#yuna oneshots
yawnzzznnn · 11 months
Helloo, can you do a itzy x reader where reader also has anger issues like ryujin(maybe even worse) and almost starting a fight, how would the members react?(maybe you couls also include ryujin in this 😭)
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Special thanks too: anon & ITZY & Dope Lovers by DPR IAN
Note: sorry this took so long to get done ive been a bit busy and I had requests backed up from awhile ago but it's here now so I hope you enjoy<3
TW: anger issues : arguments : could have a little bit of angst but leans more on fluff :
Words: 348
She doesn't really like fighting so once she notices your getting a bit more angry she will put an end to it and admit she was in the wrong even when she wasn't once you cool down she'll sit you down to talk about it
Once she notices you getting a bit more angry than what she considers the level amount and sit you down to talk she'll do what she knows calms you down rather it be petting your hair hugging you rubbing your arm/back
Oh girl...she had an attitude she does so her attitude and your anger issues are not a good mix so when you two argue the members would have to tear you two apart and have you two talk it out once she realizes the actual issue at hand she'll put the attitude away and actually talk to you
She sensed you were about to get angry so she dropped the argument or if y'all weren't having an argument and you getting game rage or road rage she'll take over and tell you to breath
Ryujin is cocky that's not a secret but that means she'll rarely admit that she's wrong for her own pride on top of her anger issues and yours, you two would get in an argument and won't talk to one another for weeks till the members get tired of the attitude from her and "fix" your relationship
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ryuttaeng · 2 years
g!p popular/mean girl yuna? she gives off that vibe 😵‍💫
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pairing: gp!yuna x female!reader
summary: how many times you have walked past the most popular girl in college and sensed her staring at you?
contents/warnings: smut, minors dni. g!p, unprotected sex, breeding kink, mean yuna, several rounds, she came out a bit possessive, please do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such themes!
genres: smut
a/n: gp!yuna with breeding kink has me in a chokehold
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“watch where you’re going, dummy.” you heard from behind, as you walked past shin yuna, most popular girl in the college. saying she was the pain in your ass wasn’t the right thing to describe her. she would either tease you or flirt with you, or be a jerk.
actually, it’s just two of you that wouldn’t have enough courage to confess to each other, and yuna, not able to express her feelings right… and her reputation, which could scare anyone away.
you hissed at the grab you felt on your shoulder, as if someone tried to make you stay here. you turned your head only to see shin yuna slyly smiling at you, but then immediately turned serious. ”listen, sweetheart, i need your help with my homework and i found you very suitable for this.” she said, making you sigh. “…i will take it as a ‘yes’. meet you at my place around five.” yuna said, willing to walk away, when you stopped her by pulling her by sleeve. “hold up, fine, but don’t you mind if we’ll sit with my sister a little bit? my parents will pick up her after.” you said, as yuna furrowed her eyebrows. “sister you say… fine.” she said before finally walking away.
“where are we going?” your sister asked you, while you carried your sister. “we’re going to my… friend. dad gonna pick you up ten minutes later though.” you said, as you knocked on the apartment door.
your sister still asked you questions, but went silent when the door opened. yuna’s eyes immediately lingered on your sister, as smile appeared on her face. “and who is this cutie?” yuna said, while she poked your sister’s cheeks. inviting you both, yuna closed the door, looking at both of you, as your sister looked at yuna again, smiling.
seeing you around kids was a new sight to see for yuna. and your sister looked amazingly like you, just like a younger version of you. she wonder how would look like kids with both of your genes…
yuna hissed, as she felt your little sister pulling her hair, not wanting to let go. “hae, no, don’t pull her hair!” you removed her hand, as yuna looked at you both. “so sorry, she sometimes does this…” you apologised, thinking that yuna will say something mean again but she just nodded. she silently walked away, as you and your sister followed her.
you sat down beside yuna with your sister on your lap, you looked at yuna. “so, with what subject you need a help with?” you asked, but yuna couldn’t help but stare at you both. frustrated with her own thoughts, yuna muttered out subject name, receiving a nod from you. five minutes passed only when your sister grabbed yuna’s finger and yours, making you both pay attention to her. “what is it?” you asked her, leaning forward to see your sister’s face. “you like yuna?” you asked, receiving a quick nod from your sister. “aww, don’t worry cutie, i will visit your sister more often.” yuna said, receiving quick hit from you.
hearing a doorbell, you quickly stood up, leaving yuna behind you, in her room… or you thought so. you opened the door, seeing your dad in doorway, and you gave him your sister. “is that your girl-“ “no! it’s- it’s my… friend.” you rattled, before closing the door. “friend, you say?” yuna said, leaning forward. “well, what you expect me to say? a mean and popular girl from my college that likes to hit on every girl she sees?” you snapped at her, as yuna’s expression changed.
yuna placed both of her hands on both sides of your head, smirking. “you could just said you wanted to add yourself in that list.” she said, eyeing your belly now. not letting you time to think, yuna pressed her lips against yours, while her hands pulled you by your waist, pulling you closer.
sloppy kisses, pulling away to catch a breath and take off clothes, yuna led you back to her room, taking you to bed. she pressed herself into you, to let you feel her bulge poking your thighs. moaning in kiss, you pulled down her sweatpants, her cock sprang up, her hands cupped your breasts. wrapping your hand around her length, you began to stroke up and down, receiving a groan from yuna.
finally laying down, yuna pulled you by your legs, receiving a moan from you. “you know how beautiful our kids would look like? you will look cute with your belly swollen and cause of it is me.” yuna said, aligning her cock with your dripping entrance and pushing in, jolting your whole body forward.
moaning, you clenched down on her cock, while yuna grabbed your waist, thrusting in and pushing her cock further each time, causing your back arch. it feels like there’s no room but she just keeps going, filling you to the absolute brim, until you’re sure she’s going to break you. “ooh,” you cry, your mouth hanging open. “oh my god, yuna-”
“don’t you think our kids with both of our genes will look gorgeous, baby?” yuna says, each thrust sends pushes you forward as she almost slams into you. “you’re so damn tight-” feeling heat building up in your stomach, you whine, as yuna’s thrusts in doesn’t slow down.
it only takes a few more snaps of her hips before you feel hot ropes of cum shooting inside of you. her grip tightened, as you thought she’s gonna pull out, but yuna picked up her pace again. screaming, as yuna pushed herself deeper, kissing your lips.
“you’re not going anywhere til i’m sure you’re pregnant, sweetie.” she said, eyeing your belly. yuna groans out as she feels your pussy tighten around her, now watching her cock disappear and reappear inside your pussy.
you let out a loud moan because of particularly hard thrust and how yuna rubbed your clit. “you’re close, aren’t you?” you quickly nodded, yuna doesn’t struggle at all to speak through her thrusts, her pace unrelenting. “come on, then. cum on my cock, sweetheart.” you moan, as the pleasure building in your lower half snaps, you clench around her cock. you hear yuna grumble, as she came after you.
breathing heavily, you closed your eyes, as yuna still was inside you. you could still hear yuna mumble something, when she pulled you closer by your thighs. you whined, feeling her cock harden again, opening your eyes to see yuna smiling.
“you thought i finished with you?”
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frickingnerd · 6 days
only one room left for the night
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pairing: yuna x gn!reader
summary: staying the night at an inn becomes more difficult than expected when yuna and you end up having to share a room...
tags: summoner!yuna, guardian!reader, there's only one bed, awkward/romantic tension, mentions of wakka, lulu & khimari
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“we only have one room left for the night…”
the moment the owner of the inn said those words, yuna and you turned towards each other slowly, as if time had slowed down. your eyes met for a moment, only to shyly avert the gaze again a second later.
“o-one room should be enough–!” yuna decided, politely smiling at the owner of the inn and taking the key, before quietly whispering to you, “i'll just sleep on the floor tonight and you'll take the bed!”
as yuna headed towards your shared room for tonight, you were still frozen in place, thoughts racing through your brain. you had shared rooms before, but it had never been just the two of you! as you began to overthink the situation, yuna had already reached the room. and once you noticed she wasn't by your side anymore, you snapped out of your thoughts and hurried after her.
“w-wait, i can't let you sleep on the floor–!” you lamented, as you caught up with her at the door to your shared room. “you’re the summoner and i'm your guardian! lulu, khimari, wakka… they'd all kill me if i'd let you sleep on the floor, so i can't allow that!”
as yuna opened the door to the room, you quickly slipped inside before her, to head to the bed. it was a large one, big enough for two people. for a second, you thought of another way to settle this. but you wouldn't dare say it out loud.
“i'll take the floor tonight! there's no way i can let you sleep on the ground…” you said, grabbing a pillow and one of the two blankets, before turning to yuna. but when your eyes met hers, she blushed. as if she thought of something. something that might've crossed your mind too.
“if you insist that i take the bed, then the least i can do is share it with you!”
yuna's cheeks weren't the only red ones anymore, as a blush hushed over your own cheeks as well. to share a bed with yuna… no, you shouldn't even think about it! you were her guardian and to share a bed with the summoner…
“if you decline, then i'll have to insist on sleeping on the floor!” yuna was determined to share the bed with you. so much so that she grabbed a pillow and blanket, mimicking your own action from moments ago and spreading both items on the floor, to show that she was determined.
“a-alright, we'll share the bed–!” you caved in, taking the blanket and pillow away from yuna and tossing it back onto the bed. yuna simply smiled softly, as you averted your gaze, ashamed to agree to this. “just… not a word to lulu or wakka, please. i don't think they'd ever forgive me for this…”
“i promise, i won't say a word.” yuna placed a finger on her lips and smiled a bit. “i don't want to worry them. i'm sure lulu would worry that something could happen tonight…”
there was a moment of awkward silence, as yuna trailed off, not finishing her sentence. she didn't need to, as you both knew what she meant. after a long moment of silence, yuna smiled again and broke the silence.
“but there's nothing to worry about, right?” she asked and you smiled awkwardly and nodded. “r-right, nothing's happening tonight–!”
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c-liffy · 1 year
teach me how to love (again)
Princess!Yuna x Soldier!Reader
Notes: Mentions violence | Implied murder| Reader has gone through some stuff | Yuna is a sweetheart | (wc: 3249)
You can vaguely remember your childhood. Some days it felt closer than tomorrow and others it felt like another lifetime. It comes in droves, when your consciousness draws in after a deep sleep, and when you least expect it.
Mostly when you’re reminded of her. Yuna; Princess Yuna.
You never liked the royal family in the past. You were a mere child growing up on the streets, and from what the others had told you, they were the reason you were out here. From what little knowledge you had, you were able to piece together the fact that your father was formally in the army and killed during battle. 
But they never gave you anything. Only repossessed your house and belongings once you realized that they would not accept blankets or old clothing in place of taxes. The only thing you had were the clothes on your back and whatever you could steal.
Or, in layman terms; fast legs and a will to live. And, at least in your kingdom, that was enough to survive. While most children grew up learning to read and write, you learned how to steal and fight. Which was good enough.
Until you got caught. 
You’d been tucking fruits and vegetables into your satchel throughout the Spring Festival Market and for every time prior you’d been successful. You grasped your hand around an apple and hid it away before feeling another hand grab your shoulder,
“You can’t take that!” A high pitched voice accused, “It’s not yours!” You turned to see a girl about your age with a frown on her face,
“Sure I can,” You shrugged, “I need it more than the shopkeeper will,”
“Why can’t you pay for it?”
“I don’t have any money,”
“Well why can’t you just ask your parents for food?” You raised an eyebrow at her. This girl was either incredibly clueless or dumb. Perhaps both,
“I don’t have any parents,”
“Oh,” She paused for a moment, “Well can I give you some?”
“I would, but I don’t like following people I don’t know,”
“I’m Yuna!” That’s where you’d heard the name before; she was the princess of the kingdom. You eyed her skeptically, suddenly hesitant to answer to someone that you weren’t supposed to like, “I’m Y/N, where do you get your food?”
She paused before answering, “I don’t know. Usually I just ask for it and someone brings it to me. So I guess I’ll ask for something and just bring it to you,”
And that began your long friendship. You used to climb the apple trees that lined the outer wall of the castle and hop into the courtyard. Yuna would bring you something and you’d sit together and eat. Sometimes you would leave together and go on adventures or stay in the courtyard or do nothing at all. 
Mostly, you’d sit together behind the flower beds that concealed the two of you and weave the stems together into anything you could. 
There were a few times you snuck out into the forest that faded the kingdom into what you thought was the real world.
You would sit and watch the stars together at the edge of the forest and let your eyes wander over the sweeping hills and vast green land,
“Someday,” You’d start, “I’m going out there,”
“Silly,” Yuna would faintly reply, “I’m going to be in there. So you can’t leave,”
You wouldn’t respond. Despite your longing to leave, or even the fact that you could at any time you desired, you never left. You would only go as far as Yuna ever wanted you to. But that was alright with you, as long as she would tuck her head into your neck and mutter sleepily about another world where you two went wherever you so pleased. You liked her stories and her presence enough. So, you stayed.
And, as time would have it, you grew; you and your royalty friend. Soon you were swiping more just apples and carrots. Once you’d figured out, and perhaps with Yuna’s help, what money actually was, you began to steal more than just what you needed.
Necklaces, books, alcohol, and other high value items could be often found hidden away in that same leather satchel that you grew into more and more.
Though, with the more you aged, you seemed to see Yuna less. Your regular nights of sitting together while you quietly munched on whatever she’d decided to surprise you with were becoming more and more sparse. It was increasingly common for you to eat alone, hiding in the same flower beds that you used to be small enough to duck into.
When you did see her, she passed it off as ‘royal duties’ which you believed. From how she described it, being the sole heiress to a throne sounded absolutely exhausting. You found yourself less and less jealous of the children that were forced to attend school.
You still sat with her at the edge of the forest. The only thing that changed there were the stories she told. The first time she ever told of something called ‘love’ you nearly sputtered out laughing. The act of caring for someone unconditionally just because of a way they talk or spoke? That sounded absolutely egregious. Especially having to ‘love’ somebody else.
Yuna looked at you with a curiously horrified glare and you stopped laughing. You’d seen people in the village kiss and hug and go on outings together. It all looked so terribly saccharine that it made you grimace.
She then promptly explained to you that there were many different kinds of love. Like how her parents loved her because she was their daughter.
It was then, you decided, that you loved Yuna. 
After that night, even if you ate alone, you’d always take your switchblade and slice an apple blossom from a tree and leave it on the window sill she’d sneak out of. Neither of you mentioned it, but it was always gone by the time you’d come back the following night. 
And now you’re back at the same edge of the forest. It’s all just trees at the front, but you can tell it's the same forest. You’ve been dreaming about this for years; being welcomed back to your home, victorious and being accepted with open arms.
But you’re back now, though you’re not quite sure if you’ll be welcome or not.
Before you know it, you’re at the castle again, but at the gates this time. Even though you’re as big as you’ve ever been, the gates have never seemed so large to you,
“Traveler? State your business!” You whirl around on your heels to see a group of guards standing behind you,
“I’m here to visit the,” You catch yourself and take a breath, “The queen. She’s requested my presence,” They seem to look at one another; the guard at the head looks at you, then down to your uniform insignia before nodding curtly,
“Understood, you may pass,” He raises his hand in signal and the doors begin to recede with a disturbing screech. You pass through them and look up at the wooden arch that sags without the support of the gates. 
The exterior of the castle looks almost unrecognizable. Usually you’d enter through the side after scaling the wall; the front looks so foreign you wonder if this is the same place you used to spend every night. You continue into the entrance and find yourself inside a grand foyer. The floors are marble and click under your shoes. There’s crowning that goes all around the walls and the wood paneling still looks just as classic as it did when you used to dance around the halls with hushed laughter,
“Y/N,” You raise your head and there she is. She’s older, you can see how she’s aged into a true woman now. And she looks even more radiant than ever. Even through the downcast moonlight that pours into the dark room, she nearly lights up the entire space just from the corridor,
“Yuna,” A smile attempts to etch itself onto your face, though her’s doesn’t crack. She keeps a stoic look over you, one that makes you almost squirm in your spot. This is new; she’s never been cross with you since you’ve met her,
“You’ve been gone,” You nod,
“I have,”
“You never told me,”
“I didn’t”
“You know I’ve been waiting for you since you left,”
“You have?” Your eyebrows knit together as a confused look washes across your face, “I was half expecting a king to be here, or some other little royals. You’ve always talked about having a family,”
“I was waiting for a particular knight to help me with that,” She mutters and you can just barely hear her voice,
“I said I’m still upset you left,”
Biting your lip, you silently curse yourself. You should’ve accounted for this; leaving her. You knew then it would hurt her a lot more than it did you. At least you were doing something you’ve yearned for since you knew how to want,
“I’m sorry. I should’ve told you or,”
“Yeah! You really should’ve. You know how long I spent here alone? I’ve grown up alone so you can play ‘Warrior of the Woods’?” You frown. You’ve changed too; you’ve matured and grown up,
“But I wasn’t ‘playing’, Yuna. I did real things. I helped entire kingdoms, and I fought against bad people,” She leans against one of the walls and something like concern flickers in her eyes,
“Yeah, fought,”
“Does that mean you killed people?”
“It does,”
“Innocent people?” You bit your lip. Yuna was a good person; a pure soul at that. She hated violence and used to clasp her hands over her ears and protest loudly whenever you’d bring it up. She wouldn’t like your answer. You can still remember your first kill.
“And you’re sure?” You looked up the Lieutenant,
He nodded, “Go for it, Private,” You smiled at the nickname, but it sunk after a quick moment. Turning back to the clearing you stared at your enemy with an unsure gaze,
“I’m nervous. I don’t want to feel bad about this,”
He reached down and grabbed your hand, “Here’s how I see it,” His free hand began searching for something on his belt, “I’ve got a wife and two kids back at home,” You hear a button popping, “And I’d hate to see them starve just because a private couldn’t take her shot,” He puts something in your grasp, “So, take it,” You look down to see a small dagger placed in your palm.
You take a deep breath at his reassurance. He was there for you always, just like that. In some ways, you could see him as the closest thing you could get to a parent; at least from how Yuna would describe how her parents loved her.
You tighten your grip and steady yourself. He places his hands on your shoulders before pushing them slightly. You rushed the doe with unsteady legs and a shaky slash.
That night, you sat by the fire and stared into the roaring flames with an empty stare. The fire did little to warm the cold feeling that’d set in your heart once you saw the caracas of the doe laying in the clearing,
“Chin up, Private. You look like you’ve been through hell,”
“I just feel bad,” You confess, avoiding eye contact with the Lieutenant
“Don’t, we needed this. Plus, she would’ve been someone else’s dinner no matter what,” He hands you a piece of the meat and you take a small bite.
You held it in your mouth for a second before chewing and letting the flavor sink in. The way you grew up, meat was seldom available. You could count on one hand the amount of times you’ve ever bitten into it. You took another bite and the steaming meat did wonders to quell the numbness in your heart.
The Lieutenant was right, you decided. If you wouldn’t have killed the deer, surely, someone else would have.
“Why would you hurt anyone?” Her countenance was one so akin to another you’d seen under an apple tree so long ago. Though you can’t remember exactly why, it pains you for her expression be directed at you,
“I had to help other people. Innocent people, like our people,”
“My people,” You purse your lips and nod,
“Your people,” You parrot, albeit in a hushed whisper that sounds more of a confession than a confirmation.
And then silence falls again. It’s tense, but not unfamiliar. Your eyes wander over Yuna, grown from a naive and curious princess to an eloquent and resolute queen. You can only wonder what she’s done since you’ve been gone, if the same gang of street kids still hang around and swipe produce from market stands, how your home has changed,
But you know that Yuna has probably moved on, and that your former gang is probably grown up now and off the streets with jobs, and everything has changed.
Afterall, that’s what you did,
“I just don’t understand why you left,” A huffing sigh comes from her, and it sounds more exasperated than anything else,
“Because I had dreams, Yuna. And I accomplished them. And now I’m back here,” You explain, advancing closer to her. She either doesn’t notice or doesn’t make any pronounced movements to retreat,
“Was I not one of them?”
You pause, startled, “What?”
“Your dreams; was I not a part of them?”
“You said you had to stay here. Almost everything I wanted was out there,”
“So you chose that over me,”
“Yes, I did. And I don’t know if I regret it,” Her head snaps up to let her eyes train on your face,
“You don’t regret leaving me?” With each word, her composure seems to ebb away,
“I said I didn’t know,” You take in a deep breath in an attempt to stay steady,
“What about us? What about loyalty?” You scowl.
You picked up another fern and let it bobble around your hand,
“You heard about the General retiring?” The Lieutenant looked through the fronds to your face,
“Yeah. Makes sense though, you can only be away from your family for so long. Most other armies are stationary too,” He watched as you began picking the small leaves off of the stem,
“You ever considered leaving?”
“Not really. I can see why he would want to though,” Your mind drifted to a certain princess still locked away in a castle,
“I’m content here. You have a chance elsewhere though,” You lift your head to see his eyes boring into yours, “You’ve been moving up through the ranks pretty fast. Major General was last month?” You nod and he pulls his gaze from yours to look around, “Feels like just yesterday I was teaching you how to hunt as a private just yesterday. This very forest,”
You hadn’t realized it, but he brought you to the clearing where you first killed the doe. You don’t know how you missed it seeing that the image had been displayed at the back of your mind since then,
“Right. Well, it’s been a bit longer than that,” You cleared your throat and adjusted the rank-loop around your sleeve, suddenly feeling tense,
“I’ll be General soon, no more of this Lieutenant business,” His stare shoots back to your face, almost feeling as if he were scanning it, “I’ll be leading,”
“Yes, sir, you will,” You set the stem on the ground and instead buried your hands in the plush grass, “You’ll be at the helm, like you’ve wanted,” Even at your younger age, you could see the sparkle in his eyes when someone recognized his leadership,
“You won’t have an issue with that?”
“I don’t see why I would,”
“You’re Major General, and I’ve heard a few whispers about you outpacing me,” He stepped towards you, eyes never leaving your face,
“I surely haven’t said anything about outranking you,” Your grip tightened on the grass below you,
“You sure? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were sniffin’ around for a higher rank,” You froze at his tone and it nearly knocked the wind out of you,
“No,” You stuttered and widened your eyes, “No, Sir,”
“You lying, girl?” He sneered with a grudging edge to his voice you’d never heard before,
“No! I’m not! I swear I’m not!” You exclaimed, jumping up to wave your arms in protest,
“Oh yeah?” He unclipped his scabbard and clutched the hilt until his knuckles were white, “And how should I know that?”
“What are you saying? You know me; I don’t lie,”
“You’re ambitious, Private. I know that for damn sure. How do I know you aren’t undermining me? Gonna stab me behind my back?” His hand moved to rest around his grip,
“I’m not!”
“Be quiet! It doesn’t matter; one of us is going to become General. It just depends which one of us can get outta here alive,” The following morning, you watched with tears in your eyes as a new Insignia was sewn onto your uniform.
“Loyalty is a double-edged sword, Yuna,” Your cold tone even surprising yourself, “And in this world, you’ll find that one edge is sharper than the other,” You let your hand clutch around the pommel of your sword,
“And love? Whatever happened to that?”
You still never fully understood love. The only people you’ve ever loved were the Lieutenant and Yuna. You thought loving Yuna was like basking in the sun on a spring day, but after your final icy encounter with the Lieutenant, you figure that maybe it’s best to shade yourself from whatever feeling ‘love’ brings,
“Love is,” You start, “It’s,” You pause because even after years in the army where you seemingly surrounded yourself with lifelong friends, you still didn’t know why people felt it.
It was apple picking in the darkest of night. It was trying to label each color that painted the dawn sky. It was actually bringing someone there because it was truly indescribable. It was crying so hard you couldn’t stand because you just couldn’t fathom leaving someone. It was picking a flower blossom every time you saw one. It was sitting around a campfire and telling stories with people you didn’t even know. It was holding someone’s hand while they guided you through something they’ve mastered. It was them helping you master it too. It was leaving your dreams behind because of someone. It was leaving your home behind for someone.
Love was complicated. And you couldn’t put a word on it,
“I don’t know,” You finally said, “It hurts?”
“Why does it hurt?” She melts from her tense posture to look at your with a wondrous look,
“Love hurts, I think,” You state,
“It can,” She nods and then it all clicks for you and you let your hand fall from your sword,
“Love hurts me like it used to hurt you,”
“It does,” You looks up at her through rivulets of tears, you don’t remember when you started crying, and let yourself smile,
“Yuna, I think I want to learn how to love again,” She finally steps forward and wraps her arms around your neck. You take in the sweet scent of her and the breath makes your heart swell,
“I’ll help you; I’ll teach you,” 
And you don’t respond. You just let her hold you.
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winter-dayz · 9 months
Bringer of Death
Pairing: Shin Yuna x Reader Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff Words: 3278 Warnings: implied major character death; implied suicide; strong language
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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This was your chance. This expedition would cement your place with the company’s excavation team. It was your shot to be taken seriously—to be seen as a real archaeologist and not a junior bookkeeper.
You made it to the dig site without much fanfare, a recently uncovered tomb that had just barely been breached. The original finders’ team gave up the excavation, opening the site to bids with historical societies. Your company won the bid, but since the more senior archaeologists were working on several other big projects across Egypt, China, Peru, and Mexico, you were tasked with the small, newly opened excavation.
As you trekked down the steep, crumbling stone stairs to the tomb’s entrance, you passed by the few remaining archaeologists from the original team. You nodded to them politely, skirting past, but were stopped short by a hand wrapping around your wrist.
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you…” The last man in the small group whispered harshly. He looked up to his team members, all of whom glanced at you before rapidly looking away. They refused to meet your confused eyes.
You nodded politely, again, and had to yank your wrist from his tight grasp. “I think I’ll be fine with a few bones and dust. It should be a simple excavation, really.”
It really should. Why this team had chosen to give up a brand new find baffled everyone at your company, but you weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. This could be your big break.
“I’m tellin’ you, girlie. There’s something in that tomb. Something that don’t want us messin’ with it.” He gritted out. His eyes were wild, and as he reached to grab your arm again, you hustled down several more steps.
“Well, if I get turned into a mummy. You’ll be the first one I’m coming after.” You spat back at the aggressive man.
Contrary to what that man had warned you about, the tomb seemed to be mostly empty. Honestly, it was no wonder your company managed to snag the bid for so low.
After descending the stairs, an archway opened into a large empty stone room. There were two rooms off of the main room, filled with dust and grime. There were a few pedestals as if items were meant to be displayed, but there weren’t any actual artifacts. Maybe the previous team had looted them…
So, what was the point of this job, anyway? You were hoping this would’ve been your big breakthrough, but it was so barren, there wasn’t really anything to work with.
You meandered through the desolate rooms anyway, inspecting the stone work. Based on the uneven amounts of dust on the pedestals, it did seem that there used to be something perched on them, but it had still been many, many years since those items would’ve been stolen so it hadn’t been the original team like you’d previously thought. More likely raiders from a few decades ago at least.
What really threw you for a loop was one wall in the main room. You could swear you heard shuffling and felt a breeze behind a small section. You leaned in, noticing again how the grime on the stones seemed uneven, and pushed on those bricks.
A click. A rumble. The wall slid up.
Now this was the kind of thing you were hoping for. A secret room? It was just like The Mummy. Maybe you really would find something “scary” in a hidden room and that crazed man from before would’ve been proven right. It’d at least be more exciting than the dust you had been observing so far.
You wandered through the secret passage, which seemed to slope at a gentle downwards spiral. Eventually, you saw the flickering of candles through an open archway. You had no time to wonder who would be keeping the candles lit though when as soon as you crossed the arch’s threshold, you found yourself staring into the eyes of a woman.
She sat, straight and confident, upon a throne at the back of the room.
Around her neck were layers and layers of expensive looking chains and jeweled talisman necklaces; even her clothing seemed to be of the quality of linens and silks you couldn’t find just anywhere. Between the two of you laid a large, majestic sarcophagus. Vases, gems, silver and gold all laid about, overflowing around the room. And the kicker? Everything looked pristine. Not a speck of dirt, dust, or grime on anything. Even the stonework and murals on the walls looked as fresh as the day they would’ve been created.
The woman, young and beautiful, kept her big, round eyes narrowed on you as you took in the state of your surroundings with obvious confusion. She was a bit pale, which was understandable if she’d been trapped in this tomb since the previous team left—which had to be the only way she was here, right?
“Who are you? What are you doing in my domain?” The strange woman demanded, finally breaking your engrossment of everything.
Your eyes wide and head tilted in confusion. What were you doing here, no, what was she doing here? You assumed she must’ve been trapped and abandoned by the previous team, but then… How did she even get into this room? It had been sealed by a secret wall. The stones you had pressed to uncover it had been undisturbed. Also, if she had been abandoned accidentally, why didn’t she seem scared or hungry? Why was she just as luxurious and pristine as everything else in the room, despite the rest of the tomb being so dirty? 
You finally found your words through the endless stream of questions racking your brain. “My name is Y/N. I’m an archaeologist.”
“Speak plainly, peasant.” The woman kept her eyes narrowed and tilted her chin up to look at you down her nose. “What is your purpose here?”
How much more “plain” could you speak? Didn’t she know what an archaeologist is? “I…” You hesitated to find your wording, “I’m like a librarian.”
“Are you here to steal from me?”
“No!” You shouted, appalled. While some companies took things from archaeological digs to sell to museums or rich snobs, yours did not. It worked to document the history and culture before returning the items to a pristine, preserved condition that remained with the original country.  “I’m a scholar, not a treasure hunter.”
“So you have come here to study?”
“Um… yeah.” This was insane. Maybe you actually should’ve listened to that man’s warnings.
“What year is it? I am surprised by a woman scholar.” What year is it? My god, how long had she been trapped? You flinched but told her the date regardless. “Ah, well I’m glad to see humans have progressed.”
She stood from her throne and bowed politely. “I am Shin Yuna. This is my tomb.”
Holy shit. It really is like The Mummy.
To say you believed Yuna was the owner of the tomb would’ve been a gross misconception.
After being welcomed in by someone claiming to be a thousands-year-old woman, you acted politely and kept a six foot distance at all times, only gazing over the objects and not even truly studying anything.
You left early that day with the excuse that you didn’t have proper equipment.
And then the rug was ripped out from under you when you dug into the town’s local history and the country’s governmental archives.
Shin Yuna was the most revered princess in the country’s history… From 2000 years ago. Despite it not being a woman’s place at the time, she was a fierce warrior and intelligent scholar. The texts spoke of her love for crafting clothes and storytelling as well. She was an all-around enlightened and beloved woman of the area.
Unfortunately, she was killed in a surprise attack on one of the villages she had been visiting. She died protecting the children and mothers during the raid.
To show their admiration and deep grief at the loss of their princess, it was said the country performed a ritual when burying her in the tomb. She was put to rest with great treasures and supposed magical items to help her move on peacefully if she felt her duty was completed; however if Yuna’s spirit felt she had not accomplished enough, she would rise again to lead her people once more.
And it seemed to have worked.
As did the seal on the door to protect her ritual burial… Just, maybe that seal had worked a bit too well, since she hadn’t left her tomb in 2000 years.
Which definitely showed when you came back around to start working.
Yuna was insatiable for knowledge, and for days on end while you were carefully observing and cataloging the items in the tomb, she would ask questions. She wanted to know all about how the world had changed, evolved, and adapted. She wanted to know about how her country had blossomed. She wanted to know the things you had seen when you had traveled, the kinds of art and fashion in style throughout the centuries. She wanted to know if stories were still being told about her villages… which is when you had to disappoint her and tell her that, until recently when her tomb had been discovered, no one widespread had really known much of her people.
She hated that. It put her in a bad mood, and she began sulking.
You kinda hated that. Yuna, for essentially a mummy and immortal woman who had been trapped for an unimaginable amount of time, was such a bubbly person. To see her upset didn’t sit right with you, but there wasn’t much you thought you could do to fix it.
Until one afternoon it boiled over when you began actually moving items around to see the smaller artifacts.
“You can’t just go rifling through my things!” Yuna shouted, more of a whine than in anger, following closely behind you as you carefully moved a vase. “Have you no respect for the dead?”
You sighed, “Yuna, it’s literally my job. I have to catalog what has been discovered. Look, I’m being extremely careful and respectful. ” You added a muttered, “You’re not even really dead,” under your breath.
Yuna huffed, her cute lips pouting. Cute? Well… yes, she did look rather cute pouting like that even if you wish she wasn’t so upset recently… “Why do you even need to do that?” She mumbled through cute, pouty lips.
“So that we can teach and learn from your history.”
Her eyes brightened, and her lips split into a big grin. It was such a simple thing to you, just a part of your job. But, apparently, it was just the right thing to pull Yuna out of her funk. “You’ll tell stories about me and my people? Okay, then rifle away!”
Fuck, she’s adorable.
Something of a friendship blossomed between you and the former princess. Although, neither of you could deny the obvious attraction that grew as well.
You didn’t think “flirting” was a thing when Yuna was properly alive, but she was damn good at it, regardless.
You, on the other hand, were awkward. Like a little bird trying to impress, you brought her modern-day gifts and things to try. When she expressed her fascination with your manicure, you brought her nail polishes in all different colors to try. She loved the soft, subtle pinks the most. When you had an extra long day planned, you went and got pizzas. She didn’t need to eat, but she appreciated the new flavors anyway. When she talked about how much she used to love to sew and try new clothes, you brought her magazines. She had really loved your talks about art and fashion before so when she saw pictures, she was ecstatic.
And you… You felt a certain amount of pride in having brought such a big smile to such a beautiful face. You felt a warmth in your belly at the way her hand would gently caress your shoulder in thanks for a gift. You felt a dizziness when she would stand just a little bit closer to you and exchange stories and knowledge…
“Death is only the beginning…” You whispered out, polishing the stone.
Yuna looked up from where she was painting her nails. “Hm? What did you say, precious?”
You blushed, still unused to the nickname she had adopted for you, looking over your shoulder to the beautiful woman. She met your eyes with a playful glint. Even when you turned away, you knew she was watching you work. “Oh nothing… I was just reading the inscription on your sarcophagus. It’s a bit ominous, don’t you think?”
When you looked back to her, after she remained silent for a moment, you caught her shrugging nonchalantly. “I was trying to be optimistic, actually. Hopes for the afterlife to be paradise and all that.”
“Well, it kind of sounds foreboding.”
“Well, yeah, it was to stop tomb raiders too. They need to think there’s a curse here,” Yuna giggled softly.
“Curse, my ass.” You mumbled getting back to work.
Your new… friend might be a mummy. Magic might be real. But you’d be damned if you thought anything in this place was cursed.
Yuna paused in her painting, hopping down from where she perched on the throne and coming to lean against the sarcophagus. “You don’t believe in curses?”
“I didn’t say that. You’re real and alive… Kind of… So I’m sure curses are too. But, I can’t find it in me to believe that you would’ve actually cursed anything here.” You paused, pulling off your gloves. “Your plan to make outsiders believe this place is cursed is working, though, you know. I was at a bar one town over the other night, and this guy was so insistent to warn me away. ‘There is a creature in those depths. The Bringer of Death. It will never eat. Never sleep. Never stop.’ A superstitious drunk if I’ve ever seen one. He definitely didn’t believe that the tomb was a couple empty, dirty rooms like I countered with.”
Yuna and you tried to stare each other down but easily broke into giggles. You leaned against the sarcophagus, which you’re sure would make your boss spiral into a fit if they saw, and nudged her playfully.
Eventually, she sighed out, “Well, I am no man, and I care not for ‘bringing death,’ but that drunkard was right that I cannot sleep or eat. A shame too, I really enjoyed that pizza you brought me, precious.”
You don’t really know how you got here.
Logically, it made sense. Yuna and you had been dancing around each other, making heart eyes, for days.
But you hadn’t fathomed it would culminate in her soft lips against yours.
She held you firmly, despite her gentle disposition, refusing to let you move away for even a second to breathe. One hand grasped your waist, teasing to inch south and caress your backside, while the other trailed up your own arm. Her nails grazed lightly, soothingly, against your bare flesh and sent chills up your spine in the most pleasurable way.
You really couldn’t believe this was happening.
Yuna finally pulled away, only a hair’s breadth, to allow you to gasp in oxygen. You sighed as she ran her nose along yours, both of you with fluttering eyes and small smiles. Her grasp on you didn’t falter; one hand holding your waist firmly, the other now cupping your neck sweetly.
“Jesus, princess,” You spoke softly, leaning your forehead to hers. “You literally stole my breath away.”
Yuna hummed and rubbed her nose back and forth against yours affectionately. “If I could have it my way, I’d steal all of you and keep you here forever, precious.”
You both giggled, but yours trailed off as one of her talisman necklaces caught your eye.
It was mesmerizing, and you pulled away a bit further to get a better view. Your own hand, of which both had been wrapped around Yuna’s neck, trailed down to lift the stone.
“This amulet… There are legends about it…” You finally spoke again, still breathless. Both from the kiss and from the beautiful, opalescent gem resting between the two of your chests.
“Oh, really?” Yuna asked, sounding distracted. She would always indulge in your stories though, even if she was obviously eyeing your lips and thinking of other things. “Like what?”
“It’s rumored to have the power to bring the dead to life. I’ve heard, recently actually, of a treasure hunter searching for it. He wants to resurrect his wife.”
“We’ll make sure that we don’t bring anyone back from the dead then…” Yuna kissed your cheek, seeing the way you tilted your head at her in teasing disbelief. “Okay, well anyone else.” She smiled smally.
“The hunter you spoke of. He broke into the tomb last night.”
That was the last thing you wanted to be greeted with. “What!? Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Did he steal the amulet?”
“Thankfully, he did not discover the hidden door to this sanctum. Both I and the amulet are safe for now… The powers bestowed on me through these talismans allow me to see who crosses the threshold and inflict whatever hallucination and emotion I deem fit. When you first entered, your aura felt safe. Hungry, which I now know was for knowledge, but safe.” Yuna smiled at you, before it fell into a scowl. “This man, though… His aura felt like those that were here before you. Greedy, selfish, dark. Like them, I used my abilities to inflict a foreboding feeling of doom and death and hallucinations of the shadows enclosing. His resolve was stronger than theirs had been, I fear.”
“What do we need to do, princess?”
She smiled again, this time wistfully. “Not we… I.” Yuna removed the opalescent talisman from her neck. “You will take the unenchanted and non-magical artifacts with you today. I know you finished cataloging days ago anyway… I want you to tell stories about me and my people. I want everyone to know that the people of this country descend from a resilient ancestry full of magic and ferocity and brilliance. I want the little girls, especially, to know they can be a warrior and a scholar.” She breathed, her eyes watery. “You will do this. You will tell these stories and be successful and alive. And I will destroy this amulet and collapse the tomb. I will die along with this dangerous magic, but I will die having completed my duty in keeping my people safe.”
Your eyes widened, full of tears, at her words. “I don’t want to lose you! You’re… you’re my friend, princess.”
Yuna sniffled, holding back her own sobs with a joke, “Well, you cannot stay. I’m almost positive that would kill you. Lack of air and all…” She leaned in slowly to kiss the tear tracks from your cheeks. “Besides, it would get dull rather quickly when I am put to eternal rest.”
You nodded, slowly packing up your things. Yuna had taken the liberty to stack the artifacts into your wagon before you even arrived. “I’m going to miss you…”
“I’m sorry it must end this way, but I did enjoy our brief time together.” Yuna took off one of her other precious necklaces, clasping it around your neck before you left the chamber. “I guess I did turn out to be the Bringer of Death… Just, it is my own.”
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0i8ma · 2 years
ST☆RBOY — yjw (discontinued)
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synopsis. you had a classmate named yang jungwon who was always adored by the teachers. every day, he received a star from each of his teachers simply for being a sweet and quiet child. you often think about him ever since he transferred to a new school, referring to him as starboy in your thoughts. and it so happens that he transfers to your school a decade later.
pairing. jungwon + fem!reader
cast. enhypen, yuna + ryujin from itzy, ningning + karina from aespa, wonyoung from ive, more to be added
genre. classmates to lovers, crack, fluff, a LITTLE bit of angst, social media au
warnings. swearing, LOTS OF SWEARING. inappropriate jokes, jokes about offing urself/someone, different pictures of pinterest girls as yn (yn is you, imagine her as you or however/whoever you want.) ignore timestamps PLEASE. super duper slow updates, lmk if i missed anyth!
tags. #ST☆RBOY — #✰: starboy!
taglist. taglist 1 — taglist 2 — taglist 3
author's note. don't expect me to finish this pls lmao 💀 let's just hope this is a short smau so i can finish quickly. anyways inspired by the weeknd's song (starboy)
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walking lgbtqs || die hard the weeknd stans
I. new cute boy [ + written ]
II. familiar face
III. star fucking boy ?! [ + written ]
IV. nah bro
V. hey starboy [ written ]
+ more to be added ! ( titles of each part might change )
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torotauri · 2 years
Concussion | Shin Yuna [ITZY]
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1560 Words
Yuna POV
Watching my boyfriend Y/N play for the university championship is truly a spectacle. I get to brag about him in front of my friends because I have a boyfriend in the university football team. Y/N is one of the best player in the team and he puts in a lot of assists and passes for the attacking players. The game is currently tied at 0-0 and there was a big chance for Y/N's team to score a goal here. A corner was whipped into the box and Y/N jumped up trying to win it. However, instead of heading the ball he bashed his head straight into the opponent and immediately fell down onto the floor. I was shocked, the referee stopped the game immediately and called the medical staff onto the pitch which they carried Y/N off the pitch with a stretcher.
I was in complete shock about what I just saw. Y/N down on the floor after a head clash. The medical staff are panicking a little bit which was never good. The ambulance came onto the pitch as well and things looks very serious in this situation. I quickly ran onto the pitch to see how Y/N is doing, despite the referee trying to stop me. I need to get onto that ambulance and go to the hospital with Y/N.  Once I was at the hospital, the doctors and nurses stopped me in front of the partition saying that I am not allowed to go in with Y/N. I looked into Y/N's eyes, he looks so weak and his eyebrow was full of blood, before the doctor took Y/N through to the other side and closed the curtains so they could check Y/N's situation. I waited outside praying that Y/N was fine.
Few Moments Later
I didn't really know what happened, one moment I was up in the air and now I find myself in the hospital. Honestly, I didn't remember what happened but I as I opened my eyes I saw my girlfriend Yuna there looking at me very worryingly. My head was in a little bit of pain but most of my pain came from around my eyebrows. I was trying to figure out what just happened but I can't remember anything. I just saw my shirt covered in blood. I decided to ask the doctor to see what just happened, but Yuna beat me to it.
Yuna: Doctor, is he ok? What happened to him?
Doctor: Well he suffered a head clash and a concussion. He's passed out straight after the impact but he's alright now and we have given him 5 stitches for the wound in his eyebrow. Just let him rest for a few days and then he will be alright.
Y/N: Wait, I did what? Why don't I remember anything?
Doctor: It's probably the effects of your blackout and the concussion. Everything will be fine if you take enough rest.
Yuna: Thanks doctor. Come on babe let's go back to the dorms so you can get some rest
On the way back to the dorm, I was feeling hungry as I passed through the McDonald's. The smell of a McDonald's burger and a McFlurry was really attractive, and I really fancied some dinner from McDonald's. I asked Yuna if we could stop and grab a bite at McDonald's but she had other ideas.
Y/N: Yuna ah-, can we have McDonald's for dinner? I'm hungry.
Yuna: No, I'm going to cook you something healthy for dinner (aegyo).
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There is no lying that I was disappointed because I can't have my cheat meal. However, she put up her cute aegyo that I can't reject so we continued walking back to the dorms.
Once we arrived at the dorm, Yuna immediately told me to get some rest which was annoying because I was still feeling the adrenaline from that football game I just played earlier, but she was very demanding which means that I have no other options but to follow her demands and went to the bed quietly.
Yuna: Right, you need some rest.
Y/N: But I'm hungry not tired.
Yuna: You heard the doctor, you need a lot of rest. I'll make some dinner and then bring it over to you later.
Slowly, I fell asleep. And when I woke up, I woke up to the smell of soup which just made me more hungry. I opened my eyes and saw Yuna sitting next to the bed holding a tray. I thought to myself, dinner must be readied and tried to get out of bed so I could finally eat something. However, once again my actions are stopped by Yuna.
Yuna: No stay in bed, let me take care of you and feed you.
If I'm honest, I don't hate this as much as I thought I would and in fact I was enjoying that I was being taken care of by Yuna. Her cute and caring personality is why I fell for her in the first place.
Yuna: Say ah- (feeds you).
I just sat up on my bed as Yuna fed me the soup she made. It was mushroom soup, my favourite dish and I can tell you that she is a master of making mushroom soup. It tastes so good. That night, we just ended up cuddling and went to bed together. I thought to myself, maybe this injury that I suffered won't be that bad after all......
Y/N: Yuna.
Yuna: Hmmm?
Y/N: I love you.
Yuna: You don't have to tell me that every day. Good night anyways (blushes).
The Next Day
Even with the concussion I suffered yesterday, life needs to go on. There was classes me and Yuna need to attend. I woke up a little bit later than usual and found Yuna has already left for the campus to attend her morning classes. I didn't have any morning classes so I just decided to hang around the dorm for a little bit. I found out that Yuna has put a tuna sandwich in the fridge that she made before she left for school this morning with a note on it. I ripped the note off and read it before having the sandwich.
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Later That Day
Classes weren't fun. All of them were boring and I was struggling to focus on what the professor said. Thankfully, I have finished all my classes for today and can look forward to an evening of fun. A few of my friends has asked me to play some chilled football with them after class which I was really looking forward to because I really like football.
Mark: Yo Y/N. We're going to have a chilled kick around at the football pitches. You down?
Y/N: Of course I am, you can always count on me for it. I'll go get changed.
Scott: See you at the pitch bro.
I was trying to rush back to the dorm so I could get changed for the football but immediately I ran into Yuna who was looking confused as to why I was being so rushed.
Yuna: Y/N? Where are you going in a hurry?
Y/N: Oh hey babe. I'm having a kick around with a few of my friends. I'll be back for dinner.
Yuna: No you can't go. You have just been in a concussion and the doctor said you need some rest. I am not letting you play football for at least 2 weeks. Tell your friends that you will join them next time.
What a bummer. Because of a head injury that I don't even remember having, I can't play football with my friends and was now stuck in an evening in the dorm with Yuna probably studying or doing something that will not be as fun as playing football.
I wasn't really in a good mood after Yuna decided to killed my fun so once we went back to our dorm, I just went onto my bed and lied on it going on my phone. Yuna could probably tell that I was a little bit annoyed but that didn't stop her from joining me on bed, put a movie on her laptop and tried to cuddle with me. I don't know what the movie was but I wasn't going to pass on an opportunity to cuddle with my cute girlfriend so I just gave in.
That night, we spent the whole evening cuddling in bed and watching some movies on Netflix. It wasn't how I had planned my evening to go but at least I could enjoy some alone time with my girlfriend Yuna. Thinking back, this concussion wasn't really that bad of a thing. Sure I didn't get to play football for at least 2 weeks according to Yuna, but the way she took care of me from yesterday and today was really heartwarming. And after a brilliant dinner prepared by Yuna following her feeding me once again, I tucked her in bed and gave her a kiss on her forehead as a gesture of appreciation for how she has took care of me ever since I was discharged from the hospital.
Y/N: Yuna, I love you. Thank you for taking care of me (kisses forehead).
Yuna: I love you too Y/N, and come to bed. We have class tomorrow.
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jenxsaiv · 1 year
Ryujin as your girlfriend
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PAIRING: ryujin x reader
A/N: well I just want to say english is not my first language so I'm sorry for mistakes. Also I hope youll enjoy it
mommy vibe
she loves taking care of you
probably soft dom
she helps you a lot
if you have problem she is here to solves it
loves restaurant dates with you
she pays for everything
''Ryujinnie i have money, you dont have to pay'' and she ignores it
also she loves making breakfast with you
most of time there are pancakes
she is pda person definite
Ryujin enjoys the small things like holing hands, eye contact but also these bigger like hugging or kissing
she likes having eye contact and if you are too shy to do it, she will tease you a lot about it
if she can fight for you. i really imagine her argues with a guy because he disrespected you
very touchy in private
hugging 24/7
she loves laying at sofa, watching movies and eating popcorn only with you when there is no one at home.
shopping dates! a lot of shopping dates!
did i say she spoils you? if not SHE SPOILS YOU
she treats you like princess, pays for you most of time etc
when Ryujin has a concert or havs to performance she always has photo of you and her.
she is also very protective gf
loves looking at you
it doesnt matter if you are sitting, cooking or studying
she just loves how you look and also she is grateful you are with her
so ryujin as girlfriend is amazing
very caring, protective, touchy and pretty gf
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ryujworld · 1 year
touch me
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Shin Yuna + Reader
Romance colegial, fluffy, livre para todos.
n/a: trouxe o penúltimo imagine da saga do itzy <3 espero que possam se sentir em casa enquanto leêm. estou passando por diversos processos difíceis mas escrever e postar me animam bastante e sei que logo voltarei a vida normal. obrigada por apoiar!
Shin Yuna era o seu compromisso em finais de tarde. Vocês tinham um pequeno acordo, e obviamente que nenhum dos lados perderia com isso. Você ajudava Yuna com os deveres de inglês e ela te auxiliava em matemática ou química.
O preço dos seus serviços variavam, mas você sempre cobrava um beijo ou outro dela. Já ela, adorava uma aventura, então além de beijos, Yuna adorava que você bebesse, dirigisse ou cantasse um karaokê com ela.
Você percebia que ela adorava passar tempo com você, mas você preferia ter os toques dela muita das vezes. Você estava tentando arrumar um jeito de sugerir que vocês aumentassem o contato sem ofendê-la ou sem fazer com que ela pensasse que nada que fizessem era o suficiente. Yuna tinha alma de jovem, ela queria se aventurar a mercê de sua própria sorte, já você, queria uma estadia, um conforto.
Era inegável que você se divertia muito com Yuna quando topava as loucuras dela, mas precisava admitir que queria que ela fosse mais ousada, e te levasse a beira do delírio sem mesmo sair do lugar.
Vocês tinham um lugar secreto, uma pequena cabana. Vocês se encontravam lá quando queriam ajuda, e procuravam manter sigilo sobre onde estavam, para que ninguém estragasse o romance. Você estava se apaixonando, lentamente, mas não sabia se Yuna estava também.
Ela parecia muito imatura mas também, muito experiente. Você nunca soube decifrar ou descrever a menina com suas próprias palavras, e optava por apenas seguir com o cronograma de estudos e diversão que vocês tinham.
Yuna era muito alegre e repleta de energia, portanto, nunca parava quieta. Você percebia que aquilo era bom para ela, ela era realmente jovem.
Você então, foi encontrá-la numa sexta, as cinco da tarde. Yuna inventou que iria para a casa de um amigo e você mentiu que ia para o parque tomar um sorvete. Ninguém pareceu desconfiar de vocês, e logo, estavam dividindo o mesmo lugar.
Naquele dia, Yuna parecia mais focada do que nunca, e você percebia que o olhar dela era sempre focado e centrado em você. Você até pensou em argumentar, mas teve medo que Yuna pensasse que se incomodava com a atitude dela, logo, ficou retendo o que pensava. Yuna parecia mais radiante, mais estonteante e convincente. A cada explicação sua, um pequeno sorriso no canto da boca ou uma sutil ação de concordância vinham dela.
- S/n, pare só por um instante.
Você arregalou os olhos e largou a caneta de seus dedos.
- Estou tentando te dizer com meus olhos, mas acho que palavras vão te convencer melhor. Eu acho que você já deve ter percebido.
Você abaixou a cabeça e observou quando Yuna tocou suas mãos de forma delicada.
- Eu sempre adorei o que temos. Nós sempre nos demos tão bem... Eu te fiz conhecer todos os lugares que mais amo, para demonstrar meus sentimentos. Você sabe, não?
Você sentiu uma pequena culpa agora. Como conseguiu julgar Yuna sem antes tentar entender que se tratava de um gesto de amor?
- Claro, Yuna. Eu sei que me levou para seus lugares favoritos para me demonstrar amor, porque demonstra assim.
Vocês sorriram e seus olhos encontraram os dela novamente.
- S/n, você está com uma lerdeza enorme em seus ombros, para não ter percebido que sou completamente apaixonada e obcecada por você, oras!
Você pareceu se surpreender e Yuna riu.
- Yuna?! Você quer dizer que...
- Sim, s/n. Estou dizendo que estou apaixonada por você. Agora, o desejo ardente de te beijar mais vezes, te fazer sentir o amor e te demonstrar ele também, é mais do que presente em mim. Eu não quis tantas iniciativas anteriormente, tive medo de que pensasse algo negativo ao meu respeito, e...
- Yuna, você é perfeita.
Yuna corou por um breve instante. Você a admirava ardentemente com o olhar.
- Você é. Mas é sério, s/n. Se você quiser, eu te darei tudo de mim.
Você achou que palavras seriam vagas demais para o sentimento e rumo que a conversa havia tomado, portanto, apenas tomou uma das mãos de Yuna e puxou com certa força, fazendo ela vir e colidir os lábios com os seus.
O beijo envolveu vocês e deste modo, Yuna passeava com as mãos pelo seu corpo, e você o mesmo com ela. Quando estavam prestes a ficar sem fôlego, vocês se separaram.
- Eu te amo, Yuna.
- Também te amo, s/n. Muito.
Vocês sorriram. Yuna deitou o corpo sobre o seu, beijando o seu pescoço. Ela não parava mais, até que você sentiu uma leve ardência.
- Ai!
- Me desculpe, s/n. Você estava irresistível para mim.
- Yuna... Pare...
Ela beijava cada vez mais, mordiscava... Você sentia a necessidade, a dependência do toque indescritível dela.
- S/n, você quer mesmo que eu pare?
Ela te observou, e você negou na hora.
- Continue. Me toque. Profundamente.
Ela sorriu, concordou, e voltou a beijar a região avermelhada. Você suspirou, e percebeu que tudo ali ocorria de forma natural, ou seja, era amor.
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gaypeople4itzy · 2 years
Hope is better than despair
With itzy’s yuna
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Part 1 of two !!
word count : 1,3k
Warnings : a bit angsty im sorry :,(
One of my favorites again hehe^^
Your heart sank as snow began falling on the city’s roof, the holidays were approaching, and despite the cheerful atmosphere around you, you still didn’t feel that joy the way everyone else did, at least, not like you used to
Nostalgia is a vast concept, some people miss their parents’ house, miss playing around in the neighborhood, miss their teachers, miss the innocence of being a child, miss the spark they had in their eyes at that time;
And sometimes, there are people that miss others
You were one of these people, there was someone, probably the person you had ever been the closest to, that had deserted your life a couple years back, and strangely enough, it seemed as if time had stopped since then
You thought to yourself it was a foolish decision as you sat down to your kitchen table, a paper, and a pen in front of you. You had been telling yourself that for the entire week, since that idea had crossed your mind, you kept debating inside if it was incredibly stupid, or rather, something that could change your future greatly
Yuna and you were insepperable, since the very first moment you looked at each other, you instently clicked. There was something between the two of you that was beyond anyone’s else understandimg. Quite frankly, you didn,t need to grasp the concept of the connection you shared with her, as long as she was next to you, and that you were next to her, that’s all that mattered
You did everything together, going from accompanying her whenever she had detention, to pairing up for every single project, to throwing snowballs on the face of the other before heading inside freezing, to spending days cuddling and watching your favorite movies, there was not one of your lives where Yuna did not have a special place in it
And as you two grew up, your feelings evolved towards the other. It started with Yuna being even more protective than she usually was, wrapping her arms around you whenever someone thought it was a good idea to try and flirt with you. You started feeling warmer than you used to around her, feeling this strange urge to always be close to her. As time passed by, Yuna’s actions became more and more evident that you guys weren’t just friends, if it wasn’t for her constant teasing, nor her attempts at making you blush, it was certainly her kisses that she’d give you, claiming it was just “marking her territory so the others would know you’re hers”
It took a long while before you both had enough courage to confess to the other, trembling as she held you, you shared the most passionate kiss that night. It was so memorable that to this day, it is still vivid in your head
The months that followed were pure paradise, there was not a moment where you didn’t feel at ease with each other, it was the sweetest and purest relationship you had ever experienced
However, you had to let her go before you were ever ready to do so. Yuna’s parents had been talking about moving away for a few weeks by then, and they had finally taken their decision
That night was difficult, hard because you had both decided it would be best to not continue talking to the other, that the distance would be too hard, that it would be painful to not have each other to hold on to but than it was better than to hold on a glimpse of false hope
Yuna held you tight that night, she whispered many things to you, wished you the best life ever, and promised you that you would never be forgotten
As she head outside, out of your door, while you did your best to smile at her, wanting her to have a good last memory of you both being together
Your head was fuzzy, it was difficult to comprehend what was happening at that moment. Although you could barely see nor hear anything, due to feeling extremely drained, you thought for a second that she had said something,
Something like,
“The universe will send us back together, I promise you”
And you weren’t sure if your brain had just tricked you, or if truly, she had meant that
To this day, you still were unsure of those words, but a discobvery had made you change your mind. A few days ago, you had been called by your parents, as they wanted you to come home for the Holidays, and of ourse, you couldn’t refuse spending time with the people you most loved
After a few hours listening to your mother rant about stories you had already heard, your father had interrupted her, mentioning that he had found a box with a bunch of your old stuff. Excitedly enough, he had given you indications as to where it was located in the house
And now you were here, a few days later, with Yuna’s “new” address (at the time) in mind. While going through the box, you had found a little note, and you could almost immediately recognize her handwriting. You almost felt your heart explode when your eyes read the following : “My angel, I’m so scared my parents are going to make us move out sooner than they are supposed to. If they do, and you ever want to contact me, please know that my address will be…”
It was such a strange feeling as you realized what the paper was saying. If Yuna knew her address the entire time, and had purposely hid that in your stuff, why didn’t she just directly tell you where she lived ? Why didn’t she want to make things work ?
Firstly upset, you tried to ignore the flame you thought was gone a long time ago. Although you kept avoiding the subject and resisted the best you could, there was no other way than to face what you felt : you were still in love with her
So you began writing to her, maybe she wouldn’t open the letter, or wouldn’t even get it, but it didn’t matter, you felt as if not writing her today would mean loosing something far more important than anything else in your life
So you went ahead : 
Dear Yuna, 
I recognize that you might not remember me, and I would understand why
I hope you too, regret losing the other
May you be well 
If this ever gets to you, you are free to respond to me
Please know that you too, have never been forgotten
Yours truly,
For once, you wanted to believe that the universe was on your side. You knew well enough that you could end up heartbroken, but the tiny bit of hope that was left was all you had, and it was better to accept it than to pretend the thought of a happy ending didn’t exist
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yawnzzznnn · 11 months
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Spoiler ✨
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ryuttaeng · 2 years
My bad on sending the request when it wasn't open. I had no idea.
As you know, Yuna is a huge blink... so gip!Yuna and Jennie's little sister!reader is secretly hooking up and Yuna is scared of Jennie finding out because she doesn't want her idol to hate her, but one day Jennie catches them mid-f*ck.
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pairing: gp!yuna x fem!reader
summary: being in entertainment industry always has its pros, meeting your biases included.
contents/warnings: smut, minors dni. g!p, unprotected sex, reader is jennie’s sister, swearing/cursing, pet names, please do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such themes!
genres: smut
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yuna couldn’t deny the privilege of being an idol. her main goal was to finally meet with her idol, blackpink member, jennie.
and she succeed… in different ways. yuna met with jennie, already befriended her and much more. and by much more she means having sex with her idol’s younger sister. actually, she couldn’t even imagine some kind of relationship between her and jennie’s younger sister, as she only seemed just friendly at first glance.
yuna would explain your glances on her as just being curious about your sister’s k-pop artist friend and nothing more. maybe she was your bias or maybe you was just being nice to her. but one thing led to another and yuna already were thrusting inside you in a brutal pace that midnight.
you was few months younger than yuna, so it wasn’t much difference between you both and actually you both became close friends before you two had sex.
jennie started to question your frequent visits to shin yuna’s apartments but you would always say you would just spend time chatting and she had trust in you.
you softly smiled, as you watched your girlfriend graze your body with her eyes. yuna’s eyes were liquid heat, and yuna could feel herself growing hard. it would never cease to amaze her how you could cause such a reaction in her with just a single look.
you wrapped your hands around yuna’s neck, your lips inches away from her as breath teasing her lips. “i just can’t stop thinking about you the whole day.” your hand teased the waistband of yuna’s pants, as yuna felt her cock twitching in her pants. yuna’s hands trailed down, teasing your entrance as you breathed out.
yuna wanted that heat wrapped around her dick, wanted to feel you clenching around her, feel you trembling in her arms, desperate to come. your hands trailed down on yuna’s body, sending shivers through her spine, as you pulled down her pants along with her boxers. yuna could see you watch in awe as her cock slaps against her stomach, it was a sight you would never get bored of.
not really caring about getting in bedroom, yuna aligned her length with your entrance but doesn’t seem to move. “yuna, please…” you breathed out, moving your hips forward, but it doesn’t seem to help. “i couldn’t hear you, love.” yuna whispered in your ear, making you whine.
“please?” you say again, but louder.
yuna smirks before she slid her length all the way into your wet hole. she could feel your walls almost immediately squeezing around her. starting to pump inside of you, you couldn’t hold back your moans, getting louder with each thrust and digging your nails into yuna’s back.
you could feel every inch of yuna’s hardness sliding in and out of you, filling you up and stretching you with each thrust. loosing themselves, yuna starts to thrust more faster, more primal, both of you on the edge of coming.
“o-oh god!” you both stopped, as you heard someone gasp.
your girlfriend immediately tried to cover you, as you turned your heads to look at the person. you nearly gasped when you saw your sister covering her eyes as she still stood there, definitely confused.
yuna dryly gulped, as she thought the worst possible scenario to come. will your sister be against your relationship? what would jennie think about her? she wanted to speak up, apologising, but jennie spoke first.
“i- you at least could’ve told me that you’re busy here, y/n!” jennie said, still covering her face. “i-i’m sorry, jen, i can explain…” you tried to indeed explain her, but your sister only shook her head. “no, i already know about your relationship, you guys not so good at covering it up. i will… go now.” and she left.
yuna still eyed the closed door as jennie left, blinking twice before she looked at you. “oh my god, do you think she’s gonna hate me?” she blurted out, definitely musing about it. you caressed her cheek, calming her down. “no, no she wouldn’t. i will talk with her later about it, no one’s gonna interfere our relationship.” and you felt yuna relaxing at your words.
few seconds of silence before yuna leaned in and softly kissed you. parting away, she looked at the other direction. “do you think she heard us when we had sex for the first time?” yuna asked mostly herself. “…i hope the answer is negative.”
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yejisrat · 1 year
Itzy hard thoughts/headcanons open~
What I write:
•itzy x female reader
•member x member
•gp! (mention that though) 
•hard thoughts, headcanons, short drabbles
What I don’t write:
•male reader, male idol or any other men
•noncon, dubcon, violent themes, SA etc.
•long oneshots
Also please minors/men dni! If I see one of y’all on my page I’m blocking you immediately.
Other than that, feel free to pour out ur gay little hearts in my ask box<3
Don’t be afraid to get creative, just don’t violate my rules!
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enluv · 6 months
certified lover boy
pairing: non!idol/lovesick wonbin x fem!reader
synopsis: in which wonbin is a lover boy through and through who’ll do anything to win you over…except tell you himself of course.
genre(s): fluff pure fluff, smau oneshot, student riize
cast: most of riize, sungho bnd, and yuna itzy
warnings: cursing, dark humor, should be all but lmk!
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coco’s <3 note: hi toots! hope you all like this post one hehe, I feel like it’s too similar to my soft launchings but I wasn’t sure how else to change it tbh…so I hope it isn’t TOO similar if that makes sense! hopefully the nonnie that requested this likes it :) as always, feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
riize taglist — @palajae @txtlyn @rllymark @soheekisser @luvbinnies @chaerybae @lecheugo @idkwatodoanymore @givemeakith @haechansbbg @mxlly143 @tinyelfperson @vampcharxter @odxrilove @noajakah236482 @nikilvrfvr @ja4hyvn
Want to be tagged? Check out the forms here!
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yuna542 · 1 year
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If you want to be part of my permanent or a specific Taglist write a comment and I'll add you!
English is my second language so don't come at me, with grammar and shit <3 I'm trying my best!(Google translation appreciation)
- have fun around my blog and much love <3
Requests open: Feel free to dm me requests about your dirty (or sweet) little fantasies and if I like it, I'm gonna include it into a story or make it an own oneshot.
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⚡️Stray Kids⚡️
Pairing: OT8 x Reader Series
Status: Work in progress
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Comfort
Warnings: 18+, under 18 DNI!, Fem!reader, explicit smut, swearing, mention of sex and alcohol, unprotected sex (just don't!), Angst, Jealousy, Poly Relationship
Taglist: Closed (love y'all!)
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
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Drabble Challenge ✏️
1❤️‍🩹🐺 II🚌🐿️
Steamy (Felix x this Reader)
🌊Outer Banks🌊
Sand & Pearl (Coming Soon)
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Status: Work in progress
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader/Oc
Genre: Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Smut, Angst, Drama, Action
Warnings: ✍️
Taglist: Open
Summary: The Kook princess is back after a year and reignites the war between Pogues and Kooks on Kildare. But she quickly realizes that after this year, nothing is the same as before. Deception, secrets from the past, and dangerous conspiracies sweep across Kildare, leaving her no choice but to work with the Pogues and her personal nemesis to find the truth and maybe even $8 million. A dangerous treasure hunt begins that changes her world upside down.
© Sky-yuna — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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bapple117 · 3 months
You don't have to tell me twice?! One of my favourite HH authors asking for deranged oneshot ideas?! HELLO! HI! COMO ESTAS?!
I do have a request that pesters my brain for quite some time, and I'd LOVE to see it come to life. I'd die to see Alastor x deaf!reader Just because he is such a talker, a charmer with a golden tongue, but take that away then he has GOT to be creative! Is he able to do sign language? Would they pass notes? How would he SEDUCE them?!
I don't care if it's fluff or smut (smut is always good)
Thank you for sharing your talent with us <3 Sincerely, the dirt beneath your feet
Your wish is my command!
Alastor x Deaf!Reader - Reader is AFAB - 18+
Reader is referred to as You or 'Yuna' (Not a fan of Y/N)
Fluff & Smut 18+
The Radio Demon is no stranger to talking people's ear off, that much is true; but when a deaf sinner joins the hotel, Alastor finds himself in unusual territory. Unable to charm or intimidate by usual means, he must resort to more... interesting methods.
He finds himself captivated, all the same.
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