#yupik ref
Yupik peoples (reference notes)
The Yupik are a group of indigenous peoples in Alaska (west, south-west & south-central), and the Russian Far East.  They include these groups:
The Alutiiq or Sugpiaq people, who live in the Alaskan Peninsula, and coastal & island areas of south-central Alaska. They are also known as Pacific Eskimo and Pacific Yupik.
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Alaskan Peninsula.
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South-central Alaska.
The Central Alaskan Yup'ik people, who live in a region stretching from southern Norton Sound, southwards to the northern Alaskan Peninsula.  They are also known as the Yup'ik people.
They have the largest population of any Alaskan Native group.
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The Siberian Yupik people, who live on St. Lawrence Island (in western Alaska) and in the Russian Far East.  They include the Naukan, Chaplino and Sirenik people.
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Map of the Yupik peoples (and other indigenous peoples).
The Yupik people are Eskimo – the indigenous peoples who come from the northern circumpolar region, from eastern Siberia across to Alaska, Canada and Greenland.  They encompass two main groups – 1) the Alaskan Iñupiat peoples, Greenlandic Inuit, and the Inuit peoples of Canada; and 2) the Yupik peoples.  Therefore, the Yupik are related to the Iñupiat and Inuit.
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Member states and regions of the Inuit Circumpolar Council.
The word Yup'ik (plural Yupiit) literally means “real people”.  It is a combination of the Yup'ik word yuk (person) + the post-base -pik (real/genuine).
In the Hooper Bay-Chevak & Nuniak dialects of the Yup'ik language, the language and people are called Cup'ik.
The apostrophe in Yup'ik represents a lengthening of the “p” sound.
Yupik Languages
The Yupik languages are part of the Eskimo-Aleut language family. The Eskimo & Aleut languages diverged around 2000 BC.  Within the Eskimo languages, the Yupik languages diverged from each other, and from the Inuit language, around 1000 AD.
The Yupik languages are not mutually intelligible.
Central Alaskan Yup'ik: Spoken on the Alaskan mainland (and some islands, e.g. Nunivak Island) by the Central Alaskan Yup'ik people.  About 13,000 of the 21,000 CA Yup'ik still speak this language.
There are several dialects.  The largest dialect is Yugtun, or Grand Central Yup'ik, spoken in the Yukon River, Nelson Island, Kuskokwim River and Bristol Bay areas.  There are also the Norton Sound, Hooper Bay-Chevak, and Nunivak Island dialects (the latter is called Cup'ik or Cup'ig).
The dialects differ in pronunciation and vocab.  There are geographic sub-dialects within Yugtun, differing mostly in word choices.
Central Siberian Yupik: Spoken by most Yupik in the Far East, and on St. Lawrence Island (Alaska).  Most of the 1,000 Yupik on St. Lawrence Island still speak the St. Lawrence dialect.  About 300 of the 1,000 Siberian Yupiks in Russia speak the Chaplino dialect.
Naukan Yupik: spoken by about 100 people in & around Lavrentiya, Lorino and Uelen, on the Chukchi Peninsula of Siberia.
Alutiiq: spoken from the Alaska Peninsula eastwards to Prince William Sound.  About 500 – 1,000 of the 3,000 Alutiiqs still speak the language.
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Prince William Sound.
The Koniag dialect is spoken on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula and on Kodiak Island; the Chugach dialect is spoken on the Kenai Peninsula and in Prince William Sound.
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Kodiak Island.
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Kenai Peninsula.
Sirenik: extinct since 1997, formerly spoken on the Chukchi Peninsula of Siberia.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image © @a-book-of-creatures​. Accessed at A Book of Creatures here
[One of the main purposes of me doing a World Tour block is to incorporate a bunch of monsters that I’ve learned about in the years since I’ve had a dedicated folklore block. Lots of new monsters from books I’ve read, and from A Book of Creatures, which is still one of the best monster sites on the internet. This particular nightmare comes from Yupik folklore.]
Itqiirpak CR 16 CN Outsider (extraplanar) This giant floating hand is about as far across as a human is tall. It has a mouth set at the tip of each finger and a larger mouth set in the palm, all of which have gnashing, disturbingly human, teeth.
An itqiirpak, or living fireball, is a chaotic outsider that represents destruction by natural forces. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and meteorite impacts are their favorite, but they also preside over droughts, floods and tsunami. Even though they have a fiery aspect and use fire as a weapon, they are not sensitive to cold, and may even be found swimming in the depths of the sea or in the icy vacuum of space.
Combat with an itqiirpak often begins seemingly at random, with the monster plunging from the sky or rising from the depths, screaming all the while. Each of their mouths is capable of inflicting a deadly bite, the center maw most of all. They can also shoot bolts of fire from their fingers, which they use to blow holes in structures or attack from a distance. They prefer to split their attacks up among as many individuals as possible, but if they are sorely pressed by a single foe, they will grab them in their fist like body and chew them to death.
Although the natural disasters that itqiirpaks preside over appear to be random, they are often engineered by these outsiders. Itqiirpaks control the weather, heat up magma chambers, cause earthquakes, even steer the course of asteroids to send them spiraling towards a planet. Their precise goals are difficult for mortals to comprehend, but they frequently target populations with large numbers of chaotic individuals. Proteans often work with itqiirpaks and defend them. It is possible that the protean choirs use itqiirpaks to create metaphysical raw materials—more chaotic souls entering the afterlife, leading to more quintessence feeding into the chaotic planes.
Itqiirpak               CR 16 XP 76,800 CN Large outsider (chaotic, extraplanar) Init +7; Senses blindsight 120 ft., blindsense 240 ft., blind, detect chaos, Perception +26 Aura cloak of chaos (DC 24) Defense AC 31, touch 19, flat-footed 25 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +4 deflection, +12 natural) hp 237 (19d10+133) Fort +17, Ref +24, Will +21 DR 10/stone and lawful; Immune fire, gaze attacks, visual spells and effects; Resist cold 10, electricity 10; SR 27 Offense Speed 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) Melee 5 bites +25 (1d8+7/19-20), great bite +25 (2d8+10/19-20 plus grab) Ranged 5 fire bolts +25 touch (4d6) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks chew (2d8+10), cumulative fire, powerful blows (great bite) Spell-like Abilities CL 16th, concentration +22 Constant—cloak of chaos (self only), detect chaos At will—dispel magic, fireball (DC 19), wall of fire 3/day—control weather, empowered flame shield, quickened fireball (DC 19) 1/day—earthquake, fire storm (DC 24), meteor swarm (DC 25) Statistics Str 24, Dex 25, Con 24, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 23 Base Atk +19; CMB +31 (+35 grapple); CMD 43 (cannot be tripped) Feats Critical Focus, Empower SLA (fire shield), Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Critical (bite, great bite), Power Attack, Quicken SLA (fireball), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical Skills Fly +35, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (geography, nature) +23, Knowledge (planes, religion) +26, Perception +26, Sense Motive +26, Stealth +25, Swim +28 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Ignan, Protean SQ flight, no breath Ecology Environment any (Maelstrom) Organization solitary, shower (2-4) or storm (5-8) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Chew (Ex) This functions as the constrict special attack, except that the itqiirpak deals bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage. Cumulative Fire (Su) All fire damage dealt by an itqiirpak’s abilities in the same round is counted as a single attack for the purposes of interacting with fire resistance and hardness. Fire damage dealt by an itqiirpak’s abilities is not halved for any object or creature with hardness. Damage Reduction (Ex) Stone weapons, including weapons made of flint or obsidian, overcome the damage reduction of an itqiirpak (as long as they are also lawful). Fire Bolt (Su) An itqiirpak can shoot a single ray of fire as an attack action and five rays of fire as a full attack action. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 120 feet and no range increment. A creature struck by one of these rays takes 4d6 points of fire damage. An itqiirpak may fire all of its rays at the same target or at different targets.
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iwamayolibe · 3 years
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http://www.buyspirulinaalgae.com/ http://www.buyspirulinaalgae.com/best-spirulina-powder/ sitemap http://ow.ly/10kjVU Blogspot In-depth Review on this Recipe: www.MotivateThroughExample.com
1. Turmeric (No Frills/Any Local Grocery Store) 2. Cacao Beans: https://www.amazon.ca/Yupik-Organic-Raw-Cacao-Beans/dp/B00NAUDCXO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499915822&sr=8-1&keywords=cacao+beans 3. Spirulina: https://www.amazon.ca/Sevenhills-Wholefoods-Spirulina-Biologique-Association/dp/B0065VDO4C/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1499916006&sr=8-2&keywords=spirulina 4. Chlorella: https://www.amazon.ca/Sevenhills-Wholefoods-Chlorella-Biologique-Association/dp/B0062VNKMQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499917052&sr=8-1&keywords=chlorella 5. Hemp Hearts: https://www.amazon.ca/Sevenhills-Wholefoods-Chlorella-Biologique-Association/dp/B0062VNKMQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499917052&sr=8-1&keywords=chlorella 6. Chia Seeds: https://www.amazon.ca/Yupik-Natural-Black-Chia-Seeds/dp/B00NAU9H2O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499917921&sr=8-1&keywords=Chia+Seeds 7. Brown Rice Protein Powder: https://www.canadianprotein.com/brown-rice-protein-powder?search_query=brown+rice&results=2 8. Pea Protein Isolate: https://www.canadianprotein.com/pea-protein-isolate?search_query=pea+protein+isolate&results=9
Follow my Instagram: @ivanpecuh
The post HEALTHIEST VEGAN PROTEIN SHAKE appeared first on Healthy Recipes.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image © @a-book-of-creatures​, accessed at his site here
[”Hollow skin monster” is a not uncommon body horror trope, but does have some folkloric bonafides, albeit obscure ones. The amixsak is another Yupik monster. I can tell you, it is tempting to just make the World Tour series an “A Book of Creatures” series, but I’m trying to mix it up, and draw art from other sources as well.]
Amixsak CR 8 NE Undead This creature resembles the hollow skin of a walrus, blood oozing from the tears in its flesh. Without muscle or bones, it still moves with grim purpose, slithering along.
If a marine mammal is killed by hunters without the proper rituals to appease its spirit being performed, an amixsak can result. These undead are single minded hunters of humanoids, stalking them from the water and either sinking their boats or pulling them in to drown.  Creatures grabbed by an amixsak are thoroughly entwined in their folds of skin, and others trying to help them escape may deal as much damage to the grabbed victim as to the undead monster. Although they form from aquatic creatures, they are surprisingly fast on land, crawling along in an inchworm-like motion.
Amixsak have a dim sapience, enough to help them avoid common ambush tactics and understand the speech of their prey. Like the marine mammals they once were, they often gather together in pods. Because of the variety of sizes of pinnipeds and whales, amixsak come in many sizes, represented with the young or giant templates. A whale that spawns an amixsak is more likely to spawn multiple of the monsters, with each arising from a different sheet of flensed skin and blubber. Only through truly wasteful harvests can a Gargantuan amixsak, the hollow skin of an entire whale, be created.
Amixsak               CR 8 XP 4,800 NE Large undead Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 30 ft., Perception +10 Defense AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural) hp 102 (12d8+48) Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +10 DR 10/ magic and piercing or magic and slashing; Immune cold, undead traits Offense Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. Melee 2 slams +15 (2d6+7/19-20 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks capsize, constrict (2d6+10), smother Statistics Str 25, Dex 15, Con -, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 18 Base Atk +9; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 30 Feats Defensive Combat Training, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Stealthy Skills Escape Artist +9, Perception +10, Stealth +13, Swim +19 Languages Common (cannot speak) SQ compression, entwine Ecology Environment any aquatic or coastal Organization solitary, pair or pod (3-12) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Entwine (Ex) An amixsak wraps so closely against its victims that any attack that targets a grappling amixsak deals half damage to the forsaken shell and half damage to the grappled victim. Apply damage reduction or energy resistance after splitting the damage.
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