#yume isogai
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heyhellohihowareyou · 1 year ago
A little Yume!
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ao3feed-assassin-class · 3 years ago
Parent and Child...?
Parent and Child...? by megumiai30
When met with sticky and various situations, the parents and children sometimes use some pecuilar means to get out of it...
Words: 3613, Chapters: 6/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Shiota Nagisa, Shiota Juri, Yada Touka, Kimura Katsutoshi(Victory), Chiba Ryuunosuke, Chiba Shu, Okano Hinata, Maehara Yui, Kanzaki Yukiko, Sugino Shinobu, Isogai Yuuma, Isogai Yume
Relationships: Kayano Kaede/Shiota Nagisa, Kimura Masayoshi/Yada Touka, Chiba Ryuunosuke/Hayami Rinka, Maehara Hiroto/Okano Hinata, Kanzaki Yukiko/Sugino Tomohito, Isogai Yuuma/Kataoka Megu
Additional Tags: Parent-Child Relationship, Complete
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26854645
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elsy-animetronik · 5 years ago
Mugen Ranbu Shou (Traducción)
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Título: Mugen Ranbu Shou Interprete: Soutarou Itagaki   Letra: Yoshie Isogai Música, Arreglos: Chihiro Tamaki Compositor: Takamitsu Ono Traducción: Elsy Animetronik (o sea, yo mera)
Iba a añadir esto a vídeo pero a la mera hora me dio hueva, bueno, como saben, no domino el idioma, y es muy probable que haya fallas (he dejado las clases de japones :’v, la retomaré, lo juro por Dieguito Maradona).
一陣の風が如く 時代を駆けゆけと
闇を裂いて 響く刃音 宿命を背負い 往くは乱世 舞うは夢か現か
硬き岩も砕く剣 その身は唯 気高く 焔が如く煌めく
刹那に込め討ち込む 猛き一撃 雷鳴轟かせ 戦場に燃ゆるは 生命の華
いざ出陣 さあ土煙上げ 地平の果てまで 荒野に落ちた 名もなき泪 踏み越えてゆけ たとえその全てが果敢無くとも 天を仰ぎ 覚悟を宿して 闘うのみ 烈しく 強く 乱れ舞うように
���雪く花は 何を求め 何を願うか 月よ照らせ 我が誇りを 使命を
己が技を磨き上げて 五感を研ぎ澄ませて この身が砕け散るまで
したたる紅き滴 其れより出でし 鋼で在る故か 水鏡に映るは 哀しき業
いざ ほとばしる閃光放ち 虚空を斬り裂け 栄華 喧噪 静寂もまた 泡沫なれど 如何なる時でも役目貫き 守り抜くと 繚乱の刻を 突き進まん 呼び覚まされた 熱き旋律
嗚呼 浅き夢よ 修羅と散り ひとたびの縁 繰りかえし ただ刻みゆく歴史の中 無常を奏でる 魂の詩
永久に潰えぬ 主命を胸に 鮮やかに放つ 一撃こそ 我が存在の意義であるから
いざ出陣 さあ土煙上げ 地平の果てまで 荒野に残る 夢跡さえも 踏み越え進め たとえその全てが果敢無くとも 天を仰ぎ 覚悟を宿して 闘うのみ
烈しく 強く 乱れ舞うように
Ichijin nokaze ga gotoku toki o kake yuke to
Yami wo saite hibiku haoto sadame o seoi Yuku wa ransei mau wa yume ka utsutsu ka
Kataki iwa mo kudaku tsurugi sono mi wa tada kedakaku Homura ga gotoku kirameku
Setsuna ni kome uchikomu takeki ichigeki raimei to doro kase Ikusaba ni moyuru wa inochi no hana
Iza shutsujin saa tsuchikemuri age chihei no hate made Kouya ni ochita namonaki namida fumikoete yuke Tatoe sono subete ga hakanakutomo sora o aogi Kakugo o yado shite tatakau nomi Hageshiku tsuyoku midare mau you ni
Fubuku hana wa nani wo motome nani o negau ka Tsuki yo terase waga hokori o shimei o
Ono ga waza o migaki agete gokan o togisumasete Kono mi ga kudake chiru made
Shitataru akaki shizuku sore yori ideshi hagane de aru yue ka Mikagami ni utsuru wa kanashiki gou
Iza hotobashiru senkou hanachi kokuu o kiri sake Eiga kensou seijaku mo mata utakatanaredo Ikaganaru toki demo yakume tsuranuki mamorinuku to Ryouran no toki o tsukisusuman Yobisamasa reta atsuki senritsu
Aa asakiyume yo shura to chiri Hitotabi no enishi kurikaeshi Tada kizami yuku rekishi no naka Mujou o kanaderu tamashii no uta
Towa ni tsuienu shumei o mune ni azayaka ni hanatsu Ichigeki koso waga sonzai no igidearukara
Iza shutsujin saa tsuchikemuri age chihei no hate made Kouya ni nokoru yumeato sae mo fumikoe susume Tatoe sono subete ga hakanakutomo sora o aogi Kakugo o yado shite tatakau nomi Hageshiku tsuyoku midare mau you ni
Al igual que una ráfaga de viento, hemos aparecido en esta época.
El sonido de las espadas chocando resuena en la oscuridad que ha impuesto el destino. Se ven venir tiempos difíciles ¿será real? o ¿un sueño?
Esta hoja con su noble cuerpo, es capaz de destruir las rocas más duras, reflejando la luz de las llamas.
En el momento en el que el trueno ruge, se desata un feroz ataque, la flor de la vida es consumida en el campo.
Corramos hasta el horizonte dejando una nube de polvo detrás de nosotros. Aquellas lagrimas sin nombre que derramamos, serán superadas con una fugaz mirada al cielo. Sólo tenemos que prepararnos para ir a aquella danza llamada batalla.
¿Quieres que los pétalos se esparzan? Dime, ¿eso es lo que  quieres? La luna brilla, junto a ella mi orgullo y mi misión.
Puliré mis habilidades, agudizare mis sentidos. Hasta que este cuerpo no pueda más.
El líquido carmesí de aroma metálico comienza a gotear. Una triste escena se refleja en el charco de la historia.
Hagamos radiar el cielo con nuestra luz de forma prospera, efímera como la espuma, silenciosa y ruidosa. Sin importar qué, cumpliré con mi deber, viajare a través del tiempo y descubriré nuevas melodías.
Aah~ Como un sueño superficial. Una vez que se comienza la historia, tu alma generará una poesía, misma que repetirá eternamente.
Por siempre y para siempre, nuestra alma y corazón se mantendrán. Este golpe es muestra de nuestra existencia.
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
3-E siblings reaction to the whole Korosensei thing?
Ooh okay okay
The Suginos
Akito: “I can’t believe my brother had to kill an alien octopus creature. COOL! I want to assassinate an alien octopus creature just like you when I’m older!”
Sugino: “Hehe, no you don’t.”
The Muramatsus
Tadamichi: “I can’t believe my brother had to kill an alien octopus creature.”
Muramatsu: “….And?”
Tadamichi: “That’s it. I just can’t believe it.”
The Okanos
Hayato+Toshiro: “You WHAT!?”
Okano: “Yup!”
Toshiro: “But-Wha-HUH!?”
Hayato: “Oh, so when I fell into class 3-E I had to spend the most of my days bored and miserable but when you fell into class 3-E you got to have an octopus as a teacher. So not fair!”
Toshiro: “Yeah, I don’t think that’s the important part here.”
The Kataokas
Seiichi: “Alright Seiichi you prepared yourself for this. Your sister had an alien for a teacher and you know exactly what to do about it.”
Seiichi: “No you don’t, what are you talking about? Why did the government allow a bunch of teens to kill an unkillable creature in the first place?”
Seiichi: “I don’t know but she’s safe at least so that’s something.”
Seiichi: “So you’re not a terrible brother after all, Seiichi.”
Seiichi: “Huh, I guess you’re right, thanks Seiichi.”
Seiichi: “Anytime, Seiichi.”
Kataoka: “…Dad, Seiichi’s officially lost it!”
The Kanzakis
Yuzuru: “So the same creature that allegedly blew up the moon was also your teacher?”
Kanzaki: “Correct.”
Yuzuru: “And the government assigned you and your classmates to kill him?”
Kanzaki: “Correct.”
Yuzuru: “And if you guys didn’t, the whole world would’ve been destroyed?”
Kanzaki: “Correct.”
Yuzuru: “…”
Kanzaki: “…”
Yuzuru: “……I’m gonna need to sit down for this, my god.”
The Isogais
Yuki: “Huh!?”
Yume: “WHAT!?”
Yuki: “Okay, so what was the octopus like? Was he friendly? Was killing him hard? Do you miss him? Di-
Yume: “DID YOU DIE!?”
Isogai: “Well Yuki, Koro-Sensei, what we liked to call him, although was a bit strange at first, we all came around to love him. He did everything in his power to keep us safe and encouraged us to always do our best. Of course killing him was hard, he was unkillable after all. When we actually got around to killing him, it was still the hardest thing in the world. I certainly miss him but he had to go or you guys, mom, or any of us wouldn’t be here anymore.”
Isogai: “And no, Yume, I didn’t die.”
Yume: “Oh thank god!”
The Maeharas
Haruko: “Let me get this straight, the government put a bunch of teens in charge of killing literally an unkillable creature…”
Maehara: “Uh-huh.”
Haruko: “if you guys failed the world as we know it would’ve been doomed…”
Maehara: “Uh-huh.”
Haruko: “and along the way, your new gym teacher kneed you in the stomach and slapped one of your other classmates then a couple of months later poisoned you and half of your other classmates, a student teamed up with one of your teacher’s enemies and almost made you and your classmates drown and fall over a waterfall, your English teacher almost left you and your classmates for dead for some other assassin, one of your other classmates apparently was lying about her identity the whole time and had the same tentacles as your teacher, your original teacher apparently died from protecting your alien teacher, and you and your peers had to choose between whether you guys wanted kill your teacher or find a way to save him and for some reason you chose save?”
Maehara: “…Uh-huh.”
Haruko: “…How?”
Maehara: “Hm?”
Haruko: “How are you so nonchalant about this? You’re fourteen Hiro, fourteen year olds shouldn’t be put in situations like that.”
Maehara: “…”
Haruko: *sigh* “Himeko, you got anything you want to say about this?”
Himeko: “Yup! Hiro, you planning to share some of that money with your fav sister?”
Haruko: “HIMEKO!”
Himeko: “Hey! I’m just asking the important question here!”
The Fuwas
Reiji: “I can’t believe it… my little sister has been living the shounen dream right under my nose!”
Fuwa: “I know right!?”
Fuwa: “Even though I really wanted to tell you, I was supposed to keep it a secret.”
Reiji: “Ah okay, classic manga trope, got it! I’m definitely going to tell Mr. Tanaka about all this! You got anything else you’d like to tell me about your teacher?”
Fuwa: “I do but this post is getting too long and Hailey spent the last of her energy writing the last two scenarios.”
Reiji: “Ah, I see.*What the hell is she talking about*”
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
Go On, Protagonist!
Isogai siblings + Fuwa’s brother Oneshot
Ao3 Link
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It was an averagely slow day at the manga shop Reiji worked at as usual and Reiji was spending his time acting out the manga panels he was reading when he was interrupted by the sound of the store’s bell ringing.
Reiji immediately straightened himself out, “Ah, Welcome to our manga shop! How may I be of assistance?”
Coming through the door was Yuuma and his younger siblings, Yume and Yuki, “Good morning, sir! Um, my sister here wants to buy a manga for herself.”
Reiji looked down at Yume, who he took note was holding some old toy bunny, “That’s right! A lady gave me some money after helping her carry some bags.”
“Ah, is that true? Well, what’s your favorite genre?”
“Oh, um, what would you like to look at?”
“Oooooh,” Yume scratched her head in a thinking manner, “I got it! Something girly but action-y!”
“I see, I see! Follow me!” Reiji led the three of them to one of the stocked shelves. He scanned it for a while until he found a particular manga, “HUZZAH! HERE IT IS!”
Reiji turned to Yume and bent down to her level, “Here you go! A magical girl manga! The most girly and action-y thing there is!”
“Wooooah!” Yume admired the cover. The cover had a group of girls who looked stylish but ready for battle.
“Watch as a group of, initially average, girls battle the forces of evil to protect the ones they love while also struggling with their normal lives!”
“COOL! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!” Yume jumped up and down with her bunny in her arms.
“Great! That’ll cost you 500 yen!”
Yume nodded and looked in her pocket for the money. Her expression quickly turned confused as she searched deeper in her pocket, “Ah, that’s right I put it in the other one!” She checked the other pocket but her fingers went straight through it. Her pocket was ripped.
“Wait, what?”
“I think they fell out of my pocket while we were walking!” She pulled on her hair and looked up at her older brother with hope in her eyes, “Do you have any money, Yuuma?”
Yuuma shook his head and bent down, “Sorry, Yume but I wasn’t planning on buying anything today.”
“But but…”
“We can come back another time, alright?”
Yume nodded and took Yuuma’s hand.
Yuuma stood up and turned to Reiji, “Sorry for the trouble, sir. We’ll come back later.”
Yuuma took Yuki’s hand as well and turned to leave but, “Stop right there!” Reiji stopped them, much to their confusion.
Reiji pushed up his glasses, “I’ve noticed how old your clothes look, like they were stitched or something. Not to mention that old bunny that girl is holding.”
Yume squeezed her bunny tightly.
“But, why would anyone be willing to wear such off-brand clothes and have such old toys unless, they were low on money.” Reiji stepped up to them closer, “After some thought, I have come to the conclusion that you kids…” He dramatically pointed at them, “ARE HOMELESS ORPHANS!”
Yuuma chuckled nervously, “Actually no, we live with our mother. It’s just that we’re…uh…”
“WE’RE POOR!” Yume said way too excitedly.
Yuuma sighed, “Thanks, Yume.”
Reiji nodded, “I see I see. Well, even so…” Reiji bent down and handed the magical girl manga to Yume, “I want you to have it, for free!”
Yume let go of Yuuma’s hand, “Wait, really!?
Reiji nodded, “Really! There shouldn’t be a price on manga.”
Yume took the manga out of Reiji’s hands, “Thank you, sir!”
“No problem!”, Reiji turned to Yuki, “Now, what genre do you like, little guy?”
Yuki thought for a while, “Oh, um… space adventures?”
“Ah, I got the perfect one!” Reiji stood up and went over to one of the shelves again. He soon came back with another manga in hand with an extra one as well. “A group of kids get stranded on some unknown planet. Watch as they struggle to get back home while learning new things about each other in the process. Hope you’ll enjoy it!”
Reiji handed the manga to Yuki and Yuuma patted Yuki’s head, “Now what do you say, Yuki?”
“Oh, right! Thank you, sir!”
“No problem.” Reiji turned to Yuuma, “As for you…”
“Oh, I don’t need any manga! It’s already enough that you gave my siblings manga for free!”
“Wow, you’re really are humble, huh? But, I insist!” Reiji handed him the other manga he was holding,“You give me overworked older brother vibes so this seemed perfect. It’s about a guy who’s a loving big brother by day and an assassin by night! Watch as he struggles to take care of his family after his father’s untimely death and juggle his school life, his job, and keeping his secret life a secret from his family!”
Yuuma looked at him concerned, “That’s, uh…oddly specific?”
“I told you that I thought this was the perfect fit! I’m pretty accurate when it comes to these things, hehe!”
Yuuma looked at the manga in his hands having no clue what to say then Yuki tugged at his sleeve, “Now what do you say, Yuuma?”
“Oh, um, thank you?” Yuuma smiled nervously.
Reiji nodded, “Anytime!”
“But, I will come back and pay you back for these mangas I hope you know.”
Reiji sighed, “You give me so much protagonist vibes.”
“Protagonist vibes?”
“Way too considerate for your own good. I told you, there shouldn’t be a price on manga. There’s no need to worry!”
“Alright, I guess. Well, we should be leaving now. Thanks again for the mangas.”
“You’re welcome! Feel free to come back for new volumes. Now, go on, protagonist! Go on and keep doing what’s right!”
“Uh, sure?”
Yume waved, “Bye strange glasses man!”
Reiji smiled to himself as he watched the siblings leave out the door. Soon after, his boss, Mr. Tanaka, came out of his office, “Reiji, don’t tell me you gave out ANOTHER free manga.”
“No, no I did not.”
“Oh thank go-”
“Oh, Reiji…” Mr. Tanaka shook his head in disappointment.
Meanwhile outside…
“I can’t believe we got free manga!”
“I know right! I’m going to read mine every night! What do you think of yours Yuuma?”
Yuuma didn’t respond, instead he stood there puzzled.
What in the world did he mean by “protagonist?”
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heyhellohihowareyou · 3 years ago
What about 16 and 46 for GakuRen,and 9 and 17 for MaeIso? I know you love these four to bits! :)
Sure do! 🥹
Ask thing
16. Do they like the same food?
I wouldn’t say they have different tastes in food but I feel like Shuu would be more into healthy foods and Ren would be into anything fancy or romantic
46. How do they make each other laugh?
I headcanon Shuu to be a bit ticklish so I can see Ren randomly starting to tickle him when he’s stressed or something.
Ren finds Shuu doing anything that’s deemed as imperfect both cute and funny like accidentally having food on his face or messing up saying a word.
9. Do their friends and family like their significant other(s)?
Hell yeah they do!
Himeko and Haruko both like Isogai enough already and they were especially excited to find out that they were dating even if they saw it coming a mile away. Himeko was all like “It’s about fucking time!” and Haruko was like “Please don’t mess this up Hiroto.” Maehara’s mom likes Isogai as well and thinks he’s a good influence for her son. She’s not sure how long their relationship will last though.
Yume and Yuki love Maehara a lot as well. Sometimes Isogai is too busy for but luckily, Maehara is there. After a while they start calling him Hiro-nii. When they found out that he was dating Isogai they started to refer to him as uncle Hiro (Isogai tried to informed them that’s not how it works but they kept calling him that anyways). Ayame (Isogai’s mom) also really enjoys Maehara, too. She’s glad to see Isogai be so happy for a special someone like how she was happy for her special someone. She knows about Maehara’s old status as a womanizer but trusts him enough to stay loyal to her son.
Obviously their friends like them, too. (even though they’re pretty jealous of the two of them)
17. What do they have in common? They both are optimists that can build other people, including each other, up easily.
They both aren’t the type of people who would look down on vulnerable people
They both have excellent reflexes and knife skills
They both were in a sports club before they fell into class 3-E
They both are popular with the ladies (Imagine the wave of broken hearts when it got public that these two were dating.) 😂
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
Big Brother Maehara
Part 1 of Deck The Halls of December
AO3 Link
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”Morning, my favorite people!” I made my grand entrance through the Isogais’ door.
“HIRO-NII! HIRO-NII!” Naturally, Yume and Yuki came out and each gave me a huge hug as I ruffled their heads. This basically has become a routine for us every time I walk through the door everyday.
“Ah, nice to see you Hiroto-Kun.” Ayame came from the kitchen with Yuuma following close behind.
“Nice to see you guys!” I greeted them as usual but I could tell something was up, “Um, Is everything alright?”
Yuuma sighed, “Everything is fine, Hiro. I just need to head to work, that’s all.”
This time, Ayame sighed, “Yuuma, I already told you, I have to go to work as well.”
“Who’s going to watch the twins then!? We don’t have the time nor the money to get a babysitter and I can’t just call in sick now!”
“I can’t either! I can only have so many sick days before I lose my job!”
“If that happens then I’ll just ask for extra shifts or get another job!”
“You can’t do that! You shouldn’t even be working in the first place!”
God, I really hate seeing them argue. Especially over stuff like this. It just makes me feel so powerless like I can’t do anything to help.
Ayame turned to me, “Is Haruko free today Hiroto-Kun?”
“No, unfortunately.”
“And I’m guessing Himeko and your mother are out of the question too, huh?”
I nodded.
Ayame sighed, “Looks like we’re out of options then.”
I looked down at Yume and Yuki who were still hugging me.
Wait, I could help.
I CAN help.
“I can help!”
Ayame and Yuuma looked towards me, then to each other, and then back at me again.
“You guys need someone to watch these two right?” I ruffled Yume and Yuki’s heads again, “Well, here I am! I’ll do it free of charge!”
The two of them contemplated for a while. Do they really have to think about this?
Yuuma scratched his head, “Well, I don’t see why not. Hiro does get along with the two of them a lot. Plus, he knows everything there is about him.”
“EXACTLY! How ‘bout it!?”
Ayame thought for a little while longer. She looked at the three of us and we made the executive decision to pull out our secret weapon,
“OH, alright!”
Works every time!
“Just PLEASE be safe and call me or Yuuma if anything comes up, okay?”
I gave her a soldier salute and she left to get ready. Yuuma stayed behind and looked at me in a concerned manner.
“You sure you got this? They can be a LOT to handle. Especially, by yourself.”
Yume puffed out her cheeks, “HEY! We are NOT a lot to handle!”
Yuuma looked down at her skeptically.
I chuckled, “Don’t worry! You can count on me!” I gave him a reassuring smile and a wink.
“Alright then…”
Geez, is he that unsure that I can do this. It isn’t rocket science or anything.
After a while, the two of them finished getting ready and they still seemed hesitant on letting me babysit.
I want them to know that they can count on me. That they can rely on me. But they can’t do that if they don’t trust me first!
Ayame turned to me once more, “Please, be safe.”
“I will!” I saluted to her.
Yuuma went over to Yuki and Yume and placed kisses on top of their heads, “You be good, okay?”
The two of them nodded, “We will!”
“Ahem,” I coughed, “Aren’t you forgetting somebody?”
Yuuma rolled his eyes and came over to me. He cupped my face and placed a kiss on my forehead, “You be good too, okay?”
I nodded and smiled at him genuinely. Yuuma let go of my face and sighed before walking out the door with his mother.
How hard could this be?
I turned to Yume and Yuki, “So, what shall we do first?”
“CHRISTMAS MOVIE MARATHON! CHRISTMAS MOVIE MARATHON!” Yume jumped up and down with Mr. Usagi in her arms. Mr. Usagi is Yume’s old bunny. She carries that bunny around everywhere. He’s become old and raggedy over the years but she loves him nonetheless. Let’s just say, him means a LOT to her.
“December literally just started.” I chuckled, “You’re that excited about Christmas aren’t you Yume?”
“You know it!”
I turned to Yuki, “Well, you ready to get your Christmas on?”
He nodded.
Pfft this’ll be a piece of cake.
Yume turned on the tv and turned to a Christmas special. It’s one of her favorite specials and we tend to watch it almost everyday in December every year. I know the whole thing like the back of my hand at this point.
She sat down on the couch with Mr. Usagi on her lap and excitedly kicking her legs as the movie started.
Throughout the whole thing, Yume was quoting the scenes that were happening word for word and I couldn’t help myself but join in.
“The Christmas magic is fading!”
“What are we going to do!?”
“Whatever it takes!”
The plot’s sort of basic. The Christmas magic is fading and it’s up to some kids from a poor family to fix it. The main character was the eldest brother who does everything in his power to make his family happy. He probably reminded the twins of Yuuma and I certainly can’t blame them.
“I’d do anything for this family! You hear!?”
I can definitely hear the resemblance.
The movie continued on and I could tell that Yuki was getting bored, “Something up Yuki?”
“Nothing.” He said almost monotonously. Again, he was clearly bored out of his mind.
“Do you wanna do something else.”
He shrugged. Hmm, something fun for Yuki? Ah, I know!
“How about we go to the mall after the movie?”
Yume perked up, “REALLY!? I WANNA GO, I WANNA GO!”
I chuckled, “Don’t you wanna finish the movie first?”
“Pfft- I watched this movie about a gazillion times! I already know what happens! Now, MALL TIME!”
She rushed to the cubbies and put her shoes on. Welp, the mall it is!
I told the two of them to put on their coats since it was cold outside.
Once they did, Yuki tugged at my sleeve, “You sure you won’t get in trouble for this?”
I nodded, “I’m supposed to be watching you guys right? Well, it was never said that I had to watch you guys in the house, right?”
“Yeah, you’re right…”
“So, yeah! No problem!”
Yume jumped behind him, “Who cares!? MALL TIME!”
“O-okay then…”
I coughed, “Yume, don’t forget…” I handed her Mr. Usagi, who she left on the couch.
“OH RIGHT! Hehe, sorry Mr. Usagi!” She took him from me and hugged him tightly
And so the three of us left out for our mall adventure. The mall has opened a new play area for kids Yuki and Yume’s age. They also have a STEM section there for kids to make anything they want. I know both of them will love it, especially Yuki. Who knows, maybe he’ll make a new friend
The mall was a far walk so we took a bus instead. Yume kept finding herself annoying the strangers riding with us and I kept having to pull her away. Thankfully, I was able to distract her and Yuki by putting on a video with my phone. What’s with kids and unboxing videos?
After some time, we made it to our stop. Before we got off the bus, Yume held Mr. Usagi and waved bye to the bus driver as we got off.
“Yume, you really need to stop talking to strangers.”
“How else am I supposed to make friends?”
I pondered for a while, “Just…just talk to people around your age.”
“What about Yuuma?”
“He’s an exception.”
“What about mom?”
“She’s also an exception.”
“What about you?”
“Okay, so just talk to people your age or people you already know, alright?”
I chuckled and shook my head, “Now, MALL TIME!”
“YAY, MALL TIME!” The two cheered excitedly and we walked towards the mall.
We eventually made it inside of the mall and Yume jumped up and down excitedly. The mall was decorated with Christmas apparel all around. Wow, December just started and they’re already prepared for the holidays.
“Okay, now where is that play area…”
“Hiro-Nii, wait wait!” Yume tugged at my sleeve.
“What’s wrong, Yume?”
“Look, look!”
I looked towards where Yume was pointing and saw a line of kids in front of a man dressed as Santa Claus.
“IT’S SANTA! Can we go over there? Please, please!?”
“Sure! I don’t see why not? But we’ll have to wait in line first so please be patient Yume.”
“Hey! I’m always patient!”
I looked down at her skeptically.
“Let’s just get in line.”
I looked down towards Yuki, “You want to wait in line for Santa Claus, Yuki?”
He fiddled with his hands for a few seconds, “Um, sure.”
“You’re sure you’re sure? You don’t sound very, uh, sure.”
He nodded, albeit more confidently.
“Alrighty, then!”
We walked over and got ourselves in line with the other parents and kids waiting.
Yume “patiently” leaned back and forth on her feet with Mr. Usagi in hands while Yuki went back to watching a video on my phone.
I watched as kid after kid sat on Santa’s lap. Some kids just sat there wholesomely and others were screaming and crying. I really feel bad for these mall Santas sometimes. Hopefully they’re getting paid well enough.
Soon enough, it was our turn and Yume tugged at my sleeve again, “Hiro-Nii? Is it okay to talk to Santa? He’s not a stranger, right?”
“Yes, Yume. Santa’s not a stranger. Everyone knows him and he knows everyone. He’s safe to talk to.”
“Yay!” Yume ran up to Santa and excitedly sat on his lap, “Hey hey, Santa!”
“HO HO HO!” The Santa chuckled, “Well, aren’t you an excitable one? Now, care to tell dear old Santa what you want for Christmas um…”
“Yume! Yume Isogai!”
“Alright Yume, tell Santa what you would like.”
“Right, right! Hmm…” Yume scratched her head while thinking, “OOH! I GOT IT! I want to be a princess! OH and with a HUGE castle that can fit me and my family inside, please!”
Ah, That’s just like Yume, wishing for something so wholesomely exaggerated.
“HO HO HO!” The Santa chuckled again, “What a wonderful wish young Yume! I’ll see what I can do about it!” The Santa gave her a wink and patted her on the head.
“Really!? Thanks Santa! You’re the best!” Yume hopped off of his lap and came back towards us, “Your turn, Yuki!”
Yuki looked up from my phone and made eye contact with Santa.
Santa smiled brightly at him and Yuki immediately started to cry.
I bent down to comfort Yuki, “Don’t cry, Yuki! Santa’s friendly! No need to be scared.”
He didn’t stop crying and clinged to me tightly.
“Can’t you hurry up!? There’s other people in line, y’know!?” A lady behind started to yell and repeatedly tapped her foot with her kid in hand.
“Hehe, sorry.” I said while trying to hide my annoyance with her. I attempted to scoop Yuki up but struggled slightly. They’re really getting bigger, huh? “Sorry, Santa. He’s just kind of shy.”
“HO HO HO! Shy seems to be a bit of an understatement, doesn’t it?”
“Hehe, yeah.”
“AHEM!” The lady behind me started to get really impatient and on my last nerves.
“Okay okay! I get it! Geez!”
I carried Yuki out of line with Yume following behind us. After struggling to keep him up for some time, I put him down, “You alright, Yuki?”
He wiped his eyes and nodded.
“Oh, Yuki…” I ruffled his hair and took a look ahead, “Hey, look! The play area’s over there! Let’s go, okay?”
“YAY!” Yume jumped with Mr. Usagi in hand and ran ahead of us.
“Wait for us, Yume!” I took hold of Yuki’s hand and ran after Yume.
We made it to the kid area and it was less packed then I expected. I saw two women sitting down in chairs. One was looking at what I’m guessing was her kid and the other one was scrolling on her phone.
I saw a small jungle gym for kids to play in with a ball pit underneath it. I also saw a small section for arts and crafts and a dollhouse almost my size. The things wasn’t as nearly impressive as I heard but I guess you can chalk that up to it being new and all.
Yume immediately jumped into the ball pit with Mr. Usagi in tow. Meanwhile, Yuki went to the crafting section and got himself to work.
I sat down in one of the chairs and watch the two of them do their stuff.
The lady who was previously watching her child turned to me and smiled, “They’re so cute! Are they yours?”
I looked at her confused.
“Those kids you just brought in.” she clarified, “Are they yours?”
“Oh! Um, no! I’m just babysitting for someone I love.” I rapidly shook my head. She does realize I’m too young to have kids, right?
“Oh well that’s sweet! You see my kid over there?” She gestured over to a boy sitting at the crafting table with Yuki. He had a handful of crayons and was rapidly scribbling them all on a single sheet of paper. It hard to tell what he was trying to make, if anything, but whatever it was, Yuki was on the other side of the table looking at the boy both in confusion and terror.
“Yeah, he seems nice, hehe.” Those poor crayons.
“Mhm!” She smiled at me sweetly.
From that point on, I continued to watch the kids play. The lady’s son kept trying to talk to Yuki which only earned the kid slight mumbles. Meanwhile, Yume put her attention onto the dollhouse and got herself into character. She gestured me to come over and so I did.
“Sup, Yume!”
“I need a good dragon.”
“Well, you’re lucky I’m here! Best dragon in the East!”
“Yeah but, I can’t find any dragon dolls.”
“Guess we’ll have to improvise!”
“Impro- what!?”
“Improvise! Work with what we have!” I looked around and spotted a pterodactyl figure, “Ah, this could be our dragon!
“But, isn’t that a dinosaur?”
“Is it?”
“…It is.”
I looked at her in disbelief, “Come on, Yume! Where’s that imagination of yours!?”
“I’m sorry but dinosaurs are just so…GLOOMY! They don’t really go with the vibe I’m trying to go for.”
“And dragons do?”
“Yup! Dragons are fun and terrifying and stuff! That dinosaur just looks sad and gloomy.”
I thought for a while, “Well, maybe that’s a good thing!”
“Yeah! Maybe this dragon…”
“WHATEVER! Is from a gloomy place that sucked the joy out of everything. This dra- DINOSAUR, tries to go from kingdom to kingdom to find joy for itself but never could.”
Yume seemed to brighten up at that idea, “But the princess of happiness shows the dinosaur joy and stuff and turns him into a dragon!”
I laughed, “There’s that Yume imagination I know I love! Now, let’s get to work.”
“Yeah!” She smiled brightly as we started the plot of our fantasy. I put on my best gloomy dinosaur impression which made the “Princess of Happiness” laugh. I may be a gloomy dinosaur, soon to be dragon, but I swear for as long as I shall live, I will keep a smile on this princess’s face and that’s a promise!
We continued on with our fairytale when Yuki came crossing his legs, “You okay there, Yuki?”
“Bathroom please.” He whispered towards me.
“Oh right! I should have made you guys go before we left. Hehe, my bad!”
Yuki looked at me blankly.
“Bathroom! Right! Uh…” I looked around the room and no bathroom was to be seen, “Um, there should be one nearby. Yume, come on, let’s take your brother to the bathroom.”
Yume shook her head, “Sorry, too invested. Go without me.” She continued on with the fairytale.
“I can’t just leave you here. I’m supposed to be babysitting you!”
“Don’t worry, I’m reponsible!”
“That’s what I said!”
“Well, don’t you need to use the bathroom, too?”
“Hmm, nope!”
“You sure?”
I sighed. From the looks of things, Yume isn’t going to budge.
“Hmm…” I looked over to the lady from earlier and got an idea. I got up and walked over towards her with a grin, “Heeeeey miss?”
“Yes, young sir?
“Um, If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, could you keep an eye on her over there?, I gotta take this one to the bathroom.” I patted Yuki’s head.
“Sure! I don’t see why not.” She smiled brightly at me.
“Thanks! You’re a lifesaver! Let’s go, Yuki.” I grabbed Yuki’s hand and left out of area in search for a nearby bathroom.
I scanned around for a bathroom and found one near some fountains. I held on to Yuki’s hand and ran over.
I opened the door to the men’s room for Yuki and followed him in. I might as well go in, too, I guess.
I already finished my business but Yuki was taking quite sometime and I was getting concerned.
I knocked on the stall he was in a couple of times, “You okay in there, Yuki?”
“Um, yes?”
“You don’t sound sure?”
He paused for a couple of seconds, “Hiro, I didn’t really need to use the bathroom.”
“Huh? Wait, then why did you…”
“That kid kept trying to talk to me and I didn’t know what to say so I got scared and asked to use the bathroom. That’s what I do at school.”
“Oh, Yuki…” Yuki’s a very shy kid if you couldn’t tell already. Talking to new people isn’t really his thing. The only reason he’s okay with me is because I was always around him growing up so he’s used to me. When it comes to other people, even kids his own age, he avoids them like the plague. It always makes me so sad to see him like this, “You can’t hide in there forever!”
“Yes, I can!”
I sighed, “Look, I know talking to new people can be scary sometimes but that doesn’t mean you should give up trying. There’s a lot of shy kids like you out there waiting for a new friend! They just have a hard time talking to others, like you.”
He didn’t respond to that.
“Hm, I knew a shy kid once.”
“You did?” That seemed to spark his interest.
“Mhm! It was hard getting him to talk but we found common interests and we soon became friends! But even while we were friends, he was still a shy kid. He only clung to me during school. When he got older, he came out of his shell and became a leader for his classmates and his family. Now, he’s one of the coolest guys I know.”
He paused for a while again, “So, who was the kid?”
I chuckled, “Your brother.”
“Wait, Yuuma was shy!? He’s always so confident and he always knows what to say and stuff!”
“You can be like that too, Yuki, but you got to learn how to come out of that shell of yours. Don’t let fear get the better of you, okay?”
He didn’t say anything but I heard some shuffling around in the stall. After some seconds, the stall opened.
“I think I’m ready to go now.”
I smiled at him, “Alright, Yuki.”
Yuki washed and dried his hands and we went back to the kid area.
Once we made it back inside, I looked over to the dollhouse but noticed Yume wasn’t there. I looked around the jungle gym but didn’t see her there either.
I went over to the lady from earlier who was still sitting in her chair, “Excuse me, but where’s Yume?”
“The girl I told you to watch earlier?”
“OH! She went to the bathroom!”
“The bathroom?” Of course Yume goes to use the bathroom after saying she doesn’t need to, “And you just let her?”
“Why? I told you to watch her!”
“I did! I watched her walk right out of here!”
I groaned, “How long ago did she leave?”
“Some time after you left.”
That means she was gone for quite some time considering how long we were gone. Yume isn’t shy like Yuki so I don’t think she’d be hiding in the bathroom. Something’s up!
“Sorry, Yuki! You can try to talk to that kid later. Right now we gotta find your sister!”
I grabbed onto Yuki’s hand and ran straight towards the bathrooms.
Once we made it there, I realized that I couldn’t go into the girls’ room on the account of me not, y’know, being a girl!
I panicked for a moment until, “You okay there, sir?” A lady tapped my shoulder.
“Not really. I’m supposed to be babysitting and one of the kids I’m watching went to the bathroom a while ago but I’m not sure if she’s still in there or not. Could you check for me?”
She nodded “Sure! What does she look like?”
I patted Yuki’s head, “Like him but with slightly longer hair. She should also be carrying an old bunny with her.”
“Okay, on it!”
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver!”
The lady nodded and went inside of the women’s restroom leaving Yuki and I outside. We waited for a couple of minutes and then the lady came back out.
The lady shook her head, “Sorry, no sign of her.”
“Ugh!” I wanted to tear my hair out. I fucking lost Yume. What am I going to do!? I sighed, “Thanks for the help anyways.”
“No problem. I’ll come tell you if I find her.” She waved and left.
Yume couldn’t have gotten too far, right? There’s no need to worry. Definitely!
I calmed myself down and turned to Yuki, who seemed to also be stressed out over this, “Don’t worry, we’ll find her. We just gotta keep looking, okay?”
Yuki nodded. I took his hand and squeezed it tightly. With determination in mind, we set forth in our search for Yume.
I guess the most logical thing was to contact mall security but I didn’t want to blow this out of proportion. She couldn’t be THAT lost, right? Besides, I already had a few ideas of where she could’ve went.
First we searched in the arcade. The arcade has a bunch of bright lights and games she’d like to look at. Now, she doesn’t have any tokens on her of course but when it comes to arcades, Yume is more of a looker than a doer. She’ll probably stand by and watch others play the games.
I asked around the arcade to see if anyone saw Yume. Unfortunately, I was out of luck.
Even then, I still had hope. Still holding onto to Yuki’s hand, I went into the nearest clothing store.
Yume loves hiding inside of those clothing rack thingies. She also loves the smell of new clothes too. There’s a high chance she might be in there.
Yuki and I went in and checked each and every one of those clothing rack thingies. We got a couple of weird stares in the process but we didn’t care, we were on a mission.
I asked the person who was working there if she had seen Yume but again, no luck.
Geez, hide and seek was never this hard.
Next, we checked over to the bakery. All those pastries on display, no way she could resist standing and staring at them all.
I went up to the baker and asked him about Yume and like all the other times before, we had zero luck.
I ended sitting on a nearby bench with Yuki beside me. I learned my head back in exhaustion and sighed.
God, what am I going to do? Yume could be anywhere by now. What if Ayame and Yuuma find out about this?
I moved forward and put my head in my hands.
They’ll never want me in their house again. No more head pats and warm meals from Ayame. No more hugs and kisses from Yuuma. Damn, first time being in a committed relationship and what did I do? I lost my boyfriend’s younger sister in a FUCKING MALL!
I moved my hand and started to chew on the the tip of my thumb.
And Yume! What if something insanely bad happened to her. I swear I’ll never be able to live with myself.
I was tugging at my hair when I felt a small hand patting my shoulder. It was Yuki, I saw he was giving me a small but reassuring smile, “We have to keep trying.” He said in a quiet voice but loud enough for me to hear.
I tried to smile at him back but from the way it felt, you could easily tell it was forced. Yuki certainly could tell and frowned. He sat there contemplating for a while and looked around. He saw something and got up from the bench. I turned to where he was going and he didn’t see something, he saw someone. It was the kid Yuki was having trouble with talking to earlier and his mom was observing some of the pastries from the bakery.
Yuki slowly came up to him, head hung low, and patted the boy on his shoulder.
“Oh, hey!” The boy grinned at him widely.
Yuki didn’t say anything instead he just waved.
“I never got your name before! Mine’s Kiyoshi Yamamoto but you can call me Kiyo if you want!”
“Um…” Yuki took a deep breath, “I’m Yuki.” He started to play with the hem of his shirt, “Um, uh, do you think you can, uh, help me?”
“Hm? What’s the problem?”
Yuki sighed, “Well, we can’t find my sister. She came to play area with us earlier. She went to the bathroom before but now we can’t find her.” He started to mess with the ahoges on his head, “We’re twins so we look similar and yeah.”
“Wait, I think I've seen her!”
I lit up at that and ran up to the kid, “Wait wait wait, You have!?”
“Yeah, I thought she was Yuki at first and was confused on why he changed clothes and junk.”
I bent down to his eye level, “Tell me, where was the last time you saw her?”
He scratched his head in thought, “Oh, I remember! I saw her chasing after another girl holding an old bunny!”
That old bunny must’ve been Mr. Usagi! But why would another girl have him?
“Did you see where they went?”
“Ummm, near the food court, I think? Hard to tell.”
“The food court! Of course!” I took Kiyo’s hand and shook it rapidly, “THANK YOU! THANK YOU!”
“Hehe, no problem!”
I stood up with joy, “Come on, Yuki! Let’s go get your sister!”
“Bye, Yuki!” Kiyo waved at him.
Yuki waved back and we ran off. Wow! Thanks to Yuki’s communication skills, we managed to find out where, Yume might be. Damn, I’ve never been prouder.
We ran and ran all the way to the food court, maneuvering around other passersby’s. I made sure to check behind me every now and then to see if Yuki was still behind me. I already lost track of Yume, don’t wanna lose track of Yuki as well.
I checked behind me to see if Yuki was there one more time, which thankfully he was, and ended up tripping on nothing but my own feet.
Yuki ran up to my side, “You okay, Hiro?”
“Yeah, I-”
“Please! Just give him back!” I was interrupted by the sound of… wait a minute, Yume!?
I immediately got up from the ground and turned the corner. There she was, we finally found Yume! There was a girl in front of her as well but I wasn’t even paying attention to what was happening. I just ran up and pulled Yume into a tight embrace. I never wanted to let her go again!
“Oh god, Yume! I thought I lost you forever!”
Yume turned around and hugged me back, “Sorry if I scared you.”
I pulled away and looked at her. Then I looked to the girl in front of her, who was hugging Mr. Usagi tightly for some reason, “So, what happened.”
Yume crossed her arms and spoke, “Well, after you two left for the bathroom, I needed to use the bathroom as well so I went. When I came out, I saw that girl holding Mr. Usagi so I ran after her. I’ve been trying to get him back this whole time!”
I stared back at the girl.
The girl puffed her cheeks out, “Finders keepers!”
“But, he’s mine!” Yume cried out.
“I don’t see your name on it!”
“Mr. Usagi is his own bunny, okay!?”
“Okay, calm down you two.” I said in an attempt to defuse the situation. I turned to the girl holding Mr. Usagi, “Hey, where’d you find that bunny?”
“I was in the play area and found it in the ball pit.”
Ah, she must’ve lost him while she was playing in there. I don’t think I remember seeing him while we were playing pretend, “Look, that bunny you’re holding is rightfully hers. Please just give it back.”
The girl rapidly shook her head from left to right.
Yume started to tear up a bit, “Please, my dad gave him to me.” She sniffed and started to mess with her dress, “I really want him back. Please!”
The girl was stubborn and still refused to give him back.
“HEY! WHAT’S GOING ON!” We were interrupted by some guy who was like, two times my freaking size!
The girl ran behind him, “Big brother! They’re trying to take my bunny!”
Her “big brother” in question turned to me in rage, “IS THAT TRUE!?”
Yume and Yuki squeaked in fear behind me while I stood my ground, “Sorry sir, but that bunny isn’t hers. He rightfully belongs to this girl right here.” I patted Yume’s head, “Your sister found him in the ball pit after Yume accidentally left him in there. Can you please convince her to give him back? He means a lot to Yume.”
He looked down at his sister and back at me, “How about…no!”
“Huh!? Why!?”
“My sister found it, fair and square!”
“But he doesn’t belong to her!”
“Tough cookies! Your sister shouldn’t have lost it, Goldie Locks!”
Ignoring the fact that he called Yume my sister, and me “Goldie Locks”, I was seriously starting to get irritated and stepped up to him closer, “Look, even if she lost him, that doesn’t change the fact that he rightfully belongs to her! So please, give him back!”
“I said no, shrimp! Maybe if you’re sister wasn’t dumb enough to lose it in the first place, this never would have happened!”
I turned back and saw Yume started to actually cry. BASTARD! I tried to be reasonable at first but now I was fucking pissed! He could insult me all he wanted but he had the fucking audacity to call sweet Yume, dumb! That bastard, “Look, I don’t know what your deal is exactly but I’ve told you time and time again, that bunny is Yume’s not your sister’s! That can’t be so hard comprehend, or are you just too stupid to understand anything!?”
That seemed to piss him off but I didn’t care, I was pissed too!
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to exactly, but I could literally pulverize you if I wanted to!” He grunted while pounding his fist into his other hand, staring right down at me.
Then, I got an idea. A very stupid idea.
“How about a bet then!? Winner gets the bunny!”
“First, to pin the other down by any means necessary is the winner! You up for it? Or are you too scared!?” Look, I know it seems like I’m talking out of my ass at this point but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get Mr. Usagi.
Or I’ll never be able to live with myself.
The large dude cackled, “I see you have a death wish! Alright I’ll take you on, but I won’t be going easy on you!”
Apparently our little feud caught on to others around us and a large circle developed around the food court. Even the people working there were in the circle. Well, talk about not wanting to blow things out of proportion.
Before our battle for the bedraggled bunny, Yuki tugged my sleeve.
“You sure this is safe, Hiro? What if you get hurt OR WORSE!?”
I bent down to meet him at eye level, “Now, I’m absolutely TERRIFIED! But, if having to fight that behemoth to get Mr. Usagi back to Yume, I have to try it, okay?”
Yuki looked at me blankly for a while but then nodded his head in agreement.
I turned back to the giant before me and stared him down.
I heard some of the doubts from the people in the crowd.
“Can’t way to see how this’ll go down!”
“Yeah, no way he’s going to survive!”
“Ginger’s going to get his ass handed to him!”
I didn’t care. I’m not doing this for them. I’m doing this for Yume.
That’s all I need!
We started to circle around the court with the crowd chanting, “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” and the titan lunged forward in an attempt to grab me.
Luckily, I’ve managed to maneuver around him before he could lay a finger on me. That made him furious and his attacks grew even more hostile. He resorted to punches and I dodged them all making him enraged. This seemed to wow the crowd a bit more to my side but I knew I couldn’t keep dodging him forever. I gotta pin him down or I’ll never be able to get Mr. Usagi back! Think, Hiroto! Think! You’re an assassin! Well, not really but THINK!
Unfortunately, my thinking didn’t last long and he managed to grab onto my collar. He picked me up slightly and threw me onto one of the tables that still had food on it. I laid there for a while but saw him coming towards me and immediately rolled off.
I splashed one of the drinks in one of his face, which wasn’t affective at all and only made things worse, “Not a pepsi guy, gotcha!”
He tried his luck at punching me again but was to no prevail, although he was getting closer by the second.
I can’t try hitting back, it’ll give him an opening to attack. The best course of action is to immobilize him some-
I wasn’t able to complete those thoughts. All I saw was black.
Damn, that was one heck of a punch he pulled…
It felt like he kicked me down a couple of times as well…I don’t think I can get up…everything hurts…
Hehe, just had to take them to the mall, huh?
Now Mr. Usagi is going to live with some other little girl. Not Yume.
Ha, I remember when she lost Mr. Usagi in her house once and wouldn’t go to sleep until we found him. Of course we did end up finding him and she was able to sleep soundly. That was like a year ago.
How is she supposed to sleep now?
I already have to make sure Yuuma goes to sleep when he’s supposed to, now I’ll probably have to worry about Yume as well. And if she’s not sleeping, Yuki’s not sleeping, and if none of the kids are sleeping, Ayame’s not sleeping either.
Great going, Hiroto. You were supposed to take away their stress and somehow you did the exact opposite. Now they’re all going to be freaking insomniacs and it’s all your fault!
They really don’t deserve the things life decides to put them through and because of me they’ll probably have to waste money and buy another bunny for Yume. Another bunny that’s not Mr. Usagi.
I remember the exact day when their father gave her Mr. Usagi. She was crying more than usual and there was nothing we could do to get her to stop, until Yuko came in that is. He came home from work while I was staying over, trying to comfort Yume as well. He gave her a present and her crying came to a stop. Of course the present was Mr. Usagi and she’s never been without him since.
That’s the only memory she had of her dad. He died the next year. She doesn’t know much about him other than the fact that he was the one that gave her Mr. Usagi.
God what would he think now?
Actually…what would he think now?
Hold on…what am I doing?
Yuko always had this “Never Say Never” mentality. He wouldn’t think too kindly of me just giving up like this.
“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.” I always heard him say.
I slowly started to open my eyes, seeing the fluorescent lights above me shining down on me…
Get up, Hiroto…
I got my sense of hearing back slightly and all I heard was Yume screaming, “HIRO-NII! PLEASE GET UP!”
Get up, Hiroto. 
I slowly started to push myself off of the ground. I heard Yuki yelling, “GO HIRO! GO HIRO!”. Heh, probably the loudest I’ve ever heard him spoke. 
Get up, Hiroto!
I was sore, very sore, but I had to get up, for Yume’s sake. I promised that for as long as I shall live I would keep a smile on that princess’s face and I will be sure to keep that promise! 
I got up and stood my ground again. The crowd turned around and I could hear a couple of gasps and murmurs. The meathead turned around and looked at me in both confusion and frustration, “The hell!? Why aren’t you down!? You lost!” 
I stuttered out a chuckle, “You knocked me out but…you didn’t pin me!” I stretched in attempt to help the soreness, “I’m not going down just yet! I! NEED! THAT! BUNNY!” 
“You really do have a death wish huh!? There’s no way you’re going to beat me! Especially with how you look right now! Might as well just give up!” He cackled. 
I shook my head, “No, I’m not giving up! That bunny belongs to that princess right there!” I pointed to Yume in the crowd,“Until I get that bunny back, I’m never giving up! No matter the cost! I’LL DO ANYTHING FOR THAT FAMILY, YOU HEAR!?”
“WHATEVER! Pinning you shouldn’t be so hard! Let’s make this quick!” He tried to lunge forward again but was quickly weighed down by something or rather, somethings. It was Yuki and Yume and they were holding his legs tightly, “What in the-”
He tried to shake them off, “GET OFF OF ME!” 
I couldn’t just stand there, I had to do something while he’s occupied. I looked around and spotted some tinsel around a pillar. I hastily ran over and untied it.
Meanwhile, the gargantuan was trying to pry Yume off of his leg. I came from the other side of him and pulled the tinsel around his neck making him fall back a bit. I pulled some of the tinsel down to wrap around his torso and waist. He still had trouble moving with Yuki and Yume on his legs. I tied the tinsel into a sturdy knot making it hard to get himself loose. 
He tried to wiggle his way out but it was no use.
Yume and Yuki let go of his legs
and he turned to attack me.
Luckily, the cup that splashed at him earlier was still on the floor and out of his line of sight. He ended up stepping on it and tripping. He fell face first onto the floor and me, Yuki, and Yume used this to put advantage. Yuki and Yume sat on his legs while I had my knees on his back. 
The crowd started to count, “One, Two, THREE!” 
We won. WE WON! 
I’m not even going to comment on that.
The, um, damnit! I ran out of the descriptions! Whatever, the guy underneath us rolled and rolled, “You can get off me me now!” 
And so we did, “So, you’re going to keep your promise or what!?” 
He sighed, “I wasn’t expecting you to actually beat me. I guess a bet’s a bet. Sorry, Chiyo. Give the girl the bunny back.” 
“But! But!” She looked down at Mr. Usagi and puffed out her cheeks, “FINE!” 
She walked up to Yume and handed Mr. Usagi to her, “Here!” 
Yume took him graciously, “MR. USAGI!” She pulled him into a tight hug.
I chuckled, “O-oh, right! Sorry!” I helped him up and untied him. 
He walked over to his sister and Yume gave me a small, but big, hug.
“THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You were so awesome Hiro-Nii! You were like a ninja or an assassin of some kind!” 
“Pffft- ASSASSIN! That’s a bit of an exaggeration, hehe. Besides, you two were awesome as well!” I ruffled both of their heads. 
“YUKI!” Out of nowhere Kiyo came running. 
“I saw everything! I didn’t know your big brother was so cool!” 
I waved my hands repeatedly, “Oh, I’m not-”
“Yeah! He’s the coolest!” Yuki interrupted me for some reason.
Kiyo grinned, “Well, I’m going to be back here on Sunday. Do you think you’ll be able to come too?” 
“Hmm, I’ll try!” 
“Great! I have to go now, see you soon Yuki!” Kiyo waved as he left and Yuki waved back.
I tapped Yuki on the shoulder, “Um, Yuki? You do know that Yuuma’s your big brother, not me right?” 
“Well, I think both of you are!” 
I looked down at him in confusion. 
“You both will do whatever you can to make me and Yume happy! You watched us grow up and was always there when we needed you. Sure, you may not be related to us but we still consider you to be our big brother!” 
“Yeah, we don’t call you “Hiro-Nii” for nothing!” Yume chimed in. 
I couldn’t help but feel myself tear up. I sniffed and let the tears roam free. 
Yuki’s expression changed into worry, “OH, Hiro-Nii! Are you okay!?” 
I sniffed, “Y-Yup!” 
“But you’re crying.”
“These are happy tears, Yuki! I just love you two so so much!” I pulled them both into a hug and squeezed them tightly.
“We love you too, Hiro-Nii!” 
I have two older sisters so I was always considered to be the younger brother of the family. But I have to admit, being an older brother doesn’t sound half bad. 
I wiped my face, “You guys wanna go home? I’m really tired.” 
They both nodded simultaneously.
“Alrighty! Hm…” A thought crossed my mind for a second. “Before we leave, I have to do something. Follow me you two!”
With the twins behind me, I made my way to the nearest toy shop. I found the fluffiest bunny and bought it. 
“Who’s the bunny for?” Yume asked. 
“You’ll see.” 
I looked and looked around until I found who I was looking for, “Come on you two!” 
It was the little girl Chiyo and her older brother. The both turned and looked at me in confusion. I bent down and handed her Chiyo the bunny I bought, “Here, your own Mr. Usagi. Feel free to name it whatever you want!” 
She looked at it at awe, “Is it really for me?”
I nodded. She took the bunny out of my hands and squeezed it tightly, “Thank you so much, mister!” 
“No problem!” I looked at her brother and we exchanged nods.
I turned to Yume and Yuki, “Now we can go.” 
I took Yuki’s hand in one of mine and Yume’s in the other and we headed off. 
Damn, today was a day. 
After all of that, we made it back home. Ayame and Yuuma still weren’t home yet so all three of us decided to finish that Christmas special that we watched a bunch of times before. 
Eventually, Yuki started to fall asleep and Yume came following after with Mr. Usagi in her arms. They both ended up going to sleep and I cover both of them with my sweater. I couldn’t help myself but give them kisses on the top of their heads as well. 
The door started to unlock and then it opened up with Yuuma on the other side. 
“I’M HOM-”
“Shhh- They’re sleeping.” I gestured to the sleeping twins beside me. 
“Ah, okay. What happened to your face?” 
“Nothing, just, uh, fell off of something.” 
“You fell off of something?” 
I nodded 
“Ayame still at work?”
“Yup. You guys had fun?
“Oh, you have no idea.” 
He took off his shoes and sat down beside me. “Well, I’d love to hear all about it.” 
“Yeah but,” I yawned, “I’ll tell tomorrow, I’m starting to get sleepy, too.” 
“Okay. Sorry if it seemed like I doubted you before, seemed like you had everything handled.” 
Yeah, right. 
“It’s fine, it was a great honor.” I leaned my head on his shoulder. 
“I’m sure it was, you’re like another brother to them.” 
“True, although you’re waaaay better than I am at this older brother stuff.” 
“Come on, you’re good too.” 
I yawned “Let’s just say we’re both good.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
We continued to watch the rest of the Christmas special until I fell asleep on Yuuma’s shoulder. 
I’m going to have to tell Yuuma about what happened today sooner or later. Never realized how hard being a babysitter, and older brother, could be. But seeing those two grow up and giving them the happiness they so rightfully deserve, makes me believe that it’s worth it.
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
I'm curious, what do the Maeharas and Isogais think of the parallels regarding their kids? I mean, both families have a son and a set of twins, but:
The Isogais had a son and then twins, so two boys and one girl. The Maeharas had the complete opposite, with two girls and one son.
Do they ever comment on this? Any inside jokes?
Also, each sets of kids have names that starts with the same letters with the Maehara’s all starting with H and the Isogai’s all starting Y (My parents did the whole same letter thing with my family as well 😊)
I also did the whole, opposite twin thing, where twins have opposite personalities from each other. Himeko and Yume being on the more bold and extroverted side while Haruko and Yuki are more on the reclusive and introverted side. Naturally that made Yume get attached to Himeko and Yuki get attached to Haruko. Oh did Yume pick the wrong twin to get attached to 😅
Yume: “Hime! Hime! How do you have so many boyfriends?”
Himeko: “Let’s just call it, a ladies charm. I’m willing to teach you about it.”
Isogai+Haruko: “DON’T!”
Anyways, I feel like when Isogai was little, he wished that he had siblings like Maehara. God gave him what he wanted and like Maehara, he had twin siblings. Imagine Mini Hime and Haru just getting so excited to hear that Isogai’s family was going to have twins too. Imagine they were like, “You get to play with one twin, and I get to play with the other!”
Ayame and Hanami (Their mothers) just thought that this was an hilarious coincidence and all their kids were greatly delighted
Imagine Ayame referring to Isogai as the man of the house one day (since he’s the oldest and all) and Maehara goes on and refers to himself as the man of his house.
Haruko: “Man? Yeah, I don’t think I’m so sure about that.”
Himeko: “No way you’re a man, not when you’re a big baby!”
Yume: “Haha, Hiro-nii’s a baby! Hiro-nii’s a baby!”
Maehara: “AM NOT!”
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heyhellohihowareyou · 3 years ago
An Assclass Masterlist I Guess
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Character headcanons
Karma Akabane
Yuuma Isogai + X Y/N HCs
Taiga Okajima
Hinata Okano
Manami Okuda
Megu Kataoka + Pride HC
Kaede Kayano
Yukiko Kanzaki
Justice/Masayoshi Kimura
Hinano Kurahashi
Nagisa Shiota + Pride HCs
Sosuke Sugaya
Tomohito Sugino
Kotaro Takebayashi
Ryuunosuke Chiba
Ryoma Terasaka
Rio Nakamura
Kirara Hazama
Rinka Hayami
Sumire Hara
Yuzuki Fuwa
Hiroto Maehara , Maehara the math wiz
Koki Mimura
Takuya Muramatsu
Touka Yada
Taisei Yoshida
Itona Horibe
Kaho Tsuchiya , Kaho in 3-E
Asano Gakushuu
Sibling/Parent Headcanons
Haruko + Himeko Maehara
Yume + Yuki Isogai and Ayame Isogai
Hayato + Toshiro Okano
Akito Sugino
Yoroko Sugaya
Seiichi Kataoka
Yuzuru Kanzaki
Reiji Fuwa
Makoto Yada
Amai Terasaka
Tadamichi Muramatsu
Daiki + Daisuke Hara
Friendship Headcanons
The Katana Klan
Kataoka and Maehara
Okano and Isogai
Maehara and Kurahashi
Sugino and the Katana Klan
Chiba and Kanzaki
Kataoka, Okano, Isogai, and Maehara
Group 3
Terasaka’s Gang
Maehara and Nagisa
Chiba and Maehara
Ship Headcanons
Maeiso Part 2
My Writing
Decisions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Killing Game Time!: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Mittens (Maeiso Oneshot)
New Years Kiss (Gakuren Oneshot)
A Friendship That’ll Last Forever (MaeIso Week 2022)
Smitten (MaeIso Week 2022)
Cause You’re Really My Dearest Friend (MaeIso Week 2022)
Bittersweet (MaeIso Week 2022)
Fairytales (MaeIso Week 2022)
🎃Halloween Time🎃
Go On, Protagonist
Big Brother Maehara
Birthday Blues
I Wanna Kiss Your Lips (MaeIso Week 2023
Other Stuff I Did
Maehara’s failed flirting attempts
My AssClass favs
Reasons why Leader Time! Is such an amazing episode
The girls ranking list
If class 3-E had ultimate talents
Why Spinning Time! is comedy gold and just great in general (part 1) And Part 2
Why I think Discord Time! is a fantastic episode
My top five favorite class 3-E boys
My top five favorite class 3-E girls
Why Vision Time! Is So Great
Why Closing Time: First Semester is phenomenal
3-E’s siblings reaction to the Koro-sensei aftermath
Why Let Live Time! sure is an episode
Why Cheer Up Time! was just lovely part 1 and part 2
Reminder that I’m always up for receiving asks and suggestions ☺️
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
Since you so graciously asked, we need more stufd with Yada and her brother, maybe interactions with other siblings or students from the school?
YES! Makoto and Yada let’s go 😌
Since I headcanon Muramatsu to come and visit Makoto with Tadamichi (Muramatsu’s little brother) I believe that Makoto actually enjoys eating his Ramen
Muramatsu: “Finally, someone with taste!” Tadamichi: “He probably is only saying he likes it out of pity.” Muramatsu: “Hey, just let me have this!”
Kurahashi comes over every day with a new book about bugs since because of her, he took an interest in them
Sugino brings his younger brother Akito over sometimes too and he is way more energetic than Makoto
Akito: “What’s your favorite sport?” Makoto: “Uh, tennis I guess.” Akito: “But what about baseball?” Makoto: “Baseball’s cool too.” Akito: “Exactly, right!? Right!?” Makoto: “…Right.”
Hara doesn’t want to bring her her little brothers because she knows they can be really rowdy but she still has them make little cards for Makoto
Sometimes Koro comes in the hospital wearing his classic human disguises
Makoto: “Um, Touka? No offense but your teacher looks kind of strange.” Koro: “HEY! I’m I don’t look strange! My appearance is just unique.” Makoto: “Okay…”
Irina and Karasuma sometimes visit Makoto as well although, Karasuma is pretty awkward around younger children
He tries okay 😅
Fuwa comes over to read him her best Manga
She also tried to give Makoto his own Katana at one point but, you know
Fuwa: “Say, how would you feel about having your very own katana?” Yada: “Don’t.” Fuwa: “C’mon, Reiji’s got some just for his size!” Yada: “You are not giving my little brother a Katana!”
The rest of group 1 visits Makoto like constantly and Isogai brings in Yuki and Yume while Kimura brings in Brave (That’s the canon name for his brother btw)
Maehara tries to teach him love advice which Yada graciously refuses him to
Yada: “Maehara, he’s ten!” Maehara: “Hey, it’s never too soon to start, y’know?” Yada: “No, just no.”
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
Ah the other boy as a Knight of course
“Don’t worry Isogai I’ll protect you…”
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“With my trusty…cardboard sword. Dammit, Haruko.” (He tried to get a sword from Reiji (Fuwa’s brother) and of course Haruko didn’t allow it.)
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Speaking of Haruko… BONUS:
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“Hime, we’re taking Yume and Yuki out for trick or treating, are you sure that’s the outfit you wanna go with?”
“Look, it was either this or the bunny outfit. You do not want to see the bunny outfit.”
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
Ok, I didn't take an interest in Maehara till recently, so here's some Isogai hcs:
He's an avid reader and reads bedtime stories to his siblings every night, no matter how tired he is. Even if he had a bad day, seeing his siblings happy makes him feel better.
His mom likes playing with his hair partly because they don't spend as much time as they used to (with him being busy and her being sick) and partly because it's sort of a stress relief for her. Isogai likes brushing her hair and giving her the lady treatment. It's the least he can do for her, and his mom couldn't ask for a better gift.
Karasuma practically adopted Isogai. Whenever he notices how tired Isogai is, he tells (read: orders) him to go nap in the teacher's room.
Karasuma would also drop by his house to check on Isogai.
Once Isogai brought his siblings with him to school. No one was able to get anything done that day because they were too busy gushing over a pair of mini-Isogais. Pretty much everyone wanted to adopt them.
Korosensei took photos of Karasuma working with his usual stoic face with the two Isogai kids on his lap. There's one where he was teaching P. E as usual, but while carrying one of the kids (who was imitating his every move)
Since then, various classmates have been dropping by the Isogai household just to play with the little cuties. They're also offering free-babysitting.
That's how they met Mrs. Isogai and practically adopted her as their mom/aunt. Hara likes having tea with her, Yukiko tends to her because she reminds her of her grandmother, and Fuwa's always bring her family-friendly manga they can all enjoy.
Sugino's alwaya bringing his little brother to play with the Isogai siblings. Yada has taken them to vist (or video call) her brother.
She would also give Isogai's little sister scunchies every time she visited. The younger Isogai boy was jealous ao she started giving him some as well.
Maehara likes to brag that he was the original babysitter and rubs it in by showing the class all the photos they've taken over the years. He thought of selling copies to his classmates to make a quick buck, only for Isogai to pull his ear.
Isogai doesn't realize it, but even the simolest things make his classmates love him. When he announced Hazama would be the script writer for their play, she felt touched since no one appreciated her writing. Not that she'd show it, of course.
Another time is when he complimented Sugaya for his carving skills. Boy was so happy he carved something for Isogai as thanks.
Maehara ia in charge of various "Operation: Make Isogai feel better" they're the one time everyone listens to him.
Maehara has this habit where he purposely buys clothes not his size and hands them to Isogai because "it'd be a waste to throw them"
That's the only way he can offer to help Isogai without it looking like it's out of pity. If they don't fit Isogai, he'll use the fabric to sew old clothes or make something new like furniture coverings.
He also buys stuff he claims were for one of his girlfriends "but she didn't like it ane it'd be a waste of money to just throw it"
There are times Isogai is suspicious. What girlfriend would want a train set? Maehara claims she has a younger sibling but it turns out they already have a train set. Isogai shrugs and gives the toy to his siblings.
Hope these make you feel better, Hailey!
Wow this is a lot thank so much 😊💜 (Sorry for the late response 😓)
First of all, let me say, DADSUMA DADSUMA DADSUMA!!!!! Karasuma being a father figure in any sort of way brings me so much serotonin and him being a father figure to Isogai brings me even more serotonin!
And obviously no one in 3-E can resist the little Isogai’s charms! Yuki, my name for Isogai’s little brother, getting jealous from not getting scrunchie a from Yada at first is adorable and funny 😆
Also, imagine Akito and Yume (Sugino’s brother and Isogai’s sister) getting into a debate on who has the cooler brother and just Yuki standing in the background like 🧍‍♂️
Also also, Maehara just finding ways to gift Isogai things without making it seem like it’s out of pity is just so wholesome 🥹💜
Thank you for taking time out to right all of these 😊
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years ago
Day 2 of Maeiso Week: Study Session
AO3 Link Song Rec
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Maehara wasn’t really that fond of Social Studies, he was more of a Math type of guy, y’know? It’s just that he could never retain the information he learned. He could learn something about Social Studies one day and completely forget everything 15 minutes later. Maehara doesn’t even know why he even bothers trying to understand Social Studies. 
Oh wait, he knows why. 
Maehara heard a couple of knocks at his door and went to go open it
“Oh hey, Maehara! You ready to go over some more Social Studies facts?” On the other side of the doorway was Isogai, holding a couple of books with his usual bright smile.
“I guess, highly doubt I’d actually learn anything, though.” 
Isogai chuckled, “Come on, Social Studies isn’t that hard.” 
“Easy for you to say.” Unlike Maehara, Isogai actually loved social studies. Like, really loved it. Maehara wasn’t exactly sure why, but, it was always just Isogai’s thing. The thing is, seeing Isogai get all amped up because of Social Studies almost makes Maehara want to get amped up with him. “Well, come on in”
Isogai stepped into the house and took his shoes off on the mat. Soon after, one of Maehara’s older sisters, Haruko, came into the living room.
“Ah, hey Isogai. Nice to see you here. How’s it going?”
“Pretty good. My mom took Yume and Yuki to the park so I just decided I should help Hiro study here.”
“That’s nice, lord knows he needs all the help he can get.” 
“HEY!” Maehara exclaimed as Isogai chuckled
“Anyways, mom’s not here so if either of you need anything, just ask me, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, come on, Isogai”
“Ah, okay. See you around, Haruko.”
“See you around, Isogai.” Haruko said as she walked back into the kitchen.
“I swear, she really gets on my nerves sometimes.”
“Siblings will do that a lot, I guess. Now, how about we get to studying.”
“Yeah, I’m so excited.” Maehara said with absolutely zero excitement in his voice. Isogai rolled his eyes, “Come on”
Both of them walked upstairs to Maehara’s room. When Isogai opened the door and looked inside, his eyes widened then turned back into a sort of neutral expression.
“It couldn’t hurt to clean your room every once in a while.”
“Hey! I cleaned it last month! It’s just that it got messy somehow.”
Isogai looked at him with skepticism and sighed. “How about we clean this room up first then get to studying? It’ll be pretty hard to focus with all this mess.”
“Nonsense it’s not that mes-” Maehara stepped into his room and immediately tripped on an umbrella, “-sy.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, maybe cleaning up is a good idea.”
Isogai let out another sigh, “Let’s get to work cleaning first then hopefully we’ll still have time to actually study.”
“Alrighty uh, where should we start?”
Isogai thinks for a moment “Let’s just deal with everything on the floor first. Do you have a basket we could use?” “Nah, my basket broke.”
Isogai sighed yet again, “Explains all the clothes on the floor. How about we separate all your dirty clothes and all you clean clothes first then put all your dirty clothes with the laundry?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Then we’ll get to studying.”
“Chin up, Maehara! Maybe I’ll actually get you to learn something this time.”
“Yeah, right. Let’s just get to work on these clothes.”
“Have you even worn half of these?”
“Honestly, I have absolutely no clue.”
They both laughed and got themselves to work. First, they started by putting all of Maehara’s dirty clothes with the laundry. Then, they figured which clothes Maehara wasn’t wearing anymore and put them inside of a box. They figured they could donate them instead of just throwing them out. Finally, they started to fold all of Maehara’s clean clothes on the bed.
“Looking good so far.”
“Yeah, now I can actually see most of the floor.” “After this, do you actually think you’ll be able to keep your room clean on your own?”
“Nope! Not at all.”
Isogai sighed for about the hundredth time that day, “Is it really that hard to keep your stuff organized?”
“Yes, very much so.”
They both continued to fold clothes for a while until, “Quick! What was Jiro Horikoshi known for?”
Maehara was confused by the sudden question, “Uuuuh….I don’t know. A guy that had something to do with airplanes?”
Isogai threw a nearby pillow at him, “Wha- hey!?”
“He was an aeronautical engineer who designed the Zero Fighter plane used in World War II. I thought I told you this?”
“You know how sucky my memory is. By the way, that pillow attack? So uncalled for.” Maehara threw the pillow back at him. Isogai caught the pillow and threw it at Maehara for a second time. Somehow, their “study session” turned into an all out pillow fight. What do you get when you combine two assassins in training and a pillow fight? Not sure exactly but these two were fighting like a couple of children.
“Hey! So much for my knight in shining armor!”
“Sorry my prince but you did attack first. I have no choice but to retaliate.” Maehara said then proceeded to smack Isogai’s head with a pillow. The pillow fight continued until Maehara got something caught in his eye.
“Oh Maehara are you okay?”
“Yeah, just got something in my eye that’s all.” Maehara said as he sat down rubbing his eye.
“Let me see.” Suddenly, Isogai cuffed Maehara’s face and inspected his eye. Maehara wasn’t sure why but he felt his face starting to heat up. He figured that it was because Isogai’s hands were warm……and soft. ”Try to open your eye.” Maehara did as Isogai said then Isogai blew on it. Despite the cold air, Maehara felt his face heating up even more.
“Better?” Isogai pulled his face back a bit to look at Maehara, still cuffing his face. Was his eyes always this pretty? Maehara thought, not at all paying attention to his surroundings.
“Um, am I interrupting something?” The voice made the boys jump a bit as they turned to the door to see that it came from Maehara’s other older sister, Himeko.
“OH, h-hey Hime! Uh, you look nice. Got another date?” Maehara said trying to divert the conversation.
“You know it! This time it’s a classy boy.”
“Ah, that’s nice.”
“So, have you seen my red scarf? I know you took it.”
Maehara opened one of his drawers and pulled out the red scarf Himeko was referring to.
“Here it is! Hehe, sorry for taking it.”
“Eh, it’s no problem. Next time just ask me, alright?”
“Welp, that’s all I need. I’ll leave let you two finish what you were doing.” She whispered that last part with a wink.
“Wait, what do you-”
“Gotta finish getting ready! Beauty takes a lot of work you know.” Himeko immediately left the room leaving Maehara confused and flustered.
“So, uh, I know your room still isn’t clean but I feel like we really should get to studying. It’s almost late.”
“You’re right I guess. Again, I highly doubt I’ll actually remember anything you try to teach me.”
“Well, I’ll at least try!”
Isogai opened one of the books he brought as Maehara sat back down beside him on the bed. Finally, the two got to their long awaited study session but Maehara was distracted by something. Typically, when studying with Isogai, Maehara finds way to get distracted on his own. This time, he couldn’t help but be distracted by the boy right beside him. It was the right time of day and the sun was just at the right angle. The sun illuminated all of Isogai’s best features and Maehara couldn’t help but just stare. Isogai was pretty, like really pretty. It didn’t help that Isogai was smiling all the way through the session. It especially didn’t help that the two ahoges on his head were bouncing with every movement that he made. That made him all the more mesmerizing to look at. Throughout the whole thing, Maehara just stared and stared like he was stuck in some trance.
”Uh, Maehara?”Just like that, Maehara got snapped out of his trance. “U-um, yes!?”
“We’re you paying attention to anything I said?”
“Of course I was!”
Isogai looked at him skeptically.
“No, I wasn’t.”
Isogai let out a sigh, “Can’t say I’m not surprise.”
Isogai looked glum which just made Maehara feel bad.
“It’s fine, I can’t force you to pay attention. Maybe next time we can try studying in a way that’ll be easier for you to remember. But for now, I have to go home and make dinner.”
“Ah, that’s fair. I guess I should walk you downstairs then.”
Maehara helped Isogai collect his books and they both went back downstairs. Himeko was sitting on the couch with her fancy clothes and Haruko was just coming out of the kitchen.
“Oh Isogai, you’re leaving?” “Yeah, gotta go make dinner y’know.”
“Ah, I see. Did you two at least get any studying done?”
Himeko snorted at that, to the boys confusion.
“Sort of?”
“That’s good at least. Well, tell your siblings and you mother that I said hi.”
“Will do! Bye, Hiroto!” Isogai waved as he started to leave out the front door.
“Bye, Yuuma!” Maehara waved and smiled at Isogai as he left.
Himeko giggled a bit, “Awwww, you two are adorable!”
“Huh, what do you mean?”
“Come on, it’s so obvious. You’re smitten!”
“Wha- smitten!?”
“Mhm! Smitten. My new boyfriend used that word before. Has a nice ring to it!”
“Wait a minute! What are you trying to say exactly!?”
Himeko rolled her eyes, “You’re in love! It’s as clear as day!”
Maehara’s face turned bright red, “Wha- I don’t what you’re talking about. Haru, tell her she’s talking nonsense!”
Haruko thought for a while.
“Well, I’ve noticed you two have been acting a bit more intimate with each other lately.”
“Come on, what’s wrong with Isogai?”
“Nothing’s wrong with Isogai it’s just-”
The conversation got interrupted some knocking on the door.
Himeko jumped up with excitement, “That must be my lover boy! Welp, I’m off. Buh-bye!” She left with her new, old fashioned boyfriend leaving Maehara both flustered and pissed.
Haruko patted Maehara on his shoulder, “Are you okay, Hiroto?”
Maehara brushed Haruko’s hand off his shoulder and stormed his way up to his room.
Maehara wasn’t in love with Isogai and he certainly wasn’t “smitten” with him either. Sure, Maehara thought he had the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen, a blinding smile that could bright up any room he’s in, a kind and comfortable presence that could put anyone at ease…
Oh, who was he kidding? Maehara was smitten with Isogai. Isogai was absolutely perfect in every way. That perfection might be the reason Maehara was so deep in denial. Why would someone as perfect as Isogai go for someone like Maehara. Sometimes, Maehara wonders why Isogai puts up with his nonsense as a friend. How was he going to put up with him as a lover?
Not that it matters anyways. Maehara falls in love quick and out of it even quicker. He’s bound to get over Isogai, right?
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heyhellohihowareyou · 3 years ago
Let's give you the same pairings you gave me:
O and W for Maeiso, and S and Y for Gakuren!
Ah yes the womanizers x the princes who need to go the hell to sleep 😌 (This took longer than it should’ve 😅)
O is for Outsiders: What do other people think about their relationship? Have they ever been walked in on?
Since both Maehara and Isogai are pretty popular with the ladies, I imagine a wave a ladies being heart broken or fangirling over them even more. Of course their families support them and thinks that they bring out the best in each other. Hanami (Maehara’s mom) has her doubts.
Maehara’s family is nosey as hell so there’s constant interruptions when they ever have a date night at his house.
W is for Wedding: Who plans it? Big or small? Does it go smooth?
Ok so basically,
Maehara definitely proposes. Isogai wouldn’t want to go for anything huge but Maehara of course needs to be extra. Himeko and Haruko are in charge of everything. It’ll probably take place some time in spring near wherever cherry blossom trees are. The whole ceremony is so big you wonder how they even found the money for it. Yume (Isogai’s sister) is the cutest flower girl. There’s a chocolate fountain of course. A bunch of people are there and some of them they don’t even know. Isogai wasn’t expecting the wedding to be this big but still loves it nonetheless. The wedding ends up being pretty smooth. At least before Karma ended up spiking the drinks.
I’d add more but we’d be here all day 😅
S is for Secrets: Do they keep secrets from each other? Do they plan surprises?
They pretty much tell each other almost everything but Shuu tends to hide if he’s sick or tired but Ren always ends up finding out.
Ren likes to plan surprise dates for Shuu from time to time and just takes him to random romantic places he found out about.
Y is For Yearly: Any traditions? Anniversaries?
They treat the day they met and the day they started dating as a pretty big deal. Mostly Ren. They go to places and do things together that brings them nostalgia. It’s a tradition for them to go at night and stargaze as Ren recites poetry that Shuu doesn’t understand.
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heyhellohihowareyou · 3 years ago
Okano and Isogai friendship headcanons
This time Kataoka introduced the two together
They got along pretty well
Later down the line Okano started calling Isogai Yuuma and Isogai started calling Okano Hina
He usually takes her side when her and Maehara get into an argument because one, it’s the gentlemanly thing to do and two, he knows Maehara well enough to know he was probably in the wrong in the first place
Isogai tends to give people who are shorter than him headpats and since Okano is shorter than him she’s a victim of said headpats
Sometimes the headpats calm her down when she’s in a mood
Both suck at romance advice
Okano: “Maehara? Seriously”
Isogai: “Oh you’re into Sugino? Well, um, good for you I guess.”
Doesn’t help that Kataoka sucks at romance advice too
Both of them just go to Yada
Sometimes both of them practice tennis together
Okano has the habit of hitting the ball way harder than she should
Okano has met Isogai’s siblings before
They both like her a lot. Yume especially (Isogai’s little sister)
Isogai has met Okano’s brothers before and they seem to be fond of him
Hayato (Okano’s older brother) has the habit of giving him noogies (Y’know when a person rubs their knuckles on top of another persons head)
He also calls Isogai “Cowlick boy” or “Double ahoge dude”
Isogai doesn’t judge her for not being as feminine as other girls (He wouldn’t do that to anyone)
Okano has the tendency to buy Isogai extra snacks when she gets herself some
Every time she does Isogai tries to refuse it because he doesn’t like others spending their money for him
Every time he does this Okano goes on a rant that she’s his friend and she has the right to buy him whatever whenever
Maehara and Okano sometimes argue about who’s Isogai’s best friend
Okano: “You two are literally dating!” Maehara: “You’re point is?”
Kataoka watches from the side in amusement knowing that she’s Isogai’s best friend
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