#yuma basically takes kurumi's role of overarching support
yakool-foolio · 11 months
Hey, so I’m curious to ask does Yuma do anything else in the Death Knight Yakou AU besides using his Coalescence on Yakou and assisting Yakou and the detectives in the chapter cases?
While one of the main conflicts in this AU is Yakou's guilt and Shinigami's encouragement over using Yuma as a tool, Yuma still has some freedom to make his own choices, even if being strung along by Yakou isn't always his first option. Yuma is the first to gather information about Makoto since he was saved by him from the wreckage of the submarine. He's at first hesitant to share the information once he reunites with Yakou and Fubuki at the cafe, but after Makoto steps in to interrupt the confrontation with the detectives and Yomi, he elaborates on what he's learned from the CEO. He even works alongside Vivia to connect the dots between Makoto's involvement in the restricted area. He develops good connections with the other detectives, finally able to make more friends than just the fellow trainee he relied on at the WDO.
Much like the other assistant detectives in their respective chapters, Yuma gets to shine the most in chapter 5. Yakou and Yuma are able to utilize their wits rather than depend on another Master Detective's powers. They work together to find their own pieces of evidence surrounding Kanai Ward's Ultimate Secret. Inside the mystery labyrinth, Yuma awakens Yakou from his overwhelming fear of hurting the detectives he loves and cares for. The rookie takes initiative to defend against Makoto by his own will when Yakou can't fight on his own. By harnessing his Forte, allowing himself to connect to the powers of the labyrinth, he's able to wield the solution blade, even if only for a short time. Yakou doesn't stop Yuma, acknowledging that this is not his battle to fight. Yuma confronts Makoto on his own terms, taking part in saving the city without being held back. When Yuma gives back the solution blade to Yakou, the two work together to expose the truth of Makoto's actions and bring the fight to a close. Yuma is the only one who's able to truly empathize with Makoto in the end. Even though their time together has been short, they know each other best since they're one in the same.
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