.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Afterglow || (M)
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→ A/n: Yuto x Female Reader
→ Genre: smut
→ Words:  1K
→ A/n: Finally is here! We hope that the anon who requested this likes what we wrote, and we could fulfill the request as they imagined! Thank you so much again for requesting it ❤❤
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When Yuto texted you saying he had a full on tiring day at work, you were more than glad to pamper him when he got home. You cooked his favorite meal for dinner, put on the songs he loved and had the bed ready and cozy for him to just throw himself there and chill.
Him being busy mostly all the time made you cherish all the moments you had to actually take care of him like he deserves, no matter how little time it may be. So knowing how you worked hard to make a very comfortable environment for him made you feel happy and excited, anxious for when he arrives.
Yuto arrived a bit later than what you expected and entered the house quietly. His face was down and his whole body showed how tired he was and you felt even a bit bad for how much he has to work on a daily basis. You kissed his lips softly and he muttered a soft hi against you. Barely saying anything, you rushed him into showering before anything and he went to the bathroom with a small smile at your antics.
After a few minutes of you making sure everything was in place and double-checking the bed for the fluffiest sheets, you heard the shower stop. Yuto entered the room with a towel wrapped around his waist, his body still a little damp from the steamy shower, and you couldn’t help but gawk at him just a little bit.
“Like what you see?” his deep voice startled you, who was very much focused on admiring his beautiful toned torso.
He ran his hands along with his abs and pecs, showing off to you.
“And what if I do?” you quirked up one eyebrow, teasing him.
“I’m all yours to look at,” he smirked, stepping closer to you “But I can think of more fun things you could do.”
He sat by your side, and his hand found your jawline, cupping gently to end the space between your lips. He kissed you passionately, and you moaned into the kiss, succumbing to the satisfaction of having him so close to you, but still, you wanted more.
You lifted yourself up just enough to straddle him quickly, not breaking the kiss one second, both of you eager for each other's touch. His hands now held onto your tights, traveling teasingly slowly its way up, climbing under your oversized shirt to embrace your back, taking advantage that you were only wearing that and your panties.
You held on to his shoulders for support, grazing your nails on the warm skin to get small hisses of pleasure from him, which you absolutely adored.
“I missed you so much today,” he said, tracing kisses down your jawline, making goosebumps rise on your skin
You tugged his hair, trying to contain your excitement just a little.
“You got me right here, Yuto”
He groaned lowly and moved until he laid on his back, your body fitting him perfectly, with your weight on top of him. Your body moved on its own, enjoying the feeling of having him so close and so relaxed.
Part of your mind recalled having dinner plans and movies but all you could focus on now was Yuto's low voice calling you babe and gripping at your behind, helping you grind against him. It made you reach for more kisses, swallowing his noises and even your own noises of satisfaction, relishing on knowing that just the proximity made you wet, a shudder taking over you when his hard-on felt really prominent under your panties clad pelvis.
You leaned up and carelessly got rid of your top, being able to now fully enjoy the warmness of his skin against yours when you leaned back down to kiss him. As you swayed your hips on his bulge, his noises started getting more desperate, making your wetness pool on your underwear.
You hear Yuto’s hand reaching for a condom on the nightstand, but you didn’t mind as you enjoyed nibbling on his bottom lip.
“I need to feel you around me, babe” he stopped and pleaded, already panting in anticipation, handing you the small packet
“So eager” you chuckled, teasing him.
You hooked one finger and pulled the towel that surprisingly still covered his body, freeing his erection. When your hand wrapped around it, he groaned so lowly that you would miss it if you weren’t paying attention to everything about him. You pumped it unhurriedly, enjoying his little squirms and pants as you pleasured him.
Enough with the teasing, you opened the condom and rolled down his shaft, and finally let it inside you, moaning at the feeling of him stretching you. You started moving on top of him slowly, finding your rhythm and his, and his hands that gripped on your ass just accompanied your moves, letting you take the lead and move freely
As you felt more comfortable you sped up your pace, supporting yourself with your hands on his chest. At this point, Yuto let himself moan freely, and that actually encouraged you to keep doing just how he liked, and for your pleasure, he was long enough to hit the perfect spot inside you
“You’re so beautiful, fuck” Yuto groaned, gripping you just a little harder “You do it so good for me.”
“Just for you” you managed to say in a breathy voice
Waves of pleasure were shooting down your core and you knew you wouldn’t last long, especially when he started thrusting up to meet your hips, getting himself deeper inside of you. As you got closer to your orgasm, you clenched around him and his breath was starting to get hitched in his throat.
Yuto started spasming under you and you used one hand to circle around your clit, bringing yourself to reach your high at the same time he did, and the both of you just let go together, becoming a sloppy mess of pleasure.
Once finished riding your high, you threw yourself by his side, laying comfortably your head on his chest, to which he immediately responded by running his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp.
“The food is probably cold, but dinner is ready in case you're hungry,” you said jokingly, and his laughter filled the room.
“Dinner sounds nice” he laughed fondly at you
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virgoterritory · 3 years
My back is so sore from work, but I wouldn't mind Adachi Yuto breakin it even more rn
this is an 18+ blog so please do not interact if you are a minor
King of foreplay! I just know he would have you in tears from sheer need and he’d love it! He’d be above you, face so close to yours as he fucks you with his fingers and watches as your eyes well up with tears as you beg him for the third time to let you cum, he’d be chuckling as he pulls his digits out of you and puts them in his mouth, humming to himself as the taste of you hits his tongue before telling you to get on all fours. He’d kneel behind you and lick a stripe up your pussy just to watch you shudder before lining himself up to your entrance. you’d be arching and moaning out his name before he even starts to push himself into you and he’d be laughing softly asking if his princess was that needy. The pace would be slow to start with, just to continue teasing you, he’d be spreading your ass checks to watch you swallow his cock and it would turn him on so much that he’d start fucking you deeper and faster, so much so that you’d be gripping onto the sheets underneath you and smushing your face into the pillow in front of you. He’d be grunting so much as he grabbed your hips to steady you and watched your ass bounce back onto him, he’d snake his hand around to rub sloppy circles on your clit and you’d be biting your lip as you clenched around him. You’d feel him drape himself over your back to bite on your shoulder before telling you to cum all over his cock like a good girl
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Camp North Star - July 10th
AFAB!Reader x Yanan x Kang Hyunggu x Adachi Yuto
Word Count: 4814
Contents: dance studio sex, Yanan is an instigator, oral (giving and receiving), fingering (on reader and another member), protected sex, anal (not involving reader)
You and Yuto cheered as Hyunggu finished showing you the choreography he had been working on. He looked a little nervous but a cute grin spread across his face at your encouragement, first meeting you in the mirror and then turning towards you.
“I’m still working on it. I think it’s good but, you know.”
“I know that it’s great!” You said.
“It was really good,” Yuto agreed.
“Yeah, pretty cool,” Yanan added. “Could use more floor grinding though.”
You snorted while Yuto and Hyunggu laughed.
“Yanan, just because it can be sexual doesn’t mean it has to be.” You said.
“Au contraire,” He said. “It makes it much more fun.”
“You just want to see me grind on the floor,” Hyunggu snickered. Yuto and you burst out laughing at the surprised, even impressed, look on Yanan’s face. Quickly however, it melted into a smirk.
“Maybe I do.”
Hyunggu was still giggling as he walked closer. “Maybe I should do something about that.”
Whether Yanan was playing along or actually flirting you didn’t know. There truly was no way to know with him. Either way, he was giving Hyunggu a sultry stare which had Yuto and you leaning on each other as you giggled uncontrollably.
“Be careful what you start,” Yanan said as Hyunggu came within reach.
“I know what I’m doing.” Hyunggu reached down for Yanan’s hands. But Yanan moved too quickly for him, grabbing at his hips and trying to pull him onto his lap.
Hyunggu’s face went red and he stumbled back, falling to the floor as Yuto and you cackled. Yanan chuckled to himself as he stood from the couch, stretching his arms out a little as he looked down at Hyunggu who was still recovering.
“Well as fun as that was, I say it’s about time we get some music going.”
“I’m game,” you said, getting to your feet. 
Yuto followed suit. “Now I’m curious how you’re going to dance.” 
“It’s a treat,” Yanan grinned, wiggling his eyebrows before turning to the sound system. Yuto helped Hyunggu to his feet and you stretched out your arms as if you really knew how to warm up. There wasn’t much of a point to dancing. It was simply for fun, for goofiness. But Hyunggu let you into the studio, and Yanan and Yuto wanted to join. It was a plus to see Hyunggu’s choreo too, he was better than he gave himself credit for being.
The three of you turned your attention to Yanan as a particularly suggestive song started playing on the sound system. Yanan gave you all a suggestive look as he dimmed the lights a bit.
“Yanan if I didn’t know any better I would think you’re trying to start an orgy,” you chuckled.
“I would not put it past him,” Hyunggu said.
“Hey wherever it goes is where it goes,” Yanan chuckled.
You snorted but still started moving to the music. Hyunggu was quick to join in, seemingly recovered and ready to be cheeky again. As Yanan and Yuto started moving to the slow jam Hyunggu put his hands on his knees and threw his ass back. You all let out a laugh at the slow sensual twerk he was attempting but quickly you were joining him, giggling the whole time. Yuto couldn’t stop laughing at the sight while Yanan snickered before pulling Hyunggu up to standing.
Yanan rested his arm over Hyunggu’s shoulder as Hyunggu got closer, dancing up on each other. You couldn’t help but smile at the way Hyunggu kept giggling as you grabbed Yuto’s hand and pulled him up behind you. You swayed your hips, feeling his hand land gently in a sweet touch on your waist. You sunk into a squat as you danced, amused by the surprised look that crossed his face in the mirror.
Your attention went back to Yanan and Hyunggu as Yanan tilted Hyunggu’s face towards his and leaned in. For a moment it seemed that Hyunggu was going to kiss him before his face broke into a smile and he ducked out of the way with a laugh.
You stood back to your feet just before Yanan stole your dance partner. You felt Hyunggu come up behind you, taking your hips. You ground back against him while looking back over your shoulder.
“You’re bold for someone who chickened out on a kiss,” you chuckled.
He giggled into the back of your neck. “Shut up.”
“Oh! Looks like you’re the only chicken.” You said as you caught the sight in front of you. Yanan had been dancing with Yuto, a hand on his hip. But he had pulled him closer and despite the blush on Yuto’s face, he had let his eyes flutter closed as he locked lips with Yanan.
“What?! Awh man,” Hyunggu mumbled as he looked up and took in the sight.
You chuckled at him, swaying your hips a little more as he pouted on your shoulder. Still, he kept dancing with you, grinding against your ass, even if he was a little moody. His hands gripped your hips just a little tighter as he moved to the song, pressing a light kiss to the back of your neck.
Yanan pulled away from his kiss with Yuto looking very satisfied with himself. Yuto clung to him, catching his breath and a little reluctant to let go. Yanan leaned in, murmuring something in his ear. You couldn’t hear it from where you were but you could gather that it had to be suggestive from just how flustered Yuto became.
Yanan managed to get out of his grip, setting his sights on you. You heard Hyunggu let out a small whine as Yanan got closer, not quite ready to let go of you yet.
“Can I cut in for a moment?” Yanan asked.
“Sure,” Hyunggu mumbled. 
“Don’t worry,” Yanan chuckled as he took a hold of your waist, pulling you closer. “I’ll give them back, eventually.”
Hyunggu fully let go of you as Yanan pulled you, wasting no time in kissing you. You let your hands trail up his arms as you leaned into him, letting his tongue past your lips. You had to admit, he was a good kisser.
Yanan’s hands slid down your back and to your ass. You grinned slightly into his kisses as he grabbed at you, pulling you closer against him. And a laugh almost bubbled it’s way out of your throat when he pressed his hips into you and you felt that he was undeniably getting hard.
“You really are trying to start an orgy,” you murmured against his lips.
“I mean I’m banking on you being down, even if the others aren’t.” He replied.
“I’m down,” you hummed, meeting his eyes for a moment before he looked over your shoulder and snorted.
“I don’t think we’ll have trouble getting them involved,” he chuckled.
You spun around and let out a laugh as you caught sight of Yuto and Hyunggu pulling each other closer in the midst of a heated makeout. You felt Yanan wrap his arms around you, pressing against you and grinding subtly against your ass. He leaned his lips near your ear.
“I was hoping this would happen when I left them both frustrated.”
“You are something else, Yanan,” you chuckled.
“I know,” he purred before letting go of you. You followed him as he moved closer to them. The two broke apart, both blushing and flustered once they realized the attention was on them. Yanan let a hand trail down each of their arms.
“What do you say we turn the heat up?” He proposed.
It was almost comical how quickly the two started nodding. Yanan took Yuto’s hand and you wrapped an arm around Hyunggu, leading him to the couch. Yanan took Yuto to the barre that ran along the wall, kissing him and pressing him back against it.
Hyunggu had his bottom lip caught between his teeth as you pushed him back to sit on the couch. You leaned down over him, one hand braced on his thigh and the other landing in his lap. Your lips brushed against his and you smirked, staying just out of reach of a kiss as you started to palm his half hard cock through his sweats.
“You’ve been getting needy,” you murmured.
“Can you blame me?” He mumbled, his voice already a little breathy.
“Not at all,” you gave him the smallest of kisses before sinking to your knees. “Just sit back and enjoy.”
“I can do that,” a ghost of a grin was on his lips as he replied. You smirked up at him as your hands found the waist of his sweats. He lifted his hips, allowing you to pull them down along with his boxers. He sunk back into the couch as you moved between his legs, meeting his gaze as you wrapped a hand around his cock.
He let out a little sigh, but it was overshadowed by Yuto’s low whine. You pumped Hyunggu’s cock as you glanced over at them. Yanan was on his knees, a hand wrapped around Yuto’s cock as he moved his head, taking him into his mouth. Yuto was gripping the barre, knees a little weak as he leaned back into it heavily.
You brought your gaze back to meet Hyunggu’s as you took him into your mouth. The way his face contorted in pleasure, eyebrows knit and mouth hung open in a moan at the sensation had a rush of arousal running through your body, down your spine to your core.
You brought a hand to his thigh, squeezing the soft skin as you moved at a steady pace, hand around the base of his cock getting a little tighter. Hyunggu let out a steady series of moans as you took your time, not moving too fast. His eyes fell shut and his hand traveled to your head, tangling into your hair.
Hyunggu tried to urge you to move a little faster but you kept your pace slow. He let out a whine and you moaned around him in reply. He tried to press his hips towards you but you dug your nails into his thigh before pulling back off his cock.
“I told you to sit back and enjoy.” You teased.
He gripped your hair a little more strongly. “You’re going too slow.”
“I want you to savour it.”
“I’ve savoured enou-” his words broke off into another moan as you took him back into your mouth, humming around him. You moved just a little faster but slow enough to keep him frustrated.
His moans grew more and more whiny and desperate with each passing moment. His hips kept trying to move and each glance up at his face gave you the sight of pleasure on his pretty features.
Yuto’s moans were no better. They were still low but they were growing louder and louder. The tone was filled with so much desperation. And the sounds of your own mouth moving on Hyunggu’s cock were nothing to the sounds Yanan was letting. Lewd, wet sounds and gagging as he took Yuto’s cock into his throat.
You pressed your thighs together, so preoccupied with the sounds filling the studio. The symphony around had tremors running through you and your cunt aching for any kind of attention now.
Your gaze shifted back to Yuto as he shakily pushed Yanan back. From the edges of your view you could make out the smirk on Yanan’s face and the mess his lips had become, a string of saliva still connecting them to Yuto’s cock.
You brought your attention back to Hyunggu, watching the look on his face as you heard Yanan get up. He and Yuto came closer. Yanan sat next to Hyunggu on the couch and wasted no time in slipping his hand under Hyunggu’s shirt while kissing up the side of his neck. Hyunggu let out a particularly needy whine as Yanan started to tease his nipples.
You didn’t notice Yuto was behind you until you felt the gentle touch on your hip and then his chin landing on your shoulder.
“Do you want some attention?” His voice was still breathy but his tone was so sweet as he spoke. You gave him an “mhm” and felt his hand dip down. You let your legs press open a bit as Yuto ran his hand over your inner thigh, squeezing while pressing kisses to your shoulder. He brought it up to your waist before slipping it into the waistband of your shorts. His hand stayed over your panties as he started to rub slowly. 
You let out a moan around Hyunggu’s cock at the pleasurable feeling. Your hips pressed forward into his touch, aching for more of the sparks that shot through your body. The touch was everything you needed in that moment as you listened to Hyunggu’s whines, moving a little faster.
Hyunggu’s whines had climbed higher in his voice. You glanced up at him to see his head had fallen against the back of the couch. His chest was heaving with heavy breaths, Yanan’s hand still under his shirt, teasing his nipples, and lips on his neck.
You wrapped your hand more tightly around his cock, pumping the base faster now. Your hips were rocking into Yuto’s hand and the pleasure rushing through your own body had you moving faster, more desperately as you took Hyunggu as deeply as you could manage into your mouth, his moans only spurring you on more.
“F-Fuck,” Hyunggu’s hands pushed at your head, pushing you back off his cock before he could cum. “O-Okay, I-I don’t want to cum yet.”
“Why don’t we switch positions then?” Yanan murmured.
You all agreed quickly. You moved back to let Hyunggu get up. Yanan took his hand, pulling him around in front of him. Yuto helped you up onto the couch, staying on his knees and shifting closer. His hands ran over your shorts as Hyunggu kneeled in front of Yanan.
“Can I take these off?” He asked sweetly.
“Absolutely,” you hummed, lifting your hips. He pulled off your shorts and panties. You watched as he bit down on his lip while spreading your legs. His eyes flickered up to look at you.
“Can I?”
You grinned down at him, threading your fingers into his hair and pulling him a little closer. His hands found your hips, pulling them closer to the edge of the couch. He kept his gaze looking up at you sweetly while he leaned in, gently running his tongue through your folds with a quiet moan.
“Mmm, just like that,” you hummed. Yuto kept a slow, gentle pace and you let yourself enjoy the sensation while Yanan next to you let out a breathy moan. 
You gazed over, seeing Hyunggu between his legs, already taking a lot of Yanan’s cock into his mouth. His hands were wrapped around the base of Yanan’s cock and his eyes were trained up on Yanan’s, taking in his heated gaze. The sight alone was arousing and had you tightening your hold in Yuto’s hair.
You looked back down at him, feeling him move a little faster as his tongue lapped at your clit. You let out moans of your own, pressing your hips towards him. You could feel and hear every moan that he let out. His eyes had fallen closed and he had one hand squeezing at your thigh while the other trailed closer and closer to your core.
“I want to feel your fingers,” you murmured down to him, knowing he was already thinking the same thing. Yuto gave you a quick gaze, slightly smiling against you as he brought his finger to your entrance, teasing you a little.You keened forwards, hips pressing closer until he dipped his finger inside.
“Mmm fuck yes,” you moaned, letting your eyes slip shut. You rocked your hips forwards as he started to finger you, moving in slow thrusts at first but quickly starting to speed up. His tongue kept its steady movements over your clit and you reveled in the pleasure that was coursing through you, the coil starting to curl in your core.
You felt Yanan’s hand pulling up the edge of your shirt. You looked over at him, finding his heated gaze now trained on you.
“Can I take this off?” He purred.
“Mhm,” you nodded, sitting up a little bit. Yanan reached over and pulled your shirt up over your head. He threw it to the side and before you could tell him to take off his own, he’d captured you in a kiss. 
You gasped at the way he gripped your jaw, pulling you in for a messy kiss, both of you moaning into each other’s mouths. Your hands gripped at his shirt, Yuto keeping your hips from moving away from himself too much, eating you out a little more quickly now.
Yanan let his hands shift around your body to undo your bra. You grinned against his lips as you shrugged it off before bringing a hand back to Yuto’s hair, and the other slipped up under Yanan’s shirt.
He let out a breathy moan against your lips that had you feeling smug as you started to tease his nipples. The kisses between you were messy and full of moans but it made it that much hotter as you took in the sounds of both Yuto and Hyunggu going down on you both.
Any smugness was wiped from your system though, and you cursed against his lips, as Yanan pinched one of your nipples between his fingers, rolling it roughly. You pressed your chest closer to him, attention only pulling away as Yuto pressed more fingers into your cunt.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, the only thing keeping you close enough to kiss Yanan’s hand on your jaw again. Your head was spinning and the coil in your core had grown tighter and tighter from Yuto’s movements. His fingers were moving faster now, lips wrapped around your clit, sucking harshly as Yanan teased your chest.
You cried out as you fell back against the couch, your orgasm washing over you. Your thighs pressed in around Yuto’s body, his fingers still moving into your dripping core. Yanan pulled his hands away from you, letting you fall away from him as your body trembled until you started to push Yuto back, then pulling him up to kiss you.
“That was so good,” you murmured breathily against his lips, hands holding his cheeks. You felt the couch shift as Yanan stood up.
“I-I’m glad,” even now he seemed a little flustered with the praise.
“You’ll have to do that again for me some time.”
Yuto giggled against your lips, nodding slightly. You kissed him a few more times before letting him pull back as Yanan came closer. He had a few things in his hands but threw a condom at the two of you. 
“Did you just have those?”
“I had one,” he chuckled. “I got the rest from your bag.”
“H-Hey!” You felt heat rising to your cheeks. Yanan rolled his eyes.
“You have them to use them, don’t you?”
You shut your mouth. He was right of course. That was why you had them in your bag. Still, you didn’t need the others to know you kept them in your bag.
“That’s what I thought,” he smirked. “Why don’t you two have some fun, I’m not quite done with Hyunggu yet.”
You watched as Hyunggu blushed deeply but took Yanan’s hand and got to his feet. Yanan took him over to the barre and you turned your attention back to Yuto. He still looked a little flustered but there was an eagerness to his gaze as well.
“Why don’t you sit down,” you said.
Yuto followed your suggestion. You were a little wobbly getting to your feet but it wasn’t for long. Just enough time to roll the condom onto Yuto while giving him a kiss before you kneeled on the couch, straddling his lap.
His hands found your hips, squeezing them a little as you took his cock in your hand aligning it with your entrance. You gave him another look, seeing the eager grin on his face. You held his gaze as you slowly sunk down on his cock, both of you letting out moans.
“Every part of you feels good,” you moaned against his lips. The way he giggled shyly was too cute and you pressed kisses to his face as you ground your hips down, still so sensitive from your first release.
A whiny moan caught both of your attentions and you gazed over you see Hyunggu holding onto the barre, already panting. His cheek was pressed against the wall and his ass pressed back as Yanan thrust a finger into him, already finding a quick pace. Yanan’s lips left bite marks on Hyunggu’s thighs and ass.
It was starting to work you up again. You savoured the feeling of Yuto’s cock moving inside you and how each movement sent pleasure shooting through your body. The sounds of his low moans mixed with Hyunggu’s whiny ones and breathy ones in the hot air, just making you all feel more and more turned on.
“C-Can you-” Yuto looked at you with heavily lidded eyes, hands squeezing your hips. You grinned at him as he blushed, pretty sure of what he wanted. Your hands came to his shoulders and you braced yourself before coming up and then fucking yourself down on his cock.
“O-Oh god,” He moaned, head falling back against the couch. “P-Please-”
“I’m not gonna stop,” you murmured to him. “This feels so good.”
 The sounds of your own moans were drowned out by Hyunggu whining out Yanan’s name. You gazed over to see his legs trembling a little as Yanan fucked two fingers into his ass. Hyunggu was pressing his ass back as much as he could and letting out yelps and cries as Yanan nipped and bit at his ass.
The more it turned you on the faster you fucked Yuto. His moans stayed low but grew louder as you came down on his cock, shifting your angle just a little until he was hitting just the right spot inside of you that had your eyes rolling back as you dug your nails into his shoulders,
“So f-fucking good,” your voice faltered as you moaned. “You feel s-so good.”
Yuto panted and moaned in response, squeezing your hips each time you spoke. His hips rocked up to meet you, making the sensation just a little better and you felt the coil slowly starting to curl in your core as your body edged towards it’s second orgasm, close to chasing your high again.
Lewd sounds filled the air. Each time you came down on Yuto’s cock you took in the sounds of skin on skin. The way he moaned a little louder when you came down a little harder. And the sounds of Yanan’s fingers fucking Hyunggu along with his desperate moans and cries of Yanan’s name.
Your legs trembled a little beneath you and you came down fully on his cock before grinding down on him quickly. You clenched around his cock, watching as pleasure contorted his features. His eyes were squeezed shut, mouth hung open in a series of moans and pants as you moved your hips.
You leaned down a little on him, your own eyes falling closed as you ground at just the right angle to rub your clit against his body. The feeling was heavenly and your head ended up against his chest as you started to chase your own high.
But your moment was cut short as Hyunggu let out a frustrated whine that drew your attention.
Yanan had pulled away from him and both you and Yuto were looking over at him. Hyunggu pressed his hips back but Yanan stood up, murmuring something to him before pulling him to the couch.
“I think it’s about time to swap.” Yanan grinned as you climbed off of Yuto’s lap. “Yuto, Hyunggu is dying for someone to fuck him.”
Both of them blushed and you held in your giggle at their reactions. Still, Yanan had Hyunggu bend over the arm of the couch, bracing his hands on it before he beckoned Yuto closer. You sat on the other couch arm and watched as Yanan murmured something to Yuto, making him even more flustered, but also giving him a certain fire in his eyes.
Your attention followed Yanan as he sauntered towards you, rolling a condom on. He pulled you up to stand, pressing your hips back against the couch as he kissed you roughly.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” he purred.
“I don’t blame you,” you grinned.
“You’re too cocky,” he chuckled.
“I simply match your energy,” you teased.
He pulled back from the near kiss, eyes full of both lust and amusement. “Shut up and bend over.”
You couldn’t help the grin that tugged at your lips as you did what he said. You braced your hands on the couch, feeling him grind against you. A moan left your lips as his cock ground through your folds. You met Hyunggu’s eyes, nearly close enough to kiss him until Yanan and Yuto pushed into both of you at the same time.
Gasps left your lips and Hyunggu’s arms immediately gave out, chest falling against the couch. Yuto seemed to give him shallow, steady thrusts at first but as soon as Yanan bottomed out he pulled almost fully out before slamming back into you.
“Holy fuck!” you cried, head falling forwards and eyes squeezing shut at the quick bursts of pleasure that shot through your body. Every thought left your head as he fucked you much harder than you were expecting.
The sounds in the studio only made your head spin more. Hyunggu let out a series of broken moans, gasping each time he felt particularly good. His hands reached out, grabbing onto you for some kind of purchase as Yuto started to go faster.
“Y-You’re so tight,” Yuto’s voice was low and breathy and both of you had been so close that you knew he was chasing his own high now. You could hear the way his hips had speed up and he was fucking Hyunggu a little harder.
But it was still nothing to Yanan. His hands gripped your hips strongly, holding you up even as your legs started to tremble. He thrust into you fast and rough. He let out his own groans that just mixed in the feelings inside you, pulling you closer to your edge.
Hyunggu let out a cry of Yuto’s name. You managed to lift your head to see Yuto reaching down to pump Hyunggu’s cock quickly. Hyunggu’s body started to shake and he squeezed his hand around your, face pressed into the couch cushions as he came hard. Yuto kept his hips, moving just a little faster, so close to finishing himself.
You felt one of Yanan’s hands leave your hip. It slid under you and pressed between your legs, quickly rubbing over you clit.
Your own eyes squeezed shut and you screamed out as you came, only barely hearing Yuto’s own moans as he released as well. Your legs fully gave out but Yanan’s hand and the couch under you held you up as he fucked you through your orgasm, through the ocean of bliss rushing through every inch of your body as it shook.
You could barely make the words to express how sensitive you were as he gave you a few final thrusts before stopping with a groan, releasing. You felt the tremor that ran through his body with his hips pressed against your ass.
You felt the couch shifting around but you couldn’t manage to open your eyes. You felt Yanan’s hands on you, much more gentle as he helped you shift around to sit on the couch. You felt your body sliding down as you panted before he sat beside you, pulling your legs across his legs and moving your head to rest on his chest. You could tell Yuto was moving Hyunggu around as well and he was murmuring sweet encouragements to him.
“You doing okay, dude?” Yanan asked gently. His casual words with such a sweet tone made you laugh as you blearily opened your eyes.
“Yeah,” you managed, “Yeah, I’m alright.”
“Good,” he said, patting your back. “Glad to hear it.”
You snickered at how awkward he sounded as you snuggled into his chest. Behind you you heard Hyunggu mumbling.
“Are we gonna do this again sometime?”
Yanan and you couldn't contain your laughter.
“I think you need some rest,” Yuto chuckled.
Yanan reached over to ruffle his hair. “I’ll start another orgy for you anytime,” he snickered.
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adachicuto · 2 years
yuto with a short s/o
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i think yuto would be very aware of his height since you’d be a lot shorter than him. like, in the sense that he would make sure that he would hold his phone at a comfortable level if he’d show you something like a picture of dogs he saw on his morning jog
he’d make sure you could reach all of the items in the kitchen because i think he’d be pretty worried about you trying to climb up and get things yourself so it’d give him some peace of mind to know that everything would be within your reach
seeing you wear his hoodies would be the cutest thing to him because you’d look even tinier. your sweater paws would also be very cute to him and he’d just have to pull you into a hug or kiss your cheeks
yuto being taller than you would mean lots of forehead kisses. like, if you’re both in the kitchen cooking or something, he lean down and kiss your forehead because he’d find everything you did pretty cute
imagine going to get coffee or tea together and as you’d wait in line he’d pull you into a back hug. there wouldn’t even need to be a reason for it, he’d just do it. also because he finds it comforting
oh and cuddling with yuto would be amazing because of course you’d be the little spoon and he would kisses the side of your every few seconds and he’d draw little patterns on your side
idk i can kinda see him as a blanket hog when you’d go to bed just because he’s so tall but he’d try to make sure you have an equal amount and would apologize so many times if he’d notice that nearly all of the blankets were on his side
there would probably be a few height jokes here and there but they would always be very lighthearted because the last thing he’d want is to hurt your feelings, even if you’d be comfortable with your height
yuto would love your hugs and would really find comfort in them. he’d find it really cute that your head could only reach mid chest on him and he would rest his chin on your head. it’d be just as cute to you. especially when he’d tighten his arms around you ever so slightly and it’d feel very warm and protective
he’d find it funny when you’d borrow his car and how much you’d have to adjust the seat for it to be comfortable for you. when he’d bring it up your first instinct would be to apologize but he’d reassure that it’s okay
always going grocery shopping together because you’d just know that there would be something that you’d need to get but it’d be on the highest shelf which is where yuto would come in to help so that you wouldn’t have to climb the store’s shelves lol
yuto having a short s/o would be so cute because the height difference would be pretty bi. of course there would be a sort of dynamic that you’d have due to your height differences but it wouldn’t matter you’d love each other all the same
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thepixelelf · 3 years
wait are you still doing the title game?? if so... could you do "wake up the stars again" please? it's originally a pentagon au, but any of golden child, day6, or stray kids are cool if you want to change it (afaik you aren't really into ptg? correct me if i'm wrong though 😅)!
[wake up the stars again] When it's quiet, the stars tell Yuto secrets.
Or, well, they used to.
Back when they did, Yuto usually tried to tune them out -- stay inside when they shined in the night sky. It wasn't his business to hear secrets from them, and even more than that, he preferred not to hear what people really thought of him. He didn't care for gossip, either, despite how interested the stars seemed to be.
Nothing about it really made sense, but Yuto didn't say anything to anyone. The stars were just bored, he supposed. It must be lonely up there.
Because he tended not to pay attention to the stars' idle talk, he didn't notice when they became quiet. Perhaps it was a few days, a week, maybe longer before he looked up at the sky on a late-night walk home and wondered why it was so silent. Ever since then, about two years ago, they haven't spoken a word.
He's almost forgotten about the stars when he meets you.
It’s a cold, quiet night as he walks home from a late-night study session at the library, his hands stuffed in his coat pockets to stave off the cold. He doesn’t expect to see anyone on the way, but you walk in the opposite direction of him on the sidewalk, your breath materializing in white puffs in the chilled air.
They know about us, the familiar voices of the stars whisper in his ear just as you brush past.
Yuto freezes. His hand shoots out to catch your arm before he has a chance to think, and you scream into the night. He immediately lets go, both his hands held up in the air as you whip around and observe him with wide, shaking eyes.
“What the fu--”
“The stars,” Yuto scrambles to say. He knows he just freaked you out, but he can’t get the stars’ voices out of his head. It’s not that he missed them, no. Couldn’t be. He shakes his head to rid himself of his thoughts -- he needs to know what the stars meant. “...You know them?”
The fear in your eyes fades, and you take a hurried step towards him. Both your hands come up to clutch the fabric of his coat between your fingers. “They spoke to you?”
With you so close, Yuto can see every detail of your face. Your eyelashes, the spots on your nose, your lips... He nods, unable to do much else.
“Fuck,” you mutter, your head dropping to hang low. Your hands grip tighter at his coat, and he hears your exhale shake -- not just from the cold. “I thought... I thought they were gone.”
Yuto doesn’t know why, but he raises one of his hands and slowly pats your back.
“It’s okay,” he says. He doesn’t know what’s okay.
“Do you know?” You look up and meet his eyes. “Is there some sort of secret?”
Yuto shakes his head. “...Secret?”
“Do you know how to wake up the stars again?”
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key201303 · 4 years
Hello!! This is my proper request lol! I saw your fluff prompt list and I think 43 and 47 would be a cute and funny combo for Ptg Yuto (plus I’m really in need of some Yuto stories tbh😅) anyways THANK YOU 💕💕💕 🦊
Heyyy!! Thank you so much for requesting <3 <3  I really hope you enjoy it <3
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Word count: 530 words
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol
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Just like every Halloween you found yourself locked in one of the studios of Cube Entertainment with your boyfriend and his group members as they did a VLive to celebrate Halloween with the fans. You have always been one of the staff behind the cameras because Yuto insisted on you helping them so he could spend more time with you. 
Loud music was being played, not only their last title track 'Daisy' but all the songs since they debuted. You tried to convince them not to play certain songs such as 'Shine' and 'Humph!' because they were too cute and killed the creepy atmosphere 'Dr. Bebe' and 'Basquiat' left. Not listening y to your advice, there they were, singing as loud as they could the cute songs. 
Time passed and the streaming was about to end. Right before ending, Hui took his glass of soda to cheer with his members wishing everyone a happy Halloween and not forgetting to send a lovely message to Jinho making you all miss him even more. 
Once the VLive was over it was time for you to go home but before you could say bye, Yuto pulled you into a tight hug saying he wouldn't let you go. "Come with us to have dinner and celebrate Halloween~!" He said still with his arms wrapped around you and not letting go. "It’s late, I have to go home." You said looking up at him pouting. "Then stay the night with me at the dorms." He answered smiling at you widely. After some more attempts from Yuto to convince you to go with them and stay with him during the night, you ended up giving in and accepting his offer. 
He, excitedly, hugged you even tighter and like a little kid with a new toy, he grabbed your hand and led you to the exit of the company building. 
Time passed and as it did you guys ate and drank having the happiest time of the entire week. Just chilling and having a great time making you feel like all of you were a normal group of friends instead of being a group of idols. As time passed by and you all drank more and more shots of your favourite soju, a slight red tone started to appear on your cheeks and some of the boys started to talk nonsense. Especially Yuto who started to ramble about the group and how much he loved every single member. “Aaaaww we love you too babe.” You said a bit drunk as well. “Sorry I have a girlfriend, don’t talk to me like that.” He said in between hiccups making you burst into loud laughing. “Pft, I’m your girlfriend you drunk idiot!” You answered slightly punching his arm. “My girlfriend would never punch me like that.” He said pouting and narrowing his eyes at you. “But we’d have such cute babies tho.” He said once he landed his eyes on you and started to flirt with you just like he did back in the days you guys met. He even used the same pick up lines he used back then making everyone laugh at his lack of pick up lines.
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jinkoh · 2 years
Pentagon - their s/o having PMS/period cramps
SFW; Warnings: none; reader who gets periods (obvsly)
anon requested: hi! can i request a pentagon reaction to their s/o having period cramps? tyy
a/n: tmi but not me literally receiving this ask while I was having cramps myself lol
Thank you so much for your request, anon<3 I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you enjoy it too~
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this baby would be so worried 🥺🥺
He'd keep asking you if you're okay
If he can he'd work on his laptop from the bed, so that you can snuggle up to him
But he's a super busy person and he might not be able to be there with you physically :/
If he had to go to the company he'd call you often and send you messages, asking how you are & telling you to make yourself comfy in bed
He'd get your favorite comfort food and painkillers on his way home
Lots of hugs and cuddling
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I feel like he'd be kinda calm about it
He'd want to know if your symptoms are normally like this or if it's different/worse to make sure nothing is wrong
If it’s different from usual he’d make a doctor’s appointment for you and accompany you there
If your symptoms are normal, he'd provide you with tea and pain killers to ease the cramps
Would baby and cuddle you and tug you into bed
"Oh no, my baby is in pain, you poor little thing."
Would sing to you too, if you wanted him to
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Oh god, he'd be so worked up about this
Obviously he has no control over your pain and symptoms, but he'd still be so frustrated that he can't just take the pain away from you
He's always prepared though - he'd probably have some kinda PMS kit ready for you - ginger tea, heat patches, your favorite snacks, pads, supplements (iron, magnesium, vitamin A) and a cute plushie friend to cheer you up<3
Goes out of his way to take care of you and will not let you stop him
Wants you to feel at ease and rely on him
Tells you to lean onto his shoulder or hold his hand when the pain gets bad (and is 100% serious about it)
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I feel like he'd be the type to suffer with you in the sense of
“You have PMS? No, we have PMS”
He'd spend all day in bed with you and watch your favorite shows
Taking naps together 🥺🥺
Ordering food is a must – “we have PMS, how are we supposed to cook?”
Might whine about how terrible this is, "How dare your body is doing this to us again? We just had this last month :("
But it'd be funny and cute and it'd cheer you up a lot
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He'd be pretty calm about this, he knows it's not something unusual he has to be worried about
But he'd be really soft with you~
Making sure you're okay and asking if there's anything he can do for you
"Do you need something from the store? Should I make a tea for you? Is your heat patch still warm or do you need a new one?"
Takes you in his arms and rubs your back comfortingly when the cramps get bad
Coos at you or hums softly
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Honestly he'd be a little panicky about this
He wants to help but he doesn't know how and would be so scared to do something wrong
He’d probably feel relieved if you just told him how he can help/what he can do for you
Would be more than happy to do it all!
Wouldn’t know if it's okay to hug you since he wouldn’t be sure if you want to be touched
But if you open your arms for him he'd be so happy to cuddle it all better 🥺
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Really calm about it and zero embarrassed
Periods are just a natural biological occurrence after all
You need pads or tampons? No problem, tell him what kind and he'd get them for you
You had a little accident on the bed sheets? It happens, he'd take care of it
Wants you to be comfortable and not waste any energy on feeling embarrassed or ashamed
Ready to keep reassuring you if you need him to
Would love to just hold you in his arms and caress your back until you fall asleep
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Asks you what you need and want and will do his best to provide it
He'd have a calm exterior and he knows this isn't something dangerous
But he can't help worrying whenever you wince in pain :(
Thinks it's really unfair you have to go through this
Would want to stay close to you so he knows you're okay
He'd take care of you really sweetly, telling you soft things, caressing your hair and bringing you a tea
Sits next to you in bed reading while you take a nap
Reads to you softly if you can't seem to fall asleep
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He'd probably be a little caught off guard
Like you're obviously in pain but you tell him it's normal? And not to worry? How is he supposed to do that?
Might get a little awkward and embarrassed if you tell him that it's "just" PMS
Wants to help but doesn't even know where to start so he'll ask very generally
"Is there like… something I can do? Do I need to call someone or uhm…?"
Does his best to do whatever you ask him to
If you just ask for cuddles, he’d wrap himself around you and let you snuggle into his chest
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babysubinnie · 3 years
the wrong (?) soulmate // yang hongseok - requested
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🌍 pairing:: yang hongseok x reader 🌍 genre:: emotional  🌍 based on this anon::  An angst scenario of Hongseok and Y/N with this line "I guess this is it", from lovers to exes to friends 🌍 summary:: he was your best friend, your soulmate and he did seem like he was the right one, you thought you were going to marry this guy but after everything, the one decision makes you realize that he was not the wrong soulmate. right?
a/n:: i changed a little bit of the request because i just wanted to make it hurt a little,, and let me tell you my heart broke just writing this ——————————————————————————
he was happy now. of course he was happy. from the love of my life and my best friend, to the man i used to love, to complete strangers. why did i come here just to see that he’s clearly happy without me? 
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everything from being my best friend to my soulmate. i loved this man so fucking much but lately? he seemed more like a guy that i occasionally see for a date. it wasn’t even a relationship at this point. i loved him. of course i loved him. 
“hi baby.” i smiled ruffling the top of his head smiling before sitting next to him. he smiled back at me standing up to press a kiss to my lips. moments like these still made him feel like my best friend, but not as much. 
“i have something i need to say.” he looked down biting his lip pulling the chair i was sitting on towards him. i nodded looking down at the ground, then looked up into his eyes. i knew that today was going to be that day. he was going to tell me that it was time to break it off. 
“i want you know that i love you. i love you so goddamn much that words can’t explain.” he bit his lip putting both hands on my cheeks pulling me to rest his forehead on mine. i looked up to the ceiling to see if anything would stop the tears from coming down, but nothing. i was fucked now. 
“let’s break up then.” i looked down biting my lip saying it before he could say it. i was done with him stalling because i knew that it was coming. 
“that’s not what i’m saying. i just think that-” he kept stuttering and he couldn’t get anything out of his mouth. i shook my head and told myself to be strong before making this decision. 
“what, that we shouldn’t break up and just go on a break? that’s basically the same thing.” i rolled my eyes trying to get rid of all of the tears that were about to roll down my cheeks. my heart broke in about a million pieces when i told myself that this was actually happening. 
“y/n please. i can’t do this life thing without you.” he bit his lip looking away from me before taking my hands into his. i shook my head taking my hands out of his looking down at the ground. 
“so that’s it? we’re done? you being my best friend, my fucking soulmate, for a four years is nothing? y/n please you can’t do this. i can’t let you leave.” he started shouting at me and i looked away from him because when he brought up those three facts, i knew this was going to be the worst decision i was ever going to make. 
“i guess this is it.” i shrugged biting my lip holding back all the tears that were not listening to me and poured down my face faster than i could stand up. 
“i’ll always love you y/n. you’re always going to be my one and only soulmate. i’ll be here when you’re ready.” 
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“did you see hongseok? i saw him the other day with a girl. kino told me that they had been meeting a lot recently.” wooseok nudged me with his elbow and while i tried to look through my phone. i rolled my eyes not even thinking twice about what he had just said. i shouldn’t have to care about it anymore, but that’s the only thing i could think about. 
“i don’t care wooseok seriously. he can hang out with whoever he wants to.” i scoffed standing up to get a drink out of the mini fridge when kino and hongseok decided to walk in. 
“oh shit i didn’t know you guys were in here-” 
“yang hongseok~” that. that was my queue to leave. i could not stay here another second and see the girl that hongseok was supposedly meeting quite often. i couldn’t do that to myself. 
“wooseok, i’ll see you later. kino we still up for tonight?” i smiled at him when he walked over to me to give me a side hug. he nodded kissing the top of my head which then i giggled at.
“hi.” i said under my breath when i made eye contact with hongseok and he smiled weakly before turning around to look at the voice that had called his name earlier. i turned to see what this girl looked like, and let me tell you, i had every right to be jealous of her. she was perfect from head to toe, no one could be as pretty as her. 
“they’re just friends.” kino whispered in my ear putting his arm around my shoulder smiling when he knew i was freaking out. i looked down and bit my lip nodding. she threw her arms around his shoulders, and he reacted, but not in the way you would when someone hugs you. he patted her back and pulled away to make eye contact with me. he was smiling and laughing with her the next second. 
“really really good friends.” i looked away and i walked away out of the room before this could piss me off even more. as i walked out of the room, the door shut behind me, then opened again. 
“hey y/n?” 
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ppaltagon · 4 years
I love you guys so much thank you for all youre writings 💝 i was wondering if i could request a scenario of how the boys would react to you looking after them when theyre sick 💝
He's a grumpy old man when sick.
Says you don’t have to look after him but he would be so salty if you didn’t take care of him while he’s sick.
Otherwise he listens to you well, stays put and takes his medicines.
It’s difficult to communicate with him because the sickness makes him grumpy so it’s better to just let him rest it out.
Only God can tell for how long he has been sick by the time you noticed it.
Still insists that he isn’t sick even though he can’t stop sneezing and coughing.
You have to physically drag him to bed or bait him with something or else he just won’t take a break.
Feels a bit uneasy from just laying down and doing nothing but if you hold his hand, he will eventually fall asleep and sleep for 20 hours straight.
Is perfectly capable of taking care of himself but if he has you, he’s going to take advantage of that.
Gives you clear instructions on what he needs and where you can find what.
Pretends that he feels worse than he actually does so you take pity on him.
Very thankful because he has fun even while sick instead of being alone.
Cannot accept that he’s sick, he’s never ever sick!
Coughs once and acts like he’s on his deathbed.
Lies down and keeps complaining about pain and gets angry about his traitorous immune system.
Begs you not to leave him alone while he’s suffering.
Yeo One:
Smiles through the fever.
Keeps asking how you are and how your day was instead.
Worries that you will catch the cold if you’re around him too much.
It’s the only reason he tries to reject you taking care of him but otherwise, he quite likes that you’re there for him.
Sleeps a lot.  
Basically sleeps through most of the time when he’s sick which is probably for the best.
His general mood is not too good and he doesn’t feel like doing anything or talking at all.
May or may not fights you when it’s time to take medicine but doesn’t have much energy to resist.
Takes his medicines and goes back to work.
Actually listens to you when you scold him and goes to bed.
Offers to help you cook soup (for himself) and you have to tuck him in again.
Has an internal struggle because he wants you there but also doesn’t want you to catch his cold.
Says a cold is not a big deal until it gets worse.
Sensitive™ very whiny and fusses about everything.
He doesn’t care, he WILL cuddle you or else he can’t fall asleep peacefully.
Will apologize the next day when you start coughing, though.
Hates the feeling of having a runny nose.
Loves it that you’re there to take care of him and let’s you know.
Hates taking medicine but will take them for you.
Says that you don’t have to stay with him but mutters your name in his sleep.
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