#yummy the ability crystals looked
kokoasci · 4 months
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is this anything
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silly4goose20 · 20 days
"Same snake, different skin."
CW: Glitch Effect + Eye Strain!
art + lore below the cut
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This is my Darkiplier! Oh I love him so much his design is literally so yummy.
Now let me explain why he looks the way he does!!!
So first of all, I want to establish that this is Damien. Celine was pushed from the consciousness and into presumably an infinite void. But I'll leave that story for another time 😋‼️
This universe takes place after ISWM, and Darkiplier had hopped universes. He has the warp core crystal:
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This Warp Crystal allows him to hop/jump universes. Dark needed this crystal as unlike his husband Wilford, he *was* fully human [obviously that has changed.].
Sadly for Dark, The SCP Foundation exists in this universe of mine....and he was swiftly apprehended. Of course, he was taken in for observation/containment. This is where he met Alto Clef-Gatsby-Carraway [Known at the time as Alto Clef or O5-12 (just wait until I can explain Clef.)], who arranged for his freedom with the idea of initiating Dark into his mafia in NYC.
Dark found Wilford Warfstache again through said Mafia, moving to NYC to live with him as "friends' [look at their interactions in WKM and tell me they aren't atleast a bit gay 😒].
Flash forward about 2 years, he's solidified himself as a higher up in the Mafia. He aims to be a platoon leader, which means another initiation...an illusive one to make sure he's definitely loyal to the mafia.
But before this let me mention something:
Dark [Damien] connected his soul to Jay Gatsby to get Celine out of the shared body. Therefore, he is *technically* immortal 😋
Anywayz. Dark, Wilford, The Host and Yancy are all initiated this way. They are given specific abilities to aid their platoons. Dark, being assigned to a flight platoon made up of the winged members of the mafia, was given wings!
He has raven wings now. The markings on his face are simply a product of his human body being changed to an otherworldly one. Some parts of the body adapt faster, such as the face and limbs. On that! He's got claws!!! They're very sharp, and they're assumed to be made of titanium.
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His claws also have the little black veins. You can't see it but his feet to it as well, and the area around his gunshot wound is also like that. I molded his eyes off the following references: [CW FOR CREEPY EYES/EYE IMAGERY]
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And his claws based off these:
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I think he's so cool. Im honestly impressed with my own abilities.
I hope you guys like him and his lore as much as I do!!!!
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vitanivortex · 3 years
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Sponsored By Krescendo and Junk Food
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wichols · 5 years
Ah! Just saw you’re about to close bingo prompts so lemme see if I could squeeze one in ^~^ Something I’d love to see is the whole “fire exposes our priorities” thing — like maybe one of the themed days in the host club goes wrong and suddenly there’s a fire?? What are each of the members’ first reactions? Love your writing!!
Anon, this prompt. This one got me. I spent many days just sitting and staring at a blank document contemplating my life choices. I seriously almost made this into a Headcanon instead of a one-shot. Like had inspiration not struck with a decent plot it was gonna be headcanon time. But fortunately enough it struck and now you have this monster of a one-shot. I hope you don’t mind that I took them outside of the club room but I just couldn’t get myself to write this as a club room activity. It still has their reactions and I hope you enjoy the fun banter I included in the beginning. I think it is the most fun I have had writing interactions between the hosts. Enjoy!
Burning Intentions (All Host Members)
The last rays of light dipped behind the pine trees plunging the Morinozuka mountain vacation home into darkness. Heavy snowflakes danced between branches and settled silently onto the peaked clusters forming around the surrounding landscape.
“Wow, Takashi, the snow looks so pretty!” Honey beamed with excitement. “I thought Kyo-chan said it was only supposed to snow a little and that looks like more snow than even he predicted. Takashi! What happens if it snows so much that we get stuck here!?!” Honey chirped happily while watching the snow falling outside.
“Mitsukuni.” His eyes shifted from the unfolding scene outside to his cousin.
“I know Takashi! I know. We get more slumber party time!”
Before he could interject the blond-haired boy bounded down the hallway disappearing into his designated room. Voices could be heard floating into the hallway as Mori made his rounds checking in on the other hosts. He had to laugh at the types of conversations he was overhearing. His attention was directed first to the current third-year club members.
“No way in hell.” Haruhi chided the twins.
“We know the way to hell and you are more than welcome to join us on the journey.” They snickered back at her.
“Pass, I will be double checking my door to make sure it is locked tonight. There will be no trio cuddle party. And the last time you pulled that stunt I got no sleep while you bastards slept like the dead.” She scolded.
“Please, we promise to be good this time?” They whine through pouted lips.
“You guys would classify yourselves as good? Need I also remind you of the last time you forced your way into my bed that you suffered from a little ‘morning issue’.” Forming air quotes with her hands.
“I wouldn’t consider our morning issues ‘little’ if that’s what you’re insinuating.”  Hikaru air quoted mocking her back. “Who’s to say that some part of you actually enjoyed our morning surprise? What girl wouldn’t want two sinfully looking men curled up in her bed happy to see her in the morning?”
“A girl with more than two brain cells. Now get out and let me finish unpacking, if I let you stay you will know where I put everything and hide it so I have to wear what you two brought for me.” Pushing them away from the doorframe she slammed and locked the door securing herself inside the room without wandering eyes.
“Hey, Mori-senpai thanks for letting us stay at your cabin! This will be another fun weekend!” Kaoru waved as he watched Mori continue his inspection of the sleeping arrangements.
Mori’s attention was then directed to Kyoya’s foot tapped in an irritating cadence while Tamaki lamented about the twins trying to sleep with Haruhi in her bed. 
“Tamaki, so help me, if you do not give me some space this weekend to breathe air I will suffocate you with my laptop charger before we leave. Not only that but I will drop your body off a sheer cliff, never to be found again. Do I make myself clear?” His fingers continued to push keys down in rapid succession while his eyes watched Tamaki step outside his room. 
“Crystal.” Tamaki squeaked while tiptoeing out of the room.
Just as Mori was about to turn and head towards the kitchen Honey swung open his door, revealing his pink bunny onesie, declaring, “ jammies and coco time in the solarium!” The short host giggled as he rushed past the others, with Usa-chan in tow, heading towards the east wing of the cabin.
“You heard Honey-senpai! Jammies and coco are waiting!” Tamaki began to fling an assortment of clothes from several drawers looking for a suitable pair of pajamas before rushing into and out of the bathroom following close behind Honey.
“Hika, if we are quick we can make Haruhi wear the special set we brought her!” Sharing equally devious looks the twins went rushing towards their room only to be thwarted by Haruhi emerging from her room in a pair of bland colored sweat pants and an oversized hoodie.
“Too late.” She smiled victoriously at her comfortable state of dress.
“Oh god it’s worse than we thought!” Each twin gripping the other in support of their disgust.
“Better get dressed sooner rather than later or else Honey-senpai will finish off the coco before you even get to the solarium.”
“He wouldn’t.” Pausing to wonder further.  “Would he?” Karou questioned.
Arching a brow, she flashed them an evil grin. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
“HURRY Hika! We have to get there before he drinks all the coco!” A slam of the door and clamoring bodies could be heard shuffling around in search of pajamas.
“Mori-senpai, I hate to bother but could you show me the way to the solarium? I have a feeling it will take the twins longer than expected to get ready.”
“Sure, follow me.” Walking in tandem they quietly made their way through the main living area and down another hallway.
“Why do you have a glass solarium attached to the cabin?”
Lifting a brow, he glanced down at the female host. Finding no ulterior motives written on her face he began, “vacation for the Morinozuka’s means spending a substantial amount of time reflecting and meditating. By building the solarium we are not limiting ourselves by the weather but retain the ability to connect with nature through all types of seasons. In this case, Mitsukuni suggested using the sunken seating and fire pit to watch the snow falling.”  
“Cool idea in theory but isn’t it dangerous to have a fire going inside an enclosed space?”
Ruffling the top of her head he gestured towards Honey and Tamaki already wrapped up in blankets, snuggled deep into the cozy couches surrounding the small fire pit built in the center of the room.
“Woah.”  Her eyes sparkled as she soaked in the unique view of the room. Walking wordlessly to the edge of the room she tentatively placed her palms against the cooled glass. “It’s like I am outside without being outside. Like I am still a part of nature.” Had it not been snowing there would have been no way she couldn’t distinguish where the glass ended. “I would love to be in this room when it’s bright and sunny!” Face beaming with delight at the house’s owner.  
Leaving the three hosts to enjoy their time together, he made his way back to the west wing to change into his own pajamas but not before he was passed by a pair of squabbling brothers in matching sleepwear following an unusually empty-handed Kyoya. Making quick work he changed and joined back up with the other hosts huddled around the fire pit. Mug in hand he took the open seat between Mitsukuni and Kyoya.
“Takashi, this was such a good idea! The coco is so yummy!! Even yummier when sipped in front of the fire!” Honey cheered.
The other hosts nodded and hummed in agreement, mesmerized by juxtaposition of the snowstorm raging on the other side of the glass and the light whipping of flames of the fire, comfortable silence fell between them as they listened to the crack and pop of the burning wood.
“I have an idea.” The feminine voice broke through the silence. “Mori-senpai said that his family built this to use for meditation. Why don’t we all start our weekend off right by allowing for some quiet reflection?” Posing the request to the rest of the group.
“Boring!” The twins chimed as they nuzzled into either side of Haruhi’s neck. “How about we pre-game for tonight’s cuddle party and start it now?”
“No thanks. The only cuddling that is happening this weekend is right now and it’s between myself and Usa-chan that was offered to me.”  
“Splendid idea Haruhi. Though instead of getting in the usual meditative position how about we give ourselves some space on the couches and focus on the sky above us? It’s not every day that we have the opportunity to watch the snow fall in such a whimsical manner.” Kyoya in pleasant agreement, for he himself was in desperate need of some quiet time after Tamaki’s outbursts from earlier.
Pushing the two bodies closest to her away, each member settled back into their comfortable quiet while craning their necks to stare into the flurry of the darkened sky. All that filled the room was the ambient noise of the crackling fire, the host’s steadied breathing, and the low howl of the wind outside. The serene atmosphere soothed the aching souls that sought the refuge of the remote cabin away from the bustling demands of the outside world. Minutes passed as a singular loud pop of the fire caused their bodies to flinch and settle back into a quiet calm.
Eyes still swept up in the dancing snow, Hikaru’s voice broke the silence. “What smells like burning?"
“Shh.” Haruhi shushed.
“But really something smells like it is burning.”
"Well, we are sitting by a fire..." Kyoya said in his usual sarcastic tone.
"No this smells different less like burning wood and more like, more like,  burning fabric..." Hikaru audibly making sniffing sounds.
Everyone’s heads snapped to the source of the unpleasant smell. A look of horror flashed across their faces to the growing flame of Haruhi’s blanket. Momentarily stunned at the realization of their on fire maiden the friends quickly jumped into action.
“HARUHI YOU’RE ON FIRE!” Hikaru screamed while grabbing one of her arms trying to drag her body out from under the blanket.
“Here let me help! Let me help!” Joining in on his brother’s efforts, Kaoru pushed the remaining part of the blanket off her torso and let it pool in a heap of flaming fabric next to the fire pit.
Struggling against the ‘helping hands’ Haruhi flailed her legs desperately trying to regain her sense of direction. “Knock it off guys! You’re pulling too hard!”
“No! Usa-chan! Someone save Usa-chan!” Honey pleaded.
Hearing his cousin’s desperate plea Mori jumped across the open fire pit and snatched up the falling pink bunny before it tumbled onto the pile of growing flames.
“DON’T WORRY HARUHI DADDY WILL SAVE YOU!!” Springing into action Tamaki grabbed the offending blanket and sprinted through the solarium towards the front door.
“TAMA-CHAN! TAMA-CHAN! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?? YOU’RE GONNA CATCH TAKASHI’S WHOLE HOUSE ON FIRE!” Honey yelled as he followed closely behind the frantic host king. While Mori trailed behind clutching Usa-chan, stomping out a small trail of flames.
“Well this night just got more idiotic than I ever anticipated.” Kyoya grumbled. “Haruhi are you hurt in any way?” He asked looking at the shaken woman caught between the tangled arms of the twins.
“Seriously guys let me go. No, Hikaru, for the last time, my legs did not burn off. Kaoru, do something, besides velcroing yourself around my waist.” She droned. “I’m fine Kyoya-senpai, really. I didn’t even realize it was my blanket that caught fire until Hikaru screamed it into my face.”
“Sorry about that. It was the first thing that popped into my head. But really you should be falling into my arms because I was the one that actually saved you.”
“Don’t forget that I helped too!” Kaoru squeezing even tighter around Haruhi’s waist.
Before she could respond, a proud Tamaki walked gallantly back into the solarium declaring, how he ‘vanquished the beast that tried to harm his Haruhi.’
“What exactly did you do with it?” She asked.
“I figured that since it was snowing outside and snow is frozen water, and really fire belongs outside. So, I tossed the on fire blanket out into the snow.” Puffing his chest proudly at his logical explanation.  
Honey stormed past Tamaki, flopping himself back on the couch. “Yeah, but not before Takashi had to stomp out all the little spots of burning blanket that you left behind in your wake of heroism. Had he not been following you, Tama-chan, you would have caught something else on fire.” He rebuked. Glancing around his eyes went wide. “Usa-chan? Did someone save Usa-chan??”
“Mitsukuni.” Mori approached him with Usa-chan hanging limply in his outstretched hand.
“Thanks, Takashi!” Beaming brightly at Usa-chan’s savior.
Finally peeling herself out of the twins hold, Haruhi huffed. “Too much excitement for one night, I’m going to bed.”
“We’ll come with you to make sure you make it back to your room ok.” The twins offered.  
“Kyoya-senpai.” She glared over her shoulder.
“Hikaru. Kaoru. I believe it is in your best interest to let Haruhi go back to her room, alone.” Giving his darkest Shadow King look as they sat back down onto the couch.
An audible gulp could be heard by all as Haruhi left the room. 
Letting his look soften, Kyoya noted the various expressions on the other’s faces making a mental note to himself. Some people in this room just revealed a lot more about themselves than they possibly ever intended. But two things I know for sure now is that one, Tamaki is still an overreacting idiot and two, there are those still sitting around the fire that are still madly in love with Haruhi.
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mezzopurrloin · 5 years
Mezzo and the Crystal Shards Part 3-3: Beach Episode
The third stage brings us back to the ocean as we head to a tropical beach area.
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It's got sand and stuff.
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There are a lot of enemies in the first part, but none of them give any abilities.
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Thankfully Kirby's inhale is still good against them.
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Oh, and the antlions are back too.
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This little sandcastle marks the transition to the next area.
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There, we get a short section with Shotzos in the background.
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Then, a swimming part. I managed to grab Cutter from one of the ring throwers around here.
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An explosive fish just before the next area added Bomb. We'll need this soon.
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Some of the planks on this bridge have water jets below them, which will lift Kirby up as he steps on them.
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Like so. We can use this to get into this mountain from the top.
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The mint chocolate looking rock to the left needs to be destroyed by a Bomb + Cutter combo, which is why I picked up the shuriken bombs again.
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Blowing it up reveals this level's first crystal shard.
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Then we can stand on the rock in the center to get lifted back out.
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There's another bridge to cross, but this time the planks will be lifted right into the Gordos hovering above. If you run fast enough you can fall off just in time to escape being spiked.
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King Dedede gives Kirby a lift out of here.
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And to the next area.
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There's a current here that pushes Kirby backward when in the water. In addition, the wooden pillars will sink when stood upon. There's not much stable footing, but a fall doesn't impair you that much.
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I tried to grab Stone + Cutter before the next room, but missed the shot. I guess we have to do with just Cutter for now.
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This ring thrower midboss will throw rings at you while some other enemies parachute in from above.
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It ended up being a Cutter vs. Cutter match. Once it dies, the second shard appears.
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And there's the third shard right there. We can't reach it from here, unfortunately.
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If I'd managed to get the Stone + Cutter combo earlier I could have grabbed it. For now, we have to leave it for later.
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These platforms tilt when Kirby lands on them, allowing the spiked logs to roll downward.
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It's best not to get squished.
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Once we're past that, we can reach the exit.
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A Maxim Tomato, yummy. This would be quite helpful if I weren't ending the session here, but oh well.
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theextraspoon · 5 years
What is CBD Isolate or Crystalline? How do I use it? With so many CBD products available, it can become overwhelming when making a decision. You log onto your most trusted site, like Natural Healthy CBD, and you will find a list of  oils, skincare, tinctures, edibles, cbd vape products, and more for humans and pets alike. It can seem like a decision that may take forever, keeping in mind taste and price, not to mention the company or multiple forms of shipping. 
We've solved the problem when it comes to trust, providing lab reports for all of our brands, but that still leaves all these categories and 100 or so listed brands still to choose from! So we thought we'd break it down to the very basics for you, which would be exactly that, isolated CBD.
CBD isolate is the most pure form of CBD you can buy. The consistency is a fine, white powder visually similar to sugar or white sand, hence the name "crystal."  While it's look may intimidate, think of it like another powdered spice in your cabinet, with its own benefits. Much like my first reaction to an rso syringe, it just takes a little learning and some trial and error to change your life! 
Most times being water soluble it's the most versatile type of CBD available on the market! CBD isolate is 99.8% CBD, meaning you get 998mg of CBD per gram - all in a tiny container container of powder. Since isolate is pure isolated CBD, it will should not contain any other cannabinoids or terpenes and is not considered a full-spectrum product like most sublinguals, or products you use by placing under the tongue. While many people use the CBD isolate and find relief, it's important to note that it's possible to have different results with full spectrum products and isolate products.
Since the product is so concentrated in a small volume, most people choose to add their isolate to a larger base so they are able to accurately measure doses. Depending on the type of isolate you choose, it may be able to simply add a higher dose of CBD to your regular daily regimine!
Since CBD isolate is naturally oil soluble, you may find benefit by adding a small pinch of the powder to fully dissolve into any preferred oil! All it takes is warming up the oil (double boil method) of your choice (MCT oil is my favorite for its nanotech ability), and stirring in your CBD isolate. It usually takes about 10-15 minutes to fully dissolve.
It's recommended you use 2 oz. of oil and 1  gram of isolate, which is about 16.5mg of CBD per ml. Flavoring like peppermint or vanilla can be added to your tincture for a sweeter taste, same for meaty flavors like bacon fats. Now you've got yourself an extra strength tincture that you didn't break the bank for! Then simply add a few drops under the tongue or to your food or beverage!
If you'd prefer to leave the boiling and measuring to the professionals though, check out our Isolate Tincture Selection!
Additionally, you can use this method to make Topicals as well.
Topical Pain Relief 
Brands like Hemperpedic are coming out with natural solutions to avoid chemicals in our daily skin and medical treatments and nothing beats natural! They're using natural herbs and oils to make amazing topical balms for humans and pets and they think its easy to make the change from chemical to natural in at least one aspect of your life. Take their pain balm for example, made with organic ingredients to stave off deep aches, pains, swelling and more! 
sing our previous method, you'll want to warm up your oil of choice before adding your isolate. The most commonly used oils for topical products are coconut oil or olive oil. If using an oil like olive oil (liquid), you'll need to use beeswax or paraffins to make the product a solid. A topical product is much more favorable when you add essential oils like grapeseed oil, tea tree oil, rosemary, even peppers for pain! Keep in mind that you'll always want to dissolve your isolate into the coconut oil or olive oil before adding other ingredients, as the isolate is only oil soluble. 
Again, our lab tested brands are professionals at what they do and make the best CBD Topical Solutions for pain relief around if you would rather have it created for you. 
You can vaporize the isolate in one of two ways. The most common way is by dabbing the isolate, using a dab rig set up like the ones in our smoke shop! 
To dab you need a dab rig, a dab tool, and a torch. This method of vaping is not suggested for those that are not familiar with dabbing as it involves high amounts of heat and can be potentially dangerous. A dab rig isn't the only way to vape isolate though, you can simply use a vape pen like these! 
Since CBD isolate is decarboxylated, you don't have to do anything to the product to make it bioavailable. Your body can absorb CBD from the product, as is! Many customers choose to sprinkle the isolate over their food, or even in their coffee or tea. A friendly reminder : the isolate is oil soluble, so adding it to water-based items will not allow the isolate to fully dissolve and separation is likely to occur but it won't change the products ability to work!
We suggest creating an oil like you would a tincture and simply using the oil for best presentation! 
Not much of a chef? Check out our yummy edibles!
If all else fails, sublingual always works with low fail rate. Like you would your tincture, sprinkle a little under the tongue, wait 30 seconds, and wash down with a drink! Simple as that!
We hope we were able to help you learn all about CBD isolates and the amazing products you can make with it! As a pure form of isolate it's one of the best bangs for your buck and now you know all about it!
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via Natural Healthy: Latest News
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No cover art this time! Might update this later with it.
It was pretty difficult trying to make this game work as a stand-alone, but still have the Kirby charm. That applies to both the storyline and the gameplay, for the record. Any and all criticism is encouraged! Just like with Kirby’s Inferno, this is not meant to be speculation on a future Kirby game, this is solely made for fun! If there ever is a Meta Knight spinoff, you didn’t hear it from me.
It’s an average peaceful day in Dreamland, and Captain Vul is overseeing the Meta-Knights’ training. They’re all doing pretty well, except for Sailor Dee, who just can’t seem to get a hang of his bow and arrow. Vul is most proud of Meta Knight himself, however, and lauds him when he shuttle-loops a training dummy into stuffing. This exercise is interrupted when a strange meteor crashes down about a mile away, and Sword, Blade, and Meta Knight go off to scope it out.
Upon further inspection, they see that it appears to be a small escape pod of some sort, and there’s a person covered in stars inside of it. Without warning, he bursts from it and lunges at Meta Knight, thrusting a nodachi at his face. They clash for quite some time until Sword and Blade take over, and the other Meta-Knights sans Sailor dogpile on as well. As Meta Knight catches his breath, a small fairy then exits the pod, dazed and weak. She shakes it off, and gasps at the sight before her.
The man manages to break through the barrage of attacks and tries again to strike Meta Knight, but their blades clash and they struggle to maintain their own ground. The fairy girl then yanks the guy away by his ponytail and shows him a picture of a certain spherical hero. It’s actually Kirby, but due to the picture having no color (or any other identification, WTF, Tara?), he believes it to be Meta Knight.
They apologize for attacking and explain themselves. Orion comes from the planet of Aurora Cosmos, which is currently under attack by a mysterious moon-like structure known as the Eclipse Castle. Being the gentlemen that they are (and a little sheepish for attacking an innocent guy), they agree to help him and lead him to the Halberd. Sailor Dee finally hits the target dead on, and Tara cheers him as Axe and Mace guide him into the ship.
Upon reaching Orion’s planet, they can safely affirm that the massive crescent moon-shaped object above the shimmering green planet probably isn’t supposed to be there. I mean, usually, it’s a bad thing when half of the planet’s coated in a gross blackish tar. Landing on the planet proves difficult as well, being that they’re attacked by shapeshifting beasts (which Tara refers to as Morphix) and nearly crash.  
Unfettered, the band of knights marches on through the land, slaying these freakish creatures and saving the natives from a gooey torment. But, something seems to be off about Orion. Even for the Meta-Knights, he seems a bit too aloof and unattached, only focusing on the mission at hand and refusing to take a load off.
This reaches a head when after defeating a massive Morphix that begins ripping the place to shreds, Orion does something obscenely reckless. He nonchalantly leaps off of a cliff, and Meta Knight dives after him, catching him and flying him to safety. When they land, the poor guy is in a state of utter bewilderment at what just happened. Apparently, Orion should be able to fly, and is pretty shocked at his sudden inability.
Later, when the crew is roasting marshmallows around a fire, he stands alone and ponders what could be happening. Much to his horror, the answer is made clear when he sees that the stars on his arms are disappearing. He quickly yanks his arm guards over the now-blank spots to hide them as Meta Knight approaches.
Meta Knight can tell something’s wrong but doesn’t pry; instead silently reassuring him that he’ll be fine if they stick together. They hear a scream of terror and turn to see that Tara’s marshmallow has caught fire, and she’s flying around in a tizzy trying to put it out. Sailor Dee helps her out by chucking it into a pond, which gets everyone to laugh and finally unwind.
Once all the countries of the planet are nice and monsterless, the knights turn their attention to the Eclipse Castle. Something goes horribly wrong when they bring the Halberd to the surface. Not only are they immediately grounded by black spires and crash land, Orion suddenly yells out and collapses, the stars from his body rapidly dissolving. The crew rushes over to him and a tearful Tara reveals that they haven’t been exactly honest with them. 
Many years ago, Orion’s people were cursed by a vengeful and chaotic mage named Pitch Shadow, who threatened to destroy their planet if they did not submit to his will and give him their magical power. Orion knew that going after him alone would mean certain demise, but he didn’t care as long as his planet was safe. It was only with Tara’s urging that he changed his mind and decided to seek out allies.
Orion is true and fully dead. Furious, Meta Knight leaps through the portal to destroy him, the hesitant crew following suit. Inside the Midnight Castle, they find a massive crystal ball chained to the ground with thick glowing chains. Upon breaking it open, they realize their horrible mistake, as it turns out that the chains were what was giving it it’s energy.
Now fully freed, Pitch begins to siphon all the life out of the planet. They’ve got to turn around to the Halberd and use its cannons to shatter the chains before pummeling him into a pulp once more. With the mage blasted into oblivion, the Eclipse Castle itself starts falling to pieces, and they bolt out of there as fast as they can.
The Halberd continues its journey back down to Aurora Cosmos, while both Meta Knight and Tara sadly gaze upon Orion’s body in the sick bay. Meta Knight turns to leave, but something catches his eye outside the window; a vast collection of golden stars has appeared where the Eclipse Castle used to be, and they’re heading right towards the ship.
As they fill the interior, the markings on Orion’s body reappear, and he awakens. Tara is overjoyed, fluttering around him, and cheering as Meta Knight stares in shock. Overcome by emotion, Meta Knight rushes over to him and embraces him, Orion taking it in stride as he pats Meta’s head.
Triumphant, the knights and Orion land to a cheering crowd. Orion’s wings reappear, to which he responds to by challenging Meta Knight to a race. But as the two take off and dart around the city, it becomes less of a competition and more of the two simply having fun! 
Each member has their own personal move set and stats, which can be paired up with another knight to create exclusive moves (and to help with puzzles)
However, they all share one move; they plant their weapon in the ground and clutch onto it, preventing them from being blown away or sucked up by enemies. (ha-ha, wow, that’s dark)
By defeating enemies with combos, you fill up a meter called “boost points”. This gives you the ability to call on Tara so that she can give you extra help with a quick nuzzle or a beam of light from her horn.
These powers include temporary invincibility, stronger attacks, more health, or heightened speed.
Pieces of armor can also show up in hidden crates across various levels, all randomized.
You can mix and match different caps, armor, and weapons, but there are exclusive sets that can permanently boost your stats if completed.
There’s a daily roulette wheel (à la Miitopia) that can give you brand new armor, more boost points, or Maxim Tomatoes.
The game’s map operates the same way that Amazing Mirror’s does, with an open world you can freely move around to which level you’d like and replay them at your leisure. They’re connected all by a central hub in the Halberd, which has a training room and an armory that you can enter at any time.
There’s a boss at the end of every level, not just the worlds! Admittedly, they’re still about the same difficulty as midbosses.
Sable Shores
Tornado Terrace
Energy Expo
Lachrymose Loch
Lit Landing
Ablaze Alcove
Roaring Reaches
Eclipse Castle
Tara’s Dialogue (hub)
(answers to "Greetings.")
You're so cool, Meta Knight! I know you can save us! I-I-I mean, help us.
(post-game) I knew you could do it! Thank you so much for all your aid.
(answers to "Let me see the armory.")
Want to see what armors you've got?
(50% or higher completion) It's getting pretty packed in there! Watch your head!
(100% completion) Brings back memories, doesn't it?
(answer to "I want to try the roulette.")
It's time to play some roulette!
(answers to "What do you think of the crew?")
Captain Vul is astounding! But he's so tall, it scares me a little bit.
Sword Knight is great! His helmet looks like a yummy loaf of bread!
Blade Knight is so brave! He looks up to you a lot, you know.
Mace Knight is so funny! That guy always knows how to cheer me up!
Javelin Knight is very smart! I've never met a robot before!
Axe Knight is so loyal! You two remind me of Orion and me!
Trident Knight is pretty mysterious! But he's good fun!
Sailor Waddle Dee is so cute! ...um, that's all I have to say.
Orion is awe-inspiring! He's my best friend in the whole world!
(answers to "Do you have any advice?")
Have you tried out the training room? It never hurts to brush up on your skills!
Some knights mesh better than others. Try out a bunch of teams and see which works for you!
You should smile more! ...oh, that's not what you meant, is it?
(answers to "Thank you. Goodbye.")
It's been a long journey so far. Why not take a rest?
6 notes · View notes
elliotthezubat · 6 years
more dead apple stuff and others
 ango: .....
murakoso: um...ango-
*Chuuya emerges from the shadows, glaring*
ango: chuuya. i suppose you know why i called you here?
Chuuya: "You have to be pretty desperate to call in this debt."
ango: indeed. perhaps it's our folly for allowing shibusawa to live.
Chuuya: "You think? If it wasn't for you and that bastard, they wouldn't be dead!"
ango: .....we thought that by bringing shibusawa in, we could prevent an ability user war amongst the gangs of death city, and possibly beyond, but we didnt expect-
Chuuya: "That your precious tool Shibusawa would kill 6 of my people at Dragon's Head?! That Shibusawa would go on to kill all these ability users, you sick fuck?!"
ango: we were trying to do what we thought was best for death city-
Chuuya: "They're dead!" *slams his fist into Ango's jaw*
ango: GRK-
murakoso: ANGO! *draws sword from it's holster*
Chuuya: "The Sheep. Six at Dragon's Head. Rain...This mess that Shibusawa created allowed Mori to escape...with my daughter!" *slams his foot into Ango's side*
ango: NGH-
murakoso: *aims sword at chuuya's neck* beating ango up isnt going to make it any better!
takeuchi: worst case scenario, we can try and locate mori and your child.
Chuuya: *glares at them all* "...How?"
takeuchi: this is the special abilities department, and mori _is_ an ability user, we can locate him and bring your daughter back.
ango: please. if you help us, we'll do anything you ask of us.
Chuuya: "...Anything?"
ango: yes, if not for our sakes, then for the sake of the city, and your child.
Chuuya: "...If it wasn't for Sonia...this city could burn for all I care..."
ango: .....
Chuuya: *holds up fingers, counting down* "First, you will pardon all crimes, alleged and otherwise, by the members of the Port Mafia."
ango:.....very well.
Chuuya: "And second...You get Sonia back safely."
ango:....it will be done.
Chuuya: "Then get me to where Shibusawa is."
Dazai: *looks at the crystals* "..."
Fyodor: "All according to your plan."
Dazai: “Yes...So, why did you go along with me on this?”
Fyodor: “In the end, I want a world without Abilities.” *grins* “That doesn’t mean I don’t want an entertaining interlude first.” *holds out two crystals* "One brings all visible Ability users to one location. The other crystallizes Abilities."
Dazai: *pauses* "..." *touches both*
-a vortex forms in the center of the room, sucking up all the crystals in the process-
Dazai: “Now to touch this vortex, and it’ll be the end of all of this--”
Dazai: "URK!" *coughs*
shibusawa: *has stabbed dazai literally in the back* didnt i tell you, mr dazai? there's nothing that surpasses my expectations~
Dazai: “But the door--”
Fyodor: *small laugh* *twirls a key on his finger*
Dazai: *trying to sigh, but in pain* *in Russian* <Typical…Heh...This is new...>
Fyodor: <Cliche, but still--entertaining.>
Dazai: *collapses, struggling to breathe*
shibusawa: in the end, there was only one target, mr dazai~
Fyodor: *smiling*
shibusawa: tell you what, i'll let you in on a little secret. that knife was laced with a slow acting poison. so now you can savor your death, like you've wanted for so long.
Dazai: *opens his mouth, but can't talk, coughing blood*
Fyodor: *slowly approaches behind Shibusawa*
Dazai: *passes out*
-something begins to appear, a clear crystal-
shibusawa: *huge grin as they reach out*
-however, the crytal joins the others in the vortex, creating a singularity-
shibusawa: !!!! WHAT?!
Fyodor: *searching through his coat* “Unfortunate. Even if you acquire Dazai’s ability, Shibusawa, it won’t help you regain what you lost: your memories.”
Fyodor: “Let me jog your memory--”
shibusawa: GRK- *their throat begins bleeding*
Fyodor: “--of the time when you died.” *holds up a knife*
shibusawa: *collapses* fa....ther....
{shibusawa: *a young child* ....}
{Shibusawa's Father: *reviewing notes*}
{shibusawa: ....}
{draconia member: hey, isnt that shibusawa's kid?}
{draconia member 2: yeah, the one with that ability, right?}
{draconia member 3: just a tool for daddy's work. can that thing even think for itself?}
{-that's right. for as long as i could remember, i had always been in my father's shadow. i was nothing more than a tool-}
{Shibusawa Father's: "Come here."}
{shibusawa: yes, father?}
{Shibusawa's Father: "Follow me...We have to discuss the next step in this research."}
{-of course. my father's research. my _father's_ legacy...-}
{shibusawa: .....}
{Shibusawa's Father: "You will carry on after me...Find what I have not."}
{-even after he died, i carried _his_ burden. i never truely had anything to call my own....and yet.....the feeling of death.....feels familiar...-}
atsushi: *facing a door in his mind*
odasaku: you sure you want to do this?
atsushi: (i have to.)
odasaku: ...you know once you see it, you wont be able to unsee it again.
atsushi:...(i know.....) *he opens the door*
{shibusawa: so, mr nakajima, was it? how are you feeling?}
{*tied to a chair is seven-year-old Atsushi*}
{Young!Atsushi: *paralyzed*}
{shibusawa: from whay i heard, you have quite the unusual ability. and i havent been able to obtain it like normal. curious. very curious. nothing a little shock therapy cant fix, right? ^^}
{Young!Atsushi: "N-No...Please...Stop..."}
{shibusawa: now, this may hurt quite a bit. *hits the switch*}
{Young!Atsushi: *convulses, too stunned to make any noise but a small squeak, his body twisting under the electricity*}
{-a small blue crystal begins to form-}
{shibusawa: *wide grin* yes, that's it, come on...}
{Young!Atsushi: *SCREAMS*}
{*some light shines out of Atsushi's head*}
{shibusawa: ??}
{*the tiger forms out of Atsushi--and slaps Shibusawa's hand away from the crystal*}
{shibusawa: *holding their hand, yelling out in pain* GAH! w-WHAT?!}
{*The tiger takes the crystal in its jaws--and bites down onto it*}
{shibusawa: NO!!}
{*The tiger faces Shibusawa--and brings down its claws--*}
{shibusawa: !!!!!!!!}
shibusawa:....i......i died......
atsushi: i.........i killed them.......
shibusawa: im...dead? no...nonononono that's not possible! i returned to the castle that day! i know it!
{shibusawa: *stumbling into the castle* ......}
shibusawa: it was that day that-....that....
{lux: *freaking out* MASTER SHIBUSAWAAAAA! t-t-the witch!}
{shibusawa: ??}
{Lux: "Th-The Witch...Master..." *shaking*}
{nox: the witch...the witch has given birth.}
{shibusawa: ?! }
{-in a room, a young woman with white eyes is holding a small infant-}
{woman: *looks up and smiles* look tatsuhiko, it's our daughter, miyuri.}
{miyuri: *opens her eyes and smiles at shibusawa*}
shibusawa:....ha...hahaha....so that's it.....that damn witch....she put a curse on me...
-meanwhile, in the draconia room-
Fyodor: *picks up a skull from a bowl of apples* *grins* "Now, for the finale..."
-the skull is sucked up into the singularity, causing the fog to turn red and the singularity to mutate-
-the vortex seems to pull dazai in as well-
Fyodor: "How selfish of you...Even in death, you wish to watch the city go right to hell..." *turns away, smiling*
-the vortex seems to be mutating into...a dragon?!-
Fyodor: "Had you considered, in the midst of the Dragon’s Breath, my ability never once tried to do me harm?"
-a figure appears, resembling fyodor, with a light purple tone to its coloration appears, a red crystal on it's hand and holding an apple-
Fyodor: "I am crime."
CP: i am punishment.
-the ability shatters the red crystal and returns to fyodor slowly-
Fyodor + Crime and Punishment: "And crime and punishment, are quite good friends..."
dragon: *ROOOOAR*
Fyodor: "Soon, the fog will expand and consume this world. The dragon of the fog that consumes all abilities...like a dead apple..."
miyuri: *walking along and humming* hmmmmm......are we there yet, sana? Owo
Sonia: "I'm not certain..." *looks around*
miyuri: hmmm, i remember she lived in a tall building....but i dont remember which one. ^^;
onia: "Who was this person?"
miyuri: oh right! it was a while back when miyuri got lost in the outside the first time. everything looked so big and scary, and she couldnt find tacchan anywhere.
{miyuri: *sitting in an alley in the rain, crying*}
{-but then, the nice lady found me!-}
{???: um....e-excuse me?}
[miyuri: *looks up*}
{*a young woman in a yellow sweater jacket, red hair and glasses is there*}
{rain: are you alright?}
{rain: wah! i-it's alright! i-i wont hurt you! i promise!}
{miyuri: *sobbing* TACCHAN! TACCHAAAAAN!}
{rain: o-oh goodness....umm...oh! here! *hands her a cracker packet from her bag*}
{miyuri: *sniffles*....}
{rain: you can eat that.}
{miyuri:.....*tiny nom*...*hic* t-thank y-you miss nice lady...}
{rain: *smiles* please, call me rain.}
miyuri: miss rain let me stay with her for a while until tacchan found me again.
Sonia: *stunned*
miyuri: she was really nice and had yummy food. miyuri really wants to thank her for being so nice. ^^
Sonia: "You can't."
miyuri: *head tilt* miyu?
Sonia: "...Mama is dead."
miyuri: ??
Sonia: "The woman you saw...She is dead."
miyuri:........where's she sleeping?
Sonia: "...H-Hook Cemetery..."
miyuri: yay! let's go there! ^^
Sonia: "Would you stop?!"
miyuri: hm?
Sonia: "She's not asleep--she's dead! She is no longer alive! She is not coming back! She is dead! Dead means you don't come back! You're gone forever! She died! She's gone!"
miyuri:....does your mama visit you in your dreams?
Sonia: "..." *nods, her eyes stinging*
miyuri: miyuri's mommy visits her too. so they're not gone completely, right?.....do you think our mommies became friends where they are?
Sonia: "...I hope so."
miyuri: *holds sonia's hands and smiles* then they can be friends like us, sana!
Sonia: "..." *too stunned to respond...just crying*
miyuri:....sana? why's water coming out of your eyes?
-a plane is now flying to where the dragon is. the hanger door swings open as if to let something, or someone, out-
Chuuya: *stands at the door*
ango: *over earpiece* chuuya, are you sure about this? your daughter-
Chuuya: "If I don't survive...Find Sonia. Bring her back to Kouyou. If you can't...make sure she has a good home."
ango: i understand, and dazai isnt there, so-
Chuuya: "He is. I can feel it..." *holds up his fist*
Chuuya: "And even if he isn't responsible for this mess...I have to punch him in his goddamn face."
-high heels can be heard clicking along the floor of the hangar-
tsujimura: this is insane! ability users, we're human beings, and that things a damn monster! it's suicide!
Chuuya: "I'm not about to let a little thing like fear make me run away scared. When would be the best time to back out?"
tsujimura: i dont know, when?
Chuuya: "There's never a time." *leaps out the door*
dragon: *ROOOOOOAR*
Chuuya: ("If this does kill me, at least….then I'll see you again...") “Oh grantors of dark disgrace….do not wake me again.” *his eyes widen as rocks around the Dragon start to glow*
dragon: *FIRE BREATH*
Chuuya: *dodges, flinging rocks and other debris at the Dragon*
dragon: *ROOOOOOAR*
*something is shaking the ground at the foundation of the castle*
dragon: ?!?
*is that...a building rising?*
Chuuya: "AAAAAAAARG!" *slams the building down onto the dragon*
dragon: *mouth fulla building and trying to release a fire blast, but it's stuck inside and causes the dragon to explode*
Chuuya: "..." *starts falling...*
-in the remnants of the dragon and rubble, dazai is floating peacefully-
Chuuya: *growling *falls towards Dazai* GRAAAH!! *punches him in the face*
-the pill in dazai's mouth breaks, letting its contents release in his mouth-
Chuuya: *growls...coughs up blood*
-please......dont scare me like that anymore!-
Chuuya: "Rrrr...Ra...in......" *closes his eyes...the dark energy around him dissolves, as he regains control* *he opens his eyes, drawing Dazai down carefully with control over his gravity abilitie sand lands with Dazai...then collapses onto the ground, panting*
rain: *letting him rest his head on her lap, gently stroking his cheek* you did so well.
Chuuya: "??? Rain? How..."
-she wasnt there...-
Chuuya: "..." *cries*
???: come on, it should be this way...
Chuuya: *struggling to hear* "Wh-What..."
???: ok sana! hehe.
???: and i told you, it's _sonia_ -.-;
Chuuya: *his eyes open wide* "S-Sonia!"
sonia: ??? papa?
Chuuya: "I'm coming..." *gets up, running towards her*
Dazai: "Zzz..." *smiles lightly*
miyuri: oh, that's your papa?
sonia: yes. hi pap-
Chuuya: *tight hug*
sonia: !!!!
Chuuya: "Thank God...Thank God..."
sonia: papa? are you alright?
Chuuya: *nods* "I am...Where were you?!"
sonia: i'm sorry. it's a bit of a long story, but i was with miyuri.
miyuri:...sana....why's water coming from _my_ face now? *she's got tears in her eyes*
Chuuya: "...Sonia...Where did you find her? Where are her parents?"
miyuri: miyuri's mommy is gone, and tacchan's back at the castle.
Chuuya: " 'Tacchan'? I don't understand--"
miyuri: oh no! the castle's all broke! tacchan might be hurt!
Chuuya: *looks at the castle's remains* "..."
Dazai: *sniff* "That was so touching back there..."
Chuuya: -___-#
sonia: -.-#
miyuri: ??
Dazai: "Did I inspire you to overcome Corruption, Chuu-Chuu--"
Chuuya: *slams his fist into Dazai's face*
miyuri: OxO
Dazai: *knocked down*
Chuuya: "Do not compliment yourself. You made this mess, you piece of shit...I should've figured you can't die that easily."
miyuri: sana? who's that?
sonia: a good-for-nothing mackerel.
Dazai: *sits up, with a black eye* "My, my...Such a violent way to awaken Snow White~"
miyuri: *giggle* he doesnt look like a fishy! silly sana! ^^
Chuuya: "Go back to sleep!" *starts trying to stomp Dazai's head, but he keeps dodging*
Dazai: "Fufu~ I suppose it's good Ango approached you~"
Chuuya: "?!"
miyuri: *notices something* hey! that pin looks like miyuri's necklace and hair pin!
Dazai: "..." *looks* "..."
Chuuya: "...Dazai...Whose are those?"
miyuri: are you friends with tacchan?
Dazai: "...Just wait. This isn't over yet...It's up to Atsushi now."
Chuuya: "..." *looks at the castle*
Fyodor: *sets a crystal to the skull--*
-the skull glows and summons shibusawa, now in a somewhat more monstrous form-
shibusawa: so. i've become a lich, eh? damn that witch.
Fyodor: "Welcome back.”
???: "So, that's it. An ability user who regains their ability..."
shibusawa: oh? and who's this?
*Akutagawa steps forward*
Akutagawa: "Evidently, the support team."
shibusawa: so, you've regained your ability? i must say, i'm quite impressed.
Akutagawa: "I suppose I have you to thank for this ordeal..."
shibusawa: hmm?
*a kunai passes Shibusawa's face*
Kyoka: *steps out*
shibusawa: well, _that_ was quite rude.
ango: damn, the fog's beginning to spread outside city limits.
murakoso: we got a phone call coming in from london!
ango: oh dont tell me-
agatha: good evening, dearies~ i see you're having a tad bit of trouble~
Ango: "What do you want?"
agatha: it would be problematic if the fog spread to other parts of the globe, so i've sent reinforcements to nip it at the bud as it were. there's a plane flying over with an ability user with an incineration ability. i'm afraid the city will have to be evacuated if you wish to survive.
Ango: "Evacuate an entire city at this rate?!"
agatha: but im sure you'll find a way to do so, cheers love~ *switches off* *on phone* how's everything on your end, franny dear?
frances: quite well. the pistol comes quite in handy.
agatha: indeed. i'll be sending a teleporting ability user to collect you and bring you back.
frances: you'd go to that trouble for lil old me, aggy?
agatha: *nods* if i let you be killed, i would never forgive myself.
vita sexualis: *slashing at mori* huhuhu~ *taking on shizuka's face* i love you, rintarou~
Mori: *sneers* "Hard to believe that--seeing as you're dead and all..."
vita sexualis: *opens its mouth to bite his head off*
fukuzawa: ...
Mori: "...Well, hello."
fukuzawa: *chop* you've gotten sloppy. what ever happened to the doctor mori i know and at best, tolerate?
Mori: T_T "It's been a rough patch..."
fukuzawa: so i've noticed...
fukuzawa: ...
???: jeez rintarou, i swear. you're really helpless without me.
Mori: "...Elise."
elise: *in a sailor dress with heart-shaped sunglasses* well DUH, who else _would_ it be, genius?
Mori: "..." *hug*
fukuzawa: *sigh* i guess some things never change.
Plague Doctor: <I just need to bleed it out of you...>
pushkin: *hiding on the roof, holding a cinderblock* (come on, just a liiiittle further now.)
Plague Doctor: <I can practically smell you...Where are you, you sick murderous monster?>
pushkin: *lets go of the cinderblock*
Plague Doctor: *looks up* <...Oh, fu-->
pushkin: <SUCCSESS!> *victory dance*
zhanna: *over talkie* <alexsey, how's everything on your end?>
pushkin: <victory!>
10 Seconds: *TICK TICK TOCK*
katya: *hiding, gun in hand* .....
-she's...not there?-
katya: *has slid herself up with the grappling hook* *aims her gun at the ability's face with a murderous grin on her face*
10 Seconds: *goes down...*
katya: hehe~
leo: .......
*A woman in a maid outfit appears*
leo: ........
Woman: <Hello.> *holds up a gun*
leo: ............you're.....
Resurrection: <Yes.> *aims the gun--at her own head* <It hurts...>
leo:.....it does.......being unable to die......
Resurrection: *crying* <It's never going to stop, is it?>
leo:.....<no....no it's not....>
Resurrection: "..." <But if you lack your ability...I could end this now.> *aims at Leo*
leo:....you could....
Resurrection: <Then...why aren't you stopping me?>
leo: ....it's strange.
Resurrection: <What is?>
leo: for so long, i've wanted to die. to be free from my loneliness and sorrow, to see my mother, father, and siblings again....but im _not_ alone. i have friends, a wonderful fiance, and small baby inside me. i finally found something to live for. *smiles*
Resurrection: "...It's not fair..."
leo:.....*hugs her* the world can be truly cruel and frightening. but i've learned it can also be so beautiful.
Resurrection: *holds onto her, as she puts the gun away* "..." *sobs and shoots the crystal off herself*
???: *soft growl*
atsushi:....i killed them.......i just wanted to live....and i killed them.....*sniff*
*the tiger walks slowly, never taking its eyes off Atsushi as it approaches*
atsushi: *not even looking* no matter where i go, you're always right there....arent you?
Tiger: "..." *sits in front of him*
atsushi: you're like a part of me, like blood, a lung, my brain....right?
Tiger: "..." *slaps a paw across his head*
atsushi:...*weak chuckle* you're more than my ability....you're my will to live....
Tiger: "..." *nuzzle*
atsushi: ....*smiles and hugs* come on, buddy. we got a job to do.
Akutagawa: *pants, wiping blood from his mouth* "Damn you..."
shibusawa: AHAHAHA! is this really the best you have?! a shadow beast and a samurai ghost?!
rashomon: *snarls*
demon snow: *blade out*
Kyoka: "And all you have is conditioned hair." *assumes battle pose with her own blade*
shibusawa: tch-, cute. now die. *charges at them*
shibusawa: hn? *looks up*
*It's Atsushi, now in tiger-man form, as he swipes his claw at Shibusawa, putting some distance from them and Akutagawa and Kyoka*
shibusawa: *knocked back* well! isnt _this_ a pleasant surprise! will you really kill me again, atsushi nakajima?
Kyoka: *eyes widen*
Akutagawa: *raises an eyebrow*
Atsushi: "..." *shakes his head* "I just have to bring back a thing where it’s supposed to be.”
shibusawa: very well, GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT!!
Atsushi: "..." *rushes*
Kyoka: "..." *leaps with blade* "Demon Snow!"
Akutagawa: *sends Rashomon to create a ring around them all*
shibusawa: *attacking them, slashing and blocking*
*Rashomon grows spikes, closing in on the three...*
Kyoka: "Demon Snow--slash them!"
Demon Snow: *rushes at Shibusawa from above*
shibusawa: *PUNCH*
Demon Snow: X_X *knocked back*
Kyoka: "?!"
Akutagawa: "Damn it..."
Atsushi: "...We can't do this alone..."
Demon Snow: *collapses on the floor--dissolving*
Kyoka: "Demon Snow!"
atsushi: you're doing good, kyouka. use your phone!
Kyoka: *dials* "Demon Snow... ... ...Sh-She's not appearing..."
shibusawa: *smirks*
Akutagawa: "What's wrong with you? Summon your ability--"
Kyoka: "I can't!"
atsushi: you dont _want_ to hate her, do you?
Kyoka: "..." *shudders* "What I saw..."
{mrs izumi: demon snow, please.....protect kyouka}
Kyoka: "I'm conflicted...But I know this power is mine...And I want it to protect others..."
atsushi: then im sure the demon snow you dont want to hate will respond to your feelings.
Kyoka: "..." *inhales, shivering* "..." *calls into her phone* "Demon Snow...I need you."
demon snow: ~i am here.~
Kyoka: *smiles* "Then let's stop this."
demon snow: *charges and stabs shibusawa down*
shibusawa: *laughing* YOU THINK _THAT'S_ ENOUGH TO STOP ME?!
atsushi: AKUTAGAWA, NOW!
Akutagawa: *smirks* "No." *stabs Rashomon into Shibusawa* "I think you need to suffer _more_..."
*a sphere forms around Shibusawa*
shibusawa: -eh?
*the only other one in the sphere is--*
Atsushi: "..."
shibusawa: *laughing* well, isnt _this_ ironic?!
Atsushi: "How so?" *flexes a tiger claw, practicing crouching with tiger legs*
shibusawa: you're trying to kill me again, and im already dead! break me all you please, it doesnt mean a goddamn thing to me!!
Atsushi: *slams his fist into Shibusawa's jaw*
shibusawa: *laughing and bleeding* oh to hell with it! to hell with it all~ nothing matters! nothing! i have nothing of my own! ALWAYS MY FATHER'S FUCKING PUPPET! IM NOT EVEN CONSIDERED A HUMAN BEING BY THEM!
Atsushi: "...Yes. I know..."
shibusawa: im dead! dead, dead, dead, dead, deeeead~! *intensly focusing, blood, dripping from their mouth, nose and eyes*
Atsushi: "..." *sighs sadly...* *rushes at Shibusawa, punching repeatedly* "Just stay down...Stop...Please..."
shibusawa: just give me your ability, then i'll have something to call 'mine'!
Atsushi: "IT'S NOT 'MY ABILITY'--IT'S ME!"
shibusawa: ah-ahaha....AHAHAHA! so that's what dazai meant.....an angel that would save me....an angel of death....the one who killed me....that's....really ironic....
Atsushi: *his fist charges with energy--his mouth grows fangs as the tiger's power overwhelms him--* "I'm so sorry..."
-the skull appears in front of shibusawa-
shibusawa: …no…..i...i cant die here again.....miyu-
-the red gems on lux and nox's foreheads shatter-
nox: lu- *fades to dust*
Lux: "No--!"
ayla: *gem shatters as she fades to dust*
lydia: <what the hell?!>
Ivan: <?!!!!>
zoey: oh?
ango: the singularity just...it vanished!
tsujimura: the fog is receding!
murakoso: we just got an update from the clock tower, they're turning the plane around!
agatha: *sips tea* hm. a real shame. the smell of a burning city always goes so nicely with tea.
shibusawa: ah......im....still here?.....but how? you- *slowly fading* oh.....its not for long.....how am i still alive?
Atsushi: "I thought that perhaps there's something you wanted to live for."
shibusawa: what could i have-......*eyes widen as tears fall* ryoko.....our baby.....i....our child was born that day......perhaps....i wanted to see them....
{miyuri: tacchan! ^^}
shibusawa: *small pathetic laughter* that damn child....even with how cold i was to her. even with faked affection, even with how i rarely spent any time with her, she would still always greet me with a smile on her face....*laugh crying* i dont get it....
Atsushi: "..." *tenses his jaw*
shibusawa: if it wasnt an ability that kept me alive? then what was it?......perhaps it was sheer willpower? but why?
Atsushi: " 'Faked affection'? That doesn't sound 'fake.'"
shibusawa:.....i see......that willpower, the will to keep living......it wasnt the result of a curse, or an ability, it was something stronger. a power much stronger than any curse......it was love.
Atsushi: *clenches* *nods*
shibusawa: *laugh-crying* i'm a real damn fool, arent it? just as i finally realize that, i had something of my own; my child....my family....and now, i have no time left to spend it with her....im a real damn fuck up, huh?
shibusawa: !!!! m-miyuri!
Atsushi: "??" *looks up* "!!"
miyuri: miyuri's sorry she went out without telling you, but she wanted to thank the nice lady and-
-chuuya, and sonia arent far behind either-
shibusawa:...^^; child, child, please. settle down.
miyuri: *INHALES* okaaay. are you hurt, tacchan?
shibusawa:.....*hugs* miyuri...im afraid i cant stay long.
miyuri: what do you mean, tacchan?
shibusawa: im going to where your mother is...and im afraid i wont be able to come back.
miyuri: !!!! no! you cant go, tacchan! *clings*
shibusawa: *sad smile* i wish i didnt have to...*strokes her head* but im afraid i have no choice in the matter...
miyuri: but if you go away, then so will lux and nox and ayla, miyuri will be all alone! *sobbing* mi-miyu-miyuri doesnt wanna be alone!!!
Chuuya: "..."
shibusawa: *pats her back* it'll be ok....im truly sorry....i wasnt a better parent to you, miyuri....i just hope, you forgive me for being selfish.
miyuri: b-bu-but you arent selfish, tacchan! y-yo-you're my favoritist person in-in the whole world!
shibusawa:...i appreciate that, little one...
Dazai: "..."
Chuuya: "..." *rests a hand on Sonia's back*
miyuri: b-bu-but where will miyuri go, tacchan? *sniffle*
Chuuya: "Sonia...This child..."
sonia: if she really wont have anyone left....we can take her in.
miyuri: ?? y-y-you'd do that, sana?
sonia: *nods* we're friends, right? and friends look after each other.
Chuuya: "Of course."
shibusawa: .....would you...really be willing?
Chuuya: *nods* "Yes."
shibusawa:....then i'm happy......please....for miyuri's sake....be a better parent for her than i was.....*small kiss to miyuri's forehead*
miyuri: *sniffles*
shibusawa: it's ok now....even if you cant see me, i'll still be with you....always.
-with that, shibusawa fades to dust-
Chuuya: "..." *lowers his head*
Chuuya: ("...This one took too much from me...") *approaches Miyuri* "..."
miyuri: *hic* a-are you....n-nice?
Chuuya: *stares at her* "I...don't think it's fair for me to make that judgment myself."
sonia: it's ok, he's nice, even if he has his moments.
miyuri: *sniffle* t-that's good. m-miss rain was really nice.
Chuuya: "...What did you say?"
miyuri: oh! t-that's the lady miyuri and sana were looking for! *sniff* she had red hair and glasses and she was really nice! she fell over lots though.
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
Chuuya: "..." *pat pat*
atsushi: ......*watching the sun rise*
Dazai: *limps over* "Hey there."
atsushi: dazai!
Dazai: *in his old suit* "Hello...I'm missing a shoe. Have you seen it?"
atsushi: .....*hug*
Dazai: "..." *blink* "..." *pat pat*
atsushi: ....crazy night, huh? Haha
Dazai: "Yes...Look, Atsushi, I was only--"
atsushi: you were trying to protect death city, right?
Dazai: "...More than a city..."
atsushi: yeah.....being able to live with everyone here.....it's really wonderful, huh?
Dazai: "Well, there are some people who aren't all bad. I could take or leave a few of them--"
atsushi:.....hey.....dazai?.....can i tell you something?
Dazai: "Oh?"
atsushi: now, i need you to promise you wont freak out on me.
Dazai: "Okay?"
atsushi: you see, it's-
atsushi: FJNKDJIJIPVLNDLJIK! oh right! phone, phone! *picks up* h-hello?
Dazai: "..."
atsushi: >x< a-at the castle ruins by the abandoned high-rise? ^^;
???: "YOU IDIOT!"
atsushi: ??
Dazai: *turns, looks behind him* "..." *takes the phone* "Kunikida. They already found us."
*Lucy, her dress torn and scuffed...looking pissed*
atsushi: O-O l-l-lucy!!
sylvia: *peeeeeks from behind lucy* Q~Q;;;
Kyoka: "!!! Sylvia!"
Tanizaki: *limping up the debris* "Wow...Doctor! Up here! We got injured."
yosano: lovely! *cleaver out* line up everyone~ ^^
Dazai: =_=;
atsushi: um....i can explain-
atsushi: im sorry, things came up. if it makes you better, you can punch me in the face as hard as you want to.
Dazai: "..." ("I am so thankful Yosano can't heal me...") *smiles* "Kunikida, I'm going to turn you over to my assistant--" *shoves the phone back to Atsushi, walks past Akutagawa*
Akutagawa: "..."
Lucy: "..." *blushing, puffed cheeks* "I'M GOING TO DO MORE THAN THAT!" *grabs his arm*
atsushi: O_O *gulp*
Lucy: *pulls back an arm--then wraps it around him* "I DON'T WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND!"
atsushi: !!!....*hugs her back*
sylvia: m-m-miiiss k-k-kyoukaaaaa! *hugs* Q~Q;;;;
Kyoka: *pat pat* "I'm so glad you're safe."
Lucy: *sniff* "I'm going to catch up..."
sylvia: it was so scary i just hid in the closet the whole time and i peeked out once and my ability was hiding in the kitchen all scared and i ended up panicking and hitting it with a frying pan.
Akutagawa: "Chuuya. We need to run before we are caught--"
Chuuya: *hand up* "I took care of it. We're no longer under threat of arrest."
Akutagawa: "??? How did you strike that kind of a deal?"
Kyoka: ^^; "Congratulations?"
sonia: papa. *holding up chuuya's hat* you almost lost this.
Chuuya: "!!!" *pats her head* "Thank you."
Chuuya: ^^; "Miyuri..."
sonia: oh boy.
Tanizaki: ._.; "Who’s the small child?"
Lucy: *shiny eyes* "D'aw..." *grabs Atsushi in a neck hold* "DID YOU TRY TO HURT THAT CHILD?!"
sonia: that's because it's morning.
miyuri: more-ning? what's thaaaat?
Akutagawa: "...How are you going to do this?"
Chuuya: -_-;
sonia: *pap pap* it's ok papa, i'll help out with her.
Akutagawa: "...Sonia, where were you this entire time?"
sonia: it's a very long story. we'll tell you on the way home.
-meanwhile, with mori-
Mori: ^w^
elise: where the heck are we even going? -3-;
Mori: "Home, of course~"
elise: home's the other way, you dummy!
-footsteps running up-
Mori: "Hmm?" *turns around*
Mori: *knocked down*
katya: *holding a knife to his neck* ALRIGHT YOU NABAKOV WANNABE, WHERE'S THE GIRL?!
Mori: Q_Q *points at Elise* "There?"
katya: *looks*... ._. who the FUCK are YOU?!
elise: who the fuck are YOU?
katya: i asked you first brat!
elise: well _i_ asked you second!
Mori: "This is my ability, Elise~" ^w^
katya:......<what the everloving fucking shit?>
pushkin: *pant pant* oh...thank goodness....*phew* um...wait, you arent sonia.
elise: who the hell is HE?!
zhanna: alexsey? are these two...friends of yours?
pushkin: well...you see-
katya:...oh yeah, about that-
elise: he's a lolicon.
zhanna:....*dialing 911*
pushkin: OwO;;;;;
Mori: "I AM NOT A LOLICON!" >~<
zhanna: then what are you?
Mori: "The leader of the Port Mafia, Ougai Mori!"
zhanna:.....yes, i'd like to report that i've found the mafia boss, ougai mori?.....wait....what do you mean 'all port mafia crimes pardoned'?
katya: FUCK YEAH!
elise: wait, these two are mafia? SINCE WHEN?!
zhanna:.........*hangs up phone*
pushkin: OwO;;;;;;
zhanna:.....aleksey.....may i have a moment with you, dear little brother~? ^^#
zhanna: *drags him into the alley*.....<THE MAFIA?! YOU JOINED THE MAFIA?!?! HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY?!>
Mori: "???" *looks at Katya* "...Wait, who are you again?"
katya: new mafia recruits. now tell us where the fuck sonia is-
Mori: "??? I have no idea?"
katya: THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU- *talkie buzzes* WHAT IM IN THE MIDDLE OF-....oh....wait really?.....huh.....*hangs up*....*KNEE TO THE FACE* you got off easy today.
Mori: *knocked down*
elise: you got knocked the FUCK out, rintarou!
Fyodor: *at a cafe, sipping tea*
tsujimura: *in a waitress uniform* enjoying your drink sir? ^^
Fyodor: "Very much so. I find it tastes best when you know you have only that short period when it's not too hot, not too cold."
tsujimura: would you like me to recommend our special of the day?
Fyodor: "I'm listening."
tsujimura: today's special is....*snaps fingers*
-several government officers posing as staff and customers pull out their guns, including one popping his gun out of a baby stroller-
tsujimura: you're under arrest. again.
Fyodor: "..." *smiles* *puts his hands up*
officer: you know the drill, let's go.
Fyodor: *stands, keeping his hands up* *smiles* ("All according to plan...")
higuchi:......!!!!!!!!! they're back!
leo: *patching up kajii's injuries* that's wonderful!
leroux: hello all~ ^^
hans: leroux! walter, etta, kafka! you're ok!
Motojiro: ^^;
Walter: "Yep! Guess what? I won at Smash!"
Kafka: *guiding Etta* "We need medical..." *he's bruised but healing*
george: *running back, covered in twigs and drenched* *cough cough cough*
hans: oh-oh goodness! right this way!
Gin: "??? George? Where were you?"
george: lost in the woods, wandered for a bit, got attacked by some crazy homeless kids in the woods.
Gin: "...Oh."
george: strange bunch...
sonia: *wave*
higuchi: SONIA! you're ok!
Q: ~?
Chuuya: *following*
kouyou: ??? who's this?
Chuuya: "Everyone. This is Miyuri."
miyuri: hiiiiyaaaa! miyuri's super happy to meet everyone!! ^w^
higuchi: so i take it she's staying with us?
Chuuya: "She's staying with me. Now, let's get out of here."
higuchi: ??? chuuya, we cant exactly-
Chuuya: *hands over a piece of paper*
higuchi:..... !!!!!!!!
kouyou: my stars.....
Gin: "...H-How?"
Chuuya: "I cut a deal."
naoya: well hot damn!
Tachihara: "We get to leave here? Damn. Just when I was getting used to it..."
Motojiro: QwQ "...My teaching..."
hans: hey, you're always welcome to visit any time. our home is your home, whenever you need it.
Tachihara: "Cool. Could save on rent that way--"
sonia: *smiles*
Gin: *ear tug*
mito: *mew*
sonia: *picks her up* ^^
mito: o^o mii?
Chuuya: *yawns* "Let's rest...I could use some sleep."
sonia: *yaaaawn* yeah....
higuchi: !!! ryuunosuke!
Akutagawa: *waves* "Hello--"
Gin: *hug*
Akutagawa: "..." *pat pat*
higuchi: *wipes her eyes*
naoya: say, let's have a party!
Akutagawa: =_= "Okay...Could I rest first?"
naoya: by all means. *pap pap*
katya: ooooi, look what we found!
pushkin: *waves, a bit disheveled* (big sis is real scary when she's mad) TTuTT;
Akutagawa: "...!"
Mori: *waves* "Hello~"
Gin: "..." *glaring*
higuchi: -_- yaaaaaay.
Akutagawa: "Yay."
higuchi: pushkin, katya, we apprecate your heard work, but, it's mori.
Mori: "Now, I need you all to get ourselves packed. We'll also need to begin repairs on the building--"
katya:....i guess. he's a fucking loser.
Mori: ^^;;;
higuchi: um, about that, you technically arent the boss again yet.
Mori: "Oh? Says who?"
hirotsu: out of bed, i see.
Mori: "Hello, good sir. Thanks for watching over things while I was indisposed."
elise: wow. lamest, welcome back party, eveeer.
elise: Q! *HUGS*
Q: hehe! ^^ we have so much to tell you!
miura:.....if it's any comfort, _i_ was worried about you.
Mori: "I knew you would, my dear~"
miura: just 'miura' is fine, sir.
elise:....who're those guys?
Q: oh, those other people are part of 'sturm', they're cool. and that's miss leo, she's kajii's new fiancee!
elise:.....WHAT?!?! HIM?! ENGAGED?!?!
Motojiro: *waves* "Hello, Elise!"
elise: IS Q BEING SERIOUS?!?!?
leo: w-why yes.
Motojiro: "Isn't it great?"
elise: D8
leo: *rubs her stomach*
Motojiro: ^^ *snuggle*
Mori: ._.; "...Man, I was really out of it."
elise:....what....is- is she really....
Motojiro: "We're expecting!"
leo: ._.;
Motojiro: "D'aw, she's back to normal!"
naoya:...hey kid, have a candy bar.
elise: AHHHHHHHHH- *nom*
Mori: "Where's my candy bar?"
higuchi: *puts her hand into her pocket, then pulls her hand out, flipping him off*
Mori: ._.; "...When I am back in control, I'll reprimand you for that."
higuchi: just dont forget what got you into this mess.......i guess you really _do_ take after your father.
Mori: "...I think I'll retire for a few hours. Come, Miura, Elise."
frances: well, all's well that ends well, aggy.
agatha: *over phone* indeed.
frances: im glad none of my babies had to be burnt up! ^^
agatha: speaking of your babies, listen to your one violet a moment.
frances: *doing so*..... !!!! O/////O >////< a-a-aggy! please!
barrie: ???? jack, any idea what she's talking about?
Jack: *sipping from a flask* "I don't want to know."
ranpo: *sipping ramune* ah.......(i wonder if oguri's alright where he is....)
mii: *meow*
ranpo: oh, there ya are. *pets* guess the incident's over. *opens his safe full of snacks* cheers.
blair: wow, the hospital's sure full today, isnt it katai~? ^w^
Katai: .\\\\\. "..." *nod nod* "Th-Th-Thanks for treating me..."
blair: any time, hun~ ^^ *cheek smooch*
Katai: O\\\\\\\o "Nyaaaaaaaaaaaa..."
cervantes: ah, young love, aint it beautiful?
Katai: *not responsive*
Dumas: *grunts*
marquis: so luckyyyy~! fuwaaa~ i hope i get some intimate healing too~<3
Dumas: -_-# "Stop bothering the nurse and her patient--you'll be treated when they're ready for you, you weirdo."
twain: ayyy! marquis!
marquis: marky!
twain: *waves* you guys in the hospital too?
Steinbeck: *shifting uncomfortably* "Ah...Ah..." *struggling to walk, like a toddler*
oscar: poor ebie, dear. i hope she'll be alright. she got a lot of spider bites...
Hemingway: "I once bathed in spiders. I do not recommend it..." *bandaged all over*
emily:....how are you even alive. ._.;
Hemingway: "Perseverance. Calisthenics. Protein."
marquis: hehehe, your friends are so funny, marky!
Steinbeck: T~T "So many vines...I'm still picking out leaves..."
Dumas: -_-; *thumbing through his phone*
nurse: mr steinbeck? you have visitors.
lavinia: *staaaaare*
Steinbeck: "..." ^^; *waves*
lovecraft: we brought....flowers. *hands him an entire bush*
Steinbeck: "Lovely!!!"
lovecraft: lavinia, dont you have a present for uncle john?
lavinia:....*her eyes roll back in her head as her jaw unhinges and she coughs up a tree stump*
emily: ._____________________.
marquis: o,o
Steinbeck: "Thank you, dear." *pats Lavinia's head*
oscar: Q_Q
Dumas: "...WHAT THE ACTUAL F--"
lavinia:....i wassss.....hungryyyyy....
cervantes: how thoughtful!
Dumas: *grumbles*
stocking: alright, let's get searching.
Rin: "Right! We need to follow Shura's path. Fortunately, we got her GPS signal--"
Computer: *SIGNAL LOST*
Rin: "...OH, SCREW YOU!"
gilda: *signing and pointing to a picture of shura*
Rin: "???"
salaryman: <what on earth is with her hair? is she some kind of subculture girl? what are they called, 'gyaru'?>
Salaryman 2: <Wait--she looks familiar...>
stocking: <you've seen her?>
Salaryman 2: *nods* <Yes--she got into a cab after me.>
stocking: <do you know where she went?>
Salaryman 2: <She said she was going to Lake Towada.>
Yukio: "Which matches what we already know..."
stocking: <thank you very much sir.>
Rin: "So we're cabbing it to the Lake?"
*A nearby electronics shop has weather reports*
stocking: guess so.
Yukio: "Except the roads are covered in ice."
stocking: hmmm....
Rin: "Maybe a taxi has snow-chains or something--"
gilda: OxO;;
Taxi Driver: "Taxi? Need a taxi?!" *they've modified their cab with monster wheels and a plow*
Rin: "Cool! You take credit card?"
Taxi Driver: "Sure thing, kid! Hop in."
kirika: *grumbles and sits up* =~=
lord death: *pokes head in* hey there, sweetie! just checking in on ya!
kirika: well, im better than yesterday....i guess.....
lord death: well, nygus will be here later to check up on you, since the hospital's rather busy today.
kirika: *grunt*
lord death: oh, and your boyfriend is here to visit.
Gopher: Q^Q "..."
kirika: hey....y'know, after yesterday's shitshow, you being here is actually an improvement, goph.
Gopher: >~< "I was so worried!" *hug*
kirika: h-hey now, you're gonna get sick too, moron.
lord death: *exits*
Gopher: "I don't care--I take plenty of vitamin C and want to share my good health through my hug!"
kirika:...*chuckle* you're one weird kid, y'know?.......*sigh*
Gopher: "Do you feel better?"
kirika:.....i feel drained....a lot's happened this week....
Gopher: "Are you eating and sleeping? Did you see a doctor?"
kirika: -_-; yeah, a doctor was here...but yeah, i've been eating and sleeping and shit....
Gopher: *nods* "Yes, digestive health is also important."
kirika: *chuckle*.......*sigh*.....mind if i talk about everything? might help, i guess....
Gopher: "I'm all ears."
-she explains what all happened in shirase town-
Gopher: "Jeez...That's a lot for you to deal with. That punk didn't hurt you, did she?"
kirika: pssh, like i'd get owned by some rookie kid, haha!
Gopher: ^w^ "Good. As for the town itself...Will your sister be okay?"
kirika:...she seems to be doing well....it's so weird....everything feels...different now....it's nice but.....it's scary......
mocha: *nuzzle* ^w^
Gopher: *smiles* "...A lot has changed..."
kirika: yeah.....*hugs* thanks for being consistent, you little weirdo.
Gopher: O\\\\w\\\\O "Al-Always..."
kirika: *smug grin* now dont go getting any ideas. *tiny chop*
Gopher: O\\\\\\O "Wh-What on earth do you mean?"
kirika:.... 737;
Saria: "Hello! Two donuts, please!"
clerk: coming right up!
lukas: ._.;;;
Saria: ^^ "Anything else you want, Lukas?"
Clerk 2: "--and then the cake was gone! And five bucks was left!"
lukas:......im good, thanks....
clerk 3: i think your sleeping meds are messing with you again, dave.
Dave: "Shut up, Stewart--I know what you do with the leftover muffins!" >_<#
ochako: *playing some fantasy quest online with some other UA students* so then i saw like this big plane flying towards death city, and then it turned around! i guess they're doing flight practices or something.
jirou: could be.
eijiro: that does make sense.
kinako: dude, that's rad.
Aoyama: "Oui. They must not be revealing the reasons so not to alarm residents."
ochako: maybe. still, it was pretty cool to see. i would have taken a picture, but my camera was charging. would have made for a pretty cool background.
jirou: you could always ‘shop one up.
ochako: that's true.
eijiro: also wtf was that fog last night?
ochako: oh ya, that was pretty weird.
Mina: "Yeah, really--it came out of nowhere. It's not even fall."
jirou: probably one of those weird death city things.
Aoyama: *holds up a hand* "Begone."
kirako: morning everyone. ^^
Kyoka: *yawns*
Tanizaki: Q_Q
fukuzawa: indeed.
Dazai: *sips tea* "Hello~"
atsushi: i'm so exhausted T-T;;
aya: what's biting _his_ butt?
Dazai: *puts headphones on*
Kyoka: "Things were rather violent last night, Aya."
aya: did you guys do some super cool detective stuff and i totally missed out?! boooo. =3=
atsushi: ?? oh! l-lucy!
Lucy: *dramatic finger point* "Doppo Kunikida! I'm calling you out!"
atsushi: huh?
aya: eh?
Kunikida: -_-# "...Atsushi, get your girlfriend out of here. We have important business to deal with and no time for--"
Lucy: *grabs Kunikida by his tie, pulling him until his forehead slams into hers*
atsushi: D8
Kunikida: O_O;
yosano: oh shit.
Lucy: "LISTEN UP! I just spent hours trapped by my own ability in a whimsical psychedelic world of my own making, so I'm only asking this once..."
Kunikida: O_O;
Lucy: "..." *gets on her hands and knees* "PLEASE ACCEPT ME AS YOUR STUDENT!"
atsushi:.....wait what?
Kunikida: ._.;;; "...I have a lot of work to do today--"
Lucy: *looks up, glaring*
atsushi: lucy?
Kunikida: "!!!" *backs up* "Two-Two o'clock?"
Lucy: *bounces up, smiling* "Yes, thank you, sir." *bows* *smiles at Atsushi* ^^
atsushi:...^^ congrats!
Lucy: "...AND YOU! Did you get enough sleep?!"
atsushi: well....i dont think _any_ of us did.
sylvia: .~.
ranpo: dazai just snuck out.
Lucy: "Then get home early to catch up! ..." T~T "Because I didn't either...I'm going back to Anne's Room..."
*the window is open*
Dazai: "Ow...Ow..." *takes a step* "This was easier when I was younger..."
-on the roof of a building-
Dazai: "??? Oh. Am I late?"
???: took ya long enough.
Dazai: "Sorry--had something important to discuss."
-yana turns back and looks at him-
yana: rough night?
Dazai: "You would know." *sits on the ledge, kicks up his feet* "It was a real killer~"
yana: you dont look too dead to me. guess you took my advice and kept an antidote in your mouth. im surprised.
Dazai: "Yes, thank you. But next time, find one with better flavor and fewer side-effects--I've been itchy all morning."
yana: *chuckles* no promises......so you brought the info you promised?
Dazai: *holds up the file, fanning himself with it* "Of course~"
yana: *examining it* thanks........Olivia Wallace....she looks just like me....
Dazai: "Neat, huh? So, that's your DNA donor?"
yana: yeah...that's mom.....*smiles* thanks for doing this for me....
Dazai: "You're welcome. Thanks for letting me live."
yana: *chuckles* sure fam, sure....
Dazai: "Why do you want to leave?"
yana:....the rats.....it's a toxic environment. me being one 8th of dos, means i'm often compared to him...he's my DNA dad, yet he's never been a 'dad' for me.....i've only existed as a pawn for his own goals. i guess....i want to find something to live for, for me.
Dazai: "..." *nods* "Better than the alternative, huh?"
yana:..yeah....i guess....*takes her glasses off* you know......the sunlight...feels kinda nice.
Dazai: "Warm summer light..." *looks at her* "You're kinda pale."
yana: to be fair, i've spent way too much time underground.
Dazai: "Makes sense...But you're heading back there?"
yana: ....*shakes head* i had you look my mom up for a reason.
Dazai: "And how are you getting there?"
yana: i'll find a way.
Dazai: "Got it. Don't get yourself killed."
yana: hehe.....shame im leaving. i feel we could be real good friends...
Dazai: *smirks* "Don't sell me so short." *stretches--then winces* "Ah...You know how to reach me."
yana: yeah.....one more thing. if you ever meet a girl named Anya Hepburn. tell her that im sorry, and that i hope she meets someone who makes her happy.
Dazai: "??? What, that princess?"
yana:...yeah....we-...almost kinda had something....didnt work out.
Dazai: "...Relatable. Cursed?"
yana:...maybe, maybe it's just shit luck....but at the very least, she deserves some closure. she's a good person.
Dazai: *looks down to the street, where Atsushi is following Lucy* "Rare to find those kind of people..."
yana:....yeah....best of luck to you then.
Dazai: "Same to you, kid."
Fitzgerald: *his hand is bandaged* "Sorry for my lateness..."
louisa: Q_Q;;;;
daisy: what on earth happened to you?!
bram: *collapsed on the floor* *muffled groans*
Fitzgerald: "Evidently someone caused Abilities to turn against their owners." *frowns* "No amount of money could assuage my 'other half.'"
Toby: *nudges Louisa*
mary: marinara pop tarts were a mistake.
louisa: *pet pet*
Fitzgerald: "Any appointments?"
daisy: yes, you have a meeting with a mr danglars coming up later this month.
Fitzgerald: "Ah, from the shipping company. Any dirt you find on him?"
daisy: i beg pardon? ._.;
Fitzgerald: "Blackmail material. Illegal activities. Failed marriages. Children born out of wedlock. Unpaid parking tickets. Has Eckleburg been falling down on the job?"
daisy: -_-; i'll get right on it.
erina: .......
Jordan: "Zzz..."
Allison: "Hey, roomie!" *holding her phone* "Now, this may be triggering, but it's good news."
erina: .....?
Allison: "...Dostoyevsky has been arrested."
erina: !!!! r-really!?
Allison: "Really really!"
erina: that's great i-...i.....*shaking*
Allison: "..." *smiles, hugs*
Jordan: *yawns* "Hmm? Oh, hey, Allison. Erina, what's up?"
erina: w-w-what if he gets o-out again?! w-what if he comes after me?! ................*staring off into space*
Jordan: "...Allison?"
erina: ...........................
Allison: "He's not out now. He's locked up. So...Are you going to stay here forever?"
Jordan: "...Erina..." *holds her hand*
erina:....*blinks* hu-huh? w-what....what just happened? j-jordan?
Jordan: "...Let's get you home."
erina:.....im never going to get better from this....am i?
Jordan: "You don't know what the future has in front of you."
Allison: "You're going to get better--I promise!"
erina:....i....i need help.....
Allison: "..." *nods*
Jordan: "We'll call up a doc today."
Sansa: "Color of the vehicle?"
garage owner: kind of a navy blue?
Sansa: "I see. Let me check the datab--" O_O;;;;;; "...Um...I found a car matching your description."
-there is a car completely on fire-
yosano: .________.
naomi: holy shit kyouka.
Kyoka: "It was the most logical solution."
Tanizaki: "..." *sighs* "I'll get a gift basket ordered..."
ranpo: certified chaotic good.
Kyoka: "...Am I to be punished?"
fukuzawa: *walks up to kyouka....*head pat* everyone makes mistakes. try not to do it again.
Kyoka: ^^ "Thank you, sir."
-audience cheering-
creepy dude:.....
Announcer: "And now to perform 'Shabon Song'--you know them, you love them--Misa Yamamura, Ruri Tsubomi, and Lisa Iori!"
-cheering intensifies-
-the girls do their performance-
Announcer: *watching*
audience member: TSURURI BE MY WIFE!
creepy dude:....*slips into the shadows*
-the girls finish their song-
lisa iori: *waves*
misa: ^^
lisa iori: thanks for coming today everyone!
guy in audience: I LOVE YOU LILISA!
lisa iori: and i love _you_ random side character!
-in the backstage-
lisa iori: uuuuuugh, fuuuuuck, my heels are goddamn killing me. *chewing gum*
misa: wow, full house today, huh miss producer? .w.;;
Producer: "Not bad, kiddos."
lisa iori: swear, im getting too old for this shit....
ruri: ^^;
misa: i'm gonna get some sodas for us, ok?
lisa iori: bring me a morning rescue, ok?
misa: *nods and heads to the vending machines* ^^
creepy guy:....hello....yamamin.
misa: eep! oh, um...hi there. ^^ im almost done with the machine now-
creepy guy: im not here for soda...
misa: eh?
creepy guy: *approaching* sing for me...
-text on producer's phone-
Producer: "???" *checks*
misa: [hi miss producer! ^^ there was a creepy guy here @ the machines. scary! >~< ]
Producer: "..."
ruri: did something happen?
Producer: "Yes." *marches to the door--*
-text message-
Producer: *looks*
misa: [btw i think i have powers now]
Producer: "... ... ...What?"
misa: [what do i do??? D8> ]
Producer: "..." *texts* [scare the creep away with these powers]
misa: *trembling as vines have come out of the ground with dark purple flowers, which have drained the life from the creepy guy* m-m-miss p-producer? w-what do i do? *she's crying*
Producer: "..." *looks at the creep* "...First, can you reverse this? Second, we'll get you help."
misa: i-i dont know, i-it just happened! i-is is he...is he..
Producer: *checks* "...No pulse."
misa:....*screaming* ah. ah.....*throws up*
ruri: what's-? !!!!! misa!
lisa iori: what the fucking shit?!
tsugumi: and luck with fani?
mio: not that i see, no.
Meme: "She's...taking her time to get used to things. You know, new city, new school...New terms of imprisonment."
mio: pretty stubborn too. =3=
tsugumi: sounds like she's...a tough nut to crack. *finger guns*
mio:...no. you did not. you seriously did not.
Meme: ^^; "Ha."
mio: please dont encourage her. -_-;
tsugumi: ^^;
Meme: "For now, we just have to keep trying to reach her...I'm sure she'll come around."
sonia: *snoozing*
miyuri: zzzzzzz
mito: *sleep purring*
Chuuya: "Zzz..." *has his arms out, the kids sleeping on them*
kouyou:....*small smile and slowly closes the door*
Gin: *standing outside the door on guard duty* "..."
kouyou: they're all tuckered on out....
higuchi: yeah....its just.....hard to believe....*wipes her eyes* this is wonderful....we can finally go home.
etta: im super happy for you all! ^^
hans: i'd be lying if i said i wouldnt miss your company.
Gin: "We appreciate what you have done. I'm sure Hirotsu and the others would like to repay you."
hans: we're just helping out, from one group of ability users to another.
higuchi: goethe still drinking in his room?
hans: yes. *sigh*
-in his room-
goethe: *sips wine* ah....strange.....an ability that can turn abilities against the user...how strange.....ah...i wonder what you'd think about that, you crazy old genius...
preston: well, aint this just a predicament?
Patty: "I think they're masks? They still have tags on them..." *grabs one by the face*
Demon 1: "OW!"
Patty: "Nope--this one is real."
preston: *aims and shoots*
Patty: "Sis!" *transforms*
Demon 2: *dodging* "I just wanted the money--not this shit!"
liz: *shooting*
Demon 3: *somehow has a stick in the air with a white flag...no...a white shirt?...waving it* "We surrender!"
liz: *phew*
preston: mission accomplished.
Patty: *counting stolen money from the bank*
Kazue: *ribbon hanging off of sword form* <Tighten your grip, or I'll go flying.>
amelia: *holding on* right. *SLASH SLASH*
Black Star: *blocking with Tsubaki's Uncanny Sword* "Watch your right." *about to kick at her right*
Black Star: "Nice! Now your left!" *swings*
Black Star: *smirks* "Good work. What do you think, Tsubaki?"
tsubaki: she's really good at this.
Black Star: "Like she's used a blade before..."
Black Star: "Well, let's take a break. We'll get some tea."
amelia: thank you.
Soul: "...So...When's Spirit getting married, Izumi?"
izumi: i think sometime in june? i'll have to ask again....
Soul: "Hmm...Glad for him and your mom..."
Asher: "..."
izumi: yeah......
Asher: "...So, what're we doing?" *looks around the trees*
Soul: *points at Izumi* "You can't read souls, right?"
izumi:....*shakes head no*....
Soul: "Which puts you at a disadvantage for soul resonance."
Asher: "?!"
Soul: "I could knock Asher out of your hand, and they'd revert to human form like that--" *snaps fingers*
Soul: "So, you two needs to strengthen that bond." *puts on boxing punch mitts* "Aim the tonfa for my mitt, and keep striking. I'm going to try to break your bond."
izumi: o-ok then.....*gulps*
Asher: *groans, turns into tonfa*
Soul: *pats the mitt* "Right here."
izumi: *AIMS*
Asher: "Let's do it!"
izumi: HAAAH!
Soul: *absorbs the blow* "Harder."
izumi: HUOOOOOO!
Soul: *absorbs the next blow* "Is that all you got? I can't even feel it. What's your weapon even doing?"
izumi: grk-....HAAAAAAA!!!!
Asher: "We'll show you what we got!"
*Asher's tonfa glows*
Soul: "?!!!"
Soul: "AH!" *holds his arm*
izumi: ah-!
Soul: "Stop! Ah..."
izumi:....is your arm alright?
Soul: "Y-Yeah...Just numb. You struck a nerve..."
Asher: "...Sorry."
Soul: "Hey, it's fine. I told you to hit harder...And that glow shows something."
izumi: you did really great, asher!
Asher: "...I didn't do anything..." >_>;
izumi: neither did i, really ^^;
Soul: "You had a stronger resonating rate than usual. So now you need to figure out what you did differently...You either really got into it, or you both just got really pissed at the right moment together."
izumi: hmm.....
Asher: "...I was pretty annoyed with you, Death Scythe...But I felt something else coming off of Izumi...I don't know."
Soul: -_-;
izumi: really? i didnt feel anything come from me though... ^^;
Soul: "Well, I need to put ice on this...Ah...Go over to that dummy over there and keep hitting its mitts until I get back."
*The dummy has Stein's face drawn onto it*
izumi: *sweatdrop*
Asher: "...You could've taken one of that bear's masks?"
Soul: "I'd like _not_ to have Tezca talk to me. Ever." *walks away*
Asher: "..." *human form* "We need a break, too. How are you?"
izumi: ok, i guess..........did i make the right choice?
Asher: "...You want a new partner?"
izumi: no, im not saying that! i mean...did i make the right choice, coming to the DWMA?
Asher: "...What's making you think that?"
izumi: i mean, i dont really have any talent as a meister, and i barely know how to fight. i dont even have any real skills or soul perception or anything.
Asher: "Yeah, but did every student who came here know how to fight?"
izumi: i guess _some_ did? ......
Asher: "...Well, they aren't letting us do heavy-duty combat classes until we get through physical stuff..." *pokes her forearm* "Build up muscles, I guess."
izumi: =3=;
Asher: *smirks* "Maybe ask Death Scythe for a training regiment?"
izumi: can i even do that?
Asher: "Of course you can--you're Izumi Albarn."
Asher: "...So, ready to bash that dummy and build up some muscle?"
Tezca: "How're your charges holding up, Esther?"
esther: quite well i'd think. and yours~? ^^
Tezca: "Super! We got them on espionage training."
esther: oh, and how's that been for them?
Tezca: "I think they're taking well to the horse suit."
naho: *humming*
???: hiya miss naho!
naho: ?? !! ame!
ame: *HUG* hehe! ^^
Ame's Father: "Oh, hello." *smiles*
naho: hiya mr isawa!
ame: lookie lookie! my hair's growing longer again, see? *holds up her pigtails*
naho: oh that's great! you look so cute!
ame: ^w^
Mr. isawa: "Is that a school uniform, Naho?"
naho: oh this? well sorta, i thought i'd wear a more stylized uniform today. ^^
mrs isawa: oh right! you were in that fashion show recently werent you?
Mr. Isawa: "How did it go?"
naho: it was super fun, and i even got to meet yamamin in person! she's an idol singer btw.
Mr. Isawa: "I see." ^^; "We were taking Ame out to the park."
naho: oh that sounds nice. have fun! ^^
Saria: "Just focus on your aim..."
Saria: *smiles in her weapon form, closes her eyes, trying to resonate with him*
lukas:...*aims and strikes*
*Perfect hit*
lukas: !!! YAY! ^u^
Saria: "Great work! We were in sync there!" ^^
lukas: yeah...
higuchi: *knocks*
Chuuya: "Hmm?" *opens the door*
higuchi: hey, the party's just about ready. how're the girls?
Chuuya: "Getting ready. Thanks for finding a dress for Miyuri."
miyuri: WOOOOW it's so soft!
Chuuya: ^^; "Ready to head out, Miyuri?"
miyuri: *nod nod*
sonia:...yes papa.
Chuuya: *pats Sonia's head* "That dress looks great."
sonia: *smiles*
Chuuya: "Let's get going..."
-in the party room-
miyuri: *shiny eyes* WOOOOAH!
Walter: *turns on the remote for the disco ball*
miyuri: *GASP* WHAT IS THAT?!
Walter: "A mirror ball! Perfect for getting down to boogie!"
miyuri: oooooooh.
sonia: ^^;
Motojiro: *putting snacks onto a plate*
miyuri: *sniff sniff* !!! *looking at the snacks* *drools*
Motojiro: "Anything you want, Miyuri?"
miyuri: *staaaaaring at the snacks* *spots wasabi* what's that?
Motojiro: "Wasabi. It's kind of spicy?"
miyuri: *nom*.... OuO ...... QuQ;;;;;
Chuuya: "!!!" *hands Miyuri some punch*
miyuri: >XP the green stuff is yucky!
sonia: *sweatdrop*
Motojiro: "Maybe something sweet?"
miyuri: yes please!
Chuuya: *offers a cupcake*
miyuri: *nom* MMMMM!! >w<
Chuuya: ^^;
sonia: uncle kajii, if it's not too much to ask, do you think you can come over sometimes to help tutor miyuri?
Motojiro: QwQ "Of course! I was hoping someone would want me to help..."
sonia: thank you.
higuchi: ^^; (from terrorist bomber to teacher. this mafia sure is something else...)
Gin: "Ichiyo. May I speak with you?"
higuchi: um s-sure! whats up?
Gin: *pulls her aside*
higuchi: ah-
Gin: *they are in a separate room* "We need to speak privately about something important."
higuchi: ._.;;;
Gin: "While we are now pardoned of previous actions, the threat we faced also exposed our previous residences."
higuchi:...yeah...it did....
Gin: "Since we are all finding new places to live, I do not want you and your sister to be unprotected..."
higuchi: gin...
Gin: "..." *reaches into her purse, and removes a key*
higuchi: oh!
Gin: "I'm sorry for not asking you first...but I found a place for Ryu and me. We would be happy to have both of you live with us."
higuchi: i would love to!
Walter: "How's it going, Etta?"
etta: doing better. my wrists are a little sore still, so i'm taking it easy.
Walter: "Yeah. That was crazy...Good thing you and Kafka survived it."
etta: yeah....im glad franzy was there...
Walter: ^w^ "You told him that?"
etta: hm?
Walter: "I think he'd like to hear it--he was really concerned for you."
etta: *nods* ok! ^^
Walter: "Speak of the devil!" *flips over the couch, sneaking away*
Kafka: *walks into the room, looking around*
etta: *waves* ^^
Kafka: "!!! ..." *wave*
Q: and this is elise!
elise: hi everyone!
tom: hi!
bessy: your hair is pretty!
elise: ^^
Wilhelm: "Where are you from?"
elise: well it's a bit of a long story.
higuchi:...hey gin? how big is the new house?
Gin: "1 master room, 1 bedroom each for our siblings, 1 guest room..."
higuchi: do you think the guest room can be for a 5th person?
Gin: "Someone you have in mind?"
higuchi: ...i think we should adopt Q.
Gin: "...I see."
higuchi: he's been through enough, maybe we could rehabilitate him in a loving home?
Gin: "..." *small smile* " 'Loving'?"
higuchi: .////.;
Gin: "I would be happy to...if it's with you." *holds her hand*
higuchi: =///////=
Gin: "Let's speak with Q."
katya: speakin of loving homes, dont you and lev have a wedding to plan, kajii?
Motojiro: "..." O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
leo: ^^;
Motojiro: "My mind just reeled from the expanded options now that we are no longer confined to this location--so many more options for the ceremony, reception, honeymoon--Too much--"
leo: *pats his shoulder* it's ok, <love>.
Motojiro: ^\\\\^; <I promise--first thing tomorrow, we'll find a place for the ceremony.>
atsushi: *passed out on the futon* =~= longest.....day.....ever......sleep has never been more needed.
Kyoka: =_= *yawns*
sylvia: *asleep*
Kyoka: "..." *tucks Sylvia in* "I think we all need sleep..." *yawns*
atsushi: yeah....
Kyoka: *lies down...* "Zzz..."
Odasaku: Still not sleeping?
atsushi: (trying to...)
Odasaku: (Sorry--I didn't mean to interrupt.)
atsushi: (it's fine...)
Odasaku: (...I know Dazai appreciated what you did.)
Odasaku: (What will you do now with what you have learned?)
atsushi: (nothing i really _can_ do but move forward.)
Odasaku: (...I suppose you're right.)
atsushi:.....(should i wait to tell dazai about...you know..?)
Odasaku: (...This is your body. I don't think I have a say in your decision.)
atsushi:... (good point.) *sigh* (maybe i shouldnt say anything for now.)
Odasaku: (I'm sure he'll understand.)
atsushi: yeah.....night.
Odasaku: (Good night.)
Poe: "..." *lying in bed, staring at the wall*
lana: feeling better, edgar?
Poe: "..." *shakes his head*
lana: ...*hug*
Poe: *shivers, quiet sob*
lana: i love you, you know that?
Poe: "Y-Yes...It was knowing that fact that kept me living..."
lana: *kiss on the cheek*
Poe: T\\\\\T *hug*
lana: say, why dont i invite rowena and ranpo over for tea tomorrow?
Poe: "...Okay. Yes."
naomi: hey bro? still cant sleep?
Tanizaki: "Sorry...Was I keeping you awake?"
naomi: *shakes head* i brought hot cocoa if that helps.
Tanizaki: *nods* "Sounds good...Marshmallows?"
naomi: mmhmm ^^ how about tomorrow you, me, and kirako visit one of the cat cafe's in the shopping street?
Tanizaki: "Gr-Great." ^^;
kenji: hey yosano? my friend nankichii's gonna be sleeping over tonight, is that ok?
nankichii: *holding onto kenji's sleeve, crying*
Yosano: "Sure. Hello, Nankichii."
nankichii: *hic* s-scary, this place is scary! i-i wanna go back to ihatov! *sobs*
kenji: *rubs his back* it's ok, nankichii, gon wont bully you anymore.
gon: kon kon! i said i was sorry! >3<
Yosano: ^^; "I see you had your own experience..." *stretches* "I'm done from hospital work, so just keep it down."
kenji: ok. come on nankichii. we'll make a blanket fort!
Yosano: ^^ *yawns* *grabs a glass*
Dumas: "..." *staring at a laptop screen*
marquis: *sleeping, holding his pillow* mama....papa...dont go...
Dumas: "..." *sighs* *searches online for a name*
-some results come up-
-there are photos of a woman named 'Mercedes'-
Dumas: "..." *clicks a social media profile*
-one page is Mercedes Mondego, she's holding a young toddler boy-
Dumas: "... ... ..." *buries his face into his hands, lets out something between a groan and a sob*
emily: hnn? hullo? =.= *still half asleep*
Dumas: "..." *wipes his eyes* "Hey."
emily: is everything ok with you?
Dumas: "...Just looking up someone."
emily: ah.
Dumas: "...How are your comrades recovering?"
emily: well, they're doing well. they managed to get all the poison out of ebie, so she's resting right now too.
Dumas: "Hmm...Good. ...Did you have a similar experience?"
emily: well...
Dumas: "???"
emily:.. *shakes head* it's nothing.
Dumas: "...It's none of my business, but that doesn't sound like 'nothing.'"
emily: ....
Dumas: "...You like dogs?"
emily: i suppose so.
Dumas: "This is mine." *shows his laptop*
emily: aw, how cute!
Dumas: "That's Haydee. I adopted her."
emily: she's so sweet. ^^
Dumas: *nods* "Very affectionate..." *points at Marquis* "Even to this goof."
emily: ^^;
Dumas: "Your people have pets?"
stocking: here we are.
Rin: "Looks kinda empty..."
manager: yessss?
Yukio: <Hello. We are interested in rooms for the night.>
stocking: <room for 4 please>
manager: <right this way please.>
Rin: *looking at the decor* "Looks pleasant enough. How're the baths here?"
manager: <quite nice. the young lady that was here asked the same thing.>
Yukio: "???" <With striking hair?>
manager: <yes, quite unusual for this area>
Rin: "As our map said..."
manager: <well, here's your room. and feel free to reserve a private bath if you need to.>
gilda: *smiles*
Rin: "Cool! I'll take one--"
Yukio: "Sit down and help me review these maps."
Rin: -3-
manager: <enjoy your stay.> *exits*
*there's another room, locked up*
gilda:......*pokes the lock*
???: "OUCH!" *thump*
gilda: !!!!! *startled jump*
stocking: ?!? what the heck?!
Yukio: "???" *pulls out his gun, aims for the door--*
gilda: D8
stocking: yukio, you're gonna get us thrown out!
Yukio: *to the neighbor* "Exit right now, or I'm giving you a failing grade and reporting you to Pheles."
Rin: "...Yuki, in the real world, no one caves into bad grades from people who aren't their teachers--you'd have better luck with the gun."
stocking: *sweatdrop* let me handle this. *ahem* excuse me, are you alright over there? sorry my friend poked you in the eye. ^^;
???: *struggling to change their voice* "It-It's fine! You're a very nice lady, and I know you're sincere in your apology..."
stocking: not a problem. ^^; (hmm....) why dont you guys go check the baths out? im gonna see if there's a vending machine.
???: *small annoyed groan* -_-;
Yukio: "But we have maps to review--"
Rin: *already dragging Yukio away* ^w^
stocking: ^^ .......
lydia: *packing boxes*
Ivan: *shaking* <Wh-Where is Master? And Young Master?>
lydia: it's ok, vanya. fyodor did mention this being part of the plan, remember?
Ivan: *sniffles*
lydia:....*pats his back*
Gogol: *looking outside* "..."
elizaveta: *hug*
Gogol: ^^; *hugs her*
elizaveta: *holds up leila* *wrrr* *different voice* it's ok, kolya! you still have us!
Gogol: *nods* "I know--and I appreciate you both." *head pat*
elizaveta: ^w^
lydia:......*sigh* <our numbers are dwindling more and more....>
Ivan: <And we have to move quickly out of here.>
lydia: <i dont think we can move the comatose one in this state....>
Ivan: <So, what, we leave her?>
lydia: <if we bring her, it'll take up time and risk us getting caught. just one of those sacrifices we have to make.......>
Ivan: <I suppose...At least we have other bargaining chips.>
lydia:.....*nods* (it hurts looking at her......it reminds me of-...) *bites her lip* <r-right.>
Ivan: <I'll get the prisoners...I'll need help since we lack the previous servants.>
lydia: <right.> ...... <perhaps we should contact our base back in st petersburg to send recruits?>
Ivan: <Shall I?>
lydia: *nods*
Inka: O_O;;;;;; "..." *rubs her eyes*
sasori: *asleep*
Inka: "..." *lies next to her*
Inka: "..." *hug*
Chuuya: "Zzz..."
mito: *paws at his hair*
Chuuya: *grumbles, turning*
miyuri: zzzzzz
sonia: *yaaawn*
Chuuya: =_= *yawn* *looks*
miyuri: zzzzzzz....
Chuuya: "..." *carefully getting up to go to the kitchen*
sonia: miyuri, its time to wake up now.
miyuri: *yaaaaawn*
sonia: papa, can we have pancakes?
miyuri: ??
Chuuya: *nods* "Coming right up."
miyuri: *looking around*
*there's a window facing the forest*
miyuri: *peeeeeek*
*looks like Akutagawa is outside, looking at the woods*
miyuri: *knocks*
Akutagawa: *turns*
miyuri: *waving* hiya! ^^
Akutagawa: "..." *nods*
miyuri: ^^
sonia: come on miyuri. the kitchen's this way.
Akutagawa: "..." *waves*
miyuri: *takes a seat* what's all that stuff?
sonia: that's the refrigerator, it keeps things cold. and that's the oven. it makes things warm.
miyuri: oooooh!
Chuuya: *at the stove, flipping the pancake*
miyuri: *sniffs* mmmm~ smells yummy. =w=
Chuuya: "Any fruit with it, kids?"
miyuri: *looking at everything*
Chuuya: "...I guess take it slow..." *sets down a glass of orange juice*
sonia: maybe start with just syrup and butter first.
miyuri: okaaay.
Chuuya: "Okay..." *sets out the syrup and butter before plating the pancakes*
miyuri: *nom*...*WIDE EYES* .......
sonia: ._. miyu-
Chuuya: .___. "..." *takes back the syrup bottle--*
sonia: *sweatdrop*
Chuuya: "Sonia, make sure she packs...and keep her away from sugar."
sonia: noted.
miyuri: miyuri doesnt have anything to pack though.
Chuuya: "...Well, you have that new dress?"
miyuri: ^^
Chuuya: ^^;
shinra: *YAAAAAWN*
Relan: "Morning..."
shinra: morning. *streeeeetch*
lisa: oh hey, your up.
shinra:.....hey rel, when did we get a new recruit?
lisa: -_-# its me, lisa.
Relan: ^^; "I love the new hair."
shinra: >3<; im sorry! i didnt recognize you cuz of the hair!
lisa: yeah, decided to try something new.
Vulcan: ^^ "It's great." *passes a hand on the back of her neck*
lisa: *blush* thanks vul.
Vulcan: ^\\\\^
Lucy: *knock knock knock* "I'm ready to begin my training! ...Hello? Open up!"
Kunikida: =_= *pulls blankets over himself*
aya: kunikida, lucy's here!
Kunikida: "It's not even 7 AM. Tell her to come back--"
*the door is knocked down*
aya: she's in.
Lucy: *the doorway now seems to show Anne's room behind her* ^w^ "I'm ready to train!"
Kunikida: =_= "...We'll begin with morning exercises. Aya, show her the usual stretching exercises...I need to get replacement hinges..." *writing in his notebook, summoning hinges*
aya: yes sir! *salutes*
Benimaru: *holding up Konro's medicine, looking over its manufacturer* "..."
kabuki: been quite a lot of excitement these past few days, hasnt there?
Benimaru: "Uh huh..." *sets it down* *groans*
kabuki: sir?
Benimaru: "...I have to do it."
kabuki: ??
Benimaru: "..." *writes something down* "Go to the Fifth and drop this off. Make sure only the Commander there sees it. I have to do something at home."
kabuki: *examines* very well sir.
Benimaru: *nods* *walks towards home*
*two sets of eyes watch from the alley*
???: "..."
Kyoka: "Feeling better?"
atsushi: yeah.
Kyoka: "..." *head pat* "You're doing good."
atsushi: *smiles* thanks
Kyoka: "Want to go out today?"
atsushi: sure!
sylvia: o-ok..
Kyoka: "We can get lunch, shop..."
atsushi: why dont we visit the museum today?
Kyoka: "Oh, good."
sylvia: t-that sounds nice.
Kyoka: "Any new exhibits?"
atsushi: i think there's one on robots and aliens. ^^
Kyoka: "...'Aliens'?"
atsushi: like in the movies.
Kyoka: "Ah. We should watch some movies, too--maybe this weekend."
atsushi: sounds good. ^^ maybe i'll even invite lucy, if she's not busy.
Kyoka: "Like training."
sayaka: welp, got my stuff packed, and i leave for hoozuki first thing tomorrow.
ouya: ^^ you be safe, you hear?
sayaka: i will, mom.
Mr. Miki: "And call home."
sayaka: will do!
Spirit: ._.; "You both look exhausted..." *sets down breakfast*
sachiko: no kidding. *sigh* -~- *takes coffee mug* come to mama, sweet brown medicine.
Spirit: ^^; *hands an ice pack to Izumi*
izumi: thanks dad.
Spirit: "How's training?"
izumi:...it's been good.
Spirit: "Well, if you're sore, that may indicate you're strengthening...And if Soul gives you any trouble--" *summons a blade* "--_you let me know~_..."
izumi: ^^;;; will do.
Rin: =w= *curled up in the bed*
stocking: [morning, kiddo <3]
Kid: [good morning. miss u, love 💗 ]
stocking: [u get the pics i sent? *winky emoticon*]
Kid: [oh yes .\\\. very much appreciated. have fun?]
stocking: [so far. dinner was delish last night.]
Kid: [oh? fancy?]
stocking: [it was interesting. mission work will begin today. secondary mission is to try some traditional japanese sweets]
Kid: [^^ of course. be safe--and enjoy!]
Viktor: "I'm heading out." *picks up a file folder labeled "Hajima"*
nozomi: good luck. ^^
Viktor: *smiles* "Thanks!" *turns around...looks a bit grimmer as he exits the Eighth's church*
Petra: "Come along--purification needs to be finished on time..."
rita: *nods* *signing* <ok!>
Vulcan: "--and the new garbage disposal should be quieter." *flips a switch...nothing happens* "???"
tamaki: AGH! WHY?!?
Vulcan: ._.;;; *runs away*
Petra: "...Well, you were going in for purification anyway..."
tamaki: =_=
Sakuya: O_O;
naho: ._.
Higan: "What up, young people? I'm your substitute teacher. Call me Higan."
naho: *tries to slump in her seat to hide*
Higan: "Now, I want to get to know all of you--starting with an important question...What's the subject of this class?"
izumi:.....*face desk*
Walter: "How's packing?"
higuchi: coming along.
Gin: "Not like we brought much..."
higuchi: we still need to move the stuff from our old homes to the new house.
Walter: "Never fear--I kept security tabs on your old places to deter visitors--" *looks at his phone*
*tiny shrieks are heard*
Walter: "...I may have scared some Death Scouts who were stopping by to sell you cookies."
higuchi: ._.;
Gin: "...The pardon wasn't for _you_."
Walter: ^^;
Tachihara: *laughs* "Ever think of being tech support for the Mafia?"
Walter: "Um...Thanks, but no thanks. I like not getting shot at."
goethe: *staaaares* besides, he's under contract~
Walter + Tachihara: QwQ;;;;;;;;
rin: *relaxing in the bath* =w=
Yukio: *yawns* =_= "So much to review..."
rin: ....so when are you gonna tell shiemi you like her?
Yukio: "...You don't understand."
rin: what's not to understand? you busted a dinner date for her!
Yukio: "...If she knew the real me, she'd hate me."
rin: you dont know that. she's seen me at my most fucked up, and she still considers me her friend. ^^
Yukio: "..." *gets up to leave* "She'd hate me..."
rin:.....*pouts* *grumble grumble* stupid stubborn yukio.
Yukio: "..."
Benimaru: "More tea?"
kirei: *nods*
Benimaru: "Right away." *heats up water* "How has your sleep been?"
kirei: it's been alright for the most part.
Benimaru: *nods* "You're appointment is tomorrow?"
kirei: *nods* konro offered to bring me.
Benimaru: *smiles* "I'm glad...Please remind him to pick up his medicine."
kirei: i will....do you want to say hello? *rubs her stomach*
Benimaru: "..." *leans his ear to her stomach*
kirei: ^////^ *head pats*
Benimaru: =\\\\= "Hello, small one... Your father is here...He's not going anywhere."
axel: *checking his phone* yes! just caught a growlithe!
Zeke: "Sweet!" *looking at his phone* "...Nothing."
Steinbeck: "Good to be home..." *scratching his bandages*
ebie: ^^
baum: *hugging dorothy* Q~Q
dorothy: =A=;
Hemingway: "Held down the fort for us, then? Good lad."
baum: not a problem. oh sweet dorothy, the doctors didnt try to do shock therapy on you did they? TT~TT
dorothy: no, im fine. please stop, brother, you're only embarrassing yourself.
Steinbeck: "...Dark. Let's get going on our next heist--" *shifts--and winces* T~T
emily: are you sure you're ok, john?
Steinbeck: "I-I'm sure I'm fine." *smiles...then falls over* "Zzz..."
Dumas: *pets Haydee*
haydee: ^w^ *licks his hand*
Dumas: ^^ "Miss me, Haydee? I missed you, too."
haydee: *nuzzle* ^w^
cervantes: good doggo!
Dumas: "..." *sighs*
cervantes: ah *lays on couch* good to be back! ^^ .....you ok, dumas?
Dumas: "...Fine."
marquis: you've been gloomier than usual since this morning.
Dumas: "...It's nothing."
marquis: *huuug* would cuddles make it better~? 💗
Dumas: -_-; "...It's not hurting, but it's not helping either."
cervantes: huzzah! group hug! ^^
Dumas: "..." *sighs* "A regular trio..."
Poe: *sips tea* "Ah...Thank you for this..."
rowena: ^^
ranpo: *nomming on scones*
Poe: "Any work coming up for you all?"
lana: well, there's gonna be some fundraisers held at the hotel's restaurant.
Poe: "Oh? Charity or politics or investors?"
lana: pharaon shipping company, if memory serves.
Poe: "Ah, so courier service?"
lana: *nods*
Poe: "Hmm...Invitation only?"
Hibana: *opens the blinds to her luxury office--* "..."
kabuki: hello. ^^
Hibana: "...Look, if you want an autograph, you mail a form, my secretary sorts it, then I have my gopher do it for me. Now, beat it, before I call security."
kabuki: um actually, i have some questions to ask. ^^;
Hibana: "Interviews also go through my secretary--"
kabuki: *hands her a paper*
Hibana: "..." *looks* "Seal of the 7th..." *takes it, opens it* "..." *looks up* "You read this?"
kabuki: *shakes head*
Hibana: *snaps fingers* "Angels."
angels: yes princess?
Hibana: *writes a prescription* "Get him this for his captain. He'll be back to pick up more." *stares at Kabuki* "No one is to see you coming or going to pick up your captain's medicine--is that understood?"
Kepuri: "Okay, try this on..." *holding some mechanical contraption that looks like a travel pillow*
mana: *doing so* now what?
Kepuri: "Stand perfectly still..." *gets behind a metal barrier* *presses a button on a remote--*
*the metal collar on Mana's neck shakes--before metal juts out of it*
mana: ._.;;;;
*the collar has formed a suit of knight-like armor around Mana*
mana: woah!
Kepuri: "Now, try to move your right foot forward 3 centimeters."
mana: *step*
Kepuri: "Okay, releasing the weight--"
*a panel in the ceiling opens, as a weight falls towards Mana*
mana: O_O;;;
*the weight knocks Mana's helmet, but no obvious damage*
mana: huh. impressive.
Kepuri: "Yep! Newest in combat equipment! There's just one problem..."
mana: and that would be?
Kepuri: "I haven't figured out how to get someone _out_ of the suit."
mana: ._______. CHIE! HELP.
*a lighter goes off, as someone puffs on a cigarette*
izzy: ....
Joker: "We're all here--minus our newest partner."
izzy: so what's the plan?
Joker: "The Holy See has only one entrance--through the front gates."
nailfile: oh, so we just waltz right in?
Joker: "Not without some extra muscle..."
benimaru: ...
nailfile: oooh, he's cute.
benimaru: i'm also married. -_-#
Joker: "That's where the Strongman comes in to clear the path."
izzy: *whistle* im amazed you convinced a battalion commander to help us.
benimaru: and you want _my_ help in particular because...?
Joker: "You aren't curious what the Church is hiding? Or have you forgotten what the Church has done to your people? Or how they drafted you as their latest firefighter, their latest mutt?"
Joker: "And you're here-- even with a suspicious guy like me."
izzy: well then. *holds up her dice* shall we get this party started~?
-and so-
*inside the Church*
Raffles III: *praying*
priest: !?!?
izzy: good evening, padres and madres. hope you dont mind us dropping in~
Raffles III: "W-Who are you?!"
izzy: well, i suppose you can call us 'renegades'.
Raffles III: "...Get me out of here." *grabs a priest's arm*
izzy: aww, leaving so soon, gramps?
*an open palm lands on Priest 2's chest*
priest 2: !!!
Benimaru: "Back off." *with the tiniest press of the open palm, the Priest is knocked back*
izzy: well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.
Benimaru: *staring off in the direction of Amaterasu* "..."
Joker: "Quite the entrance--as suited to this brand of justice."
nailfile: ....*glances in the same direction* yeah. that thing always creeped me out. something feels....evil 'bout it. i dunno.
Benimaru: "I feel blood coming off of it, like it's in the air..."
Joker: *smiles*
priest 3: and just what are you, smiling about?!
Joker: *turns* "Because I'm going to kick your ass."
priest 3: LANGUAGE!
Joker: *slams his fist into the Priest's face* "Fuck you."
???: please. allow me.
Joker: "???"
bowl-cut priest: ....
Joker: "You're new..."
Benimaru: "I'll handle this." *approaches--*
Benimaru: *gasps...collapses*
Joker: O_O;
izzy:....well shit.
Joker: "So much for a strongman...Well, guess we need to run." *looks up at Bowl-Cut* "What'd you do to him?"
bowl-cut priest: so much for 'strongest firefighter'. nothing more than a dumb animal.
Joker: "..." *sniffs* "What's burning?" *looks down*
bowl-cut priest: ??
Benimaru: *he's on fire*
bowl-cut: oh?
Benimaru: *climbs up* "I'm not finished..."
bowl-cut: but- but that's impossib-
Benimaru: *leaps with a punch to Bowl-Cut's stomach*
bowl-cut: GRK-
*something drops from Bowl-Cut's hand*
Joker: "??? A blow-pipe?"
nailfile: and not the drug kind.
izzy: -_-;
Joker: "How did you survive that poison from this pipe, Strongman?"
Benimaru: "...I have too much to live for."
Joker: "..." -_-# "Fine. Be a dick and don't bother explaining things."
izzy: (is he even human??)
-more priests charge-
izzy: ...*smirks* alright chucklefucks. let's get this party lit.
gilda: *sleeping*
stocking: *asleep*
Yukio: *turned away from the others*
rin:...hey, you awake?
Yukio: "..."
rin:...you never really talk to us.....i get it, sometimes i like my space and privacy too, so i wont dig too much...but you've been acting more distant lately. from me, kyouko, dad, shiemi.....just- if things get bad for you, you can rely on us, ok?
Yukio: *clenching his jaw, eyes open*
rin: i really mean it....we- i worry about you......not saying anything?....*sigh* love you too, bro. night.
Yukio: "..." *holding back tears*
izzy:.....well where the fuck is everyone?!
Benimaru: "Did I blow up _everyone_?"
Joker: "No." *points to the altar* "We have to go underground."
nailfile: underground? you dont mean-
Joker: "The Nether."
izzy: well shit....
Joker: "Just lift the top--"
nailfile: waiiit, how do _you_ know this?
Benimaru: *kicks the entire altar away*
nailfile: OxO
Joker: ^^; "I grew up in darkness. I acclimated to darkness. I love darkness~"
nailfile: ooookay. (weirdo)
izzy:....you knoooow, we _do_ have an open position for the oni of wrath, mr shinmon.
Benimaru: "Hell no."
izzy:....eh, worth a shot. oh well. into the rabbit hole we go.
Benimaru: "You know this path? Then you should go first."
Joker: "More so you know I won't stab you in the back?"
-and so-
nailfile: ugh, this place gives me the creeps. my grandma used to tell me stories about this place...
Joker: "Good things?"
nailfile: what do _you_ think?
Joker: *shrugs*
izzy: .... so joker, what's your story?
Joker: "Hmm...I don't like talking about the past. If we survive this, I'll tell you another time."
izzy: hmph 737
Benimaru: "..." *grabs Joker by the collar, slamming him into a wall*
Joker: ^^;
Benimaru: "Do not test my patience. I've followed you this far without answers. I have put my home--my family--at risk for your bullshit. Spill, or I spill your blood."
Joker: "..." *smacks away his hand* "Don't test my patience, either. ...Let's just say, I was in the Church."
izzy: really? didnt take you for the religious type.
Joker: "I wasn't a willing member."
nailfile: the hell does _that_ mean?
Benimaru: "Wait a minute...Were you..."
Joker: *smirks* "Oh? Asakusa's God of Destruction has his interest piqued? Very well--I'll answer your question."
Benimaru: "...You had a bowl cut?"
izzy: *snerk* *stiffled laughter*
nailfile:.....<so gross.>
Joker: O_O; "No! I was working for the Church's dark side!"
izzy: ....huh. who'da thought.
Benimaru: "I don't understand."
Joker: "Just keep moving forward--you'll get it soon enough."
Chuuya: *scrolling through real estate listings on a web site*
sonia: *showing flash cards to miyuri* and this one is called a 'rectangle'
miyuri: oooooh.
Chuuya: *smiles* *marks down 3 listings*
miyuri: and what's this one?
sonia: that's a 'triangle'.
Chuuya: *writes down a number* "Hey, kids--I'm going to be making some calls."
sonia: ok papa. come on, miyuri. i'll show you our room.
miyuri: YAAAY! ^o^
Chuuya: *smiles* *dials*
lady: HHA homes, this is carly speaking, how can i help you tonight?
Chuuya: "Hello. I'm looking through your listings...I'm interested in a house?"
carly: ah i see.
Chuuya: "In fact, you had one listing in the suburbs--the one on Dorper Avenue?"
carly: ah yes, two story, three bedroom, two bathroom?
Chuuya: "And the backyard."
carly: yes, yes.
Chuuya: "I was thinking...I have 2 children and a cat. I think they'd like the yard. Maybe a treehouse..."
carly: well, there is a park and a school nearby, as well as a few small shops.
Chuuya: "Excellent. Could I schedule a tour?"
carly: of course! what day works for you?
Chuuya: "As soon as possible."
carly: alright.
nailfile: so this is the place, eh?
Joker: "The Nether."
nailfile: ....
Benimaru: "What is the Church hiding here?"
-the lights go out-
nailfile: *flame claws*
Joker: "They're here..." *lights up a cigarette*
izzy: _who's_ here?
*...Are those...eyes in the shadows?*
izzy: the hell?
seven: ......
Benimaru: "...Clowns? Your people?"
Joker: *smirks*
izzy: oooi, who the hell are you shitheads?
Joker: "The Shadows of the Holy Sun."
izzy:....the uniforms look stupid AF.
Joker: "Yes...This is a group of assassins, operating in secret on behalf of the Church."
commander: halt, interlopers. leave this sacred ground or else.
Joker: " 'Leave'? But this is my grand return!"
commander: what?
Joker: *smiles* "52."
commander:...after all these years.....
{*A small boy knocks a taller person down*}
{???: jeez, he's tough for a kid.}
{???: well done, 52}
{52: "It was no big deal...It's what a 'child of the sun' should do, yes?"}
{???: indeed. your next opponent is me.}
{????: he's not really gonna do it, is he? it's suicide!}
{52: "..."}
{commander: COME AT ME!}
{52: "..." *side-steps, swinging his fist at the Commander's head with a gazelle punch*}
{commander: *grabs his wrist and punches him* you're nothing. we are all children of the sun, abandoned by society and taken in by god. dont go thinking you're so special.}
{52: *stunned...acting on instinct, bites the Commander's wrist*}
{commander: GRK- why you insolent little- *WHAM* *WHAM* *WHAM*}
{???: h-hey, knock it off, you're gonna kill him!}
{commander:...heh. if i killed him now, it would be merciful.}
{52: *gasping, choking on blood..his nose is broken*}
{52: *bandaged...staring at a pocket watch* "..." ("This was all they found on me...'3:32'...Was that when I was abandoned? This world...is such shit. I don't think I'm special--I don't think anyone is. I just want to survive this madness...")}
{commander: again with that watch?}
{52: "!!!"}
{commander: *takes it and crushes it, burning it* this way. now.}
{*a house is on fire*}
{-cries can be heard-}
{???: the demon made off with the child, we must find them and destroy them at all costs!}
{???: "Sir! 52!}
{???: what about him?}
{*someone tosses a mask down onto the cement bottom of an alley*}
{52: *huff puff* ("The fire distracted them...Good...Can I get away? Can I escape?") "..." *takes a step forward, leaning on the alley wall for support* ("The sun should shine on all, yes?") *clutches his eye* ("...So...It happened again...Burns...")}
{girl: *humming* hm? ?!?! what the-}
{*52 is passed out in the street*}
{girl: ._.;; *nudges his head with her foot* umm....hey, uh....are...are you ok?}
{52: *groans, panting, like he's dehydrated*}
{girl: oh, um... *takes water bottle from her bag and gives it to him* hey, you alright?}
{52: *opens his eye* "..." *takes the bottle, guzzling like his life depends on it*}
{girl: feeling better?}
{52: *looks, his vision blurred* "...An angel..."}
{girl: e-eh?? O////O oh i-im not-}
{52: "Save me...I don't want to go back to Hell..."}
{girl: ._.; um....daaaad?}
{52: *nom nom nom nom* >3< }
{woman: my my, he's got quite the appetite hasnt he?}
{girl: i guess...}
{woman: kinda cute too, and around your age~}
{girl: >///< mom! its not like that! jeez.}
{woman: fufu, just teasing. ^^}
{52: *stops...sips water* "...Ma'am...Young lady...Thank you both. I promise, I will repay you."}
{woman: oh, it's quite alright, really. right dear?}
{Man: *nods* "You looked pretty roughed up out there, son. Are you...in some kind of trouble?"}
{52: "..."}
{52: *standing on a balcony, looking up at the Moon* "..."}
{woman: *inside* is this really the right thing for us to do? letting him stay here? for all we know he could be some drug addict or a felon...it worries me.}
{Man: "I know...So far, he hasn't caused any problems...But he won't tell us where he's from."}
{woman: do we call the police?}
{girl: *walks out onto the balcony* hey, just thought i'd check up on you. ^^}
{52: "Ah...Hello, angel."}
{girl: 7//7; ...s-so whats up?}
{52: "I was admiring the Moon...It looks so happy..."}
{Moon: "HAA HAA HAA..."}
{girl: ^^; yeah.....they say people once lived on the moon.}
{52: "Wait, really? That's amazing!"}
{girl: yeah. maybe one day, i'll become an astronaut and walk on the moon. i think that'd be pretty cool......ah, look at me, spilling my dreams to a stranger. ^^;}
{52: "No, that's great--dreams are what keep us motivated. You know a lot about astronaut stuff?"}
{girl: yeah. see that constellation up there?}
{52: *looks up...nods*}
{girl: that's called 'orion's belt'.}
{52: "??? 'Orion'? 'Belt'? Like those...what are they called...'asteroids'?"}
{girl: hehe, close.}
{52: *tying his shoelaces*}
{Dad: "And here's the list. The grocery is 2 blocks north, 6 blocks west."}
{52: *nods* "Okay..."}
{Dad: "Don't forget my smokes either."}
{52: "??? Um..."}
{girl: ugh, dad, those are seriously gonna kill you someday.}
{Dad: "It's just when I'm stressed..."}
{girl: -_-; still...}
{52: *reading the list on his way back* ("That's everything...Even got the extra money back...")}
{-two figures in suits exit the house-}
{52: "!!!" *ducks back around the corner*}
{-the two figures leave-}
{52: "..." *sneaks back into the house--* "!!!"}
{-the girl and her parents lay dead on the floor-}
{52: "..." *drops the groceries* ("This is...They're dead...There--There's nothing I can do for them...Oh God...")}
{???: sir, the family 52 was staying with has been terminated.}
{commander: good. now he has nothing to return to. he's nothing more than a stray dog.}
{Joker: *puffing away on a cigarette, standing on an incomplete building*...This world sucks."}
Joker: "You taught me a lot..." *points his cigarette at the Commander* "Time to teach you the truth of this world."
commander: so you came running back like a little puppy? *draws sword* how pathetic.
Joker: *throws off his coat, revealing playing cards on fire* "Eat shit."
commander: thou who hast forsaken the sunlight, shall be left to rot in the dark.
Joker: "Which book of scripture is that, asshole?" *to his team* "I'll fight the Commander. You take care of the rest."
commander: seven. consider this your chance to prove your worth to us. kill them.
Benimaru: "??? How old is this brat?"
seven: *SNARLS and spin kick*
shadows: *charging*
nailfile: *SLICE SLICE*
Benimaru: *sighs* *struggling with one Shadow* "Fast...but reckless." *trips them*
shadow: grk-
izzy: tch- what a hassle. *pulls out a pistol* guess it's time to pull out this bad boy.
Shadow: *growls, swinging their blade towards Izzy*
izzy: *BANG*
Shadow: *silent, falling down*
izzy: *smirks*
Shadow: *bear hug from behind*
izzy: ?!?
nailfile: *SLASH*
Shadow: *sliced across the chest--but even as they're bleeding profusely, punches at Nailfile's face*
nailfile: *dodge* hey! <watch the hands, buddy!>
izzy: hey! little help here!
nailfile: *SLICE*
izzy: pah- thanks.
nailfile: anytime, girl. ^^
Benimaru: "Their breathing...They intend to kill."
commander: *attacking joker*
Joker: *dodges* "You haven't changed...The mask still looks the same."
commander: you'd be best going back into hiding.
Joker: "I just came here to play. Interested?" *flips cards over his head in a half-circle path*
Joker: *charges his cards with flames, sending them to go around the Commander's sword swings--*
commander: you think you can honestly stop me? You think you're the underdog in this heroic tale--but, really, you're not the hero. You're just a mutt, who shook off his leash--and needs to be put down.
Joker: "!!!" *screams in pain, before collapsing*
commander: giving up so soon? pathetic.
Joker: *tries to climb up--*
Joker: *face slammed into the cement floor*
commander: *grins*
Joker: "..." *his head starts to rise*
commander: ??
Joker: *lifting his head up--with his tongue against the floor*
commander: ?!
Joker: *slides his tongue along the floor--backing up enough to push himself up, swinging his fist back at the Commander's face*
commander: *knocked back*
Joker: *spits* "I'm through with games...I need to take this more seriously..." *smiles wickedly* "A fight to the death."
commander: oh?
Joker: *puffs* "52...I'll end your life, with 52 cards."
commander: heh.
Joker: *shows his remaining cards* "Let's count!" *begins flinging cards*
commander: pah! we are as a group! you may cut us down as many times as you wish, but we shall always regroup. and those that remain solitary die alone! so tell me 52, how many cards will remain before you die?!
Joker: "Tch..." *continues his attack...but he's running out of cards*
commander: you thought you would be free if you left, but you're a weakling who couldnt survive without our help! a failure is a failure, simple as that! and a failure like you cant win on your own!
seven: ....
Joker: *pants...he's holding 2 cards in-between his fingers...as he clutches his bleeding left arm*
commander: i know all your moves, 52. im the one who taught them to you!
Joker: "..." *smiles widely* "I'm the Dreamer of the Dawn..."
commander: hn?
Joker: "I am the Smoker..."
commander: ?!
Joker: "I'M THE JOKER!"
commander: ?!?
*multiple Jokers appear around the Commander*
commander: WHAT IS THIS?!
Joker: "I learned...how to clone myself."
commander: ?!?!
Joker: *snort laugh* "Nah, I'm just kidding you." *waves his cigarette* "I smoke the good shit."
Joker: "This is a rare breed I cultivate. I had to figure out how to make sure it only affects certain people. I'm kind of surprised my comrades today aren't seeing melting eyeballs, humanoid roaches on walls, or talking animals..."
commander: what the hell?!
Joker: "What sucks is that it kind of screws up your perception of time. Helps me to escape in the blink of an eye--but it can be disarming if you aren't used to it."
commander: damn you!
*something drops with a PLOP noise*
commander: ?!?
*The Commander's forearm is already sliced off, lying on the floor*
Joker: *smiles* "What's wrong? You're always talking about teamwork. So pull your 'team' together..."
commander: ?!?!?!?
Joker: "Now, I know what you're thinking--'But 52 used up all of his cards'! So, I need to remind you: I AM NOT 52!" *holds up a Joker card* "I always had one more..."
commander: you-
Joker: *lets out a maniacal laugh, swinging the one card, decimating the Commander's body*
seven: !!!!!
izzy: so, whadda ya want us to do about the rugrat?
seven: my name is seven.
Joker: "...Nah, that's not a name...We need to change that."
seven: thats not you-
Joker: "Nana. That works. 'Nah-nah.' Easy to say, rhymes with itself. Nana. Come, Nana..."
seven: shut up! im seven! se-ven! child of the sun! i'll cut you all to ribbons! i'll make you all pay for this!
Benimaru: *reaches out a hand, patting her head*
seven: ?!?!?!?
Benimaru: "Children should listen to their elders...But since your elders were screwed up in the head, listen to us, now, or I'll show you something to fear."
seven: *growls*
Joker: -_-; ("As if Shadows didn't have enough abusive guardians...") "You kind of suck at this parenting thing, Strongman."
Benimaru: *glare*
izzy: well, we cant take her. we got enough brats to deal with in the hell blaze. like mantis.
Joker: "..." *smiles* "What about it, Nana? Want to come home with a fellow former Shadow~?"
seven: dont touch me, traitor! the minute your back is turned, i'll stab you in the throat!
Joker: ^^; "..." *picks Nana up, slings her over his shoulder*
seven: *pounding on his back* UNHAND ME! I'LL BURN YOU ALL ALIVE! DX<
???: "As much as I would like to see that, I can't allow it."
izzy: ?!
*Burns walks in*
nailfile: aw hell.
Burns: "...Commander Shinmon. 52. 7. Miss Godfrey. Random other person."
izzy: ?!?!?! *her tone is murderous* how the hell do you know that name?
Burns: "Haijima Industries has long associated with the Church."
izzy: *hateful glare*
seven: how do you know about us? who even are you?
Joker: "Commander Burns of the 1st Brigade--your handler in the Church, Nana."
seven: my name isnt nana!
nailfile: wait, you mean commander goodie-two-shoes burns is in on this whole thing?!
Burns: *crosses his arms* "So, you're associating with common thugs, 52? I trained you better than this."
Benimaru: "... ... ..." *lightbulb* "So, you're the one who gave this clown a bowl hair-cut?"
izzy: we dont have time for...whatever _this_ is. we're here for-.......wait, why are we here? i forgot in all the excitement.
Joker: *composes himself* "...To get to the Secret Holy Scriptures, I have to fight the old man now?" *sighs* *looks at his one card* "Still, this should be enough for you, gramps."
Benimaru: "Great. I wanted a real challenge."
seven: ?!
Burns: *stares at Benimaru* "...I just realized...Now's not the time to fight."
Joker: "HUH?!"
Burns: "If you're here for information about the Church, I can help."
izzy: oh? and here i thought the 1st was so loyal to the church, like dogs.
Joker: -_-; "Could everyone stop with the 'dog' insults--I'm feeling self-conscious."
Benimaru: "I think we have another question to ask: you two know each other, don't you? What's going on? We've already had an extended fight sequence--time to know what your goals are and whether I can trust you."
Joker: "...Burns was the intermediary between the Church's light and dark sides. He was one of the people who trained me..."
nailfile: wait, seriously?
Joker: "Yes...Until he formed that Adora Link."
izzy: so wait, are you guys....adora bursts?
Burns: *sighs* "No. Forming an Adora Link is connecting _to_ Adora."
Joker: "And those with the Burst get a power-up from the Link. We just lose our fucking eyes."
izzy:........ .___.
Burns: "The Burst is what a handful of people possess to withstand linking to Adora, to that other world. We were not so 'blessed.'"
Benimaru: "When did you see it? When Arg or Kusakabe did?"
Joker: "No. When Amaterasu released a bunch of Infernals."
nailfile: WHAT?!
Benimaru: "I never heard of this."
Joker: "Of course not: people have to believe Amaterasu is absolutely safe...So, that's when the Shadows are called in to do the dirty work to cover it up. And Burns led that mission."
{Burns: "Where are the others?"}
{52: "Knocked down."}
{Burns: "One more target...Straight ahead?"}
{52: as far as i know, yes. just leave it to me.}
{*footsteps are heard...like crackling fire*}
{Burns: "Here it comes..."}
{infernal: GRRRK-KRAAAAAA!!}
{Burns: "AH!" *falls to his knees, covering his ears*}
{52: what the hell is this?!}
{Burns: *looks up* "!!!"}
{It's a hellscape...Are those eyeballs in the sky?}
{52: is this...hell?.....grk- GAAH! m-my eye!!}
{*A figure hovers in the sky, cloaked in white, looking down on them*}
{*The ground is burning under them*}
{52: ?!?!?!}
{???: "Mathematics. Truth. Insect. Hell. God..."}
{52: what?}
{*something is burning under 52's hand*}
{52: *looks*}
{*the entire ground is on fire!*}
{52: ?!?!?!?! *screaming*}
{Burns: *struggles to stand...before he rushes at the Infernal*}
{52: where is this?!}
{???: "Hell..."}
{Burns: *screams, as he charges his arm, putting it through the Infernal*}
{Burns: "52! Wake up!" *clutching his burning eye*}
{52: !??!!? w-what....what was....}
{Burns: "The Infernal...must have had the ability to cause illusions..."}
{52: no...hell...hell exists...}
Burns: "That stone you brought still burns, even in vacuum."
Joker: "Which proves your Church is hiding the existence of Hell--or Adora, or whatever you're calling it. That's what I want to prove--what Hell you're hiding here."
Burns: "..." *reaches into his jacket*
Benimaru: *fighting stance*
Burns: *pulls out a notebook* "Here is your clue."
izzy: and what's that?
Burns: "A notebook, belonging to the wife of the founder of the Church of the Holy Sun, Raffles I."
nailfile: ?!?!
Benimaru: "His wife?"
Joker: "That thing must be ancient...You took it from an archive or something?"
izzy: is it even real?
Burns: "It is. I verified the records, the paper, even the handwriting."
nailfiles: then what about the holy scriptures we came here for?
Burns: "They don't exist. Ever since the Adora Link, what I saw has not matched what I knew to be true about this world. I've used my position in the First and my association with the Church to get access to archives--research from around the world." *taps the notebook* "This was hidden away. I can't say where without revealing sources and the original location, but I assure you, this is real. This investigation led me to this book." *hands the book to Joker* "Her journal begins with the Great Diaster, the founding of the Church--and is a rare firsthand account about who Raffles I really was."
Joker: *opens* "...Her handwriting is atrocious."
Burns: "Raffles lead a team to see where the Great Disaster first happened...He was the only one to survive the trip."
nailfile: *reading* 'still, i was relieved that he had returned safely, but something seemed different about him, like he had become a different person. even though he looks the same, his habits and behavior is that of someone else. is he truly the same man i've been married to for three years?'
Joker: "I mean, when you go through something traumatizing..." *stares at his cigarette* "...it's expected you go through some changes..."
Benimaru: "...Wait...This happened in Asakusa, too."
izzy: really now?
Benimaru: "Someone who was able to change their appearance--to impersonate people from the Eighth, people from my home..."
Joker: "Yeah, but that only happened, what, months ago? We're talking 250 years ago!"
Burns: "Yet you've seen how durable Infernals are. Who's to say there isn't one that's immortal? Someone else from that higher plane, someone as long-lived as that Preacher..."
Joker: "..."
nailfile: so then...
Burns: *nods* "The Church may have been founded by Infernals, by the Preacher."
nailfile: so how do we confirm this is real?
Burns: "Aside from what I've told you--that the evidence all points to this fitting into the other facts we can confirm, such as the coincidence of Raffles being the only survivor, that he changed so much, that there are Infernals who can impersonate others...Beyond all of that, I've been thinking about how to verify this with outside-sources for a long time..."
izzy: so what now?
Joker: "Who else in the Church knows about this?"
Burns: "No one."
*A bald bearded man walks through the halls in a cloak*
guruna:...hey haumea, who's that old dude?
Haumea: "You don't know~?" *smirks*
guruna: noooope~@ OwO
Man: *makes a sign* "Bless you, child."
Man: *moaning out a religious hymn* "Bless the Sun, whose light shines upon us all, conferring its blessing onto us on our mission to convert the masses, to bring them to the light."
sasori: ......
Inka: "Wait a minute...That energy around him... ..." *grabs the beard, tugging hard* "How the hell are you doing that, Jonah?!"
Jonah: *the beard is pulled so hard it is stretching his face into a grotesque form* "OW OW OW OW!!!" T~T
sasori: WAIT WHAT?!
guruna: oh! they do that.
Jonah: T~T "You and your bodyguard have gotten so mean since you got those new outfits..." *sniff* "How dare you treat the founder of the Church of the Holy Sun like that! I, Raffles I, will not stand for such treatment! Guruna, prepare the boiling Holy Water!"
guruna: *salutes* aye aye!
arrow: -_-
sasori: suuure, and im the goddamn queen of sheba.
Inka: "I think Jonah's serious, Queen--I mean, think about it: disguises like this, never dies no matter how much you beat them--" *punching Jonah repeatedly in the head*
Jonah: "OW OW OW OW!"
dahlia: it is the truth.
sasori: GAH! jeez....so creepy.
Jonah: -3- *changes their face--into Inka's, then changes their voice to hers* "You're so mean, Sasori!"
sasori: .... -_-;
Inka: "...Is it wrong to say I look damn good?"
sasori: *facepalm*
Burns: "Raffles III must have been kept in the dark..."
Benimaru: *raises an eyebrow* "How do you know Raffles III is actually the grandson of the first one? What if he's some imposter, too?"
Joker: "Or, what if his DNA has Infernal DNA in it? Trippy..."
nailfile: gross.
Joker: "And we leave here without knowing the Preacher's plans..." *looks at the mess they left behind*
seven: ..........
Benimaru: "At least we didn't kill your Shadows. I mean, except that one." *gestures to the body pieces of the Commander*
nailfile: brutal.
Burns: "Since they're from the Shadows, no one will miss them."
izzy: so do we tell everyone in the church that everything they know is a lie?
Joker: "That's my plan!"
Burns: -_-# "And ignite chaos that undermines a large segment of the world?"
Joker: "That's my plan!"
Burns: -_-# "And ignite chaos that undermines a large segment of the world?"
Joker: *crazy grin* “And yet you gave me this.” *holds up the notebook* what do you suggest?"
Burns: "More evidence. You take this to the public, they won't believe you, and the Church will not believe the word of some clownish terrorist--"
Joker: "Hey!"
Burns: "--and a commander who attacked the Church. In public."
Benimaru: -_-;
izzy: we could always blame that shapeshifter impersonating him, if that helps.
Joker: "Works for me!" ^^
Benimaru: -_-; "Maybe we should look outside of the Church...Someone else with something to gain from all of this."
Joker: "Makes sense."
Benimaru: "...They're the ones who give medicine to my home..."
Joker: "Well, you should've thought about that first."
Burns: "Get out of here--I'll clean up."
Joker: "What'll it be, Strongman? Not too late to back out."
Benimaru: "...The Great Disaster almost destroyed this world. If anyone is going to rip things apart, it’s me--to rebuild a better world for my child. Lead the way."
Joker: "..." *smiles* "Very well. Come along, Nana."
seven: i told you, my name is seven! and who said i was going with _you_?!
Joker: *stares at her, no longer smilng* "I said."
seven: i'll kill you first!
Joker: *shows off a playing card* "Come at me, then."
seven: *bites her finger, causing it to bleed...the blood then catches fire?!*
Benimaru: "..."
Burns: *watching*
Joker: "...Oh, I get it--hot-blooded. Ha."
seven: *lunges*
Joker: *swings his card at her, dodging the hot-blood as best he can* "You're quick."
seven: *spin kick*
Joker: *catches her kick, feeling the impact* "Grk!"
seven: *GLARES*
Joker: "Very well, then..." *lifts her up by her foot--*
seven: *flailing* LET ME GO! DX<
Joker: *holding her by her foot* "...Burns, I'm taking the child."
Burns: "...I'm debating which is the worst option..."
seven: *GROWLING*
Joker: "Hey, come on, Burns! You know you can trust me." *smiles*
Burns: "..." *shrugs* "Go ahead. Maybe if I'm lucky she'll keep you in line. Or kill you. Has to be better than leaving her here in the Nether to go as crazy as you did."
seven: D8<
Joker: >w# "Yay!" *carries her by her foot, upside down* "Onto Haijima, Strongman!"
Benimaru: "...This lowers the bar on parenting..." *follows*
seven: *flailing and screeching*
izzy: yeah....haijima........
man: hmmm, any reports on the dolls?
Scientist 2: "Yeah--my samples suck."
blonde man: quite unfortunate.
scientist 3: go stuff it, godfrey.
godfrey: .....and how about you?
Scientist 2: "You got an S-class--I'm so jealous. Swap with me!"
godfrey: indeed. and how about _you_. that boy...
Scientist 4: "Rekka's boy? He's coming along just perfectly."
scarlet: ......
Joker: *whistling as he climbs in through the window*
scarlet:....what. did you do.
Joker: "Say 'hi' to Mommy, Nana!"
scarlet: *grabs joker by the neck* WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?
Joker: Ow# "...It was either this, or she'd stay underground as a child soldier."
seven: .........
Joker: ^w#; "Can I keep her?"
seven:.........*punches joker in the nuts*
scarlet:...huh. i think she might grow on me.
seven: let me go back.
Joker: QW# "..." *collapses* *higher pitch* "I-I promised not to send you back to that...I lived there, and look how I turned out..."
Joker: "Red, back me up on this--tell Nana how good we have it here!"
scarlet: -_-; well, it's better than nothing i guess.
Joker: "The standard by which I live my life!"
scarlet:...*sniffs* ugh, you both smell terrible.
Joker: "You can give Nana her bath."
seven: ?!?!
scarlet: come on-
seven: noooo!
scarlet: ...*picks her up*
seven: *screeching and flailing*
Joker: "I'll just nap here..." *stays collapsed on the floor*
ivy: ahhhh-CHOO!
Joker: "??? Sick?"
ivy: were you smoking those fucking drugs again??!
Joker: ^w# "Daddy had to calm someone down--I promise, I'll quit tomorrow~"
ivy: you know those trigger my allergi-*ACHOO*............wait, 'daddy'. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
Joker: "I'm just getting into the parental mindset. Nana will need her own bed. Want to share a bunkbed with her?"
scarlet: *getting the water running* come on...
seven: *SCREAMING* NO! NOOO!!! DX<
ivy:....who the FUCK is nana!?
Joker: "That loud hot-blooded screaming child is Nana. Isn't she delightful?"
Joker: ^w^;
Benimaru: *hiding in the shadows on his way to his home*
kirei: *asleep*
Benimaru: "..." *carefully enters*
kirei: zzzz
Benimaru: "..." *just looks at her* "..."
-she seems peaceful-
Benimaru: "..." *lies next to her*
kirei: mnn....
Benimaru: *hugs her*
kirei: *yawn*
Benimaru: "..."
kirei: *opening her eyes* good morning...
Benimaru: *smiles* "Good morning..." *kiss*
kirei: ^////^
Benimaru: "How are you?"
kirei: doing well. you?
Benimaru: "...Some difficulty sleeping."
kirei: mm...
Benimaru: *yawns* "Let me make us some breakfast..."
kirei: *nods*
Benimaru: *gets up, goes to the kitchen, filling the kettle with water
*knock knock*
Benimaru: "???" *slides open the door--* "..."
Konro: *eyes wide open, staring* "..."
benimaru: ah, konro. what bri-
Konro: "WHERE. WERE. YOU?"
benimaru: ... i wasnt drinking or anything like that.
Konro: "..." *pushes the door open, revealing...priests from the Church*
Priest 1: *bandaged* "That's the guy who punched me!"
Priest 2: *face wrapped like a mummy* "He slammed me into the side of the Church!"
Priest 3: *looking a little scuffed up* "I lost the nail on my pinky toe!"
benimaru: .....
Konro: "...Well?! Say something! Say you didn't do it!"
benimaru: i didnt have anything to do with this.
Priest 2: "YOU HERETIC LIAR! Then where were you?!"
???: "We can tell you where he was."
benimaru: ??
*It's Tsukiyo and Fang-Hua*
fang-hua: ...
Benimaru: ._.;
Tsukiyo: "Yes, we can tell you where he was! Beni-Hottie was in my bed--"
Tsukiyo: T3T
fang-hua: ^^; he was helping mr owada with making dinner.
Tsukiyo: "Yeah, sure, go ask him--he'll back it up..."
Konro: "He is an older gentleman, so perhaps check when he wakes up later this morning--"
Priest 3: *screams, pulling his hair* "How are we to believe this nonsense?! They could all be lying! He can't have been in two places at the same time--"
???: *ahem* "What did I tell you three about coming here?"
fang-hua: c-commander burns!
Priest 2: "?! S-Sir! Why are you here?"
Burns: *holds up a file* "Finally looked over fingerprints left on your clothes. They don't match Commander Shinmon. It's as I told you when I found you all unconscious: when I caught up to the suspect, I discovered he was actual one of those imitators who came through Asakusa a while ago. Obviously they got enough of a view up-close to the Commander to perfectly imitate him."
benimaru: ....
dia: indeed.
Priest 1: "Oh, you have to be kidding--"
Burns: "You doubt me?" *intense stare*
Priests 1, 2, and 3: O_O; "..." *shake heads 'no'*
dia: that's what we thought.
Burns: "Dia, bring them home. I have to check with the Commander on coordinated training exercises."
dia: yes sir. come along you three.
Priests: T_T "Yes, captain..." *follow Dia*
Burns: "..." *stares at Konro, Benimaru, Tsukiyo, and Fang-Hua*
fang-hua: um....
Tsukiyo: ._.;
Tsukiyo: ._.;
Burns: "..." *nods* "You're welcome. Be less sloppy next time."
fang-hua: ??
Konro: "...Do you have time for tea?"
Burns: "No, I have to return to the church." *nods to them* "Keep your commander in check." *turns*
Benimaru: "..." *looks at the others* "...Well, that was completely unexpected and I have no idea what he was talking about--"
Konro: *staring wide-eyed* "Are you kidding me?"
Benimaru: "..." *looks at the others* "...Well, that was completely unexpected and I have no idea what he was talking about--"
Konro: *staring wide-eyed* "Are you kidding me?"
Tsukiyo: "We were worried sick!"
fang-hua: oh jeez, what would kirei think?
Benimaru: "...None of you have any idea..."
Konro: "...Young Master..."
Benimaru: "?"
fang-hua: !!!!!!!!
*Konro's fist collides with Benimaru's face*
Tsukiyo: "?!"
Benimaru: *has not moved...absorbing the blow* "..."
Konro: *shaking* "...When are you going to grow up..."
Benimaru: "...If you heard what I found--"
Konro: "You kept us all in the dark! You told us nothing! You left with some maniac and his thugs! Is this how little you trust--"
kirei: beni? what's going on?
Benimaru: "..." *enters the house* "...Get inside. All of you. You too, Kabuki."
kabuki: *pokes head out* nyoron .w.;
Tsukiyo: "Oh, hey, Kabuki!" *waves*
Konro: "..." *sighs, follows inside*
Yukio: *eating breakfast, thumbing through his tablet*
stocking: jeez, the blizzard's really getting bad....so weird....
Yukio: "Hmm..." *a file with Shura's photo is on the tablet*
manager: how was your sleep?
stocking: GAH! oh jeez...
Yukio: "..." *looks up* "It was fine. Thank you. And the food is excellent--thanks."
manager: you're welcome.
gilda: *nudging rin awake*
Rin: *groans* "No, Madoka--you need to add cinnamon to the muffins..." *turns over*
stocking: *sweatdrop*
Yukio: "...Rin."
Rin: *yawns, sits up* =_= "...Oh, hey. What's up, gang?"
stocking: morning.
Rin: *stretches* *sniffs* "Smells good..." *nom* "What're we doing today?"
Yukio: *to the manager* "Pardon. I wanted to ask again about that woman who came by?"
manager: ah, yes.
Yukio: "Could you tell me more where she was heading?"
Chuuya: "I'll be back at 1--just checking the house with the real estate agent."
sonia: ok.
Chuuya: *pats her head* "You're going to keep an eye on your sister?"
sonia: *she nods*
miyuri: *doodling butterflies, which come to life and flutter around* ^^
Chuuya: "...Keep her from drawing big or violent animals*
Mito: *paws at one*
sonia: noted.
Chuuya: *looks around* "Thanks for babysitting*
higuchi: any time.
Gin: *nudges Q* "Go play."
Q: ok! ^^
Chuuya: ^^; "How's your move going?"
higuchi: pretty busy.
Gin: "Having to buy some new furniture and sheets."
Kanin: *hands Amelia her lunchbag* "Here you go!"
amelia: thank you.
Kanin: ^^ "How's your mentor-mentee training going?"
amelia: ok, i think.
Kanin: "Is your weapon working out well?"
amelia: *nods*
Kanin: "That's good--they always seem kind of quiet--" *TRIPS*
amelia: ah!
*He tripped over...a sleeping Kazue*
Kanin: @_@ "Wh-When did they get there..."
Spirit: "..."
izumi:...um....hey sis...h-happy birthday....
Spirit: *sets down a wrapped box*
izumi:....i really wish i could have met you.
Spirit: *closes his eyes, kneeling...wipes his eyes*
izumi: ??
Damon: *hiding behind Soul's legs*
becky: ....
Spirit: "...Hello, Soul."
Soul: "..." *nods*
izumi:....*small wave*
Soul: *small wave back...he's holding flowers*
becky:....hi mom.
Damon: "..." *sniffles*
Soul: *gulps, sets down the flowers, hugs Damon*
Spirit: "..." *leans down, pats Soul's back*
Saria: "Morning, Dad."
saria's dad: morning, bugbear. *forehead kiss* dad's makin waffles~
saria's father: ^^
Saria: "Yay! Smells great!"
fuyumi: *doing laundry*
???: "Need any help?"
fuyumi: sure sho-...!!! natsuo!
Natsuo: *waves* "What's up?"
fuyumi: *hugs* it's so good to see you! how's uni?
Natsuo: "Alright..." ^^; "...I kinda brought laundry to do, too."
fuyumi: ^^ glad to hear. im sure shouto will be surprised when he gets home today.
Natsuo: "Oh, he's around? Where is he?"
fuyumi: he's at school right now. but he'll be home this afternoon.
Natsuo: "Ah..." *rubs his arm* "...How's he doing?"
fuyumi: ...he's doing better, i think.
Natsuo: "..." *nods* "...Um, I'll bring my laundry in when you're done. Want me to make something? Tea?"
fuyumi: sure thing.
Bakugo: -_- "Too hot out..."
Todoroki: "Feels cool enough."
Bakugo: >_<#
tsuyu: *casually swimming in the canal*
jirou: *stiffling* the sun is mocking us.
Tokoyami: =~= "There is no joy here."
Dark Shadow: *whimpering*
momo: maybe try to wear something other than black?
jirou: no, we live by aesthetic, even if we have to suffer for it.
Tokoyami: *fist bump*
kaminari: *sniff* so brave.
mina: TT_TT you two are martyrs of our time.
jirou: thanks babe.
Eijiro: "See, this is why I go shirtless for my super-suit...except in winter, because that would be impractical and lead to frostbite."
momo:...*writing down notes*
Iida: "Hmm...Perhaps sports drinks...Hm? Momo?"
momo: !!! i was just, um...writing poetry! OwO;;;
Iida: "...Oh!" *taps his fist into his open palm* "Creative writing can help change one's focus from the heat around them! Excellent idea! Let's try haikus--"
Bakugo: "Oh, that's just stupid! Why not write short stories, too?! So fucking dumb..."
Eijiro: "..." *counting*
Todoroki: "You're one syllable short on the third line--"
Bakugo: *GLARE*
momo: yeah...ahaha... .///.; (STUPID ME! HOW DID I NOT ACCOUNT FOR COLD WEATHER?! but how do i keep warm and still have access to my quirk? GRAAAH HOW FRUSTRATIIIING! >~< !! midnight! maybe she has a winter uniform! i could ask her!)
Iida: "We're not going to handle this heat well at this rate in our training...Perhaps we need to seek an alternate location to assist us."
ochako: how about the water park?
Eijiro: "Kinda pricy--and probably packed with people."
Todoroki: "We could pick a non-busy day."
mezou: we could check out the aquarium.
Iida: "It's air-conditioned, and seeing aquatic life may be cooling..."
ochako: yeah! maybe we'll see gang orca!
jirou: but the ushimitsudoki aquarium is in a different town...
Todoroki: "...Well, that's disappointing."
ochako: we could still go to death city's aquarium.
tsuyu: *nods*
Iida: "Then let's schedule it! Bakugo, when are you avail--"
Bakugo: "Go to Hell."
Iida: "...Momo, when are you available?"
momo: r-ru-ri-right now? OwO;;
Eijiro: "I'm up for it!"
Todoroki: "Sounds good."
ochako: heck yeah! i'll dial up the others to see if they're game.
Tokoyami: =_= "Yay..."
mineta: *duct taped to a pole* hey, you guys are gonna come back for me right?....RIGHT?! GUYS?!
Iida: "..." *walking away faster*
mineta: D8> GUYS COME OOON!
Twice: *sitting in a smoking jacket, sipping tea...that falls down his face because he won't lift his mask*
fang: *nomming on blocks*
himiko: *giggle* ^^
Dabi: *scanning the painting with UV light* "Hmm..." *draws a path on a separate sheet of paper*
Twice: "That kiddo sure seems pleased. IT'S MAKING ME JEALOUS HOW HAPPY THAT BABY IS."
fang: dada. ^o^
Dabi: "..." *keeps staring at his paper*
kurome: whatcha doin?
Dabi: "Finding what's hidden in this painting for the next search...The painter was someone with a talented Quirk for cryptography."
kurome: creep-to-graffy? what does that mean?
Twice: " 'Cryptography.' Noun. From the Greek for 'hidden writing.' ...I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!"
Dabi: -_-# "It means hiding messages..."
kurome: oooooh. why's it hidden?
Dabi: "That's what the boss wants to find out...Kirby had access to a lot of hidden info, plus served as a secret keeper for the weaknesses of multiple Heroes."
kurome: ooooooh.
Mustard: "And yet it's taking you so long to find the answer. What's wrong--not smart enough?"
Dabi: -_-#
banshee: hmm...perhaps it's a riddle?
Dabi: "We'll know as soon as the de-coding finishes..." *types something into the computer* "Any of you good at riddles?"
banshee: i suppose. just thinking outside the box i guess.
*The computer 'BINGS'*
Twice: "*GASP* The machine that goes 'bing'!" *looks at the screen* "...I don't get it."
banshee: *sweatdrop*
*The computer now shows nine dots, arranged 3 by 3*
Message: "Connect all dots with no more than 4 straight lines to reveal the next message."
Mustard: "..."
Twice: "..."
Dabi: "..." *rips up his sheet of paper*
*The painting under UV light shows 9 larger dots glowing on it...*
Twice: *growls* "I don't know who this Kirby fool is, but I want to break every bone in their body!"
Dabi: "They're already dead."
Mustard: "THEY'RE DEAD."
Twice: "I'LL SNAP YOU IN HALF, STRING-BEAN!" *strangles Mustard*
banshee: hmm. *connecting the lines to form an arrow, with two points ending outside of the dots*
Twice: "Hey, wait! That painting is priceless! WE WON'T BE ABLE TO RETURN IT WITHOUT A RECEIPT!"
Mustard: X_X
*It looks like something is showing up when the painting is folded...*
himiko: oooooh!
Twice: "Numbers?"
Mustard: X_X "Coordinates..."
himiko: sweet!......to where?
Dabi: *types* "Looks to be...New York."
himiko: ooooh!
Twice: "Great! Let's take in some off-Broadway! WILLIAMSBURG HAS GOTTEN TOO BOUGIE!"
tomura: and new york is home to one of the biggest hero schools on the east coast; Silverwings Academy.
Dabi: "Hmm...Something you have in mind?"
tomura: this is where the coordinates lead.
Dabi: "Ah..." *checks the map* "On Yancy Street."
Chuuya: "It's lovely..."
carly: ^^ the main floor has the den, the kitchen, dining room, sunroom, back room and the first bathroom. upstairs is the two bedrooms, two spare rooms, and the second bathroom. there's also an attic and a basement.
Chuuya: "Could I see the backyard?"
carly: it's right this way.
Chuuya: *follows, looking at the walls* "Lots of room..."
Wes: *cooking*
liz: smells delicious.
Wes: "Thanks...I hope the kids like it." *sighs*
shura: jeez, what's with all the damn snow up here anyway...
*it sounds like something is shifting through the snow alongside her*
shura: *glances*...tch- some homecoming _this_ is, hachirou.
*a snake pokes out through the snow*
Snake: *hisses* "You've taken too long to return..."
shura: yeah yeah, i know. and what's with all the snow in the middle of may?
Snake: "I'm afraid my associate..."
shura: ??
*wind blows in Shura's face, more snow landing on her*
shura: ?!?!
*a figure emerges from the snow-covered trees*
shura: *draws sword*
*it's a woman, cloaked in white...another snake slithers onto her shoulder*
shura: so a yuki onna, huh? i thought they'd all be in hibernation by now...
Yuki Onna: *grumbles* "Can't sleep..."
shura: well this sure is strange.
Snake: "I was so impatient waiting for you that some company was appreciated..."
shura: =3= well _that's_ rude.
Yuki Onna: *grumbles* "Damn them...Lucifer..."
shura: ??!!
Snake: "The Illuminati have been encroaching on my land...If you were here, this would not be happening...Those interlopers are upsetting everything."
shura: -_-# oh sure, put all the blame on me.
Snake: "You were off gallivanting with the humans...and their weaponry. What have you learned?"
shura:....bazookas are heavier than they look. 737 also the recoil on those things is crazy.
Snake: "Hmmm...Helpful information. How many weapons are you now proficient with?"
Rin: *sneezes* =_=
stocking: find out anything helpful?
Yukio: "This is where Father located Shura before..." *tapping a temple on the map*
stocking: that's great!
Rin: *sniff* "So, we're heading there?" *grabbing a blanket*
stocking: yep. better get bundled up.
Rin: *grabs a sweater and a jacket and a scarf--*
Yukio: *checks his bullets*
Joker: "How you like the dress, Nana?"
nana: -_-####
Viktor: ._.; "...Is there anything else I need to pick up for you all?"
Benimaru: "..." *kneels down* "I ask for your forgiveness."
Tsukiyo: ._.;
Konro: "..."
fang-hua: ....this is....a lot to take in....
kirei: benimaru.....
Benimaru: "I did what I thought was best, to remove the rest of you from this, in case of culpability..."
Benimaru: "..." *holds onto her*
kirei: if you ever go on one of these excursions again, please at least tell me first.
Benimaru: "I will."
Tsukiyo: Q_Q
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love-takes-work · 7 years
Steven Universe Comic Big Donut Special (2016) - Outline & Review
A review and outline of the special issue comic dedicated to events at the Big Donut.
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I didn't find out this existed until the day before it came out! How exciting to just suddenly get a dollop of cute comic content like this. I mean, let's be honest: stories about Steven and the Gems horsing around doing non-plot-relevant things and being cute is not exactly what Steven Universe fans tune in for, by and large, but the writers of this comic had the characters down, and every fluffy little story is such a little treat. If you're expecting plot or lore, you're not going to get it in these one-shot comics, and you should understand that only the TV show is going to go there since these are not generally created by the show's writers and storyboarders. So keep that in mind when you read comics in this universe. They're going to be fluff or mild self-contained plots, and you want to tune in to read them because you get to spend a little bit of time with the characters doing their thing.
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Every story in this collection is about donuts! Yes, literally every one! So of course Steven spends a lot of time at the Big Donut and the characters Sadie and Lars make a number of appearances. Here are some notes on the stories: Clash of Gluttons:
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To celebrate a blowout donut sale at the Big Donut, Steven declares that he is going to break his eating record, which draws Amethyst's attention because she's convinced she can eat way more donuts than he can. A contest is established, and the two eat themselves sick.
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Steven is sure he has no more room in his stomach, but there's always room for the Father-and-Son Special when Greg arrives! Notable for fans: 1. It really doesn't make any sense in-universe for Steven to think he could beat Amethyst at eating, so the suggestion that they tied at the end is stretching credibility a bit, even in a silly plot. ;) Steven can eat, but Amethyst . . . I mean, she eats things that aren't edible, regularly, and literally does not have an organic body to worry about. 2. Steven and Amethyst have some supporters behind them as they prepare for the donut eating. Predictably, Connie and Lion are supporting Steven, but Pearl is right behind him sweating like she's distressed, while Garnet is giving Amethyst a massage and for some reason Onion is there behind her. That is peculiar.
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3. Steven eats weirdly angrily while Amethyst does so with clear delight on her face. It's funny.
4. Steven...doesn't have a Gemstone in this comic?? What. There are multiple pictures of him after he ate too much with his exaggerated stomach poking out and Sara drew a regular cartoon outie bellybutton on it every time.
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Big Donut Contest:
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Another contest requires entrants to design donuts! Steven, inspired by the "don't donut" from last year, encourages the Gems to collaborate with him as an entering team to create the Crystal Gem combo. Surely Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst can create something very special to contribute to the contest, right?
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Well . . . hard to do when Pearl is clueless about food, Amethyst doesn't understand what food is palatable for humans since it's all yummy to her, and Garnet doesn't see the point in participating since she already knows how it all ends. But Steven anticipated their donuts not necessarily being appropriate, so he made his own Crystal Gem combo of representative donuts of the four of them. Everyone loves it.
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Notable for fans: 1. Lars's slacking is called out by Steven in this episode and it's adorable.
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2. Garnet and Pearl are playing video games together in Steven's room in one scene! I've never seen Pearl play video games voluntarily before. 3. An exchange between Steven and Pearl was perfectly Pearl. Steven: "Big news! DONUTS!" Pearl: "Steven, that's not news, we already know about donuts." 4. The suggestions Steven makes for the donuts they'd make are as follows: "The Pearl donut's beautiful, refined flavors! The unbeatable flavor fusion of the Garnet donut! The bold, daring Amethyst donut!" That's so cute and they're clearly all flattered by these descriptions. Of course, Steven completes the quartet with "The sweet and bubbly Steven donut!" Yes, Steven, you're adorable.
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5. Steven's cooking apron has Sad Waffle from Crying Breakfast Friends on it. 6. Pearl's idea of a good donut is a hologram donut because in her eyes food you don't have to eat is ideal. Amethyst's donut is a gross pile of junk food. Wow.
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7. The final Crystal Gem Combo made by Steven is super cute. Amethyst's is a filled eclair with purple frosting and a squirt of whipped cream; Pearl's is an elegant frosted pale cruller with sprinkles; Steven's appears to be a jelly-filled with pink icing and a big star decoration, and Garnet's is a heart-shaped donut with markings like Garnet's outfit, complete with red and blue star sprinkles. Garnet's reaction to this donut is so precious.
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The Donut Thief:
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A mysterious thief keeps taking donuts from Sadie and Lars, so Steven accompanies them to the thief's roof hideout to uncover the identity of the thief and stop the thievery. After some antics and mishaps, they find a baby raccoon is responsible. Steven wants to keep it. Notable for fans: 1. Lars grudgingly acknowledges Steven's magical abilities in this story (while saying he doesn't want to be involved if Steven's powers are). It's pretty typical, and as usual, Sadie defends him. The character dynamic is well presented here. (Same goes for when Lars wanted others to be first to climb the ladder to the roof.) 2. What!! Steven does his puppy-dog eyes on Garnet to get her to let him keep the raccoon and SHE STILL SAYS NO! What is the world coming to?
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Health Inspection:
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Mr. Smiley has decided to make extra cash by doing health inspections, and this throws Sadie into a panic because she's worried the Big Donut won't meet regulations. To make matters worse, the Crystal Gems are literally fighting a monster in and around the store during the inspection. But considering the monster has wrecked all the stores he's had to inspect that day, Mr. Smiley's not going to deduct points for that! Points off for untucked shirts though, Lars. Notable for fans: 1. This one is rare since it's not from Steven's perspective at all! And he's not even there fighting with the Gems when they confront and poof the monster! That's surprising. 2. Yikes, the Big Donut regularly sells expired food that Sadie has to hide for the inspection. Well, I guess that's not surprising, considering in "Lion 3: Straight to Video" Sadie was putting months-old bag lunches in the coolers. How to Donuts:
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Sadie comes over to the Temple and teaches the Gems to make donuts! Steven and Sadie enlist the help of Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl to mix dough, knead it, let it rise, roll it out, cut donut shapes, create glaze, fry the donuts, drain them, and add glaze and sprinkles. A real recipe for glaze and donut dough is included!
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Notable for fans: 1. Amethyst's role, predictably, is eating everything or whining when she has to wait to eat everything. Pearl and Garnet are helpful, though. Pearl makes the glaze while Garnet does the mixing and frying. Steven does the rolling and shape-cutting. I like this because you really should have an adult do the cooking-related stuff. 2. An ending scene of Amethyst stuffing multiple donuts in her mouth was expected, but I was pleasantly surprised and amused by Pearl adding sprinkles with tweezers and Garnet, for reasons unknown, holding frosted donuts up to two of her eyes and looking through them. What nerds they are.
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Food Fight:
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Sadie needs to do a business errand and Lars is furious that he is therefore stuck at work and unable to show off his coolest pants to his cool friends. He's so bitter and distracted that he doesn't want to sell donuts to Steven and Amethyst, and is forced into interaction with them when Amethyst just starts taking donuts and eating them.
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A food fight ensues when Amethyst antagonizes Lars, and Onion gets involved as a passerby. Soon Jenny is drawn in when she walks by delivering pizzas, and Ronaldo sees what's happening and charges in with a huge bag of fries to participate. Even the other Cool Kids, Mr. Smiley, and Greg get caught in the crossfire! But Lars is still concerned about whether his very cool pants will be appreciated, which is much more important to him than who will clean up the mess. Notable for fans: 1. Jenny, delivering pizzas? Did she get a work ethic for Christmas? 2. Greg reprimanding Amethyst and assuming she started the food fight was pretty funny. I like how often they demonstrate that the characters know each other really well. Also, Amethyst calls Lars "guy." It's pretty common for the Gems to avoid learning or using humans' names, so this is really on-target dialogue. 3. The drawings are really cute--Amethyst's attitude is so well encapsulated by the expressions they've chosen for her. I love her body language, and they did great with everyone's action--you can really feel the movement. 4. Onion's murder face is unforgettable and I'm glad they included it.
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Donut Derby:
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Steven and Connie enter a toy car race, but Steven's car "Mr. Sprinkles" breaks during the test run. They have to find something to use for wheels very quickly or Steven's out of the race. Notable for fans: 1. Ponytail Amethyst. That is all. (It's weird, though; in the earlier frames it looks like she tied her hair with her own hair, like she did in "Steven vs. Amethyst," but in some of the later ones, it's colored in like it's a black hair tie.)
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2. Connie is cute (and, again, on-point with the characterization)--she's very scientific about the aerodynamics of her car.        
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[SU Book and Comic Reviews]
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danielzetterholm · 4 years
Survival Tips - The Best Emergency Food Kit
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Who Needs The Best Emergency Food Kit?
Who knows exactly what the future holds? If we knew, day today, what challenges could appear, we'd not be caught unawares. Regrettably, life just does not work like that. People that want to look forwards and create preparations to get the"just in case" scenarios are painted as fringe lunatics along with doomsday preppers. But building the ideal emergency food apparel for your loved ones members ought to really be something every responsible adult takes intently. Only a couple of those"normal" situations which may arise, even if needing emergency rations for the family members would seem sensible, comprise: lack of work, temporary lay away, elongated storm damage or power outage that disturbs your family . Or maybe you'd like to be described as considered a posture to help another family in demand, if the chance arise. Afterward you can find Armageddon type scenarios that irritate the mind of a few, with no greater way to set those fears to break than just to look ahead and prepare yourself for the worst. No matter your reasons for excited and putting up emergency rations contrary to a challenging time beforehand, we're here to assist you build the absolute ideal emergency food kit for your own family members.
Identifying Your Needs
First, lay your groundwork strategy. If you are only starting in emergency prep, you could well not need more than just a day or 2 values of food on your cupboard. If that is the situation, establishing a half day supply of food can be really just actually a fantastic place to get started. In the event that you previously possess 1 month of emergency rations set by, another step could be establishing a six month or two a year emergency food apparel. The main issue is to begin out somewhere, and also build up your supplies and soon you've constructed the ideal emergency food apparel you're able.
That Are You Feeding?
Do you've got kids at your home? Teens? Elderly or older adults? Babies will call for exclusive feeding accommodations such as formula or milk, whilst the older could possibly have some distinctive nutrient needs, too. Learn on newspaper that you are building a food source to and some unique things you want to get ready for these, or to your self. Then consider what it requires to nourish that person to get one moment.
Just how Many?
When you have written down exactly what is necessary to feed 1 man for a single day, you are going to want to multiply by the range of men and women, and also the range of days for that you are preparing.
What Do They Like To Eat?
There is absolutely no requirement to endure for a month on nothing but rice and legumes. That you never wish to stock upon three weeks worth of food your family will not touch base with a six-foot rod, simply as it was economical. It could keep you living in a pinch, however you desire to love it, even if at all possible. Thus spend the likes and think about as you intend. Do not neglect to consider food allergies, too. In a crisis situation, you'd not want to manage an allergic attack in cross contamination, thus far superior to prevent trouble foods altogether, whenever at all possible.
Types Of Emergency Rations
There are scores of methods to develop a fantastic emergency food apparel. Easy and simple, though undoubtedly not the cheapest, will be to spend money on commercially-prepared crisis rations, made available from various businesses. These kits include as individual portions, or perhaps even a month's worth of food for one individual. There are scores of alternatives to select from.
Yet another procedure, requiring just a small preparation and direction, will be to take that which you buy and use a weekly basis, and begin building a distribution that may endure. In the event that you generally utilize three cans of beans and 2 boxes of mac refrigerated cheese along with a jar of peanut butter per week, then start buying twin which, and place the excess aside for the emergency food apparel. Subsequently manage your own stock by rotating it to ensure your meal remains as fresh as you possibly can. Freshness are a substantial advantage within an longterm disaster, where you are counting upon your own emergency rations for weeks, or a long time.
When you have accumulated a couple of months supply of food, then arrange your headset and boxes with all an soonest expiration date at front and also the furthest from the trunk. Afterward, whenever you do your own food shopping, then put the fresh items at front and use out of front. This keeps your stock fresh and prepared to make use of if and when the requirement comes up.
Home canning is just another more affordable means to grow your emergency food apparel. Canning is getting to be a lost art, if you aren't knowledgeable about just how exactly to do it, then you are one of many. Canning food in glass jars necessitates just a tiny learning and attempt but can permit one to conserve yummy, homemade food for several ages. Make sure you understand that foods require pressure-cooking versus water-bathing procedures of preservation. Correctly canned goods retain most useful in cool, dark regions between 50 and 70 *F (10 - 2-1 *C) and therefore so are safe to consume years subsequent to canning.
For majority dry goods which are meant for long-term storage, wheat, legumes, rice, sugar and other dry goods might be sealed and kept at five gallon buckets with O2 absorbers to endure for thirty decades and longer. For the prepared minded, a couple pieces of corn and wheat will go a very long way toward serenity of mind.
A vacuum cleaner is a great investment for anyone serious in their emergency rations. Spicy foods in smaller amounts not just keeps them more but lets you use them only just a little at the same time, as opposed to needing to make utilize of a massive container upward fast as soon as you've opened it.
If you should be concerned about the expiry date on storebought baked products, please continue this story at heart. A steam boat called the Bertrand was hoping to hit Montana in 1865 as it sunk to the underside of this Missouri river. 100 decades after, canned goods out of this mess were regained. Back in 1974, 109 years following the collision, the food has been analyzed by chemists and found safe to consume. You ought to use decent sense when eating salty foods which have passed their expiry dates. If it appears strange, smells tastes or bad awful, do not eat it!
Signs That The Food In Your Emergency Food Kit Has Gone Bad
Evidence canned goods have become awful: the is bulging, and also so the lid has arrived unsealed. Assess for lubricant or mold bubbles from the liquid. In the event the foodstuff stands out from the jar or can whenever you start it, then there's pressure on the contents which was not there once the jar or can has been sealed. This really is an excellent sign of bacterial activity resulting in a chemical reaction. Click here Daniel Zetterholm
Comfort Foods
When you have created a fantastic base for emergency rations, then you may like to get started considering adding some relaxation foods into your store. In trying conditions, most of us turn into food to comfort, and tasty food may not be simple to find in case of a tragedy. A few matters to shop comprise:
Chocolate - roasted cocoa retains the very best, however chocolate bars more than 70 percent cocoa could keep for many months, and more if frozen. Sexy chocolate mixture includes a shelf life of several decades, and may readily be added into the turning of one's emergency food apparel. Macn' cheese - Best maintained dried by dividing the noodles and pasta, and vacuum sealing them together with O2 absorbers. If you should be focused on having the ability to cook macaroni and cheese, then it could be canned, however it's not going to have the exact identical feel as lately made. Under cooking the noodles before canning may make it be mushy. Honey - made out of natural compounds, honey could keep forever, provided that water gets close it. Store in very tidy, very dry glass jars. If it crystallizes, then you are able to return it into a liquid condition with just a tiny heat. Freeze dried fruit or dried fresh fruit may be terrific energy booster and also could keep well when kept correctly. Hard candies - store with desiccants and vacuum-sealing to supply a necessary pick up me under trying conditions. Coconut oil, notably virgin coconut oil can save for quite a long period and supply added fat for soothing recipes if butter isn't offered. Spices - should you can a location where you are needing to produce most your meal from everything you need readily available, you're going to be very thankful for several additional spices to... well... spice up things. Alcohol - Obviouslya reassuring thing, however, it also serves many purposes at a crisis scenario also it works nicely. Large alcohol content (more than 20 percent ) could continue to keep the maximum and more than 40 percent can function as a disinfectant if necessary. Tea - works nicely without lodging. To maintain it the most lightest, shop in tiny amounts by having an O2 absorber. Coffee - For people that need their cuppa to maintain up their chin, java will probably soon be an significant part the absolute most effective emergency food apparel. Roasted coffee keeps, vacuum-sealed in Mylar bags, for as many as two decades. In the event that you rotate it on your own emergency rations, then you'll have good java for a while. For prep beyond this, you could save green coffees in Mylar bags using O2 absorbersthen shake and grind them as needed. What To Choose? The way to choose what adopts the most ideal emergency food apparel? A fantastic guideline is just six weeks to a couple of food that you'll eat daily. That is readily handled through good buying and spinning. For prep beyond that time period, vacuum-sealed Mylar bags could maintain dry-goods for a long time. Many businesses and perhaps even faith-based family prep programs provide you dry-goods preserved in 10 cans which may maintain to 30 decades. Assembling an emergency food kit which may last a long period at a pinch is potential, together with preparation and forethought.
Water will likely be vital to surviving specific sorts of crisis scenarios. When planning emergency situations, 1 liter of water per man each evening is actually really just a good startingpoint. You are going to want a little extra for cooking and sanitation, too. Make certain that you have loads of water readily available, or an easy method to attain water and then sanitize it. Sanitation filtration and tablets would have been a significant component of this very ideal emergency food apparel.
Looking Ahead
For total planning, it is vital to think about of food prep throughout an urgent situation. In case the power was out for just three weeks, then how do you cook this mac'n' cheese that you took such services to put away? Even for those who own an electrical generator for crises, stoves and microwaves pull an excessive amount of power to utilize the generator for the cooking. A propane or butane camp stove with lots of fuel cells, or even perhaps a charcoal or propane grill are all fantastic alternatives to have onhand. And do not neglect to add a manual can opener on your emergency food apparel.
Where To Keep It?
Storage space might be hard, based upon your home situation. Preferably, you're going to want to set up a neatly organized chamber that is designed for storage. You'll tag your shelves, and then maintain matters well stocked and rotated. Unless you reside within this type of story book situation, you might need to find slightly bit more creative about the way you save your emergency food apparel. A whole good deal of food might also be stored, in cardboard boxes, under beds, and at the bottoms or tops of cabinets, and below the staircase. You might have to cut back unnecessary mess, to create room for unexpected emergency rations. The benefit will be well worth your time and time and effort.
Be Prepared, Not Scared
Accepting the actions required to generate the ideal emergency food apparel you can will cover off in reassurance. To be aware you have the capacity to take care for people who like, and also to be in a position to get in touch with people around you at the own time of need, will set you in a category reserved for merely a couple of. You'll sleep easy at night, knowing whatever else stays, your family is provided for.
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Failure To Launch: When Beauty Fades
Because I need to make a point, I'm just going to be immodestly candid: I was a remarkably adorable child, the kind with such rosily expressive cheeks that grown-ups couldn't resist pinching them. So when I became a teenager and then an adult, I was what you would call a hot number or something like that—at any rate, they put me half-dressed on the covers of my books to sell them, so draw what you will from that. Now that I'm in my forties, people say, I think kindly, She still looks good. This is to be followed by a phase of ... for her age, which is hot on the trail of handsome, and then—then who knows? I think it deteriorates from there, enough so that the vain among us start to look forward to death, or at least stop resisting its horrific pull.
So here's what I'm getting at: I was, at least at some baseline, a pretty girl, the kind that boys were supposed to like and sometimes did. And because I was cute all along—it's not like I blossomed into honeysuckle after adolescence—I was given to believe that love would be easy, men would be elementary, and I would have my way. I was meant to date the captain of the football team, I was going to be on a romantic excursion every Saturday night, I was destined to be collecting corsages from every boy in town before prom, accepting such floral offerings like competing sacrifices to a Delphic goddess. It was all supposed to be to the tune of some glorious Crystals song from the early '60s, when everything was still innocent, and my life would be a wall of sound from "Then He Kissed Me." Love would be simpler than tying a string bikini, the kind I wore a lot while waiting on the beach for my ship to come in.
Alas, love has been complicated.
The men have piled up in my past, have fallen trenchantly through my life, like an avalanche that doesn't mean to kill but is going to bury me alive just the same. There's really no point, this late in the day, in picking through all the boys in order—alphabetical, chronological, epistemological—but looking back, I have been in far too many scenes that could have happened in a John Cassavetes movie or an Edward Albee play, if only they rose to that literary level. I attract (and seek) bottle throwing, foot stomping, door slamming, pot clanging, hair pulling, and, above all, a lot of loud screaming and walking out in a huff—usually leaving me crying, wondering what just happened, or, more often, too astonished to cry.
Or else: There is the thrill of loving for a little while—a night, a week, a month, even a year—and then loving stops, just like that, in the coldest, blankest way, a screen going snowy at the end of a movie. There is no yelling, only silence—the kind in a Carole King song: the phone that doesn't ring, or the words you didn't say that you think of on the staircase spiraling down once the door is locked behind, or maybe even months later.
When I was still in my twenties, for several years I had this wonderful boyfriend; I'll call him Gregg—he's the one we're all waiting for: tall, blue-eyed, with this thick black hair, all smart and sensitive, an inveterate graduate student who used to rub my feet at the end of the day with a lovely pink peppermint lotion from the Body Shop. It was young and romantic. You'd have thought we were happy. I think really we were happy. He was good for me: People met him and liked me better because I was going out with him; his sweetness redounded to me like a sunny day on a dark sidewalk. I could have and probably should have spent the rest of my life with him, might have avoided scenes like the time some guy I was seeing later on chased me down Topanga Canyon with a hot frying pan, screaming at me something about learning to make my own goddamn omelets. In other words, had I just stuck with the good boyfriend, I could have prevented a good deal of extraneous craziness.
But something went wrong—terribly wrong. The calm I had during those years was like a dormant illness or an allergy that doesn't emerge until later in life, or something you don't see coming because it's coming from within: You are making yourself ill. I became seasick with contentment. It was nauseating daily, and I couldn't still myself against a funny feeling that there had to be more to life than waking up every day beside the same person. To say I was bored would be to misunderstand boredom: I did not need to take up table tennis or ballroom dancing—I needed a sense that this wasn't the end of the story. The idea of forever with any single person, even someone great whom I loved so much like Gregg, really did seem like what death actually is: a permanent stop. Love did not open up the world like a generous door, as it should to anyone getting married; instead it was the steel clamp of the iron maiden, shutting me behind its front metal hinge to asphyxiate slowly, and then suddenly. Every day would be the same, forever: The body, the conversation, it would never change—isn't that the rhythm of prison?
My imagination, my ability to understand the way love and people grow over time, how passion can surprise and renew, utterly failed me. I was temporarily credentialed with this delicate, yummy thing—youth, beauty, whatever—and my window of opportunity for making the most of it was so small, so brief. I wanted to smash through that glass pane and enjoy it, make it last, feel released.
And so, I cheated on him. With everyone I could. Bass players, editors, actors, waiters who wished they were actors, photographers. And everywhere I could, like that Sarah Silverman and Matt Damon video: on the floor, by the door, up against the minibar. I couldn't sit still or stand still or lie still. And I didn't want to lose Gregg either.
He knew, or must have known. But he was such a gentle guy that he gave me a chance to fix the damage. We were sitting at brunch one Sunday; Gregg was in his denim jacket and Sonic Youth T-shirt, his hair swept across his face, and he grabbed my hand over the table and looked at me so earnestly that if it had been a movie, the audience would have laughed. "I wish I could make whatever is bothering you feel better," he said.
"I know," was all I could say.
Months later, when Gregg found out for sure what I was doing, when he went through files on my Mac and found letters never sent to this lover or that one, he didn't want to make me feel better anymore. He threw a two-thirds-empty bottle of Stolichnaya at my head when I finally found him at a friend's house. He told me, I was your only chance at happiness—now it's over for you.
Years later, when I was dating a guy who drank much too much and did things like toss lamps around because he had a temper when he was loaded, and I was ducking to avoid some projectile and wondering how I'd found my way to this, I knew Gregg had been right: I could have been a contender; it was over.
And then, somehow, years go by.
Dating this person for three months, that one for a few weeks, sometimes longer. They come, they go, someone is always coming as someone else is going; it's not like there's no one, but it's all so lonely. I have no trouble meeting them, and I meet them everywhere: the usual places like friends' rooftop barbecues and downtown dive bars—but also in business meetings, where we end up making eyes at each other instead of working, or standing in movie lines or walking home at night. I am a hopeless, shameless flirt. I wish I were shyly, quietly intriguing, like Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, like someone French and fashionable who knows how to twirl her ladylike locks just so and walk adroitly on kitten heels, who is all gesture and whisper—but I am unfortunately forward and forthright: When I am interested in a man, he absolutely knows it. And I like men quite a lot and convey so much excitement and heat that I can keep the game going, at least for a while. Occasionally, I meet someone truly wonderful, and my heart breaks because I don't know how to sustain the energy. It never quite starts, and I can't tell you how it ends—all this pretty persuasion is a big pull for men, but then they're gone. All of them. Somehow, I can seduce and be seduced for a moment here and there, but I can't seem to meaningfully connect. That's why it's not seduction at all; if it were, I'd be getting what I want.
And I can get what I want in so much of life. I can sell sand to the Saudis, tea to the Bengalis. I get fired from one great job and then hired by a better organization. I decide in my thirties to go to law school and get into the very best one despite some questionable credentials. It's what you would call not a bad life, even a good one.
But I am baffled by men. When they want me, I don't want them; when I want them, they don't want me. We are just shooting dirty pool. Or maybe it's more like I'm still sitting at the baccarat table at a smoky, dingy casino in Reno, it's well past 3 a.m., I'm in hock to the house, I'm drinking bottom-shelf martinis and eating stale canapés from the complimentary smorgasbord, my mascara is smudged, there's no reason to reapply Cherries in the Snow to my chapped lips, it's long past the point where any reasonable person would have cashed in her chips and gone home—but I keep thinking I still might win or at least break even one of these hours or days.
Age is a terrible avenger. The lessons of life give you so much to work with, but by the time you've got all this great wisdom, you don't get to be young anymore. And in this world, that's just about the worst thing that can happen—especially to a woman. Whoever said youth is wasted on the young actually got it wrong; it's more that maturity is wasted on the old. I was both emotionally unkempt and mentally unhinged—deeply depressed, drugged, sensitive, and nasty all at once—during the years I was supposed to be spousing up. My judgment was so lousy, I probably deserve plentiful wedding gifts—Tiffany silverware to serve several dozen—for all the people I didn't marry, because the men I dated were awfully bad choices, and I was not such a good bet myself.
These days, I am a stable adult professional—a practicing attorney, capable of common sense—but I still know how to live life on the edge. I was a terrifically brooding and mature teenager, then a whiny and puerile adult, and now I may finally approximate the grace of a person who has come of age. But it took a very long time—probably far too long. Now that I am a woman whom some man might actually like to be with, might actually not want to punch in the face—or, at least, now that I don't like guys who want to do that to me—I am sadly 41. I am past my perfect years.
No one says to my face that 41 is just a little too old to still be dating—in fact, people like to point out how it's normal these days, which is also true—but I know what's up. I just moved a couple of months ago, and I made a determined effort to put my effects in order. I went through a box of old photographs and contact sheets from shoots I had done throughout my twenties and thirties, pictures in all kinds of poses, various stages of dishabille and froufrou and frippery, too much makeup and barely a bit of blush, Kodachrome and black and white, in studios and hotel rooms and cornfields and corners of streets—piles of portraits, marking a life. And I looked at the girl in all these images, as varied as they were, and still I could see the same person somewhere in there. But most of all it wasn't me anymore. It's not what I look like now—I have aged since. Oh, it's nothing to cry about, nothing to mourn for—I probably have another decade before I really start to look old, but something has changed.
I don't know what it is—I don't have wrinkles or age spots or any of the telltale signs that the years have gone by. Thank God for La Mer and Retin-A and Pilates—and, yes, hot sex, which is good fun and may be no more than a Maginot Line against the inevitable, but that's not nothing. And my hair, honey-highlighted for years now, has the swank length of mermaid youth—which is how I plan to keep it no matter what proper pageboy is age-appropriate. No question, there are physical facts about my age that are undeniably delightful. I am much sexier now than I used to be—I suddenly have this voluptuous body where I used to just be skinny and lithe. Really oddly, a couple of years ago I got serious breasts, to the point where people think I've had them surgically enhanced, which I certainly have not. Still, I think, the honest truth is that I'm just not as pretty as I used to be. Something has abandoned me. I don't know what that thing is—they've been trying to jar it and bottle it for centuries—but it's left, another merciless lover. My hips are thicker, my skin is thinner, my eyes shine less brightly—will I ever again glow as if all the stars are out at night just to greet me? What finally falls away, after enough things don't go as planned, is that look of expectancy—which, when worn down to pentimento, is revealed to be exhaustion.
So here's the funny thing: There seem to be more men coming around these days, and they keep getting younger as I get older—I'm an interesting, mature woman to a man in his twenties, while to a guy my age, I'm just jaded—but I think they are falling in love with a person I used to be, with a girl in a picture, with an idea or an image, not with who or what I am now. Because with every passing second, I feel I am less physically desirable, even though I'm finally, in fact, a desirable person. It makes no sense, it's not fair, and it sucks.
I'm hopeful that there will be a moment in the next few years when I'll be more striking than ever because some aura will wash over me in that way that these things just do: as when feminine confidence and feisty intelligence overwhelm the depredations of age, and suddenly women smolder anew—running companies, winning Oscars, reaping millions, landing heavenly younger men. After all, there are many famous women who seem ageless, like Catherine Deneuve; or have aged sexily, like Susan Sarandon; have aged voluptuously, like Catherine Zeta-Jones; have aged beauti­fully, like Michelle Pfeiffer. But eventually, at some somber and sobering calendar date, most of us lose our looks and likewise one of our charms—and I will lose mine. At which time, for me at least, there won't be much point to life anymore at all.
I don't want to look back at what was, tell stories of once upon a long time ago, of what I used to do, of the men I once knew way back when, of 1,001 rapturous nights that were and are no more—I don't want my life to be the trashy and tragic remains of a really great party, lipstick traces on a burned-out cigarette at the bottom of a near-empty champagne goblet. Sex and sexuality, at least for me, are not some segment of life; they are the force majeure, the flood and storm and act of God that overtakes the rest. Without that part of me, I'd rather be dead. And I know all I can do right now is hold on tight to the little bit of life that's left, cling to the edge of the skyscraper I'm slipping off of, feel my fingers slowly giving way, knowing I'm going to free-fall to a sorrowful demise.
Maybe I would not have to hold on with such tough white knuckles if I'd done things right when I was still young.
Oh, to be 25 again and get it right. People who say they have no regrets, that they don't look back in anger, are either lying or boring, not sure which is worse. Because if you've lived a full life and don't feel bad about some of what you did, pieces are missing. Still, there are some mistakes that one is eventually too old—either literally or spiritually—to correct. I can't go back.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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The ULTIMATE Amazon Witchy Shopping List for the Holidays 2018
Looking for the perfect gift for that witchy woman or magical man in your life? Are you also an Amazon shopping fiend? I must confess, I love the convenience of adding items to my wish list for later purchase, PLUS the free 2-day shipping Amazon offers. Here I’ve compiled the ULTIMATE list of Amazon witchy gifts for the holidays including the most coveted tarot and oracle card decks, new non-fiction and fiction witchcraft books, crystal must-haves, tea and tea accessories, AND modern kitchen witch gadgets. Add them to your Amazon shopping cart or wish list for easy witchy shopping this holiday season!
DISCLOSURE: I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you information about the paranormal and paganism.
Amazon Witchy Shopping List
What will be covered in the Ultimate Amazon Witchy Shopping List:
Divination Wish List
Crystal Must-Haves
Non-Fiction Witchcraft Books – New Releases
Fiction Witchy Books – New Releases
Teas and Tea Accessories
Modern Kitchen Witch Gadgets
Divination Wish List
1. The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck
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The same artist who created the Wild Unknown Tarot, a popular Tarot deck, has recently released the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck. The artwork is gorgeous and the vibe is amazing. It’s probably already on your loved one’s witchy wish list.
2. Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards
The artwork on the Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards is enough to want this deck. Nevermind the amazing earthy, peaceful vibes exuding from it! If that isn’t enough to draw you in, what about the 400+ 5-star rating on Amazon? Most oracle decks don’t get that kind of rave review. This deck is all about ancient sacred symbols, archetypes, and collective consciousness. The perfect witchy gift for the holidays!
3. Lapis Lazuli Rune Stone Set
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Not only is a rune stone set a wonderful thing to have, but make it a lapis lazuli rune stone set and the witchy woman in your life will love you forever! Lapis lazuli is a stone connected with the third eye and ancient ancestors and so makes the perfect material for a rune set. The runes are one form of divination every Norse or Celtic witch should learn to use.
4. The Fountain Tarot
Released in October of 2017, The Fountain Tarot by Jason Gruhl and Jonathan Saiz is highly rated by Amazon witches. The silver-gilded and rounded corner cards featured beautiful oil paintings created by artist Saiz. Pick up the deck with the guidebook and watch your witch go ga-ga this Yule season!
Crystal Must-Haves
1. Healing Crystal Wands
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This specific set of crystal wands has been on my witchy shopping list on Amazon for quite some time, and I’m hoping someone gets the gist! For 25 bucks, how can you go wrong with four 2″ crystal wands? The essential stones are included: rose quartz, clear quartz, obsidian, and amethyst. This set makes a great starter stone set for beginners. Add it to your Wiccan supplies list or purchase it now and save it for the holidays.
2. Best Amethyst Cluster 1/2 to 1 lb.
Who doesn’t want a huge piece of amethyst in their bedroom? Box and wrap up this large amethyst cluster for that crystal lover in your life. Then tell them to place it on their nightstand for soothing, connected dreams this holiday season.
3. Crystal Elixir Bottle
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I’ve seen these all over FaceBook and social media and have heard good things so far. The crystal elixir bottle allows you to drink crystal-infused water anywhere and everywhere. Super-charged water on the go!
4. Himalayan Salt Lamp
If you or the witch in your life doesn’t have a Himalayan Salt Lamp, time to get one. Or add another to the collection. The Himalayan salt lamp cleanses the air of negative vibes and lets off a very soothing light wherever its lit.
Witchy Non-Fiction New Release Books
1. The Illustrated Herbiary
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The Illustrated Herbiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Bewitching Botanicals by Maia Toll and Kate O’Hara was released in August of 2018 and has already received rave reviews from the Amazon witchy shopping community. In addition to having an illustrated guide to magical plants, a deck of small cards comes with the hardback book. A must-have for the green or garden witch’s collection.
2. Colouring Book of Shadows: Planner for Magical 2019
Alright, who doesn’t love to colour? Colouring is therapy for the soul. Even better if you can plan out your schedule and then colour at the same time. It makes magical planning that much more fun! Add a colouring book of shadows and a pack of coloured pencils to your witchy shopping cart for the holidays and the receiver won’t be disappointed.
3. The House Witch
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From the author of The Green Witch comes the next in her practical series The House Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock. The release date is November 20, 2018, just in time for Yule and Christmas! Learn how to create a magical sacred space with rituals and charms for the home.
4. Familiars in Witchcraft
An exciting new release set for 2019 written by Maja D’Aoust all about familiars and magical spiritual assistants from all over the world. Familiars aren’t just a fluffy household pet – they’re much much more than that. This is explored in depth in this book…pre-order for your witchy loved one!
5. In the Shadow of Salem
In the Shadow of Salem: The Andover Witch Hunt of 1692 is a historical account of another piece of the Salem Witch Trials’ mystery. Written by a scholar and archivist, In the Shadow of Salem details familial rivalries and reveals another aspect of the witch hunt craze in Colonial America that hasn’t been discussed in detail until now. If your witchy loved one is in to historical accounts of witchcraft, this book is a must-have for the holiday season!
New Release Fictional Witchy Books
1. The Cotton Family Series
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The Cotton Family Series is one of those witchy fictional series that every witch would love. Real tidbits of American and European folk magic are woven in to a tale of the paranormal, witchcraft, and love to make for a wild ride of a read! Ancient Spirits, Book 3 of The Cotton Family Series has been released and is waiting for eager witchy eyes! The perfect witchy shopping gift for the holidays.
2. Only the Stars Know Her Name
Only the Stars Know Her Name by Amanda Marrone is a historical fiction book about the lost daughter of Tituba, an accused Salem witch. Set to be released next year in hardback, pre-order as a witchy shopping holiday must-have!
3. Sea Witch
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Sea Witch by Sarah Henning is described as “Wicked” meets “The Little Mermaid”. Any lover of the ocean and of witchy fictional books will love Sea Witch this holiday season. Add it to your witchy shopping cart!
4. Circe
I’ve been drawn to the Greek Goddess Circe for years, and this book by Madeline Miller made me fall even more in love with this goddess! A #1 New York Times Bestseller with good reason, you can purchase this book as a paperback, e-book, or even as an audiobook (which I fully recommend!) Entertainment and mythology together in a sweet gift.
5. Witches of New Orleans Series
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I can’t help but adore any witchy story set in New Orleans. What a magical place to base a series of witchy books. This series by JD Horn is a fun, magical read and the newest in the series is set to be released in June of 2019. Purchase the first two and pre-order the third!
Teas & Accessories
1. Heavenly Tea Leaves Tea Sampler
If that magical person in your life is an herb or tea lover, grab him or her a tea sampler off of Amazon like this Heavenly Tea Leaves Tea Sampler. Great tea for a great price this holiday season!
2. Butterfly Pea Flower Tea
I recently started drinking this tea because of its beautiful blue colour. Not to mention, add a slice of lemon to it and the blue turns to purple! Magic in a teacup. One of my favourite loose leaf teas!
3. The Lotus Glass Tea Tumbler
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One of my favorite witchy holiday gifts was a loose leaf tea infuser. But even better is one that’s portable with sacred geometry on the sides. Tea with a divine vibe!
4. Adagio Teas Bottom-Dispensing Teapot
Every witch needs a bottom-dispensing teapot. Convenient and easy to use for magical brews and teas. Strains the leaves right out for you, so no more picking the leaves out of your teeth.
5. Teabloom Flowering Teas
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The prettiest teas around are the flowering teas. Get a clear flowering tea teapot and then the Teabloom flowering teas to go along with it. What a wonderful witchy gift idea!
Housewares for the Kitchen Witch
1. Herb Scissors
A super efficient way to break up dried herbs in the kitchen is with a pair of sharp herb scissors. These are a must-have for any kitchen witch this holiday season and make a perfect stocking stuffer (just make sure to leave it in the packaging!)
2. Ninja Ultra Prep Food Processor
Make a magical basil pesto, energizing fruit shakes, or grind up some herbs with the ultra prep food processor. Every kitchen witch needs the ability to quickly grind ingredients down. Add this to your witchy shopping cart for the holidays.
3. Mortar and Pestle
In addition to using a mortar and pestle to grind down peppercorns and other hard herbs, it can also be used to make red brick dust and cascarilla powders. A marble mortar and pestle is a kitchen witch must-have. Get him or her one as an amazing gift.
4. Stand Mixer
I don’t know about you but when the holidays come around, I am a baking machine! It would be much easier to save my hands and have a stand mixer in the kitchen. Every baking kitchen witch could use a sturdy and pretty stand mixer like the kitchenaid!
5. Instant Pot
For the kitchen witches who don’t have time to cook over an open fire, the instant pot is a wonderful present that won’t be forgotten. A witchy shopping must-have! It’s a crock pot on steroids! A pressure cooker that cooks soups and stews, hard-boiled eggs, and other yummy meals in little to no time at all! And Amazon usually has a great deal on instant pots over the holiday season.
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lindyhunt · 6 years
How Winter Beauty Routines Differ Around the World
Ever look out your office window, mid-winter, and feel a sinking sense of blah? Why is it dark enough to be cocktail hour at 2pm? And on that note, why are we not sipping on cocktails at 2pm? A feeling of despair due to winter darkness is a real thing, but Canadians are far from the only ones suffering. Getting through the dreary season is made easier with some products and treatments, and thanks to a few friends from similarly frozen nations around the world, we’ve gathered a few tips and tricks to keep us cushy ’til spring. Click through for winter beauty rituals from around the world, from Russia to Morocco to Japan.
A photo posted by Moscow Views (@moscowviews) on Mar 9, 2014 at 8:55am PDT
Ksenia Makhaniova, Spa Administrator at the Purovel SPA & Sport at the Swissôtel Krasnye Holmy Moscow
During the winter, I really love a chocolate body wrap. Chocolate can increase your sense of happiness and well-being, which everyone needs a boost of in the cold, dark months. (According to the Medical Wellness Association, “Chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins, natural hormones produced by the brain, that generates feelings of pleasure and promotes a sense of well being.”)
The treatment not only lifts your spirits, but also makes skin really soft, supple and boosts its natural glow thanks to the chocolate’s nourishing properties. It also increases circulation, so you’ll look and feel good enough to eat!
Another popular treatment for wintertime is a paraffin wax manicure. Starting with an exfoliating scrub to get rid of dry, dead skin, we then use a rich mask to soften and condition hands. After that, the paraffin wax treatment is applied. Paraffin wax is extra important in the winter as its thermotherapy increases circulation and helps renew tissue, and deeply moisturizes from the inside out.
A photo posted by Visit Luxembourg (@visit_luxembourg) on Jul 11, 2015 at 1:25am PDT
Mélissa Sfredda, half-French, half-Luxembourger beauty aficionado
Although Luxembourg doesn’t have extremely cold temperatures in the winter, I still need to switch up my beauty routine and add extra moisturizing products. My hands get especially dry, and Neutrogena’s Original Hand Cream is the absolute best. Rich in super-moisturizing glycerin, this highly concentrated cream instantly soothes and hydrates my hands.
For my lips, I love French favourite Nuxe’s Rêve de Miel Lip Balm. A winter staple, this delicious honey and grapefruit-scented balm is rich and repairs even the driest and most delicate lips.
Another winter must-have for me is Clarins Delectable Self-Tanning Mousse. It’s nice to have a natural-looking glow in the winter, and this makes skin the perfect shade of tan without looking at all fake. The mousse is also really beautiful to apply; it feels really light, smells divine and moisturizes skin, too. You can also use it anywhere, on the face or body, which is another reason why I like it better than other self-tanning products.
A photo posted by visitnorway (@visitnorway) on Aug 8, 2015 at 11:55am PDT
Line Schrøder, PR and marketing manager, and Jasmin Jacobsen, a skin therapist at Artesia Spa & Skincare in Olso
During the cold and dry winter in Norway, it’s especially important to re-hydrate skin, so we like to use products and have treatments that focus on moisturizing and protecting the skin from cold weather and snow.
We especially like using rich facial creams, hydrating serums, or even facial oils, paying special attention to skin at night when the skin repairs itself best. The Lagoon series from Carita is one of our favourites, as are the rich facial creams and hydrating serums from Elizabeth Arden PRO.
At the spa, we love our Artesia Facial, which is tailored to each client’s individual needs. Generally, during the winter, we incorporate extra hydrating products, mainly from Murad. And we always stress the importance of an at-home program post-treatment to achieve the best and longest-lasting results.
There’s no point in spending hundreds of dollars (or kroners, as we use here) on treatments if you don’t continue to care for your skin everyday. It would be like going to the gym and running on a treadmill for an hour once a month, and expecting to run a marathon in a few weeks. It doesn’t work like that! A good hydrating boost you can do at home is Carita’s Biological mask. It’s very moisturizing and really makes skin glow; perfect for a Christmas party complexion boost.
Above all, we also remember that the skin is a reflection of your insides, so we make sure to eat healthy and drink lots of water to hydrate from the inside out.
A photo posted by Fleur De Force (@fleurdeforce) on Nov 23, 2015 at 2:49am PST
Linda Dong, Designer
While living in Japan, my absolute favorite go-to product for keeping my skin hydrated and soft in the winter was Hada Labo Gokujyun Lotion. Its ingredients actually help absorb other lotions you layer on top of it, so on really dry winter days, I would apply this lotion and then put on a Japanese face mask (SK-II’s was one of my favourites) and the lotion would help pull all the extra goodness into my skin.
I love removing makeup with cleansing oil because it’s so gentle and moisturizing for my face, as opposed to the harsh and drying alcohol cleansers, and Three Balancing Cleansing Oil is my favourite. I liked how Three sources it’s cleansing oil from all-natural organic ingredients found only in Japan. I used this paired with a Japanese Konjac sponge to gently exfoliate my face.
To keep my hair smooth and hydrated during the winter without weighing it down, I used Shiseido’s Tsubaki Damage Care Shampoo and Conditioner. It has Camellia oil, otherwise known as green tea oil, which is a very popular Japanese skincare ingredient and it smells fantastic.
On really cold days, my favourite thing to do was go to an onsen (hot springs) and soak in the hot mineral water for a couple of hours, it was the perfect way to warm up and left my skin really soft and lovely. I try to replicate that now with a long soak in the tub using Japanese bath salts, like Bath Roman Yakusen Japanese Bath Salts.
A photo posted by Visit Bulgaria (@visitbulgaria) on Sep 11, 2013 at 10:23am PDT
Neli Korkinova, product junkie
For my naturally curly hair, I like to use MOA Argan+ Hair Treatment, which is extra moisturizing in the dry winter season — it’s formulated with Melaleuca, Omega-3 and Argan Oil for a triple dose of hair nutrition. My hair feels soft, easy to style and maintains a natural look and feel after using it.
Because I have normal to combination skin, I don’t need to go crazy with heavy face creams. Once a week during the winter, I just replace my night cream with coconut oil, which is very popular in Bulgaria at the moment.
For my lips, I love Greenland’s lip balm. It’s a Dutch brand that uses all natural ingredients in their products. This lip balm’s formula is made with cocoa butter, jojoba oil, Shea butter and beeswax to nurture and hydrate lips. They have a lot of yummy flavours; right now I’m using the papaya one.
One thing that does need extra care in the winter for me is my skin. To fight dry skin on my body, I use Cattier Paris Beurre de Karité Honey Fragrance. It’s made with 100 % organic shea butter, and it’s suitable for your face, hair and hands. It keeps my skin soft and elastic, and I also use it as my hand cream.
A photo posted by @chiletravel on Nov 13, 2015 at 4:18am PST
Marcela Ortega, Head of Tierra Atacama’s Spa
During the winter, the night’s here get pretty cold, and being in the desert means year-round dryness. To combat this during the harshest season, I love a full-body scrub, followed by a yellow clay mud mask, a local thermal mud rich in minerals.
In Chile, we are lucky to have mineral-rich crystal salts that are extracted from mines in the Atacama Desert. 100% natural, they gently scrub away dry, dead skin cells. Exfoliating is especially important in the winter to reveal the softer skin underneath. It also preps skin to better absorb moisture, which is why we use yellow clay right after the salt scrub.
Chilean yellow clay is extremely good at moisturizing skin, as it has hydrating and restorative properties. But it does so much more than that: it’s highly concentrated and nutrient-dense, which allows the clay to improve circulation, tone and tighten skin, relax muscles and alleviate joint pain, and has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Dry, tired, winter skin is restored and has the ability to retain moisture.
A photo posted by Travel Visit Morocco (@travel_visit_morocco) on Aug 28, 2015 at 10:56am PDT
Touria, a sales assistant, and Mbarka, a hammam therapist at the Kasbah Tamadot
Touria: I start my mornings every day by washing my face with warm water, then rinsing with cold water to firm my skin. After washing in the winter, I apply a rose cream all over my clean face and use a little sunscreen, too; the rose cream is extra moisturizing in the colder months, and sunscreen is important in Morocco all year round.
To seal in hydration when it’s cold, I apply sweet almond oil, which is a great source of nurturing Vitamin E, all over and gently massage it in to my skin. Once a week, I apply Argan oil — it’s very rich, so once a week is enough to reap its replenishing and softening benefits. Also done weekly, I apply a homemade mask for my rosacea. I mix some milk powder with cucumber juice and leave it on my skin for 30 minutes. It helps soothe my skin and reduce redness.
Mbarka: I work in the hammam, so I need to moisturize my skin, face often— dryness is exaggerated in the winter when I’m in the hammam all the time. In the morning, I wash my face with a lavender soap, followed by patting on a little Argan oil. I do the same at night, and I apply the oil all over my body and a tiny bit in my hair to help keep my skin and hair nourished in the drying winter.
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jessicakehoe · 6 years
How Winter Beauty Routines Differ Around the World
Ever look out your office window, mid-winter, and feel a sinking sense of blah? Why is it dark enough to be cocktail hour at 2pm? And on that note, why are we not sipping on cocktails at 2pm? A feeling of despair due to winter darkness is a real thing, but Canadians are far from the only ones suffering. Getting through the dreary season is made easier with some products and treatments, and thanks to a few friends from similarly frozen nations around the world, we’ve gathered a few tips and tricks to keep us cushy ’til spring. Click through for winter beauty rituals from around the world, from Russia to Morocco to Japan.
A photo posted by Moscow Views (@moscowviews) on Mar 9, 2014 at 8:55am PDT
Ksenia Makhaniova, Spa Administrator at the Purovel SPA & Sport at the Swissôtel Krasnye Holmy Moscow
During the winter, I really love a chocolate body wrap. Chocolate can increase your sense of happiness and well-being, which everyone needs a boost of in the cold, dark months. (According to the Medical Wellness Association, “Chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins, natural hormones produced by the brain, that generates feelings of pleasure and promotes a sense of well being.”)
The treatment not only lifts your spirits, but also makes skin really soft, supple and boosts its natural glow thanks to the chocolate’s nourishing properties. It also increases circulation, so you’ll look and feel good enough to eat!
Another popular treatment for wintertime is a paraffin wax manicure. Starting with an exfoliating scrub to get rid of dry, dead skin, we then use a rich mask to soften and condition hands. After that, the paraffin wax treatment is applied. Paraffin wax is extra important in the winter as its thermotherapy increases circulation and helps renew tissue, and deeply moisturizes from the inside out.
A photo posted by Visit Luxembourg (@visit_luxembourg) on Jul 11, 2015 at 1:25am PDT
Mélissa Sfredda, half-French, half-Luxembourger beauty aficionado
Although Luxembourg doesn’t have extremely cold temperatures in the winter, I still need to switch up my beauty routine and add extra moisturizing products. My hands get especially dry, and Neutrogena’s Original Hand Cream is the absolute best. Rich in super-moisturizing glycerin, this highly concentrated cream instantly soothes and hydrates my hands.
For my lips, I love French favourite Nuxe’s Rêve de Miel Lip Balm. A winter staple, this delicious honey and grapefruit-scented balm is rich and repairs even the driest and most delicate lips.
Another winter must-have for me is Clarins Delectable Self-Tanning Mousse. It’s nice to have a natural-looking glow in the winter, and this makes skin the perfect shade of tan without looking at all fake. The mousse is also really beautiful to apply; it feels really light, smells divine and moisturizes skin, too. You can also use it anywhere, on the face or body, which is another reason why I like it better than other self-tanning products.
A photo posted by visitnorway (@visitnorway) on Aug 8, 2015 at 11:55am PDT
Line Schrøder, PR and marketing manager, and Jasmin Jacobsen, a skin therapist at Artesia Spa & Skincare in Olso
During the cold and dry winter in Norway, it’s especially important to re-hydrate skin, so we like to use products and have treatments that focus on moisturizing and protecting the skin from cold weather and snow.
We especially like using rich facial creams, hydrating serums, or even facial oils, paying special attention to skin at night when the skin repairs itself best. The Lagoon series from Carita is one of our favourites, as are the rich facial creams and hydrating serums from Elizabeth Arden PRO.
At the spa, we love our Artesia Facial, which is tailored to each client’s individual needs. Generally, during the winter, we incorporate extra hydrating products, mainly from Murad. And we always stress the importance of an at-home program post-treatment to achieve the best and longest-lasting results.
There’s no point in spending hundreds of dollars (or kroners, as we use here) on treatments if you don’t continue to care for your skin everyday. It would be like going to the gym and running on a treadmill for an hour once a month, and expecting to run a marathon in a few weeks. It doesn’t work like that! A good hydrating boost you can do at home is Carita’s Biological mask. It’s very moisturizing and really makes skin glow; perfect for a Christmas party complexion boost.
Above all, we also remember that the skin is a reflection of your insides, so we make sure to eat healthy and drink lots of water to hydrate from the inside out.
A photo posted by Fleur De Force (@fleurdeforce) on Nov 23, 2015 at 2:49am PST
Linda Dong, Designer
While living in Japan, my absolute favorite go-to product for keeping my skin hydrated and soft in the winter was Hada Labo Gokujyun Lotion. Its ingredients actually help absorb other lotions you layer on top of it, so on really dry winter days, I would apply this lotion and then put on a Japanese face mask (SK-II’s was one of my favourites) and the lotion would help pull all the extra goodness into my skin.
I love removing makeup with cleansing oil because it’s so gentle and moisturizing for my face, as opposed to the harsh and drying alcohol cleansers, and Three Balancing Cleansing Oil is my favourite. I liked how Three sources it’s cleansing oil from all-natural organic ingredients found only in Japan. I used this paired with a Japanese Konjac sponge to gently exfoliate my face.
To keep my hair smooth and hydrated during the winter without weighing it down, I used Shiseido’s Tsubaki Damage Care Shampoo and Conditioner. It has Camellia oil, otherwise known as green tea oil, which is a very popular Japanese skincare ingredient and it smells fantastic.
On really cold days, my favourite thing to do was go to an onsen (hot springs) and soak in the hot mineral water for a couple of hours, it was the perfect way to warm up and left my skin really soft and lovely. I try to replicate that now with a long soak in the tub using Japanese bath salts, like Bath Roman Yakusen Japanese Bath Salts.
A photo posted by Visit Bulgaria (@visitbulgaria) on Sep 11, 2013 at 10:23am PDT
Neli Korkinova, product junkie
For my naturally curly hair, I like to use MOA Argan+ Hair Treatment, which is extra moisturizing in the dry winter season — it’s formulated with Melaleuca, Omega-3 and Argan Oil for a triple dose of hair nutrition. My hair feels soft, easy to style and maintains a natural look and feel after using it.
Because I have normal to combination skin, I don’t need to go crazy with heavy face creams. Once a week during the winter, I just replace my night cream with coconut oil, which is very popular in Bulgaria at the moment.
For my lips, I love Greenland’s lip balm. It’s a Dutch brand that uses all natural ingredients in their products. This lip balm’s formula is made with cocoa butter, jojoba oil, Shea butter and beeswax to nurture and hydrate lips. They have a lot of yummy flavours; right now I’m using the papaya one.
One thing that does need extra care in the winter for me is my skin. To fight dry skin on my body, I use Cattier Paris Beurre de Karité Honey Fragrance. It’s made with 100 % organic shea butter, and it’s suitable for your face, hair and hands. It keeps my skin soft and elastic, and I also use it as my hand cream.
A photo posted by @chiletravel on Nov 13, 2015 at 4:18am PST
Marcela Ortega, Head of Tierra Atacama’s Spa
During the winter, the night’s here get pretty cold, and being in the desert means year-round dryness. To combat this during the harshest season, I love a full-body scrub, followed by a yellow clay mud mask, a local thermal mud rich in minerals.
In Chile, we are lucky to have mineral-rich crystal salts that are extracted from mines in the Atacama Desert. 100% natural, they gently scrub away dry, dead skin cells. Exfoliating is especially important in the winter to reveal the softer skin underneath. It also preps skin to better absorb moisture, which is why we use yellow clay right after the salt scrub.
Chilean yellow clay is extremely good at moisturizing skin, as it has hydrating and restorative properties. But it does so much more than that: it’s highly concentrated and nutrient-dense, which allows the clay to improve circulation, tone and tighten skin, relax muscles and alleviate joint pain, and has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Dry, tired, winter skin is restored and has the ability to retain moisture.
A photo posted by Travel Visit Morocco (@travel_visit_morocco) on Aug 28, 2015 at 10:56am PDT
Touria, a sales assistant, and Mbarka, a hammam therapist at the Kasbah Tamadot
Touria: I start my mornings every day by washing my face with warm water, then rinsing with cold water to firm my skin. After washing in the winter, I apply a rose cream all over my clean face and use a little sunscreen, too; the rose cream is extra moisturizing in the colder months, and sunscreen is important in Morocco all year round.
To seal in hydration when it’s cold, I apply sweet almond oil, which is a great source of nurturing Vitamin E, all over and gently massage it in to my skin. Once a week, I apply Argan oil — it’s very rich, so once a week is enough to reap its replenishing and softening benefits. Also done weekly, I apply a homemade mask for my rosacea. I mix some milk powder with cucumber juice and leave it on my skin for 30 minutes. It helps soothe my skin and reduce redness.
Mbarka: I work in the hammam, so I need to moisturize my skin, face often— dryness is exaggerated in the winter when I’m in the hammam all the time. In the morning, I wash my face with a lavender soap, followed by patting on a little Argan oil. I do the same at night, and I apply the oil all over my body and a tiny bit in my hair to help keep my skin and hair nourished in the drying winter.
The post How Winter Beauty Routines Differ Around the World appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
How Winter Beauty Routines Differ Around the World published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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misserma-blog1 · 6 years
Jurassic World Alive tips and cheats
New Post has been published on http://gamingclan.club/jurassic-world-alive-tips-and-cheats/
Jurassic World Alive tips and cheats
Do you remember Pokemon Go? Jurassic World Alive is a little similar to this game but much better!  Jurassic World Alive is a prime example of embracing the success of an additional game, without finding to followers or players as an entirely empty plan lacking any kind of resourcefulness or objective. A “cash grab” as some would certainly describe it. After all, parody is the truest form of flattery, right? Of course this is game with micro payments. You can obtain free cash by the Jurassic World Alive hack apk, we write about it below. Let’s learn something about this great mobile game now.
Jurassic World Alive guide
Mobile game shops are inundated with clone after clone, many coming from outside of North America. When something reaches viral status, a dizzying flooding of cheaply made rip-offs is introduced on both Android and also Apple application stores alike. I really love Jurassic World Alive. There is an interested historic communication in between collection agencies and monsters of different kinds, located numerous times before in the field of playthings then, consequently, because of computer game. From Exogini to Pokémon, basically, there is a common thread in the will to capture and gather a wide variety of animals more or less inhuman, revealing probably an inclination of guy to the control of effective and also mysterious beings to be very carefully cataloged. Pokémon GO has managed to manipulate this technician, adapting it in an original way to the mobile context and also replicas have not been sluggish to show up, obviously. An instance is given by this Jurassic World Alive, which derives many qualities from the remarkable Niantic title and also connects it with an additional wonderful as well as historic enthusiasm for young and also old: the dinosaurs.
The game consists of a number of sections, however the very first thing we must leave uncertain, however crystal clear is that of course, if somebody had asked, we are encountering among those applications in which if you pay, you will be better. It’s a downturn to start speaking about this, yet you need to be cautioned. Neither ought to shock us, given that it is much from the initial game where we see this. The basic base is the map: based upon Google Maps, we will see an extra bluish version of our environment and also something much more schematic compared to the one we currently find out about Pokémon GO.
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Today we exist you our brand-new Jurassic World Alive hack Online. With Jurassic World Alive hack 2018 you can include Unlimited quantities of Cash in your Jurassic World Alive game. Jurassic World Alive hack 2018 software could be run only on ANDROID, iOS as well as PC tools. Jurassic World Alive hack 2018 Tool sustains iphone (consists of apple iphone, iPad, iPod Touch), Android (smartphones as well as tablet computers) as well as Windows (smart devices and also tablets). Jurassic World Alive Cheats is safeguarded by paid Ghost Script and has a Proxy securities with Anti-Ban Limitation so your account cannot be prohibited.
Jurassic World Alive tips
At first blush, Jurassic World Alive will look really familiar to any person that has any type of experience with AR pc gaming. There’s a map (tinted with differing shades of blue, natch), full with supply decline areas and also dinosaurs spread everywhere. You additionally have a tiny circle around your present area that shows you just how close you have to be to a supply drop in order to gather it.
This, nonetheless, is where the resemblances to Pokemon GO end. It’s unusual, yet you can in fact obtain a great deal of gas mileage out of the game simply by resting on your couch. As long as you’re within 500 feet of a dinosaur, you could try to take it on. As opposed to fitness centers, Jurassic World Alive has an easy turn-based player-versus-player fight system. You can combine and also evolve dinosaurs to develop more effective ones and build your battle team.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N3TYRQSI7I[/embedyt]
Developing the group. When you start the game, Chris Pratt will offer you a beginning dino, but you’ll require at the very least 4 to obtain right into battle. If you click the head symbol, you’ll be required to your dinosaur collection, where you could check your progress in celebration DNA to reinforce your team (as well as later, modify your dino-strike group!).
Many low-level common dinosaurs just need 50 DNA to produce, while rarer dinosaurs set you back 100 or 150 DNA to produce, so maintain that in mind. You likely will not be able to snag a T-Rex on your own in only one encounter, so readjust your assumptions accordingly. Most of the times, a rarer beast is without a doubt a lot more effective than an usual one, yet not always. As you take part in much more experiences, you’ll also be able to advance your dinosaurs, leveling them up to come to be stronger. An excellent sign is the quantity of DNA should develop or create a dinosaur. If you’ve sunk 250 DNA into leveling up a dinosaur, it will likely be stronger in battle compared to a rarer dinosaur that costs 150 to create (though if you’re simply getting going, both deserve a place on your battle group).
Darts Away. When you are aiming to acquire dinosaur DNA, you will certainly be consuming darts. This may make you feel like you should save your darts as long as you can. While you could get even more DNA examples by hitting ideal shots, try not to take too long in aiming simply to land those perfects. Don’t be afraid to use up a number of darts if it means you will have the ability to obtain more DNA. Simply aim to intend as precisely as you could while still tossing fairly promptly. As you progress in the game, it will become simpler to accumulate more darts. Collecting DNA, on the various other hand, will not get any much easier.
You Can Wait For Dinosaurs. Among the largest challenges in playing any AR game is actually walking to hunt for things. Your capability to enjoy the game is commonly limited by website traffic, weather, or even your very own health. The bright side is that you do not really have to stroll much to locate dinosaurs in this game. While strolling would absolutely aid you locate dinosaurs more quickly, you would certainly still have the ability to capture them by simply waiting. Also if you do not relocate whatsoever, a new dinosaur will turn up after about 30 mins. One point you would have to stroll for, though, is the loot box. These do not seem to generate if you are stationary regardless of how much time you wait.
Reinforce Your Dinos.Once you have an excellent dino on your team, your next task is to enhance it through evolution and also fusion. Advancement makes your dinosaurs more powerful, while fusing produces new dinosaurs that are frequently not readily available in the wild. You could also develop Legendary dinosaurs via blend if you have the essential materials. Both processes, however, require a great deal of DNA to finish. See to it you gather as many DNA examples as you can. Aside from the dinosaurs you can additionally obtain more DNA samples by opening boxes.
Jurassic World is a yummy treat. There is a lot to obtain through (despite exactly how superficial), and a mountain of time to be invested collecting as several species as you can. Even the battle system has a lot of growth to supply. There’s a true work in this system, and also a great deal of mobile gamers prefer that sort of experience. Remember, that you can simply gain JW Alive cash by the Jurassic World Alive hack apk.
Yes, certainly, especially if we have actually currently tired of searching Pokémon (thinking that this is feasible). Is it completely reasonable? Well no, micropayments make it another product. Technically it mixes the simplicity of the map with dinosaurs that are reflected in wonder. Include in that the fun turn-based battles and also we’ll see a prefiguration of just what we wish to have really felt in the Niantic title.
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