aquariasmoon · 2 years
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Oh look it's me drawing ships only me and like 2 other people enjoy : )
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ashxketchum · 4 months
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maukiki1 · 3 months
Beyblade furries but make it bsb xd anthros based on their sacred beasts
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mon3trous · 30 days
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anyone checking the og beyblade tag rn: oh god it's her again
leaving some space on purpose so anyone can easily edit in their favs too
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tribius-art · 2 months
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i love this meme
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miyaoto72 · 6 months
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pheleszev · 3 months
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Takao Fan número 1 de la relación de Kai y Yuriy 🤣
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iorihimee · 7 months
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teabiscs · 1 month
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enjoy this shitpost.
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moonandblossoms · 1 year
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aquariasmoon · 2 years
Tala/Tyson headcanons
I posted about this ship and was asked to talk about my headcanons! (sorry it took so long lmao) So just my usual FYI but yes I very much lean more into the manga personalities rather than the anime ones. This is very much the case for Tala who I have written about quite a few times before! Also sorry In advance I sometimes keep switching from Japanese to English names lmao.
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· .*How I could imagine them getting together*. · 
Tala wouldn't realise he was crushing on Tyson for a long time. He’s too caught up in his rivalry, not realising that his weird need for Tyson's focus and attention isn't purely about blading. Also he's dumb and bad at feelings.
Tyson being the disaster bi he is goes through a stage where he just crushes on everyone for a while. Most notably Kai but also every one of the bladebreakers at one point in time lol. But as Kai hangs out more with Neoborg in turn Tyson and the others end up spending more time with them too.
During this time finally interacting with Tyson without tournaments in the way and no need to be competitive outside of having fun is where Tala's jealousy streek starts to come into play. Tournaments are one thing but Kai getting all of Tyson's attention all the time outside of that? Nope, he's not having it. He still hasn't quite figured out he actually *likes* Tyson at this point though lol. He ends up purposefully initiating fights just for attention. 
Tyson always up for a challenge, plays along and this is where his own crush starts to develop. I mean Tala is HOT but completely unreachable before now, the attraction was there but feelings start to grow. Also like when does Tyson back down from a fight?
The other guys figure it out pretty quickly, Max is like a radar for this sorta stuff lol. He calls Tyson out on it who finally admits he very much humours Tala just to spend time with him, also that he finds battling Tala exciting and he wants to get to know the guy better.
On the flip side Bryan realises that Tala is acting weird even for Tala, he sorta sussed it out but does not tell Tala, boy needs to figure it out on his own. He's rooting for them tho lmao. Just a little nudge here and there. “Oh going to see your boyfriend again?" 😏
The next tournament happens and Max, being the best wingman is pretty much glued to Neoborg and drags Tyson along with the excuse that they all just wanna hang out with kai. This is where Kai is finally told about Tyson's crush (from Max) and he ends up figuring out about Tala’s side too. He thinks they're both stupid, especially Tala who STILL hasn't figured out he's now HARDCORE crushing on Tyson.
Cue Tala's jealousy streak hits hardcore when the tournament is in its late stages. Sorry Tala but Kai is Tyson's real rival you can't change that. He can't stand Kai being in the spotlight right now and he doesn't understand why because he never had a problem with it before. So screw it. This is where he goes to find Tyson after his and Kai's match, purely on autopilot he pushes him against a wall and just kisses him. Almost gives Tyson a heart attack in the process. And finally. FINALLY, this as he's kissing Tyson is where Tala finally is like: 'OH! I like Tyson😱 FUCK'
It would take a while for them to actually be like a “couple” and even then it would very much be on the down low, never public. I mean real-world problems aside (I simply do not really like writing or thinking about these anyway) I very much just feel like Tala is a very private person when it comes to feelings and would not want the public to know about his business. But here are some headcanons for them actually dating: 
· .*Relationship headcanons*. · 
Tala is very possessive, like to the EXTREME. Tyson actually likes this to a point. Thing is this boy has a dead mom and the rest of his family (other than his grandpa) are constantly leaving, this boy has abandonment issues. He hates the idea of people leaving him or becoming uninterested in him, so to have someone so aggressively want him he likes it…a lot. But it is a problem so they do try and work on this lol. Tala does eventually calm down but he has his own issues regarding this. He very much is unwilling to let things he considers important go, this is the main reason he sticks with his team. It's very much a “this is mine and you can't have it 😡 ” mentality.
Being with Tyson mellows out Tala a lot, I mean it's hard to be around someone like Tyson and not just learn to chill out a bit. I mean mellow for Tala is still really high-strung for most people but hey it’s progress! In turn, Tyson matures a bit more, because Tala won't ever let him talk his way out of something he learns to take responsibility better. They also bond over very brief and highly glossed over talks about their trauma, turns out they have a few points they can relate over. Tyson is relieved he can finally talk to someone about this sorta stuff and not feel judged and Tala is thankful that Tyson never pushes him to reveal more than he's comfortable with.
Tala is the one to bridge the language gap between them and learns Japanese. Dude is like a genius so it's not that hard for him. He doesn't even tell Tyson he’s learning it, he just busts it out one day just to style on Kai. Russian on the other hand Tyson can't wrap his head around, but not for lack of trying. He knows how to say a few words but that's it, he learns to listen for certain words when others are speaking around him tho. He ends up being able to pick out quite a lot of words for everyday things (and a lot of bad words lmao thank Bryan and Ian). Tyson really likes Tala's accent in both English and Japanese, he also loves hearing him speak in Russian. He gets Tala to read to him in Russian sometimes normally just whatever Tala happens to be studying at the time.
Tala is quite anti-touch with pretty much everyone other than Bryan or well, he is at first. They have to work on that and it's torture for Tyson to start with, guy is very touchy-feely and affectionate! Tyson gets it though, Tala needs time to come out of his shell and he lets him and gives him space, only initiating physical contact every now and then or so he thinks. From Tala's point of view, Tyson is attached to him 24/7, glued to his back like a little monkey and it's overwhelming. In the beginning he even has to distance himself a few times, he gets better at it as time goes on though. And I mean Tyson is so soft and nice to hug? What is this? Soft and casual physical affection. Disgusting, he wants more.
As the relationship goes on Tala gets more secure in it and it becomes familiar and normal, routine. He mellows out but one thing he can't put a damper on is his jealousy towards kai and at times the other BBA members, he just quietly seethes a little and it's probably the only time he ever gets physical around others. He very much will wrap a protective arm around Tyson if he thinks one of them is getting a bit too friendly, he wants Tyson's attention. The worst culprit of this is Kai who he very much feels he's competing with sometimes. He’s not insecure about himself or anything he just has a problem because he wants to completely monopolise Tyson when he has the free time to actually be around him.
This is very much a relationship that could turn really ugly real fast. You would think Tala's possessive and jealous behaviour and Tyson’s own insecurities sorta encouraging it would lead to something bad happening…but it never does despite them walking a very thin and dangerous line for quite a while. This is mainly because both of them acknowledge that they have these problems and are aware of when they are doing it. At the beginning of the relationship (when the problems were the worst), Tala hadn’t actually intended this to even be a relationship, thinking it was just something he needed to get out of his system. But the longer he spent with Tyson the more and more he caught real-ass feelings. It’s something that creeps up on him one night when he finally realises that he's actually trying to better himself for Tyson. Has a bit of a freak-out over that realization but gets over it LOL
When it comes to the other members of Neoborg all of them are a bit weirded out it's Tyson of all people but after they get over it they are happy Tala finally found someone, they really weren’t expecting that. Also, they are a bit relieved that it's actually someone nice XD The one who is the most worried about the relationship is actually Spencer who is worried he is going to hurt Tyson and in turn hurt himself in the backlash should that happen. Still, he feels he isn't one to question Tala's life choices. The borg boys are surprisingly nice to Tyson for fear of Tala's wrath only Tala is mean to Tyson Tyson and Ian even strike up an unlikely friendship because of this.
On Tyson's side, while a little unsure his friends are pretty supportive especially when it comes to Tyson dealing with Tala's uglier aspects. His grandfather is nervous about Tala too (I mean he saw what happened in s1 lol) but wants Tyson to be happy. He will warm up to the redhead once Tala proves he's not going to rip Tyson's heart out and stamp on it, takes a while tho (cuz at the beginning Tala thought he was going to do that himself lol). Tala on the flipside finds Tyson's grandfather real weird and also a little intimidating? XD Tala is also big on the Hiro hate train, both for his actions in Bega but also just cuz he's a shitty ass brother to Tyson. He however mostly keeps it to himself because it would be like if Tyson started randomly hating on Bryan or Spencer which he would hate. This does lead to some pretty awkward and interesting family dinners at the dojo.
Well that's it for now. If you've read all this well done! You should join the Tala/Tyson cult Ship! Go read my Mini fic Fire on Ao3 here lmao.  Art is from this doodle here. When it comes to ships I have way too many thoughts so yeah If your gonna ask me about my headcanons expect an essay back XD That being said if you want an essay feel free to ask my opinion lmao.
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ashxketchum · 3 months
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hellovivirose · 11 months
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Dump of memes, doodles (including vintage), and wips I’ll probably never finish.
Tagging peeps who inspired some of these:
Shirtless Johnny @justabeybladefan
Bearded Yuriy @nekobakubey
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mon3trous · 1 month
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tribius-art · 1 month
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requests to @kinomiya
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