#yuta is such a charmer awooga pt 2 and in bold text
hyuniepot · 4 years
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[10:30 p.m.]
you stood in the corner, holding your drink and examining your surroundings. people were in groups, talking and laughing — some already drunk. there was a group of people playing beer pong across the room.
parties weren’t really your thing; at least not parties this big. however, you promised your best friend you would come and you felt too bad to cancel on them. they had gone to the kitchen to get a refill and still hadn’t returned after almost 10 minutes. it was an hour and a half until midnight, and you dreadfully counted down the minutes until you could say happy new year and then leave this place as fast as possible.
while deep in thought, you were suddenly pushed. not enough to fall over, but enough to get an entire drink spilled onto you. the person apologized and you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“shit, sorry. mark, you idiot, you spilled your drink everywhere.” they said. “you okay?”
“yeah, no shit, yuta. i’m aware,” a voice trailed away towards the kitchen.
“oh... i’m fine. it’s no big deal,” you said, chuckling.
“but, your shirt... hey, i have an extra shirt and flannel in my car, if you wanna change into that, you can.” the person said, motioning to the door.
you furrowed your brows. “uh... i’m okay. really, it’s... no big deal...” you said again, looking down at your shirt. your entire right arm was drenched with alcohol and half of your shirt was wet as well.
“you sure? you’re gonna be pretty uncomfortable-“
“hey yuta!” you turned to see your best friend had finally returned from the kitchen. “i didn’t know you two knew each other.” your friend said, drunkenly oblivious to the spill on your clothes.
“we don’t. mark just spilled his drink on them though.” yuta said.
in truth, you were the one who didn’t know yuta and your friend knew each other. his personality, despite being nice towards you, was intimidating to say the least — piercings decorated his ears and his nails were painted black. he seemed laid back and scary all at the same time. honestly, he looked too cool to be friends with anyone you knew.
“you sure about that change of clothes? i mean, i understand. a random dude asks you to go to his car, it’s sketchy. but i’m just looking out for you.” yuta took a sip of his drink. “i’ll have to look out for you now to make sure mark doesn’t spill his drink on you again,”
“shut up!” you hadn’t even realized that mark had returned with a towel, sopping up the spilled alcohol.
“uh... you know what, i guess i’ll take that shirt.” you said softly. you felt better knowing that your friend knew him.
yuta nodded and set his drink down. he nodded towards the door and you followed him outside. he lead you to a car. he opened the front door and retrieved the extra shirt and flannel from his front seat. “i brought it for me, but i probably won’t need it. oh, it might be too big for you... sorry,” he handed the clothes to you.
“oh, that’s alright...” you responded.
“you can just throw your shirt in the washer once you change. you should see it near the downstairs bathroom. i know who lives here, so it’s fine.” yuta shut the car door and sighed, leaning up against the car. “you must not be the party type. i’ve never seen you.”
“yeah. parties aren’t really for me.” you replied, chuckling.
“i get it. i’m kinda dragged in by association,” yuta responded. “oh, it’s cold out here. let’s go inside. sorry for holding you up.” he began walking back to the house, and you followed.
he directed you to the bathroom and you changed into his shirt, throwing yours in the washer as you passed it. you put the flannel around you as you made your way back to your friend. yuta was standing next to them, although he was still giving mark a hard time.
for the next hour, you talked to yuta. time flew by, much faster than it did when you were people watching. you actually got along with him well. he wasn’t intimidating at all; he was charismatic and had a smile that almost made you gasp when you first saw it. you had somehow ended up outside with him again, sitting on the back porch and talking. 3 other people were there but you paid them no mind.
“hey guys,” you heard a voice. you turned your head and saw your friend at the door. “the ball is dropping in like 3 minutes. get your asses in here!”
you chuckled and stood up from your seat and headed inside, yuta at your side. people were crowded around the tv cheering.
“mark, johnny, you two are standing by each other, are you gonna kiss when the ball drops?” yuta put his hands on who you assumed to be johnny’s shoulders and shook them. he was standing next to mark, who was no stranger to yuta’s teasing.
johnny laughed before dramatically biting his lip and turning to mark.
“yo, what?” mark started to panic, sending yuta and johnny into a laughing fit.
yuta then turned back to you. “i should’ve asked mark if he wanted to kiss me... he might’ve said yes.” he sighed, pouting. “i miss my mark lee kisses.”
you playfully hit his chest. “you are so weird, you know that?”
yuta grinned before suddenly pulling you in close and pressing his forehead against yours. you tense up at the feeling of his hand on your back, his swift movements. “it’d be even weirder for me to ask you to be my new year’s kiss, right?”
his breath smelled like the wine coolers you had been sipping on with him. “yeah. and it’s weird because i’d definitely say yes.” you replied, breathless.
you can hear people chanting. the ball drops in 20 seconds.
“really?” yuta clicked his tongue. “then, will you kiss me when that ball drops?”
you nodded. “of course.”
are my lips chapped? i should lick them. wait, that’d be weird. yuta is staring into my eyes. it’s fine... he’ll understand, right?
you heard the last few seconds of the countdown before yuta pressed his lips against yours. you kiss him back.
it almost feels magical, you felt confetti from party poppers brushing against your arms as your wrap them around yuta’s neck. you’re completely lost in him — you don’t even care that a bunch of strangers are probably watching.
the only thing that could’ve separated you from yuta was the loud honk of a party horn in your ear. which is exactly what happened.
you jump back from yuta, slapping a hand over your ear. you turn your head towards the sound, your best friend giggling with a blue party horn in their hands. “seems like you two know each other pretty well now, huh?”
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