#yunno how many comfort characters i have who just get called horrible human beings for acting unusual?
s1mons1mons1 · 1 month
will never stop thinking about how, despite how many times you tell people, they will say they understand a character/person's mental state, issues, conditions, and mental disabilities... and then act like what you told them went in one ear and out the other. it's always a thing i see. holding a person/character accountable for their actions is important yes, but saying you understand what they suffer from/how they live their life with what they have and then joking about them, saying they're creepy/"uncanny", and not considering it could be none of your business is kind of,,, no very much infuriating.
i feel so bad when people like me who already find it hard to live/have found a comfortable way of living with conditions they have get judged/prodded and poked at like a scared animal in a corner. i am not something you can just observe behind a glass. while i can't stop you judging me i really don't wanna hear your half assed unconsensual opinion on what i should do to "cure" my mental disabilites/conditions. my life will not stop or get worse because i didn't take your advice.
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